The most ancient population of the Crimea. Greek cities-states of Crimea message about the ancient cities of Crimea

Crimea is a striking peninsula, a place where the history of past centuries is harmoniously woven and the present. Here, right in the center of modern cities you can see the monuments of the past centuries.

"Shards" of the past in the Crimean cities

Ruins of large settlements, the remains of fortresses, kursany, cult facilities are available in almost every city or its surroundings. Most of the ancient buildings today are considered monuments of history and archeology. Many have been assigned the status of the reserves, they are conducted on their territory research work And there are museums.

How developed was the peninsula already in ancient times, it allows you to understand the acquaintance even with a short list of ancient settlements. The following objects are most famous today:

    Panticapy - the most ancient Greek cities in Crimea. Based at the end of the VII century BC, it is located in the center of modern Kerch. To see his remains, it is necessary to climb along a high staircase in 500 steps leading to Mithridate.

And 11 kilometers from PentantyPhey found the ruins of the ancient Bosporus settlement Tyritaka.

    Chersonese Tauride - Ruins of another Greek settlement, one of the attractions of Sevastopol. The basis of this colony is dated to the fifth century BC. Chersonese was a large, well fortified city.

Ponyna are preserved the remains ancient Temple, theater ruins, where, according to legends, gladiatorial battles, a mint, defensive tower, were conducted. In the Church of Chersonese, the baptism of Prince Vladimir - the Baptist of All Russia.

    Naples Scythian - ancient settlement on the outskirts of Simferopol. Created in the third century BC. e., the city served as the capital of the Scythian state. Today, the defensive tower and the mausoleum of King Skilura are preserved in the territory of the ancient yap.

    Rusko-Kale - Castle in the area of \u200b\u200bBig Yalta, built in the XIII-XIV centuries - Strengthening area of \u200b\u200babout 450 m.kv.

    Kerquinitis - Greek city, erected at the beginning of the V century BC. e. and existed to the end of the II century BC. e. His ruins are located in the center of Evpatoria, on Quarantine Cape. Although most of the settlement is covered, the two of its plot is well-groomed and museumified.

    Koslos Limen - the ruins of an ancient Greek settlement based in the IV century. BC e. In the village of Black Sea.

    Kimmerik - Kimmeria tract VI - V centuries BC. e., located between the Lake Elken and the mountain of the Opuk.

    The Scythian Ust-Almin Site is one of the largest Scythian settlements of the II century BC. E., located on Cape Krememchik.

Cave and underwater cities of Crimea

A separate category includes vintage cave cities. Mangup Kale is the Byzantine defensive fort of the sixth century BC, Chufut-Kale under Bakhchisaram, Kacha Calon, Kizz-Kermen, others - these villages were created in the rocks. Houses, household premises, temples, defensive walls burned directly in rocks.

In Crimea, there is even his own Atlantis - the underwater city of Acre. A small ancient Greek village, which served among other things, existed near Cape Takil in the VI century BC. e. - IV century n. e. Later lowering the shore led to the flooding of most of the city.

To see the ruins acres can travelers who own diving skills. Immersion is possible as part of specialized excursions in the summer.

Tourists on the note

A visit to the excavations of ancient cities can be easily combined with other types of recreation:

The peninsula has many vintage defensive towers, forts, other fortifications that have survived in excellent condition. On the territory of many of them are bright event events. In particular, thematic festivals are held annually in the Genoese Forty, the renovations of medieval battles are put.

Numerous hotels, hotels, guesthouses operate throughout the peninsula. Room information available online. The pricing policy depends on the region, the level of service and the season of visits.

Antique cities of Crimea

In ancient times, sea routes tied the coast of the Black Sea with the Mediterranean, where at the end of the II - early I millennium BC. There was a great civilization of Greece. From the shores of Eldlas, brave sailors went to search for new lands.

