Isola Slovenia attractions. What hotels in Izola have nice views? What are analytics cookies

This fishing port is undeservedly deprived of the attention of tourists. At the same time, Isola is by no means devoid of Venetian charm, and the old town with winding streets and a marina (yacht parking areas) is charming and distinctive in its own way. That is why this pretty town is a good alternative to the more popular Piran or Koper.


The territory in the vicinity of Izola was inhabited already two thousand years ago. On this territory the Histri (some of the Illyrians) founded fortified settlements, the remains of which can be seen in the village near Izola - Korta. Here, from the heights of the surrounding hills and hills, a beautiful view of the smallest seaside town in Istria opens up.
was once an island. That is why Isola is translated from Italian as an island. And although the island merged with the coast over time, the life of Izola remained connected with the sea and fishing.

During the Roman Empire, on the site of Isola, there was the large port of Aliaetum. In the Middle Ages, the city became dependent on Koper. In the middle of the 13th century, Isola declared its independence. But after 25 years the city became part of the Venetian Republic. Since the 16th century, the importance of Isola as a port began to decline with the development of Trieste.

After the fall of Venice, the territory of Slovenian Istria became part of Austria right up to the First World War. After the war, Izola became part of Italy, after the Second World War - Yugoslavia. In 1991 Izola is a city of independent Slovenia

About Izola

Isola has always been a poor relative between Piran and Koper and was better known as the city of fishermen. But today they are trying to develop tourism here. Although holidays in Izola remain true to the principle that for tourists what is good is what is good for locals. Although it gives the city a cute provincial charm.

The narrow cobbled streets of the historic center are full of art galleries, restaurants and cafes. Interesting cultural events are held in Izola all year round. Here you can experience the real taste of the cuisine and the charm of Slovenian Istria, which are extremely inspiring. Izola is a vibrant mosaic of traditions, history, architecture and friendly people.


The climate of the city is Mediterranean with warm summers and mild winters.

Izola landmarks

The heart of the Old Town is Piazza Manzioli, surrounded by historic buildings.

The town hall is located on the square - an ancient building, built in the 14th century in the Gothic style. It was rebuilt in the Baroque style in the 17th century.

Also on the square there are several Venetian palaces built in the 15th century.

View of the old town of Izola

In the northern part of the historic center is the church of St. Mavra. This is a beautiful Venetian-style church with a high bell tower, built in the middle of the 16th century on the site of an old Romanesque church.

On the street Gregorčičeva you can see one of the oldest buildings in Izola - the Prayer House, built in the Venetian Gothic style in the middle of the 15th century.

On the same street is the Besenghi degli Ughi Palace - one of the most significant late Baroque architectural monuments in Slovenia and the most beautiful buildings of the Slovenian Adriatic, built in the 18th century.

The most interesting tourist routes on the map


Nowadays, holidays in Izola are becoming more and more popular. Clean pebble and sandy beaches, warm Adriatic Sea, delicious cuisine and entertainment attract people of different ages and interests.

  • Simonov zaliv
  • Svetilnik
  • Bele skale

Video - city of Izola

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The Balkan Peninsula is the cradle not only for many cultures, but also for civilizations. Its unique originality, beauty of nature, warm Adriatic Sea, thermal springs and amazing gastronomy attract tourists from all over the world. Compared to other resort states of the peninsula, Slovenia can hardly be called a popular destination, but even from this it acquires special charm.

general information

There is no huge number of tourists here, and there are no widely advertised places. Silence and solitude reign everywhere. Resorts, judging by the reviews, are affordable for the average tourist. Many of them are great for families and children or seniors.

The geographical position is one of the main advantages of Slovenia. Recreation here is presented in a wide variety of areas, ranging from active sports to wellness. Slovenia is located in the Alpine-Danube region. From the northwest it is bounded by the Alps, from the south by the Dinaric Highlands. The mild climate and the abundance of forests - beech, oak and coniferous - create ideal conditions for recreation.

