Louvre tickets are valid day. Tickets in Louvre.

We are confident that you are planning a trip to Paris. Even if you have previously been in the city of Love, you probably think about getting back again. it amazing citywhich is capable of sharing his unique atmosphere and turn a tourist trip to a fascinating adventure.

One of the most popular seats Visits is the Louvre Museum. Construction of this structure lasted several centuries. Today, its historical and aesthetic value cannot be appreciated. She is priceless. In the building there is only 14 museums of different eras. However, do not everyone know that the Ministry of Finance of France is still located.

Many tourists S. different corners The planets goes daily to look at world masterpieces of art. Therefore, at the main entrance to the Louvre (near the pyramid) you can observe incredible queues in any season. On our site you can with departure from Lviv.

Some travelers are frightened by these queues, while others put in hours to still fulfill their dream and get into the third in the world of the Museum occupied area. But you do not want to spend the precious hours of your journey to infinite wait? Then read our advice on how to get into the Louvre without a queue and quickly.

In order not to get stuck in an endless queue on the cashier, you can buy entrance tickets to Louvre in advance. This can be done on the site http://louvre.fnacspectacles.com/ with the Commission of about 1.5 euros. The second option - in advance to acquire tickets to the museum in some branded stores * Paris.

Paris Museum Pass card holders may not stand in a common queue and it allows you to visit a number of museums for free, including Louvre. It costs 30 euros and its action is 2 days from the moment of the first visit to any of the museums. Buying such a card justifies yourself if you are planning to visit at least three museums for these two days. You can buy it at the metro stations and in some tourist centers.

You are not necessarily entering the Louvre from the main entrance. We will open the secret to you and tell about two more entries in the museum, where the queues are much smaller, and sometimes there are no them at all:

  1. You can use the entrance to the PORTE DES LIONS shopping center, which is underground.
  2. You can go through the entrance, which is located directly at the Palais-Royal-Musee du Louvre Metro Station.

You can get to the Louvre Museum for free

If you are going to go to the museum after dinner, consider that only on Wednesdays and Fridays it works up to 9 pm, on the other days - until 18.00. Therefore, try to come from the morning, but still you may not have enough time to see all exhibits - the museum is just a huge. On our site you can and go to Paris at any time convenient for you.

The cost of a ticket to Paris Louvre is 9 euros, however, you can get into the Louvre Museum absolutely free every first Sunday of the month! We hope that our tips will help you spend time in french capital nice and fun.

"See Paris and die!"

Everyone heard this phrase! Millions of tourists come to the capital of France every year, and the visit to Paris is impossible to imagine without a visit to the Louvre! In this review, I will talk about my impressions from visiting this museum and about small tourist tricks that will help save time and money.

Where to buy tickets to Louvre?

  • Order Excursion With a guide in the tourist agency.

This is the easiest, but the most expensive way to get into the Louvre. Such an excursion will cost 35-50 € on average. That is how most of our compatriots fall into the museum. Very often in the travel agencies try to convince the tourist that without a guide you will be lost simply and lose a few hours in the queue.

  • Buy a ticket near the main entrance The famous shooting pyramid

It is here that most tourists go to buy tickets, so the queues are really big and sometimes at rush hour you can have a few hours in the queue.

The purchase of tickets at the ticket office takes not much time, but to get into the museum itself, you must go through the framework of metal detectors and the verification of the bag. It is because of such security measures a turn moves slowly.

  • In the tobacco kiosk La Civette du Carrousel Underground gallery shopping center Karozzel

Light in tobacco kiosks you can buy not only cigarettes, but tickets to the museum or subway, for example. This is the fastest and easiest way to buy a ticket without a queue and apparatus, and the gallery is a carrier-sufficient fast way to get into the Louvre!

The tobacco kiosk is located in the shopping center near the exit to the art. There you can buy tickets not only in the Louvre, but also to other Museums of Paris. It is very convenient to buy several tickets at once and not spend the time in the queues. The tobacco kiosk is working daily from 8.45 in the morning and until 19.00.
So, B. Gallery Carruzelthere are several inputs:

  1. Near the arch on the square of Karosher (Arch near the main entrance and pyramids)
  2. From Rue de Rivoli street
  3. From the garden Tuilery
  4. Through Palais Royal Metro Station - Musée du Louvre

Posted in Louvre 15 €

How to get into the Louvre fast and without a queue?

