Airport and port of Barcelona on the map. Port of Barcelona

»Barcelona Cruise Port

Where is the cruise port in Barcelona?

How long will it take to get from the cruise port to the center of Barcelona?

How fast and conveniently get from the airport to the seaport?

Is there a storage camera in the port of Barcelona?

With all these questions, each cruise faces, which goes into a cruise from Barcelona

We have prepared all information about the cruise port of Barcelona.

1. Where is the cruise port in Barcelona?

Barcelona cruise port is located almost in the city center, at the beginning of the Boulevard of La Rambla and the monument to Christopher Columbus.

Accurate port address: Muelle Adosado (Moll d'Adosad)

In the cruise port of Barcelona there are 9 terminals, 7 of which are cruise.

Terminal number where your liner is worth listed in a cruise ticket either at the entrance to the port on a special tablo.

On the territory of the port runs Total T3 portbus shuttle.

He drives through all the cruise port terminals, to the monument to Christopher Columbus and back.

Shatla value:

* 2 Euro one way

* 3 Euro For a ticket to both sides (valid during the day)

From the monument to Columbus to La Rambla (Popular Street Barcelona) can be reached in 1 minute.

Nearest Metro Station - Drassanes (Green Branch, L3) , Located just a 5-minute walk from the monument.

2. How to get from Barcelona Airport to Cruise Port?

1. Taxi. The fastest and easiest way is a taxi. The trip will take about half an hour and will cost you at 35-40 euros.

2. Public transport

Public transport from the airport to the seaport does not go, so you have to drive with several transfers on different types of transport.

1) between Barcelona Airport Terminals and the City Center (Catalonia Square) run buses "Aerobus" . The bus route corresponds to the terminal number - it is important to remember on the way back (to Terminal 1 you will deliver the A1 bus, to Terminal 2, respectively, A2). Buses run every 10 minutes. Cost: about 5 euro / person one way.

2) on the square of Catalonia will need put on the metro (Green branch L3) and drive 2 stops to Drassanes station. Metro cost: 2.15 euro / person.

3) from the Drassanes station on foot to the monument to Columbus And entering the port.

4) navigate through the territory of the port of Barcelona better on t3 portbus t3 port. The fare on it is 2 euros / person in one direction and 3 euros per ticket in both directions (during the day)

3. Where to leave things before registering on the liner?

Unfortunately, there are no storage chambers in the cruise port.

You can use the storage chamber in the area of \u200b\u200bCatalunya Square.

Cost: 3.5-11 Euro (depending on the size of your baggage)

Rarely when the port of Barcelona is more beautiful than dawn. The sun rising over the horizon stretches the sparkling track to the shore, and only the sound of the surf violates the sleepy silence. The port wakes up. In just a few hours, life will be boiled here, snow-white yachts will be raised on the waves, thousands of people will fill out cafes and restaurants, and in the trading port of Iron herons of lifting mechanisms will begin to paint multi-torrent cargoes.

The port of Barcelona is not only the sea gate of the Catalan capital, but also a real whirlpool and entertainment. Conditionally, it can be divided into four parts: a trading port, the cruise port of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere liners come from all over the world, the energy port and the port of Vella (old port - Cat.). The main interest for tourists is the port of Vell. But first things first!

History of the port of Barcelona

The port of Barcelona leads its history since the XIII century, when Pedro III Aragon ordered to create royal docks to build a gallery. However, until the 15th century there was no real port in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band the merchants had to unload their products south of Montuuik, where there was no natural protection for ships, which often led to their loss. The first stone of the port of Barcelona was laid in 1477 during the Board of Juan II Aragon. Little Maans Island was then connected to the shore with the help of a pier and in the future merged with land, turning into the modern district of Barcelonet. Catalans continuously expanded and improved their port. The most significant change is his appearance at the time when Barcelona received the right to hold the 1992 Summer Olympic Games. Then Vila Olympic (Olympic Village) and the port of Olympic were built. And now work on the transfer of the mouth of the Lobregat River, which should double to increase the territory of the port.

