Kizhi lake interesting facts. Kizhi Island - description, sights and excursions

Kizhi is a beautiful island located in Lake Onega, in Karelia.

Open and inhabited since ancient times, Kizhi Island is a huge museum of architecture.

From time immemorial, Kizhi has been famous for its craft. Once upon a time, artists and poets lived here, passing their skills down through the generations. It was here that epics about Ilya Muromets and Vladimir the Red Sun were created ...

Having taken the first step on the island and inhaling the first breath of air, you begin to feel the spirit of bright antiquity and unlimited freedom.

Once there were 14 villages on the island, but only two remained - Yamka and Vasilyevo. One is on the east coast Lake Onega, the other - on its western shore.

The villages consist of several houses, but this does not prevent tourists from all over the country from coming here all year round to admire the amazing scenery and extraordinary beautiful monuments architecture.

Excursions to Kizhi are held on Meteors from Petrozavodsk and within river cruises.

But there is little time on the island, much less than when visiting the island of Valaam.

Therefore, you must independently prioritize: What is interesting, what to see, what sights to visit and see.

Perhaps the most important attraction is Church of the Transfiguration(1714). The church was built without a single nail and has twenty-two gilded domes, the bird's-eye view of which separates the temple from other architectural monuments of the island. The temple is made in such a way that, together with the cuts from the four cardinal points, it forms a cross.

The altar is facing west, and on the east side there is a refectory with a huge porch, the view from which is more than beautiful. Villages, straits, settlements are open to the gaze.

The interior of the temple produces an indelible feeling of peace. Inside there is an altar made in four tiers and lined with 102 icons, and the whole space is filled with calm and pure light.

Another beautiful temple Church of the Intercession(1764). The temple is made of wood and has nine domes, the unusual shape of which gives the temple some lightness and airiness. Outside, the temple is decorated with wooden pillars.

Of course, the Church of the Intercession is inferior to the Church of the Transfiguration and is more like an addition to it.

The interior decoration is very modest.

The first iconostasis was lost in the course of history. The current iconostasis was made in 1950 during the restoration of the temple.

The third attraction in a row, immediately attracting attention - Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus.

Tradition says that this temple was built by the Monk Lazar himself, who died in 1391.

They also say that it was built thanks to the appearance to Lazarus of St. Basil the Monk, Bishop of Novgorod.

This temple later became the first building of the Murom Monastery.

The construction of the monastery is dedicated to the biblical event of the resurrection of Lazarus from Bethany, in order to strengthen people's faith in Jesus Christ.

Among local population Rumor has it that the temple has healing powers. Saint Lazarus was declared a saint, and his temple became a place of pilgrimage for believers from all countries.

Once the Chapel was a landmark in the village of Lelikozero, but in 1961 it was moved to Kizhi Island.

The Chapel looks very picturesque.

It consists of three parts and is presented in the form of a rectangle stretched from west to east.

On the north side, a vestibule is attached to the chapel, and a window is turned to the west.

In some places, a double roof can be seen near the chapel, when one roof, as it were, emerges from the other, surprising the audience with the skill and virtuosity of the architect. Above the vestibule you can see a wonderful bell tower, which tops off with a magnificent tent.

The outside of the chapel is decorated with towels carved in diamonds and circles. The tes of the roof is red, ending in the form of a peak.

Inside the chapel is the "heaven".

In the center of it is the icon of Christ the Temperant, and in the perimeter - the forefathers. In the four corners are images of the evangelists.

Studying the island, the eye will certainly fall on hipped bell tower, built in 1863 on the site of the old bell tower.

In 1874, the bell tower was rebuilt, since it was not possible to complete the octagon.

The bell tower looks like a quadrangle on an octagon. Above the octagon rises a belfry and nine columns that hold the tent, ending with a cupola with a cross. Chetverik from north to south is cut by a passage with large arches.

The inner space of the bell tower is illuminated by four windows made in the form of arches and a large window in the wall of the octagon.

No matter how you describe it on paper, to understand it, you just need to see it.

Kizhi ... they are.

A copy of the fence was recreated in 1959, in the likeness of the surviving fortifications.

In addition to the ancient temples, there are others on the island of Kizhi, no less interesting places.

These are all kinds of mills, old huts and barns.

They are collected from all over the region and taken to the museum island to be re-created.

Among these buildings, the most notable is Oshevnev's house.

It was brought from the village of Oshevnevo and looks like Karelian houses before the revolution. This is a large, two-story building, decorated with various architraves and carvings.

