Architectural monuments image of a beautiful building project. Presentation to the lesson from "Architecture

Monuments and architecture Mausoleum Aisha Bibie

Architecture Monument: 11-12 centuries, located in the village of Aisha Bibi Zhambyl district of Zhambyl region, 18 km from the city of Taraz.

It is a monument of architecture of republican significance.

Aisha Bibie was a beloved Karakhan, who built Mausoleum in memory of her.

The base of the Mausoleum is cubic. In its four corners, massive columns are placed.

In the design, small niches were used, small columns, vaults, archery arches, terracotta facing tiles.

Mausoleum Karakhana

Architectural Monument: 9th century, located in the central part of the city of Taraz at the intersection of the streets of Tol Bi and Bayzak Batyr.

Mausoleum is included in the cult and memorial complex, since 1982 included in the list of monuments of republican significance.

Folk traditions are associated with the construction of a mausoleum with a man who was Khan Dynasty of the Karakanids, which was ruled in 10-12 centners.

It is a square, portal-dome structure. It consists of the central hall and three small angular premises, the fourth corner of the Mausoleum is engaged in a staircase leading to the roof of the structure.

In 1906, it was rebuilt, the design principle was preserved, but the initial architectural and decorative decoration was lost. Inside the mausoleum is preserved a stepped tombstone.

Mausoleum Zhosh Khana

Monument of architecture: 13B., Located in the Ulya region of the Karaganda region, 40 km from Zhezkazgan on the shore r. Kengir.

Since 1892, the monument is under state protection

According to legend, the eldest son of Chingiz-Khan-Zhoshi -Han is buried in Mausoleum

Has a portal-dome structure. The dome has not survived, before he relied on the star 17-graded drum of a very rare form and was lined with tiles and turquoise irrigation. The inner shell of the dome, overlapping the square chamber, relies on the arched sails. In the depths of the camera there is a tombstone. Paul Mausoleum is paved with brick. The interior is illuminated by two arched holes located in the side chambers.

Mausoleum Skin Ahmet Yassaui

Architectural Monument: 14th century, located in the south of Kazakhstan in Turkestan.

Mausoleum is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The structure was erected in honor of those who lived in the 12th century famous in the east ancienturk poet and preacher Sufism Skin Ahmet Yassaui

It is an architectural complex, which combines the functions of the Mausoleum, Mosque, Hanaki, Administrative and Economic Rooms. Externally symmetrical, the compact plan includes up to 35 premises connected by transitions, stairs and corridors. . The accurate selection of the design scheme, the high quality of the material and construction works provided the building strength and resistance for centuries.

Mausoleum Alasha Khana

Monument of architecture: 11-12Bv., Located in the Ulytau district of the Karaganda region, 2 km south-west of the village of Malshaba on the right bank of the river. Corakengir.

Since 1892, he was included in the list of monuments of history and culture and is under government.

The tomb is erected by folk craftsmen in honor of Alasha Khan, whose name is associated with the emergence of three Kazakh zhuzov .

It has a form of a rectangle. The building was built of bricks, only a tree was used for the design of window opening and doors. In the center of the main facade there is a two-sided door, followed by a deep two-year niche.

Fine art teacher

MOU "Waidelian School"

  • - Art design, build buildings and structures (also their complexes). Architecture certainly creates an organized environment necessary to people for their lives and activities.

What do the building differ from each other?

Main expressive means architecture - plastic volumes, scale, rhythm, proportions, texture and color of surfaces, communication with the environment.

House of the merchant Dunaev.

A distinctive feature of Dunaev's house among the wooden buildings of the Kurgan of the beginning of the twentieth century is its facade decor. It is he who gives the ease and elegance of the composition of the whole house. The feeling of lightness of the composition is achieved by a whole system of small decorative details, finely drawn and precisely performed, interconnected by proportions and scale. The plan of the house is drawn up by the city architect N.A. Yushkov. The house was built and separated by local masters.

