The place of merger of the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas. Kiss of two seas

A lot on the Greek island of Rhodes of wonderful places, but there is one incredibly fantastic, almost ninely beautiful, a little wild, but completely unusual and the present feeling of freedom. This is Prasoniani.

Prassoni - the southernmost point of the Rhodes, and, this is a small island connected by a length of long meters 500. And the width of this is a carriage varies depending on the season and tide - from 10-15 meters to 100. But when autumn comes, the experiencing is completely hidden under water, And Prassoniani becomes a real island.

A lot of tourists come to Prasoniani - they are attracted by the spectacle called the guides "the kiss of the two seas" - after all, it is here that the Mediterranean and Aegean seas are connected, when the water level rises with a tide. In general, it's great and just so standing on the cage, understanding - that you are in the maximum proximity to two such different seas. The Mediterranean Sea is very calm, and Aegean - almost raging! The spectacle is very unusual!

The temperatures of these seas are different, so strong winds always blow in this place, especially after two hours of the day. That is why Prassoni - Paradise for surficists. ICCIA, where they also ride at surfing, kindergarten compared to Prasoniani. Little here good hotels, and prices are high - therefore only true surfing experts suffer the lack of the highest level of service, but this seems to them, and do not! They are only interested in a strong and even wind, and he is always such a prassonycia.

All other lovers of this beautiful sport come here on the machines - which of Gennady and Cyotari, located in 30 minutes from Prasoni, where there are worthy hotels, and who is from more distant places. From the capital of the island comes here 2.

On Prasoniani there are surfing centers with all sorts of outfitting and devices for riding. There is a lot of instructors, even Russian-speaking. Skating there is provided to everyone, at any level - for beginners, advanced, improved and pros.

Tourists who come to simply see nature go to the island, or move on cars, and rise to the mountain - there is very beautiful views. Those who are on good wheels like a jeep, have the opportunity to get there and Mayaka, as it is far away and the road to him is not simple.

Once a week, the night-party is arranged on Prasoni, and there is a bunch of people - up to 300 people, they are having fun almost until the morning - who has enough strength. And then they fall asleep who is where - who in their tents, who are in the rented car, and who and right on the sand or on the slopes of the Rhodes hills ...

Our excursion around the island of Rhodes is gradually approaching its completion ... And today there is a small photoranscase about the last of the places visited in this "Around the Movement" - about Cape Prasonisi, where two seas are found, the Aegean and Mediterranean, the isoisy island Rhodes from both sides. One from the West, the other - from the east. This place also has a poetic-romantic name - "Kiss of the two seas". When, preparing for a trip, I learned that there is a place where you can see two seas at once, I realized that I need to visit there. And now I can say that this is one of the most wonderful places where I had a chance to visit my life. Contemplation of the "meeting" of the two seas is really impressive.

Cape Prasonisi is the southernmost part of the island of Rhodes, which is connected to the island of the sandy is a variety of approximately 500 m in length and 100 m wide. AT winter time The water of both seas are connected, overpassing the sandy braid, thereby turning Prasoni's Cape into a small island. And in the summer, sea waters are broken, Prasonisi "reunited" with the island, and the experiencing turns into an excellent sand beach Between the two seas.

But, perhaps, most of all I was struck here that in spite of its territorial proximity (100 meters is not a distance) in the seas not only completely different color of water, but also completely different characters. The Aegean Sea excited and earring, and the Mediterranean is calm ...

Once again, there is a Rhodes map here for clarity of our route. To Prasonisi, we arrived from the Montolithos fortress

At first we stopped on observation siteWhat to capture the panoramic view of Cape Prasonisi ... If you look from here, on the right of the Aegean Sea, and on the left - Mediterranean.

Photos from the series - and I was there ...

Cape Prasonisi himself is uninhabited. There is a lighthouse, which is located behind this hill and before the cape itself I did not react, unfortunately ...

