Map important travel and geographic discoveries. Why we have to travel

Great geographical discoveries are the most important period in the history of mankind from the end of 15 to the middle of the 16th centuries. The brave discovers of Spain and Portugal opened new lands to the Western world, thereby putting the beginning of the development of new trade routes and connections between continents.

The beginning of the period of great geographic discoveries

Throughout the existence of the human race, many important discoveries were made, but called "Great" in history included only those that took place in the 16-17 centuries. The fact is that neither this time interval, none of it, none of the travelers and researchers could repeat the success of medieval discoverers.

A geographical discovery understands the finding of new, previously unknown geographical objects or patterns. It may be part of the Earth or a whole mainland, a water pool or a strait, about the existence of which cultural mankind did not suspect on Earth.

Fig. 1. Middle Ages.

But why are the great geographical discoveries of steel possible in the gap between 15 and 17th centuries?

This was facilitated by the following factors:
  • active development of various crafts and trade;
  • growth of European cities;
  • the need for precious metals is gold and silver;
  • development of technical sciences and knowledge;
  • serious discoveries in navigation, the appearance of essential navigation devices - astrolabia and compass;
  • development of cartography.

The annoying fact became the catalyst for the great geographical discoveries that Constantinople in the Middle Ages was under the rule of Osmanov Turkov, who prevented the direct trade of European powers with India and China.

Great travelers and their geographical discoveries

If we consider the periodization of great geographical discoveries, then the first to the Western world new routes and endless possibilities, the Portuguese navigators became. They did not lag behind the British, Spaniards and Russians, who were also seen in the conquest of new lands, great prospects. Their names are forever entered the history of navigation.

  • Bartolome Diash - The Portuguese navigator, who in 1488 in search of a convenient direction to India ran into Africa, opened the Cape of Good Hope and became the first European in the waters of the Indian Ocean.
  • "It is with his name that the discovery in 1492 the whole continent - America is associated.

Fig. 2. Christopher Columbus.

  • Vasco da Gama - Commander of the Portuguese expedition, to which in 1498 it was possible to pave a direct trading path from Europe to Asia.

For several years, from 1498 to 1502, Christopher Columbus, Alonso Oving, Amerigo Vespucci and many other northwesters from Spain and Portugal, was carefully investigated by the Northern Coast of South America. However, acquaintance with Western conquerors did not bring anything good to local residents - in pursuit of light profit, they showed themselves extremely aggressive and cruel.

  • Vasaw Nunhens Balboa - In 1513, the brave Spaniard was first managed to cross Panaman's experiencing and open the Pacific Ocean.
  • Fernan Magellan - The first person in history, who in 1519-1522 made a world tour, thus proving that the earth has a shape of a ball.
  • Abel Tasman - opened the Western World Australia and New Zealand in 1642-1643.
  • Semen Dezhnev - Russian traveler and landlord, who was able to find a strait connecting Asia with North America.

Results of great geographical discoveries

Great geographical discoveries significantly accelerated the transition from the Middle Ages to a new time, with its most important achievements and the flourishing of the majority of European states.

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Humanity otherwise looked at the world around the world, new horizons opened before scientists. This contributed to the development of natural sciences, which could not not affect the overall standard of living.

Europeans conquering new lands led to the formation and strengthening of colonial empires that became a powerful raw material base of the old world. There was a cultural exchange between civilizations in various fields, animals, plants, diseases, and even whole nations took place.

Fig. 3. Colonies of new light.

Geographical discoveries were continued after the 17th century, which made it possible to create a full map of the world.

What did we know?

When studying the theme "Great Geographic Discovers" under the program of grade 6 geography, we learned briefly about the great geographical discoveries, their meaning in world history. We also made a brief overview of the greatest personalities who managed to make important discoveries in the geography of the Earth.

Test on the topic

Report assessment

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings obtained: 1340.

