Moritz Junna - The Happy Dwarf (verse cheat

The gnome's house, the gnome's at home!
There is a wooden house in the forest,
The gnome's house!
And a cheerful gnome lives in it,
Dwarf Home!
He feeds the squirrels with buds
Sits at the table with bears
With fluffy bunnies
Yes, with mice!
He shares toys
With chattering cuckoos
With raccoons and woodpeckers,
With an owl overgrown with patla!

He shares nuts
With roe deer, with deer,
With painstaking moles,
With funny beavers.
The last winter apple
He shared with the little one
A completely chilled finch!

But fairy tales,
Coloring books
Long epics
Little jokes
Sweet riddles
He shares with the kids
With girls, with boys!

There is a wooden house in the forest,
The gnome's house!
And a cheerful gnome lives in it,
Dwarf Home!
Open up, board house,
Let the merry gnome come out!

Junna Moritz

Santa Claus is the most common secular Christmas symbol on the eve of and during the Christmas holidays.
In Norway this fairytale character is often referred to simply as "nisse".
The word "nisse" comes from the Norse name Nils, which, in turn, comes from the name "Nicholas" or "Nikolaus".

Christmas Nissa is a gnome! Only if, in our understanding, gnomes are such petty dirty tricks, then in Norway they are very kind, they love animals.
In some Scandinavian countries - Norway, Finland, Sweden - there is a legend about Tomte or Nisse - small creatures that are something like brownies on farms. It is believed that they help people and are generally very positive, but if the farmer is sloppy and does not maintain the farm in good condition, then you can get the first number from Tomte. With the spread of Christianity in this region, these gnome-like creatures gradually evolved into little santa claus with the appropriate powers.

Modern Tomtes, referred to by different names, including Jultomte, Julnisse, and Joulupukki, are similar to Santa Claus, but with a few differences. First of all, they are not so well-fed, in addition, despite the presence of a team, they do not fly with its help, but move on the ground. These Scandinavian Santa Clauses do not live at the North Pole, but in the closest to locality forests (each has its own). They also don’t chimney-climbing, that is, they don’t fly into the chimney to put presents in the socks hung nearby, but simply enter through the door when no one sees.

Nissa's height is 15 cm, in a red cap with a tassel as much as 25! Nissa wear a nationally knitted sweater, vest, pants and boots.
Their boots are cunningly patterned, so the Nissas leave bird tracks in the snow.
If in the forest, especially not far from the farm, you see a chain of bird tracks, rest assured - Nissa passed here.
Farmers still put a plate of rice porridge on their doorstep on Christmas Eve, they can also attach a new cap or sweater.
Let Nissa also have a holiday, then he will drop in more often, and the animals will be safe and healthy.

Artist - Trygve M. Davidsen

Trygve M. Davidsen (1895 - 1978) is a Norwegian painter and illustrator.
He illustrated several books and painted beautiful postcards in watercolor technique, often with religious motives or depicting gnomes and Norse nature.
Davidsen has published several books on drawing. He is represented by two works at the National Gallery in Oslo.
He also painted the altar in the Lykkja chapel.

Part 1

("Amazing adventures on the liner Yu. Moritz"

  • To teach to perceive a poetic work by ear.

  • Teach children to feel the rhythm of poetry.

  • To teach to see how the author relates to what he talks about in the work.

Book exhibition "Uncompromising Talent", travel map


Host, Captain - librarians


Gnome, Squirrel, Frog, Cat, Old Woman - children or adults.
Leading: Welcome aboard the Junna Moritz ocean liner. Let me introduce you to the captain of our ship ... We are embarking on a literary cruise on a sea of ​​wonderful poetry. They were written by the person whose name the ship bears: our voyage is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Yunna Petrovna Moritz. Extraordinary meetings, amazing adventures and ... surprises for those who are not afraid of difficulties await you! We will acquaint you with all the sights that come our way.

Leading: Full speed ahead! We go out to sea.

The song "Full speed ahead!" (Muz - G. Gladkov, lyrics - A. Aronov).

Leading: And now the island "Yunna" is visible. It appeared on the map in 1937. Maybe some of the passengers have already been to this island and can tell about it? (Answers of children)

Then we ask you, dear captain, to tell the story of such a mysterious island.

Captain: Yes, this island appeared in 1937, when a girl named Yunna was born. Well, now Yunna Petrovna Moritz.