All the most curious is in the old port of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bstretching from the statue of Columbus to the Barcelonet region.

Want to feel like a real sea wolf? Then you definitely need to be visited by the Royal Dock Building (yes, the most, to build that Pedro III ordered). Copies Gallery and Caravel, all sorts of navigation devices and even the Atlas of 1493, stored here, transfer visitors to those times when the world was not yet mercy, and the great navigator just returned with the news about the opening of a new way to India. For a fee, you can visit Santa Eulalia Schoon, moored in the harbor.

The original curved Rambla del Mar Bridge connects the shore with a small cape, where one of the best shopping places in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba huge maremagnum shopping center. This is the only shopping center in the city, open on Sundays, as well as the opportunity to make purchases in space with a unique view of the port and Montjick's mountain. Here you can have a snack in several restaurants, and in the evening it is to dance to one of the discos.

If you do not know where to go with the children in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen the old port is what you need. It is here that are 3D Cinema IMAX and Aquarium BarcelonaThe largest specializing in the underwater world of the Mediterranean. 450 species of marine inhabitants, an underwater tunnel of 80 meters long and a huge oceanarium turn L'Aquàrium in an ideal place for family holidays in Barcelona. L'Aquàrium offers visitors a lot of unique features: from immersion in a metal cage in a tank with sharks to scuba diving. And every day from 12.00 to 13.00, visitors will be able to observe the process of feeding the toothast sea predators.

To see the port of Barcelona from the sea, you can take a tour on one of the boats Lasgolondrinas *, the only operator offering boats in Barcelona. White "swallows" sweat passengers on their wings along the entire coast of the capital of Catalonia, where those will be able to admire the impressive panoramic views. The station is at the foot of the statue of Christopher Columbus.

Curious facts about the port of Barcelona

  • The port of Barcelona is the largest in the Mediterranean in terms of passenger traffic and the fourth in the world, yielding only the ports of the Caribbean.
  • In 2015, the port of Barcelona received the largest cruise liner in the world of Allure of the seas, the size of 362 meters from the nose to the feed, which is almost equal to the length of four soccer fields. Floating island, which has accommodated in golf, restaurants, a private ice rink and a golf course, visited the capital of Catalonia in May, after which he went to Rome.
  • In 2011, a real sensation arrived in Barcelona Giant Yacht Eclipse belonging to the novel Abramovich. The vessel, the cost of which at that time was 800 million euros at some estimates, was held in the port planned repairs. Eclipse was launched in 2009 and was then the largest yacht in the world. In 2013, the Yacht Azzam Saudi Prince Al-Valid Ibn Talal Al Sauda took away the palm of the championship.
  • Every four years, Barcelona port takes Barcelona World Race, the only round-world continuous regatta of sailing ships for two people. During the competition, stopping on land, as well as any help to participants. The regatta lasts about three months and ends also in the port of Barcelona.

The metro station, located closest to the statue of Columbus, is the Drassanes, the green line L3. In walking distance, from there are Rambla del Mar, leading to the Maremagnum shopping center. Any city bus is also suitable for La Rambla Street to Columbus Statue or Drassanese Square, for example, routes 14, 50 and 120.

If you are heading to one of the cruise terminals, you can use the Portbus port shuttle, which stops on Columbus Square. It passes the cruise terminals A, B, C and D, located on the AdosSat embankment, then from the port.

Three more cruise terminals, north, southern and oriental, are around the World Trade Center business center. There can be reached on foot in 15 minutes.

One way to get to the port is a cable car, or TransBordador Aeri Del Port. The trailer leaves from Miramar station on Mount Montjuic, drives Torre de Jaume I Tower and arrives at the Saint Sebastian Tower on Barcelonet.

On this page there are answers to almost all the questions we receive from tourists regarding the cruise port of Barcelona. Available questions such as moving from the port to the city center and airport, parking lots and buses, accommodation near the port, storage cameras, car rental and the location of the terminals relative to the city center. Next, we also hung a detailed map of the cruise port area.

