Excursion on the ship by gateways. River cruises

The first years of my life went around in the area next to the North River Station of Moscow, and in childhood, with parents or grandparents often walked on his moorings to look at the sailing ships. Love for this place and habit sometimes be there I retained and after moving, and in my youthful age I had a dream to someday sail from the river station to a cruise on a large ship. A week ago, this dream partially exercised - I made a walk through the Moscow channel on the real cruise liner. In this post you are waiting for beautiful evening types of near Moscow reservoirs, impressions from the passage of the gateway and the story and how they were removed from the ship with the wording "for smoking on the deck." :)))

The motor ship where we went to this mini-trip - the four-plane "Princess Anastasia" of Mosturflot - at the North River Station.

"Princess Anastasia" has been working as a Lowoster for the second season. Here is the same principle that the airlines-louxers: the base price is as reduced as much as possible, but the set of services included in it is limited - the rest can be obtained at an additional cost. See these people in the photo? They sail on the deck, because they saved on the spot in the cabin. :))) Joke, of course. It is impossible to abandon the cabins on the "Princess Anastasia", but from the supply (in whole or in part) and the excursion program - you can.

The vessel "Princess Anastasia" of the so-called 302nd project was built in 1989 in the GDR and used to be the name of Nikolai Bauman.

In 2009, he was renamed in memory of Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova - one of the daughters of Nicholas II, ripped with the whole royal family in 1918. One of the deposits of the ship is decorated with her portrait and photos of other members of the monarchy family.

The main decks "Princess Anastasia" look like this.

Upstairs is the so-called solar deck with sun loungers and outdoor tables.

The Northern River Station, which could be admired with the solar deck before the departure of the ship, opened in 1937, together with the entire channel, tied Moscow with the Volga. This building could be made a separate post - to tell about the star, transferred to him from the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, about the retractable spielet, about the majolicic "plates" on the facade. It is a pity that, despite periodically voiced plans for the restoration of the station, this monument of architecture comes into an increasingly running state and has long been fenced with a very aesthetic fence.

The pier of the northern river station.

Tushinsky bank through the glass door "Princess Anastasia".

The ship sailed so smoothly that, busy by photographing, I did not even notice. :)

Administrative building of the northern river port.

And his cranes.

With surprise, it was discovered that from the water you can make a frame in which the Northern River Station, and the Towers of Moscow-City. When I last rode here on the boat (a small walking, not big) skyscrapers, probably, just started to build.

Behind the building of the cognac plant "Kin" was discovered a pretty business center River City, the architecture of which, it seems to me, is solved quite in the port stylist, but not in Moscow, but in some English and Dutch.

But the building standing near the porthell was already destroyed. There were reports that in its place are going to build a new housing, which actually and so many on a long-suffering Leningradka.

The left-bank beach, which we went to swim in childhood, the Soyuz Hotel and the rescue station (right to left).

We passed the bridges of the Leningrad Highway and the Moscow Ring Road ...

And floating past the "Arena Khimki". It is adjacent to the Tower of the Business Center, which retained the name of the old stadium, which was standing at this place, "Novator". They say on his roof there is a football field.

Next to the football stadium is the Khimki Basketball Center.

Behind the Oktyabrskaya Railway, connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg, left behind.

Now to the left of the course we have Khimki ...

And on the right - Dolgoprudny. It turned out that a very nice walking area was arranged here along the canal.

Approximately from here, the channel section begins, which is called a deep excavation. Its depth is 22.5 meters.

Periodically, on the shores there are facilities of a barrier gate, which allow you to block the channel, turning it off part of the general system, is the case of a disaster or carrying out some works. These gates have number 73.
In the background of the photograph, the uniform bridge is visible in the sadly famous path of the M11 track with its conquering tariffs.

The bends make the canal very picturesque.

There is a rather lively movement on the channel. True, we no longer seen large boats, but the pleasure boats of different shapes and colors were often met.

Interesting small ships came across, including militarized. :)

Along the channel there were a lot of holidaymakers, roasting kebabs, who decided to use a rare present summer in the summer in order to spend time in the fresh air. Someone apparently expected to fry on the grill what caught. :)

Behind the surrounding beauty, by the way, it is not necessary to observe from the deck or from the cabin window. The premises in the nasal and stern part of the vessel are given under public spaces: a library, a cafe-bar, a kids club and so on.