A1. Square Africa with Islands is equal to million square meters. km.:

A) 54 b) 9 c) 30 g) 18

A) Neil b) Congo c) Amazon d) Amur

A3. The relief of Africa is dominated by:

A) lowlands (0 - 200m) b) high mountains (from 2500m)

C) high plains (200 - 1000m) d) depressions (below sea level)

A4. In the Congo River Basin on both sides of the equator is the natural zone:

A) desert b) equatorial forests

C) savannah d) taiga

A5. In the Sahara desert they live:

A) pygmy b) bushmen

C) Berbers d) Russian

A6. The dry mainland:

A) Africa b) Australia c) Madagascar d) Antarctica

A) Kosyushko (2230m) b) Kilimanjaro (5895m)

C) Fujiima (3776m) d) Elbrus (5033)

A) Amazon b) Volga

C) Murray d) Congo

A9. The most primitive mammals live in Australia:

A) Echidna and WLACKOS B) Zebra and Elephant

C) parrots and kangaroo d) koala and ostrich em

A10. The capital of Australia:

A) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra d) Cairo

IN 1. Specify the capital of Africa states:

A. Egypt 1. Algeria

B. Algeria 2. Cairo

V. Nigeria 3. Addis - Ababa

Ethiopia 4. Abuja

Answer Subscribe to the table.


IN 2. Specify the correspondence:

A. Madagascar 1. River

B. Congo 2. Island

V. Tasmania 3. Ozero

D. Air - North

C1. Why is Australia the most dry mainland?

C2. Describe the natural areas of Africa.

The rivers do not freeze and are full on all year round: what type of climate?

The rivers do not freeze, in winter, in the summer, in the summer they are very melted: What type of climate?
The rivers do not freeze, in the summer often dry: what type of climate?
The rivers do not freeze, warm winters, rainwater floods and floods in the summer season: what type of climate?
Rivers can partially freeze, winters cool or cold, rain floods and floods in the summer season: what type of climate?
The rivers freeze in winter, in the spring bloom, in the summer they are merge: what type of climate?

The correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe Earth and its form has developed in different peoples not immediately and not at the same time. On the presentation of people about Earth influenced the surrounding nature. Thus, the residents of Babylon represented the Earth in the form of a mountain, on the western slope of which is Babylon. The ancient inhabitants of India represented the Earth in the form of half a bowl based on the elephants, which, in turn, stand on a huge turtle. The ancient Greeks believed that the Earth had the form of a convex disk, which washed the ocean river from all sides. A copper occasion was spread over the ground, according to which the sun is moving, lifting and plunging daily in the ocean water.

With the development of equipment and ship business, people began to make increasingly long journey. And gradually began to accumulate evidence of the shag-formation of the Earth.

The development of navigation and long-distance travel not only forced people to think about, they gave a huge amount of information about newly discovered territories. This information was necessary to somehow fixate, transmit from some people to others. So the first images of the area appeared, which began to be improved and subsequently turned into.

Outstanding travelers were the ancient Greeks. Herodot historian traveled by, Malaya Asia, Balkan, as well as on the southern regions of the Eastern European Plain - the lands of legendary Scythians. It made descriptions of nature, gathered interesting, sometimes semi-infantastic information about the peoples living in the north and northeast. Another traveler from the ancient was astronomer Pill. He explored the north of Europe, reached Britain, the first established the dependence between geographic latitude and day and night long. (Track Herodota and Pyfheus route on the map.)

But here's geography (XV-XVII centuries). She was preceded by an amazing journey. In 1271, he, together with his father and Uncle, went to the distant commerce. Their pathway ran through, then along the valley of the Tiger River to the Persian Gulf, then through the deserts and mountains of Central Asia to China. There, as many as 17 years, the Polo family was engaged in trade, and then sailed back. The path flew through the islands, around, past Zeylon. In total, the Polo family traveled 22 years.

Stories of travelers about distant countries, their wealth and luxury prompted Europeans to seek a comfortable seaway to the countries of the East. The expedition went to search for the way around Africa. Two more than a year, this expedition continued, and the new seaway from Europe to India was opened.

Following this, the idea was born from Europe to India not east around Africa, but to the west and reach India on the other hand. I managed to convince the Spanish kings to project the expedition, and in 1492 three ships came out in swimming. Columbus reached the islands of Central America, but that this is a new part of the world, and not Asia, they learned much later.