Since I lived in Faliraki, which is located on the East, i.e. The Mediterranean coast of the island, then I, of course, ran to swim on the Aegean

Here a very strong wind blew and stood a wave. Cape Prasonisi is generally considered a paradise for windsurfing and kitesurfing lovers

Kiteserfer's air kites fly here like birds ... :-)

Athletes on vacation

For me the Aegean Sea

Treaty of Aegean Salt, we go to the Mediterranean Sea ...

Here - quiet, smooth, God's grace

Windsorfer reign here

Since the time of our stay here comes to an end, go to the bus

The place is quite affected and very visited by both tourists and athletes, there is all the necessary infrastructure - cafes, souvenir shops, hotels. (There are even free toilets and showering for washing off marine water. They, though not the god of the news, but nevertheless they are)

Rhodes is a truly paradise Greek island, which has everything you need for excellent holiday. Clean beaches of the Aegean and Mediterranean, historical objects known worldwide, beautiful nature, cozy streets, noisy night clubs. Here, tourists expect European service on a relatively inexpensive price.

Sights of the island

The official language on the island is Greek. But in the tourist area it is easy to understand English. Tourist map will help to draw and make an excursion plan.

City of rhodes

The capital of the island is the same ancient city - Rhodes. It is included in the list of world cultural heritage. In this historic district, old houses built in oriental style, bridges made of stone, minarets, churches, palaces have been preserved. There are several major museums of the island.

Interesting city objects:

  • Rhodes fortress;
  • castle of great masters;
  • knights street;
  • temple of Annunciation;
  • suleiman Mosque;
  • port Mandraki.

Map of sights of Rhodes

Against the background of these historical objects will be very beautiful picturesYes, and the places themselves are very unusual and atmospheric. Detailed descriptions can be easily found on the Internet.

Additional Information! The Rhodes Fortress is the largest in the length of a similar building in Greece and in general in Europe. She forgiven 4 km! To be in the center of the fortress, you must go through 11 gates. Therefore, the scale of one of this attractions is already amazed by tourists.

Ancient Kamiros.

Kamiros is a city that has not lived to the present. Now in its place only ruins resembling a labyrinth. But if you look closely, you can see where the houses were stood, and where were the temples. In itself, the place is very picturesque and worthy of visiting.

Mount Tzambika

Sacred Greek mountain, on the top of which there is a monastery. To get there, it is necessary to overcome the way out of 307 steps. For believers, raising this mountain is a pilgrim path. Therefore, all this distance to the top they go on the knees.

Butterfly Valley (Petaludes)

The valley is a park located in a narrow gorge. He received his name thanks to the huge cluster of the Bear-Maunditz butterflies in the summer. There are streams and waterfalls in the park, the terrain is very picturesque, so it will be pleasant to walk and make interesting photos.

Valley butterflies

Mount Fileurimos

"Calvary path" - just that the route is just called the top of the mountain. This is due to the fact that the distance to the Makushka Mountain is equal to the distance that Jesus had once passed, carrying the cross. The route is a trail along a cypress alley leading to the top and a 17-meter cross.

Important! Before going to the road, you need to look at the sky. It is desirable that it be cloudless. If this is not so, it is better to postpone the campaign, because the view from the mountain is very beautiful, and in cloud weather they will not be able to enjoy. From the top at the clear sky, it opens at two cities at once: ICSI and Yalissos.

City of Lindos.

This is the most visited place in Rhodes. But at the same time, not only tourists are found here, but also locals. Lindos - the most typical greek city. If you visit the knight lock, then open beautiful species On the bay in the shape of a heart, sea and ancient city. If the weather is cloudless, it will be possible to see not only the bay and the beach, but also the neighboring islands.

Seven sources

Here seven streams beat from under the ground and form the lake. But this is not the most interesting object. A dark tunnel leads to the lake, it attracts tourists from all over the world.