An example of an outbuilding - barn brought from the village of Kokkoyla.

Svetelka, delivered to the island from the village of Oshevnevo, will tell us about the life of local peasants.

Do you think the simple life is not interesting? Wrong... :)

And here is wooden windmill, brought from Volkostrov to the island of Kizhi. There are no more such mills in Karelia.

But Kizhi is famous not only for its monuments.

The nature of the island is so amazing that it is simply not possible to take your eyes off such magnificence.

Already approaching the island, you can see the fabulous outlines of the island's relief, a strip stretches along the coast rare forest, meadows can be seen in the distance, the glare of the sun plays on the waves of the lake.

With the organization of dams on the Svir and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, many villages went under water. in order to preserve the unique heritage of Karelia, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve was created.

The museum has about 50,000 various items that tell about the life of the indigenous peoples of the region.

On the island, tourists can see how pearl earrings were woven in the old days, women warriors embroidered, toys were made and much more.

For half a century, Kizhi Island has been a unique museum, striving to preserve all the historical and architectural monuments of Karelia.

Kizhi is constantly evolving.

Not only new expositions are opening, but the emphasis is shifting towards interactive: handicraft workshops where you can hold a master class and make an interesting Karelian toy yourself.

Participate in performances (but if you're lucky - they are arranged "on the occasion", for some holidays.

Be that as it may, on Kizhi you need to cherish every minute. There are no hotels here and you can’t go with accommodation for either 2 or 3 days.

Of course, you can buy a simple tour to Karelia - live in a hotel on the mainland, and visit Kizhi daily.

But this does not make much sense: there are other interesting places in Karelia that are worth seeing: the same Marcial Waters, Ruskeala. Kivach waterfall and even a trip to Solovki (it's not as far from Kizhi as it seems).

The schedule of excursions must be built evenly so that the trip is rich and interesting.

Why Kizhi?

Why did Kizhi become the place where monuments from all over Karelia were brought?

Kizhi Pogost - it was rich administrative center still in Tsarist Russia. Life here was in full swing even before Peter the Great.

Rich copper factories could afford to give money for the construction of the most unique churches. They sent ore to the arms factories of Olonets and Petrozavodsk.

Industrialization bled the Karelian villages, people moved to the cities.

However, the trail of History passed through the Kizhi Pogost so strongly that there was simply no other similar place on the route of river cruises.

Kizhi is a beautiful island located in Lake Onega, in Karelia.

Open and inhabited since ancient times, Kizhi Island is a huge museum of architecture.

From time immemorial, Kizhi has been famous for its craft. Once upon a time, artists and poets lived here, passing their skills down through the generations. It was here that epics about Ilya Muromets and Vladimir the Red Sun were created ...

Having taken the first step on the island and inhaling the first breath of air, you begin to feel the spirit of bright antiquity and unlimited freedom.

Once there were 14 villages on the island, but only two remained - Yamka and Vasilyevo. One is located on the eastern shore of Lake Onega, the other is on its western shore.

The villages consist of several houses, but this does not prevent tourists from all over the country from coming here all year round to admire the amazing landscapes and unusually beautiful architectural monuments.

Excursions to Kizhi are held on Meteors from Petrozavodsk and as part of river cruises.

But there is little time on the island, much less than when visiting the island of Valaam.

Therefore, you must independently prioritize: What is interesting, what to see, what sights to visit and see.

Perhaps the most important attraction is Church of the Transfiguration(1714). The church was built without a single nail and has twenty-two gilded domes, the bird's-eye view of which separates the temple from other architectural monuments of the island. The temple is made in such a way that, together with the cuts from the four cardinal points, it forms a cross.

The altar is facing west, and on the east side there is a refectory with a huge porch, the view from which is more than beautiful. Villages, straits, settlements are open to the gaze.

The interior of the temple produces an indelible feeling of peace. Inside there is an altar made in four tiers and lined with 102 icons, and the whole space is filled with calm and pure light.

Another beautiful temple Church of the Intercession(1764). The temple is made of wood and has nine domes, the unusual shape of which gives the temple some lightness and airiness. Outside, the temple is decorated with wooden pillars.

Of course, the Church of the Intercession is inferior to the Church of the Transfiguration and is more like an addition to it.

The interior decoration is very modest.

The first iconostasis was lost in the course of history. The current iconostasis was made in 1950 during the restoration of the temple.

The third attraction in a row, immediately attracting attention - Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus.

Tradition says that this temple was built by the Monk Lazar himself, who died in 1391.

