Where can you see the ocean. Oceans of the world: map, names, description, area, depth, plants and animals

After a hard day at work, you want to drop everything and wave beyond the horizon. Silence. Water. Vacation on the ocean. Hammock under palm trees, cocktails and sunset. So where to go?


Vacation on the ocean can be different. It all depends on the resort and time of year. In this article weLet's discuss the most popular destinations.

Rest on the Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is a distant and alluring romance. Here, surrounded by palm trees and local natives, you will have the opportunity to swim, eat seafood and try your hand at diving.


Goa, India

The former Portuguese colony in India welcomes 2 million tourists every year. Everyone wants to retire with the ocean and Asian flavor.

Are you planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the stage of preparation for the trip.

Goa is divided into two parts:

  1. North (young people and more economical tourists come here, there is a more developed infrastructure and more different entertainments);
  2. South (considered the most decent and expensive, they are looking for peace and tranquility here).

Why go to Goa

  • Beach holidays;
  • Diving;
  • Yoga;
  • Ayurveda.

Pros of Goa

  • Easy to get to;
  • Budgetary by world standards;
  • Good beaches;
  • Developed tourist infrastructure;
  • English is widely spoken;
  • There are no periods of radical heat;
  • Easy to rent a bike;
  • Beautiful sunsets in the evenings.


The Republic of Maldives is located on several hundred small coral islands in the Indian Ocean. Choose any and enjoy the warm ocean.

Why go to the Maldives

  • Beach holidays;
  • Separation from civilization;
  • Diving;
  • Surfing.

Pros of the Maldives

  • No visa required;
  • Beaches with white sand and clear water;
  • Lots of exotic fruits;
  • Hotels on the water;
  • Safely.

By the way, in the Maldives you can swim with giant whale sharks. Amazing experience. To at least roughly imagine these sensations, watch the video.

When to go to the Maldives

The best time to visit the ocean in the Maldives is from to . Read more in the article about by month.

What to fear in the Maldives

  • Few tourist attractions;
  • High prices for everything (especially drinking water);
  • Sometimes stingrays and sharks swim to the islands;
  • You can’t break corals and take them as a keepsake;
  • Nudism is prohibited;
  • Huge garbage fines.

What currency to take to the Maldives

It is better to take dollars on a trip. If the need arises, change them to local rufiyaas already on the islands. Usually this is not required and all calculations are made in US currency.

What to bring from the Maldives

Tea, handmade souvenirs and hookah sets.

Attention!Souvenirs made from red and black corals, shells, pearls and tortoise shell products are not allowed to be exported.


The island state belongs to East Africa. was the only habitat for the extinct Dodo bird.

Why go to Mauritius

  • Beach holidays;
  • Diving;
  • Luxury vacation on the ocean.

Pros of Mauritius

  • Great service: beaches, hotels, restaurants, etc.
  • There is no crime;
  • Time close to Moscow;
  • A visa is made free of charge right at the airport;
  • Around coral reefs with interesting living creatures.

When to go to Mauritius

What to fear in Mauritius

  • Prices bite;
  • Left side traffic;
  • Sharp corals are often found near the shore, sea urchins are found in them: do not forget about special shoes;
  • The weather changes dramatically, don't forget to bring windbreakers or raincoats;
  • There are strong currents beyond the nearest reefs. Do not swim there without an instructor.

What currency to take to Mauritius

It is better to take dollars or euros with you. There is no particular difference. In tourist places you can pay by credit card, though there will be a commission. For shopping in the markets, you will have to change the currency to local rupees.

What to bring from Mauritius

Wooden models of ships, souvenirs with a Dodo bird, key rings with multi-colored sand.


The state in East Africa is located on 115 islands. True, only 33 are inhabited. After the international airport was opened in 1971, tourists and big business flocked here. More information in the post on how to .

Why go to the Seychelles

  • Beach holidays;
  • Diving;
  • Surfing;
  • Fishing in the ocean;
  • Wedding on the beach.