Note! Go through the tunnel is necessary for barefoot and ankle in cold water. According to believe, after passing the tunnel, a person can choose one of two: to become younger for 10 years or to cleanse from seven sins. Near the tunnel is a beautiful artificial waterfall.

Bay Anthony Quinna

Who watched films such as "Greek Zorba" or "Punches of the island of Navaron", for sure they will understand about the com. Anthony Quinn is a famous actor starring in these films. Kinokartina "Punches of the island of Navaron" was removed in this bay. But it is so called at all therefore.

After filming the "Greek Zorba", where the actor, dancing Greek dance, Quinn first removed the house in this picturesque corner, and then bought it. After this event, the place began to visit a large number of Tourists and fans of the actor. That is how the bay and got its name.

Bay Quinna

Additional Information! Get to the bay of Quinna is no difficulty. Buses travel to nearby resort cities. From them to the bay you can just walk on foot. By the way, in the bay there are all the conditions for a comfortable stay: shower, sun loungers, waveres, umbrellas.

Farm Ostrich

In addition to an ostrich farm, there is a mini-zoo. At the entrance, food for ostrich is sold, which you can feed the huge non-flying birds. On the territory there is a souvenir shop and a restaurant in which those who wish can enjoy omelets from the eggs of ostriches, cutlets and steaks from ostrich meat.

"Kiss of the two seas" (Rhodes)

This place with a romantic name is located on the south of the island. The Aegean and Mediterranean Sea divides only the thin strip of sushi - Cape Prasonisi. It is interesting to observe how a calm and warmer Mediterranean sea merges with the raging Aegean. There are no hotels here, but tourists do not become less from this: lovers of parachute sports, surfers, lovers go here. Local residents They argue that it is here that the heart of the island is.

How to get to the merger of the two seas on Rhodes

Those who solved with their own eyes see such an unusual and very picturesque place, you need to know how you can get to it.

You need to use one way:

  • On the rented car, it is convenient to get straight to the destination. If the car is the navigator, then you can enter the coordinates, then definitely not lost.
  • Transfer companies (taxis) are also offered to deliver tourists to local beaches. The option is not bad, but only such pleasure will cost 160 euros.
  • The bus is the most fiscal option, but there may be problems with the schedule, which is often updated. Several times a day, a bus goes to the village of Kattavia from Rhodes. It is fare of 7.10 euros one way.
  • The option for the lazy is to come here as part of an organized excursion, which is very popular with tourists.

Map "Kiss of the two seas"

We give several tips of the experienced travelers who will help tourists correctly organize rest on the island.

  • For a beach holiday, it is better to choose a hotel on the eastern side of the island, which is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. It is there. Located the best resortsbecause the sea is calmer, and the beaches are sandy. Surfers and Kiteserthers will prefer the "Aegean part" western coast Islands where winds often raise and create waves on the sea. The beaches of the Aegean Sea more often pebble.
  • The largest cluster of holidaymakers in Rhodes - from April to October. Therefore, rest for this period is better planning, and book places in the hotel in advance. For sightseeing excursions in the island and familiarization with its attractions, Spring will be suitable.
  • It is convenient to move around the island not only on the rented car. If for some reason it is not suitable, then the bike rental will be a good option. This type of transport is very popular on the island, so I will not have problems searching for rental centers. The main thing is to remember that the hotel rental will be more expensive than in a special point.
  • As in any market, the Rhodes bazaars are accepted to bargain. And make purchases better for local money. Foreign currency will also take place, but at a disadvantage.

Rhodes - Mediterranean Pearl, attracting attention different tourists. Here you like and people who love calm beach rest, and preferring active leisure and extreme sports. Therefore, they do not have to miss anyone, but to rest well and bring a lot of pleasant impressions quite succeed.