They also say that it was built thanks to the appearance to Lazarus of St. Basil the Monk, Bishop of Novgorod.

This temple later became the first building of the Murom Monastery.

The construction of the monastery is dedicated to the biblical event of the resurrection of Lazarus from Bethany, in order to strengthen people's faith in Jesus Christ.

There are rumors among the local population that the temple has a healing power from ailments. Saint Lazarus was declared a saint, and his temple became a place of pilgrimage for believers from all countries.

Once the Chapel was a landmark in the village of Lelikozero, but in 1961 it was moved to Kizhi Island.

The Chapel looks very picturesque.

It consists of three parts and is presented in the form of a rectangle stretched from west to east.

On the north side, a vestibule is attached to the chapel, and a window is turned to the west.

In some places, a double roof can be seen near the chapel, when one roof, as it were, emerges from the other, surprising the audience with the skill and virtuosity of the architect. Above the vestibule you can see a wonderful bell tower, which tops off with a magnificent tent.

The outside of the chapel is decorated with towels carved in diamonds and circles. The tes of the roof is red, ending in the form of a peak.

Inside the chapel is the "heaven".

In the center of it is the icon of Christ the Temperant, and in the perimeter - the forefathers. In the four corners are images of the evangelists.

Studying the island, the eye will certainly fall on hipped bell tower, built in 1863 on the site of the old bell tower.

In 1874, the bell tower was rebuilt, since it was not possible to complete the octagon.

The bell tower looks like a quadrangle on an octagon. Above the octagon rises a belfry and nine columns that hold the tent, ending with a cupola with a cross. Chetverik from north to south is cut by a passage with large arches.

The inner space of the bell tower is illuminated by four windows made in the form of arches and a large window in the wall of the octagon.

No matter how you describe it on paper, to understand it, you just need to see it.

Kizhi ... they are.

A copy of the fence was recreated in 1959, in the likeness of the surviving fortifications.

In addition to ancient temples, there are other equally interesting places on Kizhi Island.

These are all kinds of mills, old huts and barns.

They are collected from all over the region and taken to the museum island to be re-created.

Among these buildings, the most notable is Oshevnev's house.

It was brought from the village of Oshevnevo and looks like Karelian houses before the revolution. This is a large, two-story building, decorated with various architraves and carvings.

An example of an outbuilding - barn brought from the village of Kokkoyla.

Svetelka, delivered to the island from the village of Oshevnevo, will tell us about the life of local peasants.

Do you think the simple life is not interesting? Wrong... :)

And here is wooden windmill, brought from Volkostrov to the island of Kizhi. There are no more such mills in Karelia.

But Kizhi is famous not only for its monuments.

The nature of the island is so amazing that it is simply not possible to take your eyes off such magnificence.

Already approaching the island, you can see the fabulous outlines of the island's relief, a strip of rare forest stretches along the coast, meadows can be seen in the distance, the glare of the sun plays on the waves of the lake.

With the organization of dams on the Svir and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, many villages went under water. in order to preserve the unique heritage of Karelia, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve was created.

The museum has about 50,000 various items that tell about the life of the indigenous peoples of the region.

On the island, tourists can see how pearl earrings were woven in the old days, women warriors embroidered, toys were made and much more.

For half a century, Kizhi Island has been a unique museum, striving to preserve all the historical and architectural monuments of Karelia.

Kizhi is constantly evolving.

Not only new expositions are opening, but the emphasis is shifting towards interactive: handicraft workshops where you can hold a master class and make an interesting Karelian toy yourself.

Participate in performances (but if you're lucky - they are arranged "on the occasion", for some holidays.

Be that as it may, on Kizhi you need to cherish every minute. There are no hotels here and you can’t go with accommodation for either 2 or 3 days.

Of course, you can buy a simple tour to Karelia - live in a hotel on the mainland, and visit Kizhi daily.

But this does not make much sense: there are other interesting places in Karelia that are worth seeing: the same Marcial Waters, Ruskeala. Kivach waterfall and even a trip to Solovki (it's not as far from Kizhi as it seems).

The schedule of excursions must be built evenly so that the trip is rich and interesting.

Why Kizhi?

Why did Kizhi become the place where monuments from all over Karelia were brought?

Kizhi Pogost was a rich administrative center back in Tsarist Russia. Life here was in full swing even before Peter the Great.

Rich copper factories could afford to give money for the construction of the most unique churches. They sent ore to the arms factories of Olonets and Petrozavodsk.

Industrialization bled the Karelian villages, people moved to the cities.

