The indigenous population of Japan Aina. Flew from heaven, "real people

The Japanese captured the "Japanese" islands, destroying the indigenous people

Everyone knows that Americans are not the indigenous population of the United States, just like the current population of South America. Do you know that the Japanese are not the indigenous population of Japan? Who then lived on these islands to them? ...

The Aina, the mysterious people, in the origin of which still many mysteries still lived here. Aina was adjacent to the Japanese for some time until the latter could not displace them to the north. The fact that Aina are ancient owners of the Japanese archipelago, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, show written sources and numerous names of geographic objects, the origin of which is associated with the Language of Ainov. And even the symbol of Japan - the Great Mount of Fujiima - has in its name the Ayn word "Fuji", which means "the deity of the hearth". According to scientists, Ains settled the Japanese islands about 13,000 years before our era and formed the neolithic culture of Jemon there.

Ains were not engaged in agriculture, they mined food to hunting, collecting and fishing. They lived in small settlements sufficiently removed from each other. Therefore, the area of \u200b\u200btheir accommodation was quite extensive: Japanese Islands, Sakhalin, Primorye, Kuril Islands and South Kamchatka.

At about 3 millennia BC, the Mongoloid tribes came to the Japanese islands, which later became the ancestors of the Japanese. New settlers brought with them the culture of rice, which allowed to feed themselves to a large number of people in a relatively small territory. So there were heavy times in the life of Ainov. They were forced to move north, leaving colonizers their original land.

But Aina were skillful warriors, perfectly by owned onions and a sword, and the Japanese could not defeat them for a long time. For a very long time, almost 1500 years. Aina was able to be controlled with two swords, and on the right thigh they wore two daggers. One of them (Cheiki-Makiri) served as a knife for ritual suicide - Harakiri.

The Japanese were able to defeat the Ain only after the invention of the guns, having had time to take a lot of them in part of military art at this point. Code of honor of samurai, the ability to own two swords and mentioned Ritual Harakiri - these seemingly characteristic attributes of Japanese culture were actually borrowed from Ainov.

About the origin of the Ainov scientists argue so far

But the fact that this people is not related to other indigenous peoples of the Far East and Siberia, already proven fact. The characteristic feature of their appearance is very thick hair and beard in men, which is deprived of representatives of the Mongoloid race. For a long time it was believed that they can have common roots with the peoples of Indonesia and the Aboriginals of the Pacific Ocean, since they have similar features. But genetic studies were excluded and this option.

And those who arrived on the island of Sakhalin, the first Russian Cossacks even accepted Ain for the Russians, so they were not like Siberian tribes, and resemble Europeans rather. The only group of people from all the analyzed options, with whom they have a genetic relationship, were the people of the Jemon era, which are allegedly and were Ainov's ancestors. Aynsky is also very embarrassed from the modern linguistic picture of the world, and he has not yet found a suitable place. It turns out that during the long-term isolation Aina lost contact with all other people's peoples, and some researchers even allocate them into a special amine race.

Aina in Russia

For the first time, Kamchatka Ain was in contact with Russian merchants at the end of the XVII century. Relations with Amur and Seversaluril Aina were established in the XVIII century. Ain believed Russians, distinguished by the race from their Japanese enemies, friends, and by the middle of the XVIII century more than one and a half thousand Ainov adopted Russian citizenship. Even the Japanese could not distinguish Ain from the Russians because of their external similarity (white leather and the Australoid features of the face, which in some row are similar to the European). Compiled under the Russian Empress Catherine II "spatial earth farming of the Russian state", included in the Russian Empire not only all the Kuril Islands, but also Hokkaido Island.

The reason - the ethnic Japanese at that time did not even populate it. The indigenous population is Aina - according to the results of the expedition of the Antipina and Shabalin were recorded by Russian subjects.

With the Japanese Aina fought not only in the south of Hokkaido, but also in the northern part of Honshu Island. The Kuril Islands themselves were investigated and laid in the XVII century. So, Russia may require Japanese Hokkaido.

The fact of the Russian citizenship of Hokkaido residents was noted in the letter of Alexander I to the Japanese Emperor in 1803. Moreover, this did not cause any objections from the Japanese side and the more official protest. Hokkaido for Tokyo was an ingenic territory like Korea. When the first Japanese arrived on the island in 1786, the Ains, wearing Russian names and surnames came to meet them. And moreover - the Christians of Orthodox! The first claims of Japan on Sakhalin are dated only in 1845. Then the emperor Nicholas I immediately gave diplomatic rebuff. Only a weakening of Russia in the following decades led to the occupation of the southern part of Sakhalin by the Japanese.

Interestingly, the Bolsheviks in 1925 condemned the former government who gave Japan Russian lands.

So in 1945, historical justice was only restored. The Army and the Fleet of the USSR by force decided the Russian-Japanese territorial question. Khrushchev in 1956 signed a joint declaration of the USSR and Japan, article 9 of which he read:

"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, going towards the wishes of Japan and taking into account the interests of the Japanese state, agrees to the transfer of Japan of the Islands of the Habomai and Islands of Sycotan in order, however, that the actual transmission of these Islands of Japan will be made after the conclusion of a peace treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan" .

The goal of Khrushchev was the demilitarization of Japan. He was ready to sacrifice a pair of small islands in order to remove the American military bases from the Soviet Far East. Now, obviously, the demilitarization is no longer coming. Washington clung to his "unspecified aircraft carrier" dead grip. Moreover, Tokyo's dependence from the United States even intensified after the accident at Fukushim NPPs. Well, just so, then the galleces of the islands as the "gesture of goodwill" loses its appeal. It is reasonably not followed by the Khrushchev Declaration, but to put forward symmetrical claims, based on well-known historical facts. Shun away with ancient scrolls and manuscripts, which is normal practice in such affairs.