Pluses Seychelles

  • No visa required;
  • White sand beaches;
  • The tourist infrastructure is well developed;
  • Safe (occasionally stolen);
  • On Eden Island, you can find a great Russian restaurant serving okroshka!

When to go to the Seychelles

The best time to visit the Seychelles is from November to March.

What to fear in the Seychelles

  • food poisoning;
  • Contact with sea urchins and poisonous fish;
  • Complex logistics (it takes a long time to get to the islands);
  • Large tips (up to 20%).

What currency to take to the Seychelles

On vacation it is better to take dollars with you. Rubles are difficult to change, and the euro is rotten. It is only necessary to change the currency officially: at banks, ATMs, at the airport. Currency trading is prohibited by law.

What to bring from the Seychelles

Souvenirs from palm leaves, sea nuts, coral and shell decorations.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali is a huge island in the Malay Archipelago. An excellent choice for those who do not want to sit still. - the opportunity to combine beach gatherings and a cultural program in one trip.

Why go to Bali

  • Beach holidays;
  • Surfing;
  • Introduction to Indonesian culture.

Pros of Bali

  • Convenient logistics (there is an international airport on the island);
  • Entertainment for tourists: nature reserves, attractions, etc.
  • Lots of budget housing;
  • Cheap scooter rental and petrol;
  • Beautiful and diverse nature.

When to go to Bali

The best time to visit Bali is during the dry season, from May to October. Read more in the article about by month.

What to fear in Bali

  • Big waves;
  • street crime;
  • Traffic jams;
  • Bad roads;
  • Cheating tourists.

What currency to take to Bali

It is best to take dollars or euros with you. Try to bring small bills. Please note that it is better if dollars are issued after 2004. Early options may not be accepted. The fact is that a lot of fakes were riveted here at one time.

Do not change the currency in suspicious guys and where the rate is with a bunch of nines. Most likely, they will try to deceive you.

If you plan to take bank cards with you, then before the trip, do not forget to inform your bank about this. Indonesia is considered not a very trustworthy country, so your card can simply be blocked for your own safety.

What to bring from Bali

Creations of local artisans: paintings, decorative weapons, dolls, masks, chess, etc. Girls bring oils, shampoos, soaps and cosmetics.

Sri Lanka

If you want an exclusively beach holiday, then stay on the southern part of the island (remember the monsoons). If you want drive and adventure, then rent a car and drive around the island in search of attractions.

What to fear in Sri Lanka

  • unsanitary conditions;
  • Dirty water (drink only from a bottle);
  • Crime;
  • Insect attacks (If mosquitoes get you, and the fumigator does not help, then buy cinnamon oil from the locals);
  • Strong waves and reverse flow.

What currency to take to Sri Lanka

It is best to take dollars with you on a trip to Sri Lanka. Exchange them for rupees -no problem. Paying for purchases with bank cards should be done with caution. Lots of scammers. For exchange, it is better to take small bills. They have a better rate.

What to bring from Sri Lanka

This is Ceylon! Be sure to buy tea and spices: cardamom, pepper, ginger, curry, etc. Along the way, you can take cosmetics and coconut arak. This is such an alcoholic drink.

Holidays in the Pacific

The Pacific Ocean is boundless and beautiful. Many come to its resorts to get as far away from the familiar world as possible and get lost on small islands.


Fiji is one of the most developed countries in Oceania. It is located on three hundred islands, more than two hundred of which are uninhabited. Movies and commercials about this tropical paradise are often filmed here, so you should have a good idea of ​​what it looks like: islands, palm trees, blue water and beauties in bikinis.

Why go to Fiji

  • Beach holidays;
  • Wedding ceremony;
  • Swimming with sharks;
  • Separation from civilization;

Pros Fiji

  • Tipping is not customary;
  • You do not need to make a visa;
  • Wildlife;
  • Clean sandy beaches;
  • Every day you can watch the ebb and flow of the tide.

