Oasis city. "Pearl of the desert": the amazing city of Ghadames in the heart of Sahara

The desert is not just the marginal expanses of sand, but also unbearable heat, where, despite all the difficult conditions, there is also life. And this life is an oasis, which is a small part of vegetation in the desert, with a source of water in the form of a lake or river. For inhabitants and residents, the deserts of oasis are a real chopstick. In addition, they are important for merchants who make their way through the desert. It is difficult to imagine that if there were no oasis in the desert. Would you then conquer sand dunes?

We present to your attention the most beautiful oasis in the deserts from around the world.

This is a small village in the southwestern Peru, which was erected around the natural lake in the desert. This place serves as a resort for local families from the neighboring city, and also attracts many tourists.

UASIS UMM Al-MAA, which translated as "mother of water"

This is one of the biggest lakes in the desert, which is hiding in the Libyan part of the Sahara. Near it, there are still 16 small lakes, which, depending on the temperature, appear, then disappear.

Miloid lake in Lensois Maraniensis National Park, Brazil, which was formed from fresh water thanks to the rainy season. The first six months here are torrential rains, and in the next six months, water under the influence of high temperatures is simply evaporated.

Oasis Crescent Lake in the desert Gobi, China

Oasis Lake is very pretty, formed a lot of millennia ago at the expense of winds and groundwater. Water from an oasis Local residents are used in farming purposes, and tourists come here to admire local landscapes around.

This oasis is the widest in the world and belongs to a part of the most beautiful oasis in the Northern Tuni mountain range. Water, staining along a mountain canyon, at the bottom forms a small waterfall, under the jets just adore tourists. Water warm +23 - + 25 degrees Celsius.

30 km in length and a few kilometers wide are the size of the huge Oasis Tinghir. In this area, people do not live and come here only for a while to grow crop. This contributes to an extensive system of irrigation channels.

Small, but such a picturesque green oasis, which is hidden in the depths of the Oman Desert. As such, there is no living here, and mostly scientists conduct their botanical research.

Looking for all this beauty, gradually you begin to understand that life is possible in the wilderness that somewhere in the snowdrifts of the sands they lost the paradise corners for recreation.

Yellow sand dunes stretch to infinity, while the sun burning on top burns the tourist's not protected head. You are very tired, incredibly want to drink, in the desert the most important thing is the search for water.

This list of the 18 most incredible oasis of the desert, but will pass the time before they cover the sands of the sands of the desert and become only a lonely mirage in the horizon.

Umm Al-Maa, that is, the mother of water resources is one of the largest lakes in the oasis, unfortunately, like all the lakes, the groundwater in the area is limited, so over time they dry out.

Water in some places is very dirty and salty very similar to the water of the Dead Sea. The abandoned city of Gebraoun is also located relatively next to his impressive ruins, is an excellent testimony to maintain life depends on the lakes.

1. Lake Ubari is part of the Awbari Oasis Erg in the Sahara Desert. Located near Fezzan and 30 km north of Heria in Libya, in these lakes salted water which is the main trading point for many locals who are going to the edge of the lake for the active sale of souvenir products and other interesting goods.

2. Huacachina is a small oasis city in the ICA region in the southwest Peru. This oasis called 'Oasis America', is a popular resort with local families and tourist sites. The legend states that the lagoon was created when an inquisitive young hunter infected with the beauty of the bathing of the princess. She ran away, leaving a pool with water.

3. Turfan, or Tulufan as it is also known is an oasis city in the Xinjiang-Uygur region in China. It is only 8 km west of the destroyed city of Jiaohhe, the Border City of the garrison destroyed Genghis-Khan in the era of the Han dynasty.

4. We are not quite sure where it is an oasis of the desert, but we must include it, because, of course, this is what most people perceive as a typical 'oasis of Mirage'.

5. This wonderful lake in the desert located in the Lensois National Park Maranhenses, Maranyan in Brazil. It is an integral part of the Lagoon of Fresh Water, in the rainy lagoon seasons are filled with rainwater during the first six months of the year, and then water gradually evaporates which will be filled next year. Some of the lakes on the territory of the National Park are littered with beautiful palm trees.

6. Lake-crescents in the Gobi Desert in China is located on the outskirts of the old town, which once the merchants began their famous journey through the Silk Road to the West. Today, the drying process lowered the water level by more than 25 feet over the past 30 years, partly due to the fact that the water was redirected for local farmers and doubling the population, as a result of the lake began to slowly disappear, which existed for thousands of years.

7. Beautiful Oasis Kairouan in Tunisia is probably the most beautiful. It was here that the picture of Star Wars Episode IV was filmed: New Hope. It is said that the oasis was named after one of the characters, Chubakka.

8. This amazing image shows three men for quenching thirst in a small waterfall in the oasis of Timia Sahara, in Niger. This is an image of everyday life in an oasis for local desert inhabitants.

9. Always small anklava or villages are located near the reservoirs. Even in desert areas, whole farms can coexist.

10. This remote lake in the desert, bordered by sand dunes is in Hara Nur, Mongolia. This refreshing place for travelers who were able to join one of the extensive plains in the world of deserts.

11. Naal David - a quiet oasis found near Bethlehem, in Israel of the Palestinian West Bank. This, of course, far from the image of a constant war that is often associated with the part of the world.

12. Oasis Sprawling Tinerhir, located at the foot of the Atlas Mountain in Morocco.

13. Ghardaia is the main city in the oasis of Mzab in the northern part of Algeria. Founded in the 11th century, the city was built near the cave, which was a common opinion, inhabited Holy Daia, and still revered Women M'zabite today. The oasis offers several excellent examples of the original medieval architecture Arabic language and is currently a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site.

