About the beauty of the Crimea. The most beautiful and interesting places in the Crimea created by nature

Crimea is a real pearl of the Black Sea. This unique peninsula with antiquity attracted people, here are traces of ancient and medieval civilizations. Crimea managed to visit the rich Greek colony, and the harbor of Italian merchants, and the outpost of the Ottoman Empire before becoming a place of recreation of the rulers of the Russian Empire. During the time of the USSR, the peninsula was the main beach of a huge country.

First of all, vacation in the Crimea is a vacation on the beaches of the picturesque southern coast and the famous therapeutic resorts of the West Bank. In the intervals between the adoption of solar baths, tourists go to the inspection of numerous attractions: ancient cave cities on high-altitude plateau, magnificent imperial palaces in Livadia and Massandra, famous Sevastopol and Old Khansky Bakhchisaray.

Apartments and hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go to the Crimea?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a brief description.

The famous architectural monument to the southern bank of the Crimea, one of the most famous sights of the peninsula. In the XIX century The private residence of the retired general was located, later the Earth moved into the hands of the German baron of Stteygel, in which in 1911 the palace was built in a neo-neothic style. After graduating from the civil war, the lasty nest has declined and only in the 1960s. The restoration began.

Palace complex with landscaped park in Livadia village. The first buildings appeared here at the beginning of the XIX century. After 1861, the Livadia Palace was sold to the royal family and began to be used as a cottage. Receded to our time a white-stone building was built at the beginning of the 20th century. During World War II, the entire territory of the park was destroyed, the palace was lying in ruins. He was restored before the start of the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

Museum-Reserve at the foot of the mountain ah-petri in the village of Alupka. The complex was built in the first half of the XIX century for Count Mikhail Vorontsov on the project of the English architect Edward Blora (he participated in the construction of Scottish Castle Walter Scott and the Buckingham Palace). The western part of the structure is made in the style of English tudors, the southern facade is a sample of Moorish architecture.

Another Crimean Palace of the late XIX century not far from Yalta. Initially belonged to the family of Vorontsov, but then it was bought for the imperial dynasty. The castle is built with elements of the style of the French king of Louis XIII, construction works were led by architect M. Mesmarm. In the Soviet years, the palace was used as a cottage for the first persons of the state, now the museum is located on the territory.

The former residence of the Crimean Khanov, erected in the XVI century. The main architectural thought of the complex is to transfer the representation of the Crimean Tatars about the paradise on earth. Several generations of rulers of the Khan Dynasty Gireev lived here, everyone tried to expand and supplement the palace complex. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. The palace burned, rebuilt, repaired and almost lost its original appearance. Only in the XX century managed to restore the original interiors.

One of the mountain peaks of the southern coast of Crimea. Refers to the Yalta Mining - Forest Reserve. Previously, the Greek Monastery of St. Peter was located. Through the mountain, the cable car is almost 3 km away. In length, which is recognized as one of the most extended in Europe. While lifting to the top in the booth, the tourist gets the opportunity to admire the picturesque views of a bird's-eye view.

The natural and archaeological monument of Crimea is located in the valley of the river. Biyuk-Karasa. The rock is an array folded from white limestone breeds. At the foot of the ak-kaya were found parking of primitive man, the remains of the guns there and petrified bones. An ancient Scythian mounds were excavated on the top. Next to the cliff grows oak age 800 years. It is believed that under this tree Suvorov led negotiations with the representative of the Turkish Sultan.

The historical and archaeological and natural monument of the peninsula, where the remains of the fortified settlement of the VIII-XV centuries are preserved. One of the legends is that the mountain is a petrified huge bear, who walked around the valley, spoke everything around and calmed down on the shore at the destruction of the sea god. There is more than a dozen species of rare animals listed in the Red Book on the territory of the reserve.

The Carst Cave is not far from the village of Marble. The age of education is several million years. So far, the cave continues to expand, as the processes of formation of young Crimean mountains continue. The cave has several large halls through which excursion routes with a length of about 1.5 km are laid. Here you can admire the rarest kinds of crystals and stalactites.

The city is a fortress located on a high-altitude plateau near Bakhchisaraya. The road to the cave city passes through the territory of the rocky Holy Assumption monastery. It is believed that Chufut-Kale appeared in the V-VI centuries. As a strengthening on the outskirts of Byzantine possessions. In the XIII-XIV centuries. The city became the center of a small principality - Vassal of Crimean Khanate, where the representatives of the regulations of the Karaimov began to settle. In the XIX century, Chufut Callean left the last residents.