When to go to Fiji

The ideal time to visit is from May to October. The air temperature fluctuates around 25 degrees. There are no heavy rains and hurricanes.

What to fear in Fiji

  • Before the rest, it is necessary to be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, diphtheria and tetanus;
  • The islands are very difficult to get to;
  • Often there are ethnic clashes between the inhabitants of the country, you should not take part in rallies, pickets and wear political symbols;
  • On unequipped beaches, sea urchins live in corals. Don't forget your beach shoes;
  • Be careful while swimming, diving and fishing. In wild places, it is quite possible to meet with poisonous inhabitants of the ocean, sharks and sea snakes;
  • In cities they can be robbed, on tourist islands this is impossible.

What currency to take to Fiji

It is best to take dollars with you on a trip. But paying with them on the islands is not accepted. Change currency to local dollars.

What to bring from Fiji

The main souvenirs are handicrafts: bags, baskets, rugs, fans, wood crafts, shark teeth knives and various utensils and accessories related to the life of local aborigines.

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

One of the most beautiful islands in French Polynesia was discovered by the infamous James Cook. Now it is a cult resort for wealthy tourists. Others do not get here: too far from civilization. Around the ocean.

Why go to Bora Bora

  • Beach holidays;
  • Diving;
  • Separation from civilization.

Advantages of Bora Bora

  • Wildlife;
  • Clean beaches and water;
  • Great service;
  • There is no crime.

When to go to Bora Bora

The best time to visit is from May to October. At this time, there is little rain, and the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

What to fear in Bora Bora

  • Wild prices for everything;
  • Long flight;
  • There isn't much to do on the island;
  • Marine predators are somewhere nearby.

What currency to take to Bora Bora

It is most advantageous to take euros with you on a trip. Dollars can also be exchanged, but the exchange rate will be worse. Bank cards are accepted almost everywhere.

What to bring from Bora Bora

First of all, Bora Bora brings memories of a paradise vacation and a rested body. In the second -coconut soap, black pearls, marine attributes (shells, panama hats, wicker baskets, etc.)

Hawaii, USA

Boundless ocean, active volcanoes, jungles and comfortable hotels. Aloha, this is Hawaii! 160 islands - a separate state of the USA. This imposes a number of features. More about them.

Why go to Hawaii

  • Beach holidays;
  • Introduction to Hawaiian culture;
  • Volcanoes;
  • Surfing;
  • Diving.

Pros of Hawaii

  • Payment in dollars;
  • General knowledge of English;
  • Good level of service;
  • There is no risk of catching a tropical infection;
  • Rich nightlife.

When to go to Hawaii

The climate in the Hawaiian Islands is pleasant and even. There are 2 seasons: dry (AprilSeptember) and wet (OctoberMarch). Most tourists come during the wet season, because in summer the temperature is higher and hurricanes occur more often.

What to watch out for in Hawaii

  • For a vacation in Hawaii, you need to make out . With all the ensuing consequences;
  • There are no direct flights from Russia;
  • Due to isolation from the mainland, prices are higher;

What currency to take to Hawaii


What to bring from Hawaii

Usually tourists buy traditional Hawaiian shirts, dresses and macadamia nuts on the islands. Plus a traditional set of souvenirs from a vacation on the ocean: jewelry, seafood, art and so on.

Holidays on the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean, although cool, can also be a great place for a beach holiday. Here are some examples.

Algarve, Portugal

In Portugal, you can have a great rest on the ocean, without much breaking away from civilization. If desired, you canfind cheap hotelsor use couchsurfing . The Atlantic water here is quite clean, although colder than in the Mediterranean or the Black Sea. In addition to the Algarve, there are many other resorts, for example,.

Why go to the Algarve

  • Civilized beach holiday;
  • Introduction to Portugal.