1. Buy tickets in tobacco kiosk in Gallery Karozzel. Follow the signs and you will find yourself in the underground lobby directly with an inverted glass pyramid. Inside the shopping center, a huge number of lover pointers, so it's extremely difficult to get lost. Diagonal from Apple Store is the entrance to the Louvre. The queues there are significantly less. In the queue, there were 2 people and the passage of control took no more than 5 minutes.

2. Do not be lazy to come to the Louvre as early as possible. The museum opens at 9 am, so I advise you to come to the discovery. So there is a possibility that you can enjoy artwork without a noisy crowd of tourists. Somewhere from 10 o'clock in the morning and up to 4 pm in the Louvre the largest influx of people and sightseeing groups.

How is the Louvre? How not to get lost in the Louvre?

Everyone knows that Louvre is just a treasury of world culture and former royal Palace. I want to tell a little about the museum device.

The Louvre is really huge and see everything to you will not work even if you wander there all day! The main 10-15 sights are scattered in different parts and floors of the museum, so it is better to immediately determine the most interesting exhibits and halls for you. Even if you want to quickly run, then you will take it hours of 3 at least, so be prepared!

If you are in the Louvre for the first time, then run there for an hour "for a tick look at Jokanda" - an empty spending of time and money!

The Louvre in the Plan has a P-shaped layout and share for 3 wings:

  • Wing Dinon (Dinon)

Art of Islam - the Mediterranean East in the Roman Empire - Italian and Spanish Painting - French Painting 19th Century - English Painting - Apollo Gallery, French Crown Gallery - Italian, Spanish and Northeurway Sculpture - Greece, Etruda, Rome - Art of Africa, Asia, Oceania and America

  • Sulli wing

French painting 17-18-19 centuries - Pastels and pastels 17-18-19 centuries - Art objects 17-18 centuries - Greece, Etrury, Rome - Pharaoh Egypt - Ancient Iran, Arabia, Middle East - Medieval Louvre

  • Richelieu wing

French painting 14-17 centuries - German, Flemish and Dutch painting, northern schools - Art objects of the Middle Ages, Races, 17-19 centuries - Apartments Napoleon III - French Sculpture - Mesopotamia, Ancient Iran

Start a tour better start with the wing Denon. It is in this wing that there are expositions dedicated to Ancient Greece and Rome.

Lost in the Louvre is difficult. Yes, it is huge, but everywhere there are detailed pointers and the museum map is very detailed and contains all the necessary information. Even if you feel that you are lost or can not navigate, then in every hall there is a museum employee who will help. If you have a bad English, then you will meet several Russian-speaking excursions in any way and you will help you in understandable.

What to see in the Louvre first?
Of course, every museum exhibit is valuable and unique, but .... Let's be honest! An ordinary artist tourist is a little interesting art of Oceania or Precastern Greece, so I want to tell about the halls and exhibits that best pay attention during the first visit to the Louvre!

So, starting the best from the wing Denon. At the entrance you will be met a large staircase. On the ground floor, look at the Italian sculpture hall, which is on the right of the entrance. There is a sculpture Prisoner or dying slavewhich Michelangelo was performed.
You can return to the stairs and boldly climb the 1st floor.

On the first floor in the wing, a denon to the left of the central staircase is located with Etruscan and Ancient Roman values, and then the hall with Greek antiquities. It is here that the famous sculpture Venus Milosoy.

In the Louvre, the richest collection of Egyptian antiquities: household items, sphinxes, sculptures and fragments of temples with preserved hieroglyphs.

Be sure to pay attention to sitting statue of Pharaoh Ramages II.

Mnea very impressed the hall with ancient Egyptian sarcophagi. It was very interesting to see all this live!

From ancient Egypt, you get into the ancient Iran and the Middle East. In the art hall of the ancient Iran I really liked column with a bull from the Darius I Palace.

Next you get to the Mesopotamia Hall. Unfortunately, I was already so tired that I didn't have to photograph the forces but the hall is very interesting! You seem to be in the textbook on the World History for Grade 6, be sure to look at the winged Assyrian bulls.

If you want to stay and sit, then after the Mesopotamia hall, look at the gauze courtyard and the yard, which are located near the wing of Richelieu.

This is a relatively quiet and light-headed place in the Louvre! Here you can safely sit for 10-15 minutes, translate the Spirit and at the same time admire the beautiful sculptures.

From the courtyard, the staircase leads to the 2nd floor of the wing of Richelieu, where they are located apartments Napaloon III.Look at it necessary!