Where are the cruise terminals?

The port is located at the beginning of La Rambla Boulevard (La Rambla - the most famous Boulevard Barcelona, \u200b\u200balso known as Las Ramblas), which passes through the city center.

Titles and location of cruise terminals

In the port of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthere are only 9 terminals, 7 of which are cruise. They can be attributed to three different districts.

AdosSat Embankment terminals

Terminals A, B, C and D are located on the AdosSat embankment and are farther from the city center. The terminal D is also known as Palacruceeros (Palacruseros).

Terminals of the International Shopping Center

At the Pier of the International Trade Center (WTC) there are three terminals - North, South and East.

The SANT BERTRAND terminal is also located near WTC (see Cruise Terminal Card). From this terminal, ferries usually go from Barcelona to the Balearic Islands.

Near the international shopping center there is a stop of the excursion bus hop on hop off. It is very convenient if you are going to explore the city, since the international shopping center is located right near the cruise terminals, just a few steps from the place of landing with ships ashore.

Maremagnum Port Vell.

In Maremagnum, the port of Vell has one small terminal, but it is mostly used by large ships, and not cruise liners.

Map of cruise terminals of Barcelona.

Methods of movement between the city center and the cruise port.

Transfer by bus shuttle

Personal transfer

You can book a personal transfer via the Internet, after that you will need to print and take a voucher with you confirming the reservation. Upon arrival at the port at the place of disembarking, the driver will be expected to be expected with your name on the plate. From there you will be taken directly to the place you need. When a cruise ship comes to the port, there are several thousand people to the coast, which, like you, need transport to the city. By choosing a personal transfer, you will be able to avoid queues and in the shortest possible time will find yourself in your hotel. This service is a bit more expensive than other ways to transport, but if you have a lot of time to inspect the city, or you just want to avoid certain troubles during arrival in someone else's city and to help you with bags, it is worth thinking about a personal shuttle.

On foot

If you arrived in one of the cruise terminals on the AdosSat embankment - Terminals A, B, C or D, then go to the center on foot is not recommended, because from the terminal to the monument to Columbla, located at the beginning of La Rambla Street, a long way (approximately 2 kilometers) . Walking with luggage at nozzled heat will not seem enjoyable. If you arrive in the northern, oriental or southern terminal (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe International Trade Center), then the center can be reached and walk, although it's still before the start of La Rambla, such a walk will take good 15 minutes.

Cruise bus-shuttle, serving cruise port and also known as "Blue Bus"

Once in the subway, you can easily get anywhere in the city. We wrote more about the shuttle serving a cruise port if you need more information.

Ticket prices for a cruise bus
One way ticket: €3,00
Round-trip ticket: €4,00


Another option is to catch a taxi from the port to the city center, which is quite inexpensive and fast (usually less than 10 minutes).

Cost of travel in a taxi: €20,00

How to drive from the port to the airport

(total distance 14 km)

Continue the movement on C-32B to Barcelona Airport

Then follow the C-31 in the C-32B direction

Leave on the road B-10 from Passeig de Josep Carner Avenue

It is important to note that some tourists told Taxi drivers to go to "Terminal A (or B, or C, etc.), and a taxi driver, incorrectly understood them, took them to the terminals at the airport. Be sure to mention what you need to cruise Terminals, otherwise, instead, you can be at the airport!

Cheap parking near a cruise port

On the territory of the Terminals themselves there are short-term parking lots that can be used to plunge or unload from the ship.

If you want to leave the car not just for a couple of hours, but for several days or weeks, then there are suitable parking lots not far from the cruise port.

Baggage storage

In the cruise port there is a luggage delivery service. However, there are no automatic storage chambers there. We recommend to read the following articles in which different baggage storage services are described in the port.

