How different countries are fighting for Russian tourists. Where to relax on the sea inexpensively? How different countries are fighting for Russian tourists Where to relax in the year

We bring to your attention the experts' predictions about which resorts will be the most popular in the next vacation season.

Where to relax in Russia

All experts agree that the popularity of recreation in their home country is growing and will become a long-term trend.

According to Vladislav Shevtsov, head of the online service, Crimea and Sochi will become the most popular holiday destinations. The search site Momondo notes that you can relax in other areas as well: the popularity of tickets to Anapa increased by 150%, to Minvody - by 126%, and to Samara - by 44%.

Oleg Safonov, the interim head of Rostourism, recommends that tour operators who have been working in foreign destinations for a long time do not forget about Russian resorts, where more and more hotels are switching to the all-inclusive system. This means that rest of the international level can be offered in our country, especially since charter flights from different cities are possible. "If in 2014 18 regions took part in the target federal program for the development of tourism, then in the future there will be 26 and the budget will allocate 5.2 billion rubles against 4.6 billion this year," Safonov notes.

On the beaches of Turkey and Egypt

Vladislav Shevtsov is sure that the popularity of Turkey, Thailand, Egypt and other beach destinations will not decrease, but Spain and Greece, which are more expensive and require a visa, may "sink". Independent travelers willingly go to Thailand, Spain and Istanbul. Reasonable prices can also be counted on, primarily at mass resorts like Antalya and Hurghada, where tourists from Russia provide most of the income. The owners of the hotels there responded adequately by lowering prices to the falling ruble.

Alexander Burtin, co-owner of Tez Tour, notes that discounts averaged 20%. Tours in ruble prices have risen anyway, but not so dramatically. Tour operators have taken this into account and have reoriented their programs towards budget popular resorts. No matter how the economic circumstances develop, tickets to Turkey and Egypt will not rise in price, remaining at last year's level.

DaTravel experts note the unexpected popularity of air tickets to London and Paris, and they buy them in advance, and especially in times of ruble weakening. This means that under all circumstances Russians are not going to give up their spring trips to the expensive capitals of Europe. And it is better to choose real estate on the website - Objectively and a large selection!

East direction

Nevertheless, Europe is becoming more expensive and Russian travelers are increasingly targeting Asia - Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, China. Irina Ryabovol, Momondo's representative in Russia, notes that the main advantage of Asian countries is inexpensive goods and services, only air travel requires costs. It is also warm all year round and there are no visa problems.

Experts of the search engine are optimistic about Asian travel, highlighting a number of promising routes:

South Korea, which recently canceled visas for Russians, is very interesting, there are enough flights there and the popularity of this direction is actively growing;

Sri Lanka does not require a preliminary visa application, it is put at the airport, and a flight on cheap flights with the flydubai low-haired airline through the Emirates allows you to fly on vacation at no extra cost;

Cambodia, which used to be on excursions while vacationing in Thailand, has become an independent route with low prices and many interesting places (one temple complex of Angkor Wat is worth something);

Brazil, where a visa is not required, and for the 2016 Olympics, both service and security are improving.

Fingerprints are required in Schengen

For European travel, from the summer of 2015, you will have to submit your fingerprints - Schengen visas are becoming biometric for Russians. This is not the result of sanctions: the novelty is valid in many countries and has been planned for a long time. It remains only to equip the consulates in Russia with the appropriate equipment. It is expected that prints will be taken every five years upon first applying for a visa. For residents of those regions where there are no consulates, it will be inconvenient: they will have to go, since it will no longer be possible to submit documents through a travel agency.

Indonesia is added to the visa-free countries (although there were no problems there, they were set for $ 30 at the airport) and negotiations are underway with Mexico.

The main result of the year is that the Russian population remains optimistic. Key Lesson: Emotions in decision-making are bad counselors. The main wish is to calculate the reaction of citizens, to trust them more. Lack of feedback is the main brake on the development of Russia. If Russia is economically strong, then the West will not have to ask for anything, it will come and give everything.

Victory Parade in Moscow-2015. No comment

1. Parade on May 9 to celebrate the 70th anniversary. Western leaders ignored the Victory Parade due to the Ukraine crisis. Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski said that the parade is a threat to both Poland and peace throughout the world. But with him are thirty leaders of other countries who watched the holiday from the stands at the Kremlin wall, including the President of the PRC.

"Victory Day has become the most important holiday in Russia, leaving behind the beloved Russian Easter and New Year. Emotions overwhelmed people, as if Germany had just been defeated! And the unity of the people on this holiday made it clear that Russians are ready to defeat any a country that dares to attack it, "wrote the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

2. Russia began in late September to support the Syrians who are now fighting for the future of their homeland. Others - tens of thousands of young, hefty men - now live in Europeans, wander around Europe in search of an easy life. Yes, we can say that they do not want to die for a "bloody dictator". But even in the Soviet Union, not everyone was madly in love with Joseph Stalin, but they fought when a difficult time came.