That's how, for example, looks like a library with a reading room.

Beyond the window, meanwhile, continue to swim any beauty and interest. This is, for example, the chapel of the new martyrs of Russian in the Water-sports center "Avangard" in the area of \u200b\u200bKhlebnikovo.

Khlebnikovsky bridge of the Savelovsky direction of the MZ.

Dolgoprudny turned out to be a very long city. :) We sailed along it, probably about an hour.

I do not know what to live here to ordinary people, but those who can afford a yacht or boat must be convenient - water parking lots are located under the side.

Finally, after Dmitroprdnaya and Bridge, Dmitrovskoye highway, the Klyazmin reservoir was spread in front of us in full swing.

I do not know why, but landscapes with barges like even more types with cruise ships. :)

This place is called the Trinity Recreation Recreation.

Local attraction - Artificial rock with pseudomaist.

Its name was the place in honor of the Trinity Temple, which was built in stone at the beginning of the 18th century (the bell tower - one and a half century later).

Someone is lucky to have a cottage on the shores of the reservoir ...

Or at least a house in a water parking lot.

And someone travels through water spaces directly with their housing. :))) Although most likely, this is, of course, a swimming bath.

Scenic view from (if I correctly identified on the map) Zhostovsky quarry.

The village of Wielno with a modern wooden temple (the old stone was disassembled during the construction of the canal) and the pier. Once here went from the Rocket Rocket Station, but, they say, the last ships on underwater wings have already written off in Moscow.

By the time of our exit to the Pest Reservoir, the sun passed into pre-ordered regime.

It's time to eat. :) Dinner consisted of vegetable salad, french meat with potatoes, tea with dessert and pleasant view from the window. :) It was delicious and beautiful! That was the standard dinner of tourists who included evening meals in the selected Turpaket. As I said, from the supply included in the cost of the cruise, you can also refuse - in whole or in part. However, in this case, you will always have the opportunity to reinforce yourself on board, independently choosing dishes on the distribution line. For example, the cost of hot dishes on it varies from 140 to 230 rubles.

After dinner at the "Princess Anastasia", there was an academic alarm - all passengers were putting on spaste vests, check the performance of whistles and sit for checking from their cabins. On the ship, by the way, 300 tourists sailed - there was not a single free place. The director Vladislav Hasikov is a complete kilograms of charm and charisma man who could easily make a living by Standap, "said us that he did not even get a separate cabin and he divides a dwelling with someone from his colleagues. Vladislav also promised to resist those who negligently reacted to the academic alarm - for example, came out of the cabin, just holding the vest in his hands, - a separate check, at night. They say, did not learn from the first attempt - we will do work on bugs. In general, stedaps stands, and with security director does not joke.

In the meantime, our motor ship approached the first place in its path. In total, before entering the Ivankovskoye reservoir on the Volga, the ship needs to go through six gateways that will devote it a total of 38 meters.

To the left of the gateway is the electrostaturation "IKSHA-I" with a dam.

The gateway itself carries number 6 (the numbering is conducted from the Ivankov reservoir) and is located directly opposite the railway station IKSHA. His structures are made in the style of Stalinist architecture.

In addition to sculptures, the entrance gate of the gateway decorate memorable plates.

After "Princess Anastasia" went into the gateway, the rear gate closed and we began to be invisible, but a rapid decline that could be traced in the footsteps of the water level on the side walls.

In about 20 minutes, the ship dropped 8 meters.

Unfortunately, on this program of my little journey ended, and immediately after the gateway I was and a few more people floated along the same route, landed on the technical pier. Hollowing on the land, we involuntarily found themselves in the center of widespread attention, because for our disembarking with decks with a bewilderment - "What is the city?", "What could I buy a ticket to Ikshi?" - watched a good half of the passengers. The cruise director promised to tell them what he took off the ship those who smoked in the wrong place. :)))

After that, we went on the way back to Moscow, and Knyazhna Anastasia with 300 lucky on board continued the trip along the route Moscow-Uglich-Yaroslavl-Platz Kostroma-Cop Rino-Myshkin-Dubna-Moscow.

Why not do the non-standard and during the trip instead of the car do not rent ... a small ship?
And go to trip in the country. For example, in France.
After all, what does the usual journey look like, to which most tourists got used to?
Flew to the airport. There is either the transfer of the tour operator and further hotel excursions-walk-paid program, or a hotel-beach-beach shuttlefish, or take a car for rental and further go through the objects and attractions, or the third option, but without a car on Rental.
And here is a boat!
Well, what, why not? Almost like the car, only here you have a hotel, and a kitchen, and a vehicle.

