Drawings of Red Square and the Kremlin. Master Class on Fine Arts "Kremlin

Looking at these pictures and I want to exclaim: "There is still from Moscow beautiful views! Not still managed to displease! "

The original is taken by W. gelio. in Moscow from height. 2014.

Moscow - the capital of the Russian Federation. This is the largest city in the population of Russia, in which more than 12 million people live according to official statistics. For this indicator, it is among the ten largest cities in the world. This is a financial, transport, logistics, business, cultural and tourist center of the country. Important attractions are concentrated here, including the Kremlin, Red Square, a Bolshoy Theater, Stalin's highlights and many other iconic objects.
Moscow is a city with monumental architecture: to understand the real scale of wide multi-band streets, multi-tiered junctions and skyscrapers can be only from height.

Moscow Kremlin is the geographical and historical center of Moscow. This is the most ancient part of the city, currently being the residence of the highest state authorities of the Russian Federation and one of the main historical and art complexes of the country.

Kremlin embankment and a large stone bridge.

Panorama of the Kremlin.
The existing walls and towers were built in 1485-1495. The total length of the walls is 2235 m.

Along the walls there are 19 towers, and one more - Kutafia Tower is put over the walls.
3 towers, standing on the corners, have a round cross-section, the rest are square.

SAMI tall tower - Troitskaya, it has a height of 80 meters.

Grand Kremlin Palace.

Built in 1838-1849 on the command of Emperor Nicholas I by a group of Russian architects under the leadership of K. A. Tone. Currently used for state and diplomatic techniques and official ceremonies, and the Palace itself is a parade residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Pokrovsky Cathedral (Vasily Blessed Church) is one of the most famous attractions of Russia. For many, he is a symbol of Moscow, Russia.

The cathedral was built by Barm and the postmanial at Queen Ivan Grozny in 1555-61. In memory of the conquest of Kazan.

A bronze monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky is located in front of the cathedral.

"Museum V. I. Lenin"

State Historical Museum.

The collection of the museum reflects the history and culture of Russia from ancient times and to the present day, is unique in terms of the number and content of exhibits.

Manege Square

Fountain "Clock World". The main dome of the underground shopping complex "Okhotny Ryad".

Tverskaya Street - Central Street of Moscow.

The State Academic Big Theater is one of the largest in Russia and one of the most significant opera and ballet theaters in the world.

Bronze quadriga over the input portion. The Big Theater is depicted on storbly banknotes.

"House on the Embankment"

The residential complex CEC-SNK of the USSR covers an area of \u200b\u200bthree hectares. 25 entrances go into two streets - Serafimovich and Bersenevskaya embankment.
In the history of the house as the history of the country affected the mirror. The fate of many residents of the house is tragic. During the years of "Big Terror", almost a third of his inhabitants suffered from repression, disappeared in prisons and camps. In the house there were outstanding military leaders, heroes, artists, journalists, writers, academicians, party and government figures, employees of the Comintern.

GUM (main universal store)

A large shopping complex, which occupies the whole quarter of China-Cities and goes out by the main facade on Red Square. Monument to the pseudorussian architecture of federal significance. It is leased until 2059 from the Russian company Retail Bosco Di Ciliegi, which specializes in selling luxury goods.

Tsum (Central Universal Store)

State Duma (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)

The building was built in 1938 for the Council of Labor and Defense. Subsequently, the Soviet government was posted in it (Council of People's Commissars, then the Council of Ministers of the USSR), and then Gamin USSR. The State Duma meets here since 1994.

"White House" - House of the Government of the Russian Federation

The White House suffered a lot during the October events of 1993, when the troops caused by President Yeltsin opened fire from tanks on the building, defended by supporters of the dissolved congress of people's deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation.

Left: The former territory of the Confectionery Factory "Red October". CENTER: Monument to Peter the first work of the Tsereteli.

New Arbat

Garden Ring road

Borodinsky Bridge over Moscow River. Smolensk Embankment and Embankment Taras Shevchenko.