Ancient Greek city, founded in the V century BC. Subsequently became a large and rich center of the entire Greek colony on the peninsula. From the II century BC. Depending on the ancient Bosporus kingdom, later became Vassal Rome. Chersonese is also one of the cradle of Christianity - the first followers of Christ settled here in the first century. In the 10th century, the prince of Kievan Rus Vladimir took the baptism of the prince of Kievan Rus.

Three fortified forts of the Genoese navigators located in Balaclava, Sudak and Feodosia. In the Middle Ages, they were Chernomoric outposts of powerful Genoa and were used to protect from the sea. Under the contract with Tatars in the XIV century, the Genoese joined the territory of modern Feodosia to their possessions. The region was called Genoese Gazaria. In the XV century, the fortress moved into the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Another name of the temple is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It was built at the end of the XIX century on a rock, towering at 400 meters above sea level. Alexander III gave an order to build a temple in memory of the crash of the train, in which the whole family of the emperor was slightly died. A few years after the victory of the revolution of 1917, a restaurant extended to the beginning of the 70s posted in the building. In the 90s. The temple was restored to the funds of the Ukrainian government.

Acting men's monastery, presumably founded in the VIII century AD. Rady Byzantine monks. The monastery existed for many centuries, during the times of Ottoman rule, even Crimean Khan came here to pay the honor to local shrines. After the establishment of Soviet power, the monastery was closed, the earthquake of 1927 destroyed the construction. Revival and restoration began only in 1993.

The monument in the waters of the sea on the Sevastopol embankment is considered a symbol of the city. Installed in honor of the events of the middle of the XIX century, when Russian ships were specially flooded in the Sevastopol bay, in order to block the path of the Anglo-French fleet. To avoid battles (since the fleet of the enemy was more powerful and better armed), Prince Menshikov decided to flood ships, but do not let the enemy troops to the city.

The historical monument dedicated to the events of the Crimean War 1853-1856. This monumental panorama of the Defense of Sevastopol Masters of Batal Painting Franz Alekseevich Roubo, located in the building of the rounded form. Work on the web was carried out since 1901. F. Rousto created his masterpiece with the help of students of the Bavarian Academy of Arts and several German painters.

Previously secret military facility in Balaclava, a former underwater base of submarines. In the time of the USSR, he was one of the most classified in the USSR. For many years, the Balaklava bay was not indicated on the maps. After the fall of the USSR, the object was launched and looted, only in 2004 the Government of Ukraine organized there the Museum of the History of the Underwater Fleet. After the transition of the Crimea, the Russian jurisdiction of the Russian authorities plan to place a new base there.

A small bay with bizarrely rugged and picturesque shores, where, according to the Homerovskaya "Odyssey" visited the legendary navigator. On the shores of the bay costs one of the Genoese fortresses. It is believed that the first settlements arose here in the VIII-VI centuries. BC. In the days of the Crimean War in the bay, the British base was located, in Soviet times - a classified parking lot of submarines.

Landscape sight of the Crimean Peninsula, the state reserve since 1974. The canyon is a wide crack in the rock, formed in the process of forming the Crimean Mountains. Along the clefts there are several capes-cliffs, the river flows along the bottom. Auzun-Uzen. For the bottom of the canyon and in the vicinity there are several tourist routes from the viewing platforms.

Climbing rocks on the western slope of the Southern Ridge of the Mountain Massif Demerji. In the valley, more than 100 stone rocky blocks of different sizes are scattered, the largest reaches 25 meters in height. At dawn and during sunset, the stones discard the bizarre shadows that move and intertwined each other. That is why the place received the poetic name "Valley of Given".

Natural territory 15 km. From Sevastopol with an expressive landscape, a 10-kilometer coastline and a unique floral world. At Cape is the Holy George Monastery and the Yashmovy Beach, connected by a staircase of several hundred steps. Cape Fiolent is considered the best place for diving, as there are almost one hundred percent visibility and ships will not moor.

The three-kilometer path in the village of the new light, created by Princes Golitsyn, especially for the arrival of Emperor Nicholas II. Now this is a popular tourist route. The trail begins at the Eagle Mountain, goes along the coast past the Hob-Kai Mountain to the through Golitsyn Grott. The most beautiful places are equipped with viewing platforms, fragrant pine trees grow around.