The first round trip committed. In 1519, his flotilla out of five ships came out. Only one ship in 1522 returned back. Magellan himself died.
Russian travelers have contributed to the opening of the last unknown mainland. In 1820, the ships under their command came up very close to the shores of the ice continent.

Nowadays, all land areas are sufficiently studied and described. Now the attention of scientists rushed into the upper, depth of the earth and the ocean. For research, balls-probes are launched, cosmic satellites transmit signals about the processes occurring on Earth, ultra-deep wells are placed on the bottom of the world's special vehicles. Geographically results; Research is used in all spheres of human life.

Each era has their own people who are not limited to the presentation of the world. All their life is a search. It is thanks to such restless people opened America, Australia, New Zealand and many other points on the map. And the most rich on travelers have become in Europe 15-16th century - time colonization.

Miklukho-Maclay (1846-1888)

The future traveler and the ethnographer was born in St. Petersburg in the family of an engineer. From the university, it was very quickly excluded for participation in student movement. So finished education, he is already in Germany. From there, he went to his first journey to the Canary Islands, then on Madeira, Morocco, the Red Sea coast. Round there as a researcher of the fauna, and returned to the ethnograph. He was more interested in animals and flowers, but people.

Miklukho-Maclay investigated the indigenous population of Southeast Asia, Australia and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. He lived for several years on the north-west coast of New Guinea, visited Oceania Islands. Making two expeditions on the Malack Peninsula. Studying the indigenous people of these low-investment lands, the scientist concluded about the species unity and kinship of various races. He spent the last years of his life in Indonesia and Australia and even offered the project of the Papuan Union on New Guinea. He, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe researcher, was supposed to withstand invaders-colonizers. One of his recent ideas is the Russian artel communities in New Guinea - the ideal version of the state device.

The scientist died in his native St. Petersburg for him on the hospital bed, numerous expeditions by 42 years completely "wear" the body. Miklukho-Maclay collection and paper - sixteen notebooks, six thick notebooks, plans, cards, own drawings, newspaper cuttings, magazine articles, diaries of different years - were transferred to the Imperial Russian Geographical Society and placed in the Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506)

Christopher Columbus became a real navigator thanks to the test, the owner of one of the islands in Portugal. Studying geography, Columbus decided that it was possible to get to the cherished India through the Atlantic Ocean. Indeed, in those days, strong Turkey blocked the path to the east, and Europe was needed a new road to this edge of spices. Only the Spanish Corona agreed to sponsor Columbus, and in 1492, three Karavellas "Santa Maria", "Ninia" and "Pinta" entered the open water. At first, the ships took the course to the Canary Islands, then west. Several times the crew demanded a return, but Columbus insisted on his. As a result, they moored to the island of San Salvador (Guanakhani). Then the islands of Juan (the current Cuba) and Espanyola (Haiti) were opened. True, the traveler was confident - they are on the coast, washed by the Indian Ocean. In Spain, he returned to the triumph, and the squadron went to the new journey already as part of 14 Karavel and three merchant ships.

But Columbus was not a scientist, but pursued perfectly selfish goals: to provide a family and himself. And this affected his further fate: the indigenous population rebuilding. In the colonies, where the main principle was complicated and greed, written to Spain complaints about Columbus and his brother even their colonializers. But he did his job - he opened the archipelago of large Antille Islands for Europe, the mouth of the Orinoco River, Central America. True, until the end of the life was confident that all this is adjacent to India.

At the measures of Columbus in illness and poverty and even after death did not find peace. His remains were transferred from the city to the city several times.

Vasco da Gama (1460 - 1524)

Pyerv passed the path through the ocean from Portugal to the East. The future discoverer grew in a noble family in Portugal. On the expedition to the east, he fell instead of a traveler's father who died suddenly. In 1497, his trial came out of the port. Few people believed in the success of the Portuguese. But it turned out. Yes Gama reincuted Cape of Good Hope and took the course to India. The sailors died from Qinggi and skirmishes with Muslim merchants, flooding Africa. They saw a competitor's traveler. And not in vain. Two years later, the Portuguese brought back the ships of the spices - one of the most expensive goods at the time.

The second expedition was also successful. At the disposal da Gama had already warships to defend themselves from unfriendly.