Resorts of Slovenia

The length of the sea line is a little less than fifty kilometers. There are many developed resorts on the Adriatic coast of this country. The most famous of them are Portorož, Piran, Strunjan, Koper. They have a highly developed tourist infrastructure.

In this article we will tell you about one of the most popular resorts in Slovenia - Izola, a photo of which is presented below.


This small town is located on the Adriatic coast, between Koper and Portorož. Unfortunately, this former fishing port is undeservedly deprived of the attention of tourists. It is impossible to meet crowds of tourists here. At the same time, Izola (Slovenia), a photo of the old town of which testifies to the Venetian charm of the buildings, is a worthy alternative to the more modern and promoted Koper or Piran. It can hardly be called a noisy tourist center. Izola (Slovenia) has only seventeen thousand inhabitants. There is no airport here. The nearest air gate, located in Ljubljana, is 113 kilometers away. A regular bus leaves the airport for Izola three times a day.

This small Slovenian town has a seaport from which tourists can get to Venice by ferry. Transport links to the nearest cities in many European countries are provided by shuttle buses. By train you can reach Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. But it should be borne in mind that train tickets are more expensive than bus tickets.

History of appearance

The territories in the vicinity of Izola in Slovenia were inhabited two millennia ago by the Histri, one of the Illyrians. They founded settlements here, the ruins of which can be seen in the village of Korty, located near the city. Here, from the surrounding hills, a beautiful panorama opens up to the smallest seaside town in Istria, which was once an island that was connected to the mainland by a large stone bridge. That is why Isola was so named. And although over time the island merged with the coast, life here today is inextricably linked with the sea and, of course, fishing.

In the era of the Roman Empire, on the site of the city of Izola in Slovenia, there was a large port of Aliaetum. In the Middle Ages, he was dependent on Koper. In the middle of the thirteenth century, independence was proclaimed in Izola, but two and a half decades later the town became part of the Venetian Republic. Since the sixteenth century, with the development of Trieste, the importance of Isola as a port began to diminish.

After the fall of Venice, the entire territory of Istria became part of Austria. This situation persisted until the First World War, after which Izola was already part of Italy, and after the Second World War - already Yugoslavia. Since 1991 Isola has been one of the cities of independent Slovenia.

Information for tourists

Isola has always been considered the "poor relative" of Piran and Koper. It was better known as the town of fishermen. However, mass tourism is actively developing here today. Holidays in Izola (Slovenia), reviews of which can be read below, is primarily a beach one. Although visiting local attractions will bring travelers no less pleasure than swimming in the sea and sunbathing for many hours.

The cobbled narrow streets of Izola's historic center are home to numerous art galleries, cozy cafes and restaurants. The city hosts cultural events all year round. In Izola, you can experience the true taste of local cuisine and the charm of Istria. The climate here is mild Mediterranean with warm summers and not very cold winters. As evidenced by numerous reviews of Slovenia, Izola is a vibrant mosaic of history, tradition and friendly locals.

Since the city is located by the sea, sailing is the main attraction here. There are winds in Izola almost all year round. This has made the resort popular with windsurfers and yachtsmen.


Tourists in Izola can take walks along the promenade. The promenade is two kilometers long. There are many rental points where you can rent a bike and ride it around the city. Many people rent a boat to go fishing.

Izola combines Pannonian, Mediterranean and Alpine cultures, which is felt not only in urban architecture, but also in local cuisine. As this is a seaside town, the main dishes in many restaurants contain seafood. Judging by the reviews, the local wine is very similar to the original Tuscan counterparts.

Walking around the city, you should definitely reach its historical center. Izola has an observation deck with an amazing view. Children will love visiting the dolphinarium. There is a casino in the city, and shoppers can shop in shops and souvenir shops.