It is considered the largest and powerful Crimean waterfall. The jet of water will be lowered from a height of 15 meters, the maximum size of the channel is 5 meters in width. It remains full ... even in a long arid season. Together with water, the stones sometimes collapsed in the height. The waterfall is located in a mountainous-wooded protected area, the water temperature even in hot summer time does not exceed 10 ° C.

Is about 10 km from Yalta. The garden covers an area of \u200b\u200bseveral dozen hectares, scientific activities are conducted on its territory and research institutions are located. It appeared at the beginning of the XIX century with the assistance of Count Vorontsov and Botany F. Biberstein. The first director was the famous naturalist H. Stewen, who for 12 years of work gathered and adapted to local conditions about 500 copies of plants.

Crimean wines are several famous brands producing various grape varieties. The most famous of them: "Massandra", "Solar Valley", "Inkerman", "New Light", "Koktebel". The brand "New Light" is famous for its excellent champagne (the "Brut" variety), "Massandra" is famous for the specific taste of wines, and Inkerman produces good red wine under the same name.

Hi to all travel lovers on the site "I and the world"! Today we go to Russia and consider the best holiday in the Crimea. According to the reviews of holidaymakers here, the places of amazing beauty, but the prices "bite". Well, let's look at where it is better to rest and how much a trip to the Russian Crimea will cost.

At any resort it is better to rest in the summer. And if there is no such possibility and vacation drops only for the winter month? Nothing terrible, you can relax well in the Crimea and in winter, inspected many attractions. And if you are not too bothering, that you will stay without bathing in the sea, then, forward, in the snow Crimea!

The weather here all year round is quite pleasant, and winter warm and short without creepy cold. Many sun, and the temperature is very rarely lowered below zero, and then usually at night. And in the south even rises to +15 degrees. In the coldest february there are snowfall, fogs, but at the end of the month the blooming spring begins. And in March, the whole island is already becoming fragrant with flavors of flowering fruit trees, and the air warms up warm winds.

In Crimea, the traditions and architecture of many cultures were intertwined: the baptism of the Russian king, oriental beauty in the Bakhchisaray Palace, the Italian Middle Ages in the Kafa Fortress, the Kimmerian culture in the Scythian mounds. Pushkin, Chekhov, Nikolay 2, Alexander 3 ...

Yes, and rest during the winter months is rather inexpensive. You can rent a room for 300 rubles. per day, and suite - for 1000 rubles. You can visit the excursions by paying 2 times less than in the summer. Winter tours, except New Year, for two will come out for only 5-10 thousand rubles.

Tourist feedback, of course, diverge. Many people do not like the service, but everyone converge in one: the peninsula is beautiful at any time of the year and beauty is fascinating. And even at least you will not work out, but calmly stroll along the beach is a unique opportunity for fans of a quiet and relaxing holiday.

Going to relax with children, visit Evpatoria. Kids like the beaches with small pebbles and snow-white sand.

Water parks, dolphinarium, parks with a variety of rides - the perfect city for resting the whole family. After bathing, you can stroll through the old, narrow streets and breathe the air of antiquity. There are many children's camps, resistant, sanatoriums in the western part of the city. Therefore, if you have not chosen a private sector to relax, you can safely settle in one of the boarding houses.

Alushta - One of the large cities of Crimea, where many hotels and sanatoriums are also built for comfortable rest, and many entertainment centers attract tourists at any time of the year.

The city is surrounded by mountain arrays, therefore the climate is more favorable and softer. The sea becomes the warmers in late June-early July until September (+23 degrees). Here you can not only relax, but also correct your health: 70 health resorts to choose from perfectly for a sanatorium recreation.

On the territory of the city of directories love to shoot movies. Here they saw the light "Caucasian captive", "hearts of three", "ships storm bastions" and many tapes about the Indians. This resort is most suitable for youth: surfing, kiting, diving - the most advanced water sports.

Small village Forosit is famous for the cleanest beach on the south coast of Crimea.

The name of the village gave the Foros Church, built on a sheer rock with the Greeks, who settled these places almost 2,000 years ago. It was these lands of Catherine 2 who complained to his favorite Potemkin, and he in turn sold the foros tea magnate, which turned into one of the best resorts of Crimea. There are no businesses in the village and the population lives at the expense of revenues from tourism.

On a small area a large number of attractions are Balaclava.

There will definitely have something to see! The city is in the bay, with three sides, surrounded by rocky shores. It is almost not visible from the sea, and in the storm 4-6 points, in the Bay of Light County. Temples, fortresses, hunting houses, submarine museum are the most interesting places that can be visited.

Simeiz.one of the quiet and relaxed villages of the southern shore of the Crimea.