* Prices are relevant for September 2018

The location of the Aegean and mediterranean Seas., Rhodes, Greece Deceptber 22nd, 2013

Traveling in April by greek IslandsWe drove into the next awesome Energy Plan. The location of the two seas: Aegean and Mediterranean on the southernmost point of the Island of Rhodes (Greece). In principle, I adore such exotic places, amazing with its atmosphere. Only staying there allows you to feel the insignificance of human existence, well, and how to relax from all sorts of worldly problems. I turned on the list of these places, and the Patens Glacier in Austria (about which I still did not place the post).
The place of the seas, or the kiss of the two seas, as is the islanders called it, is called Prasonisi (Prasonisi). You can only get there by car (90 km from Rhodes town and 40 km from Lindos town). One of the seas is calm, and the second is very violent. Such a strong connection makes Prasonini to the favorite location of windsurfers and kaiter.

The road rests on the sea. And in the summer (July - August), the experienses are taken off and filled with crowds of surficists. As always, we came to the union, and healthy came down in the wind. Or the wind came down with us. We managed to get intoxicated, to nourish sand and until the car was completely dried to the car.

The wind is really very strong there, we really blown from the legs, covering with your head and sand:

Some moments (when the waves are simultaneously leaving), it appears. It is said that in a quieter time of the year, you can even go to the lighthouse, which is located somewhere there - on the island:

We observed this picture, the sea was connected to the buoyan on both sides. Fought with each other:

Lonely leaving.
You can get to the town you can any expensive along the shore of the island. We drove out of Rhodes on the east side, and returned back to Western. Driving per day the whole island in a circle.

Without having a small libez in physics and geography, it is difficult to understand where the boundaries of the watershed are passing - in what specifically the point of the Baltic Sea is separated from the northern, Mediterranean from Aegean, and how does the water are not mixed at all? Be that as it may, the meeting place of two rivers, seas or oceans - the point is very unusual and romantic. To watch such a phenomenon as the "Kiss of the two seas", you can on Rhodes, where on the beach prasonisi two seas are separated by a thin strip of sushi. How to get there - read further.

The place in question is a small prasonisi peninsula on the very south of Rhodes and a thin strip of sushi, connecting it with the main part of the island.

In the case of the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas, the fact is surprised as much as they differ from each other and how much a significant difference in thin and, it would seem, the formal border in the form of a strip of sushi wide with a wide range of just a few meters.

The Aegean side with the coast of a major pebble is very windy, and therefore Prasonisi chose surfers and Kiteserfer, and even then only those who confidently stand on their feet. The Mediterranean side with the sandy coast is much more relaxed, warm and small.

For this reason, by the way, all the most popular resorts Rhodes are located on the eastern part of the island - the beaches here are much more suitable for swimming, while on Western, Aegean, side of the coast look more unassicuent, the sea is constantly a storm, and it is simply impossible to swim calmly.

How to get to the place of confluence of the two seas on Rhodes

By car

The most reasonable way to get to Prasonisi Beach is to rent a car in the city of Rhodes and drive all 89 km along the east side or 105 km on the west side by himself, without tosing its plans for the day to schedule buses.

By eastern coast, by the way, the road passes just along the most beautiful beaches Rhodes, about which we have already written earlier, so that on the way it will be possible to look after yourself the most suitable place to soak in the sun.

Nearest to Prasonisi. locality - Macheria village. She, though tiny, but there you can find a couple of cafes and even a small hotel, if you want to stay on this unique beach longer than a day.

Please note that near the beach is Prasonisi Center - School water species Sports (works from April to October), where you can rent all the necessary sports equipment or take the Russian-speaking (!) Instructor. The main office is located in Kotari. How you can guess russian tourists There are a lot of here.

The same school organizes a transfer from the airport.


Bus stop in Rhodes is located at Papagou 9 not far from the manrak port.

In Kattavia, the main office of PraSonisi Center is located, and from there you can take an inexpensive transfer or taxi to the beach itself. Going only 9 km, so the price will not bite.