The persistent requirement to give Hokkaido would be a cold shower for Tokyo. It would have to argue in the negotiations no longer about Sakhalin or not even a smoke, but about their own current territory. I would have to defend, justify, prove your right. Russia from diplomatic defense would move in this way in the offensive. Moreover, China's military activity, nuclear ambitions and readiness for military actions of the DPRK and other security problems in the Asia-Pacific region will give an extra reason for the signing of the Peace Treaty Japan with Russia.

But back to Ainam

When the Japanese first came into contact with the Russians, they called them Red Aina (Ainu with blond hair). Only at the beginning of the XIX century, the Japanese understood that Russians and Ain were two different people. Nevertheless, for Russian Ain, they were "hairy", "dark-eyed", "dark-eyed" and "dark-haired". The first Russian researchers described Ain like Russian peasants with dark skin or more like Gypsies.

Ain was on the side of the Russians during the Russian-Japanese wars of the XIX century. However, after the defeat in the Russian-Japanese war of 1905, the Russians threw them on the mercy of fate. Hundreds of Ain were destroyed and their families were rapidly sent to the Japanese Hokkaido. As a result, Russian failed to win the Ain during the Second World War. Only a few Ain representatives decided to stay in Russia after the war. More than 90% went to Japan.

Under the terms of the St. Petersburg Treaty of 1875, Kuriles moved Japan, along with Ain living on them. 83 Seversaluril Ain on September 18, 1877 arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, deciding to remain under the direction of Russia. They refused to move on to the reservation of the Commander Islands, as the Russian government offered them. After that, since March 1881, for four months they traveled to the village of Javino, where they were later settled.

Later, the village of Golygino was founded. Another 9 Ainov arrived from Japan in 1884. The census of 1897 indicates 57 people of the Goligino population (all - Ain) and 39 people in Javino (33 Ain and 6 Russians). The Soviet government was destroyed by the Soviet government, and the inhabitants were resettled in Zaporozhe Ust-Bolsherenetsky district. As a result, three ethnic groups were assimilated with Kamchardala.

Seversocuril Ain at the moment is the largest subgroup of Ain in Russia. Nakamura family (South Road on the Father's Line) is the smallest and consists of only 6 people living in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. On Sakhalin there are several those who define themselves as Ain, but much more Ain is not recognized as such.

Most of the 888 Japanese residents in Russia (2010 census) have an axine origin, although they do not recognize it (the purebred Japanese is allowed to enter Japan without a visa). Similar situation with Amur Ayna living in Khabarovsk. And it is believed that no one left from Kamchatka Ain alive.


In 1979, the USSR deduces the ethnonym "Ain" from the list of "living" ethnic groups of Russia, thereby proclaiming that this people are extinct in the USSR. Judging by the 2002 census, no one entered the ethnonym "Ain" in the fields 7 or 9.2 of the form of the C-1 of the census. There are such information that the most direct genetic bonds on the Male Aina line have, oddly enough, with Tibetans - half of them are carriers of a close haplogroup D1 (the very same group D2 is practically not found outside the Japanese archipelago) and the nations of Miao-Yao in the south of China and in indochite.

As for the female (MT-DNA) of the haplogroup, the Ainov dominates the group from the other peoples of East Asia, but in small quantities. During the 2010 census, about 100 people tried to register themselves as Aina, but the Government of the Kamchatka Territory rejected their claims and recorded them as Kamchadal.

In 2011, the head of the Aynian community of Kamchatka Aleksei Vladimirovich Nakamura sent a letter to the Governor of Kamchatka Vladimir Ilyukhin and the chairman of the local Duma Boris Nevzorov with a request to include Ainov to the list of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. The request was also rejected. Alexey Nakamura reports that in 2012 205 Ainov marked in Russia (compare with 12 people noted in 2008), and they, like Kuril Kamchadala, are fighting for official recognition. Ayn language extinct many decades ago.

In 1979, only three people on Sakhalin could speak to Ainski, and there is a completely fatal language by the 1980s. Although Caidzo Nakamura spoke to Sakhalin-Ain and even translated several documents into Russian for the NKVD, he did not give his son his son. Tae Asai, the last who knew the Sakhalin Aynsky language, died in Japan in 1994.

While Ain is not recognized, they are noted as people without nationality, as ethnic Russian or Kamchadala. Therefore, in 2016, and Kuril Ain, and the Kuril Kamchadals are deprived of their rights to hunt and fishing, which has small peoples of the Far North.

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When in the XVII century, Russian landowners reached the "Far East", where, as they thought, the terrestrial firm connection is connected with the firm of heaven, and they turned out to be a vast sea and numerous islands, they were amazed by the appearance of the natives of the natives. The people with a wide, like Europeans, eyes, with large, protruding noses, similar to the men of southern Russia, on the residents of the Caucasus, on the Optic Guests from Persia or India, on Gypsy, - for anyone, for anyone, appeared before them. On the Mongoloids, which the Cossacks are universally seen behind the Urals.

The landlocks were dubbed them with smokers, smokers, having endowed the epithet "the shaggy", and they themselves called themselves "Ain", which means "man."

Since then, researchers are fighting over countless mystery of this people. But to this day, they did not come to a certain conclusion.