Where are the largest now seaports, Industrial and resort centers of Crimea - Evpatoria, Sevastopol, Feodosia and Kerch, in the VI-V centuries. BC. The ancient Greeks founded the city of Kerkinitid, Chersonese, Feodosius, Panticapey, and near them - Mirmekiy, Thiritaka, Nymphi, Kimmerik and others. Each of them was the center of the agricultural district where the wheat was grown, grapes were cultivated, livestock. The cities were located temples, public and administrative buildings, markets, artisans workshops.

Comfortable geographical position contributed to the development of trade. The merchants were exported to slaves and agricultural products in the Mediterranean, purchased from local tribes - Scythians, Mets, Sindov. In exchange from the cities of the Balkan Peninsula and Malaya Asia, olive oil, wine, art objects and crafts were brought.

Chersonese was founded in 421 BC. On the shore of the bay, which is now called quarantine. Later, the city has significantly expanded possessions. During his heyday, Kerkinitid was obeyed, a wonderful harbor (on the site of the modern village of Chernomorsky) and other settlements of the North-West Crimea.

The Chersonese state was a slave-owned democratic republic. The supreme authority was the People's Assembly and the Council, which solved all the issues of foreign and domestic politics. The leadership role in the management belonged to the largest slave owners whose names were reported by Chersoness inscriptions and coins.

Archaeological excavations started back in 1827 showed that the city was well fortified. The remains of defensive structures are massive towers, fortresses, parts of stone walls - preserved throughout the state. This indicates the permanent military danger, which residents were subjected. The famous Chersoness oath tells about their patriotism. Chersonesers swore that they would not betray enemies, nor his possessions will guard democratic system, not divided by state secrets.

As the archaeological studies confirmed, the city had the right layout. Residential buildings were united in blocks, the streets crossed at right angles. They were brought by small stone. Along the streets passed stone drains. Temples rose on the squares. Public buildings and houses of rich citizens decorated with colonnades and mosaic floors.

From the ancient buildings to this day only the founding of the walls and basement rooms have reached. The mint, baths, theater ruins that existed from the III century are especially interesting. BC. According to IV. AD Only staircases and stone benches for viewers are partially preserved from it. Judging by their size, the theater accounted for up to 3 thousand spectators.

Craftsmen were located near the urban walls. There archaeologists have discovered the remains of ceramic production: furnaces for firing clay dishes, stamps for ornaments, forms for the manufacture of terracotta reliefs. They flourished in Chersonese and other crafts - metalworking, jewelry, weaving.

The largest antique state of the Black Sea region was the Bosporian kingdom. It was formed as a result of the unification of the initially independent Greek cities, such as Panticapy, Mirmekiy, Tyritaka, Fanagoria and others, located along the shores of the Bospop of the Kimmerian - modern Kerch Strait. The capital of the state became a panticapy. From 438 BC. More than three hundred years of the rules of the dynasty of Spartokidov.

At the end of the V - early IV centuries. BC. Niffees and Feodosia, as well as land inhabited by other tribes, were attached to the possessions of Bospor. In i century BC. Bosporus captured most of the territory of Crimea, submitted to himself Chersonesos.

Excavations on Mount Mitridat, conducted in Kerch from the end of the XIX century, allowed to restore the size and plan of the Pantikapey. At the top was Acropolis - central fortification of the city with powerful defensive walls and towers. Inside him was the most important temples and public buildings. Down on the slopes terraces descended quarters from single or two-storey stone buildings. The whole city and its surroundings were obscured by numerous strengthening lines. A deep and comfortable harbor reliably covered trade and military vessels.

Found fragments of marble statues, pieces of painted plaster and architectural details allow us to talk about the rich decoration of the squares and buildings of the city, about the skill of the ancient architects and builders.

On the site of Mirmekia and Tyritaki, not far from Kerch, except urban walls, residential buildings and sanctoes, archaeologists opened several wineillers and baths for salting fish. In nymphay, near the modern village of heroevka, - Temples Demeters, Aphrodites and cabins; In Ilurate, near the modern village of Ivanovka, - the Bosporus military settlement of the first centuries AD, guarding the approaches to the capital.

