Russian sandy beaches of the Black Sea. Where are rocky beaches on the Black Sea, and where are sandy

Where is the sandy beach on the Black Sea? A simple question at first glance will make even experienced tourists and seasoned travelers ponder. The variety of rocks that make up the sea shelf and the coast, the antiquity of the basin are factors that affect the nature of the surface. There are three types of beaches: sandy, pebbly and rocky. The first are the most popular, the second and the third are not for everybody. Let's find out where the shore is covered with sand, so pleasantly caressing the body.

Where is the sandy beach on the Black Sea?

Researching tourist preferences is not an easy task. A multimillion flow of people is directed to different parts of the Black Sea coast:

  • north of Turkey;
  • western slopes of the Caucasus;
  • crimean peninsula;
  • south-west of Ukraine;
  • southeast of Bulgaria.

Sandy beaches on the shores of the Black Sea preferred by tourists:

  • Kerpe, Kefken and Kovanagzy in the vicinity of an important transport hub in northern Turkey - the city of Izmit;
  • the cities of Anapa and Gelendzhik on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (Russia);
  • more than 20 resorts on the Crimean peninsula;
  • cities and towns to the east and south of the city of Odessa (Ukraine);
  • resorts of Varna, Burgas and others in Bulgaria.

Sandy beaches in southwestern Ukraine

There are pros and cons not only for the rocks that make up the coast. The resort area should have a developed tourist infrastructure, good transport accessibility. Modern travelers, when planning their trip to the coast, also pay attention to the stable political situation in the region where they are going to rest.

In many respects, the sandy beaches of the Ukrainian Black Sea coast in Karolino-Bugaz, Sergeevka are inferior to the resorts of Bulgaria, Turkey, two Russian regions - the Crimea peninsula and Krasnodar Territory.

The best sandy beaches of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria

Each vacationer in his own way imagines the ideal resort, finds such places on the map. The soft outlines of the coastline, a convenient position in temperate and subtropical latitudes - the features that characterize the Black sandy beach from June to September, attracts hundreds of thousands of people to the southeast of Bulgaria.

The most popular budget-class resorts with sandy beaches and expensive hotels are located on the coastline Balchik - Varna - Burgas. The gentle and warm sea creates a single complex with the surrounding nature, the remains of ancient civilizations, and other cultural and historical monuments.

Southern sandy beaches of the Black Sea. Turkey

From Istanbul to the border with Georgia, the coastline stretches in northern Turkey. The water in the Black Sea is warm in summer and very cold in winter. There is information about the transformation of the sea into "land" in 764: "And they walked along it like dry land from Crimea to Thrace and from Constantinople to Scutari." The average air temperature in summer over the past half century has remained at around +23 ° C.

Turkey's Black Sea beaches attract lovers of natural contrasts and seclusion. The mountainous terrain begins close to the coast, there are natural corners not affected by the destructive influence of civilization. Resorts in this part of Turkey are famous for an abundance of attractions, magnificent landscapes, historical sites.

Hotels and guest houses for holidaymakers are located in the area of \u200b\u200bsandy beaches of Kovanagzi, Kerpe and Kefken. To the west is the resort of Agva. Sinop's beaches cover almost the entire coastline of the peninsula. The eastern part of the coast is decorated with the resorts of Unye, Ordu, Trabzon.

Sandy beaches of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia

Leaving a good resort, where the golden coast slopes gently down to the water, a tourist dreams of returning here next year. Even a quick overview of the regions with a sandy beach on the Black Sea convinces: people are attracted by this very nature of the coast. Colorful comparisons have appeared: “golden” - yellow beach, “pearl” - white. There are also red and black sands.

The eastern coast of the Black Sea was "unlucky" with rocks. They turned out to be too strong for water, wind and chemical reactions to turn them into sand. The crushing was completed at the stage of pebbles and gravel, impregnable rocks survived, which for millennia withstand the onslaught of the sea.

A sandy beach on the Black Sea near the Caucasian coast is a rarity. It is surprising that golden sand appeared among stones and pebbles in Gelendzhik and Anapa. The sand warms up well to a depth of 35 cm, the skin is pleasantly hot. Such natural procedures have a beneficial effect on the body, help with diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, urinary system and skin.

