Manpupuner. The greatness of boobies

The famous Manpupuner weathering pillars are located in the middle part of the Ural Mountains, in the place where Europe meets Asia, on the territory of the Pechoro-Ilych State Nature Reserve of the Komi Republic.

General description Manpupuner

This unique geological formation consists of seven giant rock outcroppings from 30 to 42 meters high on the top of Mount Man-Pupu-Ner. Six of them, as if a squad of soldiers lined up on the parade ground, and the seventh (apparently, the squad leader), 34 meters high, stands a little further away.

Stone pillars on top of a gentle mountain create an extremely fantastic landscape, striking in its unreality. Their shape is very non-standard, for example, the same squad leader resembles an inverted bottle. Despite their appearance, stone pillars are very stable.

History of education and names

The formation of the Manpupuner took place over hundreds of millions of years. More than 200 million years ago, there were quite high mountain ranges in this area. Under the influence of natural forces, primarily wind and precipitation, softer rocks were washed away bit by bit by rain and blown out by winds. Hence, naturally, the name "weathering pillars". Naturally harder rocks, less prone to destruction, remained virtually untouched.

Significant annual temperature fluctuations played a significant role in the "construction" of stone pillars.

Manpupuner can be translated as a mountain of stone idols. The pillars of Manpupuner are also known as the "Seven Giants" or "Mansi Bolvans". In this case, blockheads are understood as a transformed name from “Bolvano-iz”, which in one of the translations means “mountain of idols”.

Legend Manpupuner

Such atypical geological structures have left their mark on local folklore. An ancient legend of the Mansi people living in this region is connected with the formation of Manpupuner.

Since ancient times, in the dense surrounding forests, there was a mighty Mansi tribe. The men in it were so strong that they could easily defeat a bear in a fight, and so fast that they overtook deer.

The leader of the tribe named Kuuschai made friends with good spirits, who always and in everything helped the tribe.
The leader had a daughter - the beautiful Aim, and a son - a brave warrior and hunter Pigrichum. Aim was an incredibly beautiful girl. Her unusually gentle voice, with which she sang songs, even forest deer came to listen.

Rumors about the beautiful Aim rushed far beyond the tribe, and reached the giant Torev. He ordered Kuushai to give him his daughter, but neither the leader nor Aim herself, of course, agreed. Offended by the refusal, Torev called his brothers, the same huge giants. All together they wanted to capture the beauty by force.

Once, when her brother Pigrichum and other hunters were far from their home, Torev and his brothers got to the gates of the stone city where Aim lived. The remaining warriors of the tribe bravely fought the giants all day, but their strength was running out. Then the beauty climbed to the very top of the high tower and shouted into the heavens, “Oh, good spirits, help! Send my brother Pigrichum to help us!” And at the same moment, clouds covered the sky, and thick clouds hid the city from the giants.

Angry, Torev began to destroy everything around indiscriminately. With one of the blows, he destroyed the tower where Aim was a minute ago. She managed to go down and hide in the fog. The tower shattered into millions of crystal pieces.

They say that it is these fragments that have been found on the territory of the Ural Mountains for many years.

Until the morning, Torev and his brothers could not find and catch Aim. When the fog and clouds dissipated, Torev saw the girl and rushed to her. Victory was practically in the hands of the giant, but suddenly Pigrichum appeared with a sword in one hand and a shiny shield in the other. He turned the shield towards the sun, and the reflected beams of light hit Torev's eyes. The giant turned into a stone pillar. His brothers wanted to escape, but they were immediately overtaken by the rays from Pygrichum's shield, and turned them to stone as well.

And these stone statues have been towering on the mountain for thousands of years. Mansi always endowed these majestic statues with divine power, worshiped them, but never climbed to the top of these giant pillars, as this was considered a great sin.

Manpupuner in tourism

Today, Manpupuner pillars are included in the list of seven wonders of Russia. This amazing landmark of our country is quite difficult to access. The nearest cities are tens of kilometers away.

Due to the growing popularity of Manpupuner, more and more tourists visit each year. There are four routes to visit:

It is worth remembering that visiting Manpupuner is allowed only with the permission of the reserve administration. Unfortunately, there are more and more illegal tourists, which adversely affects the fragile ecosystem of the region.