Pros Algarve

  • It is easy to come up with a cultural program;
  • Clean and civil;
  • Developed infrastructure;
  • Rich nightlife;
  • Easy to get to for Schengen holders.

When to go to the Algarve

The best time to visit is between May and October.

What to fear in the Algarve

  • Need a Schengen
  • Crowded beaches in season;
  • Fraudsters;
  • Cool water.

What currency to take in the Algarve

Take euro.

What to bring from the Algarve

All traditional Portuguese souvenirs. Bring home port or wine, cork products, cheese and olive oil.

Canary Islands

The autonomous region, located on the islands in the Atlantic Ocean, belongs to Spain with all the ensuing consequences (language, currency, visa, etc.). Here you can find wonderful beaches with black volcanic sand that will help you relax and forget about traditional everyday problems. In Tenerife, the legendary carnival takes place, which is sometimes compared in terms of beauty with the Brazilian one.

Why go to the Canaries

  • Beach holidays;
  • Carnival in Tenerife;
  • Surfing (beaches at Guincho and Ericeira).

Pros of the Canary Islands

  • Lots of delicious local wines;
  • European service;
  • Comfortable climate;
  • Beaches with black volcanic sand.

When to go to the Canaries

The best time to visit is from May to May. A huge flow of tourists falls on Christmas and Easter.

What to fear in the Canaries

  • Need a Schengen
  • There are a lot of surfers (it is difficult for beginners);
  • Cool water of the ocean;
  • Few budget housing;
  • A little space for a non-beach holiday.

What currency to take to the Canaries


What to bring from the Canary Islands

Wine, cigars, aloe cosmetics, obsidian and olivine jewelry, and earthenware are usually brought from the islands. If you feel sorry for money for souvenirs, then you can find a huge cone of Canarian pine.

South Africa

A huge number of beautiful sandy beaches can be found on the Atlantic coast of South Africa. It is not far from the capital of this country - Cape Town. According to the stories of tourists, the atmosphere strongly resembles the south of France. Pleasant beach, adequate infrastructure, fresh breeze.

If you wish, you can get to the Cape of Good Hope, where before your eyes two oceans will merge into one whole: the Atlantic and the Indian.

Why go to South Africa

  • Beach holidays;
  • Surfing;
  • Swimming with sharks;
  • Safari in nature reserves;
  • Diving;
  • Yachting;
  • Visiting the penguins.

Advantages of South Africa

  • Extensive cultural program;
  • Good service in tourist places (for Africa);
  • Paradise for surfing.

When to go to South Africa

The best time to visit is from October to March.

What to fear in South Africa

  • Long flight;
  • Crime;
  • Sunshine (take a hat, cream, glasses);
  • In the border areas there is a risk of contracting malaria and yellow fever.

What currency to take in South Africa

The country's currency is the South African rand. There are many exchange points, but it is better to use bank ones. Hotels charge an extra fee. You cannot pay in dollars or euros. You can take both world currencies. Preferably in small bills.

What to bring from South Africa

Tanzinite stone jewelry, African handicrafts: paintings, masks, figurines, beaded jewelry and traditional marine souvenirs.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic occupies two-thirds of the island of Haiti. People come here to lie on the beach and take a break from the usual civilization.

Why go to the Dominican Republic

  • Beach holidays;
  • Diving.

Pros of the Dominican Republic

  • No visa required;
  • Beautiful and clean beaches;
  • Unusual cuisine.

When to go to the Dominican Republic

What to fear in the Dominican Republic

  • Long flight;
  • Problems with acclimatization;
  • The locals do not speak English well;
  • Internet problems (speed);
  • petty theft;
  • Expensive excursions;
  • Problems with early check-in at hotels.

What currency to take to the Dominican Republic

The main currency is the peso. But tourists can safely pay with US dollars. If you decide to buy local currency, be sure to keep your receipt. Otherwise, you will not be able to change the balance at the end of the holiday.