Beaches and sea

Judging by the statistics, holidays in Izola are gradually becoming more and more popular. And this is not surprising. The warm Adriatic Sea, clean pebble beaches, delicious local cuisine, a wide range of entertainment - all this attracts people with a wide variety of interests to the resort.

This resort is often called "an oasis of Mediterranean leisurely pace". Simonov zaliv, Svetilnik and Bele Skale are the most popular beaches in Izola (Slovenia). The photos below confirm their incredible beauty. They are ideal for families with children. In general, kids tolerate the local climate very well. Isola's central beach is free. It is located next to the historic city center. This is a well-equipped beach, but it is almost always crowded with tourists. There are several attractions, playgrounds and recreational areas directly next to it.

City beaches in Izola (Slovenia) are small-pebbled.

Simonov zaliv is considered the best. It is located within walking distance from the city center. Its advantage is low tourist traffic. There is a great park near the beach.

Bele Skale, located at the foot of the hill, is wild. There is no specially equipped swimming area, umbrellas, sunbeds, so those who prefer calmness and solitude come here.

The beach is located at the foot of the hill of the same name. There are no equipped recreation areas with umbrellas and sun loungers, but you can enjoy the tranquility and privacy.

The EU Blue Flag consistently celebrates the ecology of Izola, this Mediterranean resort will delight even the most discerning tourist. All the beaches are clean and the sea is amazingly clear. Sometimes you can see dolphins from the shore, and if you're lucky, even whales.


Izola in Slovenia is becoming an increasingly popular destination every year. There are not as many hotels here as in neighboring Koper or Piran. And those that are, are concentrated mainly in the city and in the surrounding Yagoda. A feature of local hotels is the lack of a comprehensive meal plan: tourists are provided only with breakfast, and for lunch and dinner they will have to go to nearby restaurants, which are excellently fed, and the prices are quite affordable.

The best hotels in Izola (Slovenia) are the four-star San-Simon Resort, Hotel Marina 3 *, Belvedere Casino Resort 3 * and Hotel Delfin. In high season, room rates jump up. This is due to the limited number of hotels. Therefore, many tourists prefer to book rooms in the spring.

Almost all Izola hotels offer free Wi-Fi, well-developed infrastructure, air-conditioned rooms with traditional filling. Many of them have a large area, fully landscaped, with a swimming pool and free parking.

Private housing

Some Russian tourists prefer to rent apartments for a vacation. In Izola, too, if you wish, you can stay in one of the hotel complexes or rent an apartment from a private owner. In the city center, renting a two-room apartment costs about 50 euros per day. A more spacious dwelling with a living room, two bedrooms and a terrace, which can accommodate up to four people at the same time, will cost from 70 euros and more.

According to reviews about Slovenia, Izola is not a very expensive resort. There are both elite housing and affordable options that are available to tourists with average incomes.

The property

Apartments in Izola (Slovenia) have a different price level, depending on the class and area. Those who value space and luxury can purchase duplex apartments (160-200 square meters) for about 300-450 thousand euros. Housing is simpler, for example, a kopeck piece with an area of \u200b\u200b34 sq. m, will cost about sixty thousand cu. e. The average price range of real estate in Izola ranges from 120-200 thousand. Townhouses here cost about 280-490 thousand USD. That is, although there are higher prices.

The price range for cottages within the city is much higher. The sale value of a private house can start from $ 295 thousand. e. The price of luxury mansions reaches a million euros, and sometimes more.


There are many historical and architectural monuments in Izola in Slovenia. The most notable attraction of the city is the Church of St. Maurus. It is located at the highest point of the ancient island and gives the city its characteristic charm. The church was erected in the middle of the XIV century. Its architecture combines two styles: Baroque and Renaissance.

Most of Izola's attractions are located in Piazza Manzioli. Here you can see the church of St. Maria, which is distinguished by an octagonal composition and a vaulted ceiling in the form of a cross, the palaces of Manzioli and Lavisato, one of which houses a large library of manuscripts and books, and the other houses a music school. On the outskirts of Isola there are the ruins of a Roman villa and an old port.

