Vasiliev's palace in vyritsa. Businessman Sergei Vasiliev: biography and photos

The richest Russians are used to resting in huge mansions, which are not inferior in decoration to the royal palaces. Kadyrov's dacha, for example, costs $ 310 million, and Putin comes to his "recreation complex" on a yacht.

Photos of palaces and estates of influential people in Russia show that you cannot forbid someone to live beautifully. The Elephant portal has selected eight of the most luxurious "architectural masterpieces" belonging to officials and businessmen.

The Vasiliev brothers were born in the village of Vyritsa, Leningrad Region. At first, they were engaged in video dealerships, then they drove cars from Europe for sale in Russia, and kept car markets. Sergey Vasiliev controlled and controls the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal, the largest bunkering company in the Sea Port of St. Petersburg, with a 15% share of the volume of oil products transshipment in the Baltic.

The Vasilievs generously helped their native Vyritsa, where the brothers still live, despite the presence of real estate in St. Petersburg - for example, they restored the wooden church of the Kazan Mother of God, which is popular with tourists. It was in this village on the banks of the Oredezh River that the brothers decided to build their estate. The interesting thing about this estate is that it is a miniature copy of the Catherine Palace - the famous royal residence in Pushkin. Patterns on a cast-iron lattice, golden domes of the chapel, sky-blue and white statues - a lot reminds of Catherine's.

There is only conflicting information about the interior: ceilings 14 meters high, marble staircases, turtle shell doors, mosaic marble floors with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 600 square meters. m, black marble knights-Atlanteans. According to the author of the project, architect Igor Gremitsky, exclusively natural materials were used for the decoration of the palace, including 19 varieties of marble from Italy.

This Saturday, a post appeared on the entertainment portal YaPlakal, the author of which claimed that he participated in the construction of a residence for the head of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin - he was engaged in the so-called smart home there.

According to him, on several dozen hectares of forest near Domodedovo, own lakes were dug, a garage for 15 cars was built, a separate box for a executive limousine was built, one and a half kilometers were built underground passages in a garage, had its own cinema, a bath complex (1400 sq. m.) with a sauna, Russian, Turkish baths, a salt room, a swimming pool, a separate massage room and so on.

Then a certain builder Alexey, who allegedly worked there, spoke on the RSN air. “There were 300 Vietnamese people who worked there, and they killed all the fish with electric fishing rods. External finishing - Italian marble. Bath - three buildings, 14 by 14 meters, Italian furniture, marble bar, fireplace, stained glass windows. It is made of glass, there are no walls as such, changing rooms, showers, everything is very expensive. Swimming pool 50 meters in the house. There is a storage for fur coats, a refrigerator. The small house is the son, the guest house, and the main one is his. There is a chapel, a chapel. Like Metrostroy for 150 million dug ponds there. It is decorated with gold tiles, and the room is very large - a hamam, a bathhouse, a steam room, a panorama to look at the forest, ”Aleksey said about what he saw near Domodedovo.

Igor Shuvalov, who has held the post of Deputy Prime Minister since 2008, according to the submitted declaration for 2012, is the wealthiest member of the government. His income was about 226 million rubles (about $ 7 million). The spouse's income is slightly less.

In his declaration, the official indicated that, together with his wife and three minor children, he rents a house with an area of \u200b\u200b4,174 sq. meters. The Deputy Prime Minister's residence is located near the Skolkovo Innograd (Moscow) on the territory of the former dacha of the Politburo member of the Brezhnev era Mikhail Suslov (state building Zarechye-4), is under zealous protection and surrounded by a high fence. Natalia Pelevina in her blog on the website of the radio station Echo of Moscow talks about the "palace" with an area of \u200b\u200b1,500 square meters. meters, built in the shape of the letter P. On a plot of 7.5 hectares, according to Pelevina, there are also indoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, luxurious gardens "with shrubs sheared in Versailles style", a greenhouse for exotic plants, separate houses for servants and security And so on.

Another very impressive mansion stands on the banks of the Sunzha River in Grozny. The official residence of the head of the Chechen Republic with an area of \u200b\u200b260 thousand square meters. meters cost the budget, according to Novaya Gazeta, about 10 billion rubles ($ 310.8 million).

Novaya Gazeta notes that 48 million rubles were allocated for the development of the residence's territory alone - 360 thousand square meters. m of lawn, 77 thousand sq. m of flower beds, 16 thousand roses, 14 thousand sq. m of figuratively cut shrubs, hedges and more. About 36 million rubles have been allocated for public services of the residence.