Monument Columbus (Mirador de Colon)

The monument to Christopher Columbus (Colon) notes the southern tip of the Ramblas street. Monument Columbus is a great landmark that helps find the road from the port to La Rambla Boulevard. The street depicted in the center is the port of Vell, and behind it - the embankment, walking along the marina for yachts and leading to the aquarium Barcelona. Photography made in October, and the sun shines!

Conveniences for people with disabilities in the port

The port is adapted for people with disabilities and wheelchair disabled. All major places in the port are equipped with elevators, so no obstacles have no obstacles for movement in a wheelchair. The Blue Bus bus (Shattle serving cruise terminals) is also adapted to transport wheelchair users.

Ferries to the Balearic Islands

If you want to go on a ferry to the Balearic Islands Mallorca, Minorca or Ibiza (Ibiza), then you should first visit the official websites of three companies working in this direction to find out the exact schedule and price information. The following companies send ferries to the Balearic Islands:

Acciona trasmediterranea:
Web site: TrasMediterranea.

Cruise port schedule, information about arriving cruises

To find the schedule, the arrival terminal and other cruise information, click the link below. If you want to find a cruise terminal in which your cruise arrives, click the link with the schedule of the monthly arrival of cruises.

Additional Information

If you need more information regarding the cruise port and its terminals, we advise you to contact the cruise port support - SAC (Servicio Atencil de Cliente) or visit the cruise port official website. Contact details:

the best

Gothic Quarter

Visit the old part of Barcelona: many buildings here are built in the Middle Ages era. Royal Palace, Temples, Cathedrals and a popular cafe, which attended the famous Antonio Gaudi and Pablo Picasso.

Temple of the living tramistry

Sagrada Surname is the most famous temple of Barcelona. The author of the masterpiece is Great Antonio Gaudi. The church remained the same as in 1882: fantastic spiers and fabulously beautiful stained glass windows - inside the temple.

Olympic stadium Montjuic

This stadium was built in 1929, and in 1992 he was the main arena for opening and closing the Olympic Games. The facade of this architectural structure is decorated with bronze statues of work Pau Gargayo.


The famous pedestrian street of Barcelona is live and colorful, with alive sculptures and cafes. Start the inspection from the Catalonia area, get out of the Canteles fountain and admire the beautiful Virlane Palace.

Monastery Montserrat

This amazing shelter of the Benedictine Monks is built high in the bizarre mountains of Montserrat, in Catalonia. The world's oldest publishing house opened in 1499 is also here.

Park Guell

The unique park design is made by the genius of Antonio Gaudi. Discover the fabulous architecture, the hall is a hundred columns and a bench in the shape of a snake. The park is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

La Pedrera

The Kas Mila house (local name) is the last work of A. Gaudi. The building is located on Paseo de Gracia Avenue: the facade with wavy walls and modern balconies - a sign of all Gaudi projects.

Museum Picasso.

Here is one of the most extensive collections of paintings by artist Pablo Picasso. One of the most popular attractions in Barcelona consists of five adjacent gothic palaces.

Cruise port of Barcelona

The port of arrival of cruise liners in Barcelona consists of 7 terminals, considered the largest in the Mediterranean. In order not to get lost among the impressions, emotions, crowd of dangerous tourists, it is better to make a plan of action. The very first "plus" port Barcelona - ships arrive almost to the city center, i.e. time for walking on interesting places is enough. Parking liner can vary from 6 hours to days. It is worth considering that the time to return to the ship is better to clarify immediately: arrive on board is required an hour before sailing.

Port transport

When you leave the ship, you will find yourself on the port area, from where you need to rest in the city. To do this, we get back to the sea, and our eyes are looking far a huge monument - a monument to Columbus. On the left we find the stop of the blue buses T3 Portbus (written on the light challenge of transport). It is under the wall with a nearby sandy windows. Agree, it is difficult to confuse. The bus runs past the port terminals, the start of work is 9 hours. In the morning. When landing, be prepared to pay for the passage at once in two sides. First, you will have to go back to the ship, and secondly, cheaper - the road to the city costs 3 euros, and both ends - 4 euros. In advance, take care of bills with a par value of up to 10 euros, with large sums, as a rule, no. Tickets with a smile will be sold at the bus (cashier), inside (driver). Attention! Take a joint ticket back and forth - you will have to ride the company, so it is better to take individual cedals. The destination bus is a monument to Columbus, to the metro several steps.