"Stalin's high-rises" - seven high-rise buildings built in Moscow in the late 1940s - early 1950s. High-rise buildings are the top of the post-war "Soviet Art Deco" in urban architecture. All Stalin's highways were laid on the same day - on September 7, 1947, when the 800th anniversary of Moscow was celebrated. It was a symbol of a new stage in the life of the ancient capital.

The main building of Moscow State University is the most ambitious and high of all Stalinist heights.

It has 36 floors, and the height with the spire reaches 240 meters. The building was the highest administrative and residential building in Moscow for the spleen for a long age, from 1953 to December 2003.

Residential building on the boiler's embankment

The house was built in 1938-1940, 1948-1952. The central body has 26 floors (32 together with the technical floors) and has a height of 176 m. 540 apartments are located in height.

High-rise building on the square of the red gate

During the construction of the founding of a high-rise building on the Lermontov Square, a reception was applied, which had no analogues on technical courage and engineering art. The fact is that the house with a height of 138 meters was built simultaneously with the metro station "Red Gate. The designers faced a difficult problem: for a while a multi-storey building will be on the very edge of the pit, therefore the soil will fall unevenly and the height will come back. Therefore, it was decided to specifically build with a slope. Before this, the soil around the perimeter of the pit was artificially frozen using the metro construction technology. When then he melted, the building caught and accepted a strictly vertical position. This method has never been applied anywhere else due to the complexity of the calculations.

Residential building at Kudrinskaya Square

The naughter was called "Aviator House" due to the fact that the apartments in it were provided to employees of the aviation industry. On the upper floors, the KGB special equipment was placed to monitor the American embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich is nearby, on Novinsky Boulevard.

"Radisson Royal" (Hotel "Ukraine")

The hotel was built in 1953-1957 and received its name in honor of the Motherland of the Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev. In April 2010, the hotel opened after a large-scale restoration under the new name "Radisson Royal".

The building opens the Kutuzov Prospect.

"Moscow City"

In 1992, the first projects of the multi-storey business center appeared, which was suggested to build the Moscow River in the Presnensk Embankment. The quarter was called Moscow International Business Center "Moscow-City".

On the area of \u200b\u200b60 hectares, 16 multi-storey buildings should be built, which are an integrated complex of structures with a single information space. Moscow-City skyscrapers must accommodate numerous offices, restaurants, hotels, halls of congresses, entertainment centers, Shops, galleries, exhibition halls.

As of the end of 2014, 10 high-altitude buildings were built on the territory of "Moscow-City" and 11 are in the construction process or completed. Of these, 15 buildings are skyscrapers (above 150 meters).

The average floors of the complex currently is 54 floors.

Budgets for the purchase of apartments in MMDTS "Moscow-City" are concentrated in the range of 1-2 million dollars.

Tower "Eurasia Tower". 70 floors, 309 m.

Tower of Mercury City Tower. 75 floors, 339 m.

The height of the building is 338.8 meters, which allowed the tower to be called the highest European skyscraper until September 25, 2014. The 75-storey tower of Mercury City bypassed the London Skyscraper "The Sharant" (306 m), which lasted in the status of the highest building of Europe just 4 months. After completing the construction of Mercury City, it was almost 33 m above its London rival.

In 2013, Mercury City became the owner of the prestigious International Property Awards Awards Europe 2013 in the nomination "Best Architecture of the High-rise Building".

"Tower on the Embankment." 59 floors, 268 m.

Trade and cultural center "Evolution". 54 floors, 255 m.

The tower differs from all other projects with its unusual twisting form resembling DNA molecule. The architect Tony Kettle was working on the design of the project together with Karen Forbes, who is currently taught in Edinburgh. The tower itself is a creative sibling of constructivism, borrowing the outlines of the Tatlin Tower, dedicated to the III International.

Ostankino Tower.

The construction was carried out from 1963 to 1967. At that time it was the highest structure in the world (540 meters). Now it is the 8th in the world in height free standing.

Panorama with Ostankino TV Bashni.

View from 503 telbashni marks.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing a prestressed reinforced concrete, compressed by steel cables, made it possible to make the construction of the tower simple and durable.