The Louvre inside ceased to many times and the original interiors was almost preserved, unfortunately. But Apartments Napaloon III are just preserved in pristine.

There is a luxury in everything! Everything glitters and shines that it becomes something bad from all this luxury. These apartments served as receiving Napoleon.

Gilding, silk, frescoes on the ceiling, valuable species of wood ..... all this is just necessary to see!

After the Hall of Napoleon III, you get to the hall, where there are restaurants and cafes where you can have a snack.

Some rooms and transitions of the Louvre are striking with their beauty at least Napoleon's apartments.

I especially liked this staircase, which was completely made of marble and looks very exquisite. On the way to the statue of Niki, we looked into the shouches of the jewel in the jewelery of the French crown. Girls wander there, of course, it will be very interesting.

On the second floor in the wing, a French painting of the 19th century and Italian painting of the Renaissance era is exhibited. And of course the pearl of the Louvre and World Art - Mona Lisa!

But Mona Lisa has become a complete disappointment for me! Just look at these queues and proverbs!

The picture is very small and do not let it closer than 2 meters, so it is very difficult to consider it. You stand in the crowd of tourists who pushed you in the back and how hinting: "Well, what's there? I looked already and enough! Give the place! We also want to see!". Standing near the picture more than a couple of minutes is simply impossible. Everyone is clicked around the camera and try to climb almost on the head to make a good frame.

Somewhere I read that go to watch Mona Lisa is best in November or February in the first half hour after opening or half an hour before closing. It is concerned that at this time there is a chance to stand up and really enjoy these masterpiece of world painting!


  • Lover time:

The museum works daily except Tuesday from 9.00 to 18.00 (on Wednesday and Friday, Louvre works until 21.45. Halls begin to close at 17.30, and on Wednesday and Friday at 21.30

The ticket is valid all day.Ticket sales stop at 17.15 and at 21.15 on Wednesday and Friday

  • Free services in the Louvre:

Rent a wheelchair, baby strollers and means for carrying children.

Lost and found

Self-service storage

Booklets and route cards

The Louvre also has several books and souvenir shops. There you can find a variety of magnets, handles, postcards, notepads and other souvenirs. The bookstore sell albums in art, guidebooks in the museum, reproduction and other printed products. The price is there on any wallet, and books can be bought at all major languages \u200b\u200band Russian, including.

Louvre is a stunning museum, which must be visited during a trip to Paris!It is not necessary to overpay the extra money and go to the museum with a guide. If you still want to listen to the excursion, it is better to take an audio guide in Russian. The charm of the audio guide is that you yourself can choose a route and not go to the halls that you are not interested. With the audiogide you can admire the work of art how much you want and do not adapt to the excursion group.

Also in conclusion, I would like to say that it is not necessary to dwell on Mona Lisa. Louvre is huge and there is a huge number of other works of art no less valuable and interesting! In Louvre, everyone will find something interesting and impressive for themselves!

If you have already been to the Louvre, it would be interesting in the comments to learn about your impressions!

Millions of tourists from all over the world go to Paris every day, first of all, in order to see. Earlier, we already wrote an article about this museum, which you can read here, and now I would like to talk about how to get to the Louvre without a queue!

Near the museum there is always a huge number of people and day and night, the inlet queues can stretch a few kilometers. Do not lose precious time buy tickets to Louvre early!

For those who have tickets, a separate entrance is organized. You will pass the box office, and you can immediately get into any museum room. The entrance is opposite the glass pyramid. You are definitely not mistaken and you will be pleasantly surprised.

  1. If you have the opportunity, choose the morning time to visit. Firstly, you will have a lot more time to inspect the museum's exposure, and, secondly, you can easily get into the pyramid and be able to take a picture without any problems there.
  2. For 1 day, you do not see the entire museum. But your ticket is valid throughout the day, so the sooner you come, the more you can see. Louvre has been opened from 9 am (non-working days: January 1, May 1, December 25).
  3. Another small trick. On Wednesday and Friday, the museum is open until 9 o'clock in the evening, while on the other days until 18 00. In addition, paying a little more, you can purchase a ticket with a Russian audio guide.
  4. Many are wondering how to get into the Louvre for free "? This is possible. The first Sunday of each month entrance to the Louvre in Paris is absolutely free! If you go with children, it is better to choose another day, since at this time there are a lot of people there, noise, and in the halls it is difficult to calmly consider exhibits.
  5. Few people know that you can get into the Louvre not only through the pyramid. Near the "lion gate" is almost always curs too. Find them can be faced to the pyramid and looking at the arch right.