Next to each antique city was his necropolis - city of the dead. Usually buried in simple earth graves, sometimes laid out with tiled or stone plates. Rich and notable placed in wooden or stone sarcophages. For their burial, the scleps were built isolated from stones or chopped in rocks. Walls of crypts and sarcophagus decorated with painting, reliefs, inlay. Ornaments were applied on them, depicted mythological plots, scenes of real life. Together with the dead, put things belonging to him: decorations, dishes, weapons, vessels with incense, terracotta figurines and other items. In one of the Panticaipei burials III century. N.E., perhaps, the Bosporian Tsar of the risk was found a unique gold mask, reproducing the features of the deceased face.

Researchers have long been interested in large mounds located in the vicinity of Kerch. They discovered the burials of the Bosporian kings and nobility with outstanding works of Greek art: gold and silver ornaments, bronze and glass products, painted and curly vases.

Goldist temporal suspensions IV c are considered to be a masterpiece of world art. BC. From Kurgan Kul-both. They are made in the form of disks to which numerous woven intersecting chains connected by plates and sockets are attached. On the disk with a diameter of 7 cm - the face of Athens's head in the helmet with well-distinguisible figures of griffins, owls and snakes. The finest filigree plates, sockets, as well as the circle of the disk are covered with grain and blue enamel.

The most valuable finds from the excavation of the ancient cities of the Crimea are presented in the collections of the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the State Historical Museum and the State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin in Moscow, as well as others.

Now on the territory of Chersonese in Sevastopol and on Mount Mridat in Kerch organized reserves. Every year, thousands of people come there to go through the streets and squares of the ancient cities, to get acquainted with the greatest monuments of culture.

When on South Bank The Romans were established, they created a fortified items on the coast to protect Chersonese. Of the Roman fortifications, the biggest character was at the Cape Ai-Todore (now there is a lighthouse next to " Swallow jack"). Strengthening chas (in Greek "Pillars", "Count", that is, "fenced place") was founded in the 70s. I in. With the Roman Emperor Vespasiana. At the end of the century, there was a garrison, in II century. Soldiers of the I Italy Legion were placed. The last Roman garrison of the Fort was the warriors of the XI Claudiyev Legion (End II - the first half of the III century.). About these three periods of character history, stamps on bricks and tile are evidenced.

