How it works. From the life of aviation dispatchers

      Air traffic control services are carried out at the Krug control tower.

      At the Krug control tower, the following tasks of servicing aerodrome traffic and air traffic of stages of controlled flights, which are associated with arrival and departure, are solved:

      1. collision avoidance between aircraft;

        accelerating and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic;

        providing advice and information necessary to ensure the safe and efficient operation of flights;

        notification of relevant organizations of aircraft in need of assistance from search and rescue services, and providing such organizations with the necessary assistance.

      This technology was developed on the basis of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, FP "IVP of the Russian Federation", FAR of flights in the airspace of the Russian Federation, FAR "Preparation and execution of flights in the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation", FAP "Air traffic in the Russian Federation", FAP "Implementation of radio communications in the airspace of the Russian Federation" with taking into account local conditions and local features of air traffic services, IPP and ANP of Yemelyanovo and Cheremshanka aerodromes, in the development of the provisions of the User Manual of the ATC ATC ALFA and determines the list of mandatory basic actions of the ATC controller in the performance of his official duties during the period of duty.

      The DPC controller reports directly to the ADC flight director (ATC RP), senior ADC controller.

      The dispatcher of the DPK is operationally subordinate to the dispatchers of the ADP and PDSR.

      The circuit controller carries out ATS in the area of ​​aerodromes within the established boundaries (boundaries) using the available RTOP facilities and aeronautical telecommunications, EVS reports, interacting with the controllers of the DPP, VSD, PDSR, VVDS, MDP, (when performing joint flights with the Ministry of Emergency Situations RP) and services, providing flights.

      Functional duties of the traffic controller in the implementation of ATS:

    implementation of ATS and continuous analysis of air and weather conditions;

    radio communication with aircraft crews;

    identification of conflict situations and ensuring compliance with the established separation intervals between aircraft;

    coordination and coordination of air traffic with adjacent control points;

    performs data entry into ATC ATC "Alpha".

    control of compliance of the data contained in incoming messages with the data available in the planning subsystem of the ATC ATC "Alpha";

    exchanging information with all interested authorities in accordance with the Reporting Table and the Airport Intra-Airport Information Table.

      Permanent restrictions, warnings and instructions.

      1. Aircraft flights of all types are organized in the area of ​​airfields under IFR and VFR. The intervals for approaching the airfields "Emelyanovo" and "Cheremshanka" are set as one runway (the runways are considered dependent). Flight altitude in a circle (all flights are carried out according to the runway pressure of the Yemelyanovo airport):

    VFR - 200 m for the runway of the Emelyanovo airport;

    TFR - 200 m for the runway a / dCheremshanka;

    BCP - road Emelyanovo MK-108 - 600 m, MK-288 - 600 m. road Cheremshanka MK-108 - 600 m, MK-288 - 500 m.

        In the area of ​​responsibility of the air traffic control controller there are zones of restrictions for aircraft flights:

    Zone UNR1163 - 560730s 0921706v, 560736s 0921800v, ​​560806s 0921754v, 560754s 0921706v, 560730s 0921706v. (KRUTOKACHINSKY) The height of restrictions from the ground to the AGL height is 800m.

    Zone UNR1174 - 555718s 0925218v, 555736s 0925554v, 555712s 0925430v, 555718s 0925218v. (TORGASHINSKOE). Height restrictions from ground to AGL height 750m.

    Zone UNR1175 – 555500s 0931024v, 555512s 0931054v, 555500s 0931106v, 555448s 0931042v, 555500s 0931024v.

    Zone unr1213- 555700С 0923700V, 554100С 0924500V, 554100С 0925700V, 554300С 0930400V, 554700С 0930400V, 555000С 0930100V, 555700С 0924600V, 555700С 0923700V. (Reserve "Stolby"). Height restrictions from ground to AGL height 500m.