She spent her pre-war childhood in Kiev. Education was valued in the family where Yunna was brought up: her father had 2 diplomas (engineer and lawyer); mother received a classical education in a gymnasium, knew literature well, and drew remarkably. The daughter's extraordinary creative talents developed thanks to the fact that her mother introduced her to the world. artistic culture... The war began. The war found the family in Kiev. Four-year-old Yunna began to write poetry "out of fear" in a world where bombs were falling, a trainload of refugees was on fire, where the basement, where ice cream used to be stored, became home. Tuberculosis dulled the constant feeling of hunger, but awakened the imagination. Stuttering and strong tics did not allow Yunna to go to kindergarten, removed her from her peers. She was talking with a spoon wrapped in a rag: the spoon was no longer an object reminiscent of food, but something else, a doll from a fictional children's paradise. At the age of 6-7, she went to the hospital, read poetry to the wounded, wrote letters to the front. It was a serious, adult matter and at the same time a game that changed an uncomfortable world. She always studied well: both at school (gold medalist) and at Kiev University (excellent student). She began to write poetry for children in connection with the birth of her son. Many of the poems were set to music and became popular songs among children and adults.

Leading: Thank you for your story, dear captain. Our journey continues. Now we are sailing to the island of "Bye daisies". Take a look we are greeted here by a girl.

Girl: Hello guys! See how many daisies I gathered in the clearing. On my island they are all different, unusual. ( Appeals to children) Do you guys want us to collect daisies together. This is very easy to do.

( The girl hands out white sheets of paper prepared in advance to the children. And teaches children to fold from paper l
chamomile petals. All petals are held together in one flower.)

Girl: Probably, when Junna Moritz was little, she also collected these amazing flowers. And as an adult, she wrote the following lines:

Reads the poem "White Daisies"

Hugged a daisy

White chamomile

And they stand in an embrace -

Heart wide open!

Summer girlfriends

White daisies,

To you forest fairies

Weaved shirts -

They are not afraid of the storm,

Dusty bundle

They don't need a wash

Ironing and ironing.

Here comes the wind

The dust sighed heavily

But remained white

Camomile shirt.

The rain fell

The bird has become wet

But it remained dry

Camomile shirt.

And again chamomile

Hugged a chamomile

And they stand in an embrace -

Heart wide open!

Leading: How accurately everything is noticed. Yunna had to watch the flowers for more than one day.

Captain: Thank you, dear child! We have to go, the ship is heading for the Merry Dwarfs Archipelago.

The song "Let the water throws us" is played (Music - G. Gladkov, lyrics - V. Levin)

Dwarf: Hello dear guests! Welcome to my amazing house, invented by the amazing poetess Yuna Moritz.
Reads the poem "The house of the gnome, the gnome is at home!"

He feeds the squirrels with buds

Sits at the table with bears

With fluffy bunnies

Yes, with mice!

He shares toys

With chattering cuckoos

With raccoons and woodpeckers,

With an owl overgrown with patla!

He shares nuts

With roe deer, with deer,

With painstaking moles,

With funny beavers.

The last winter apple

He shared with the little one

A completely chilled finch!

But fairy tales,

Coloring books

Long epics

Little jokes

Sweet riddles

He shares with the kids

With girls, with boys!

There is a plank house in the forest, the house of a gnome!

And a cheerful gnome lives in it, a gnome - at home!

Open up, board house,

Let the merry gnome come out!

  1. In a crimson hat, he walked in rubber
With a hole in the right side. ("Rubber hedgehog")

  1. Pointed ears, pillows on the legs,
Mustache, like a bristle, arched back,

Sleeps in a basket, crimson ... ("Crimson Cat")

  1. I am green like grass
My song: kva-kva. ("The Merry Frog")

  1. He carries the cart to such places,
Where mama rode and dad rode

When they were like me. ("Favorite Pony")
Captain: Thank you dwarf for your hospitality. It's time for us to go. Quiet running! The quietest move! Straight ahead of the Squirrel Continent.

The 2nd verse from the song "Full speed ahead!" (Muz - G. Gladkov, lyrics - A. Aronov).

Squirrel: Welcome dear guests! Welcome!

Reads the poem "Come visit!"

Clean in the squirrel's house,

The children washed the plates

Sweep the trash out into the yard,

They knocked out the carpet with a stick.

The postman knocked -

Noble old elephant,

Wiped my feet on the mat:

Sign for "Murzilka"! -

Holds out a twig

Shows the cell:

Write small

"Got a squirrel."

Who else is knocking on the door?

These are midges, birds, animals!

Wipe your feet

Dear crumbs!