Another progressive idea was to use a relatively small foundation: according to the plan of engineer Nikitin, the tower should have been practically standing on Earth and its stability is ensured by repeatedly exceeding the mass of the cone-shaped base above the mass of the mast design.

Victory Park

The memorial complex of victory in the Great Patriotic War was opened on May 9, 1995 to the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory.


Komsomolskaya Square - the area of \u200b\u200bthe three stations where Leningradsky, Yaroslavl and Kazan railway stations are located.

In the year, more than 30 million people are sent from the metropolitan stations and in foreign countries.

Kiev railway station

Belorussian station

The third transport ring (TTK) is one of the three roundabouts of Moscow along with a garden ring and a Moscow ring car expense.

Street running

The total length of the TTK is about 36 kilometers, of which about 19 kilometers - overpass, about 5 kilometers - tunnels.

Combast Multi-Multi.


Round House on Dovzhenko, 6

Irina Viktorovna Pasynkova

Dear colleagues. At the thematic week dedicated to Moscow, the guys and I listened to the songs about your beloved capital, told poems, read literary works, carefully considered illustrations and albums with image The attractions of the main city of the country. Moscow Kremlin - One of the main attractions of the capital, the greatest monument of the history of our Motherland, the brilliant creation of Russian national culture, a beautiful and complex architectural ensemble. At the class of fine art Guys learned to draw Kremlin. I suggest you master Class, in my opinion, not difficult images of the Kremlin.

On the landscape sheet, we indicate a simple pencil two horizontal lines. Line Line, Upper Wall Kremlin. It is located below the middle of the sheet. (I fix the knowledge of spatial representations)

In the middle, draw a central tower and columns (I fix the knowledge of geometric shapes)

Now we perform the composition in color

Here is the image of the Kremlin turned out

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Everyone was already heard about the fact that the Kremlin was white. A lot of articles have already been written about it, but people are still managed to argue. But when did you get it, and when they stopped? On this issue, approval in all articles disagree, as well as thoughts in the heads of people. Some write that you began to beat in the 18th century, the other, which is still at the beginning of 17, are third trying to bring evidence that the Kremlin walls did not whine at all. The phrase is replicated everywhere that the Kremlin was white until 1947, and then Suddenly Stalin ordered him to repaint him in red. Was it so? Let's finally put all the points above and, the benefit of the sources enough, and picturesque, and photographic.

We understand the color of the Kremlin: red, white, when and why -\u003e

So, the current Kremlin was built by Italians at the end of the 15th century, and, of course, they did not whine him. The fortress retained the natural color of the red brick, in Italy there are several similar, the closest analogue - Sforza Castle in Milan. Yes, and to glorify fortification structures in those times it was dangerous: when the cannonic core falls into the wall, the brick is damaged, the whims crepts, and it is clearly visible to a vulnerable place where the wall should be rehearsed.

So, one of the first images of the Kremlin, where his color is clearly visible - Simon Ushakov icon "praised the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. The tree of the Russian state. She was written in 1668, and the Kremlin is red here.

For the first time, in written sources, the whims of the Kremlin is mentioned in 1680.
Historian Bartenev, in the book "Moscow Kremlin in Starin and Now" writes: "In a memorandum, filed on July 7, 1680, in the name of the king, it is said that the strengthening of the Kremlin" not Belena ", and the Spasskit Gate" were spelled out to be insoled and Belil in brick". In the note I was asked: to select the walls of the Kremlin, leave them how to eat or paint "in a brick" as a Spasskit Gate? The king commanded to choose the Kremlin lime ... "
So, at least since the 1680s, our main fortress was blenel.

1766 year. Picture of P. Balabin in Engraving M. Makhaev. The Kremlin is clearly white here.

1797, Gerard Debart.

1819, artist Maxim Vorobyov.

In 1826, French writer and playwright Francois Ansel, he described the White Kremlin in his memoirs: "We will leave the Kremlin, my dear Xavier; But, looking back at this ancient citadel, I will regret that by correcting the destruction applied by an explosion, the builders removed from the walls of the century-old patina, attached to them so much greeting. White paint, hiding cracks, gives the Kremlin the visibility of youth, which is not suitable for its shape and jumping his past. "

1830, artist Ruh.