    Zone UNR1178 - designed for exercises and live artillery firing. The border passes at the points with geographic coordinates: 561800C 0924200V, 561800C 0924900V, 561900C 0925700B, 561700C 0925800V, 561400C 0925800V, 561400C 0925100V, 561300C 0924500V, 561500С 0924300V, 561800С 0924200V, (Tasquino Polygon). Height restrictions from the ground to FL 200 (6100m). The height of the flight path of shells and mines reaches 5000m. Conducting exercises and firing is possible only if there is continuous two-way communication between the RPA (controller) and the head of the exercises, firing, as well as in the absence of aircraft in the 30-80gr sector. at a distance of 15 km to 30 km. and in agreement with the EU ATM RC.

        Upon receipt of a message about the release of a sharsonde, the dispatcher is obliged to inform the EMU:

    about the time of release;

    about the expected displacement (according to the scheme);

        When a message is received from the aircraft on receipt of the recommendation of the onboard collision avoidance system (TCAS) to resolve the collision threat (RA), the air traffic controller should not attempt to change the flight path of the aircraft until the EMU informs about the resolution of the conflict situation. Once an aircraft ceases to comply with an ATC clearance or instruction due to an RA, or the pilot reports an RA, the air traffic controller is relieved of the task of providing separation between that aircraft and other aircraft directly affected by the maneuver initiated in accordance with the RA. The air traffic controller is again tasked with ensuring the separation of all affected aircraft when:

    the controller confirms receipt from the EMU of a report that his aircraft is again flying in accordance with the current clearance, or

    The controller acknowledges the EMU's confirmation of the report that his aircraft is resuming the current clearance and issues an alternative clearance, which is acknowledged by the EMU.

        When the ground proximity warning system (FPOS) is triggered, the controller must:

    take urgent measures to ensure safe intervals between aircraft,

    report and receive instructions from the ADC RP (senior dispatcher); Note: When FPOS is triggered in the PKS mode (potential conflict situation), the controller is obliged to analyze the cause of the PKS occurrence and take the necessary actions to ensure safe intervals, by issuing appropriate instructions to the crew (crews), to strengthen control over the conflicting aircraft until the PKS activation stops. When FPOS is triggered in the CS mode (conflict situation), the controller is obliged to urgently take measures to prevent a conflict situation, followed by a report from the ADC RP

      The lap controller, in case of deterioration of his health, must inform the ADC RP (senior ADC controller), who is obliged to provide a substitution.

The daily record for take-offs and landings at Domodedovo airport is 724 operations. The maximum hourly intensity when operating from two parallel runways is 43 aircraft. All of them are controlled by air traffic controllers working at the Command and Control Post (KDP) or “tower” (from the English word “TOWER”). In total, 6 dispatcher shifts of 10 people each work at Moscow Domodedovo Airport. The profession of an air traffic controller occupies one of the first places in terms of psycho-emotional stress on the human body. Today we will talk about people whose actions daily affect the lives of tens of thousands of passengers...

The Moscow Automated Control Center, located near Vnukovo Airport, is responsible for all aircraft in the sky over Moscow. The Domodedovo Air Traffic Service Center is a structural subdivision of the branch "Moscow Center for Automated Air Traffic Control" (this phrase was specially written down verbatim during the visit). The Center is responsible for ensuring the safety, regularity and economy of aircraft flights in the area of ​​Domodedovo Airport:


Domodedovo has 2 runways (runways). Each of them is responsible for its own dispatchers. The tower houses the workplaces of the flight director, the senior controller, the controllers of the Launch Control Station (ATC) and the Auxiliary Approach Control Center (AAC):


The area of ​​responsibility of the launch controller (RTD) includes the control of aircraft in the airspace, which includes sectors of climb after takeoff and the final stage of landing, as well as the runway and taxiways:


The air traffic controller also manages the movement of special vehicles, the lighting system on the runway and taxiways, and performs all the necessary additional operations:


I imagined the dispatcher as a stern man, in big headphones, yelling something into a microphone and staring intently at a round kinescope, along which a green strip runs in a circle, like in old Soviet films. It turned out not to be the case at all. They don’t use headphones, kinescopes are not round and not green, and not only men, but also very charming girls work as dispatchers:


At the dispatcher, all aircraft located near the airport are marked on the monitor screen. He sees whether they are climbing or descending, at what height they are and at what speed they are flying:




From the tower you can see the entire territory of the airport. Modern equipment is installed here, including an automated information display system. The airfield surveillance system provides control over the movement of any means on the airfield.