N.I. Shaiko

A photo beautiful places Crimea

With deep ancient, the sea routes tied the coast of the Black Sea with the Mediterranean, where at the end of the II - early I millennium BC. There was a great civilization of Greece. From the shores of Eldlas, brave sailors went to search for new lands.
Where large marine ports, industrial and resort centers of Crimea - Evpatoria, Sevastopol, Feodosia and Kerch, in VI - V centuries are located now. BC. The Greeks founded the cities of Kerkinitida, Chersonesos, Feodosia, Panticapey, and near him - Mirmekiy, Tiritaka, Nymphi, Kimmerik and others. Each of them was the center of the agricultural district where the wheat was grown, grapes were cultivated, livestock. The cities were temples, public and administrative buildings, markets, workshops of artisans. A convenient geographical position contributed to the development of trade. The merchants were exported to slaves and agricultural products in the Mediterranean, purchased from local tribes - Scythians, Mets, Sindov. In exchange from the cities of the Balkan Peninsula and Malaya Asia, olive oil, wine, art objects and crafts were brought.
Chersonese was founded in 421 BC. On the shore of the bay, which is now called quarantine. Later, the city has significantly expanded possessions. During his heyday, Kerkinitid was obeyed, a wonderful harbor (on the site of the modern village of Chernomorsky) and other settlements of the North-West Crimea.
The Chersonese state was a slave-owned democratic republic. The supreme authority was the People's Assembly and the Council, which solved all the issues of foreign and domestic politics. The leadership role in the management belonged to the largest slave owners whose names were reported by Chersoness inscriptions and coins.
Archaeological excavations started back in 1827 showed that the city was well fortified. The remains of defensive structures are massive towers, fortresses, parts of stone walls - preserved throughout the state. This indicates the permanent military danger, which residents were subjected. The famous Chersoness oath tells about their patriotism. Her text was carved at the end of the IV - early III centuries. BC. On the marble plate found during the excavations of the city:
... "I swear Zeus, gay, helios, the girl, the gods and goddesses of the Olympic ... I do not betray the Chersonese ..." Chersonessians swore that they would not betray enemies, nor his possessions would protect the democratic system, did not divide the state Secrets.
As the archaeological studies confirmed, the city had the right layout. Residential buildings were united in blocks, the streets crossed at right angles. They were brought by small stone. Along the streets passed stone drains. Temples rose on the squares. Public buildings and houses of rich citizens decorated with colonnades and mosaic floors.
From the ancient buildings to this day only the founding of the walls and basement rooms have reached. The mint, baths, theater ruins that existed from the III century are especially interesting. BC e. According to IV. n. e. Only staircases and stone benches for viewers are partially preserved from it. Judging by their size, the theater was accompanied up to 3 thousand spectators.
Craftsmen were located near the urban walls. There archaeologists have discovered the remains of ceramic production: furnaces for firing clay dishes, stamps for ornaments, forms for the manufacture of terracotta reliefs. They flourished in Chersonese and other crafts - metalworking, jewelry, weaving.
The largest antique state of the Black Sea region was the so-called Bosporian kingdom. It was formed as a result of the unification of the initially independent Greek cities, such as Panticapy, Mirmekiy, Tyritaka, Fanagoria and others, located along the shores of the Bospop of the Kimmerian - modern Kerch Strait. The capital of the state became a panticapy. From 438 BC. More than three hundred years of the rules of the dynasty of Spartokidov.
At the end of the V - early IV centuries. BC. Niffees and Feodosia, as well as land inhabited by other tribes, were attached to the possessions of Bospor. In i century BC. Bosporus captured most of the territory of Crimea, submitted to himself Chersonesos.
Excavations on Mount Mitridat, conducted in Kerch from the end of the XIX century, allowed to restore the size and plan of the Pantikapey. At the top was Acropolis - central fortification of the city with powerful defensive walls and towers. Inside him was the most important temples and public buildings. Down on the slopes terraces descended quarters from single or two-storey stone buildings. The whole city and its surroundings were obscured by numerous strengthening lines. A deep and comfortable harbor reliably covered trade and military vessels.
Found fragments of marble statues, pieces of painted plaster and architectural details allow us to talk about the rich decoration of the squares and buildings of the city, about the skill of the ancient architects and builders.
On the site of Mirmekia and Tyritaki, not far from Kerch, except urban walls, residential buildings and sanctoes, archaeologists opened several wineillers and baths for salting fish. In nymphay, near the modern village of heroevka, - Temples Demeters, Aphrodites and cabins; In Ilurate, near the modern village of Ivanovka, - the Bosporus military settlement of the first centuries AD, guarding the approaches to the capital.
Next to each antique city was his necropolis - the city of the dead. Usually buried in simple earth graves, sometimes laid out with tiled or stone plates. Rich and notable placed in wooden or stone sarcophages. For their burial, the scleps were built isolated from stones or chopped in rocks. Walls of crypts and sarcophagus decorated with painting, reliefs, inlay. Ornaments were applied on them, depicted mythological plots, scenes of real life. Together with the dead, put things belonging to him: decorations, dishes, weapons, vessels with incense, terracotta figurines and other items. In one of the Panticaipei burials III century. N.E., perhaps, the Bosporian Tsar of the risk was found a unique gold mask, reproducing the features of the deceased face.
Researchers have long been interested in large mounds located in the vicinity of Kerch. They discovered the burials of the Bosporian kings and nobility with outstanding works of Greek art: gold and silver ornaments, bronze and glass products, painted and curly vases.
Goldist temporal suspensions IV c are considered to be a masterpiece of world art. BC. From Kurgan Kul-both. They are made in the form of disks to which numerous woven intersecting chains connected by plates and sockets are attached. On the disk with a diameter of 7 cm - the face of Athens's head in the helmet with well-distinguisible figures of griffins, owls and snakes. The finest or granted plates, sockets, as well as the circle of the disk are covered with grain and blue enamel.
The most valuable finds from the excavation of the ancient cities of Crimea are presented in the collections of the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the State Historical Museum and the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin in Moscow, as well as others.
Now on the territory of Chersonese in Sevastopol and on Mount Mridat in Kerch organized reserves. Every year, thousands of people come there to go through the streets and squares of the ancient cities, to get acquainted with the greatest monuments of culture, it is better to know the distant past of our homeland.