Both schoolchildren and old people fought, and not for a specific structure of power or its personalities, but for the Soviet Union. Therefore, we held this unforgettable Victory Parade. Will Syria host it? For Russia, the October ones in terms of the positions of the "Islamic State" (the launch of "Caliber" missiles from the ships of the Caspian Flotilla) and the December ones - from the diesel-electric submarine "Rostov-on-Don" from the Mediterranean Sea were of significant geostrategic significance.

In Brazil, the socialist president Dilma Rousseff is under severe pressure from the opposition, it has been declared against it.You can say that Moscow missed these changes, but, unfortunately, in order to influence these processes, one desire is not enough, financial resources, good diplomats and reliance on diaspora. None of this yet.


If you are tired of vacationing in the same place, and in 2015 you want to change something, then the list proposed by National Geographic may interest you.

The world famous magazine has selected 20 destinations that will appeal to travelers and simply those who dream of an unforgettable vacation.

The list includes locations from all over the world, as well as a special location chosen by the magazine's readers. We have selected the most interesting destinations that are worth visiting at least once in your life.

Rest in 2015

Tunisia, Tunisia

After a turbulent time, the capital of Tunisia is once again becoming a popular tourist destination. In the thriving area of \u200b\u200bBeers Hill, you can watch a beautiful sunset over the water.

Located on the Mediterranean coast, Tunisia's old city is a World Heritage Site filled with hundreds of monuments including the Great Mosque or the Zitouna Mosque.

Wakayama Prefecture, Koya-san Mountain, Japan

Many temples and Buddhist monasteries can be found on this mountain. The very first temple here was founded in 819 by the Buddhist monk Kukai. Now, about a hundred monasteries can be found in the valley at an altitude of 800 meters. Famous temples and monasteries can be found on the mountain, such as:

Okuno-in, Kukai's mausoleum

Kompon-daito, a pagoda, part of the Garan complex

Kongobu-ji, the main temple of the Shingon school.

Sark, Channel Islands Archipelago

You will not find a single car on the island - they are simply prohibited. But you can get around on bicycles and horse carriages. Some residents use tractors.

In general, the use of motorized vehicles is allowed only for pensioners and disabled people.

It should be noted that the island consists of 2 parts - Big and Small Sark. Both parts are connected by a narrow rocky isthmus called La Coupe. A narrow bridge 2 meters wide is laid along its top.

Time passes very slowly here. Usually come here to visit the caves near the sea or swim.

Holidays at sea in 2015


Most of the tourists (and about 3 million of them arrive annually) come here for the sake of beautiful beaches and water activities, including diving.

Corsica is home to 300,000 people. It is the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte and has historical ties to France dating back to 1769.

Among other activities, it is worth mentioning a visit to Napoleon's house (Casa Buonaparte) and the mountainous regions that have remained untouched.

In the period May-June and September-October people come here to walk, ride horses and bicycles. In July and August, it is good to relax on the beaches and do water sports.

Port Antonio, Jamaica

Tourism is one of the main economic points of this city. Here you can relax on the beaches of the Blue Lagoon (a deep 200-meter burrow filled with water) and Dragon Bay, as well as visit the islet of Navi, where the remains of a British naval base dating back to the 18th century are located.

It should be noted that the island is also famous for the filming, which was carried out here by Hollywood specialists. "Lord of the Flies" is one of the films that was filmed on the island.

Here you can also relax at the Bay View Eco Resort, which is located on a former coconut plantation.

Where to go in summer 2015

Hyderabad, India

This city stands out for its large Mecca Masjid, built in the 18th century after the famous mosque in Mecca. Here you can also see the triumphal Char-Minar gate, also known as the Triumphal Arch of the East.

It is worth noting that Fort Golconda, located on a high hill, became famous for its unique water supply system. He is also known for his light show, accompanied by comments in English,which can be seen every evening.

In Hyderabad, you can visit the cinema, which boasts the world's largest IMAX 3D screen.

Medellin, Colombia

In Medellin is the "city of Botero", which was named after the famous native of the city - the sculptor Fernando Botero.

If you walk around the city, then on an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 30,000 square meters. meters you can find a museum, Botero sculpture park, art galleries, as well as studios for artists and recreation areas.

According to the sculptor, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis project is for Medellin to appear before the world as a cultural and artistic center, thus overshadowing the information that it is the birthplace of the leader of the local cartel Escobar.