A small old town located on the Adriatic coast, 10 km from Portorož and 6 km from. Romantic Isola is an old fishing village with a rich history. The name “Izola” means “island” and originally the town, surrounded by a fortress wall with towers, was actually located on an island and was connected to the mainland by a large stone bridge. But at the beginning of the 19th century, the wall was dismantled, and its material was used to fill the canal that connected the island and the continent. The city still retains its importance as a port and center of the fish processing industry. The first step towards the development of tourism was made in 1820, when thermal springs were discovered in the vicinity of the city.

Today Izola is a water sports center popular with yachtsmen. Izola hosts numerous festivals: music, art, jazz, sports, dance. Lovers of antiquity will discover many historical sights in a small, cozy Izola. The most beautiful building in Izola is considered to be the Besengi - degli Ugi palace of the 18th century - the best example of baroque in the whole of Slovenian Istria. The building of the 15th century Manzoli Palace, executed in the Venetian Gothic style, is also noteworthy. Above the roofs of the old town, the bell tower of the 16th century St. Maurus Church rises at the tip of the former island - the architectural symbol of Isola. Narrow medieval streets, charming houses with red tiles create a unique charm for the city. Izola has a very beautiful embankment with a yacht parking, a huge number of shops, restaurants and cafes. The inhabitants of Izola are distinguished by their special hospitality. The resort is a great place for families with children: Izola has good pebbly beaches, clear sea, green park, water slide, children's and sports grounds on the beach of Simonov Gulf. For those looking for unity with nature, there is a wild beach at the foot of the Belvedere hill. The cafes and restaurants on the Isola promenade offer a wide variety of seafood dishes. Discos and night clubs are waiting for the young. Overall, Izola is a very cozy and welcoming resort for those who might want a more relaxing holiday than a noisy and fashionable one.

It is the second largest city on the coast with a magnificent promenade and marina. The town itself was once an island, but later it was connected to the land with the help of a dam. The historic center of the city reminds that the city was once part of the Venetian Republic. The town of Izola is a suitable place for relaxation for those who like not only to bask on the seashore, but also to stroll along the old streets in the evenings, go to shops or to the market. The city has a lot of restaurants with national, Italian and seafood, small cafes and pastry shops that are waiting for their customers day and night. Isola is a windsurfing center. The favorable location and constant wind attracts fans of this sport from many countries here.

Izola is an old fishing town located on the Adriatic Sea in Slovenia, just in the middle (15 km - 15 km) between Croatia and Italy. It was once located on an island connected to the mainland by a stone bridge, for which it received its name (Isola is an island in Latin)


The ancient Roman port and settlement known as Haliaetum was located southwest of the present city, near the village of Yagode as far back as the 2nd century BC.

Much later, in the 7th century AD, the city of Isola was founded on a small island by refugees from Aquileia. In the 9th century, the coastal areas fell under the influence of the Venetians and the settlement was first mentioned in writing as Insula in Venetian documents in 932. In 1267, the Venetian Republic was finally established in Istria, which owned these lands until 1797. Then there were: Constantinople, Napoleon, Austria-Hungary, again Italy, Germany, Yugoslavia, and finally Slovenia.

During the reign of the French, the fortress wall surrounding Izola was destroyed, and the canal was filled up with its fragments and the island became a peninsula. A little later, in 1820, a spring of thermal waters was discovered in Izola, and the city began to turn into a tourist center, especially after 1902, when a railway was laid here, connecting the city with Trieste.

Now Izola is the historical and cultural center of Slovenia, a seaside resort and a fishing port.

After the reform of local self-government, about 16 thousand people live in the municipality of Izola. In addition to the city, it includes 8 more villages.

Rest and entertainment in Izola.