How to get to the port of Barcelona?

How to get from Barcelona Airport El Prat to Cruise Ship and Back? If economical, then with transfers; Quickly, comfort - by taxi. The second option is relevant for a large baggage (a minimum of time, a small child, a heavy suitcase). Near the port is a type of taxi drivers, there will be no problems with transport. The road will cost 30-35 euros (depending on the required terminal) for half an hour at medium speed. Minute in Barcelona - 1 euro. Do not hope for a taxi driver (do not differ from your fellow from other countries), look at the counter, pay the specified amount.

We do not want taxi, we want more impressions, not in a hurry, grandmother's children left at home? Forward - on public transport: people will see - show ourselves. Getting ready for two transfers. It is necessary to get to the metro station. There are 2 options:

  • Airbus from the airport (ticket price - 5, 9 euros), go to the local Placa Catalunya (Catalonia Square).
  • Less expensive (1.4) city bus at number 106 to the metro.

On the square we transplanted on the subway (the branch of light green, marked L3), we are going 2 stations to the stop of Dssassanese - 2.15 euros. This is the long-awaited Square of Columbus, from which the port buses in blue for 3 euros one is one way. If you have already purchased a ticket for 4 euros in advance (and it is valid until the evening), then ride for free.

Let us summarize: a taxi approximately 35 euros, on city transport (bus + metro + port shuttle) approximately 9-11 euros per person.

Parking in the port of Barcelona

Do not try to find. Only the possibility of a short stop for unloading passengers. Sewing the situation are private parking, located in the maximum proximity to the sea harbor. Most often mention parking at 900 seats near the International Trade Center. To go a few minutes away from the Drassanez Metro Station. Behind the borders of the Mototransport complex are left for free. Pay a real credit card, covered, guarded, camcorders, car wash services.

Price tag: one day will cost 25 euros, 2 - 50 euros, from 3 to 7 - 75, and each subsequent +10. For the parking machine for an hour - 3.75 euros.

In search of storage cameras or what to do with luggage, if ahead is a cruise day

An offensive incident - there is no storage cameras on the territory of the port. But! If you plan to walk around Barce, departure from the airport, then the luggage delivery service will help. Look for it in cruise terminals (a small rack with the administrator). How it works? You will rent in the port of Lugazh (1 suitcase will cost 10 euros), pick up at the airport to 20 h. 30 min.

It is more difficult for those who want to leave things in the storage chamber, walk half a day in the squares before sailing. Just below Catalonia are the right cameras (a large cell - a huge suitcase is placed and 2 smaller - will cost 12 euros; but prices fluctuate depending on the magnitude of the bags, a small suitcase and in 3.5 really left). Getting to the square just - a blue bus (port) before exiting the port, 2 minutes. On foot to Dssassanese Station, on the metro station to Catalunya Square. Landmark is a stop of the airbus, the camera is slightly lower.

It is said that above the area there is a bicycle rental, where there is an opportunity to leave things in the chambers (8 euros Big cell). Do not be discouraged if it didn't work out - many inspect the sights and suitcases, so you will not look like a "white crow."

Go on a tour or what to see in the framework of a cruise day

All problems behind, ahead - the legendary Barcelona. She wants to see and find out, feel just in one cruise day, bring the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and photos. What to expect from a walk along the capital of Catalonia whether to save on transport? Move better on the subway, urban transport, for which you get a special travel - T10 (about 10 euros) for central (historical monuments) Zone number 1, which gives the right:

  • make 10 trips on urban public transport.
  • ride a whole company on the subway, passing the pass through the fence.