2. To participate in this, not quite the usual journey invited us a leading tour operator of river cruises on comfortable boats with independent management - LeBoat company.
Leboat works part of the Tui Group - the world's largest tourist holding and today has the largest fleet in Europe of comfortable river boats, which can be rented for cruises on canals, lakes and rivers of the 9th countries of Europe: France, Germany, England, Ireland , Scotland, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Poland.
We chose France for your journey, or rather her southern part - the Rhone River Delta.
We took our boats in Saint-Gille, where one of the bases Leboat is located.

3. This comfortable Vision 4 has become our home for 4 days. Fortunately, there are all the conditions for the journey to be light and enjoyable.
By the way, I was very interested to compare these river boats with sailing yachts, on which I travel several times a year.

4. The main difference from the usual interiors and the internal device of sailing yachts is the availability of space, the benefit of the layout of such boats allows.
Along the right side there is a corridor in which the doors of four double cabins come out.

4. The cabin though small in the area, but significantly exceeds the cabins on sailing yachts.
Beds can be created together and leave separate.
Over the bed a small shelf, in the cabin individual lighting, climate installation, wardrobe for things, socket 220V and its own bathroom

5. On this boat, four bathrooms with a shower - in each cabin. The toilet is equipped with an electrical cleaning system, not a manual pumping, as it usually happens on sailboats.

6. Climate System Control Panel

7. An important point that makes this type of travel interesting for a tourist is that the company allows you to take these boats on an individual control. Those. In fact, as a car for hire - without a driver (captain). Management is pretty simple, a specially trained person holds short briefing and everything can be sent to the path.

8. Life support system manages a computer. It shows the remains of fresh and technical water in the tanks, the level of charge of batteries, recharging them with a diesel generator, etc.

9. In front of a very spacious interior with a kitchen. It can quite comfortably accommodate 8 people. From here you can get into the cabins and on the upper deck

10. The kitchen is equipped with a gas stove, microwave oven, refrigerator. Hello TV with a flat screen and dvd player.
In the lower boxes, all the necessary dishes for cooking and for its reception.

12. Our first breakfast.
I think it is not necessary to represent anyone. From left to right Irina Rusakova, Tui-Russia manager, alexcheban. , lovigin. , anton_Petrus. , macos. , Me and sergeyDolya.

13. The river network in the south of France for the length is probably no less than the car.
In the Middle Ages, Ron and its tributaries were generally the main transport artery of the region.
So, it is not surprising that small river shipping here is so developed.

14. Along the rivers and canals there are a huge number of towns and villages, thousands of houses are built almost directly on the water, and near each of them Pier for a motor boat. Just like car parking in front of the house. Only on the other side

15. In addition to rivers, in the Languedoc-Russylon region a huge number of channels connecting rivers, lakes and ponds.
Cruise boats are moving, as a rule, it is through channels.
The fact is that to control the boat on the river, a special skipper license is needed, and there is no tolerance on the channels. So take a rental boat can, in fact, any adult tourist.

16. The cruise on the river boat is reminded of a leisurely walk or trip by bike.
The boat is moving at a speed of about 10 km / h, which allows you to relax under the thirty and enjoy the views on the sides.

17. On the first day I was surprised that in such embarrassing channels, the boats are completely quietly to the shore.
It turns out that special services are followed by channels - for their depth, cleaning the bottom and shores.
For example, a special tractor removes young shoots of shrubs, which may further become a hindrance to the movement of boats.

18. Automobile and river traffic.

19. In the Ron delta, just a huge number of ponds and lakes.
Here, even the Kamarg Biosphere Reserve, known all over the world (I will visit it literally next week, so wait from there a report)

20. In many cities, equipped tens of kilometers of marins and berths for thousands of motor boats and boats, both private and cruise

21. In mid-April, France met us with pleasant spring weather, so it was possible to enjoy the surrounding species in shorts and a T-shirt.