The beaches are small and you need to get up early to take the best place. And there are not many entertainment - standard set: walking around the sea, diving, water park.

Small town Partenitwith the famous Mountain Bear is located in the south of the peninsula. The first settlements were discovered from the Stone Age.

The magnificent place here is the Paradise Park with its 200 year old Maslin grove. Next, visit the stone Museum, where more than 1000 items are presented. And, of course, have fun in Dolphinariums.

Beaches are very pleasant and equipped with umbrellas, massage tables, sun loungers. Entrance to the sea is smooth without sudden drops of depth.

In the southeastern part of Crimea, near the city of Sudak, is located New World - The village is rightly considered the "paradise".

Three bays called water color: blue, blue and green, are considered the most beautiful. In the new light beaches for every taste, with warm water and winds hidden from the wind. And the seabed, just a table for divers: underwater caves, sunken ships, an interesting animal and plant world. These are the pros, but of minuses - quite high prices.

Large port city Feodosia- Industrial center of Crimea . The beautiful name is translated as "the God of this".

Summer roast and the sea warms up quickly, so you can swim until the middle of the autumn. For relaxation with children there is a special children's city beach. In the evening, you can visit discos and entertainment centers located right in the water. Unusual museums of deltaplanism and money can be visited if you want to learn something unusual.

West of Feodosia is the resort city Koktebel.This is the "edge of blue vertices" covered by the overgrown in the mountains.

Here they are mostly "savages": sit at the tent under the starry sky, sing songs by the fire. Of course, there are both wonderful pebble and sandy beaches, safe for recreation with children.

Alup It is considered the blue pearl of the southern Crimea. Initially, the city belonged to the Ottoman Empire, and in the 18th century his owner became Grigory Potemkin.

The famous artists visited the beautiful place: Shishkin, Aivazovsky and others. Alupkinsky Park, Palace Vorontsov, Holy Temples, Karst Caves are a little, which offers a resort city.

Village Olenevkaperfect for a quiet cozy holiday by the sea.

Without industrial factories and large highways, with clean air and ecological beaches - families with children are usually resting in a reindeer plant. Many hotels, hotels, guesthouses where you can choose the best places.

In the 19th century a tiny town Livadiaalexander 2 noted, ordered to build a palace for recreation of the royal family here.

And in 1945 it was here that the Yalta Conference of the Three Allies was held: the USSR, Great Britain and the United States. The healing climate can help in the treatment of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Once beautiful beaches now do not attract visitors: everything is old and sprinkling, only the sea remained clean and beautiful.

Located at the foot Gurzuf, there are several dozen different sanatoriums and hotels.

For the beauty of extraordinary landscapes, a wonderful climate and ecology, the city loved tourists. City beaches are good, but for comfort you need to pay: the cost of the chaise chaaming or an umbrella to 600 rubles. There are very clean and cozy little beaches where you can retire, but you need to get on the boat.

Picturesque Mishor.for the past 100 years old loved tourists for summer holidays. The village stretched 10 km along the coast.

Rest here is available to people with any budget. Remove accommodation with children for family pairs will be quite profitable, many household owners make discounts. There are sanatoriums, and boarding houses. Mishor is a pretty ancient settlement, populated by the Greeks, and during the joining of Russia, they built their residences: Dolgoruky, Naryshkina, Shuvalov.

For Muslims wishing to visit the Crimea, special halal tours have been developed, including a visit to the Muslim attractions of the Peninsula. This unforgettable trip in time of the life of the Crimean Tatars will last for those who want 10 days.

Recreation center Baliman. Located in the eponymous tract.

The health resort in the off-season does not work, but only the air is heated, the base takes tourists. There are only 200 seats, with a variety of places in the rooms. Food three-year, beach your own, summer cinema and library.

Massandra- A small cozy village. Warm sea, hot, but mild climate, picturesque nature always attracted here holidays.

The hall of the town is the wine cellar and the latter wines brought to the Guinness Book of Records.

In Massandra, the nearest public beach is 2 km from the village, to reach which is possible through the Massandrovsky Park or several bus stops. The beach is divided into several parts: from a simple to the VIP zone.

On Azov coastCrimea recreation is slightly different from the Black Sea.

No high mountains and turbulent vegetation. But there is a steppe, a mild climate and a warm wind. The sea begins to warm up in April and the swimming season lasts until mid-October - a good holiday for family pairs with children.

One of the attractions of Crimea - The swallow nest -this is not only a popular and magnificent palace, located on a sheer cliff, but also a pension in Sudak and a guest house in Solnechnogorskoye.