In addition, the city is famous for its "Flower Fair" (Feria de las Flores), which takes place once a year and is a great event in its cultural life.

Here you can visit the Science Museum Parque explora with its interactive science exhibits as well as the Explora Aquarium, the largest freshwater aquarium in South America.

Haida Guai

This archipelago is located off the northwest coast of British Columbia (a province in Canada). It consists of 2 main islands - Graham in the north and Moresby in the south. In addition, the archipelago includes about 150 small islands.

The most fascinating thing about these places is peace and quiet. Here, in the bowels of the earth, scientists have found evidence that people lived on the archipelago 12,000 years ago.

It is best to come here between May and September. It is at this time that you can find a large number of restaurants and cafes open, and you can also take various tours around the island and participate in various cultural events.

It is also worth noting that during the period from October to May it is the surfing season here.

Winter Holidays 2015

Zermatt, Switzerland

This commune in the Swiss Alps boasts no cars. More than a million tourists visit this place every year, thanks to the incredible views, as well as the opportunity to ski and climb the rocks.

But it is worth noting that the cost of hotel accommodation in this village is the highest in Switzerland.

You can ski here all year round.

There is a music festival in April and a food festival in August.

Where to spend the New Year

Myei (islands), Myanmar (Burma)

The archipelago includes over 800 islands. The coastline is indented with cliffs, beaches and mangroves.

Here you can find hundreds of pristine white sand beaches and dense jungle. Klaus Reisinger, one of the directors of the documentary "Burma" s Forbidden Islands, called this place "the last paradise on earth."

Among the fauna, you can find lizards, eagles and cynomolgus macaques here.

The sailing season is from November to April (calm waters, sunny skies). From mid-December to mid-January, it is the peak season, and from March to April, snorkeling is done here (light winds and clearer water).

Faroe islands

The Faroe Islands are a group of islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean, more specifically between Scotland and Iceland.

In total, the archipelago consists of 18 islands - of which 17 are inhabited.

There are several sights:

Fugloy Island (translated as "Island of Birds") - the name speaks for itself - 450-meter cliffs of the island in Eystfelli, as well as 620-meter cliffs in Klubbin, are famous for multimillion-dollar colonies of seabirds.

Tretlkonufingur (translated as "Troll Woman's Finger") is famous for its beautiful sea rock.

Sandoy Island - famous for its sand dunes. There are also terraces on which the Noroara-Halsavatn and Heimara-Halsavatn lakes lie. There is also a church here, which boasts a rich history dating back to the 11th century.

Norurlandahyusi - a structure with a roof covered with peat, plays the role of a theater, conference hall, concert and exhibition hall. In addition, numerous exhibitions and expositions are held here. On summer nights, "Faroese evenings for tourists" take place here.

Where to spend your vacation in 2015? Where to expect discounts and special offers? And what if there is no money, but you want to rest?

The fall in the ruble has forced many to reconsider their vacation plans, but it is too early to bury the tourist services market. Due to the depreciation of the ruble, demand is redistributed in favor of domestic tourism, - says Sergey Shpilko, chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism.

Fresh horizons

If we talk about the foreign direction, the priority structure will remain. The leading positions will remain the directions most accessible to the middle class - Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Thailand, borderlands Finland, China - in general, the directions most accessible to the middle class, which forms the massive outbound tourist flows. Obviously, the demand for tourist trips will decline until, since the demand for travel is highly dependent on prices and incomes or, as economists say, highly elastic items of the consumer budget of the population, explains the chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Management. - Plus, for foreign tours, it will be reduced until the cost becomes more competitive for Russians in comparison with trips in their own country. And this, in addition to the exchange rate, depends on the dynamics of prices for Russian vouchers, passenger transportation services within the country and on how long the supply of domestic high-quality tourist products will last in the high season, in particular, the resource of high-quality hotel rooms.

So far, the domestic market is winning, and here you can achieve real results in terms of import substitution of tourist services. But how things will go further will become clear at the end of this year, and much here will depend on whether the state will be able to support the domestic hospitality industry, ”Shpilko notes.

Victims of propaganda

Another obvious trend is the redistribution of demand in favor of independent travel:

This happens for many reasons: online booking opportunities are expanding, tourists themselves are becoming more experienced travelers, and the number of flight destinations for discounters is growing. Therefore, border statistics show a smaller drop in the number of tourist trips than data from tour operators. This is, in fact, the main challenge to the modern tourist industry, to which the most technologically advanced and energetic players of the tourist market will undoubtedly find a worthy answer. Moreover, on mass charter destinations it is impossible to independently form a tour at a price lower than the tour operator's price without a serious loss in the quality of service, in most cases today, the expert says.