1842, Dagerotype of Lurabura, the first documentary image of the Kremlin.

1850, Josef Andreas Weiss.

1852, one of the very first photographs of Moscow, the Church of Christ the Savior is built, and the walls of the Kremlin are whitewashed.

1856, preparation for the coronation of Alexander II. To this event, the plain plays were updated, the designs on the waterway tower are a frame for illumination.

The same is 1856, the view in the opposite side, the closest to us - the Tainytskaya Tower with a shooter overlooking the embankment.

Photo of 1860.

Photo of 1866.

1866-67 year.

1879, artist Peter Vereshchagin.

1880, picture of the English school of painting. The Kremlin is still white. In all previous images, we conclude that the Kremlin Wall along the river was descended in the 18th century, and remained white until the 1880s.

1880s, Konstantino-Elegenian Tower of the Kremlin from the inside. The glasses gradually sat down, and exposes red-brick walls.

1884, wall along the Alexandrovsky Garden. The whops were very crumbled, only the teeth rented.

1897, artist Nesterov. The walls are closer to red than to white.

1909, grinding walls with spontaneous residues.

The same 1909, the water tower still keeps the whitewash. Most likely it was whitic than the remaining walls. Of the several previous photos, it becomes clear that the walls and most towers were last spooled in the 1880s.

1911. Grotto in the Alexandrovsky Garden and the average arsenal tower.

1911, artist Jun. In reality, the walls were, of course, a longer shade, the divorces from the blots are more explicit than in the picture, but the total gamma is already red.

1914, Konstantin Korovin.

Pystroy and sloping Kremlin in the photograph of the 1920s.

And on the waterway tower, the whims were still held, the mid-1930s.

The end of the 1940s, the Kremlin after restoration to the 800th anniversary of Moscow. Here the tower is clearly red, with white items.

And two more color photographs of the 1950s. Somewhere crawled, somewhere left the sloping walls. There was no total repainting in red.

1950s These two photos are taken from here: http://humus.livejournal.com/4115131.html

Spasskaya Tower

But on the other hand, everything turned out to be so simple. Some towers are knocked out of the overall chronology of blissing.

1778, Red Square on the picture of Friedrich Hilferding. Spasskaya tower red with white details, however, the walls of the Kremlin are whiten.

1801, Watercolor Fedor Alekseeva. Even with all the pictures of the picturesque gamma, it can be seen that the Spasskaya Tower was still twisted at the end of the 18th century.

And after the fire of 1812, a red color returned. This is a picture of the English masters, 1823. Walls are invariably white.

1855, artist shchevostov. If you look good, it can be seen that the colors of the wall and the towers differ, the tower is darker and red.

View from Zamoskvorechye to the Kremlin, a picture of an unknown artist, mid-19th century. Here the Spasskaya Tower is again superimposed, most likely to celebrations on the occasion of the coronation of Alexander II in 1856.

Photo of the early 1860s. White tower.

Another photo of the beginning is the mid-1860s. The whirlwind of the tower somewhat crept.

The end of the 1860s. And here suddenly the tower again painted red.

1870s. Red tower.

1880s. Red paint is delivered, somewhere visible again painted places, patchwork. After 1856, the Spasskaya Tower was never whisked.

Nikolskaya Tower

1780s, Friedrich Hilferding. The Nikolskaya Tower is still without a gothic top, decorated with early cessary decor, red, with white details. In 1806-07, the tower was prescribed, in 1812 he was undermined by the French, destroyed almost half, and was restored in the late 1810s.

1823, Fresh Nikolskaya Tower after recovery, red.

1883, White Tower. Perhaps they twisted it with Spasskaya, to the coronation of Alexander II. And they updated the blown to the coronation of Alexander III in 1883.

1912 The White Tower remained up to the revolution.

1925 year. The tower is already red with white items. She became the result of the restoration of 1918, after revolutionary damage.

Troitskaya Tower

1860s. White tower.

On the watercolor of the English painting school of 1880, the tower gray, such a color gives the driving whims.

And in 1883 the tower is already red. Painted or cleaned from blissing, most likely to the coronation of Alexander III.