In the autumn-winter period, it is a calm, even a little sleepy town, suitable for a measured rural life. Well, with the beginning of the season, when tourists come here, Izola comes to life. Foreigners and Slovenes from all over the country appear on the streets, problems arise with parking and a place on the beach, and city authorities, hotels and restaurants hold various holidays, festivals, concerts, competitions and discos. Holidays are dedicated to everything: the day of the fisherman, and wine, and olive oil, and local cuisine.

Night club.

Isola nightclub bears the name of its builder, the famous Italian architect maestro Gianni Gavioli - Ambasada (embassy) Gavioli. The club is quite large, accommodating 2,500 people, in 1997 it was recognized as one of the 10 most prestigious and fashionable electronic music centers in the world. It is located in the southeast of the city, at Industrijska cesta 10.


Most of the restaurants are concentrated in the marina and beach area. The cuisine is dominated by fish, seafood, Italian, European and Slovenian cuisine. The wines are mostly local.

Marina Restaurant, Bujol, Gostilna Sidro are considered the best, although they are all good in their own way.

Marine entertainment.

Of course, there is a whole range of beach water activities, but Izola is one of the centers of yacht tourism, with its own yacht club and harbor. And for those who have not yet become the happy owner of a personal watercraft, fishing trips or boat trips are organized. You can just walk around the marina, contemplating the swaying forest of masts and breathing in the fresh sea breeze.

Hotels in Izola.

The tourist infrastructure of the city is well developed. Hotels in Izola are mainly 2 * - 4 *, they are located throughout the city, there are also many apartments.

Attractions of Izola.

Most of the historical buildings are concentrated on the former island, and now the peninsula, in the old city, which can be considered a continuous attraction. Narrow, intricately winding streets, tall houses with red tiles and stone-paved roads, all this gives Izola a unique charm.

Among the buildings of the times of the Venetian Republic, one can highlight the church of St. Maur (The church of St. Maur). The bell tower of the church rises above the city and is one of its symbols. The Gothic palace of Manzoli from the 15th century and Besenghi della Ugi were built in the Baroque style.

The second most important attraction of Izola can of course be considered the Marina, a favorite walking place for residents and guests.

The most pleasant walk along the embankment is during sunset, when the sun sets in the sea sparkling from the last rays.

Beaches in Izola.

The beaches in Izola are pebbly, narrow, the bottom is rocky, so vacationers often swim in rubber slippers. Only on the beach in the Bay of San Simon the bottom is sandy.

San Simon beach is well equipped with everything you need, including parking. It is deservedly considered the best in the city. In the season - the entrance is paid, so there are fewer people, and more places. San Simon beach is located to the west of the Marina, 15 minutes walk from the center.

The central city beach is called Lamp. It is free, equipped with stationary benches - sun loungers. There are many cafes and restaurants right by the sea. A park begins right behind the beach, where you can relax in the shade of trees, so you can do without an umbrella. Located just 300 meters from the historic center.

Another is Dolphin Beach. It borders Marina on the west side. Covering - concrete slabs. Right behind the beach there is a green area where you can hide from the sun, lie on the grass.

Well, the last one I wanted to talk about is a nudist beach. It is located another half km to the west. Naturally wild and unequipped.

How to get there.

Getting to Izola is not difficult. There are good roads here, along which you can quickly get there by car or by regular bus, but do not forget that this is a port city.

Public transport.

Bus service in Slovenia is well developed. Local routes connect the city with nearby Koper, Portorož, Piran. Buses run every 20 - 30 minutes, the price is from 1.20 euros. You need to get to Ljubljana or the airport via Koper, from where more than 10 flights start. Price 10 - 12 euros. In addition to the capital, buses from Koper go to major cities of neighboring countries, including the Italian Trieste, which is only 28 km away. From the port of Pirana (12 km by bus) you can take a ferry to Venice, more details here.

Isola map.

Map of Izola and the entire coast of Slovenia with roads, attractions, beaches and all the necessary information for tourists.

On the map of Slovenia, Izola is located between Koper (9 km) and Portorož (17 km)

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