14. This castle is part of an oasis on the West Bank of the Persian Gulf in Saudi Arabia, called Catiff. The city dates back to 3500 BC. And for many years, the main city and port in the western part of the bay, which was a popular place and take the ruling forces over the centuries. This led to an eclectic combination of architecture of this area and now boasts one of the best archaeological monuments in the Arab kingdom.

15. This oasis is hidden in the depths of the Oman's desert, where the number of green oasis is just a small landscape point. After several oases in the tiny Sultanate, at the corner of the Arabian Peninsula, the hot spots "for botanical research and bio-diversity, where many of the ancient oasis are in decline; Researchers want to find out why.

16. Fort Nakhl is located with a view of the luxurious greenery of the Fatherland Palm of Oasis in Oman. These impressive forts were strategically located on most of the Oman desert, like many other places, this place to protect the villagers from the invasion.

17. This beautiful oasis is in Niger. If you have information about this place, I will be glad to hear about him. Given the recent riots in the country, it is amazing to find such places like this.

18. A lush green carpet of wood-shrub and fields to sit in complete contrast with fruitless sandy hills in the background is a typical oasis area.

Group day trip with Russian-speaking guide. The journey will begin right at the entrance of your hotel - if he is in Dubai, Sharjah or Ajman - where our comfortable bus will take you.

- Palace Museum of the First President of the UAE , His Highness Sheikh Zaych, who "from the sand and desert" erected a great state. Monumental, crowned with sentigious towers and teeth, outside the Palace most likely resembles Fort. Luxury buildings create a sense of the city in the city: along with residential and economic premises, there is a school where the children of the ruler studied; The hall of the Quran, the ceiling of which decorated with the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad; Collection of weapons and expensive cars in which Sheikh traveled without guard.

- The hot springs Formed due to the eruption of the volcano. Healing mineral and sulfur compounds contained in water maintain its temperature at the level of 55-60 degrees. You can experience the properties of sources in the traditional Arabic bath equipped here.

- Lookout on Mount Jabel Hafit . From a kilometer height, the appearance will open at once in two states: Arab Emirates and Oman. Our guides were checked: to admire the mountains and panorama of the city more comfortable just from here - from high-mountain clubs.

- The largest zoo in the Middle East . Local animals can envy many of those who live in the wild: their enclosures are huge and well-groomed, the scorching sun is miraculously turned out to be harmless to grass and trees, and they definitely do not have to worry about food. Giraffes, antelopes, rhinos, ostrises, lions ... Acquaintance with numerous animals Zoo will leave not only children, but even the most heinous adults.

At the end of the trip we offerexquisite lunch local and European cuisine.

It is important to know :

In addition to the sunscreen, headdress and clothing, in which you will not be able to burn, ask you to take a swimsuit and a T-shirt (!), Which will be useful when bathing in a hot source. Since together with you in the bathing will be representatives of the local population, please contact the swimsuit with understanding.

It is worth capturing drinking water from the calculation of 1.5 liters per person.

In the country Sahara lies a semi-closed city called Ghadames (ghadames)where the ancient architectural traditions are still alive. Unique buildings attract not only tourists, but also numerous inhabitants of neighboring, more modern cities that are in Gadames Cool that they cannot give air-conditioned premises.

Like many other ancient cities, Gadames. originated at the crossroads of caravan paths. Shopping routes intersected precisely in this place not by chance: in the city of Oasis, known as the "pearl of the desert", the travelers could find a temporary shelter from the unbearable Sugara heat.

Accurate foundation date Gadames Unknown, but the first mentions of it are dated to the first century of our era and belong to the times of Roman conquest. The arrival of the Romans began a new stage of the history of the city, namely the period of European domination. First Gadames. There was a Roman fortress, then the Byzantine missionaries brought Christianity here and made the city center of bishopia. But the story made a new round and at the moment one of the mosques of the modern city is resting at the pillars of the ancient church.

The buildings of the barbarism era in the city were not preserved, as well as the facilities of the period of Roman conquest, but the local architecture retained many traditional features. Residential buildings are divided into three floors. The first level, serves as a kind of "refrigerator": stocks of food are stored there. Between the neighboring cellars, there are small passages over which they then extend other floors. So form numerous "underground transitions", which serve for local movements around the city. On the second floor of residential buildings there is a "marout part", and the third level is an open "terraces", a kind of public places. It should be noted that the third floor almost entirely belongs to women, walking on the roofs of urban homes, they communicate with neighbors and new acquaintances.

In the midst of the progenic desert Atakam in Peru, Latin America, there is an amazing city-Oasis Wakhachin with magnificent palm trees, green foliage and lake, which have, as they say, healing properties.

The population of the town is only 96 people, but there are hotels, shops and even the library in the settlement.

This place is known as the Oasis of America. Residents of the neighboring city of ICA are resting in it, as well as numerous sandeling lovers (snowboard ride on sand dunes) and races on Buggy.

According to the legend, the lake in the oasis arose after the beautiful princess was caught by surprise with a young hunter during swimming in the pool. The girl escaped, the pool turned into a lake, and the folds of the princess mantle became sand dunes. After that, the beauty returned to the oasis and still lives in him with mermaid.

Recently, after private landowners died around the oasis wells, the water level in the lake decreased significantly. In order to preserve the oasis, the process of artificial injection of water in the reservoir has begun.