Nikolai Uskov, the head of the Snob project, after a meeting of the club of editors of the central media in Grozny, eloquently described what he saw: “On a huge square in the middle of ideal lawns resembling emerald waves of golf courses, a monumental palace in the Ottoman style stood, next to it - a copy of the sacred Kaaba, framed by minarets. […] A small farm is hiding among the picturesque hills and Chechen ancestral towers stretching to the left. With her, a bear cub lives in a cage, chickens and turkeys walk on the grass, roosters crow, a stream that falls into an artificial pond murmurs. "

In February 2011, an article was published in Novaya Gazeta, where it was assumed that a personal dacha was being built on the territory of the Bolshoi Utrish nature reserve (Krasnodar Territory) for the ex-president and current Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The mansion in Bolshoy Utrish was to be equipped with a marina and a helipad. Two wide roads leading to it were specially planned (according to the newspaper, these are the safety requirements of the Federal Guard Service). The architecture of the Medvedev dacha project is similar to the so-called Putin's palace in Gelendzhik.

The land on which the palace is located has been leased since July 2008 by the forestry department of the Krasnodar Territory to the fund of regional non-commercial projects Dar for the construction of a sports and recreation complex there. For the territory of 120 hectares, the fund will transfer 15 million rubles every year for 49 years.

According to Novaya Gazeta, the management company of the Dar fund was located at the same address as the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI) of the President's wife Svetlana Medvedeva, the companies had the same phone number, and the CEO of both organizations was at different times the same and the same person (Olga Travina). The Presidential Property Management Department said it had nothing to do with construction.

In the Golubaya Bay near the village of Bzhid, the Dzhubgsky urban settlement of the Tuapse District of the Krasnodar Territory, there is an object that some consider the residence of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev.

According to Rosreestr, some of these lands really belong to the governor. However, according to environmentalists, the area fenced in (about 7 hectares) significantly exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bland owned by Tkachev (1 hectare).

In Russia, it is not customary to dwell on biographies. Most often, even their names are known only to a narrow circle of people who are really interested in this topic. Businessman Sergei Vasiliev, who became famous mainly for his private palace, copying the famous one in Tsarskoye Selo, and experienced a daring attempt on his own life, was no exception. Who is the owner of elite housing and the victim of gang violence?

The beginning of the way

Vasiliev Sergey Vasilievich is a businessman, now quite famous, - the middle of three brothers. All of them were born in the village of Vyritsa, in the Leningrad region. From childhood, the boys were fond of boxing, so they could not take endurance and strength - perhaps this tempering of character became one of the main reasons for their success in business. At the age of 19, Sergei went to jail, but served 3 years out of the five. Ten years later - a new walker, but this time already together with his older brother on charges of extortion, to which fraud was added at the trial - at this time the Vasilievs, as they say, controlled video salons and so-called thimblers in the city on Neve.

Having freed themselves in the early nineties, the brothers switched to the then popular occupation - driving cars from Europe to Russia, while they actively used old acquaintances, which allowed them to take under their wing one of the automobile markets of the northern capital.

Petersburg oil terminal

Businessman Sergei Vasilyev began his independent voyage from the Petersburg Oil Terminal. An interesting fact is that instead of looking for external investors who could demand a share in PNT as a token of gratitude for their help, Vasiliev started modernizing using the terminal's own income.

At the moment, according to expert estimates, the share of this company in the oil products market of the Baltic region is 15%, and the annual income of the Petersburg Oil Terminal is about $ 60 million.


Vasiliev Sergey Vasilievich is a businessman, a photo, whose biography is shrouded in mystery. But it is known that another major undertaking by the entrepreneur was the Soyuz corporation, which produces specialized fats (vegetable, palm oil, and others); the share of this enterprise in the Russian market is 18%, which allows us to speak with confidence about its influence. Trouble in this company began in 2012, when a personal conflict broke out between Vasiliev, who owns a controlling stake, and his partner, who held a quarter of the corporation's shares.

Consequences of the "Union"

As a result of this, according to financial experts, a kind of raider seizure of the enterprise began: the more unwanted partner was removed from the management of the company, the lion's share of the property was sold allegedly for the debts of Soyuz, and sold at a price much lower than the real market value and to firms for which According to some analysts, businessman Sergei Vasiliev is also standing.

It all ended with the incident taking on a truly global scale: the outcast partner was forced to leave for Holland with his family after an attempt on his own life, most likely organized by Vasiliev; many Russian and foreign firms refuse to cooperate with the corporation; The court proceedings initiated by the fled partner with the aim of returning the seized share in Soyuz are in full swing.