Let's summarize. According to documentary sources, the Kremlin first twisted in 1680, in the 18th and 19th centuries he was white, with the exception of Spasskaya, Nikolskaya and Trinity towers at certain periods. The walls of the last time were twisted in the early 1880s, at the beginning of the 20th century, the blots were updated only on the Nikolskaya Tower, perhaps on the waterway. Since then, the packers gradually crumbled and washed away, and by 1947 the Kremlin naturally accepted the ideologically faithful red color, in some places during the restoration of it was tint.

Kremlin walls today

Photo: Ilya Varlamov

To date, in some places, the Kremlin retains the natural color of red bricks, possibly with light toning. These are the 19th century bricks, the result of another restoration.

Wall from the river side. It is clearly seen that bricks are painted in red. Photo from Blog Ilya Varlamov

All old photos, if not specified other, taken from https://pastvu.com/

Alexander Ivanov worked on the publication.

In the historical center of the capital is the most recognizable architectural structure of Russia - Moscow Kremlin. The main feature architectural ensemble It is its firming complex consisting of walls in the form of a triangle with twenty towers.

The complex was built in the period from 1485 to 1499 and well preserved to this day. He served several times a model for such fortresses, which appeared in other cities of Russia - Kazan, Tula, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, etc. In the walls of the Kremlin there are numerous religious and secular buildings - cathedrals, palaces and administrative buildings of different eras. The Kremlin was included in the list World Heritage UNESCO in 1990. Together with the adjacent Red Square, which is part of this list, the Kremlin is usually considered the main attraction of Moscow.

Cathedrals of Moscow Kremlin

The architectural ensemble form three temples, in the center is located. The history of the cathedral began in 1475. It is the oldest fully preserved building among all the Kremlin buildings.

Initially, construction took place in 1326-1327 under the leadership of Ivan I. After completing the construction, the cathedral served as the home church of Metropolitan of Moscow, who settled in the predecessor of the current Patriarchal Palace.

By 1472, now the collapsed cathedral was destroyed, and then a new building was built in his place. However, it collapsed in May 1474, possibly due to an earthquake or due to errors in construction. A new attempt to revive the Grand Duke Ivan III. It was in this cathedral that the prayers served in front of important campaigns, crowned the kings and were erected in San Patriarchs.

Dedicated to Archangel Mikhail, the patron of Russian rulers, was built in 1505 on the site of the 1333 church of the same name. It is built by the Italian architect Aloizio Lamberty da Montignan. Architectural style combines traditional old Russian religious architecture and elements of Italian revival.

Located on the southwest corner of the square. In 1291, a wooden church was built here, but later the century burned down and was replaced by the stone church. The cathedral of white stone on the facades has nine onion domes and is intended for family ceremonies.

Cathedral time: 10:00 to 17:00 (day off - Thursday). A single ticket for visits will cost 500 rubles for adults and 250 rubles for children.

Palaces and Square of the Moscow Kremlin

  • - These are several representative secular buildings created in different centuries and served as a house for Russian great princes and kings, and in our time for the presidents.

  • - five-story building decorated with rich carved decorative frames, as well as a tiled roof.

  • - Building of the 17th century, retained rare architectural features civil architecture of that time. The museum presents jewelry work, exquisite dishes, painting, objects of royal hunting. The magnificent iconostasis destroyed in 1929 of the Ascension Monastery was preserved.

  • - Three-storey construction made in an early neoclassical style. Initially, the palace was supposed to serve as a residence of Senate, but in our time there is a central working office of the President of Russia.

Among popular seats The following areas should be noted in the Moscow Kremlin:

Towers of Moscow Kremlin

The length of the walls is 2235 meters, their maximum height is 19 meters, and the thickness reaches 6.5 meters.

There are 20 similar in the architectural stylist of defensive towers. Three angular towers have a cylindrical base, the remaining 17 are quadrangular.

Trojitsa Tower It is the highest, towering up 80 meters.

Lowest - tower Kutafia (13.5 meters), located outside the wall.