Encyclopedia "The Attractions of Crimea"

The Territory of Crimea was settled 3,000 years ago. Its indigenous inhabitants were brand, famous for the militant character and a tendency to piracy. More precisely, this is the first people who managed to find out reliable information. The archaeologists were found to be found ancient parking lot, the age of which exceeds 1 million years. The favorable location of the peninsula at the intersection of trade routes determined his fate, complete conquests. Here we managed to visit the Greeks and Venetians, Scythians and Romans, Goths and Gunns, Genoese and Turks, Tatars and Slavs. Saturated historical past and traces of various cultures led to the formation in the region in different epochs of many diverse settlements, many of which exist so far.

Top 10 Oldest Cities Crimea

Many ancient and earlier settlements that existed in the Crimea were not preserved. The most famous of them were:

  • Chersonese Tauride - based in the antiquity of the Greeks, is now on the territory of Sevastopol and the UNESCO is protected;
  • Panticapy - the capital of the powerful Bosporian kingdom, the ruins of which are now on Mitridat in Kerch;
  • Kerkinitida is a settlement created by the ancient Greeks, on the site of which Evpatoria is now.

The Crimean Republic includes 16 cities, and only two of them are based in the past century: Krasnoperekopsk in 1932 and shortcino in 1978. The rest boast of a rich, rich history: at least three appeared more than two thousand years ago, and the formation of a significant part of others Associate on the era of the Middle Ages.

The most ancient cities of the Crimea, from among the current existing ones, includes:

  1. Kerch - VII century BC e.
  2. Feodosia - VI century BC. e.
  3. Evpatoria - 497 BC e.
  4. Sudak - 212 year.
  5. Alushta - VI century.
  6. Alupka - 960 year.
  7. Yalta - 1154 year.
  8. Old Crimea - XIII century.
  9. Belogorsk - XIII century.
  10. Bakhchisaray - 1389 year.

Kerch - the most ancient in the Crimea

Ancient city Crimean Peninsula Speakers located in the eastern part of him Kerch. Archaeological studies show that people lived on the local lands already 100,000 years ago, and in the center of Kerch, scientists found a mammoth tooth. More than 60 parking belongs to later era of Mesolitis and Neolithic. First, the local primitive population was engaged in fishing and hunting, later mastered the cattle breeding and craft.

Real History Cities began in the VII century BC. If, when the neighboring regions, the Greek seaflors were actively based on the Black Sea for new colonies. One of them was the settlement of Panticapy: it was located on the hill - Mount Mitridat, and was surrounded by other, less famous settlements. Subsequently, they all merged together, forming the city zone of modern Kerch. In 480 BC e. The peak peak of Pantikathey came when he took the title of the capital of the Bosporian kingdom - one of the most powerful in the region at that time. Since then, the ruins of the temple of Apollo, the royal kurgan of the king of the Dynasty of Spartokidov and an impressive necropolis.