If the dispatcher is suspicious, then he can use binoculars:


If the lane is occupied, then the traffic controller turns on a special runway occupancy display with an audible signal:


In addition, there is an ATIS controller (automatic information transmission service in the airfield area) on the tower - on the left in the photo, a flight director (shift supervisor), a senior controller and substitution controllers (on the right in the photo):


Each controller is entitled to a 20-minute rest every 2 hours. At this time, it is replaced by the substitution manager:


The actions of dispatchers are supervised by a senior dispatcher. He constantly moves from one dispatcher to another and controls their actions (in the photo he is on the left):


There is also a flight director on the tower (on the left in the photo). He is responsible for organizing the work of the shift staff:


The minimum time between aircraft landings is 2 minutes, and between take-offs from 1 to 3 minutes, depending on the aircraft classification. The atmosphere on the tower is calm and quiet. When the dispatcher conducts a radio exchange with the aircraft crews, then everyone falls silent, or they say in a low voice:




To get to the tower, the dispatcher must go through the door with a porthole:


Here you need to attach a special card to the lock and confirm your fingerprints:


The dispatcher gets to the tower via a spiral staircase:


The tower is also notable for its balcony. From here you have a great view of the airport:










Globe Domodedovo:


Well, a view of the road leading to Domodedovo:


Aviation professionals who control and maintain the air traffic of airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft are called air traffic controllers. Their place of work is airports and military airfields. The main task of the representatives of this profession is to ensure the safe, regular and orderly movement of air transport. To do this, you need to know:

  • air navigation (a science that studies methods and means of air transport control);
  • aviation meteorology (atmospheric processes, their impact on aviation activities);
  • separation rules and instructions (dispersion of aircraft over a certain distance so that there is no collision between them).

The work of an air traffic controller is organized in such a way that he can control all stages of the movement of an aircraft or other air vehicle, from takeoff to landing. At the same time, the airspace is divided into certain zones assigned to a separate dispatcher specialist, who manages the flight specifically within his section. Therefore, air traffic controllers have a different area of ​​specialization:

  1. Airfield control tower - here they schedule a flight plan for the day, in coordination with other airport services, control the situation in the air during flights, and maintain constant communication with the crews of the vehicles.
  2. "Taxiing" - checks the movement of vehicles on the territory of the airfield, allows or prohibits towing, starting the engine of the car, taxiing.
  3. "Start and landing" - are engaged in the management of the takeoff and landing of aircraft.
  4. "Circle" - controls the movement of cars in the take-off zone with a radius of 50 km from the airfield.
  5. "Approach" - manages the flight at an altitude of 2100-5700 m, allows landing in turn, determining time intervals.
  6. The regional center - controls the movement of aircraft at an altitude of 2100-17000 m.
  7. Point of local airlines - operates in the area of ​​the local airfield at an altitude of 1500 m and below.
  8. Local control center - occupies the area of ​​the administrative region far from major airports, flight control at an altitude of up to 1500 m.

The control and guidance of the movement of aircraft and other air assets is carried out by monitoring the situation in the air using a special monitor. In this case, meteorological conditions, aircraft schedules, etc. are necessarily taken into account.

Air traffic controllers do not have the right to make a mistake, since the lives of other people depend on their observation and reaction. Therefore, the organization of their work is aimed at preventing errors in flight control.

Dispatch service operates day and night - 24 hours a day. Because of this, in order to avoid nervous and psychological stress, air traffic controllers go out to perform their duties in shifts.

Air traffic controller skills

Employers, when hiring a person for the position of an air traffic controller, take into account such qualities as personality:

  • resistance to emotional and psychological stress;
  • the ability to distribute attention;
  • care and responsibility;
  • resourcefulness and self-control;
  • initiative and organizational skills;
  • analytic mind;
  • developed visual-motor coordination of movements.