Today we will look at the main museum of Paris - Louvre. In the first trip, we have already been to the Louvre, but then it was a "Blitz Crig": while we were in line for the entrance poured such a shower that we were wetted in 5 minutes to the thread and when they got inside, we decided to restrict ourselves to the most important (for us) exhibits. Fortunately, it was the first Sunday of June, and the entrance to the Louvre on the first Sunday of each month is free - it was not very disappointing :)

This time was also Sunday, but October, although this fact was reflected only on the intensity of precipitation - in the morning it rained rain, although not torrent, but still rather unpleasant. But just this weather had to visit the museum: this time we decided to more carefully study the Louvre and visit the Napoleon Hall. The main thing is that we were ready for bad weather and enter the museum was calculated in dry clothes :)

Although the weather was "unsuitable", and Sunday was not the first this month (that is, the entrance was not free), in line in the Louvre, these circumstances did not affect these circumstances ...

And it was only morning! Then, being already in the museum, it was possible to observe a dinner tail queue, which rested in the courtyard of the Louvre. Almost both in the summer! In such bad weather, it was very sad to observe as possessors of Parispass cards pass inside without queue :)

And do not forget that we have a queue for the entrance, already inside you are waiting for another line, now in the cashier:

So in total, we again stood in the queues for about an hour, those who came later, I think, stood at least one and a half hours. That's it...

There are two ways to get around the queue two: first - if you buy a map parispass (), and the second is to purchase tickets in advance to the Louvre via the Internet, though it will cost somewhat more expensive than at the box office.

To date, the cost of tickets is as follows: a regular ticket - 12€ , dual ticket (entrance plus Napoleon Hall and temporary exhibitions) - 15€ . By the way, it is written on the site that the faces under 18 have the right to enter the museum only to the museum, but at the checkout, when we wanted to buy a separate ticket to Napoleon's Hall for Son (14 years old), we were not needed to pay anything, just show a passport. Indeed, it is, the son was saved all over the Louvre absolutely free :) Here I would have been feeding for free ... By the way, the price tag for complex lunches from the local buffet:

Again, please note: where you can fire ... Sorry, to eat, has recently appeared inscriptions in Russian. But under the exhibits there are no such explanations ... :))

This year, the exposition of the works of Rafael was opened in the Louvre. The exhibition will last until mid-January 2013. Do not miss!

Entrance to the Rafael Hall on dual tickets.

And now, when some material moments are clarified, it's time to move to spiritual food :) Several photoering systems from the main halls of the Louvre:

And several photos from Napoleon's hall:

Louvre plan in Russian can be taken at the entrance. If you want to pre-study where what is - read a separate topic. In the same place you will find information about the audiogide in Russian.

What do you associate the famous world museums in addition to aesthetic pleasure? Right, with queues! Who loves the queue? Right, no one! Every time appreciates, so directly to business.

The central entrance to the Louvre is under the pyramid, it is easy to see in turn, which is on duty there in any weather and season. This is not our entrance.

How to quickly get into?

Method number 1.

Give a birth to a baby! I'm not kidding) Moms with strollers, and the rest of those approximate to the stroller, the Museum workers are "caught" in the queue and beyond the white shoulders directly to the checkout.

Method number 2.

If you are not ready for such a cardinal measures like childbirth, then take a doll (now they look like it, sometimes not distinguish), put it in a stroller, and go straight to heaven, to the cash desks 🙂

Method number 3.

Louvre is a huge museum, and how every self-esteem large-scale museum has several entrances, but not everything seemed to know about it. There is an entry in the underground shopping center Carrousel Du Louvre (99 Rue de Rivoli), Palais-Royal Metro Station - Musee Du Louvre, or through the entrance, close to Arches, Carrieve.

Method number 4.

For owners of the museum card, a priority entrance in the wing of Richelieu is provided.

  • Each first Sunday of the month in the Louvre is a free entrance, but should not be seduced. Since this is a day off, the queue will be seasoned and tourists and local. Here the miser pays twice.
  • Do not visit the Louvre at noon and dining time: wild crowds. It is better to go splashing or 2-3 hours before closing, on Wednesday and on Friday, the museum is working at all late.
  • A ticket to the Louvre acts during the day, that is, you can make a time-out in a cafe nearby and again go to meet the beautiful or ... approach the unfortunate in a long queue and offer them your ticket for a phase of 5 euros from the original 10. And a good business will make a good deed. And you will delight a penny!

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