Four towers have a travel gate:

The vertices of these 4-time towers, which are considered particularly beautiful, are decorated with symbolic red ruby \u200b\u200bstars of the Soviet era.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower first appeared in the 15th century, but burned in 1656. On December 9, 1706, the capital first heard the fight of the Kurats, who announced a new hour. Since then, many events have occurred: war was carried out, the cities were renamed, the capital changed, but the famous chimes of the Moscow Kremlin remain the main chronometer of Russia.

Bell tower (height 81 meters) is the most high building in the Kremlin ensemble. It was built between 1505 and 1508 and still performs its function for three cathedrals, which do not have their own bells - Arkhangelsk, Assumption and Blagoveshchensky.

Nearby there is a small church of St. John, from where the name of the bell tower and the square appeared. It existed before the beginning of the XVI century, then collapsed and since then it was significantly dilapidated.

The Granovy Chamber is the main banquet hall of the Moscow Tsarevichi, this is the oldest preserved secular building in the city. Currently, this is the official ceremonial hall for the President of Russia, so it is closed for excursions.

Weapon Chamber and Diamond Fund

The Chamber was built by the decree of Peter I so that weapons mined in wars were kept. Construction has been delayed, starting in 1702 and ending only in 1736 due to financial difficulties. In 1812, the Chamber was blown up in the war against Napoleon, was reconstructed only in 1828. Now the Armory is a museum, to visit that can be on any day of the week from 10:00 to 18:00, with the exception of Thursday. The price of a ticket for adults is 700 rubles, for children - free.

There are not only arms fishery exhibits, but also a diamond foundation. The permanent exhibition of the state diamond fund was first opened in the Moscow Kremlin in 1967. Unique jewelry and precious stones are especially valuable here, most of them were confiscated after the October Revolution. Work time - from 10:00 to 17:20 any day, except Thursday. For a ticket for adults will have to give 500 rubles, the children's costs 100 rubles.

The two diamond exhibited deserves separate attention, as they belong to the most famous samples in the world of this gemstone:

  1. This is not only the largest medieval fortress in Russia, but also the greatest active fortress throughout Europe. Of course, there were more such structures, but the Moscow Kremlin is the only one that is still used.
  2. Kremlin walls were white. Walls "purchased" their red brick at the end of the XIX century. To see the White Kremlin, seek the work of the artists of the 18th or 19th century, such as Peter Vereshchagin or Alexey Savrasov.
  3. Red square has nothing to do with red. The name comes from the ancient Russian word "red", which means beautiful, and in no way connected with the color of buildings, which, as we now know, were white until the end of the 19th century.
  4. The stars of the Moscow Kremlin were eagles. In the days of Tsarist Russia, four Kremlin towers were crowned with blohemic eagles, which from the XV century were the Russian coat of arms. In 1935, the Soviet government replaced the eagles that were melted and replaced by five-pointed stars that we see today. The fifth star on the water tower added later.
  5. The Kremlin towers have names. Of the 20 Kremlin towers, only two do not have their own names.
  6. The Kremlin is tightly built up. Behind the 2235-meter Kremlin walls are 5 squares and 18 buildings, including the most popular Spasskaya Tower, the bell tower of Ivan the Great, Assumption Cathedral, the Trinity Tower and the Terem Palace.
  7. The Moscow Kremlin practically did not suffer in World War II. During the war, the Kremlin was carefully disguised to look like a residential building block. The dome of the church and the famous green towers were painted in gray and brown colors, respectively, fake doors and windows were coming to the walls of the Kremlin, and the Red Square was burdened with wooden structures.
  8. The Kremlin is in the Guinness Book of Records. In the Moscow Kremlin, you can see the largest bell in the world and the largest gun in the world. In 1735, a 6.14 meter bell was made of metal casting, the king gun weighing 39,312 tons was lost in 1586 and was never used in the war.
  9. The stars of the Kremlin are always shine. For 80 years of existence, the lighting of the Kremlin stars was disabled only twice. The first time during the Second World War, when the Kremlin was disguised to hide him from bombers. For the second time they were disabled for the film. Oscar-axis director Nikita Mikhalkov removed the scene for the Siberian Mutter.
  10. Kremlin watch have deep secrecy. The secret of the accuracy of the Kremlin clock literally lies under our legs. The clock is connected to the clock of the control in the Astronomical Institute of Sternberg through the cable.