House Pashkov.

Pashkov's house in Moscow opposite the Kremlin also a monument of architecture. This is a white slim building - in the past a real palace

Moscow University (Moscow State University)

The architectural monument is the high-rise building of the Moscow State University. It looks proudly, great, solemnly, as if reigning over everyone. How rapidly shot down in the sky his spire!

Kizhi. Wooden architectural complex.

Architectural monuments can be seen even in a small village or village.

  • What new did you find out in the lesson?
  • - Have you ever managed in this task?
  • - What failed? Why?

  • ON THE. Goryola. Art. Art around us. Grade 3: studies. For general form. organizations / [N.A. Goryolai, L.A. Nemenskaya, A.S. St. Petersburg et al.]; Ed. B.M. Nemensky. - 3rd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013. - 144 p.: Il. - ISBN 978-5-09-029698-4
  • Internet resources

Zamoskvorechye is one of the oldest corners of Moscow one of the nine protected zones of the capital, the unique corners of Moscow, where everything is preserved, which came to us from the depths of the centuries: low mansions of nobles and merchants, elegant churches, slender bell tower.

From the history of Zamoskvorechye, the first mentions in the chronicles of the XIV century characterize it as a densely populated trade and craft dressing. Bidding was located on the low-lying sand shores of Moscow. Zamoskvorechye covered the Kremlin from the raids of the Tatar Horde from the south. At the beginning of the XVII century, about 50 thousand hotels were concentrated here.

Population of Zamoskvorechye 1. Service of the Tsarskoy Court: Tsarist coins, Cadashevtsy, Tolmachi, Gardeners and others. 2. Posad people, merchants, merchants. 3. Sagittarius (military people). On the streets of Zamoskvorechye, croutons and booms of street traders and artisans were heard.

Today, almost unconscious planning of Zamoskvoretsky streets and alleys and their names coming from Streytsky and handicrafts of the XVI-XVII centuries are reminiscent of the modern Zamoskvorechye about these long-time times. Dubininskaya Street, Striked Lane, Big Ordine, Kadashevskaya Embankment and others.

"Russian solid"

A Russian has long been settled on the lakes and rivers rich in the forest. Forest thickets gave him shelter and shelter, food and material for buildings. From the forest drove off the huts and barns, churches and cathedrals were built, cities, cities (small towns), Kremlin were built.

How do you understand the word Kremlin? How can you call differently? ( fortress). What does the fortress mean? ( from the word strong).

The chronicles tell that already in the 9th century, at the very dawn of Russian statehood, the city-fortresses were built: Novgorod, Great Rostov, Kiev, etc. ( Presentation Sl 2 - 4)

What is the similarities of these cities-fortresses?

The heroic image of the fortress - protection, fences - rooted in architecture and became one of the most characteristic and vivid features of an ancient architecture.

Who do we remind the silhouettes of many wooden churches and bells? ( the epic warriors standing in the Russian borders) (Presentation Shot 5.)

Is it possible to see a real fortress or the Kremlin now? Where?

The word "Kremlin" became used in the prince of Ivan Kalita in the 14th century, when the Moscow fortress on the Borovitsky hill was wicked by powerful stals, predecessors of the current Kremlin towers. ( Presentation Sl 6.). The Moscow Kremlin is beautiful, his main is a passage of the main entrance gate. ( Presentation Sl 7.)

The best masters from all over Russia - from Moscow, Suzdal, Tver, Rostov, Pskov, Vladimir - built the main tower of the Kremlin and the entire Kremlin with the buildings inside it. For centuries, its current appearance was formed. It reflected the highest level of Russian architecture was reflected, genuinely popular ideas about beauty were embodied.

And in other great cities, fortresses are preserved as architectural monuments. ( Presentation Sl 8 - 12).