Kurilsy (Kuriles, Kuril men, Kuril Kamchadala). This people once inhabited Sakhalin Island and Kuril Islands, as well as the southern part of the Kamchatka from the River large in the West and the Avachinsk bay in the East - this part of the territory of the peninsula was called the Kuril Earth (many confused her with the Kuril Islands, open and mastered a little later than Kamchatka).

The Kuril Islands received its name by the name of the people who inhabited them. "Kuru" in the language of these people meant "man", "smoke" or "smokers" they called the Cossacks, and they themselves were called "Ain", which in meaning little differed from Kuru. The culture of the smokers, or Ainos, is traced by archaeologists throughout at least 7,000 years. They lived not only on Kurilah, who called "Kuru-Misi", that is, the "earth of people", but also on the island of Hokkaido ("Ain-Moshiri"), and in the southern part of Sakhalin. With its appearance, tongue and customs, they differed significantly both from the Japanese in the south and from Kamchadalov in the north.

Self-calf "Ain" means "man", or "man." The origin of the people remains unclear. Ain is often referred to as Australoids, but these assumptions are based on the similarity of the person, physique, hair cover, etc. Recent studies make it possible to assume their close racial bonds with tungs, Altaites and other residents of the Urals and Siberia. At the Japanese Islands Aina appeared about 8-7 thousand years ago, creating a neolithic culture of Jemon.

Ainskoy word ain (MN. H. also Ain or aina Utara), derived from which Russian Ain, Aina, had not previously been self-inflating the entire ethnos. This term began to be widely used during the EDO (1603-1868), approximately in the XVIII century, and from the XIX century. Received universal distribution. AIKI, used with a tint of honor and meaning "man", "noble man", "real man", "Man belonging to the Aynian people", began to be used by representatives of the anxian ethnos in the face of Japanese colonial expansion as opposition to the aim of separating Aboriginal from the Japanese, which they called "sisam". According to one of the amine versions that originate in the legends, the term ain Comes on behalf of the first ancestor Ayn - Aioi (Aioyna).

Prior to the distribution of the individual local groups of the aboriginal population of Japanese islands, however, their designations reflected in the main name of localities, rivers, etc., i.e., the names of habitat. Aina basin r. Sarah, for example, called themselves sarah Utara - "People of the Sarah terrain", Aborigines who lived at the soybean, were called soy Utara or yaur Utara - "Soyby" or "residents of the Northern Hokkaido", Aina East Islands - chuck Utara and manasi Utara (letters, "people of the Menasi Range"), etc. In the Ainsky prayers and oral legends, the word is often found entiua or entyAs well as self-setting. This term is consistent with the words endju (Endzu) - "Man" and endju Utara - "People", found in the language of Sakhalin Ainov. For the ancient residents of Hokkaido or Aina lands, Ainov also existed a certain generalizing name - kurumse.

In Russian sources of the XVII century, i.e., already during the campaign on Amur V. Poyarkova, the Ainov began to call "black people" or kuyami. And on the Okhotsk coast in the XVIII century. They were called kuvami. Representatives of the Ainth ethnos, who lived in the south of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands, were denoted by Russians as "Kuriles", "smokers", "shaggy chicken". At the same time, "Middle Chickens" were allocated among them - Aina Kamchatka and O-Wa Schumay, "Far Curils" - Aina O-v Paramushir and the islands neighboring him and "Schych Kuriles" - the anine population of O-Gossi Mr. Warp, ITUURUP, Kunashir. In the middle of the XVIII century. The Russian researcher of the Northeast Siberia S. P. Krashennikov proposed by the Iinov Kamchatka N O-Way Schumay, mixed with confinements, call "indirect chickens", unlike purebred "straight smoking" O-v Paramushir.

S. P. Krasheninnikov considered, and, obviously, it is fair that the name "Curiles" is a distorted Russian servilative people by Ayn kushi. [Crashinnikov, 1948, p. 155]. Most likely, this name occurs, as already noted, from the Aine words ku, chickens, kuru, gur, guru - "person". Probably, it is from these words of the Aynsky language that the Russian name of the islands of the North Pacific Ocean - the Kuril Islands, the "Islands populated by the chicken", or the "Islands of the Kurites" occurred. At one time, after S. P. Krasheninnikov and G. V. Steller pointed out the most prominent scientists, the experts smoked Geographers D. N. Anuchin, L. S. Berg, and others. There are also modern scientists and modern opinions. The Aleutian Islands may have been named and the same principle.

According to the census of the population of the Russian Empire of 1897, 1446 people pointed out to their native language Aynsky, almost all of them on Sakhalin (at that time, all Sakhalin belonged to Russia, and Kuriles - Japan; South Sakhalin went to Japan after the war 1904-05)

After the Soviet-Japanese war, 1945, most Ainov Sakhalin and smoked together with the Japanese were evicted (partly also voluntarily emigrated) to Japan. On February 7, 1953, the authorized Council of Ministers of the USSR on the protection of military and public secrets in the press of K. Omelchenko in a secret regulation pointed out the chiefs of departments of the Departures of the USSR (censors): "It is forbidden to publish any information about Aina's nationality in the USSR." This ban existed long, already in early 1970s, the publications of the Ainsky Folklore resumed.

Currently, Ainov in Russia has almost left almost left, in Japan, starting from the period of intensive colonization by the Japanese of Hokkaido Island, Aina was considered "barbarians", "savages" and social marginal (Japanese concept of Yap. ebisu.Used to designate Ainov, also means "barbarian, savage"). In order to win the position in society, they are actively japaneled, hid their origin, took Japanese names, language and culture, and their number throughout the XIX-XX centuries. sharply decreased and declined.