Come in and sit down!

After all, there are, by the way,

The pigs are very polite.

Everything is not from nutrition, but from education!

Squirrel: I am a very polite squirrel. Do you guys know the polite words? Let's check it out now. Listen and respond in chorus.

Game "Say a word"

  1. Getting out of bed is it really hard to tell mom ... (good morning)

  2. Having met acquaintances in the afternoon, you are not too lazy to tell them ... (good afternoon)

  3. Well, in the evening when we meet, we can say ... .. (good evening)

  4. The boy is polite and developed, speaks when meeting ... (hello)

  5. Leaving when parting goodbye, let's say ... (goodbye)

  6. And let's go to the bed to sleep, then we must tell everyone ... (good night)

  7. If they give you something I need to tell you ... (thanks)

  8. If you have offended anyone in your prank, you must say ... .. (forgive me please)

Squirrel: Well done! Come visit me on the way back!
Captain: Goodbye squirrel! Give up the mooring lines! Let's hit the road! Ocean liner slowly approaching the bay of the Merry Frogs.

The second verse of the song “Let the water throws us” sounds (Music - G. Gladkov, lyrics - V. Levin)
Frog: Kva-kva, ours for you. In my kingdom, I have the highest qualification for gaiety.

Reads the poem "The Merry Frog"

The Merry Frog lived in the same river,

Upside down her hut stood, bre-ke-ke!

The hut did not stand, but floated up to the top,

But this did not change Frog's business!

She danced in a green sundress, para-pam!

Sad frogs languished and suffered,

In green pillows, kwa-kwa, they sobbed.

And the sad frogs did not see happiness!

They turned out to be sad old women.

They mutter dejectedly and groan in the distance:

Kva-kva. The rain ached

In the back, in the leg, in the hand ...

And a cheerful old woman, a cheerful Frog,

When he remembers what happened to her, -

Laughs, bre-ke-ke!

She played the accordion with both hands,

She beat the drum with both feet!

The hut was tumbling, the frog was having fun,

She danced in a green sundress, para-pam!

Frog: What do I really like to do?

  • Of course, dance. Let's Dance.
A dance of frogs is performed to the melody "Letka-Enka"

Frog: Kva-kva, great! I also love to sing! Do you guys love? Then let's play the game "Guess the Song". And the songs will sound to the verses of J. Moritz. For one or two lines to the song, guess which one is in question.

  1. « Many people think they can fly:
There are many swallows, many swans. "

« Big horse secret "

  1. "A dog is biting only from the life of a dog"
"Huge Sabachian Secret"

  1. « Under a sad moo, under a cheerful growl,
Under the friendly neighing, it is born "

"Big secret for a small company"

  1. « The pony has a long bangs made of delicate silk "
"Favorite pony"

Captain: It's time for us to hit the road funny frog. Goodbye. Ahead is the "Cat's Cape".

Sounds 3 verse to the song "Full speed ahead!" (Muz - G. Gladkov, lyrics - A. Aronov).
Cat: Meow-meow, mur-mur-mur! What a surprise! Guests! Wonderful! We have many cats on the cape. What do you know about cats? Probably a little bit of everything? And I am not a simple cat, but a crimson one.

Reads the poem "Crimson Cat"

Martha had a basket in the kitchen,

In which the domestic cat was dozing.

The basket was standing, and the cat was dozing,

Dozing at the bottom, smiling in my sleep.

Marfuta went sleepily to the forester

With a basket where the cat slept on its side.

Martha did not know that the cat was in the basket

Forester, pouring raspberries into a basket,

I got a little distracted with talkative Martha.

The forester did not notice that the cat was in the basket

Dozing at the bottom, smiling in a dream ...

And the cat woke up and arched its back,

And I began to try forest raspberries.

Nobody noticed that the cat is in the basket

Giggles softly and smacking dashingly!

The forester brings a frying pan with mushrooms,

Marfuta kindly asks for breakfast.

Above them the cat in the basket giggles -

Eats food for pleasure!

Marfuta ate butter for a year,

And the cat became crimson from the berries.

Crimson beast on crimson paws, -

What a noble raspberry scent!

Marfuta approaches and sees in the basket

The smile of a mustachioed crimson cat.

There is no such thing! ”Marfuta said.

There are such! - the cat said to her

And proudly tied a crimson bow!

Cat: Guys, why did I become crimson? I really like to play.

The game "Cat and Mice" is being held

Oh, respected. Bon Voyage!