By the fourth century of the new millennium, after an unsuccessful era of the board of the Tiberiyev Dynasty of Yuliyev and the Gunnian invasion, Panticapy finally lost any important importance. Two centuries later, Turks came here, who called the settlement of Karsha, which meant "the other coast". In the X century, the lands were traded by Slavs, wringing toponym on their way: Korchev. After them owned the Genoese, then the Turks, and then the Russians. From this period in Kerch, military fortresses were left: Turkish Yeni-Kale and Russian Kerch, the construction of the XVIII and XIX centuries, respectively. The main attraction of the resort, Mithridataya staircase, appeared only in the middle of the last century, but climb on it is for the sake of stunning panoramas.

Feodosia - an old picturesque town

Almost simultaneously with Kerch, and the forces, all the same Miletsky Greeks, was founded by Feodosia. Unlike the famous neighbor according to the rating, Feodosia in Antiquity did not differ special, but in 2015 he received the honorary title of the city of military glory for the merits of the Ministry of Rocky Defense of the Fatherland.

The date of formation of the settlement of the utensils indicate the VI century BC. er., since the exact data on the appearance time does not exist. However, it is reliably known that from 355 BC. e. It already belonged to the territory of the Bosporus kingdom. In this regard, further destinies of settlements are similar: Huns, Byzantines, Tatars, Genoese. The latter brought a small settlement of the Golden Epoch: Renamed the town in Cafa. The Genoes made it an important trading trading port and an administrative center, from where they managed to all northern Black Sea: By the XV century, he could already compare with Constantinople.

They gave the Feodosia and the main tourist attraction today: a defensive fortress from limestone buildings of the XIV century. Previously, she enveloped the territory of 70 hectares, and today it is well preserved only the southern part of it and several towers, among whom the tower of St. Constantine with mounted braces deserves special attention.

Evpatoria - beautiful and historically attractive

By the fifth century, or rather by 497 BC, the appearance of Evpatoria is the best modern children's balneo-mud climatic resort not only the Crimea, but also of all countries of the post-Soviet space. On the healing properties of local mud were known from the ancient period, when it was formed the first reliably known settlement - Kerkinitida. The settlement was located on the shores of the Kamitskiy Bay and Mant, today wearing a name quarantine.

According to some reports, the Greeks from Ionia arrived here for an eyelid earlier, and by the IV century, the past era was able to create a prosperous trade settlement, which existed in the status of an independent policy, who independently developed its own economy. Such a state of affairs lasted not long: in the same century it enters into dependence on the Kherson kingdom. And if the development continued with it, the Scythians, and then the Gunnes were destroyed. In the Middle Ages, the Turks are based here the HEZLO Fortress here, and in 1784 by Decree Catherine II, the settlement received the status of the city and was renamed Evpatoria in honor of the famous ruler of Mithridate VI Evpator, which was ruled in Antiquity in Kerch.

Pont Evksinsky - Sea Scythian

For world history, Crimea has become known for many centuries to our era. In the most ancient times, the peninsula was called Tarakik. This name recorded the Byzantine historian of the VI century of our era of the proofing of the NZ Caesarea. The Old Russian chronicle "Tale of Bygone Years" leads a somewhat modified form of this name - Tavria. Only in the XII century, the Tatars who conquered the peninsula, called the Greek city of Solhat (now the Old Crimea), which became the center of their possessions. Gradually, throughout the XIV-XV centuries, this name has spread to the entire peninsula. The names of the Greek colonies arising in the Crimea in the VI century BC It is impossible to be considered the oldest Crimean toponyms. Before the arrival of the Greeks in Crimea, numerous tribes lived here, who left the trail in history, archeology, and toponymics.

Crimea belongs to those few places on Earth, where people have appeared from time immemorial. Here, the archaeologists were opened by their parking lot of the Paleolithic - early Stone Age.

Scientists believe that before the beginning of the discrepancies of peoples - about 3700 BC. On the entire territory of the Caspian steppes of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, a single language of communication was, the roots of which lie in.