The address: Russia Moscow
Start of construction: 1482 year
Ending construction: 1495 year
Number of towers: 20
Wall Length: 2500 m.
Main attractions: Spasskaya Tower, Assumption Cathedral, Ivan Great Bell Tower, Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, Arkhangelsk Cathedral, Granovy Chamber, Terem Palace, Arsenal, Armory, Tsar-gun, King Bell
Coordinates: 55 ° 45 "03.0" N 37 ° 36 "59.3" E
An object cultural heritage Russian Federation


Brief history Moscow Kremlin

In the heart of Moscow, the Bully Ensemble of the Kremlin towers on Borovitsky Hill. It has long been not only the symbol of the capital, but also all of Russia. History itself ordered that the ordinary village of Krivich, spreading in in the midst of the forest wilderness, eventually turned into the capital of a mighty Russian state.

Kremlin from a bird's eye view

Kremlin or Children in Ancient Russia called the central, fortified part of the city with a fortress wall, loopholes and towers. The first Moscow Kremlin, built in 1156 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukh, was a wooden fortress, surrounded by moat and the shaft.

In the prince of Ivan I on nicknamed Kalita (cash bag), oak walls and towers were erected in Moscow and laid the first stone building - the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady.

View of the walls of the Kremlin with the Kremlin Embankment

In 1367, the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy Kremlin had a powerful fastener wall of white limestone. Since then, the capital received the nickname "Moscow Belokamena". Large-scale construction turned under Ivan III, which combined a significant part of the Russian lands around Moscow and built a decent "sovereign of All Russia" the residence in the Kremlin.

For the construction of fortification structures, Ivan III invited architects from Milan. It was in 1485 - 1495 that the existing and so-old walls and the Kremlin Tower were built. The top of the walls are crowned with 1045 teeth in the form of a "swallow tail" - they have the same appearance as the teeth of Italian castles. At the turn of the XV - XVI centuries, the Moscow Kremlin turned into an impregnable massive fortress, lined with red bricks.

View of the Kremlin with a Big Stone Bridge

In 1516, along the fortifications overlooking the Red Square, died. After the turmoil Tower, the tower was decorated with tents, giving the Kremlin a modern appearance.

Wonderful return of the shrine of the Moscow Kremlin

The Spasskaya, created by Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari, is considered to be the main of 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin. The Spasskit Gate has long been a front entrance to the Kremlin, and the chimes, placed in the tent tower, are known as the main hours of the country. The top of the tower is crowned with a luminous rubble star, but after the collapse of the USSR, more and more often appear appeals to remove the star and hoisting in her place of the double-headed eagle. The tower received its name from the commercial icon of Sven Smolensky.

View of the Kremlin from the Big Moskvoretsky Bridge

Icon was revered by saints, so men passing through the gate, in front of the contraction of the Savior were to remove the headdress. The legend says that when Napoleon drove through the Spasskit Gate, then the gust of the wind ripped from his head to the tricon. But on this, there were no bad omen: the French tried to kidnap the gilded robe, adorned by the image of the Sven of Smolensky, but the staircase attached to the goal was overturned, and the shrine remained unharmed.

During the years of Soviet power, the icon was removed from the tower. For more than 70 years, the shrine was considered lost until in 2010 the restorers were found under the layer of plaster metal grid hiding the image of Christ. On August 28, 2010, in the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, Patriarch Kirill solemnly consecrated the newly acquired icon over the gates of the Spasskaya Tower.

Beklemishevskaya Tower

Legends and myths of the Kremlin

The time of time, the Moscow Kremlin was not only a symbol of the infinite power of the sovereign, but also the place of legends. For a long history about the Kremlin temples and the towers, so much legends were created that would have enough for a whole book.

The most famous legends talk about secret dungeons and underground strokes. It is believed that they were invented by the Italian architects, designed and built the Kremlin walls and towers. Many underground premises have been preserved under the former miracle monastery, which was located in the eastern part of the Kremlin hill until the 1930s. These are transitions, indoor houses of temples and long galleries. To date, some of them flooded with underground waters.