Captain: Be healthy, do not get sick, and catch faster mice. There is one more island left on the map. Forward!
Old lady: Arrived! Is my granddaughter among you? Can not see.

Reads the poem "Hardworking old woman"

A lazy cat doesn't catch mice.

A lazy boy does not wash his ears.

A lazy mouse won't dig a hole.

A lazy boy doesn't like cleaning.

A lazy fly doesn't want to fly.

Tell the kindest old woman what to do,

When the old woman started up in the hut:

Lazy cat, lazy mouse

And also a lazy sleepy fly

And with them a lazy boy to boot?

The old woman went hunting - for a cat!

She got used to it and catches mice little by little.

I dug a mink for the mouse under the logs,

She brought in a bag of millet and a crust.

Then - for the boy! - having started cleaning

And quickly rinsing my ears for a boy,

The old woman took an interesting book,

Which I read in one gulp - for a boy!

Now - for a lazy, sleepy fly! -

The old woman spread her tender wings

And flew into the distance to see her friend!

Ah, tomorrow the old woman will have to again

For a cat - to grab mice on the hunt,

For a mouse - in a hole under a log to bother.

How would you live in this lazy hut?

Don't be a lazy old woman on earth?
Old lady: I got tired. Now you take the trouble.

Auction ( which poems belong to the pen of J. Moritz, and which are not)

  1. "With glasses and without glasses"

  2. "Pot-bellied teapot"

  3. "Raspberry cat"

  4. "Favorite pony"

  5. " Mustachioed - Striped"

  6. "Confusion"

  7. "Rubber hedgehog"

  8. "Pony"
Old lady: Oh, well done! Everything was sorted out correctly. I think you will now navigate very well and will not confuse the poems of Y. Moritz with any others. Let's check it out.

Game "Say a word"

  1. Pony girls ride, pony boys ride,
The pony runs in circles and circles in the mind…. (Counts) "Pony"

  1. Daddy flies with a broom sweeping the ceiling
He flies and dreams of driving out a guest for ... (threshold) "Cheerful breakfast"

  1. This is very interesting - why is the goat silent?
It's very interesting - is it hitting the drum ... (thunderstorm) "It's very interesting"

  1. I'm lying on the grass, a hundred fantasies in my head.
Dream with me together - there will be not a hundred, but ... (two hundred) "One hundred fantasies"

  1. A watermelon flies over the ground, it chirps, whistles:

  • I am mustard, I am lemon! I closed for ... (renovation) "Laughing Confusion"

Leading: Well, good old woman, it's time for us to go! Thanks for the science. Goodbye!

Captain: Dear travelers, the travel time is over. We hope you enjoyed it. After all, Yu. P. Moritz wrote funny and kind poems for those who are able to preserve their childhood in themselves forever, who with pleasure, as we are today, are ready to go on a journey across the sea of ​​books. But which route is up to you. Think, choose, and most importantly read more good books.

  1. Moritz Y. P. The dog is biting ... / Artist. Belomlinsky. –M .: RIO "Samovar", 1998.

  2. Moritz Yu. P. Jump - play. / Artist Kalaushina G. - M .: Publishing house. "Kid", 1978.

  3. Moritz Yu. P. A big secret for a small company. // M .: Ed. "Kid", 1987.

  4. Moritz Y. P. Pony. ... / Art. Belomlinsky. –M .: RIO "Samovar", 1998.

  5. Moritz Y. P. Bouquet of cats. / Artist. Zlatogorov G. - M .: Publishing house. Martin, 1997.

h. 1

The destruction of such ecosystems will have irreparable consequences for humans.

Huge tracts of forest in the Carpathians are bare, and this contributes to a catastrophic increase in floods. Over the past 4 years, it is the primeval forest that absolutely not cut down, destroyed about 10 thousand hectares.

In the pitch darkness before dawn, the journalist TSN.Tizden went to a place where, as it turned out, it would be very wet, very cold and very difficult. But that will be later ... In the meantime, even in the dark, he notices oncoming loaded timber trucks. When it’s already dawn, they will be seen every 10-15 minutes.

Read also:

Igor and Vasily are qualified specialists in forestry and experts of the Forest Watch project at the well-known World Wide Fund for Nature. We exchange radios, wrap ourselves in raincoats and begin our ascent to the highlands of the Carpathians. To the point we need about ten kilometers through thickets, along steep slopes and mud.

And the closer to the goal - the more often you have to look around. Only not on the landscapes, but on the sides.