In this case, the air traffic controller must know:

  • device and principles of operation of dispatching equipment;
  • the construction of aircraft machines to give advice on the rapid elimination of any problems during the flight;
  • English (or another foreign language, depending on the place of work);
  • professional terms.

In addition to all of the above, it is desirable to have one of the diplomas of higher education in the specialty "Operation of aircraft and air traffic management", "Air traffic control".

Pros of being an air traffic controller:

  • work is not related to physical activity (women of different ages can work);
  • comfortable working conditions (indoors, sitting);
  • the right to early retirement (men - from 50 years old (work experience of at least twelve and a half years), women - from 45 years old (with ten years of work experience)).

Salary of a Russian air traffic controller in 2019

The average salary of an air traffic controller per month is about 120 thousand rubles. Such information is provided on the website traffic controller. Already today there is information about the salary increase for air traffic controllers by 30% in 2018.

Here you can also view vacancies in such companies of the Russian Federation: Strela - 90,000 rubles / month, AC 1st class - 72,000 rubles / month, Air Navigation of the North-West - 65,000 rubles / month, "Vanguard" Sosnovy Bor - 250,000 rubles / month.

How to become an air traffic controller

In Russia, there are not so many universities where you can get the profession of "air traffic controller". These are the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (Moscow), the State University of Civil Aviation (St. Petersburg), the Higher Aviation School (Ulyanovsk), the Higher Military Institute. V.M. Komarova (Yeisk). St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation has its branches in Khabarovsk and ATK GA, after studying in which you can get a secondary vocational education.

Every three years, air traffic controllers take special advanced training courses, after which they confirm their current certificate and capacity in accordance with the requirements.

Experts remind

An air traffic controller is one of the most responsible professions, which is associated not only with aviation technology, but also with human lives.

An air traffic controller is an aviation specialist who controls air traffic. Ground controller of aircraft traffic.

The main function of an air traffic controller is to ensure the safe, regular and orderly movement of airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft (hereinafter referred to as aircraft). To successfully perform this function, the air traffic controller uses knowledge of air navigation, aviation meteorology, as well as strictly established rules and instructions that regulate in detail all aspects of his activities. For example, to ensure the safe separation of aircraft in the air, the air traffic controller applies the rules of vertical, lateral and longitudinal separation (dispersion of aircraft at safe distances in the horizontal and vertical planes).

The main task of an air traffic controller is continuous monitoring of the air situation and air traffic control within his area of ​​responsibility. To perform this task, the air traffic controller uses radio equipment, radio communications with aircraft crews, as well as telecommunications with related sectors and other specialists. The workplace of the air traffic controller is equipped with monitors for displaying the air situation, meteorological conditions, various signal displays, reference information, communication facilities, etc.

Control over the movement of the aircraft is carried out from the moment it leaves the parking lot before takeoff at the departure aerodrome to taxiing into the parking lot after landing at the destination aerodrome.

To ensure effective control over the movement of aircraft, airfields and airspace are divided into areas of responsibility of control centers. According to the type of technological tasks performed, they can be classified into the control centers of "Taxiing", "Start and landing", "Circle", "Approach", "Regional Center", control centers of "Local Air Lines", "Airfield Control Centers".

The airfield control tower (ATC) dispatcher controls the readiness of the aircraft crew for the flight, communicates the necessary information to them, draws up a daily flight plan, fixes the start and end of the flight, coordinates the implementation of the flight plan with other services (for example, with the ATC of another airport) . The air traffic controller does not control the actual air situation.

The Taxiing Dispatcher (DPR) controls the movement of the aircraft on the territory of the airfield, issues permits for towing, starting engines, and taxiing.

The "Start and Landing" dispatcher (LDP, RDP) controls the traffic on the runway and the runway, directs the aircraft taking off and landing, issues take-off and landing permits.

The “Circle” controller (KRU) controls the aircraft movement in the airspace from 2 km and below and within a radius of 50 km from the airfield. Issues approach clearances for arriving aircraft and instructions on initial climb for departing aircraft.