The third expedition has become the last for Vasco da Gama. He was appointed by the representative of the royal family in India. But he stayed in this position not so long. In 1954, he died of severe illness.

Fernand Magellan (1480-1521)

Born in 1480 in North Portugal. The first time came out in the sea as part of the Fleet Admiral Francisco Almeda. Participated in several expeditions before independently went to look for new ways to the Malay Archipelago in Indonesia. Supported Magellan Spain - she sponsored a trip across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1519, five ships reached South America. The expeditions then and the blood was given a way to the south along the coast of America. But in 1520, the shed in the Pacific Ocean was found - later will be called Magellan. After a year, the traveler has already arrived at the destination - to Molukski Islands. But in the Filipino Islands of the traveler, the leaders were drawn into the local war, and he was killed. The reassembling of the rest of the crew to the homeland was not easy. Only one ship out of five and 18 people from 200 reached.

James Cook (1728-1779)

Cook was born in the family of the English Batraka. But I made a career from a simple jungle to the head of the expedition. Mastery, mind and smelter were rated quickly. The first expedition of James Cook began in 1767 on the ship "Endeavor". Official version - observation of the passage of Venus through the drive of the Sun. But in fact, the colonial England needed new lands. In addition, among the tasks there was a study of the Eastern Coast of Australia. During swimming, Cook did not cease to study cartography and navigation. The outcome of the expedition was the information that New Zealand is two independent islands, and not part of an unknown mainland. The scientist was also a map of the Eastern Coast of Australia, opened the strait between Australia and New Guinea.

The results of the second expedition (1772 - 1775) became even more impressive. New Caledonia, South Georgia, Easter Island, Marquis Islands, Friendship island, were applied to the map. Cook ship crossed the southern polar circle.

Third swimming occupied 4 years. They were investigated, and some others. It is in the Hawaiian Islands during one of the conflicts of the natives with the British and the James Cook died - they were punched with a spear. But evidence that aborigines eaten Cook, not found.

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Why do people travel? Is it really only to take 2 weeks from work, spend money accumulated for six months and create an illusion that "can afford it?"

You are going for a long time. But the work-home-family-family-duty loans and other excuses do not allow you to even exhale to understand what changes you need. You continue to run in the usual crazy pace of life, so without taking anything.


Think, look at your life under a different angle, decide what you lack now and what prevents living in harmony with you. Does not work? Then here is the working advice: leave the house and go a little further the usual route of the house-work-shop-house.

Leaving from the usual situation even for a short time, turn your life on a journey, complete uncertainty, and you can know yourself from the most unexpected parties.

Why travel, if at home well

Are you afraid of an unknown? This is normal. Fear of the new - ordinary phenomenon in the life of every person. But weigh all the benefits of travel and your fear - are they on one of the scales? Let's figure it out that we are taught travel and whether it is worth it to actively look for excuses, protecting your fears.

What can teach travel

1. You are torn away from the sofa.

Reflecting on the upcoming greeting, we begin to worry about the difficulties that lie tourists. We are experiencing that we will not find a place to sleep, we will not be able to explain to the inhabitants of another country on their broken English. What do travels teach? The fact that all the fears listed above are in vain. Gather with the Spirit, focus on my purpose and go on the road. It is mistaken to think that for a trip - it is either the "Around Move", when you burn all the bridges, or a batch vacation that limits you by the "All Inclusive" system. Do you know much about the surroundings of your city? On the everyday of residents of neighboring villages? Surely, there are many interesting things next to you. Start opening the world with a small one.

2. Travels change the worldview.

The first thing he learns, having visited different states is that exotic places are not as dangerous as it seems. In any city you can feel comfortable. This rule concerns and wildlife: observing elementary safety rules, you are guaranteed to avoid trouble. Moreover, in the megalopolis, a person has more chances to die (for example, hitting the car) than in the desert or forest.

3. You will constantly expand the horizons.

Why do you need travel? To find out the world and get acquainted with the culture of other nations. Do not worry about the friendliness of people: the indigenous people always treat travelers politely and try to help them. If you are not from the discharge of tagila fans, do not spoil their heritage and do not smoke over the culture of the country in which you are a guest, then travel will definitely bring you new acquaintances and faith in people. Many people gladly give you the night will show the way, tell us about the interesting sights of our country.