The starting point, as a rule, becomes the Catalonia Square, near which we have already left the suitcases, or leading from the sea to the city center Las Ramblas - open for pedestrians. Barca is Creation of Gaudi, without them the city loses any charm. A. Gaudi is an unusual architect, it is difficult to identify it to this day. Undoubtedly there are motifs of gothic and baroque, supplemented by the eastern elements and a modern look. Several masterpieces of the genius architecture are protected by UNESCO. And you can see them with your own eyes!

The most famous temple of Spain - Sagrada surname

Number one among the temples of Spain is the magnificent Cathedral of the Holy Family or Temple Expiatori De La Sagrada Familia - is located near Catalunya Square. It is built since 1882, the end of construction - 2026. To say that it is unusual, creatively - not to say anything. The best definition is a melody in a stone and glass, chords of the rocky multi-level windows, the passage of stained glass windows, through which the rays of the sun enter and enter the orchestra playing their music. It is just necessary to see: freely miss kids up to 11 years old, disabled. The rest will stand in a kilometer queue if tickets do not buy tickets on the site (for adults - 15 euros, children up to 18 - 13 euros). Want to rise to the Tower of the Cathedral, then lay out, when booking on the site, respectively, 29 and 27 euros, but this is together with the Russian-speaking audio guide. It works a cathedral from 9.00 to 18.00 (in winter), until 20.00 in the summer. Exception - Christmas holidays and New Year (open until 14.00).

Balo and Mila (Pedroero) - Profitable houses in Modern Stylistics (Architect Gaudi)

From the Cathedral of the Holy Family by buses No. 33, 34 or 15, we donate to the street Passeig de Gracia. Several projects of the famous Gaudi are the houses of Balo (or the house of the bones) and Mila (residents call the Pedrero - Cave) on Passeig de Gracia (Passage de Grascia). You can get to the metro station to the same station. Two buildings are two stories. Combines their initial purpose - profits for rich Spaniards, the reconstruction of which Gaudi was engaged. The first building is similar to the house from the bones of an unprecedented giant. The second is an infinite wave embodied in stone and concrete. The queues for tickets are not frightened. We order them on the site in advance and come on time (optimally for 10 minutes before).

Balo: Up to 7 years old, the entrance is free, the cost of an adult is 22.5 euros.

Mila (Pedrero): up to 7 years old, the cost of an adult is 16.5; Children's (from 7 to 12 years old) 8, 25 euros. You can go to the roof, in the attic to see the exhibition about Gaudi, consider the inner courtyards, apartments of the former owners of the couple of Mila - interior design, furniture designed Gaudi.

Guell Park - Fairy Tale from Architect

At the Passeig de Gracia subway station, we sit on the train, we are going to Lesseps (on the green line L3). We get up, carefully read the pointers, after 10-15 minutes, we turn out before entering the Park Guell (Guell). If you go here after examining the cathedral, you sit down on the subway (Sagrada Familia station), we leave on the Lessers (Lesseps).

It does not matter whether there are children with you, because you like and adults here. Do not notice how to spend half of the charge of the camera on the frames like "near the gingerbread house", "on a snake bench be sure." What are artificial grotto along pleasure alleys! And the Doric Temple with a Difficult Rain Moisture System! The story of the park is awesome. At the beginning of the 20th century, the rich entrepreneur Guell conceived to sell areas on a green hill, previously turning it with the help of an architect (they were, of course, Gaudi) to a fabulous city park.

Master's idea did not know the borders - the upper and lower tiers for unhurried walks, a construction with doric columns for a shopping center, gingerbread houses for residents. Whether the idea was not appreciated, or Guell wanted too much for small sites who wanted to live here here. Subsequently, the park was sold to the city authorities.

  • up to 6 years old kids will be allowed for free;
  • up to 12 years (and after 65) per ticket should be given 5.6 euros;
  • the usual entrance ticket for adult - 8.

Montjuic hill - those municipal fountains!