The south coast of Crimea. Sandy and pebble beaches

The Crimean peninsula is washed in part by the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, but the bulk of the coastline belongs to the Black Sea basin. The advantages of a southern location are complemented by unique mountain and steppe landscapes, curative mud, healing mineral water of Crimea. It is not at all surprising that the resorts of the peninsula have become famous health resorts and dispensaries of the international level.

The conventional division of the shores of the peninsula into South, West and East will help to better imagine where the sandy beach on the Black Sea is closer to the Caucasus, and where the Turkish coast is close at hand. Historical and geographical parts of Crimea differ in the structure of the coast, climatic features, conditions for recreation. Tourists sometimes resemble fairytale heroes who choose one of three roads.

The most famous Crimean resorts - Yalta, Alushta, Gurzuf, Foros - are located in the south of the peninsula. There is a clear sea, sandy and pebble beaches, picturesque landscapes. The southern coast of Crimea is an earthly paradise, where powerful tourist flows rush, especially in the warm season. The beaches in Alushta are covered with dark shale sand, in places with small pebbles and gravel. The water is not clean enough during the peak summer season when the resort is overloaded.

Crimea. Sandy beaches in the west

As an example that vividly illustrates the problem of choosing beaches on the Black Sea, the Crimean city of Sevastopol, the Black Sea base of the Russian fleet, is suitable. Among the three dozen most popular holiday destinations in the vicinity are the vast sandy beach in the Omega Bay, the rocky Soldatsky beach in the Admiral's Lagoon, and the pebble Yashmovy beach on Cape Fiolent. In addition to Sevastopol, on the western coast of Crimea, there are the famous resort town of Evpatoria, the villages of Saki, and Chernomorskoye.

Local health resorts attract with mild climatic conditions, an abundance of bright, but not scalding sunlight, the presence of healing brine and mud. The Evpatoria sandy beaches of the Black Sea (Russia) are especially famous. There are more than fifty bathing places in the city and its surroundings. There are free, departmental, nudist, paid beaches, and they are all sandy.

Eastern Crimea. List of sandy beaches

On the eastern coast of Crimea, popular sea resorts are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cities of Kerch, Sudak, Feodosia. There is a wide choice of places for excursion walks: ancient burial mounds, fortresses, the center of wine and brandy production "Koktebel", where the International Jazz Festival Koktebel Jazz Party takes place.

List of resorts in the east of Crimea, where you can relax on sandy beaches:

  • Kerch (not in the city itself, but in the vicinity).
  • On the line from Feodosia to the village of Primorsky, a wide stretch of coastline is strewn with quartz sand mixed with nacre from ground shells;
  • The village of Novy Svet, where in 1963 the film "Three plus two" was filmed. After the release of the tape, the Soviet people fell in love with the rest of the "savages" on sandy beaches even more.
  • Koktebel is a village in the vicinity of Feodosia on the shore of the bay of the same name, covered with sand and gravel.
  • Ordzhonikidze is a small resort between Feodosia and Koktebel. Sandy and pebble shore.

The popularity of resorts depends on many factors, and one of the first lines in a long list of requirements is the nature of the coast. Smooth, gentle descent to the water, sand of golden and pearl shades - these are ideal conditions for relaxation.

Or . Here they stretch for many kilometers, and the sand caresses feet not only on the shore, but also in the water.

Where in Crimea are sandy beaches - see the map

No matter how much they praise the sights of the Crimea and its nature, in the holiday season tourists come here primarily to the sea. This means that a comfortable shore and clear warm water are a prerequisite for a good rest.

Most often, tourists ask about which beaches in Crimea are sandy, because they are the ones that most associate with a good beach vacation.

We decided to collect basic information about the coast of the peninsula in one place to make it easier to navigate and, telling about the best sandy beaches of Crimea, to give their photos, videos and show their location on the map.