What to bring from the Dominican Republic

Tourists return from the Dominican Republic with bottles of rum, cigars, coffee and cocoa. They sell a lot of marine souvenirs: shells, stars, shark teeth, crabs and beautiful stones.

Rest on the Arctic Ocean

There is no beach holiday on the Arctic Ocean. In general, here you will not find anything from the traditional television picture. No palm trees or coconuts. All around snow, ice and crazy wind. But there are adventure lovers who are planning whole expeditions to these parts in order to surf the vast expanses on snowmobiles and enjoy complete solitude and the beauty of northern nature.

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For readers of the LHTravel website, there is .

As we were explained, the rest of the cities are located on the coast of the seas with access to various oceans.
I saw the ocean for the first time today. This is amazing! I just wanted to stay there, sit and look at this beauty, walk barefoot on the surf and volcanic sand. Passing at times higher, where the sand is hot, to warm up after the cold ocean...
And after all also volcanoes side by side absolutely flaunt!
Amazing Kamchatka.

The point in our Kamchatka adventure came out fantastically sincere

3. The water is cold, of course, in the heat it warms up to +17, sometimes only walruses swim here

4. Nevertheless, these places are very popular among those who like to conquer the waves on a board or kite.

5. And here are the volcanoes on the ocean

6. There was a whole camp of surfers nearby.


8. The photo is not very visible, but the sand is black, as it is volcanic.
It turns out the black beach. Very unusual

9. Cold water)) yesterday I sat on a hot spring in the middle of Kamchatka, putting my feet in it. Nearly cooked my limbs.
It was so hot! And then such a contrast the next day.




13. The guys ride, of course, in special hydro suits.

14. The beach is popular with tourists and residents of Petropalovsk-Kamchatsky, there are convenient wooden paths on the territory, since it is difficult to walk on the sand in shoes, you fall through. There are volleyball courts and a beach soccer field.

15. Goodbye, Kamchatka! I will definitely come back here!

The ocean is the largest object and is the part that covers about 71% of our planet's surface. The oceans wash the shores of the continents, have a system of water circulation and have other specific features. The oceans of the world are in constant interaction with everyone.

Map of oceans and continents of the world

Some sources indicate that the World Ocean is divided into 4 oceans, however, in 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization singled out the fifth - the Southern Ocean. This article provides a list of all 5 oceans of planet Earth in order - from the largest in area to the smallest, with the name, location on the map and main characteristics.

Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean on a map of the Earth / Wikipedia

Due to its large size, the Pacific Ocean has a unique and varied topography. It also plays an important role in shaping the world's weather patterns and the modern economy.

The ocean floor is constantly changing through the movement and subduction of tectonic plates. Currently, the oldest known area of ​​the Pacific Ocean is about 180 million years old.

In terms of geology, the area surrounding the Pacific Ocean is sometimes called. The region has this name because it is the world's largest area of ​​volcanism and earthquakes. The Pacific region is subject to violent geological activity, because much of its floor is in subduction zones, where the boundaries of some tectonic plates are pushed under others after a collision. There are also some hotspot areas where magma from the Earth's mantle is forced out through the Earth's crust, creating underwater volcanoes that can eventually form islands and seamounts.

The Pacific Ocean has a diverse bottom topography, consisting of oceanic ridges and which formed in hot spots below the surface. The relief of the ocean differs significantly from large continents and islands. The deepest point of the Pacific Ocean is called the "Challenger Abyss", it is located in the Mariana Trench, at a depth of almost 11 thousand km. The largest is New Guinea.