22. Do not worry, this bike alexcheban. Not brought with you from Kiev. Etor is one of the options that can be ordered when renting a boat. By the way, the option is very cool, because arriving at the next city, you go walk along it and see the sights. It's one thing when you moor right in the city, like, for example, in, another thing, when it is necessary to get, KK, for an interesting point, to Magelon Abbey

23. Many locals use boats as at home and as a means of movement.

24. Channels in Eg-Morte

25. We are not in vain recommended to take binoculars with them and television. Here just a huge number of birds

26. They are pretty calmly relate to man, so they can be removed pretty at close range

27. Gray Heron on Hunting

28. - Beaver, look, beaver! - shouted pets.
- Oh, you, it is ondatra ...

29. This seagull could almost take a touch when we sailed a few meters from her. True, such a can give.

30. In addition to birds, there is enough other flying ...
A320 Air Arabia, Gunning from Montpellier

31. And this comrade has already sailed his ...

32. What can be seen during the river cruise south of France?
First, beautiful landscapes. In fact, without leaving their home, you can admire and dawn ...

33. ... and sunset.

34. Cities. Competently entertaining the route, you can alternate several hours of a slow walk through the channel with hiking walks on medieval fortresses and towns

35. In the region there are a lot of wineries, chateau and abbey.

36. This is an entrance to Magelona Abbey

37. The only thing that may occur during such a cruise, it is with mooring.
Still, we need certain skills and understanding of the algorithm of action.
But one or two mooring, and everything happens on automation.
Especially when there are three extra horsepower in addition to the engine girlfriend

38. Well, after the mooring ... it is possible to the restaurant. Or on a private winery on tasting.
But this is a completely different story ...

A trip to Languedoc-Roussillon is organized by Russian representation

The fastest, for how much I managed to get from Dubna to Moscow by car, it was 39 minutes. The same distance on the boat I overcame in 14 hours. First, it is impossible to go through the channel with speed faster than 12 km / h, and secondly, we slipped 6 times, rising a total of 49 meters. Today I invite you on a journey through the channel name of Moscow ...

Previously, my boat stood in Dubna, and I often rode on it on weekends. In the last 2 years, I have more often been abroad than at home, and the boat dust on land, so I decided to overtake it to Moscow and ride it in the evenings. I myself distilted him did not dare and hired a professional captain. And so rainy in the morning last Thursday at 8 am I, Captain and Jung (my friend) were departed from the pier of Dubna Yacht Club Fordewind and went along the Volga in the direction of the Gateway No. 1 of the Moscow channel:

Periodically rained. I call such weather, "Hmurai Khmarar":

We were wearing warm and travel ready:

We passed past Dubna:

With all the gateways, we agreed on the sluts in advance. Though for small vessels it is free, but I had to go to the Main Directorate of the Canal name of Moscow and conclude an agreement with them to pass the gateways.

We were appointed the first gateway at 9 am, and we approached the gateway number 1 on a schedule for a long barge Oksky-45:

Before each gateway, we have reported on the form of the dispatcher: "such a gateway, the yacht is suitable from there. On board everything is fine. To the gateway is ready. Explain the order of the gantry." The dispatcher requested the number of the contract, said in what order to enter the gateway to the chamber and to which fish (rising by the buoy guide with the hook) moor. You can not enter the gateway until the previous steamer will not report that it moored and "ready for the sliding". The sailor that ties the ship to the fish must be in savage:

After everyone is moored and reported on readiness, the gateway gate slowly closed:

The dispatcher warns that it starts filling the camera, and that we must follow the mooring. We always allocated ryy immediately at the entrance so that we did not throw us up on underwater geasers filling the gateway chamber at the long gate:

The raging water whipped a lot of foam, and by the end of the slut, she filled the entire water area:

In this gateway, we rose by 11 meters:

If the front gate opens in different directions, then the rear go under water on the guide arcs:

In the gateway we went at 9 am, and went out at 9:40. The gateway chamber itself was filled with 13 minutes, and the rest of the time we waited until the long Oksky-45 with the prefix (another barge, which he pushed in front of him) will finish maneuvering:

Gateway No. 1 is the head unit of the channel structures. Moscow, forming the Moscow Sea. At the exit of it used to stood 2 huge statues, looking at each other from different shores - Lenin and Stalin. During the Khrushchev thaw, Stalin's statue blew up, and now there is a lonely Lenin of the work of the sculptor Mercurov. Most Dubne wedding tuples come here after painting. It was here and I almost exactly 15 years ago:

After 500 meters, we entered the mouth of the Moscow channel. The entrance to the channel is guarded by two barrier towers with an emergency gate. Water in the canal is a water reserve of Moscow. In the event of a breakthrough of the dam from the gateway No. 1, these gates will be closed, and Moscow will be able to continue using water supply and sewage:

Before the gate, we went past the first ferry crossing:

We contacted a ferry by the radio, he stopped and lowered the cable to the bottom so that we would not hook by his screws. People standing in line with the crossing were forced to wait until we pass by:

Permitted speed in the channel - 12 km / h. The dispatcher flows the time for which you came from one gateway to the next and swear greatly if you exceeded speed. In punishment, they may not let you in the gateway and hold on the raid at least until next morning (this case was at my captain). The distance from the first gateway to the second 16 and a half kilometers, and the Oksky-45 did not overtake it much sense, but, first of all, he dragged at a speed of 8 kilometers per hour (saved fuel), and, secondly, he strongly stuck:

The second ferry crushing is designed only to cross the people:

While the ferry "smoked bamboo", on the other side of the channel, the queue was accumulated from gatherers of berries and dachensons:

Recently, someone asked me where to go to the suburbs with a tent? Along the banks of the canal cost many tent cursories. You can arrive on the train station to Pocket or Meldino and find a cozy place on the shore. Along the entire channel there is a Dmitrovskoye highway, and on the shore itself is narrow primer:

Before the second gateway, we contacted the radio with the third ferry crossing, and the procedure with cables repeated:

Along the entire channel on both shores there are lights, denoting a fairway and helping with nightly navigation:

Weekend cruises with departure from Moscow are most popular among Muscovites and guests of the capital. This is due to their small duration, the lack of need to execute leave, relative low cost in comparison with multi-day flights.

From the northern river station of Moscow for three days you can go to:

From the southern river station in:

More distant cities for three-day cruises are not available. The fact is that all these cities are located on the coast of the Volga, which is connected to Moscow . His length is 128 kilometers. On this path, the boats pass a cascade of six gateways. And, given that on the channel, the ship during the cruise passes twice, it takes quite a long time (usually night). As a result, the path to Tver occupies about 20 hours, and before the coal is almost a day. Approximately the same time there is a motor ship from the southern river station to Kanstaninovo.

Departure and arrival time

From Moscow to the weekend cruises, the boats leave on Friday night: at 5:30 pm, 19:30 or 21:30. To the gateway number 6, which opens a cascade from other gateways, the motor ship goes on average 4 h, so the following gateways motor ship passes at night. Passengers have breakfast already against the background of the Volga Coast.

Back to Moscow, motor shipments are usually returned at 15:00, 20:00, 22:00.


As a rule, short flights to Uglich or Tver perform two and three-sufficient boats. This is explained by the fact that four-plated boats are involved in the St. Petersburg direction. Constantininovo walks only two-candy boats type "Borodino", as the depths of Oci and Moscow rivers do not allow the use of high precipitate on this route.

Four-staple boats are actively involved in the execution of the weekend cruises at the beginning and end of the navigation.

The cost of vouchers.

The cost of a three-day cruise in a standard double cabin on medium deck averages from 7 to 14 thousand rubles. Depending on the type of ship. This amount included: accommodation in the cabin, bedding and toiletries, three-time meals in the vehicle's restaurant, entertainment program on board, methodical support on the route, excursion program on the shore. For an additional fee: bar, sauna, hairdresser, massage, etc.

Approximate excursion program

To choose from:
1. A review walking tour of the city with a visit to the territory of the Kremlin, the Spare-Projachen Cathedral, the Church of Tsarevich Dmitry "On Blood", the Museum of Vodka.
2. Overview pedestrian tour of the city with a visit to the current female Alekseevsky monastery and the gallery of modern Orthodox art and painting "under the fertile cover".

In Tver.

To choose from:
1. Review walking tour of the city with a visit to the Tver Life Museum.
2. Review walking tour of the city with a visit to the Saltykov Museum - Shchedrin.

In Myshkin.

To choose from:
1. A review walking tour "To the Mice on the Old Mill" (visiting the old mill, the exposition "barn mice", the Museum "Russian Women", houses of crafts, exhibitions "Len", visiting the Upper Boulevard, Assumption Cathedral and the 60th anniversary of the victory. )
2. Overview pedestrian tour "Mouse Kingdom" (Visiting TK "Mouse Palace") Museum "Russian Women", Upper Boulevard, Assumption Cathedral and Memorial of the 60th anniversary of the victory, exhibition "Myskin in old photos".