The history of Russia keeps the memory of the great battles at the walls of the cities of the Russians. A lot made in ancient times Russia from raids of nomadic tribes, and later from the invasion of the Haling of enemies and from the south, and from the West, who burned the village, robbed and captivated people. Gulf the city, moaning the earth. Permanently gobble people and great artistic values \u200b\u200bcreated in those times. There was no Lada to those distant centuries and among the princes. Then they said: "In the Rostov land - the prince in each village." Every prince was standing for himself, often brother against his brother began to fight to ruin the neighboring principles. However, the racks were the Russian people, harming in endless battles for the freedom of their Earth and removing defensive structures. In the troubles attacked the spirit of the Russian people, his love grew to the debris. On the ruined lands in different places of Ancient Russia from the ruins, numerous fortresses were raised again and monasteries were based. These powerful fortifications defended the ownership of the Motherland, spiritualized a Russian man, shouted the treasures of Russian culture.

Standing so far fortress structures are not only witnesses of the history of the native country, keeping the memory of the heroic past of our ancestors. The ancient fortresses and monasteries are the outstanding works of Russian architecture.

Consider the image of the monastery of the monastery on the screen ( Presentation Sl 13.) and B. creative notebook on s. 44.

What are similar and what is different? Do they have the feature?

Why did they name the fortress? What are they consisting of?

Let's look at the drawings of individual architectural objects of this ensemble. Under each drawing, digital designation. Read what these objects call. What is their purpose?

    1) fortress wall

    2) Central entrance

    3) Single-hearted temple with advance

    4) Corner Tower

    5) five-core temple

"The Wonderful City of Kite"

We will take a virtual journey to the very center of Russia Nizhny Novgorod region. ( Presentation SL 2)

In the very center of Russia, the Nizhny Novgorod Territory, there is Lake Svetloyar - the pearl of Russian Nature. This lake is sometimes called a small Russian Atlantis: his story is heated by legends. ( Presentation Sl 3.). It was considered sacred for Russian princes. These are truly Russian sacred places, remembering the native Russian faith, Magi and Temples.

Main Svetloyarskaya Legend - About invisible Gradi Kitty. Legend reads: There is a lake in the windwater forests. It is located in the forest more often. The blue waters of the lake lie motionless day and night. Only occasionally a light sound runs on them. There are days when there are lengthy singing to quiet shores, and a distant bell ringing is heard.

Long ago, even before the coming of Tatars, Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich ( Presentation Shot 4.) Built the city of Small Kite (the current city) on the Volga, and then, "crushing through the quiet rivers," Svetloyar reached Lake. Prince settled on vacation near the lake. It was captivated by his beauty and commanded to build a new hail - a big kite. It was at the end of the 12th century. ( Presentation Shot 5)

This is what a legend has been preserved about this city: "indescribable beauty was this city: that neither the house is the new miracle, the on top of the bottom. Even from the entrance gate, people's eyes could not tear off, there were unprecedented wooden lions on them - the guard was lying and everyone who came to the city was well smiling. And the flowers that around them were crowded, the heads were swing, although there were also wooden. ( Presentation Sl 6.)

Six heads of churches towers in the center of the city. Many churches, icons too - What else do you need a simple Russian person? The city did not slow down to nick the "holy", and the people reached the lake bright Yar. The big boil was found as a majestic city. It stood many temples, and he was erected all of the white stone, which was at the time a sign of wealth and purity. ( Presentation Sl 7.)

In 1237, Mongol-Tatars were invaded to the territory of Russia under the leadership of Khan Batiya. ( Presentation Sl 8.)

Having come to Russia and won many of the lands, Bati heard about the nice kite-hail and rushed to him with his hordes. ( Presentation Sl 9.)

According to legend, healing Batiya was besieged at first a small kite and, defeated the squad of Prince George, burned the city. However, the princes with the remnants of the warriors managed to go dark at night. One of the prisoners told Mongols about the secret paths to Lake Svetloyar. The Horde pursued Yuri and soon reached the walls of the city.