The climate of the ocean varies greatly depending on the latitude, the presence of land, and the types of air masses moving over its waters. Ocean surface temperature also plays a role in climate as it affects the availability of moisture in different regions. The climate in the vicinity is humid and warm during most of the year. The far north Pacific and the far south are more temperate, with large seasonal variations in weather patterns. In addition, some regions are dominated by seasonal trade winds that affect the climate. Tropical cyclones and typhoons also form in the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is almost the same as in other oceans of the Earth, with the exception of local temperatures and salinity of the water. The pelagic zone of the ocean is inhabited by marine animals, such as fish, marine and. Organisms and scavengers live at the bottom. Habitats can be found in sunny shallow areas of the ocean near the coast. The Pacific Ocean is the environment that hosts the greatest variety of living organisms on the planet.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean on a map of the Earth / Wikipedia

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on Earth with a total area (including adjacent seas) of 106.46 million km². It occupies about 22% of the planet's surface area. The ocean has an elongated S-shape and extends between North and South America in the west, as well as , and - in the east. It connects to the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Southern Ocean to the south. The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is 3,926 m, and the deepest point is located in the Puerto Rico Ocean Trench, at a depth of 8,605 m. The Atlantic Ocean has the highest salinity of any ocean in the world.

Its climate is characterized by warm or cool water, which circulates in different currents. Water depth and winds also have a significant effect on ocean surface weather. Severe Atlantic hurricanes are known to develop off the coast of Cape Verde in Africa, heading towards the Caribbean from August to November.

The time when the supercontinent Pangea broke up, about 130 million years ago, was the beginning of the formation of the Atlantic Ocean. Geologists have determined that it is the second youngest of the world's five oceans. This ocean has played a very important role in connecting the Old World with the newly explored America since the late 15th century.

The main feature of the floor of the Atlantic Ocean is an underwater mountain range called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which extends from Iceland in the north to approximately 58°S. sh. and has a maximum width of about 1600 km. The water depth above the ridge is less than 2,700 meters in most places, and several mountain peaks of the ridge rise above the water to form islands.

The Atlantic Ocean flows into the Pacific Ocean, however they are not always the same due to water temperature, ocean currents, sunlight, nutrients, salinity, etc. The Atlantic Ocean has coastal and open ocean habitats. Its coastal areas are located along the coastlines and extend to the continental shelves. Marine life is usually concentrated in the upper layers of the ocean waters, and closer to the coast there are coral reefs, algae forests and sea grasses.

The Atlantic Ocean is of great modern importance. The construction of the Panama Canal, located in Central America, allowed large ships to pass through the waterways, from Asia across the Pacific Ocean to the east coast of North and South America across the Atlantic Ocean. This led to a revival of trade between Europe, Asia, South America and North America. In addition, there are deposits of gas, oil and precious stones at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean on a map of the Earth / Wikipedia

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean on the planet and has an area of ​​70.56 million km². It is located between Africa, Asia, Australia and the Southern Ocean. The Indian Ocean has an average depth of 3,963 m, and the Sunda Trench is the deepest trench, with a maximum depth of 7,258 m. The Indian Ocean occupies about 20% of the area of ​​the World Ocean.

The formation of this ocean is a consequence of the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent, which began about 180 million years ago. 36 million years ago, the Indian Ocean assumed its current configuration. Although it first opened about 140 million years ago, almost all Indian Ocean basins are less than 80 million years old.

It is landlocked and does not extend into arctic waters. It has fewer islands and narrower continental shelves compared to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Below the surface layers, especially in the north, the ocean water is extremely low in oxygen.

The climate of the Indian Ocean varies considerably from north to south. For example, monsoons dominate in the northern part, above the equator. From October to April, strong northeasterly winds are observed, while from May to October - southerly and western ones. The Indian Ocean also has the warmest weather of all five oceans in the world.

The ocean depths contain about 40% of the world's offshore oil, and seven countries currently produce from this ocean.

The Seychelles is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean consisting of 115 islands and most of them are granitic islands and coral islands. On granitic islands, most of the species are endemic, and coral islands have a coral reef ecosystem, where the biodiversity of marine life is greatest. The Indian Ocean has an island fauna that includes sea turtles, seabirds and many other exotic animals. Much of the marine life in the Indian Ocean is endemic.