Russian Foundations is another project headed by Sergei Vasiliev. A businessman, whose biography includes several large-scale enterprises, with the help of this investment group, he recently became the owner of a London diamond trader, the Arcos company, which began its history back in 1920. It was previously under the wing of Alrosa, a mining company specializing primarily in diamond mining. It is said, however, that at the time of the sale, Arcos owned only a medium-sized apartment in London, while the rest of the property had already been sold to an unknown investor. Alrosa notes that two entrepreneurs took part in the auction where this company was at stake, and Sergey Vasiliev, as it is already clear, offered a high price.

The businessman, whose photo in connection with this event appeared in many specialized publications, notes that this acquisition will allow him to expand his influence in the commodity markets, moreover, it will be an excellent addition to the businessman's existing gold mining company Seligdar. They note, by the way, that Arcos was sold at a price that turned out to be below market value, so Vasiliev made a priori a profitable deal.

Assassination attempt

In Russia, a huge number of large entrepreneurs are citizens of other countries. Sergei was no exception, the businessman, whose photo appeared in many local and all-Russian media in connection with a high-profile assassination attempt, took a fancy for a long time, despite his now Dutch citizenship. In this city he began his career, here he suffered the first failures, and immediately took up new ideas. And in the city on the Neva, he almost died. In 2006, unknown persons fired at the car in which the businessman was.

The attack was clearly well planned: one of the attackers' cars blocked the businessman's Rolls-Royce road, while the other was targeted firing: as a result of the assassination attempt, one of Vasiliev's bodyguards was killed, three were injured, and he himself, who was also injured, spent about a week in intensive care.

Assassination versions

All versions of the assassination attempt are related to professional activities. Some say that Sergei Vasiliev is a businessman who survived and even refused to “share” with one of the well-known crime bosses, the Petersburg Oil Terminal, for which he almost paid with his life. Others associate the assassination attempt with the famous Vasiliev mansion, which he refused to sell. In any case, the charge was brought against the head of Tambovskaya, who, according to the investigation, had views on some of Vasilyev's enterprises.

Vasilievsky palace

Vasiliev Sergey Vasilievich is a businessman, the photo of whose mansion excited the Internet. It is believed that a citizen of an EU country should still spend most of the year in the EU, but contrary to this rule, Vasiliev settled in his native village, where he built himself a smaller copy of the famous palace in Tsarskoye Selo. The house is located on the shore, they say, by the way, that due to the construction of the village, part of the wild beach has been lost. Experts note that if the external design of the Vasiliev Palace is in no way inferior to the Catherine Palace, then the interior design even surpasses it.

There were rumors that the owner did not like the front doors of the mansion, made of turtle shells, so that one of them, worth $ 30 thousand, was ordered by businessman Sergei Vasiliev to be replaced with a new one. The abundance of marble and gold, the design in the Baroque style gives the house a certain "museum character", perhaps that is why this building is more used for receiving high-ranking guests than for ordinary life. By the way, the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe site is unknown.


But it is worth noting that Sergei Vasiliev, a businessman whose name often pops up in the media in connection with scandals, attempts and other unpleasant events, is also known for his patronage. He completely restored the Church of Our Lady of Kazan - a wooden cathedral with more than a century of history, which is now one of the main places for pilgrims. True, not all fellow villagers are happy with such changes: from a small local church, the temple has turned into a tourist Mecca, which obviously does not please everyone.

In addition, Sergey Vasiliev takes part in various projects for young entrepreneurs, businessmen, telling his own success story, thereby inspiring young people to new achievements. It is worth noting that a year ago he tried himself in a new field: it all started with notes on one social network, in which Vasiliev shared with his subscribers some stories from his business past. Later, due to the popularity of these notes, the idea arose to create a whole book in which Vasiliev's path would be shown from the very beginning.

In his "memoirs", titled "As it was for me: the 90s", the entrepreneur writes about the specifics of business in the 90s, as well as about all kinds of business schemes that he created himself and which he had to face - this book promises to be one of the self-guides for those who are going to start their own business.


Of course, it is difficult to form an unambiguous opinion about such an extraordinary personality as Sergei Vasiliev. Someone considers him one of the "cleanest" Russian businessmen, saying that he did not clear his way with murders - for that alone he can be respected. Others blame numerous scandals associated with the entrepreneur's name: here is the incident with the Soyuz corporation, the trial of which is still pending, and the likely backstage games around the Petersburg Oil Terminal, for which Vasiliev almost paid with his life. In any case, it is worth noting that Sergei Vasilyevich Vasiliev achieved a lot, not giving up any difficulties and demonstrating his entrepreneurial talent and outstanding ability in doing business. We should pay tribute to him only for the fact that he is also engaged in the cultivation of his own kind, which means that Russian business certainly has a future.