Tatars of the thunderstorm clutch laid the city and wanted to take it by force, but when they broke through to his walls, they were amazed. Residents of the city not only did not build any fortifications, but were not even going to defend themselves. They prayed for salvation, because from Tatars did not have to wait for anything good. To the surprise of Mongols, the city had no fortifications at all. The wondrous city of Baty ordered to burn her down, so that there was no memory about him left.

And as soon as the Tatars rushed to the city, there were suddenly many-water sources from under the ground, and the Tatars retreated in fear. And the water fled and fled. ( Presentation Sl 10.)

When verse is the noise of spring, there were only waves on the site of the city. A lonely chapter of the cathedral with a brilliant cross in the middle of the cross flicished. She slowly plunged into the water. Soon disappeared and the cross. ( Presentation Sl 11.)

Amazed by the power of the "Russian Miracle", Tatars rushed to run who where. But God's anger will overtake them: whom the animals were filled, who got lost in the forest or just disappeared, led by a mysterious force.

The city disappeared. According to legend, he must "manifest themselves" on the day of a terrible court. On that day, when the dead will rise from the graves, raises from the water and the kite. ( Presentation Sl 12.)

This legend gave birth to numerous incredible rumors that reached the present day. It is said that only those who are pure heart and soul will find the way to the kite. It also says that in quiet weather, you can sometimes hear the bell ringing and singing of people, hearing from under the water of Lake Svetloyar. Some say that very believers can see the lights of religious processions and even buildings at the bottom of the lake. For this reason, Lake Svetloyar is sometimes called the "Russian Atlantis".

Currently, the territory of the lake is protected by the state. The lake and the surroundings are included in the reserve, who is protected by UNESCO. ( Presentation Sl 13.)

Lesson 11.

The legacy of ancestors - architectural monuments


· educational - to educate the ability of emotional responsiveness to the beautiful in life, respectful attitude to the products created by the hands of a person;

· artistic and creative - form an idea of \u200b\u200barchitecture as a special type of visual art, while architecture in human life;

· educational - to form skills to work with various materials; Develop associative-shaped thinking, creative fantasy.

During the classes

1. Actualization of knowledge

How good is that today we are here all together. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. Breathe deeply and exhale. Exhale yesterday's offense, malice, anxiety. Forget about them. Inspirations themselves freshness and beauty of white-grade, pure sky, heat of sunlight. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other.

Today we have an unusual lesson. An unusual thing that ... However, you will know everything yourself.

2. Statement of the educational task

a) You already know what artists do in order for the houses to us warmly, comfortable, cozy. And today we go out to the street. What do you think for what? / Versions of children /.

b) Try to guess what we will talk about in today's lesson, after listening to the passage from the poem V.V. Mayakovsky "Who to be" / reads a student /

I would build a house went -

let me teach me.

I first nackage

the house is what I want.

The most important thing,

so that it was drawn

nice building

live as if.

It will be a fad -

called facade.


everyone will discern:

this is - Woven,

it is a garden.

The plan is ready,

and around

one hundred works

on the top of the hand ...

Good house,

great house

for all four sides

convenient and spacious.

and heal the guys in it

So who guessed, what will we talk about in the lesson? / Wizard /

And if more precisely, about architecture. After all, construction and architecture are distinted.

3. Announcement of the lesson topic

So, the topic is 2 quarters - art on the streets of your village (city).

The subject of the lesson: the legacy of the ancestors of the architectural premiems. / Write in the notebook.

4. Opening conversation

Architecture complains man everywhere and throughout his life: it's a dwelling, and place of work, and a resting place. This is a medium in which there is a medium created by the person himself. Architect. Architecture. We often hear these words. Where did they come to us from?

What do you think, what does the word architecture mean? / Versions of children /.