Manpupuner from Troitsko-Pechorsk

Why we stopped flying from Nyrob

In 2020, we will fly to the Manpupuner plateau from the village of Troitsko-Pechorsk, in the Komi Republic. This decision was dictated by frequent cancellations and delays of helicopter flights from Nyrob due to bad weather. The most stubborn ones came to us from Moscow 2-3 times, but not everyone was lucky to get to the plateau. We refund money for an imperfect flight, but no one will return our tourists precious vacation days and money spent on air tickets to Perm. However, the most unpleasant thing for us is the disappointment of our guests from a failed trip. For most of our clients, a trip to Manpupuner is a dream, often a gift from loved ones for a birthday or wedding anniversary, and we perfectly understand how important it is for the tour to take place and be organized without delays and aimless waiting at the helipad in Nyrob.
We have no control over the weather and flight safety is always our priority. Therefore, we decided to review the entire logistics of our tours and, together with experienced pilots, developed a new flight route.

Troitsko-Pechorsk is the optimal airfield for departure to the Manpupuner plateau, since it stands on the Pechora River, not far from the confluence of the Ilych, and we can fly to the plateau above the Pechora or Ilych without crossing the mountain range. The flight route along the river valleys is safer, less dependent on weather conditions, which means that we can guarantee delivery to Manpupuner for our tourists with a high degree of probability. In addition, this is a very beautiful route - from a bird's eye view you will see the interfluve of the Pechora and Ilych, where the protected pine forest is located, the bizarre rocks of Lek-Iz, the foothills overgrown with spruces and cedars, and finally the peaks of the Ural Mountains and the Manpupuner plateau.
From Troitsko-Pechorsk, another very interesting direction has been opened for us - the Subpolar Urals. In 2020, we offer hiking and water tours in the Yugyd Va National Park, fishing in the cleanest rivers of the Subpolar Urals, as well as a unique helicopter tour flying over the most interesting peaks of the Northern and Subpolar Urals.

In addition, we have tried to make our programs more comfortable and interesting.
Now our tour begins and ends at the airport in Ukhta, where we will meet our tourists and take them there at the end of the trip to the flight to Moscow. You can get to Ukhta daily by direct flight from Moscow by Utair airlines, or by bus from Syktyvkar, where flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Samara, Krasnodar, Naryan-Mar and Yekaterinburg are operated daily by Rusline, Aeroflot, Utair.
The cost of all our tours includes a bus transfer from Ukhta airport to Troitsko-Pechorsk and back, it takes only 1.5-2 hours, as well as two overnight stays in Troitsko-Pechorsk hotels, on the eve of departure and upon return from the plateau.
Additionally, we can organize an excursion to the elk farm of the Pechoro-Ilych Reserve in the village of Yaksha, fishing and boat trips along the Pechora, to the ancient Komi villages, cut off from civilization and accessible only by boat.
Flights to the Manpupuner Plateau will be organized by helicopter MI-8T every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the summer season 2020 from June 20 to September 13 from Troitsko-Pechorsk and in the winter season 2020 - March 21 and 28 from Perm or Syktyvkar.
Flights to the Subpolar Urals will be organized on Thursdays from July to early September.
We organize individual trips to the Manpupuner plateau and fishing on the rivers of the Northern and Subpolar Urals on any dates from June 15 to September 15, 2020, and from February 1 to March 31, 2020.
We have not forgotten our tourists from Perm!
On certain dates, we organize a group transfer from Perm to Troitsko-Pechorsk by bus (about 12 hours on the way) or by plane AN-2 (about 2 hours on the way, capacity up to 12 people). Private transfer by Cessna plane (capacity up to 3 people) is also possible. Call us and we will select the best delivery option, but do not leave it to the last minute, there are many applications from Perm, and the number of places is limited.

Hello everyone, friends! Starting today's story about the Manpupuner Plateau on the map of Russia, I want to say that even in my school years I was attracted by adventures. How do you feel about hitchhiking? I am positive. Once my friends and I were hitchhiking to Kyiv. What is it you ask? Only a few tens of hundreds of kilometers, and besides, finding a fellow traveler on such a route is easy.

And the fact that our trip did not end in the capital of Ukraine, after walking around the city for several days, we decided to rush to Baikal. It was a very exciting journey, we also visited St. Petersburg, met local artists, rested and even spent the night on the roof. And all this with several thousand rubles in his pocket.

Many people think that traveling requires money, but believe me, no, you can see a lot for free. Today I will continue the topic of what you can see interesting in Russia, and after the story about I decided to write about ... Okay, now you will read about everything yourself. Go.