Now the Palace is an architectural and exhibition museum with a terrace and a small park.

The Crimea Peninsula became very popular and therefore the prices for rest and tours increased by almost 10%. How much will the rest cost for two? Tours with a flight from Russia to various resorts of the peninsula will cost 24,000 rubles. or from $ 400.

What to choose as rest to the Crimea to solve you. We can only give a small advice - the air of the peninsula is healing, and saturates freshness for the whole year. The beauty of the Crimea is known far beyond, but it is necessary to see it with his own eyes. How much money needs to take with it depends on your capabilities, but you can relax on any amount.

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We say goodbye to you and can meet at one of the resorts of Crimea, somewhere in August. I liked the information, share with friends.

Crimea is a real paradise corner on Earth. This is a variable and mysterious place. No matter how many times you have already been here. You will definitely discover something new. Traveling through the peninsula will never be boring or mediocre. Delicious mountain reliefs, medieval castles, green gardens, azure lakes and a warm clean sea.

Any traveler will be able to make a route based on its preferences and desires. Each tourist will receive unforgettable impressions. Are you intrigued? Then read our material, in it we collected the best corners of the resort.

Yalta embankment

Be sure to take a walk along the central street of the city. Every year about 1.5 million people appear there. The length of the prospectus is 1.5 km away. At short, the main urban entertainment is conveniently located. Little souvenir shops and boutiques, restaurants with delicious food and small cozy cafes, attractions. Bored will not be any children nor adults. In the summer you can ride the boat, and in the winter feed the swans.

On the Embankment named after Lenin, the main monuments and architectural objects of Yalta are located: the theater named after Chekhov and Platan Ishedora Duncan.

Palm trees and rosalia, fountains and bizarre benches for recreation, stunning views of the sea. Look for beautiful places to stay in Crimea? Be sure to visit the Yalta embankment.

Koyash Lake

A real miracle of nature is located between Kerch and Feodosia Gore. In this reservoir, the very saline water on the entire Crimean Peninsula. Mineralization rates reach a record mark: 390 g per liter. But visitors attract the unusual color of the lake.

Depending on the time of year, it changes from gently pink to a saturated red. The reason lies in an unusual underwater inhabitant: rare algae lives in the water. In the process of photosynthesis, it highlights coloring pigments.

Periodically, the passage to the monument of nature is overlapped. Before riding, make sure you are allowed. And remember that you are in a unique place: this is a house for 10 species of birds listed in the Red Book. Be careful and careful, do not burn fires, do not collect salt or clay. Feel unity with nature, and she will give you joy.

Karai Kenassy in Evpatoria

Historically important building for the Crimean Peninsula. This temple complex was built back in the XIX century. Each visitor gets the opportunity to touch antiquity, feel part of the legend and briefly plunge into those times when everything was different.

For those who are alien to historical expeditions, there will also be entertainment here. Kenassa can be safely entered into the list of "most beautiful places of Crimea": you yourself make sure of this, looking at the photo and reading the description.

Just read the names of the courtyards: marble, grape, ritual ... Arched galleries, exquisite architectural objects, huge stained glass windows and a lot of greens. Grape vine is gracefully wrapped the columns and roofs. By visiting this corner, you will receive a real aesthetic pleasure. You will not only make interesting photos, but also rest the soul.

Chufut Calea

Looking for beautiful places in the Crimea for recreation by car? Try to visit this cave city. He will definitely enjoy all fans of secrets and mysteries. You will not only offer several types of excursions, but also allow stroll among stone structures on their own.

You can easily get here: you will find pointers anywhere in Bakhchisaray. Most of the cave terrain is destroyed. But even time could not detract the greatness of Chufut-Kale. He became more important and impressive.

The most popular for visits to the place: Holy Assumption Male Monastery and Dead City. In the abode, hidden in the rocks, people come for answers to eternal and personal questions, for the sake of cleansing the soul and unity with God. And most of them find what they were looking for.

But no one has canceled simple contemplation. Come and you definitely do not regret.


The name of the attraction is translated as "flying water". A more poetic name of a powerful flow of water flowing down from the top of the mountain ah-petri, come up with difficult. This place has its own legend. It is said that the girl abducted by the Dragon wanted to return to people and save them from drought, and therefore turned into a water veil.

Nature is the best Creator. Getting to one of the 100 most beautiful places in Crimea, you will find yourself surrounded by century oaks and beams. The waterfall itself is located among the relict pines.