Let's turn to the dictionary of the dictionary of the S.Oghouse and find the meaning of this word. / Children are looking for an answer.

What is the name of a person who is engaged in architecture? /architect/. Listen to the poem about the architect / reads the student, 2 Slides "Architect" appears /


Architect builds a house

Multi-storey house,

Building a house pencil

On paper sheet.

You need to draw everything

Stairs and doors.

Calculate, check,

So that he stood for many years

To be in the apartment light,

Baths, washbasins

For big and small.


Architecture is the art of building.

So, let's summarize our answers. In ancient Greek, the word "arch" - meant "senior", "Text" - "Builder". The word "architecton" appeared, the head of construction work. Ancient redesigned it in the "architect".

3 Slide:

"Arch" (senior) + "Text" (builder) \u003d "Architecton" \u003d "Architect"

Buildings, erected by architect plans, began to call architecture.

In the ancient Russia architects called architects, aachiterate - architecture

4 Slide:

architecture (architecture) is the art of building,

architect (architect) -Evary builder / write in notebook /

But between construction and architecture there is a difference. What do you think what? / Versions of children /. Construction - build structures. Builders only perform the instructions of the architect. The architecture also except for a person, satisfies the needs, the needs of a person, should be loved and beautiful. The architect is obliged to take into account everything so that people can be convenient to use the building, even the forces of nature. If there, where it will be standing, earthquakes occur, the architect should be placed so that the neighboring structure does not damage it.

What do you think is needed by the Namarhitera? / Versions of children /.

Architecture and construction art came to us from afar. Where did the primitive person lived? / 5 Slide: in the cave /. This is the construction made by nature itself.

When the climate began to change, it became cold, people began to build artificial residential facilities from bones, skulls, mammoth skins. / 6 Slide: Housing from Mammoth Bones /

High Development Reach Megalites - huge stone-sized heights. / 7 Slide: Megalites / They were used for religious and cult ceremonies, rites. Some served for astronomical observations, denoted the burial place.

All this is created by our ancestors. We need to share these historical architectural buildings to know how people lived before, to know the culture of the people. This memory is necessary to build the future.

Let's mentally Okchin's eyes our village, the city, the country. What do you think you can attribute to architecture? Children's versions /

Your responses can be distributed as follows:

/ 8 Slide: types of architecture /


housing construction - Houses

public buildings - Temple, Theater, Stadium

industrial construction - plants, factories, shops, station

decorative Architecture - Arbors, Fountains, Bridges

Now we will take a tour of the whole world and learn what sights, architectural monuments exist in differentials.

/ Slides 9-29 /

/ As a background, the masterpieces of instrumental music are sounded /

10. Egyptian pyramids. Sigor, strict, how guards are atvdol the Nile River. Architects in ancient Egypt occupied a special place, their work was considered a sacred effect.

11. Greek Parthenon- The main temple of the Acropolis. Inside him stood a 12-meter statue of Athena. Temples in Greece is the dwellings of the gods. People almost did not come inside the temple. All religious rites were committed before the temple. Therefore, the appearance was given very important.

12 . Majestic, with a lot of openwork jewelry, the Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady in France is towers.

13. Cologne Cathedral. Who does he remind you? / Elegant, slim girl. Indeed, for such temples is characteristic of the string, the desire toast.

14. Taj Mahal Constructed as a mausoleum, tomb. Now this is the open-air museum.

15. Japanese temples Otherwise, they call the pagoda. What does he remind you (elegant light tower)? Such is the culture of Japan. Thanks to such monuments, we learn history, culture, customs of the people.

16. Sydney Opera House refers to modern architecture.

17. Familiar to you from the lessons of English Big Ben.

18. America It is famous for its high-rise buildings, skyscrapers.

19. And Paris is famous for the Eiffel Tower, which is so called because it created her famous architect Eifel.

20 . What can you say about the temples of Russia? / They look like a hero. The Church of Christ the Savior, which is in Moscow, built money collected by the people in memory of the deceased womb coumented by the French in 1812.