What do you know about the seven wonders of Russia?

And where is Manpupuner on the map and the Komi Republic? Have you been to the Northern Urals?

But then one thing appears - it is very difficult to get to this place, here you need endurance, patience and the ability not to worry about all the hardships and hardships during the expeditions. So it is better to go on such trips or trips with a good, proven company. But believe me, if you reach your destination, nature will give you the biggest reward and you will see the great sacred pillars of the Mansi peoples.

What you see, plus the energy that reigns around this place - it's all impressive, and no photos and videos are able to convey it. It is here that you begin to believe in the real power (maybe even someone will feel it) that comes from these stones. It is no coincidence that they are considered a place that develops strength. A place of power, so to speak.

One of the mysterious places in Russia

The monument built by nature deservedly won the All-Russian competition "The most amazing places in Russia". You can imagine:

on a flat mountain there are stone pillars, more than 40 meters high.

Some posts are even narrower towards the base and look like a bottle. Is it even possible?

How did such structures appear and where did these stones come from?

If we take into account the point of view of the scientific leaders of various expeditions, these structures are weathering pillars that appeared as a result of soft rock blowing. Many millions of years ago there were real mountains in this place, but centuries passed, rains and wind washed away the soft limestone rock, leaving solid rock in the form of a pillar in this place. Thanks to the work of nature itself, we can admire the real miracle that exists in Russia.

But, this is just a scientific point of view. The inhabitants of the Urals have a completely different point of view. There are at least a few legends that explain where the Small Bolvans came from (this is how the Manpupuner was translated from the Mansi language).

How to get to Manpupuner?

On Manpupuner you can purchase special tours, you can go to your destination on your own, but it is best to use the services of a tourist guide, as there are a lot of equally interesting and exciting places waiting for you along the way. We signed up for a special expedition to Manpupuner. First, we hitchhiked to Yekaterinburg. We found the car very quickly and drove without problems. Naturally, hitchhikers do not pay for the road, so we managed to save money here. Then we had a long trip to Ivdel, where we got there by train.

We got into the car and drove to the Auspie River, the road was not long, in total we were on the road for about an hour.

After the village of Vizhay, real off-road begins, so here we were glad that we went along with experienced forwarders, who immediately found off-road vehicles. On the way to Auspiya, we visited the village of Shmun. There used to be prisoners, today only destroyed barracks remind of this. Several families live in the village today, it seems that nature here is absolutely untouched by man, everything is so primitive. Mansi houses are located along the banks of the Lozva. Across the river, the locals threw a suspension bridge, through which not everyone dares to cross, because it rests on the word of honor.

If you decide to go on your own, ask the locals how to get to the Auspiya River. The inhabitants of the village are very friendly, they are interested in talking with tourists, as they rarely see new people in their area.

In a few days we made a pedestrian passage and saw.

Our road ran along Auspiya, we moved away from it, then passed right next to the coast.

On the bank of the river, we saw the popular and famous “Spoon” parking lot, although at the time when we were there, a fork and a knife had already appeared there, they said that they would also make a corkscrew. Maybe some of you have also been on this route? Is it interesting or has “Spoon” changed over time and what new things have been added there?

After we passed the pass, our path passed through the mountain ranges.

On the way, we saw the most beautiful place in the northern Urals, the Poritaytsori tract, where glaciers do not melt all year round, and small waterfalls create a fairy tale. Then Mount Ottortena and its famous “gates” appeared before us, Lake Lunthusaptur, which the locals call the “lake of the lone goose”, and many different mountains, the name of which I honestly did not remember, and it will probably be difficult to pronounce them.

We were told that if you were lucky you might see reindeer, but we were probably unlucky. We reached our cherished goal a week after we boarded the train and went to seek adventure.

Before our eyes was the Manpupuner plateau

The weathering pillars look charming and if you have been there, I look forward to your photo report. In total, there are 7 stone pillars on the mountain, which have an amazing and unique shape. If you look at the figures from different angles, they resemble either the head of a horse, or the figure of a giant, and then, in full growth. Locals say that stone statues even change their location. In fact, of course, they are easily confused with each other and look completely different from every angle. You can look at them for hours without taking your eyes off, it really is worth so many days on the road.

