Nature and people of new guinea. Papua New Guinea

From time immemorial, Russian and foreign seafarers began to explore the islands located in the Pacific Ocean. These natural complexes are so amazing and unusual that they are considered to be isolated continents with their own culture and way of life. From school we all remember that in Oceania, after Greenland is Papua New Guinea.

The island is washed by several seas: New Guinea, Solomon, Coral, as well as the Gulf of Papua. Miklouho-Maclay N. N., a Russian biologist and navigator, who made a significant contribution to geography, history and science, was closely studying natural resources, local culture and indigenous people. Thanks to this man, the world learned about the existence of the wild jungle and distinctive tribes.

True, tours to the island in Oceania are not in great demand, while they remain a rarity. But travelers who have been in the local jungle, untouched by civilization, recall their vacation with rapture and delight. Rich vegetation, exotic fauna, amazing landscapes, a variety of languages, customs and cultures leave an indelible impression on your memory. Our publication is dedicated to this state.

Geographical description of the island of New Guinea

The tropical island is located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, connecting two parts of the world: Asia and Australia. Since 1975 it has been an independent state, also part of the British Commonwealth and is a member of the UN. Its capital is Port Moresby. The origin of the island of New Guinea is mainland. Almost the entire territory is covered with massive uplands and rocky ridges.

Most of them are of volcanic origin and rise 3000 meters above sea level. According to scientific data, Wilhelm is considered the highest mountain, which reaches 4509 meters. Between the hills there are wide basins filled with water, densely planted with tropical trees.

Several rivers flow on the island: Ramu, Sepik, Markham, Purari, Fly. Scientists engaged in the geological study of the island claim that the continent has a high seismic activity. The last eruption was recorded in the last century, during which thousands of people suffered, as well as huge damage to agriculture.

Island of New Guinea: population

Life on tropical islands originated thousands of years ago, no one can name the exact date. The last population census took place in 1900, at that time the number was about 10 million people. The indigenous inhabitants are the Papuans belonging to the equatorial race. In addition to the Melanesians, as this nation is also called, Asians and even Europeans live.

Lack of civilization, jobs, as well as unfavorable living conditions and the presence of a high crime rate force the aborigines to migrate from the "mainland" New Guinea. The island lives by its own customs and laws. Papuans create clans, tribes, elect elders, without whom important tasks and decisions cannot be made.

The main occupation of the population is agriculture. Wild tribes plow the land, plant palms with bananas, coconuts, and pineapples. Fishing and hunting are no less popular. Some Aboriginal people mine precious metals and then sell them on the black market.

Climatic conditions

The huge masses of water and the small size of the land have influenced the climate in general. In the north, a humid equatorial climate is noted, characterized by abundant rainfall and slight winds. Summer temperature regime ranges from +30 ... + 32 ° С, slightly decreases at night.

The southern part of the mainland is ruled by the subequatorial climate zone. During the winter months (January-February) strong winds prevail on the island of Papua New Guinea. The island, or rather the southeast (May-August) and the central part, are heavily flooded with tropical rains.

The rest of the coastal area (lowland) undergoes drought until late autumn. In areas with high mountains and ridges, a small amount of precipitation falls, since the hills serve as a protective barrier against cold air masses and rain.

Economic situation

The relief of the ridges prevents the construction of highways and connecting routes. To date, there is no ground communication with major New Guinea. The island has only air links with the Pacific regions. To maintain and develop the economy, the state in Oceania regularly receives financial support from Australia.

However, the infrastructure remains at an antediluvian level. The main reason is non-compliance with law and order by local residents. Crime and civil strife are raging in rural areas. In order to protect their property from robbery and devastation, residents create communities.

The main activity of the population is agriculture. Thus, market relations are established between tribes and regions. Sweet potatoes and tea are cultivated in the mountainous regions, vegetables, bananas, yams, taro are cultivated in the lowlands. They grow a variety of cereals, fruit, coffee and chocolate trees. Livestock breeding is practiced. Papua New Guinea is abundant in mineral resources. The mining industry is actively developing.


The territory of the island of New Guinea is covered with evergreen savannas. In the jungle, valuable plant species and relict trees grow: sago and coconut palms, melon and mango, rubber plants, ficuses, bamboos, pandanuses, casuarins. The forests include pines and ferns. And on the marshland mangroves grow. On the banks of the rivers you can see thickets of sugar cane.


The animal world is rich and varied. Alligators, dangerous and poisonous snakes, as well as lizards and chameleons are found in local rivers. The fauna is represented by amazing insects, exotic birds and reptiles. Birds of paradise, cassowaries, large parrots live on the mainland. Large turtles crawl along the coast. In the forests there are marsupial badgers, kangaroos, and couscous. Local residents breed animals familiar to our region: pigs, cows, horses, goats and other livestock.