This forest has its own secrets. Knowing the details gets really creepy. Those who guard these secrets are not very fond of such strangers. Vasily carried out countless inspections of felling sites in the Carpathians. And now he is - not just so agitated. The driver of our group was left alone at the foot of the mountain. Therefore, he insists on his almost espionage plan: "We adhere to the legend that we are going to the monastery."

Read also:

We did not convince with such a story, but at least we confused those who did find us on the trail. This, as Mr. Vasily will explain, is the forest guard. She knows from experience who she can actually guard. Their SUV will stop us twice more.

We have to wind extra kilometers through the thickets to cover up our tracks a little. And before we have time to tear ourselves away from some men - as we ourselves run into others. People in robes cut the forest.

Before going to the mountains, back in Kiev, I researched this treasure map. These are areas with a unique ancient forest and old trees. They are hundreds of years old. These woods have never heard the sound of a chainsaw. Everything grows with them and lives according to the laws wildlife... Formed there own natural world... From the smallest grass and bird to the Carpathian bear and lynx. These saws don't kill trees, but the whole world. For a person, this will also not be unpunished.

Read also:

Such unique forests in Europe are found only in neighboring Romania and in our country, in the highlands of Transcarpathia and Bukovina. Last year, President Poroshenko signed a law on the protection of primeval forests and old-growth trees. According to the document, it is strictly forbidden to cut down such a forest. Human intervention is minimized: hiking and research by scientists. But this is only on paper.

After confusing the tracks from the forest guards and meeting with the lumberjack monks, we finally got to the desired point.

"Now we are on the verge of one of the fellings ... there are clamps ... there is a retraction mark ... this is the limit of one of the felling. Which, by all indications, is a continuous felling. trees must have a technical fitness category. On one of these trees, the technical fitness category is not applied. This means that these trees are not taken into account. And they are felled illegally. The tree was felled, but according to the documentation it is not, " questions WWF "Forest Guard" Vasily Gavrilyuk.

Read also:

However, there is no crime because the "lumberjacks in the law" worked.

"There is a manipulation of information. The State Forestry Agency from Kiev asks not to cut the forestry enterprises at the local level. But the forestry enterprises do not listen and do it," says Dmitry Karabchuk, coordinator of the WWF Forest Guard project.

For more than a year, the Law on the Protection of Primitive Forest and Old-Growing Trees has been in effect. And for the same period of time, structures such as the State Forestry Agency and the Ministry of Ecology have not officially approved the sites that the law should protect. Although for them it was done by the project specialists at the World Wide Fund for Nature. And the most that the state did was to impose a moratorium on deforestation. But the moratorium is not an order or a demand, but only a request not to cut a unique forest.

"The most dangerous thing is that these huge areas of forest in the Carpathians - they are exposed, and this contributes to an increase in catastrophic floods. The danger increases that the soil on this mountain, under certain conditions, can completely slide down," explains Karabchuk.

Read also:

This is just a tiny fraction of the catastrophic consequences. But - the most graphic one. During our multi-day expedition to the Carpathians, I saw a whole list of both minor and egregious violations during deforestation.

"Skidding in mountainous conditions with tracked vehicles is prohibited, since such equipment leads to the destruction of soils," says Vasily, an activist of the Forest Guard.

There is a law that should stop this, but only on paper. And the moratorium, which prohibits cutting down of virgin forests, seems to have only provoked loggers to cut down the unique forest as quickly and as much as possible, while there is a loophole in the legislation. At the sites in Transcarpathia, and in Bukovina, where we visited, there were special logging tickets for felling trees everywhere. That is, the law is violated, not violated at the same time ...

Officials in high offices, it seems, should be held accountable, because since the beginning of the moratorium, more than 500 hectares of unique forest have only been officially cut down, and we must say killed. Neither the State Forestry Agency nor the Ministry of Ecology have settled a banal formality - to define the already defined boundaries of precious forests. It is impossible to call this audacious plan simple negligence, because we are talking about irreparable consequences for the entire country.

Even the UNESCO World Heritage status does not protect the beech forests of the Carpathians from loggers. You and your children will never again be able to see the pristine nature there. Because they just steal it from you.

Andrey Orlyak, Roman Sizchenko, Igor Suliy


TSN Tizhnya journalists investigated large-scale felling of unique forests. They are being exterminated despite a special law and a moratorium. According to the data of forest defenders, since the beginning of the moratorium on cutting down the primeval forest, more than 500 hectares have been felled, and over the past 5 years - more than 10,000 hectares.