So the evening came, and we began to share our impressions with the whole expedition. There were 10 of us, all different, of different social status and different outlooks on life, but all as one were amazed by what they saw. And then, one girl began to tell different stories around the fire, which the Mansi people told her. These are three different legends that tell about the origin of this "Wonder of Nature".

The first legend says

that the Samoyed giants hunted the locals when they wanted to cross the Stone Belt. The giants had almost caught up with the inhabitants, when suddenly, the white-faced sorcerer Yalpingner stood in front of them. He just raised his hands and said a few words, as immediately all the giants turned into statues, and, unfortunately, the sorcerer too. Since then, they have all stood opposite each other.

To be honest, I don’t really believe in these stories, giants, sorcerers. Somehow not very believable. What do you think? It would be very interesting to read your comments.

The second legend says

that giant shamans went beyond the mountains to kill all the locals. When they climbed the mountain, they saw the sacred place of the Mansi and realized how majestic and powerful the Vogul gods were. They were horrified and turned into a statue, only the leader of the giants, the chief shaman, raised his hands up to hide from the god of the earth. But he, too, did not survive and turned into stone.

Well, that's not particularly believable either, the plot of Marvel and the Fantastic Four.

Finally, I will tell you the most dramatic story about the origin of stone statues.

According to ancient mythology, the Yugras lived in these places. They were rich and happy, and their carefree lives were legendary far beyond the Stone Belt. Other tribes lived nearby who worshiped Yalpyngner, and their leader was called Kushai. He had a daughter, the beautiful Ayuma. She was the most beautiful in the whole wide world.

A local giant fell in love with her, who lived far from the Ural Mountains. And so, one day, the giant came to Kushay and told him that he wanted to take Ayuma as his wife, to which Ayuma herself refused him. The giant became furious, began to call his brothers and wanted to kill all the Ugras, and forcibly take Ayumu as his wife. The giants approached the stone city where Ayuma was and began to destroy it.

At that moment, it seemed that the giants could not be defeated. Then Ayuma asked her God to tell her brother Pygrychum that their home was attacked. But my brother was very far away. The giants broke into the city center and destroyed the palace, which was made of crystal. Fragments of it scattered throughout the district (since that time, people have found particles of rock crystal here). The Ugra tribe began to run away.

And so, when the invaders had already almost caught up with Ayuma and her friends, a brother suddenly appeared with a large shield made of pure gold and a sword that the spirits of his God had given him. He directed the light from the golden shield at the giants, and they immediately turned to stone. This is how stone statues appeared.

What legend do you believe in?

You know, of course, it is interesting to know the truth, but in fact, I like it when there is a mystery, you can fantasize and believe in miracles.

That night, when I saw Manpupuner, I slept like a baby. Emotions overwhelmed me, and I knew that my goal had been achieved.

The next morning we set off back along the same route, we saw Mount Ottorten - the Dyatlov Pass - the Auspiya River. That was the end of most of the tour. It remains to get to Ivdel, and get to Yekaterinburg.

What I recommend to take with you if you go on a special tour or will get to the place on your own:

  • raincoat and windbreaker;
  • trekking boots and rubber boots;
  • several pairs of woolen and plain socks;
  • t-shirts and;
  • nightwear;
  • warm hat;
  • jacket or hoodie;
  • gloves;
  • tourist carpet, sleeping bag;
  • a set of tourist dishes;
  • items for hygiene;
  • camera, video camera.

I want to warn you right away that such expeditions are designed for people with excellent training, you will carry not only your things, but also help carry public equipment, including food. Count on the fact that you will walk at least 10 kilometers per day and this is on a hilly road.

Rich people have the opportunity to get to Manpupuner by helicopter. It's certainly cool to see everything from a bird's eye view, if someone has such experience, tell us, it's very interesting to read your stories. I would be grateful if you subscribe to and recommend it to your friends!

In contact with

The Ural Mountains for many millennia succumbed to destruction by the elements. But neither water nor wind could cope in some places with hard stone. Such remnants of rock are called weathering pillars or remnants. One of the most impressive geological monuments on the territory of the Russian Federation is the Manpupuner weathering pillars in the Komi Republic. Manpupuren in Russia is considered one of the seven wonders of the country.

The locals call them blockheads, and the name of the mountain on which the amazing pillars are located is Bolvano-Iz in the Mansi language, which means “mountain of idols”. This name is absolutely consistent with the "functional purpose" of the place in the past. And even today, idolaters, and not only from the Mansi people, still consider this place sacred. There are many legends and mysterious stories about him, and in ancient times only clergymen were allowed to approach stone idols.