The roots of the most ancient names of Crimean places, rivers, mountains, lakes should be sought in the Proto Indo-European language - Vedic Sanskrit: Support, stronghold, tower, tower, pylon. (related word in other Russian lang kr "and" KRTA "- create, build, do, that is - This is a man-made structure - the fortress, the Kremlin.

Historian-Slavist, archaeologist, ethnographer and linguist, author of 11-languid encyclopedia "Slavic antiquities" Lubeza Hidelle claimed that "... Among the Scythians mentioned by the Herodot, not only the neury ... but also scythians are referred to as pahars and farmers ... were undoubtedly Slavs, who experienced the influence of Greco-Scythian culture. "

The first known from the ancient Greek sources of the population of Crimea was Scythians, Tavra And the Kimmerians who were relative or Thracian.

In the southwestern part of the Crimean Peninsula, 15 km from Sevastopol, is located ancient city Balaclava having rich historyWith more than 2500 years.

From ancient times, it was a powerful military fortress created by nature itself. Balaclava harbor is closed with high cliffs from all sides of the sea storms, and a narrow entrance to the harbor reliably protects it from the enemy invasions from the sea. Reports that in the mountains of Tavrida, there were brands who know a lot in military art.

Within the Dnieper Levobasya there are two toponyms an ancient Slavic species - Perepop, Szrenevsky - Rocking, Possible tank of reference Indo-Aryan * KRTA - "Made (i.e. - manually dug)" , Hence the name of the Crimea. In about the same place, the founding of the Crimean Peninsula has other Russians. Oleshye , one of the "populated places" by the sea, which from time immemorial - from Herodotovskaya Gileses ('Y - "Forest") to the current Aleshkovsky (!) Sands - Stalling conveyed and retained the image of this "wooded" Piglet among those surrounding unplaced spaces.

The name "Balaclava" comes from the word, power, power, energy, power, military force, army, army. " The word "BALA" occurs from RV). Perhaps the name of the Harbor "Bala + Klava" - comes from the "Bala" - military, "Klap, Calpat" - Klṛ p, Kalpate - "Fasten, strengthen, fortress" (from the root "Kḷ P"), that is - Military fortress.

Ancient Greek Geographer and Historian Strabo (64 BC. E. - 24 N. E.) and Roman writer, author of the "natural history" of Pliny Senior (23-79. N. E.) Tied the name of the harbor and military fortress named Son (II century BC.) Palak - "Strong warrior." The names of the war of war in ancient Greece - Pallas (Pallas), the epithet of the goddess Athena Palada (Dr.Grech. παλλὰς ἀθηνᾶ)militant goddess military Strategies and wisdom, and the name of Scythian Tsarevich Palac - "Warrior", come from one root.

In the V century, a powerful, residents of which consisted of representatives of various peoples - Greeks-Colonists, Scythians arise on both shores of the Kerch Strait. Dynasty dominant Spartakida was Thracian origin, the Tsarist Guard was also the same. In Proto-Indo-European language, the roots of the Scythians, Kimmerites, Greeks are ready, is why they found a common language and, allowing the interpenetration of cultures and linguistic borrowings on the peninsula, for example, the German tribes - Scythians, which were in the Unified Gothic Tribal Union in Crimea .

The role is ready in the life of the Crimea, it was very significant, because even in the Byzantine medieval sources of Crimea called Gothia. Belongs to the Indo-European group of languages. The few fortified Outcasting settlements remained in the Black Sea region in the western mountainous part of the Crimea, populated by the Greeks and Subordinate Byzantium, as well as from the V century in the Azov Taman Peninsula Outputs at the end of the IV century turned out to be cut off the invasion of Huns and other nomads in the Black Sea region. Byzantine Emperor Justinian I Built in the Crimea to protect the settlements of the sharp (oriental ready) line of fortifications. In Tavrida (Crimea) was Gothic Mongup City Fortress, Doros (Doros), Feodoro, Ready-Trapezite traders living on "Dining Mountain" (near Alushta).