Eternal flame near the walls of the Kremlin

There are rumors among Muscovites that earlier from each of the towers of the Kremlin, branched underground moves. The same secret passes have connected all tsarist Palaces. When, in the 1960s, the builders took the digging of a big pit for the State Kremlin Palace, they found three underground passages built in the XVI century. The dungeons were so wide that it could be driving on the cart.

Underground moves were found during each major reconstruction. Most often, emptiness, failures and labyrinths for safety reasons were lit or simply poured concrete.

Spasskaya Tower

One of the secrets of the Moscow Kremlin is also associated with its dungeons. For several centuries, historians and archaeologists have been fighting over the mystery of the disappearance of the library of John IV of Grozny, which is also called Liberia. The unique collection of ancient books and manuscripts Russian Sovereign was inherited from his grandmother Sofia Paleologist, whom these books went as a bold.

In historical documents there is an inventory library consisting of 800 volumes, but the assembly itself disappeared without a trace. Some researchers are convinced that it burned in a fire or disappeared into the times of Discharge. But many are confident that the social library and hidden in one of the Kremlin dungeons.

View of Assumption, Blagoveshchensky Cathedrals and Cathedral Square

Finding books in the storage facilities located underground was not an accident. When in 1472, Sophia Paleologist arrived in the city, she saw that there was a fire that brightened in Moscow for two years earlier. It was understood that the library brought by it can easily die on fire, Sophia ordered to equip a spacious basement under the repository, which was under the Kremlin Temple of the Nativity of the Virgin. After that, a valuable Liberia was always kept in the dungeons.

View of the Cathedral Square and the bell tower of Ivan the Great

Cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin - "Altari of Russia"

Today, the Moscow Kremlin is both the place of work of the President of the Russian Federation, and the Historical and Cultural Museum. History Center The Kremlin is represented by the Cathedral Square with the Three Cathedrals - Assumption, Arkhangelsk and Blagoveshchensky. The ancient proverb says: "The Kremlin is minced over Moscow, and only the sky over the Kremlin." That is why the whole people honored the decrees of the king, which he proclaimed in the Assumption Cathedral.

This temple with full right can be called the "Altar of Russia". In the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, the kings were crowned with the kingdom, elected the next chapter of the Russian Church, and in the tombs of the temple, the eternal peace of the power of the Moscow saints found. The Arkhangelsk Cathedral since 1340 and up to the XVIII century, served as the tomb of the Moscow Princes and Kings.

Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

Under its vaults on white-plates, gravestones are installed in strict order. Annunciation Cathedral was a personal prayer house of Moscow princes: here they took baptism, confessed, were crowned. According to legend, in the lines of this temple they kept a grand permanent treasury. The Cathedral Square is surrounded by the bell tower of Ivan the Great, grain and patriarchal chambers. The collections of the Boyar City Council and Zemstvo Cathedral were held at the Granovic Chamber, and the Holy Synod office was located in the Patriarch Palace.

Attractions of Moscow Kremlin

The Kremlin's younger buildings include a large Kremlin Palace, built in the middle of the XIX century on the orders of Emperor Nikolai I. Today, its walls are located the parade residence of the President of Russia.

Tsar Cannon

In the palace halls, the ceremony of the president is held, state awards and credentials are awarded. In one of the buildings of the Palace there are diamond fund of the Russian Federation and the Armory of the Chamber are the treasury of the subjects of the palace help. In the Kremlin, there are tsar-guns weighing 40 tons and tsar-bell weighing 200 tons - masterpieces of Russian casting mastery. Because of his giant dimensions, they are not suitable for use in their intended purpose, but they became symbols of the Great Russia. In the Kremlin is always crowded. Guests admire the incredit beauty of architectural creations that personify Russian history. As I wrote M.Yu. Lermontov in the "Panorama of Moscow", nothing can compare with this Kremlin which, "surrounded by the toothed walls and the Zalads of the heads of cathedrals, will face high mountain, as putter on the brow of the Terrible Lord. "