We recommend coming here in March or April. At this time, the flow of water beats more powerfully and loud. In the summer and at the beginning of the fall, it is practically nothing: because of drought and heat, tourists will be able to admire a pair of scarce pips. In winter, water freezes, but it does not repel real travelers. In the cold time, Stude-SU reminds a huge ice body.

Near the waterfall there is parking: you can easily reach it by car.

Valley of Ghosts

The name of the sights attracts tourists. Who does not like riddles and mysticism? Ancient legend says that nomadic tribes attacked the inhabitants of this area. Holding on someone else's land, they did not know any pity or compassion. For this, nature itself turned them into stones.

In fact, you, of course, will not see anything supernatural. But the flow of visitors from this does not become less: the delightful panoramas, opening in the valley, are attaching attention and make you believe old legends.

Century monoliths resembling human silhouettes in their form will leave dozens of stunning personnel on the camera. But do not hurry to leave immediately after the excursion: Stay to watch how the sun's rays are played on the stones, every time turning them into something new.

By the way, one of the episodes of the film "Caucasian Captive" was removed here. You will see a pointer from one of the stones.

Livadia Palace

This building is also a museum home. It has a rich history and is not far from the most beautiful city of Crimea - Yalta. The exact location is Livadia. Previously, there was a residence of the Romanov family. Now everyone can get into the legendary house.

The courtyard in front of the building is decorated with huge flower beds, in which bizarre and rare southern plants grow. White stone, from which the construction is made, gives the object an aristocratic look.

There are often exhibitions inside. Two of them act constantly. You can first learn about temporary expositions from the announcements.

In the palace, you look at the relics, penetrate the spirit of the antiquity and get the opportunity to touch the real art. A couple of centuries ago, the kings were packed here, and now they can go to their trails. What are you waiting for?

Nikitsky Botanical Sad.

Why travelers are looking for beautiful species of Crimea? To admire the nature of an unfamiliar edge and make good photos. The southern part of Russia is manitis not only by the scorching sun, but also a unique Flora.

You can get acquainted with the best samples of Crimean vegetation in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It is located not far from Yalta, in the village of Nikita, and is open at any time of the year.

Tourists who arrived in the spring, take the flowering of delicate tulips, and autumn visitors enjoy ball chrysanthemums. The riot of paints, neat paths, cozy benches - you exactly get aesthetic pleasure. The garden is divided into several zones:

  • adventure Park;
  • cactus greenhouse;
  • "Paradise".

You will definitely find something interesting for yourself.

Marble cave

Crimean miracles are not only on the peninsula, but also under it.
Go down underground, and you will open a new unknown world. Underground kingdom that you will see one of the most beautiful in Europe. Getting to sights not easy. The dungeon "From Marble" is located 18 km from Sevastopol. You will come there by car or by bus: minibuses regularly go from the city. The marble cave is divided into several parts. All of them can be viewed on the excursion. There are a lot of stalactitis in this place. Each of them has a unique name, an interesting history of origin and an unusual form. One will remind you the giant post, the other will seem very similar to the castle.

Do not forget to take warm things in the dungeon. If the visit to the beautiful cities of the Crimea in hot time does not require a sweater and long pants, then here we strongly recommend stocking woolen socks and knitted pullers. Then you definitely do not catch up, and the journey will only have positive impressions.

the swallow nest

Tops usually begin with this attraction, but we left it "for dessert". This is the most visited and recognizable place of the peninsula. He is even considered a business card of the Crimea. It is located on the southern coast, in the village of Gaspara.

You can get there on the excursion ship or by bus from Yalta. If you have a car, you will come yourself.

Swallow nest is a historical architectural monument, a real medieval castle. Now on the basis of the building, excursions and exhibitions are held. Exposures updated every two months: photos, textual information, sculptures and other interesting exhibits.

Not far from the main building is a tree of desires. If you are here, be sure to think about the most cherished dream and give a ribbon. The magic of this place will help your desire to come true.

Emerald Lake

The view from which the spirit captures. Pure, like a tear, lake. Water painted into saturated emerald color. People who visited this place feel the tide of strength and inspiration. And it's not only in the reservoir, but also in his surrounding flora. Getting to this island of wildlife is not easy. He is in Zelennogier: the path on the car will take from 30 minutes to an hour.

Any city of Crimea is beautiful in itself, but also that he is tatt, no less beautiful. It is not necessary to perform expensive flights to touch the authentic monuments of the past centuries and untouched wildlife.