Junna Moritz
Cheerful gnome
(House of the gnome, gnome-home!)

There is a wooden house in the forest,
The gnome's house!
And a cheerful gnome lives in it,
Dwarf Home!
He feeds the squirrels with buds
Sits at the table with bears
With fluffy bunnies
Yes, with mice!
He shares toys
With chattering cuckoos
With raccoons and woodpeckers,
With an owl overgrown with patla!

He shares nuts
With roe deer, with deer,
With painstaking moles,
With funny beavers.
The last winter apple
He shared with the little one
A completely chilled finch!

But fairy tales,
Coloring books
Long epics
Little jokes
Sweet riddles
He shares with the kids
With girls, with boys!

There is a wooden house in the forest,
The gnome's house!
And a cheerful gnome lives in it,
Dwarf Home!
Open up, board house,
Let the merry gnome come out!

Read by T. Zhukova

Yunna Petrovna (Pinkhusovna) Moritz (born June 2, 1937, Kiev), Russian poet.
Poems by Yunna Petrovna Moritz have been translated into all major European languages, as well as into Japanese, Turkish, and Chinese. Many songs have been written and performed on her poems, for example, "When We Were Young" by Sergei Nikitin. She writes a lot for children, since she published several poems in the magazine "Youth" (then Moritz was banned from publishing for independence and inconsistency in his work and was even expelled from the Gorky Literary Institute). Children's poems - kind, humorous and paradoxical - are immortalized in cartoons ("Rubber Hedgehog", "Big Secret for a Small Company", "Favorite Pony"). Yunna Moritz dresses her thoughts not only in letters and lines, but also in graphics, painting, "which are not illustrations, these are such verses, in such a language."
“Writing poetry is like climbing a hill: with each step, significant experience, more perfect skill. Another effort - and the height has been taken! .. The height has been taken, but the fact is that true poetry just begins after that, it begins with soaring, with magic, and this is a secret accessible to few. Junna Moritz was lucky: she discovered a magical land, not invented it, but discovered it. She inhabited it with living inhabitants, not fabulous, but alive.
Junna Moritz has discovered a new magical land. Here everything is fair, kind, loving and full of correspondence between one and the other: the music could not be otherwise, and it is probably impossible to read and sing these verses otherwise.

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Junna Moritz
Cheerful gnome
(House of the gnome, gnome-home!)

There is a wooden house in the forest,
The gnome's house!
And a cheerful gnome lives in it,
Dwarf Home!
He feeds the squirrels with buds
Sits at the table with bears
With fluffy bunnies
Yes, with mice!
He shares toys
With chattering cuckoos
With raccoons and woodpeckers,
With an owl overgrown with patla!

He shares nuts
With roe deer, with deer,
With painstaking moles,
With funny beavers.
The last winter apple
He shared with the little one
A completely chilled finch!

But fairy tales,
Coloring books
Long epics
Little jokes
Sweet riddles
He shares with the kids
With girls, with boys!

There is a wooden house in the forest,
The gnome's house!
And a cheerful gnome lives in it,
Dwarf Home!
Open up, board house,
Let the merry gnome come out!

Read by T. Zhukova

Yunna Petrovna (Pinkhusovna) Moritz (born June 2, 1937, Kiev), Russian poet.
Poems by Yunna Petrovna Moritz have been translated into all major European languages, as well as into Japanese, Turkish, and Chinese. Many songs have been written and performed on her poems, for example, "When We Were Young" by Sergei Nikitin. She writes a lot for children, since she published several poems in the magazine "Youth" (then Moritz was banned from publishing for independence and inconsistency in his work and was even expelled from the Gorky Literary Institute). Children's poems - kind, humorous and paradoxical - are immortalized in cartoons ("Rubber Hedgehog", "Big Secret for a Small Company", "Favorite Pony"). Yunna Moritz dresses her thoughts not only in letters and lines, but also in graphics, painting, "which are not illustrations, these are such verses, in such a language."
“Writing poetry is like climbing a hill: with each step, significant experience, more perfect skill. Another effort - and the height has been taken! .. The height has been taken, but the fact is that true poetry just begins after that, it begins with soaring, with magic, and this is a secret accessible to few. Junna Moritz was lucky: she discovered a magical land, not invented it, but discovered it. She inhabited it with living inhabitants, not fabulous, but alive.
Junna Moritz has discovered a new magical land. Here everything is fair, kind, loving and full of correspondence between one and the other: the music could not be otherwise, and it is probably impossible to read and sing these verses otherwise.