Ayn language does not apply to any language family (isolate); Currently, Aina Hokkaido moved to the Japanese, Aina Russia - to Russian, and the Ainsky can almost be considered dead (very few people of the older generation on Hokkaido remember a little more language. By 1996, no more than 15 people were completely owned by Aynsky). By 1996). Ainov had no letter, however, there were rich traditions of oral creativity, including songs, epic poems and tesses in verses and prose. Some researchers (Edo Nynda) compare the Language of Ainov and Basque.

Initially lived on the Islands of Japan (then it was called Ainumosuri - Land Ain) until they were pushed back to the north of Praponians. Sakhalin came in the XIII-XIV centuries., "Having finished" settlement in the beginning. XIX century. Traces of their appearance were also found in Kamchatka, in Primorye and the Khabarovsk Territory. Many toponymic names of the Sakhalin region are the Aynian names: Sakhalin (from Sugararen Mosiri - "Wave Earth"); Kunashir Islands, Simushir, Shikotan, Shiashkoltan (grading words "Shir" and "Kotan" mean accordingly the "plot of land" and "settlement").

To take the entire archipelago to inclusive (then he was called "Edzo") the Japanese required more than 2 thousand years (the earliest evidence of skirmishes with Aina is dating 660 BC). Subsequently aina almost all degenerated or assimilated with Japanese and Nivhami. Currently, there are only a few reservations on O. Khokkaido, where the Aynian families live. Aina, perhaps, the most mysterious people in the Far East.

The first Russian navigators who studied Sakhalin and Kuriles were surprised by the European-like features, unusual dark hair, beard. A little later, the ethnographers were wondered for a long time - where people who wear a swollen (southern) type of clothing appeared in these harsh lands, and Latin, Slavic, English-German and even Indo-Aryan roots appeared in the Latin-Aerin-Aryan roots. Ainov ranked in Indo-Arias, and to Australoids and even Caucasians. In a word, the riddles became more and more, and the answers brought all new problems.

In short, what we know about Iinov:

Ainskoe Society

The Ainth population was socially stratified groups ("UTIR"), headed by the family of leaders in the right of the inheritance of power (it should be noted that the genius had a female line, although a man was naturally considered the main in the family). "Utrib" was built on the basis of fictitious kinship and had a military organization. The ruling families, called themselves "Ltarpa" (head of the utara) or "Nishpa" (the leader), were a layer of military elite. Men "High Origin" had already been intended for military service since birth, hurried women spent time for embroidery and shamanic rituals ("Tusu").

The family of the leader had a dwelling inside the strengthening ("khasi"), surrounded by earthen embankment (also called "Chasi"), usually under the cover of the mountain or rock, protruding over the terrace. The number of embankments often reached five-six, which alternated with Rips. Together with the family of the leader inside the strengthen, there were usually servants and slaves ("Easy"). No centralized power from Ainov was not.


Aina preferred from weapons. No wonder they were called "People, from the hair sticking arrows" for what they wore quiver (and swords, by the way, too) behind his back. The onions was made of elm, beech or beacle of a large (high shrub, high up to 2.5 m with very strong wood) with whale overlays. The string was made of nettle fibers. The plumage of arrows consisted of three eagle feathers.

A few words about combat tips. The battle used both "ordinary" armor-piernes and tips with spikes (possibly for better cutting of armor or jams in the wound). There were tips and unusual, Z-shaped sections, which were most likely borrowed from Manzhur or Djurjezhei (information was preserved that in the Middle Ages gave a resistant to the big army who came from the mainland).

The tips of the arrows were made of metal (early - from obsidian and bones) and then fooled by the acronite poison "Suruka". The root of the aconite was crushed, soaked and put in a warm place for fermentation. A stick with poison was applied to the leg of the spider, if the leg fell off - the poison is ready. Due to the fact that this poison quickly departed, it was widely used on the hunt for major animals. The arrows of the arrows did from larch.

Swords at the Ainov were short, 45-50 cm long, weakly-blurred, with one-sided sharpening and a half-breeding handle. Ayn Warrior - Dzhangin - fought with two swords, not recognizing the shields. Garda, all swords have been removable and often used as decorations. There are information that some Garda specially polished to the mirror glitter to scare the evil spirits. Besides swords, aina. They wore two long knives ("Cheiki-Makiri" and "sa-makiri"), which were worn on the right hip. Cheki-Makiri was a ritual knife for the manufacture of sacred chips "Inau" and making a rite "Pere" or "Eritonta" - ritual suicide, which then adopted the Japanese, calling "" or "" (as, by the way, and the sword's cult, special shelves for sword, spears, onions). Aina's swords exhibited for everyone's review only during a bear holiday. Ancient legend says: Long ago, after this country was created by God, an old man-Japanese and old man lived. Grand-Ain's grandfather was ordered to make a sword, and grandfather-Japanese: money (hereinafter explained why Ainov had a cult of swords, and the Japanese had a thirst for money. Aina condemned their neighbors for casing). They treated the spears rather cool, although the Japanese treated them.

Another part of the armament of the Ainsky warrior was the combat buttercups - small rollers with a handle and a hole at the end made from solid wood. On the sides of the beater were supplied with metal, obsidian or stone spikes. The beater was used as a chain, as well as the rush - the leather belt was made through the hole. The designer blow to such a beater killed immediately, in the best (for the victim, of course) - forever urged.