The entire marine ecosystem of the Indian Ocean is facing species decline as water temperatures continue to rise, which in turn results in a 20% decline in phytoplankton, on which the marine food chain is highly dependent.

South ocean

Southern Ocean on a map of the Earth/Wikipedia

In 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization singled out the fifth, youngest ocean in the world - the Southern Ocean - from the southern regions of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The New Southern Ocean completely surrounds and extends from its coast north to 60°S. sh. The Southern Ocean is by far the fourth largest of the world's five oceans, only larger than the Arctic Ocean.

In recent years, a large amount of oceanographic research has focused on ocean currents, first due to El Niño and then due to the wider interest in global warming. One of the studies determined that currents near Antarctica isolate the Southern Ocean as a separate one, so it was identified as a separate, fifth ocean.

The area of ​​the Southern Ocean is approximately 20.3 million km². The deepest point is 7,235 meters deep and is located in the South Sandwich Trench.

The water temperature in the Southern Ocean varies from -2° C to +10° C. It also contains the largest and most powerful cold surface current on Earth - the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which moves eastward and is 100 times the flow of all the world's rivers.

Despite the allocation of this new ocean, it is likely that the discussion about the number of oceans will continue in the future. After all, there is only one "World Ocean" since all 5 (or 4) oceans on our planet are interconnected with each other.

Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean on the map of the Earth / Wikipedia

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world's five oceans and has an area of ​​14.06 million km². Its average depth is 1205 m, and the deepest point is in the underwater Nansen Basin, at a depth of 4665 m. The Arctic Ocean is located between Europe, Asia and North America. In addition, most of its waters are north of the Arctic Circle. located in the center of the Arctic Ocean.

While located on a continent, the North Pole is covered in water. For most of the year, the Arctic Ocean is almost completely covered by drifting polar ice, which is about three meters thick. This glacier usually melts during the summer months, but only partially.

Due to its small size, many oceanographers do not consider it an ocean. Instead, some scientists suggest that it is a sea that is mostly enclosed by continents. Others believe that this is a partially closed coastal body of the Atlantic Ocean. These theories are not widely held, and the International Hydrographic Organization considers the Arctic Ocean one of the world's five oceans.

The Arctic Ocean has the lowest water salinity of any of the Earth's oceans due to the low evaporation rate and fresh water coming from streams and rivers that feed the ocean, diluting the concentration of salts in the water.

The polar climate dominates this ocean. Consequently, winters exhibit relatively stable weather with low temperatures. The best known characteristics of this climate are polar nights and polar days.

It is believed that the Arctic Ocean may contain about 25% of the total natural gas and oil reserves on our planet. Geologists have also established that there are significant deposits of gold and other minerals. The abundance of several species of fish and seals also make the region attractive to the fishing industry.

There are several animal habitats in the Arctic Ocean, including endangered mammals and fish. The region's vulnerable ecosystem is one of the factors that make the fauna so sensitive to climate change. Some of these species are endemic and irreplaceable. The summer months bring an abundance of phytoplankton which, in turn, feeds the base, which eventually ends up with large terrestrial and marine mammals.

Recent developments in technology are enabling scientists to explore the depths of the world's oceans in new ways. These studies are needed to help scientists study and possibly prevent the catastrophic effects of climate change in these areas, as well as to discover new types of living organisms.

Palolem beaches in Goa are at your service. A huge number of young people from all over the world come here. Palolem Beach is a paradise and at the same time one of the most popular and desirable tourist destinations. The beaches here are decorated with palm trees, the sand is soft and the water is warm. The whole atmosphere of Goa is conducive to relaxation and relaxation. Prices are not very high, by world standards - budget. The best time to visit here is from October to March.

If you don't want to go to Goa, go to the Maldives. The beaches of Nika and Soneva, Cocoa Island, Banyan Tree are considered excellent here. Having reached these fabulous places, people can relax on one of the practically uninhabited small islands of the Indian Ocean. In addition to amazing beaches, people here love diving and snorkeling. For a romantic getaway, you can't imagine better. It is advisable to get here in the months from November to April.