However, the trail of History passed through the Kizhi Pogost so strongly that there was simply no other similar place on the route of river cruises.

Historical and architectural museum-reserve of Kizhi- a place that should be visited by people interested in history, lovers of Russian architecture and just those who want to relax from the hustle and bustle big city. On the island of Kizhi, you can see the architecture of the 18th-19th centuries, as well as get acquainted with the life of the inhabitants of Karelia of those times. And you will also enjoy a boat trip on Lake Onega and its picturesque shores.

Location: contact information

What is the best way to get to Petrozavodsk

  • by plane– 1 hour 40 minutes by direct flight;
  • by train– 12 hours (minimum travel time);
  • by car- 1050 km through or about 1000 km through.
  • by plane– 4 hours 15 minutes;
  • by train– 7-8 hours;
  • by car- 435-526 km.

Before can be reached by bus. Travel time will be the longest among all possible modes of transport, but you will be able to admire the picturesque surroundings.
From Petrozavodsk hydrofoil boats run to Kizhi Island in summer, and hovercraft in winter. You will also be offered options such as an all-terrain vehicle, a snowmobile, and even skis and dog sleds.

Visiting the Kizhi Nature Reserve: opening hours, ticket price, promotions and discounts

Working mode:

  • May-August: 08.00-20.00;
  • September-October: 09.00-16.00;
  • November-February: 10.00-16.00;
  • March-April: 09.00-17.00.

No weekends or lunch breaks.

Visiting prices:

Prices for excursions (per person):

  • group up to 5 people- 1000 rubles (in a foreign language - 2500 rubles);
  • group of 5 people- 100 rubles (in a foreign language - 500 rubles).

The reserve also has a lot additional excursions and programs, theatrical performances are held, audio guides are provided. Choose the one you like additional service available on the reserve website , by phone or at the tour center.

On which lake is the Kizhi Museum-Reserve located?

Kizhi Island, on which the reserve is located, is located in the northern part Lake Onega. At the end of the 18th century, the island was a separate Kizhi volost, which included 9 villages. In addition to traditional crafts, the inhabitants of the island were engaged in fishing and farming, which was facilitated by the waters of Lake Onega rich in fish and the fertile soil of the island.

Sights of the Kizhi Nature Reserve

historical reserve, founded in 1966 in order to preserve the architecture of Karelia in the 18th - early 20th centuries, it includes more than 70 objects, such as churches, bell towers, huts, barns, baths, mills and forges. Among the most interesting architectural objects are the following:

  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This is undoubtedly the main attraction of the reserve. The 37-meter temple was erected in 1714. This is one of the brightest representatives of the octagonal churches. The architectural composition is based on an octagonal log house, four two-stage cuts of which are located on the cardinal points. The roofs of octagonal and prirub are crowned with domes. 22 domes are arranged in such a way that the overall composition has a pyramidal shape. The basis of the interior of the temple is a majestic iconostasis of 102 icons arranged in four tiers. In 1949-1959, a large-scale restoration of the church was carried out, mainly affecting the interior and iconostasis. IN this moment the temple building itself is being reconstructed with the replacement of dilapidated logs with new ones.
  • Church of the Intercession of the Virgin. This is one of the few multi-domed churches that have survived to this day. It was erected in 1694 and rebuilt 70 years later. Tourists are attracted here not only by the facade, but also by the interior with a rich iconostasis, part of which, unfortunately, has been irretrievably lost.
  • The bell tower of the Kizhi Pogost. The 30-meter bell tower was erected in 1862. The bell tower offers a picturesque view of the island and Lake Onega.
  • Windmill in Volkostrov village. A 10-meter pole windmill built in 1928.

Interesting facts about the Kizhi Museum-Reserve

  • During restoration Church of the Transfiguration in 2014 year, when it was necessary to replace about 30% of the logs, the building was raised with the help of vag– levers used 400 years ago.
  • 4 architectural objects of the Kizhi reserve included in the list UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Photo of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve

Church of the Transfiguration- the main attraction of the historical reserve.

Most of original icons in the iconostasis of the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin has survived to this day.

winter scenery in the Kizhi reserve are no less picturesque.

Mill in the village of Volkostrov has a height of about 10 meters.

In the Kizhi Reserve is displayed traditional life of the inhabitants of Karelia.

Kizhi Museum Reserve – video

In this video, there are even more interesting facts about the Kizhi Museum Reserve. Enjoy watching!