The best sandy beaches of Crimea - rating

Let's make a reservation right away that the rating is rather subjective, because everyone has their own requirements, and it means that it is almost impossible to choose the very best sandy beach in Crimea. In general, when giving a description, we will mention the features of each so that any tourist can choose the option that is most convenient for him. Also at the end of the article we will give a separate rating of the best sandy beaches in Crimea for families with children. Here is a photo and a short description (to read a detailed one, with a photo and video, follow the links). Let's start clockwise:

  1. - this is probably the largest beach in Crimea, because, starting from and ending with the bays behind the village, it is an almost continuous, wide strip of the purest sand, washed by no less clear water of the Azov Sea. Everyone is happy here! For savages, because there are places where you will not meet a single person for hundreds of meters in both directions, for motorists - in many places you can drive directly to the water, lovers of comfort - because there are villages here with all the infrastructure necessary for tourists.
  2. (Kurortnoe or Russian Mama).
  3. Primorsky and (Feodosiya Bay) - apart from the beautiful coastline with awnings, slides, sun loungers for rent and other services, this place is good for the presence of all the infrastructure and proximity to.
  4. beyond the New World. A small beach surrounded by picturesque cliffs with anthracite-black sand.
  5. , the beach at Balaklava.
  6. ... In general, like all the beaches of the Northern side of Sevastopol from Uchkuevka to Andreevka, it is beautiful yellow sand, a gentle bottom and all the infrastructure necessary for tourists.
  7. The beaches are wide, where sandy, where small-pebbled, they primarily attract vacationers with children, because to the depths in most places to walk and walk.
  8. ... On the east side, it is both with delicate sand and crystal clear water. From the west - the Belyaus spit and the coast opposite, which are not inferior to them in these indicators.
  9. Karadzha Bay () is a delightful place with white-pink sand and crystal-clear water, which is so famous for. If you need the sandy beaches of Crimea with entertainment, good service and within walking distance from the rental housing, then this is one of the best options. You can read more about bathing places at Cape Tarkhankut.
  10. - a natural park, loved by locals for good fishing and for the fact that when it is stormy on one side of the spit, on the other it is usually quiet. Tourists appreciate it for its clean sand with colorful shells, crystal-clear water, which heats up almost every spring earlier than anywhere else on the peninsula.

This is an approximate rating of the 10 best sandy beaches of Crimea. We hope that it will help you find the perfect place for your summer vacation, especially since it mentioned not only the sand and the bottom, but also other criteria, you can learn more about which in the articles linked to in the list.

These are not the only good places with sandy beaches in Crimea, and therefore we will try to tell you about each region of the peninsula separately, again with photographs and mentioning the main advantages of this or that place.

Unlike the eastern and western parts of the peninsula, the sandy beaches of Crimea are small and few in number, but they are there. Therefore, even if you are determined to go on vacation to the southern coast of Crimea, sandy beaches are a bonus that you can not deny yourself.

Let's walk along the coast and see where there is a sandy beach on the southern coast of Crimea (South Coast). Let's start from the southeast:

  • Primorskoe;
  • (in places);
  • ... The Tsarsky beach with coal-black sand is simply magnificent here.

From Novy Svet and almost to Alushta, the coast is mostly covered with black sand mixed with pebbles, although there are rocky areas. An idea of \u200b\u200bthis part of the Crimean coast can be drawn from this article:.

Further on, the coast becomes more and more rocky and pebbles prevail even on flat areas. But among the rocks there are small coves where sand washes, however, not everyone is easy to get to. The easiest option is to approach those who arrange sea excursions and ask them to take your company to such a place.

There are sandy beaches and around. Closest to. It is also mostly pebble, but there are also sandy areas. The same can be said about the beaches, here in the photo taken almost opposite the famous Miskhor statue of a mermaid it is clearly visible that this beach is also sandy and pebbly:

Sandy beaches of the Western Crimea

It is here that the most convenient for recreation and tourism villages of the Crimea with sandy beaches are located. It is the western coast of Crimea that has sandy beaches, which those who have vacationed abroad constantly compare with the Mediterranean ones.

Further, the coast gradually rises, and the rocks of Tarkhankut begin, but between them there is another beautiful place - Karadzhinskaya Bay - a white-pink crescent washed by a bright blue sea, here is a video of this wonderful corner:

Beyond Tarkhankut, the coast goes down again and almost every bay has excellent swimming spots with a sandy shore and bottom. These are the narrow bays.

Closer to the northern part of the peninsula, there is another convenient place for those who are looking for where to relax in Crimea on a sandy beach, if you enter the peninsula from Ukraine. This is a small village that boasts a wide sandy shore and an equally comfortable sandy bottom.