Many Mansi believe in the divine origin of stone pillars. In total, there are 7 stone sculptures of various heights. The smallest idol has a height of 30 meters, the largest - 42 meters. These huge boulders are located close to each other on the edge of the cliff, and only one block is somewhat apart from the others. It is shaped like a bottle that has been turned upside down. Other idols have no less bizarre outlines. Someone sees in them the heads of animals, someone - the figures of giants, someone - shamans or strange old people. The Mansi people deified these statues and never climbed the plateau where they are located - this was considered a very great sin. Especially this prohibition applied to women, since the stones symbolized male deities.

According to one of the legends, the giants who tried to steal the daughter of the local leader turned into stones. The giant Torev wanted to marry her, but the beautiful Aim refused him. Then Torev with his brothers-giants went to the fortress in which the girl lived. They broke the crystal tower, which crumbled into thousands of pieces. Locals believe that the pieces of rock crystal that are still found in these places are fragments of that tower.

Brother Aim Pygrychum rushed to her aid, enlisting the support of good spirits. They armed him with a magic shield. And when the giants were about to seize the leader's daughter, her brother pulled out a shield. Sunlight reflected from it and turned the giants into stones. The statue, standing separately, is Torev, who tried to capture the beauty, and the group of stone pillars are his brothers. This is the most romantic story about Mount Man-Pupu-Ner and its idols.

According to another legend, the giants were going to go to war with the Mansi. When they climbed the mountain, they saw the angry old man Ural, and at the same moment they turned into stone statues. Orthodox Russian old-timers believed that God turned idolaters into stones, bringing sacrifices on the mountain.

The sacredness of the place persisted until the 30s of the last century, when scientific research on blockheads began, and geologists began to climb the mountain. Scientists are convinced that this is an exclusively natural formation, and do not see in the idols any symptoms of something unknown or mysterious. They associate the original shape of the idols with the influence of wind and water in conditions of temperature differences. Also, the hypothesis that the idols could be created by hand was not confirmed. But still, they were forced to admit the phenomenality of these boulders, which turned out to be more resistant than all the other mountain "vertebrae" of the Urals, which collapsed over time.

How to get to the Manpupuners in the Ural Mountains?

The Manpupuner Plateau is located in the Komi Republic, in the northern Urals. Even if you do not know where Manpupuner is located, this is not a problem, as traveling to this place on your own is extremely difficult. Even before 2004, it was possible to go to Manpupuner by car. But the car route has been closed for a long time. Those wishing to see the idols have only two options: a hike to Manpupuner or a helicopter tour. In winter, there is also the option of ski crossings.

The choice of method depends on both physical fitness and financial capabilities. Excursions to Manpupuner are offered in a fairly wide price segment - from 30 thousand rubles. for a one-day helicopter tour up to 100 thousand rubles. for extreme tours. The journey will cost a little less, but is fraught with difficulties getting to the destination. If there is no experience in passing difficult tracks, it is highly recommended not to go to this place without an escort. The weather conditions here are complex and unpredictable, fogs are not uncommon, the path passes through swamps, and you can easily get lost in the mountains. In addition, you must obtain permission, since the attraction is located on the territory of the reserve, and pay an environmental fee. When you purchase a tour, the organizer takes care of all organizational issues.

Several tracks are offered to Malpupuner from Komi and from the Sverdlovsk region. If you find Malpupuner on the map, you will see that the distance to the nearest settlements is quite large. This is one of the reasons why tourists do not appear so often.

Hiking trips take from two to three days to two weeks, depending on the route and weather conditions. The Dyatlov Pass, the sources of the Pechora River, Mount Otorten along the way are worthy of attention in themselves. There are magnificent landscapes that you can admire only by choosing a hiking trip. But still, if you are not in good physical condition, give preference to a helicopter tour, because the path is really difficult even for experienced tourists.

Those who have been here say that the place is really strange. Some experienced feelings close to euphoria, others, on the contrary, became very scared. But definitely, when you see stone idols, you will not be disappointed.

The weathering pillars in Komi are classified as one of the seven wonders of Russia and are of natural origin. They are represented by seven vertical boulders from 30 to 42 m high, formed by hard shale rock. Softer deposits have been washed away by millions of years of natural erosion.

A developed imagination draws figures of various creatures in the forms of stone massifs, being fertile ground for the emergence of rumors and myths.