Tourist focus

Avid travelers know where the island of New Guinea is, and therefore tend to get here in the summer months to see the colorful and diverse world of the jungle. In warm weather, enchanting festivals with national aboriginal dances are organized here. Many are attracted by excursion vacations in the wild jungle with a local guide, others - by acquaintance with the sights of the nearby resorts.

Things to do?

When purchasing a tour to Papua New Guinea, be sure to go diving. Every hotel and inn offers similar services. The waters of the Pacific Ocean are an unusually colorful world, teeming with coral reefs, amazing sea creatures, and large predators. Sunken ships and planes can be seen at the bottom of the ocean.

Surfing and windsurfing are also popular. The best beaches for this extreme activity are the coasts of the resorts Vewak, Madang, Vanimo, Alotau. It is allowed to fish in the coastal waters, which is what the guests of the island do. They manage to catch mackerel, giant carax, dogtooth tuna, barracuda, salmon, perch and many other trophies. Rafting, canoeing, kayaking, boat trips are in great demand.

Papua New Guinea is a natural wonder of the world, concealing many mysteries and seducing with its resources. If you are not afraid of tropical mosquito bites and aggressive behavior of the Papuans, then feel free to purchase a tour to the picturesque island.

Rafael Newman

What kind of climate does Papua New Guinea have?

Papua New Guinea brief climate description

Weather in Papua New Guinea depends on the following factors Humid tropical climate. No dry season. The driest month receives at least 60 mm (2.4 ") of precipitation. Typically, precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year. All average monthly temperatures exceed 18 ° C (64 ° F).
The hottest month is Decemberwhen the maximum temperature is about 31 ℃ (88 ℉). Usually the third week is the hottest. But be aware of thunderstorm, fog and rain. The coldest month is June. Temperatures can reach 23 ℃ (73 ℉) this month! And get ready for rain, thunderstorm, fog and uncertainty.

Papua New Guinea weather conditions throughout the year

Papua New Guinea is a country in the eastern part of New Guinea and the neighboring islands. This country is unique in its vast diversity, including over 700 languages \u200b\u200band 600 islands. In addition, Papua New Guinea has many attractions, including unique wildlife. Papua New Guinea is located in the tropics, so the rainy and drought or monsoon season can be different. The climate is generally monsoon, tropical at the bottom, temperate at the top, while cold at the top. December to March is the northwest monsoon (rainy season), and the southwest monsoons are from May to October (dry season). Precipitation is an important characteristic of the climate in Papua New Guinea. Rainfall and fluctuations in rainfall throughout the year are associated with monsoons. Average rainfall in the mountains of Papua New Guinea ranges from 2000 to 5000 mm. Typhoons can occur during the rainy season (December-March) and cause flooding and significant destruction. The wettest month is February and the driest month is July, although rain can be expected during the dry season. Port Moresby receives 1,300 mm of precipitation annually. Temperature fluctuations are insignificant throughout the year. The average monthly temperature in Port Moresby is about 26 ℃ (79 ℉), in the coastal plains around 28 ℃ (82 ℉), in the mountains 26 ℃ (79 ℉). The average annual air temperature in the coastal plains is 28 ℃ (79 ℉). The relative humidity is high throughout the year and ranges from 73% to 86% throughout the year. Papua New Guinea receives the most direct sunlight on Earth per day
the sun is shining
5-8 hours
Weather in Papua New Guinea influenced by Tropical wetclimate. There is no dry season. The driest month has at least 60 mm (2.4 \\ ") rainfall. Rainfall is usually evenly distributed throughout the year. All average monthly temperatures are above 18 ° C (64 ° F).

New Guinea is the least populated area of \u200b\u200bIndonesia.

The population is 1.56 million inhabitants, which gives an average density of 4 people. for 1 sq. km.

The majority of the population of New Guinea is made up of the Papuans, belonging to the Austroloid race, but speaking different (mutually incomprehensible) New Guinean languages, forming separate language families.

More than ¾ of the population lives in rural areas in small, scattered groups. All settlements, as a rule, are located in the coastal zone or in several fertile valleys, there are also several border towns within the province.

Large areas within the province are uninhabited. People move between cities by plane or by sea.

The main settlements are Jayapura (149,618 people), Mankovari, Soron, Merauke and Biak.

Jayapura is the administrative center of the Irian Jaya province and its largest city.

About 80% of the population are Papuans and Melanesians, the former live in mountainous areas, the latter along the coast.