Visiting Kizhi Historical Reserve often included in the visit. Tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world visited this unique cultural and historical site under open sky and discovered the traditional architecture and features of the way of life of the peoples. The popularity of the reserve among tourists is evidenced by at least the fact that tourist services are carried out here on eight foreign languages.

Therefore, we should also pay more attention to our history and cultural heritage. Moreover, there are really held interesting excursions and tasting Karelian dishes prepared according to ancient folk recipes. Yes and water travel on Lake Onega will not leave anyone indifferent.

To izhi. 10 facts about the open air museum.

1. The ancestors of modern Kizhans are Novgorodians. A thousand years ago, people from Novgorod began to master the harsh northern edges: fished, sowed, raised livestock. In the 15th century, the Kizhi lands became part of the Moscow Principality and were first mentioned in chronicles as the Kizhi Pogost - an association of villages.

2. Kizhi is a small island covered with coal shale. "Kizhi chernozem", "northern anthracite", or shungite, attracted artisans. Artillery guns were painted with "slate stone" and treated. It was believed that he returns youth. In the second half of the 17th century, the first factory appeared in Zaonezhye. Its founder was the Novgorod merchant Semyon Gavrilov. By the end of the 17th century, five small iron foundries and ironworks were already operating on the territory of the Kizhi and Shungsky pogosts.

3. The settlement could become famous ... with knives. Unique Kizhi knives, which practically do not rust and do not dull, were in great demand at the Tikhvin Fair. But attempts at industrialization were accepted by local peasants with hostility. They even raised an uprising. And one of the 1369 islands of Lake Onega has become world-famous due to two wooden temples and one bell tower.

4. Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Built three centuries ago. The 22-domed temple was cut down by an unknown master on the site of an old church that burned down from a lightning strike. Legend has it that there is not a single nail in the 37-meter building. But even though the log house was built according to Russian carpentry canons, there are still nails - in the domes.

5. Echoes the main sights of Kizhi one more ancient temple Islands - Church of the Intercession. Graceful and slender proportions, domes with an openwork crown complement the grandeur of the Transfiguration Church. In the Intercession Winter Church, services are held from Intercession to Easter.

6. The iconostasis of the temples was painted according to northern traditions. Icons smoothly pass into vaults. Heaven - ceiling icons from the Kizhi collection - were exhibited in an Italian museum. Part of the unique Zaonezhsky collection was presented in the Italian province of Potenza as part of the Year of the Russian Language.

7. The architectural echo of the ensemble is the hipped bell tower. The building was rebuilt in the nineteenth century - "because of dilapidation." For 60 years the bell tower was silent. Since 1929 bell ringing was banned. And only in 1989 all 12 bells sounded again - nine old and three newly cast.

8. Kizhi, as an architectural monument, came to the attention of specialists in the middle of the 19th century. A landing of artists and architects visited the island from the Academy of Arts. In 1911, the landscape painter Joshua Schlugleit painted the painting "In the Far North". The image of the Kizhi churchyard was acquired by Emperor Nicholas II.

9. Museum under the open sky. 68 buildings from all over Karelia are collected in Kizhi. Among them is one of the most ancient wooden churches in Russia: the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus until the 16th century. In 1966, Kizhi became a museum, and then an open-air school. From May to September, schoolchildren and students come to the island to study ethnography.

10. A quarter of a century ago, Kizhi Pogost was recognized by UNESCO world heritage, at the same time with historical center Petersburg and the Moscow Kremlin. The unique architectural ensemble was named according to three criteria at once: as a masterpiece of human creative genius, a building in harmony with the surrounding landscape and the pinnacle of carpentry.

There is probably no such person in Russia who has not heard about the island and the Kizhi Museum-Reserve. Without exaggeration, it can be called one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Today I want to show the beauty of the island during the foggy June white nights and beautiful summer days. I will also talk about the farthest corners of the island, which 90% of all tourists simply do not have time to visit.

Kizhi Island is located in Karelia, on Lake Onega, where an architectural monument is ideally inscribed - the world-famous ensemble of the Kizhi churchyard.

Territorially about. Kizhi is located 66 km away from the city of Petrozavodsk and is lost among the Kizhi skerries - this is how the picturesque clusters of small islands are called. Kizhi is one of the most beautiful islands our vast country.

Having bought entry tickets we headed to northern part islands to walk around the local villages. It was decided to inspect the main part of the Museum of Wooden Architecture in the late afternoon, when most of the visitors would already return to Petrozavodsk.