The Sun is inexorably rolls to the sunset, which means it is the time of "singing water". Fountains at the National Palace - the spectacle fascinating the scale, the magnificent idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect (this time Carlos Buigas).
Water from underground mountain sources Montjuic forms 3620 powerful jets, take off at 54 m. Colored background of 50 shades create 120 spotlights. In the tact of sounding "Barcelona" (the one that the Mercury sing, the cable) water flows change the intensity, direction, speed, color, splashing splashes ...

Enjoy the spectacle absolutely free from Thursday to Sunday (spring and summer) from 21.00 to 23.30 (every half an hour is repeated). From October to April on Friday, Saturday from 19.00 to 21.00.

You can get here on the subway (familiar branch L3) to the station "Square of Spain" or city buses No. 27, 37, 57, 9, 13, 79.

Just to the market

How to get to the Square of Catalonia from the seaport we already know. Hence the Boulevard of La Rambla a few minutes to the market itself, it arises directly on the trail of tourists. A small in size oriented visitors: all kinds of Spanish local delicacies are presented. The most famous is Hamon, his relatives are taken as a gift. The dried ham from pork legs, and from black pig more expensive. Gorgeous selection of real sausages, fish, foxes of fruit. Separate conversation - spices. For those who know in them, the market is just a find. Ozhan Odery, famous for a wide range of spices, herbs, sharp spices. To keep the purchase is impossible.

Of course, hinding with smokers, after watching the food wants to eat. Let's try and save, and it will notice. We return to the area, we are looking for a pointer of the street Ronda Universitat, passing meters 120, we see the sign of the FRESC CO cafe (Ronda Universitat, 29). Institution in the middle price segment (buffet) is located away from the trotted tourist routes. Visitors - mostly Spaniards: come to eat pensioners, take me to eat with you. Employed in the break run, you can see from the inside to the life and morals of modern Barcelona. The menu has everything, right up to coffee and desserts (included in the price). Do you want a steak or fish on the grill? Add 1 euro. Tasty, inexpensive, there is a queue.

Museum of Science (Cosmokayysha)

After food, the bodily will go for food for the mind. Children, Teenagers, Inquired and Opt Adults - Permanent Museum Visitors Cosmocaixa Barcelona. . Since 2006, it is considered the best European museum of such a profile. Nanotechnology department, 3D planetarium, the ability to independently make a lot of experiences showing the laws of physics, aquarium, prehistoric lizards, a copy of the Amazon jungle (and on the ground and at the bottom of the river). In the middle of the building - an alidated tree, around which the staircase stairs rushes around the staircase. Spirit captures: no boredom! If such a school showed, then the bastard would run there. It's nice that up to 16 years old entrance is free, and an adult ticket is 4 euros. Works from 10 am to 8 pm, Monday is a day off. We get along the usual branch of L3 to the penitatence station or H4, V13, V15, 22, 73, 75, 60, 196 buses.

Gothic quarter and real Cathedral Cathedral

The head of the old part of the city is considered the Gothic Quarter located below the area of \u200b\u200bCatalunya, closer to the monument to Columbus (not far and the port). Here are real narrow streets of Spain, where sunlight, street musicians with difficulty penetrates, the official Catalonia Cathedral is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Evlalia (La Catedral De La Santa Cruz Y Santa Eulalia). Early in the morning and in the evening, the entrance is free, but climb to the tower to look at the panorama of Barcelona costs 2.2 euros. In the courtyard of 13 geese - a symbol of the martyr, who died at 13 years old (her remains are in the temple).

How to get to Montester Montserrat from Barcelona independently?

We are going to Montserrat Monastery (excursion 1 day). Go to the monastery costs 3 reasons: famous Black Madonna, creating wonders. Pictures of Picasso, Degas, Building above sea level (more than 700 m). The real, and now the active monastery, the age of which is difficult to determine (the first time is officially mentioned in the 80s of the IX century.). Special atmosphere: a mixture of pure, filled with the smell of herbs, mountain air, the singing of the famous church choir of the Montserrat monastery of the monastery (boys are studying in the oldest music school in the monastery), organ music, melting candles ... Little tip - only comfortable low-heeled shoes.