21. When we speak Russia, we present Moscow. When we say Moscow, we present the Kremlin, which was built by foreigners, but in the Russian spirit.

22. The Church of Vasily Blessed Reminds teremok. The depletion of domes, as well as its large number of symbolizing the alignment of our state. It is said that this temple is built without a single nail. The architect that built him, after the end of the work, the ax threw into the lake: so that no one could repeat such beauty.

24 -25. Unusual beautifone architects - Gaudi and Corbusier.

24. Anthony Gaudi.- Spanish (Catalan) architect, most bizarre-fantastic works are elevated in Barcelona.

25. Le Corbusier - French architect of Swiss origin, modernism pioneer, representative of international architecture, artist and designer.

26. Parks. In the last century, many architects adhered to the opinions that in the future each house will be surrounded by a garden. But a modern person can not herself an effort. Therefore, green corners began to be created in the city - Parks, Gardens - a favorite place of rest of people.

27 . What is the architectural monument in Vladimir? (Golden Gate)

What do you think from where the architect takes his ideas? / From nature /

Nature, of course! You see how perfect creations of nature. Here is the egg shell. How wisely she is arranged! It develops bird germin. Do you need to breathe germin? And the shell passes air. In addition, it regulates the temperature so that the germ was nice to grow. When the birthday occurs, the chick is easily chosen on the white light, because the shell is very thin. But before the chick appears, he will break the shell unable - it consists of seven layers!

Look again at the Sydney's Opera Teatrev. / 28 Sydney Tire Slide / What does it look like? Why did the architect come up with this? / sail, because near the reservoir /

And how cleverly created the nature of fir! Tree in height reaches 20 meters. Nevertheless, it is stable. Contributes to special ways. Much architects learned from nature. The architect (his name did not reach this day) used ideayels when creating a ascension as a village of Kolomna. / Slide 29 "Temple in p. Kolomenskoye "+ rice. ate /

In architecture, as in the mirror, the history of the people is reflected, the achievements of culture and art are embodied. Perhaps only the architecture is connected with a person directly, because we every minute in contact with it.

Expressions, theaters, libraries, shops are also architectural monuments. Maybe they do not represent artistic value, but are always interesting to the point of view of the history and culture of the people.

I once again want to remind you of the need to offer these historical architectural monuments, not to desecrate them, do not destroy, do not spoil. Only knowing the past, we will be able to build a future.

4. Fizminutka

5. Practical part

6. Reflective activity

What seemed to be nasty interesting in today's lesson? Maybe you learned what I still did not know?

What result did we do? What can you say about your work?

What gave you joy in lesson, pleasure?

Or maybe something was upset?

What is your mood after today's lesson?

So what unusual seemed to you in today's lesson?

7. Generalization, outcome of the lesson, work exhibition, homework

Architecturally called "stonessymphony", "music in stone", "frozen music." Architecture sounds majestically and solemnly, glorifying the skill and mind. Love your hometown, your village is a unique architectural aslar.

Love the architecture at least for the fact that she did not close as other arts, behind the thick walls of museums and libraries. She one power sounds, having sangs by his stone talent of man, his achievements, gusts.

Facades of old buildings.

Someday the device invo:

Sending a ray on the building any -

On the mansion, for the fortress, on the cathedral, -

We will see the past before you.

We paint on the wall behind the layer layer

Start flipping to open

Sprinkled ashes and ash

Empire forgotten pages.

We are unknown bricklayers face

We will see the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction forests -

And do not forget to bow on the belt.

Hiding everything that reflected in it

It is like an incoable TV.

Wall-mute plane of stones

And at no one's call,

V. Shefner

8. Homework - Include in books, textbooks, encyclopedias are beautiful, images of unusual architectural structures and bring the next lesson.

Thanks to everyone for work!