Having reached the penultimate Pudozh sector and looking around, we returned to the central part of the island to the village of Yamka. The village of Yamka has one street and 10 permanent residents. Despite such a universal scale, we managed to walk around it and its environs for more than three hours. Here we looked at life, life and households local residents, saw real houses and saunas, where indigenous Karelian islanders have been living and relaxing for hundreds of years.

There is an indescribable atmosphere of silence, tranquility and peace in Yamka. I couldn’t even believe that thousands of tourists were wandering over the neighboring hill. different continents and we are in one of the most popular places Russia. This is what we came here for, this is how I wanted to see Kizhi.

It was evening. We, following the plan, went to see the main attractions of the museum. There were no fewer tourists. Sailing ships filled the museum with new, mostly foreign groups. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised by such attention to Russia and its beauties from French, Italian and English-speaking tourists.

It is interesting how fashion has changed over the past century. These mothers and daughters in clothes of different generations met on the way to the museum

On the island you can rent a bicycle or use the services of such a horse-drawn carriage.

In the southern part of the Museum of Wooden Architecture there is such picturesque bay, in which the house of Sergeyev from the village of Logmoruchey is located. It was built over a century ago.

The forge from the village of Suisar is nearby

Chapel of the Archangel Michael from the village of Lelikozero was built in the second half of the 18th century.

Chapel of the Resurrection of Lazarus of the Murom Monastery. The oldest chapel in Kizhi dates back to the 14th century.

The architecture of wooden buildings and their scale are impressive. Foreigners there, in general, walk around with round eyes and open mouths. It was very interesting to watch them. It seems that they did not understand where they got to and how such a thing could be built.

There are three objects in one in this frame: Bathhouse from the village of Ust-Yandoma, Elizarov's Kurnaya hut from the village of Seredka on Klimetsky Island, and N.Ya. Bikanin from the village of Volkostrov.

Prosperous house of Oshevnev from the village of Oshevnevo. It consists of three huts, a room, a room above a two-story entrance hall, a two-tiered yard with a log cabin supported by logs in the corners. This design made it possible to change the rotting logs of the stables without disassembling the roof.

After 8 hours, tourists on the island can no longer be found. You remain almost alone in the midst of incredible beauty.

It was going to sunset and we, having a little rest, hurried to the hill near the village of Yamka. I really liked the view from there. Climbing to its top, I saw a haze and thought it was dust from a car passing along the road, it turned out that closer to sunset, the whole island began to sink into fog. This is how the windmill from the village of Voroniy Ostrov looks like at sunset, it was also in the very first photo.

And so - the Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands from the village of Vigovo (17-18 century)

Rising to this chapel, before us opened beautiful view on the gulf Mozh lip.

The sun was almost hidden behind the horizon and we hurried for a short rest. After all, in a few hours I had to meet the dawn.

After about two hours of sleep, I went to meet the dawn. It was still forty minutes before sunrise.

The gray-blue, almost cloudless sky was gradually turning into a red-orange dawn color. All lowlands were filled with thick fog.

Having climbed the hill to the chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands, from which almost the entire island is visible, a very beautiful and not quite standard view of the Spaso-Kizhi churchyard opened before me.

The Assumption Chapel from the village of Vasilyevo looks like a ship sailing through the endless foggy expanses.

The Chapel of the Three Saints from the village of Kavgora rises above layered foggy rivers.

I caught the first rays of the morning sun near the Pudozh sector, the fog over the bays of Lake Onega began to gradually dissipate.

The Pudozh sector is dedicated to the Russian village of Pudozhya and consists of one street, on which there are 3 houses with outbuildings: Belyaev's house from the village of Kubovskaya, Potashov's house from the village of Pyalma and Butin's house from the village of Pyalozero.

On the opposite side are located: Belosheev's barn from the village of Pyalozero and Pakhomov's barn from the village of Ostrov-Zarechye.

Ringing silence all around. Sometimes, from somewhere far away, from the side of the lake, the cry of seagulls is heard, which at such an early hour arranged breakfast for themselves.

It feels like I'm on no inhabited island. I am alone among the incredible beauty, surrounded by ancient centuries-old buildings. This is the real Kizhi. I am sure that more than 99% of tourists have not seen the island like this. Needless to say, we lost a lot.

It is a pleasure to walk around the main museum of the island in the morning. But yesterday we have already seen enough of everything here, we will look at it this afternoon, so I will show a couple of morning photos and go to sleep for a couple more hours, because today we still have to go back to St. Petersburg.

Everyone knows this place very well.

This is where I will end my photo story about one of the most beautiful islands in Russia. I hope you were interested.