Most Papuans live in small clan groups, isolated from each other. Of the highland regions of the province of Irian Jaya, the most extensive and accessible, located in its central part, is the Grand Baliem Valley, a 72-kilometer stone corridor along which the Baliem River flows. More than 100 thousand people from the Dani tribe live here in small villages scattered throughout this wide valley.

In Irian Jaya, there are also places of compact residence of other peoples of Indonesia (Javanese, Malays, Ambonians), as well as descendants of Chinese and Dutch settlers.

The southern wetlands of the island are inhabited by warlike Asmat (formerly bounty hunters) and almost completely isolated from the world of Korowai, who build their houses on trees. Korovaev, due to the inaccessibility of their habitat, was practically not touched by modern civilization, they still retain a unique social order and traditions.

About 300 languages \u200b\u200bare spoken in West Irian, most of which are dissimilar. Bahasa Indonesia, along with local dialects, is used as a language of interethnic communication.

Guinea climate - tropical, with a dry season in winter, and a rainy season in summer due to the arrival of the southwest monsoons.

Rainfall is higher in coastal regions, where 4,000 mm falls. rain per year, and less in the north and north-east of the country, where their number is only slightly more than 1,000 mm. in year. Although the rains are more abundant on the coast, the rainy season lasts longer in southeast Guinea, where the first rains fall in the second half of February and the last in November; in Conakry, on the coast, it rains from May to November, and in Cancan, in the east, from May to October.

The interior regions of Guinea are almost all covered with hills and mountains, the highest of which reach 1,500 meters above sea level - such peaks are found in the Futa Jallon (in the northwest) and Nimba (in the southeast); the mountains are the source of some important rivers such as the Niger, Senegal and The Gambia. Altitude softens the climate of Guinea in these regions, so the warmest cities are located at lower altitudes, such as, for example, the city of Kundara in the north, located on the plain, where it is very hot from March to May, until the arrival of the monsoons, when the maximum temperature reaches about 38-40 ° C.

Below are the average air temperatures in Kundar.

As already noted, the north of Guinea is the least rainy region in the country, and, moreover, the rainy season is shorter here.

Spring warming is less pronounced in coastal regions, where the climate is softened by ocean breezes, but also in the interior regions of the south-central part of the country, due to both the higher altitude and the early arrival of the monsoons. Therefore, in Nzerekor, located 500 meters above sea level in southeastern Guinea, the average daytime temperatures do not rise above 32 ° C in February and March, and in Conakry, located on the coast, above 32 ° C in April.

As mentioned, southeast Guinea is the region where the rainy season lasts longer.

Winter in Guinea, lasting from December to February, is hot, dry and sunny, with a predominance of northeastern winds, called harmatanthat bring desert dust with them. The nights are usually cool, especially in the interior regions, and during the daytime temperatures are usually high, around 32-34 ° C, with peaks up to 40 ° C. In February, early rains occur in the south, and in the north-central regions, the heat becomes even more intense.

In the capital, Conakry, on the coast, there is little change in temperatures throughout the year - in winter, daytime temperatures are around 30-32 ° C, and in the rainy season, they drop to 27-29 ° C, although due to high humidity, the heat becomes suffocating. Below are the average temperatures in Conakry.

Conakry is the city with the most rainfall in Guinea. Most of 4,000 mm. Annual precipitation runs from June to mid-October, with heavy rains occurring in July and August, when they fall almost every day, and the sky is almost always covered with clouds.

The sea in Guinea is warm enough to sail all year round.

This country is hot and humid all year round, at least in the low-lying parts. This is true both for the eastern part of New Guinea and for the Bismarck archipelago and the northern Solomon Islands. In mountainous areas, the temperature drops seriously - above 2000 meters above sea level it can be very cold at night. And swimming in the ocean, you can watch snow on the top of the Owen Stanley Mountains.

In order to avoid heavy rains upon arrival in Papua New Guinea, you should choose the period from June to September. It is almost dry season on the Coral Sea coast (Port Moresby), which is actually the least rainy area in the entire country. In other areas: on the large plain (Madang) and especially in the mountains, the rains are very strong throughout the year, at this time they subside slightly. The mountains of Papua New Guinea are remarkable for extreme cloudiness and constant fogs. The Bismarck Archipelago and New Britain are also very rainy, with the exception of the Rabaul area. It should be noted that Papua New Guinea is not completely protected from cyclones. However, they rarely come here. Sea water is ideal for people afraid of the cold: its temperature never drops below + 26 ° C.


It should be very light and spacious in any season. Sandals come in handy for coral reefs. In mountainous areas, warm clothes are indispensable.


In low-lying areas, there is a risk of contracting malaria all year round. Insects are also active all year round. They are especially annoying at night, but it happens that during the day, if the day turned out to be cloudy.