The "Approach" controller (APC) manages the aircraft movement in the airspace area limited by altitudes of 2.6 km and a distance of 90-120 km from the airfield; solves the problems of determining the sequence of landing approaches, constructing the necessary separation intervals.

The dispatcher of the "Regional Center" (RC) controls the flight of the aircraft at altitudes from 1.5 to 17 km and within the established boundaries in the horizontal plane.

The dispatcher of the point of "Local Air Lines" (KDP MVL) controls the flight of the aircraft from a height of 1.5 km and below in the area of ​​the aerodrome MVL.

The controller of the "Local Control Center" (LDP) controls the flight of the aircraft from a height of 1.5 km and below within the established area of ​​​​responsibility (usually commensurate in area with the administrative region of Russia or a significant part of it) in the horizontal plane. A lot of aerial work, away from major airports, is carried out under the control of TIR controllers.

In conditions of heavy air traffic, 10-20 aircraft can be simultaneously under the leadership of one air traffic controller.

The training of air traffic controllers is a complex process. In Russia, primary education takes place over 3-4 years in specialized secondary and higher educational institutions. Advanced training takes place every 2 years, its result is the confirmation of a valid air traffic controller certificate. In addition, a mandatory requirement for an air traffic controller at present is knowledge of English within the limits established by international standards. 4 is a mandatory level on the ICAO scale since 2011.

The air traffic controller regularly undergoes a medical-flight expert commission by analogy with civil aviation pilots, as a result of which a certificate of professional suitability is issued, allowing him to continue working for the next 2 years. In terms of psycho-emotional load, the profession of an air traffic controller is one of the most dangerous and responsible professions related to technology and human lives (from the point of view of psychology, the work of the Approach controller is of the greatest interest).

In the Russian Federation, men have the right to early appointment of a labor pension upon reaching the age of 50 and women upon reaching the age of 45 if they have worked in the direct control of civil aviation flights for at least 12 years 6 months and at least 10 years, respectively ( Clause 14 of Article 27 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2001 No. 173 - FZ)

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for an airfield control tower controller, a sample of 2019. should include the following sections: general position, duties of an aerodrome control tower controller, rights of an aerodrome control tower controller, responsibility of an aerodrome control tower controller.

Job description of the dispatcher of the airfield control tower belongs to the section Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of air transport organizations".

The following items should be reflected in the job description of the airfield control tower controller:

Duties of an airfield control tower controller

1) Job responsibilities. Draws up a daily air traffic plan based on requests for flights, arrival and departure plans for aircraft coming from other airports, taking into account information about the state of the aerodrome and its readiness to receive and service aircraft, prohibitions and restrictions on flights. Analyzes weather conditions in the area of ​​the departure aerodrome, weather forecast along the aircraft flight route, at the destination aerodrome and alternate aerodromes. Coordinates with dispatchers of military and civil sectors of air traffic management centers and the aircraft commander the conditions of flight when it is performed outside the airway and outside international airways, when performing aviation work, as well as delayed flights and flights outside the schedule. Interacts with the representative of the airline and the production and dispatch service of the aviation enterprise when making changes to the movement plan. Controls the course of preparation of the crew and aircraft for departure, ensuring the flight after agreement with the aircraft commander or with a representative of the airline of the time of its transfer. Makes changes to the flight conditions in the forms of documentation used, transfers extracts from the air traffic plan to control centers and airport services in accordance with the intra-airport information table and the aircraft traffic report sheet. Carries out the reception and release of aircraft and monitors the progress of the daily air traffic plan.

The aerodrome control tower controller must know

2) The controller of the aerodrome control tower in the performance of his duties must know: Air Code of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the organization of air traffic; federal rules for the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation; federal aviation regulations; flight performance characteristics of aircraft types; aviation meteorology; professionally oriented English; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements for an airfield control tower controller

3) Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the field of professional activity for at least 1 year, the presence of a certificate confirming knowledge of professionally oriented English (for an airfield control tower controller of an international airport).

The job description of the dispatcher of the airfield control tower - a sample of 2019. Duties of an aerodrome control tower controller, rights of an aerodrome control tower controller, responsibility of an aerodrome control tower controller.