Sandy beaches of the Eastern Crimea

Now let's figure out where the best sandy beaches in Crimea are for those entering the peninsula through the Kerch Strait. There is probably even more choice here than on the west coast, however, in most places the infrastructure, including roads, is worse. But, judging by the pace of their renovation, next season will be more comfortable for tourists.

So, all the sandy beaches of the Eastern Crimea can be divided into those that are washed by the Azov and those that are caressed by the Black Sea. Yes, the Kerch Peninsula is washed by two seas at once, and we advise everyone who will be in these parts to find time to swim in both. Firstly, they are different, which means that you will receive new impressions, sensations, emotions. Secondly, it is difficult to say where in the East of Crimea the sandy beaches are better - on the Azov or on the Black Sea. Both there and there are endless sandy coasts with easy access and a good bottom. Unless, I would like to note on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov the small cozy sandy coves of the General's beaches, equal to them on the Black Sea, here is a photo:

The beaches of the Azov Sea

This is practically the entire coast from the Arabat arrow to. Itself is almost entirely covered with multi-colored shells (you can safely walk on them, they do not cut your legs), further, starting from the village, almost the entire coast to the Golden one - a strip of golden sand, tens of meters wide, also with a considerable number of shells, which especially pleases children ... The bottom is almost everywhere, too - smooth, pleasant, flat.

Rocks begin from up to Kerch, between which there are picturesque coves with sandy beaches. In the area of \u200b\u200bZolote, they are quite small, some are generally miniature. Closer to Kerch, these are the famous General's beaches - beautiful golden crescents, washed from below by the azure sea, and from above, shaded by green hills. In general, all the sandy beaches of the eastern coast of Crimea from the Azov side are convenient for swimming. So look at the infrastructure - if you want to live with all the conveniences, settle in villages, choose a "wild" vacation - come to places far from your home.

Black Sea beaches

Now let us recall the best Black Sea sandy beaches of the East of Crimea. These are the beaches of Arshintsevo, beloved by residents of Kerch, Kamysh-Burunskaya spit, Gorplazh, smoothly turning into. Not inferior to them is the spit, which separates from the sea and the spacious coast of the small village of Naberezhnoe that begins behind it.

- if you are looking for the wild sandy beaches of Crimea, then you definitely come here. From Cape Takil to the very border of the Opuksky nature reserve along a high steep coast, where there is a wide, where there is a narrow strip of dark yellow sand, washed by the Black Sea. In some places, the landslide slopes encountered do not spoil the overall picture of endless expanses, where, apart from the steppe, sand and sea, there is nothing for kilometers around. The entire civilization is represented by the small village of Yakovenkovo \u200b\u200band a couple of fishing brigades.

Sandy beaches of Crimea for families with children

And finally, as promised, we will try to help you choose a sandy beach in Crimea for families with children (we provide links in the photo, video and detailed descriptions). The main requirements for such places are clean sand, shallow sea, walking distance, good infrastructure, the ability to go to a water park or dolphinarium.

I don't like pebble beaches, so I always opt for sandy beaches. Our Black Seahas not only a large selection of hotels and attractions, but also a huge selection of beaches. Anyone can find a beach to their liking. It remains only to find out where there are rocky beaches on the Black Sea, and where are sandy ones.

Where there are rocky beaches on the Black Sea

Most of the famous resorts have pebble beaches. For example:

  • Lazarevskoe;
  • Kabardinka;
  • Dzhubga;
  • Resorts of Crimea;
  • Resorts of Abkhazia.

I cannot swim on pebble beaches, but many people choose them for several reasons. Pros of pebble beaches:

  • purity and transparency of water;
  • stones and pebbles do not stick to the body like sand;
  • better visibility underwater.

But pebbly and rocky beaches have not only advantages. Minuses:

  • sharp stones;
  • the risk of cutting your legs;
  • stones and pebbles are very hot in the sun;
  • the need to wear special slippers for swimming.

Not everyone puts on special bathing slippers. For some, pebbles are a wonderful foot massager. But I still remember how a wave hit me right on the stones. It ended badly. The legs were bruised and cut. And I'm not the only one who has encountered this.