In the meantime, the majority of domestic tour operators of international destinations are suffering heavy financial losses, which has already led to a series of bankruptcies of outbound tourism companies:

It is important that the next amendments to the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation", which are under consideration in the State Duma, do not finish off this segment of the tourist market completely. But it is not easy for companies that receive foreign tourists, and not so much because of themselves, but because of the anti-Russian hysteria in the American and European media, says Shpilko. - It is from these countries that tourist flows are still decreasing, which, however, are partially offset by an increase in arrivals from countries less dependent on. In particular - from countries that have a visa-free or simplified visa regime with Russia. For example, the number of international arrivals from Israel and Turkey to Moscow has increased by 9% this year, and from South Korea, which has become visa-free, by more than 40%. So the intrigue of the entry market this year is to what extent economic considerations in terms of benefits from the fall in the ruble exchange rate in the minds of foreign tourists will outweigh ideological clichés.

New generation of tourism products

Changes in the demand conjuncture entail changes in the structure of tour operator activities:

The leading tour operators of outbound and inbound tourism are entering the domestic market with their technologies and agent networks. And where there are appropriate resources, a new generation of travel products is being created, which the consumer himself cannot form online at a price, but which allows them to take into account their individual wishes. This is a kind of individual tourism at group rates. Such tours, for example, were offered to Moscow for New Year and Christmas. They started from 4 thousand per weekend with accommodation in business class hotels. And thanks to such new components of the tourist service that have appeared in recent years, such as regular routes on double-decker buses, winter navigation on the Moscow River on icebreaker-class motor ships, guest cards, not to mention free museums in pedestrian zones and a luxurious program of festive events, they allowed to present the capital in a completely different way on the tourist market, - sums up the chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Management.

Now, special offers for weekends and holidays in Moscow will become one of the specialties of this year, especially since they are perfectly combined with visits at the appropriate prices to the Moscow region, the Golden Ring, St. Petersburg, Sochi, and are very profitable on transit when traveling abroad.

The Lonely Planet Best in travel yearbook traditionally talks about various directions of tourism, including grouping them "by interests". Before 2015, the publication will be released in Russia for the first time - publishes an excerpt from a yearbook dedicated to travel of all kinds - from budget to luxury holidays.

1. Tunisia

Today, when Tunisia is mentioned, the conversation is no longer about security, but about the restoration of the tourism industry and a new look at the hospitable possibilities of the country. The security issue in Tunisia is settled, so that tourists again pay attention to the most compact offer in North Africa.

This year, prices will remain low (to bring back tourists), and resorts will be less congested - you will have Tunisia at your fingertips. Stay in cosmopolitan Tunisia and see the Star Wars set. Or - explore the Roman (and Carthaginian!) Ruins in the north of the country.

Seasonal charters from European airports to Djerba will save you a lot.

Tunisia's old town was used as the backdrop for Star Wars. Photo:

Currency fluctuations mean South Africa is more accessible than ever for some travelers. Instead of just being surprised at the cheap rand (South African currency), check out the list of opportunities this country offers to budget travelers. Fantastic wildlife for every pocket, inexpensive (and tourist-friendly) public transportation and free admission to the country's most important museums. If the rate fluctuates in your favor, you're in luck. Regardless, however, any tourist will find affordable entertainment here, whether it's a fun coastal café in Cape Town or affordable camping. Come in the off-season (February, March, September and October in South Africa) and you get the best combination of comfortable weather and no crowds.

Republic of South Africa. Photo:

Despite all the high-end discoveries in China's most famous coastal city, Shanghai remains surprisingly affordable for budget travelers. A bed in the dormitory will cost only $ 10; pleasantly low prices await you in hotels of the middle price segment (a noticeable difference is in hotels of international chains and fashionable boutique hotels). It's the same with food: typical street food stalls for a dollar and - large portions in popular restaurants for a little more money. Most importantly, walking along the safe and bustling streets of the metropolis will not cost you a single yuan.

Romania. Photo:

Burkina Faso (or simply Burkina - after all, we go to "you") is still considered a rare gem. Little known, but it makes such an indelible impression on travelers that, once they have been, they yearn to return there. They talk about vibrant markets, friendly locals, mesmerizing rock formations and the never-ending energy of Ouagadougou, the capital with an unpronounceable name. Affordable prices and surprisingly good safari in the south of the country - there is no better introduction to West Africa.

Traveling in Burkina is easy with air-conditioned buses. Buses always run on schedule; tickets can be bought in advance. In the more distant parts of the country, colorful taxi-brousses (bush-taxis) go.

Burkina Faso. Photo:

Excerpt courtesy of EKSMO Publishing House