Conquer the expanses of Russia. In the article we listed part of the sights of the peninsula. But there are still many wonderful places, which must certainly see with their own eyes. Only then can you answer the question of which city in the Crimea is the most beautiful. Travel, experiment, dial new impressions. Good luck!

We present to your attention the tops of the Crimea to create juicy and incredible photos.

Crimea is an amazing region in its beauty. It is here that the picturesque mountains and mysterious caves, huge valleys and impressive canyons, wild steppes and dense-old vessels will meet.

Center Crimea

Mount Ak-Kaya (White Rock)

This is a steep sheer white cliff with a very flat vertex.

Coordinates: 45.098056, 34.633333

Photo (c) f1rst_love, photograf_ott_boga

Martian Lake

Martian Lake in Crimea is a largely unusual and relatively young landmark that formed quite by chance at the place of production of the famous Inkerman Stone. A rich heavenly azure color, repeating the color of sea water, which is completely unusual for freshwater formations and makes it a unique object.

The address: Bakhchisarai district, Rocky village

Coordinates: 44.811968, 33.9804

Photo (c) Avramushka

Lone lake In the vicinity of the astrophysical laboratory in the village of Scientific.

The address:Bakhchisarai district, the village of Scientific

Coordinates: 44.727211, 34.013586.

Photo (C) Alepoleg

Spring and the beginning of summer it is the time of flower madness in the Crimea.

Mach and lavender fields can be found on the road Simferopol - Sevastopol. Flowering gardens, fields of blooming sunflowers, will force their dazzling beauty to stop photographers and just wanting to capture the beauty data not only in memory, but also on the film.


Kadikovsky quarry.

Kadikovsky quarry in Balaclava is a favorite place of local photo lovers. The quarry is a giant funnel with the afflicting color of the lake, green-blue, located at an altitude of 14 meters below sea level. Standing on the edge of the career, captures the spirit.

The descent to the lake is prohibited due to the danger of the collapse of the stones, if suddenly risk, be pleased be careful!

Coordinates:44.51754264, 33.56902080.4

Photo (C) N_SHARMAN, SonyArogacheva


Balaklava Bay - Sevastopol Pearl and one of the most beautiful places and excellent location for several types of photo shoots.

A huge number of diverse yachts are moored in the bay. From the top of the mountain, incredible views of the bay, surrounded by the mountains, are endlessly open sea, rocks and sky.
Address: Nazukina Embankment

Coordinates: 44.500543, 33.599713.

Photo (c) s_polinaa, nataly_nay

Chersonese Tavrichesky

Chersonese Tauride - it was the name that was the city, which is more than two and a half thousand years ago, the ancient Greek colonists founded. Today, the ruins of this settlement are the attraction of Sevastopol.

Coordinates:44 36.748, 33 29.473

Photo (c) igroman92, zoom__zoom, s_polinaa, nataly_nay

Cape Fiolent

Favorite place as for residents of the city and for tourists.

Stony beaches, crystal clear sea, staircase 800 stones staped on a steep rock. In the summer, local beaches are in demand because of the transparent sea sea, and during the other seasons, Cape The Fiolent does not lose its popularity, as it is the perfect location for photos.

Coordinates:44.503409, 33.507509.

Photo (c) Nickolay.v, Katrinovaaa, Livshitsrita, Polya_TS

Kush Kaya in Laspi

Her height is average - 664 m.

Even with such a height, not to see the end and the edges of the beautiful Black Sea.

Coordinates: 44.421705, 33.682359

Photo (c) nastu28

Western Crimea.

Beach Olenevka

Mult kilometer sandy beach with folk title "Miami"

Coordinates: 45.373044, 32.514557

Photo (c) kseniavoronkova22

Cape Tarkhankut

This is the wild edge of the Crimean Peninsula. The corners of nature remained untouched by civilization.

The sights of Cape are:

"Bowl of love" is a natural bath in the rocky coastline, which is connected under water with the sea.

The lighthouse on the Cape of the same name, which is the most western part of the Crimea.

The remains of the dry cargo, who has grown stranded. They are admired from the shore, and swim closely on the motors.

The unique museum of monuments of communist leaders is under water.

Coordinates:45 20.52, 32 29.46.

Photo (c) kslisi, Alinadruu, Martaodyvanchik

Bakalskaya Cosa

The terrain is a sandy narrow strip along the Black Sea coast with a total length of about 12 km. This reserve is particularly unique in that different flows are washed from different sides. On one side of this braid, water can be cool and the sea itself is calm, and on the other side the sea will be a storm.