We start the route from the port exit, where we get by bus for 3 euros (ticket in both directions). Near the Monument, Columbus passes the metro branch (light green L3). We pass 3 stops (1, 45) and find ourselves at the ESPANYA station.

Next, you need to accurately follow the signs and get to Perron FGS. This is the line of departure of trains R5. In the machine we take a ticket to the 4th zone (on the Montserrat word button). You can ask for help from an employee station - on duty nearby. A ticket for an electric train of 4 euros, the arrival is hourly, on the road, too, a watch.

Our station Aeri Montserrat. Further - on the cable car to the signs. Rock up - 6 euros, we have a goal. For those who are afraid of height, the rise may seem extreme, but do not refuse - the mountain views are amazing. Well, when you still feel like a bird in flight? Do not afraid of height and want even higher? Then you on the funicular who will take the highest peak of the mountain (there, 8, 35).

You can eat in the monastery itself - a buffet, where everyone takes themselves, and they pay at the checkout. In the monastery now there are 80 people who themselves make honey, cottage cheese, wine, sweets (everything is sold).

Return trip. We buy a shared ticket to the Krealoer (this is a railway station) and electric train to Barca (only 8, 75). By railway, we eat 2 stations, go to Perron, in 1.5 hours we will be at the subway (Art. Espanya).

The road from the port to Montserrat (without lifting on the funicular) and back will cost approximately 25 euros.

The seaport of Barcelona is a trademark of Catalonia, one of the largest in Europe, where 1700 vessels can come in at the same time. The sea facade of the city was fully updated during the preparation for the 1992 Olympics.

The best view of the port of Barcelona opens from Montjuic Mountain. Only from here, from the height, you can estimate the true scale of its marine water area, berths and cargo terminals. For tourists, first of all the old port is interesting. From the famous statue of Columbus to it, a pontoon pedestrian bridge is maintained, which overlooks the embankment and on the shopping and entertainment center "Maremagnum". On the left - the berth for yachts: they cost close to each other, sturgeon, elegant, masterpieces of shipbuilding art. Immediately the magnificent Barcelona Aquarium is a unique construction with an excellent collection of marine inhabitants. And how the terminal for mooring cruise ships looks like an impudent! Huge ships, rather, rather on floating cities, bring almost 2 million tourists from all over the world annually in Barcelona.

The cargo port takes almost 25 square kilometers of the coast - from the height of its territory looks like a gigantic designer consisting of colored cubes of marine containers. Despite the obviously industrial landscape of his surroundings, he became an organic part of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbesides, a considerable income that causes the city and Catalonia as a whole.

Port of Barcelona

The history of the seaport of Barcelona has more than 2,000 years, during which it has become one of the most important seaports of Europe. Nowadays, he ranks 9th among the largest European ports. It was the port that became the basis of the huge wealth that the city had in the Middle Ages.

At the initial stage, the port was just just a place of anchor parking of ships, which was located south of Montjuic mountain. In ancient times, this parking was used by Phoenician merchants. But since the parking was not protected, the loss of ships and goods happened, and it was decided to create an artificial port. Advisors Barcelona received permission from the king Alfonso v generous on the construction of the port to facilitate work on loading and unloading. The first work on the construction of a new port began in 1428.

Nowadays, the Square of the port of Barcelona is 7.86 square kilometers, it includes three main zones: the old part of the port of Velly, as well as the commercial port and the logistics port. The port management hopes in the near future to increase the port area twice by turning on the territory at the mouth of the River Llobregat.

Olympic port

The Olympic port located between two popular beaches is considered one of the best urban harbors.

The entire port area was created for the 1972 Olympics and was fully restored before the games held in 2002. This place is the focus of all sorts of entertainment establishments and restaurants.

The Olympic port was one of the first ports that environmental events began to conduct separate disposal of waste. It is designed for 700 yachts and offers its customers a wide range of services, including bars, restaurants and clubs, one of which is made in the form of a huge whale fish.