Where there are sandy beaches on the Black Sea

On Black seayou can easily find sandy shores. Most of the sandy beaches are located in Anapa. You can find a good sandy beach in Gelendzhik.It is small (about 500 meters long), but without pebbles. The sand also gets very hot in the middle of the day, but it's easier to run on it without shoes. Try running without shoes over pebbles and stones. Sandy beaches have their drawbacks. The disadvantages include the following:

  • sand sticks to wet skin, especially sunscreen;
  • the water is not so transparent, as the sand is constantly shaken up by people who swim in the sea;
  • during the wind, sand will fly into the eyes;
  • algae grow on beaches where there is sand, not pebbles.

Sandy beaches are very nice if you are traveling with a child... Children will be more comfortable swimming. Sand is safer for children. The child will not fall on stones, so the risk of injury is greatly reduced. For seniors, this is also a great beach... On such beaches, the entry into the water is smoother. If you are going to a sandy beach, then you do not need to bring special swimming shoes with you.

There are a lot of beaches on the Black Sea. And you can always choose the beach that will be the most convenient and acceptable for you.

How wonderful it is to splash in the warm, gentle sea, and then build a sand castle right at the water's edge! We have prepared for you a selection of picturesque, pleasant and safe beaches for families with children on the Black Sea.

# 1 Beach "Thin Cape" in Gelendzhik

About the beach

Sandy beach, clean water, shallow entrance. Thanks to the breakwaters, it is very comfortable to swim here, even if the sea is stormy. Cozy and very beautiful beach with stunning views.


Equipment rentals, you can rent an umbrella and a sunbed, mattresses for swimming in the sea, fins and diving masks. There are several shops on the beach where you can buy food and water, cafes and restaurants.


Sea riding, bananas, catamarans, boats, skydiving, jet skiing, boat rental. For young children, there are inflatable slides and special playgrounds on the beach. Nearby is a small pier, from which boats leave for boat trips.

No. 2 "Kachinsky beach" in Sevastopol

About the beach

Sandy beach, clear water, very comfortable bathing conditions. The coast is dotted with small pebbles and sand, the entrance to the sea is convenient for small children. There are usually few people on the Kachinsky beach, it is suitable for those who like a relaxing holiday. The beach is located in a picturesque place. You can reach it by buses No. 12 and No. 14, then 800 meters on foot, boats are also taken to the beach.


On the beach there is a rental of umbrellas and sun loungers, cafes, shops, changing rooms, a rescue station, rental of catamarans and scuba gear.


The beach is considered "wild", tourists come here to enjoy the beauty of pristine nature, so there is nothing special to have fun with. Take with you molds and a scoop, water pistols, a ball - in a word, something that can keep your child busy on the beach.

№3 "Golden Beach" in Feodosia

About the beach

Sandy beach, the water is always clean and warm. The golden beach in Feodosia is considered environmentally friendly.


Changing cabins, showers, toilets, first-aid post, equipment rental: umbrellas, sun beds, mattresses and swimming circles. The beach offers therapeutic massages, a herbal bar with healthy drinks from local herbs and various inhalations.


Catamarans, bananas, jet skis, water skis. Parachute jumps, airplane flights over the sea. For children: carousels and water slides, there are special children's playgrounds.

No. 4 "Children's Beach" in Alupka

About the beach

Small pebbled small cozy beach with a picturesque view, closed from the wind and big waves. It is located in a small cove created by nature itself. The depth is shallow, the entrance to the sea is convenient. The road to the beach passes through Vorontsovsky Park - the main attraction of Alupka. Hurry up to get to the Children's Beach in Alupka, because the size of this bay is getting smaller every year.


It has everything you need to relax. You can rent sun loungers and umbrellas, there are toilets and showers, changing cabins, lifeguards work. Market stalls, beach bars and cafes. You can go down into the water using special ladders.


There is not as much entertainment on the Children's Beach as on other beaches, so take toys, books with you, get ready to build sand castles!

# 5 "Imeretinsky" beach in Sochi

About the beach

Bulk sandy beach in Sochi. Part of the beach, remote from the water, is covered with imported soft, yellow sand. Most of the sun loungers are located in this part. The launching zone is pebbly. Warm sea, very beautiful landscapes open from the embankment. The entrance to the beach is paid.


Located on the territory of the club-hotel, there are many sports and playgrounds on the beach. Sun beds, awnings, umbrellas, jacuzzi, lifeguards are on duty.


This is a whole beach club, on its territory there is everything you need for the leisure of children and adults! Lounges, play areas and more.