Helmets Aina did not wear. They had natural long thick hair, who were knocked into a koltun, forming a similarity of a natural helmet.

We now turn to the armor. The armor of the sundress type was made of Lakhtak leather ("sea hare" - a view of a large seal). The appearance of such a armor (see photo) may seem bulky, but in fact it almost does not constrain movements, allows you to be blown freely and squat. Thanks to the numerous segments, four layers of the skin were obtained, which with the same success reflected the blows of swords and arrows. Red circles on the armor chest symbolize three million (top, middle and lower worlds), as well as shaman discs - "Toli", releasing evil spirits and in general having a magical meaning. Similar circles are also depicted on the back. Occasioned two armor in front with numerous strings. There were also short armor, such as fufakes with nassed ones on them with skimming or metal plates.

Iinov's military art is currently known very little. It is known that Prapponians adopted almost everything from them. Why not assume that some elements of martial arts were also not taken?

Until this day, only such a fight reached. Opponents, holding each other for their left hand, applied bumps (Aina specially trained backs to pass this endurance test). Sometimes these clubs were replaced with knives, and sometimes they were sworn with their hands, until the opponents had a breath of breathing. Despite the cruelty of the fight, no injuries were observed.

Actually fought not only with the Japanese. Sakhalin, for example, they walked away from the "tonci" - a low-moist population, really indigenous people of Sakhalin. From "Tonci" Aynian women adopted the habit of tattooing her lips and the skin around the lips (it turned out a peculiar semi-coulter - semi-suits), as well as the names of some (very good in quality) swords - "Tounds". Curiously, that aynian Warriors - Dzhangina - noted as very militant, they were unable to lie.

Interesting information about the characters of the Aynov - on arrows, weapons, dishes, they put special signs transmitted from generation to generation, in order to do not confuse, whose arrow struck the beast, who owns one or another thing. There are more than one and a half hundred such signs, and their values \u200b\u200bare not deciphered so far. Folded inscriptions were found near Otaru (Hokkaido) and on acute immovar.

The pictograms were on "Ikunisi" (chopsticks for maintaining the mustache during drinking). To decipher the signs (which were called "Epasi Yokpa") it was necessary to know the symbol language and their components.

It remains to add that the Japanese were afraid of an open battle with Aina and won their cunning. In an ancient Japanese song, it was said that one "Emsi" (Barbarian, Ain) costs a hundred people. There was a belief that they could put fog.

Over the years, the uprising has repeatedly raised against the Japanese (Ineshi "Chizhem"), but they lost every time. The Japanese invited leaders to themselves to conclude a truce. Holy than customs of hospitality, aina., trusting as children, did not think anything bad. They were killed during the feast. As a rule, other ways to suppress the uprising of the Japanese did not succeed.

That was a long time ago. Among the hills stood one village. The usual village in which ordinary people lived. Among them, the family is very good. The family had a daughter Aina, the kinder of all. The village lived familiar life, but one day a black wagon appeared on a rustic road. Black horses managed a man, dressed in everything black something he was very happy, smiling widely, sometimes laughed. A black cage was on the cart, and a small fluffy bear was sitting on the chain. He suck his paw, and tears and flowed from the eyes. All the people of the village looked out in the windows, went outside and outraged: how not a shame to keep the chains on the chains, torture a white bear. People just indignant and said words, but did not do anything. Only a kind family stopped the wagon of a black man, and Aina began to ask that he released the unfortunate bear. The stranger smiled and said that he would release the beast if someone would give his eyes. All silent. Then Aina stepped forward and said that it was ready for it. Black man laughed loudly and opened a black cage. White fluffy bear came out of the cage. And the good Aina lost sight. So far, residents of the village were viewed by the bear and spoke of the sympathetic words of Ain, a black man on a black wagon disappeared, unknown where. Bear no longer cried, but Iina cried. Then the White Bear took the rope in the paws and began to drive Ain everywhere: on the village, along the hills and meadows. This continued not for a very long time. And now, some times, the people of the village glanced up and saw that the white fluffy teddy bear leads Ain straight into the sky. Since then, a small bearboard has been driven by Ain in the sky. They are always visible in heaven so that people remember good and evil ...

Aina is a kind of people who occupy a special place among many small nations. Until now, he enjoys such attention in the world science, which many many more nations have not been honored. It was a beautiful and strong people whose whole life was connected with the forest, rivers, sea and islands. Language, European-like faces, luxury beards sharply distinguished the ains from neighboring mongoloid tribes.

In ancient times, Aina inhabited a number of areas of Primorye, Sakhalin, Honshu, Hokkaido, Kuril Islands, South Kamchatka. They lived in dugouts, built frame houses, wore southern type bandages and used closed fur clothing as residents of the North. Aina joined the knowledge, skills, customs and techniques of taiga hunters and coastal fishermen, southern gatherers of the seafood and northern naval beasts.

"There was a time when the first Ain descended from the country of clouds to the ground, fell in love with her, took up hunting and fishing to eat, dance and produce children."

Ainov has families who believe that their genus occurred as follows:

"Once the boy thought about the meaning of his existence and, to learn him, went to the far path. On the first night he stopped for the night in a beautiful house, where the girl lived, leaving his spending spent on the night, saying that "about such a little boy has already come." The next morning it turned out that the girl cannot explain the guest of his existence and he must go further to the middle sister. Having reached the beautiful home, he turned to another beautiful girl and got food from her and overnight. In the morning and she, without explaining to him the meaning of existence, sent him to the younger sister. The situation repeated, except that the younger sister pointed him the road lying through the black, white and red mountains, which can be raised, stirring the oars, stuck at the foot of these mountains.