The popularity of the plateau among tourists is due not only to its unusual and breathtaking view, but also to the centuries-old history of the place itself, which is of key importance in the traditions of the indigenous peoples. Mount Manpupuner (“Mountain of idols”), on which the pillars are located, belongs to the territory of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve and is a protected area.

Despite the beauty of natural places, tourist trips in the Urals attract those who wish much less than routes in a milder climate. It is recommended to visit the plateau with stone sculptures in the warm season, mainly in summer. Autumn weather is poorly predictable, and you can get under the snowfall already in the second half of September.

The total number of tourists per year does not exceed a few hundred, so the routes are often deserted. It is best to travel in company and have minimal tourist experience, as even a short trip through the taiga is very tiring.

How to get to the weathering pillars

There are several options for the path, which differ in time, complexity of routes and financial costs:

  • helicopter flight is the most expensive event, but the fastest. You can get to your destination and return back within one daylight hours. This type of tourism is suitable for those who want to visit the most picturesque places, but are not ready for the difficulties of walking. At the moment, flights landing on the plateau are suspended due to the reconstruction of the helipad;
  • hiking - you can go to Mount Manpupuner from the side of the Perm or Sverdlovsk regions. The most popular crossing is from Ivdel;
  • a combined trip from Troitsko-Pechorsk - includes rafting on the river by boat or catamaran and further hiking.

In almost every tourist route, you have to hire a car - UAZ or Ural, so you need to be prepared for additional expenses. UAZ will not be able to drive as far as the Urals, so part of his journey will have to go on foot. It is better to load a detailed route into GPS, especially if you have little experience in walking in the taiga.

GPS routes can be found on thematic forums or websites. You can also use the coordinates of the most prominent landmarks.

To assess the difficulty of the path on foot, you should read the report on its passage.

Routes for amateurs and experienced tourists

  1. Trek to Mount Manpupuner from Ivdel.

The total length of the route is about 200 km. It is better to go in a group of at least 4 people - it will be safer and reduce transport costs.

You can get to the plateau in several stages:

  • first by train to Ivdel (station Ivdel-1);
  • in Ivdel we hire the Ural, which will take you to the starting point - the mouth of the Auspiya River;
  • from the mouth of the river begins a pedestrian crossing - the main part of the route.

After visiting the plateau, you can go back or take an easier route and rent a motor boat to Troitsko-Pechorsk from the Ust-Lyaga cordon.

  1. Combined route from Troitsko-Pechorsk.

Refers to a simpler type of hike, if you hire watercraft, and not use your own. The main stages of the path:

  • we arrive in Syktyvkar (by plane or train), from which we head to Troitsko-Pechorsk (by train);
  • from the city we get by bus to Ust-Ilych;
  • we hire a boat and raft down the Ilych river to the Ust-Lyaga cordon;
  • if you are lucky and you manage to agree with someone on the cordon (the boat from Ust-Ilych will not be allowed to go further), you can get even closer to the weathering pillars on the water.

You shouldn't count on it, so initially plan supplies and time with the expectation of a hike from the cordon. Depending on the distance traveled on the water, you will have to walk 25-40 km.

Features of visiting the mountain

Since the ultimate goal of the hike is located on the territory of the reserve, you need to take care of obtaining permission to visit it in advance.

Application details and information on environmental protection measures are available on the website

If the route starts from Ivdel, you can expect to reach Mount Manpupuner without a pass. In the latter case, you need to be prepared to pay a fine of up to 5,000 rubles. for being in a protected area without permission.

What can and cannot be done on Mount Manpupuner?

The territory of the plateau belongs to a protected zone, therefore the management of the reserve prohibits any actions related to the violation of the ecosystem.

It is forbidden to camp on the mountain itself, so for an overnight stay you will have to walk about three kilometers to the southeast to the bank of the river. Pechory. The territory of the plateau is completely visible from the observation post, so it is unlikely that you will be able to leave unnoticed.

No more than 10 people per week are allowed on Manpupuner. This decision is due to the fact that a rare variety of white moss grows on its top, adding only 5 mm per year. For the same reason, a special helipad is now being equipped on the mountain.

A rare tourist will go hiking to the same place twice, so do not be too lazy to capture the pillars from various angles on the way.

The remaining photos and videos will be the best reminder of the journey and will inspire you to discover the still unexplored corners of our country.