# 6 Beach "Vityazevo" in Anapa

About the beach

Sand, clear water, gentle slope with a sandy bottom, fine enough. The beach is surrounded by sand dunes.


Landscaped area - there are paid and free sun loungers, umbrellas, changing rooms, toilet, shower, beach equipment rental. There are many shops near the waterfront where you can buy everything you need for a beach holiday.


Water slides, catamarans for rent, parasailing, jet ski, motor hang-glider, light-engine aircraft, four-wheeled ATV. There are diving clubs, as well as water trampolines, bananas, a Ferris wheel, yacht rentals and parachutes.

# 7 "New Beach" in Evpatoria

Summer is the sea and the sea is the beaches. We have prepared for you a small but very useful list of resorts with sandy beaches in Russia. The geography is vast - the Black, Azov and Baltic Seas, as well as Baikal and Primorye.

Sandy beaches of the Black Sea


In addition to Anapa itself, Vityazevo and Dzhemete are referred to this large resort. Here are concentrated excellent beaches, some of the most popular in Russia.

The central beach of Anapa stretches along the coast for about a kilometer. It is crowded here during the season, but in addition to sand and sea, the beach has everything you need: sun loungers and sun umbrellas for rent, attractions and other entertainment. You can ride a catamaran, and send children to inflatable slides and trampolines. Another advantage of Anapa beach is that it is located on the waterfront.

The village of Vityazevo is also popular. Here you can ride water slides, bananas and scooters. Between Blagoveshchenskaya and Vityazevo there are wild beaches - the nature is almost untouched, the sand is good, and there are not so many people. If you go from Vityazevo towards Blagoveshchenskaya, you will have to pay for entry - here is a protected natural area. However, in return, you will get nice sand and uncrowded terrain.

Some of the best sandy beaches on the Black Sea are located in Dzhemete. It is not as crowded here as in Anapa, and the sand is very light and clean. Entertainment is good too. As for the sea, it is rather shallow in this area.

Where to stay:


Here is the Golden Beach - one of the top ones on the coast, as can be judged by the name. It stretches along the sea for more than 10 kilometers. You can rent sun loungers and umbrellas, go water skiing, jet skis, catamarans and other wonderful devices. For children, there are carousels, water slides and playgrounds. Adults can go to cafes, restaurants and even a herbal bar, where they sell healthy drinks made from local herbs.

Where to stay:

The beaches of the Azov Sea

Local sandy beaches on the sea are located mainly in shallow waters and have a gentle entrance. The most comfortable beaches are in Yeisk, in the villages of Dolzhanskaya and Golubitskaya, as well as near Kerch and Cape Kazantip in Crimea.

Perhaps the best here is the central city beach of Yeisk, with comfortable sun loungers, changing cabins and inexpensive cafes. The main advantages of this beach are latitude, clean sand and convenient entry into the sea. You can go water skiing and scooters, there is also entertainment for children.

The southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov "rests" on the Crimea. Here we will single out the beaches of the Shchelkino village: "Central" and "Tatarka". The first of them is well equipped, has a network of cafes, provides sun beds, awnings and other amenities. It is not very convenient to get to these beaches, but it is not crowded there.

Where to stay:

Sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea

Kaliningrad seaside

This intricate name denotes the coastal strip, which stretches from Baltiysk to Zelenogradsk for about 60 kilometers. There are many sandy beaches, and the most popular resorts are Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk. You can walk along the embankments, sunbathe on clean and well-equipped beaches.

Curonian Spit

This is a national park, washed by the Baltic Sea on one side, and the Curonian Lagoon on the other. Most of the spit is covered with forests, while the rest is a strip of sand. There are clean beaches with fine light sand. Around - pine trees and water, which even in hot summers remains cool enough. Most of the beaches are wild, and equipped places for recreation are available in the villages of Lesnoy and Rybachiy, where you can buy delicious fish and amber souvenirs.

Where to stay:

Primorye beaches

Lazurnaya Bay is located 23 kilometers from Vladivostok, in the Ussuri Bay. Here is the Shamorovskiy sandy beach (it got its name from Shamora - the old name of the bay). For relaxation, there are water attractions, cafes and bars. You can rent a boat or jet ski. Playgrounds and mini parks are available for children.