By passing the mountains black, white and red, he gets to the "God's Mountain", on top of which is a golden house.

When the boy entered the house, something that resembles a person, not that man, not the fog bunch, who demands to heed and explains, appears from his depths.

"You are the boy who should put the beginning of people as such with souls appeared on the light. When you went here, you thought you spent the night in three places on one night, but in fact you had lived for one year. " It turns out that the girls were the goddess of the morning star, gave birth to a daughter, the star of midnight, who gave birth to a boy, and the star of the evening who gave birth to the girl. The boy receives the order on the way back to pick up his children, and on returning home to take one of his daughters to his wife, and to marry her son to another daughter, in which case you will give birth to children; And they, in turn, if you give each other, they will multiply. This will be people. " Returning, the boy came as he was ordered to "God's Mountain".

"So here is the way people and multiplied." So ends the legend.

In the XVII century, the first researchers who arrived on the islands opened the world unknown to this ethnicity and find traces of mysterious peoples who lived on the islands earlier. One of them, along with Nivhami and Uyth, were Aina or Ain, who inhabited 2-3 centuries ago O. Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and owned by Japan O. Khokkido.

Aino language- Riddle for researchers. Until now, its relationship with other languages \u200b\u200bof the world has not been proven, the linguists have made many attempts to compare Aynsky with other languages. It was compared not only with the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples - Koreans and Nivkhov, but also with such "distant" languages \u200b\u200bas Hebrew and Basque.

Ainov has a very original invoice system. They consider "twenty". There are no such concepts as "hundred", "thousand", they do not have. The number 100 Aina is expressed as "five twenty", 110 - "six twenty no ten". The invoice system is complicated by the fact that the "twenty" cannot be added, you can only take away from them. So, for example, if Ain wants to report that he is 23 years old, he will say so: "I have seven years old plus ten years, deducted from twice twenty years."

The basis of the economy Ainoses since ancient times were fishing and hunting for the marine and forest beast. All the necessary for life they mined near the house: fish, game, edible wild plants, lob ebvious and spectable fiber for clothes. Agriculture almost did not do.

Hunting armament Ainov made up onions, long knife and rogatin. Various Western and traps were widely used. In the fishing of the Ain has long been used "Marek" - a ostrog with a movable swivel crochet, exciting fish. Fish was caught often at night, attracting her light torches.

As Hokkaido Island is more densely populated by the Japanese, the hunt has lost the dominant role in the life of Ainov. At the same time, the share of agriculture and domestic animal husbandry increased. Aina began to cultivate millet, barley, potatoes.

National Ainskaya cuisine It consists mainly of plant and fish food. The hostess know many diverse prescriptions of jenks, soups from fresh and dried fish. In the previous times, a special grade of whitish clay served as a common seasoning.

National clothes Ainov - Bathrobe, decorated with a bright ornament, fur shaka or wreath. Previously, material for clothing fabrics from strips of a loose and nettle fibers. Now national clothing sew from purchased fabrics, but decorate it with rich embroidery. Almost every Ainsk village has its own special embroidery pattern. Having met Ain in national clothing, you can unmistakably determine which is from the village.

Embroidery On male and women's clothing are born. A man will never put on clothes with the "female" embroidery, and vice versa.

Until now, on the faces of the Ainsk women, you can see a wide tattooed kaima around the mouth, something like drawn mustache. The tattoo is decorated with forehead and hands to the elbow. Tattoo applying is a very painful process, so it is usually stretched for several years. Hands and forehead Woman most often tattooed only after marriage. In the choice of satellite life, Aynian woman enjoys significantly greater freedom than women of many other nations of the East. Ainai quite rightly believes that marriage issues are primarily concerned with those who enter it, and to a lesser extent of all others, including the parents of the bride and groom. Children require that they listened to the parent word with respect, after which they are free to do, as they wish. Behind the Aina girl admits the right to wonder for a young man who visited her. If the matchmaker meets consent, the groom leaves his parents and moves into the house of the bride. Getting married, the woman retains its former name.

A lot pays a lot of attention to upbringing and learning children. First of all, they believe, the child must learn to obey the elders: their parents, senior brothers and sisters, adults in general. Observation, from an Ainth point of view, is expressed, in particular, in the fact that the child speaks with adults only when they appeal to him. He must be in love with adults all the time, but at the same time not to make noise, not to bother them with its presence.

Boys raises the father of the family. He teaches them to hunt, focus on the terrain, choose the shortest way to the forest and much more. Raising girls is assigned to the mother. In cases where children violate the established rules of behavior, making mistakes or misconduct, parents tell them various instructive legends and stories, preferring this means of influencing the child's psyche to physical punishment.

Aina give names to children not immediately after birth, as the Europeans do it, but aged one-year to ten years, or even later. Most often, the name Aina reflects the distinctive feature of his character inherent in its individual trait, for example: selfish, dirty, fair, good speaker, Zaika, etc. No nickname from Ainov, there is no need for a similar name system.

The peculiarity of the Ain is so great that some anthropologists allocate this ethnos into a special "small race" - Kuril. By the way, in Russian sources, they sometimes are called: "shaggy chicks" or simply "smokers" (from "Kuru" - a man). Some scientists consider them to be the descendants of the people of Jemon, who came out from the ancient Pacific mainland, the Sunda and the remnants of which are large sordic and Japanese islands.