In the 6th century, Crimean goths accepted Orthodox Christianity and patronage from Byzantium. In Crimea, the Crimean-Gothic language, ascending to the Osthots dialect, remained in Crimea the tribes of the Eastern are ready to come in the Black Sea and in the Azov region in 150-235, and living in the neighborhood with Greek immigrants and Scythians. Flemish monk V. Rubruk, who testifies in 1253, that goths in the Crimea At this time, they spoke "German Naschai" ( iDIOMA TEUTONICUM - "TAUTURIC LANGUAGE").

Distribution of power kiev princes of ancient Russia At quite most of the peninsula, the population of the Crimea with ancient Russian state brought closely and for a long time. There were a kind of gate through which Kievan Rus Communication with the countries of the East came out. In the first century, our era appeared in Crimea slavs. Their resettlement on the peninsula naturally explain to the so-called great relocation of peoples in the II-VII centuries.

On the Slavs in Tavria, the Byzantine sources are remembered from time to time. But a more complete idea of \u200b\u200btheir lives on the peninsula, scientists were able to receive, just starting with the era of Kiev Rus. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of material culture in the Crimea, the foundations of architectural structures close to those built in the cities of Kievan Rus. Moreover, the frescoes and the plaster of the Crimean Russian churches in their composition very much resembles the frescoes of Kiev Cathedrals of the XI-XII centuries.

Much of the Old Russian population of Crimea becomes famous from writing sources. Of "Lives of Stephen Surozhsky" learn that at the beginning IX century Russian Prince Braclin convinced the Crimean cities of Corsun (or Kherson,so in the Middle Ages began to be called Chersonese) and Sudak. And in the middle of the same century, the ancient rhuses for a long time ardent in the Azov region, mastering the Byzantine city Tamarha Later Tmutarakanyu, the capital of the future of the Old Russian principality Tmutarakan, part of the lands of which extended to the Crimea. Gradually Russian principality spreads its own the power of the north-western part of it to the Gerson's Occolic, the entire Kerch peninsula.

Tmutarakanaca Prince forest in the middle of the X century. Remote from other Russian lands, it was under constant pressure of Byzantium, but managed to preserve. Successful hike Vladimir Svyatoslavich on Kherson in 989 expanded the ancient Russian possessions in the Crimea. In the Russian-Byzantine Agreement, Kievan Rus was able to join the city of Bosporus with the Ocean, who received the Russian name to Tmutarakan Principality Kortchev (from the word "Corca" - the forge, the current Kerch).

On the Taman Peninsula, a Tmutarakan stone was found, on which the inscription was carved that 1068 year Russian Prince Gleb Svyatoslavovich "Meril Sea on ice from Tmutarakan to Korchev. 10,000 sohen and 4000 soot. "

Arabic geographer Idrisi called Kerch Strait "The mouth of the Russian River". There he was even known to the city with the name "Russia". Medieval European and Eastern geographic Maps Crimea recorded a lot of toponyms, titles of cities and settlements, indicating the long and long stay of Russov in the Crimea: " Cosal Di Rosia, "Rossia", "Rosmozofar", "Rosso", "Rossika" (last near Evpatoria) and others.

At the end of the XII century, Navalo-Polovtsev's nomads, carved steppes northern Black Sea, I cut off the Crimea from Kievan Rus for a long time. At the same time, Polovtsy destroyed the Tshutarakan princess, to a significant part of the Russian population kept on the peninsula. One NZ of his support points has become city of Sudak (Russian title Surozh). According to reports of the Arabic writer Ibn al-Asira. In the late XII - early XIII centuries, many Russian merchants lived in the Crimea and the Black Sea was called Russian sea.

The Russian population of the peninsula, as well as representatives of other local peoples, caused an irreparable blow to the conquest of the peninsula mongol-Tatars after 1223.