The Vasilievsky Palace in the village of Vyritsa is also called the house or dacha of Vasiliev, the mansion of the Vasiliev brothers. It is located on the left bank of the Oredezh River and sends us to the Great Catherine Palace in Pushkin.

Construction of the Vasiliev mansion

The Vasilievsky Palace was built in 2005-2006. It was designed by the Petersburg architect Igor Nikolaevich Gremitsky. Only natural materials and only old technologies were used in the decoration.

We can say that this is the first truly marble palace in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. The mansion is designed to receive high-ranking guests. Therefore, its design boggles every imagination.

The architect explained the idea as follows:

The difficulty was to create a sense of huge volume in the interior (more from the inside than from the outside) ... In addition, we tried to ensure that there were no repetitions in the decor, so that step by step the space would open up to the viewer unexpectedly, richly, brightly, in a new way, although the leading style is one - Russian baroque.

Royal decoration of the palace

The architectural volumes and the height of the ceilings in the palace premises, for example, in the large hall - 14 m are delighted.A marble staircase can evoke an indescribable feeling, not to mention the luxurious decoration of the walls, columns and ceiling.

The mosaic marble floors are over 600 m2. Columns, fireplaces and pilasters in the hall and foyer, as well as the walls of the first floor, stairs and sculptures are made of marble. All this beauty was created by the best masters of Russia and Italy.

The second floor is presented in the form of open galleries, framing an oval double-height hall and thus creating a large visual space. Five-meter giant knights of black marble adorn the central gallery.

Palace complex

The mansion is located on a plot measuring 400x400 m. There is also a regular park on the territory of which there are fountains, marble sculptures, cannons, a summer gazebo.

A column with a sculptural composition was erected in front of the palace - a guardian angel, who supports the last emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, with his right hand, and overshadows the king with a cross with his left.

The palace complex has a chapel, like the Great Catherine Palace.

The owner of the palace

The client of the project and the owner of the palace is the St. Petersburg businessman Sergei Vasilievich Vasiliev, the middle of the 3 Vasiliev brothers, natives of Vyritsa.

The initials of the owner - "SVV" are adorned in a cartouche above the main entrance to the mansion. In Vyritsa, the Vasiliev brothers sponsored the reconstruction of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and a number of other historical monuments.

Address of the Vasilievsky Palace

  • Leningrad region., Gatchinsky district, pos. Vyritsa

How to get to Vyritsa from St. Petersburg

Suburban train
  • From the Vitebsk railway station (metro stations "Pushkinskaya", "Zvenigorodskaya") take one of the trains going to "Vyritsa", "Settlement", "Oredezh", "Chashcha", "Cholovo" or "Novinka". Travel time is about 1.00-1.20 hours.
  • You can also take the above-mentioned electric trains at the Kupchino station (platform), located directly above the metro station of the same name on the southern outskirts of St. Petersburg.
  • Attention: electric trains going to Pavlovsk or Novolisino are not suitable!
  • Follow Kievskoe or Moskovskoe highway - 62-76 km. Travel time - 0.50-1.15 hours.

The Vasiliev brothers were born in the village of Vyritsa, Leningrad Region. First, they were engaged in video dealerships, then they drove cars from Europe for sale in Russia, and kept car markets.
Sergey Vasiliev controlled and controls the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal - the largest bunkering company in the Seaport of St. Petersburg, with a 15% share of the volume of oil products transshipment in the Baltic.
The Vasilievs generously helped their native Vyritsa, where the brothers still live, despite the presence of real estate in St. Petersburg, for example, they restored the wooden church of the Kazan Mother of God, which is popular with tourists.
It was in this village on the banks of the Oredezh River that the brothers decided to build their estate. What is interesting about this estate is that it is a miniature copy of the Catherine Palace - the famous royal residence in Pushkin.
Patterns on a cast-iron lattice, golden domes of the chapel, sky-blue color and white statues - a lot reminds of Catherine's.
There is only conflicting information about the interior: ceilings 14 meters high, marble staircases, turtle shell doors, mosaic marble floors with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 600 square meters. m, black marble knights-Atlanteans.
According to the author of the project, architect Igor Gremitsky, exclusively natural materials were used for the decoration of the palace, including 19 varieties of marble from Italy.