In favor of the fact that it was the Aina who settled the Japanese Islands, says their name in the Language of Ainov: "Ain Mosiri", i.e. "World / Earth Ainov". The Japanese for centuries were actively fought with them, they tried to assimilate them by entering into inter-ethnic marriages. The relations of the Ainov with the Russians as a whole were originally friendly, for isolated cases of military skins, which took place mainly due to the coarse behavior of some Russian combators or military. The most common form of their communication was commodity exchange. With Nivhami and other people, Aina were fought, they joined interpretable marriages. They created an amazing beauty of ceramics, mysterious figurines Dog, resembling a person in modern spacecraft, and, in addition, it turned out that they were hardly the earliest farmers in the Far East, if not in the world.

Some customs and standards of etiquette, observed by Aina.

If you, for example, want to enter someone else's house, then before crossing the threshold, you need to cough several times. After that, it can be logged in provided, however, you are familiar with the owner. If you came to him for the first time, you should wait until the owner itself comes to meets you.

Entering the house, it is necessary to overtake the focus on the right and, crossed by the bare foot, settled on the mat in front of the host sitting in a similar pose. No words have no words yet. Several times partitioned coughing, fold your hands in front of me and spend the fingertips of the right hand with the left left, then the opposite. The owner will express his attention to you what will repeat the movement. During this ceremony, it is necessary to cope with the health of your interlocutor, wish that heaven give the well-being to the owner of the house, then his wife, his children, the rest of his relatives and, finally, his native Selu. After that, without stopping the palm, you can briefly state the purpose of your visit. When the owner becomes stroking his beard, repeat the movement and at the same time take care of yourself that the official ceremony will end and the conversation will go in a more relaxed atmosphere. For rubbing palms, it will take at least 20-30 minutes. This corresponds to the Aynian ideas about politeness.

Representatives of Ain adhere to the traditions called the funeral ritual. During his holding Ain, they kill the midwalk in the cave together with her just born offspring, and take the babies from the dead mother.

Then, for several years, Ain's representatives grow small cubs, but ultimately kill them, as they follow and care for adult bear becomes dangerous for life. The funeral ceremony is directly related to the soul of the bear is the main part of the religious customs of Ain. It is believed that during this ritual, a person helps the soul of the Divine Animal to go to the otherworldly world.

Over time, the murders of the bears were banned by the Council of Elders of this Unusual Nature, and now even if a similar ritual is carried out, then only as a theatrical presentation. Nevertheless, rumors are about the fact that to this day, the real funeral ceremonies continue to be held, but it holds all this in the strictest mystery.

Another of the Ain traditions includes the use of so-called special sticks for prayer. They are used as a method of communication with the gods. Various engraving on prayer sticks are made to determine the owner of the artifact. In the past, it was believed that prayer sticks contain all the prayers that the owner addressed the gods. The creators of such tools for the departure of religious rites were invested in their craft a lot of strength and labor. The final result was a work of art, one way or another, reflecting the spiritual aspirations of the customer.

The most popular game - "Decay". One of the players becomes a face to a wooden sixth and tightly holds his hands for him, and the other beats him on the naked back with a long stick, wrapped in soft matter, and even without matter. The game stops when the beaten is crouched or bounces to the side. In his place the other ... There is one trick here. To win in the "Decay", you need to possess so much tolerance to pain, how much the ability to strike blows so as to create the illusion of a strong blow from the audience, in fact, hardly touch the back of the partner.

In the amine villages, the eastern wall of the houses can see the oversized jerk sticks of various sizes, decorated with a bunch of chips, in front of which the Ains make prayers - Inau. With their help, Aina express their respects to the gods, convey their wishes, requests to bless people and forest animals, thank the gods for the deed. Aina came here, going to the hunt or in the distant way or returning.

Inau can be found on the seashore, in places, from where they go to fishing. Here the gifts are intended to two marine brethren's gods. The eldest of them is angry, he brings various troubles on fishermen; The younger is kind, patronizing people. Ains show respect to both gods, but nourish sympathy, naturally, only to the second.

Aina understood: if they want, not only they, but also their children and grandchildren live on the islands, you need to be able to not only take it from nature, but also to keep it, otherwise there will be no forests, fish, animals and birds in a few generations. All Ains were deeply believing people. They have dirty all the phenomena of nature and nature as a whole. Such a religion is called animism.

The main thing in their religion was Kamui. Kamui.- God who should be read, but this is the beast that they kill.

The most powerful gods-Kamui are the gods of the sea and the mountains. Marine God - Kozatka. This predator worshiped especially. Ainas were convinced that Koska sends people whales and every chosen whale considered her for nothing, besides, the linker sends his elder brother every year, the procession of their subjects - salmon shoals. These shoals along the way wrapped in the village of Ainov, and the salmon was always the main food of this nation.

Not only at the Ainov, but also from other nations were those who animals and plants were sacred and surrounded by the worship of those animals and plants, the presence of people depended.

Gornish God was a bear - The mainly revered animal Ainov. The bear was a totem of this nation. Totem is the mythical ancestor of a group of people (animal or plant). People express their reverence to the Tommy through certain rites. An animal that personifies the totem, is guarded and revered, it is forbidden to kill and eat. However, once a year, it was prescribed to kill and eat a totem.

One of these legends speaks about the origin of Ainov. In one Western country, the king wanted to marry his own daughter, but she ran out for the sea with her dog. There, behind the sea, her children were born, from which Ainai went.

Aina carefully treated dogs. Each family tried to acquire a good sopholy. Returning from the trip or from hunting, the owner did not enter the house until the fellowship feeds the tired dogs. In idle they were kept in the house.