In Kalyazin.

A pedestrian tour of the Zarechnaya part of Kalyazin "Riddles of the Flooded City" with a visit to the local history museum, the introduction of the Church, the exhibition-sale "Kalyazinskaya Valenki" and "Russian Len".

In Konstantinovo.

Overview of the pedestrian tour with a visit to the House-Museum S.A. Yesenin and Manor L.I. Kashina.
Additional excursion: a trip to St. John-theological Monastery (with a visit to the holy source).

In addition to the listed cities, you will have the opportunity to see other vintage coastal cities, interesting to your sights.

Dmitrov - ancient Russian city with magnificent panoramas of golden domes of churches, founded in 1154;

Konakovo, which is famous for mineral water and plant for dilution of sturgeon fish;

Kimra is the capital of shoes and the city of merchant fairs;

Pines - green parking on the picturesque bank of the Volga.

The weekend cruises will become the magnificent beginning of your passion on river tourism or a comfortable stay on the water away from the city bustle.

We invite you to a river walk through Moscow's gateways!

The shipping gateway is a hydraulic structure designed to pass vessels in regulated reservoirs, where to maintain the depths necessary for shipping, the river bed, channel, or reservoir is located at different levels separated by dams that do not have the possibilities of passing vessels, but ensuring the necessary sub-project and depths in The boundaries of the entire shipping site.

The gateway consists of a chamber, upper and lower gates, as well as suitable channels and gear walls.

If the motor ship enters the Gateway "on the top" by flow, then after stopping, mooring and closing the upper gates, water from the gateway begins to descend and the motor ship starts to fall in the chamber to the project level. After the end of the gateway, the lower gate opens and the motor ship continues movement. If the vessel moves down "below", against the current, then the gateway chamber on the controversy is filled and the water level rises together with the vessel.

In Moscow, within the features of the city, there are six shipping gateways: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the Moscow channel gateway, as well as a gateway as part of a rawed hydrode on the Yauza River. Until the mid-30s of the twentieth century, a two-chamber gateway was arranged in the lower drainage channel, for this reason one of the embankments in the area is called the gateway.

Some river walks in Moscow include the passage of one or more Moscow channel gateways, sometimes walks on the motor ship in the Moscow region, with the passage of the "Epochomnuna" and Andreevsky gateways, which are members of the Moskvoretsky Slogan System. River walks on Jauze, unfortunately, is not conducted.

Gateway No. 7 and 8 - two-chamber, passing the gateway in one gateway chamber, the motor ship then goes to the next and passes the sliding again.

Between 7 and 8, the unique canal is located on a man-made concrete bridge, a lively Volokolamsk highway is laid directly under the channel: cars, buses, trolley buses and trams pass directly under the channel, which goes the motor ship.

After leaving the gateway No. 8, the ship goes to the mosagers-river bed, the stroginian bridge passes and on a good hardening, which is also part of the Moscow channel, goes into a small reservoir - Karamyshevsky spill, which is formed by Karamyshevsky dam, then the path of ships lies in Gateway number 9.

Gateway No. 9, located in Karamshevsky Canal, designed and built, taking into account the expected active passenger shipping within the city and therefore, there is the possibility of sliding small vessels in half the chamber, for this, in the central part of the chamber there are additional sluts. Half the camera takes two times less than the time than the full chamber, due to which the dialing time is reduced twice and 15 minutes. Unfortunately, this option of the 9th gateway has not been used for a long time, additional sluice gates are inoperable and canned, and in fact, when used, it would be possible to get from Strogly to Moscow-City for usually by a passenger motor ship every one hour.

The tenth and eleventh of the Moscow channel gateway are part of the Perervinsky hydraulic dispenser, built in 1935, which also includes a water branch with family spans and the proceeding hydropower plants. The tenth gateway was originally intended for skipping only large vessels, and the eleventh - for the local fleet's gantry and pleasure boats, however since the early 1990s, the eleventh gateway was derived from operation and the sliding of all types of vessels is carried out in the gateway No. 10. For a pleasure fleet, the use of the gateway No. 11 would be preferable, since the sliding in a small gateway would be carried out faster. The gateway of the Perervinsky hydraulic dispenser has the greatest drop of water levels.