Another place to visit is Mauritius. Local shores are famous for luxury hotels and coral sand. The island is protected on all sides by coral reefs. The best beaches for you are Paradis, Trou aux Biches and Flic en Flac. April to May is the best time to visit here. From December to March - ideal conditions for diving, and from June to August it's time for surfers.

The Seychelles are perfect for a family holiday. There are wonderful beaches Praslin and Anse Volbert with clean fine sand. The shores are adorned with branching takamaka trees and granite rocks. Almost all hotels here look like private boarding houses, designed for a relaxing holiday. To go sailing or windsurfing, the time from May to October is suitable. For diving, choose the time from September to November or from March to May.

Atlantic Ocean

In Portugal, washed by Atlantic waters, you can relax in the Algarve, on the beaches of Lagos, Albuferia and Ilha de Tavira. There are noisy port cities and soft coastal sands. The best time to visit is from May to October. Housing prices here vary, basically everything around is expensive, but if you wish, you can also find not very expensive hotels.

If you want something unusual, choose the Canary Islands, Gomera Island. It is different from many other Canary Islands. Here you can feel peaceful and relaxed. Tourists come here for the coastal black volcanic sand, calm quiet surf and isolation from the civilized world. November to May is the best time here. Most people come here on Easter and Christmas.

Many people relax on the beaches of South Africa, stretching almost along the entire coast. The most popular holiday destination here is the Cape Town beach, perhaps because it is somewhat reminiscent of the south of France. Vacationers here will see a lot of grass, shady palm trees and amazing light brown sand. Many restaurants and bars, places for picnics, a fresh and pleasant breeze - what else is needed for happiness. The best time to come here is from October to March.

Pacific Ocean

Another fantastic place on our planet is Fiji. More specifically, Yasawa, consisting of a chain of islets that are part of Fiji. Surprisingly beautiful coral sands, bright blue water - these are the places chosen by various directors for their colorful videos and films. Resting in Fiji is quite expensive, because in addition to the main trip, you additionally have to sail to the island on a yacht or fly by plane. If funds allow, then you need to visit here from May to October.

The best and most expensive beaches of the Pacific Ocean are located on Bora Bora, in French Polynesia. For example, around the Matira beach, nature has created a natural protection in the form of coral reefs, so the water in the bay is very warm and always calm. There are no sights and excursions here, only a beach holiday. At the end of summer, it is too crowded, but still the best time to relax is from May to October.

You can look at huge boulders sticking out of the water and coral reefs in Palau, on the beaches of The Rock Islands. All year round there is warm water and soft sand. The aquatic fauna deserves special attention, as it is quite diverse. It is because of this that divers around the world dream of visiting The Rock Islands at any cost. The local island of Mecherchar is famous for its jellyfish lake - there are a huge number of them and it looks just fantastic. The best time for rest are the months from February to March.

I'm a happy person. Not everyone gets to look at the ocean from its two shores, and within a couple of months. Just a few days ago, I was standing on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and eating red caviar. In two months I will reach California, and I will also look at the Pacific Ocean. Unless I'm going to chew some burger.

The ocean was very cold, I was even afraid to come close to it. But he fascinates, he is much stronger than the sea. Maybe I got illusions about the greatness of the ocean in my head, but maybe not. See and judge for yourself.

1. Black ocean sand mixed with white snow. Creamy chocolate ice cream.

2. Dream Job or Stubborn Fool? A tractor drives along a deserted and deserted coast and rakes snow into the ocean, and then quickly reverses it, running away from the surf. Why is he doing this?







9. By the way, friends, keep in mind: if you find yourself in Kamchatka and want to look at the ocean, no transport goes here. You will need to take a bus, and then walk five kilometers along a deserted road. Plan your trip to the ocean in advance.

PS: In two months, when I reach the coast of California, I will write exactly the same post about my