Ains were firmly convinced of one indigenous distinction of an animal from a person: a person dies "at all", the animal is only temporary. After killing the animal and committing certain rituals, it is reborn and continues to live.

The main celebration of Ainov - Bear Holiday. Relatives and invited from many villages come to participate in this event. Four years in one of the amine families were grown by a bear. He was given the best food. And here is an animal, treated with love and effort, one day came to kill. In the morning on the day of killing, Aina arranged a massive crying in front of a bear's cage. After that, the beast was removed from the cage and decorated with chips, ritual jewelry were put on. Then he was led by the village, and while those present by noise and shouts distracted the attention of the beast, the young hunters jumped one after another on the animal, for a moment clinging to him, trying to touch the head, and immediately bounced: a peculiar rite of "kissing" beast. The bear tied in a special place, tried to feed the festive food. Then the elder pronounced the farewell word in front of him, described the works and merits of the villagers of the village, the ragings of the Divine Beast, expressed the wishes of the Ainov, who was supposed to transfer to his father - to the mining god. Honor "send", i.e. To kill Luke's bear could be given any hunter, at the request of the host of the animal, but it should have been visiting. It was necessary to get exactly in the heart. The animal meat was placed on spruce paws and he was heard taking into account seniority and tricks. The bones were carefully collected and worn into the forest. Silence was installed in the village. It was believed that the bear is already on the way, and noise can knock him off the road

Decree of Empress Catherine II of 1779: "... The shaggy chicks should be left free and no harvest with them, and the people who live there are not to force, but try to try to meet with them already familiar with them."

The decree of the empress was not fully respected, and Yasak from the Ainov was charged until the XIX century. Gullible Aina believed for the Word, and if the Russians somehow kept him in relation to them, the Japanese went to the last breath ...

In 1884, all Seversalurilian Ainov, the Japanese moved to O.Shikotan, where the last of them died in 1941. The last man of Ain on Sakhalin died in 1961, when he was burdening his spouse, he, as it should be a warrior and the ancient laws of his amazing people, made himself "Eritonta", stomaching workers and letting the soul to Divine ancestors ...

The Russian Imperial Administration, and then Soviet, due to unprotected ethnopolitis in relation to the residents of Sakhalin, forced the Ainov to migrate to Hokkaido, where their descendants and live today in the amount of about 20 thousand people, having achieved only in 1997 by the legislative right to be "ethnic group " in Japan.

Now Aina, living near the sea and rivers try to combine agriculture with animal husbandry and fishing in order to insure against failure in any form of the economy. One agriculture cannot feed them, because the land remaining at the Ainov, dry, stony, non-fermentation. Many Aina are forced today to leave their native villages and go to work in the city or on logging. But there they can not always find a job. Most Japanese entrepreneurs and fish workers do not want to hire Ainov, and if they give them a job, the most dirty and low-payable.

Discrimination that Aina is subject to makes them consider their nationality almost misfortune, try to get closer to the language and lifestyle to the Japanese.

At the moment in Japan Ainov 25000, and in Russia - 109, which is associated with the repatriation of Ainov, as Japanese citizens from Sakhalin and smoked after the second world and large assimilation. However, they still continue to dwell on Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and Hokkaido, as the original, the most ancient residents of these places.
And finally, one of the national amine fairy tales in the recording of Russian researchers:
On a sable hunt
"I went hunting in Taiga. Far away. Going away from the mountain to a small river, built a hut and installed Inaau for her so that I was lucky on the hunt.
Then I put the traps at a sable and near the river, and on trees, fed through it, they love to run animals on them, and further in the taiga. Many traps set.
At night I slept in the hut, and early in the morning, when the sun threw a gold chain on the maquet of the mountain and began to pull himself from the distant sea, I went to check the traps. Oh, as I was pleased, seeing prey and in the first trap, and in the second, and in the third, and in many. I tied the caught savings to a large bundle and went merrily to my hut.
When he moved across the river, she looked at the hut and was very surprised - smoke climbed.
Who was flooded by my hearth, however?
I carefully burst into the hut and heard the sound, similar to the noise of boiling water. Strange. What kind of man went into my hut and something is still preparing? And already smells. And tasty, however.
I entered. O-ho-ho-ho! Yes, this is my wife! How did she think of finding me? I never found, and then came.
And the wife sat in my place and prepared lunch.
"Let's go away," she said. - I care for your shoes.
I went around, I gave her my shoes, and I myself look at her carefully and I think: is it my wife? It seems not mine and it seems no, mine. We must somehow find out.
Sit eating, "she said. - Tired after all on the hunt. I started to eat, and I think everything myself: somehow she doesn't look like my wife. No, not like. Probably, this is some kind of evil spirit. It was terribly, however. What still do?
Suddenly, the woman rose and says:
Well, I will go. She said so and went.
I looked out of the hut and looked after her. "Isn't that a bear?" - I thought. And just thought so, really - the woman turned into a bear. Ried loudly and, Kosolapya, left in Taiga.
I, of course, frightened. Around the whole hut branded Inau. At night, slept sensitively, anxious. And in the morning I went again to check the traps. Oh-ho-ho-ho, how many Sobility came out! Never happened so much!
Returning home, I remembered how the ancient old people told: it happens, forest inhabitants come to Ainam in the guise of a man or a woman to help on the hunt. Old people call them forest people. So, a forest woman came to me, and not my wife. The wife, of course, could not help so well on the hunt. And that was able. Well done, however! "