4. To see the world, it is not necessary to be a millionaire.

Travel more and you will understand that this does not need to spend millions. Big money is needed only to those who dream of a sea cruise on exotic islands. Although, if you make friends with local residents, and these spending can be easily avoided. By organizing travel yourself, it is only required to have a small amount of cash for buying food, paying transport and hotel rooms or places in hostels. Accommodation in the latter, by the way, despite your low cost, can give you a huge luggage experience and impressions.

What are your travels if I have a modest budget?

Rest with a scope, which is required by the Russian soul, in fact it turns out to be completely superfluous: not bearing money, you will spend time more interesting than buying and ordering everything that wants. And the main trophies will be the emotions and the discoveries that you will make for yourself. A two-day hike with backpacks will bring more benefits to the forest than not to get, two weeks resting in a five-star hotel with "Olylinkle".

5. Things are just things.

Tourists-newcomers consider their duty to take on the road of 10 suitcases with outfits for all occasions and complete equipment in case of the end of the world. But over time, travel is taught that the abundance of baggage only interferes. A man on the way (as in life) needs a minimum of clothing, two pairs of shoes, hygiene products, money and documents.

You can not decide which T-shirt from two available to take with you, and in the end we put in the backpack both. Why do you voluntarily complicate your life? Learn to make a choice, starting with such trifles.

Starting to travel, you will realize that most of the things you are absolutely not needed, and you can painlessly get rid of them by freeing the place in the closet. It also applies to unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, uninteresting people and familiar obligations - getting rid of such a "trash", you will free the place for the new.

6. Decide than the tourist is different from the traveler.

Travelers and tourists are not the same thing. The first communicate with the locals, get acquainted with traditions, new acquaintances are given, change the worldview and improve their lives. The second fearfully look at everything that happens from the windows of the bus. Local tourists are "bred" for money, and travelers are sharing food and blood. Travels change people and teach them to be easier and not afraid to recognize new, learn to be open with others and appreciate each person who appeared in life.

7. Travel is not a holiday.

You probably have repeatedly heard how traveling is changing many people by making them stronger and hardy. And they themselves actively go to Cyprus and to Turkey, but do not notice the changes ... And this is not because hiking in the mountain or tundra with a heavy backpack is the body training. Not because in the most harmless city resort you can stay without money or get into a difficult situation. Simply, traveling, you do not put the goal of "getting sequished" under the palm tree, shooting stress from work or family. You change my lifestyle itself from the usual version of the improved version. Travels are physically severe, but unloading mind. Therefore, they are not looking for physical relief, they give much more than relaxed muscles.

8. You are your best friend and companion.

Will not find travelers to go on the road with a fun company? This is only your hand. There is no better way to understand yourself, peace, and raise the strength of the Spirit than solitary journey. Travel alone - nothing is comparable. Relying only for your strength, you will love to believe more and learn how to make responsible decisions. This will help you easier to converge with new people, try unaccustomed things and try unfamiliar roles, because you will not have to look around and not to be afraid of anyone's condemnation.

The heroine of Reese Witherspoon went to such a trip in the film "Wilder" after shocks in life: overcoming the complexity of the route in a single journey, she was able to rid himself from mental suffering. If you can not figure out, perhaps, a single journey is what will help you now?

9. The world is cracked.

Long travel changed the opinion of millions of people that our planet is immense. It seems so only if you look at other countries on TV. In fact, it is possible that you meet your acquaintances, having left in Cambodia, India or Kamchatka. Or in a quiet remote corner of the world, get acquainted with a person from your hometown.

Travel more and do not be afraid to communicate with people, search. Perhaps one of the billion people who will change your life will meet you where you were not suspected.

10. The joy of return.

No matter how good in the way, return home - joyful for every person moment. Arriving in the native city, you will be glad to meet with close, colleagues at work. And those changes that will happen to you on the journey will certainly affect your life. And if you want to change your life now, try to start at least a short trip to an unfamiliar place.