Southeast Crimea

Foros church

Highly over the foros on a red rock at an altitude of 427 m above sea level is a graceful Church of the Resurrection of Christ. This place fascinates with its solitude and elevation.

Coordinates: 44 ° 24 "15.98", 33 ° 47 "17.99"

Photo (C) Igor_Lisovskij, Nataborisen

Rock Diva

This is a limestone block, fallen thousands of years ago in this place on the bottom of the Black Sea. Water and wind were overlooked over this rock, giving her the outlines of the female bust, which clearly looms from the city beach.

There is a legend that it is not at all the rock, but an evil spirit that turned around a beautiful girl with flushed hair. So the evil under the influence of good strength became a stone.

Coordinates: 44.4068, E 33.9988

Photo (c) aaiidddaaa, aleksryb

Mount Ai-Petri

One of the most beautiful places of the peninsula. Its vertex is located at an altitude of 1234 meters above sea level, and from there is an amazing and unique view of the entire Yalta coast. A funicular walks on the top of Ai-Petri over the cable car. By the way, the cableway is unique to all of Europe: it has the longest unsubbitable span! It is on it that the participants of the tour can ride, and make wonderful photos.

Coordinates: 44.448960,34.056196.

Photo (C) Kravtzov_Explore, Anya_Zuchkovsky, Natali ___ Nay, Alya_Alloha

the swallow nest

An amazing castle hanging on an aurry rock over the Black Sea, the symbol is not only Yalta, but also the whole Crimea.

Coordinates:44.430662 N, 34.128532

Photo (c) Kiraivanushkina

Photo (c) Obukhova_Marishka, Katrin_and_sea, Nataly_Nay

Embankment Yalta

Be sure to make a panoramic photo of the most beautiful Crimea embankment and just admire the view of the bay with a lighthouse.

Coordinates: 44.495668, 34.168144

Photo (c) Lerkens

Park them. Aivazovsky

Located on the Black Sea coast, between Alushta and Yalta, at the foot of the Mountain "Bear". The Natural Landmark of Landmark is the park - a monument of garden and park art, which occupies area 25 hectares. In the park, more than 350 forms of flora are growing, 35 of which are rare.

The Genuine Pearl Park is the ancient masculine grove with 200-year-old trees. This is a place that will not leave the indifferent eye of the photographer.

The address: Partenit ul. Vasilchenko, 1a.

Coordinates: 44 30.564 34 13.968

Photo (c) sofi_ivanova95, ekaterinafotograff

Jur-Jur Waterfall

This is a small piece of paradise on earth. Jur-Jaur is the most complete Waterfall of the Crimea. Incredible beauty! Without incomparably pleasure to shoot this beauty. Yes, and just walk in those places - too, pleasure.

Coordinates:N 44 48.123 E 34 27.950

Photo (c) Sergey_Vitalevich

New World

Ancient Greeks who chose this corner of the coast, called his paradise, which means heaven. Paradise and in fact! The main domain of new light is juniper and coniferous forests. The age of some trees reaches two hundred years. The beauty of these forests cannot be described in words. It must be seen personally. The air is filled with the smell of pine, juniper, mountain varnish. Mandatory for photo lovers is to visit the trail of Golitsin.

Coordinates: 44.825226, 34.915481

Photo (c) Peterfadeev, Daria99podolskaya, Vladik_Filippov, Alex_Sergienko__

Cape Chameleon

Cape is located in Koktebel, near the quiet bay. He received his name thanks to the phenomenal ability to change the color during the day. The color of the chameleon can change from the grayish blue in the morning, to the brightly golden evening, which gradually moves to a pinkish-purple, and after sunset acquires shades of purple and blue.

Coordinates:44.962574, 35.294710

Photo (c) Lizavetaq, N.Milyukova

And to complete our top locations in Crimea will be Koyash Lake.

Koyysk salty lake

The lake is striking with its beauty.

Its water is painted in a pinkish color, and the depth of the shade varies depending on the season. With the onset of summer, the lake color becomes the most intense. The brighter the sun shines and the stronger the air is heated, the more painful it becomes.

Coordinates:45.046474, 36.186374

Photo (c) marinoir

We hope that our information collected will be useful to you, and you will choose from the proposed location options for visiting.

Pleasant trip and excellent photos!

And if you decide to visit the Crimea on your own, then specifically for you we have prepared routes from 3-12 days! We have collected all the necessary information for self-journey to the most beautiful and unusual places of Crimea!