The biggest and small island. The smallest inhabited islands

For reading 4 min. Views 7.7K. Published on May 9, 2013

1. Arabian Peninsula, 2730 thousand km²

The world's largest - the Arabian Peninsula, its area reaches almost three million square kilometers. Consistent dimensions, is not it? On such an area can accommodate ten Italy. But its large part occupies Saudi Arabia, there is still a place for Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and United United Arab Emirates. Located in the south-west of Asia, the Arabian Peninsula is washed by the Red and Arabian Sea, as well as the Adenian, Persian and Omansky bays. The sun shines here without tired! The peninsula is rich in petroleum fields, natural gas.

2. Western Antarctica, 2690 thousand km²

Unlike hot Arabian, Western Antarctica is the coldest of the peninsula. On the area, it is less than its hot predecessor, is one of the two main regions of Antarctica, which shares the transarctic mountains. This peninsula is not just cold, but very cold - most of it is covered with ice. Interestingly, this name though it existed for a long time, but was documented during the International Geophysical Year - 1958.

3. Indochina, 2088 thousand km²

Let's go back to Asia, to the warm sun - we are moving east and see the Indochina Peninsula. Its area is two with a small million square kilometers. This peninsula is washed by the Andaman and South Chinese seas, as well as Siamese, Bengal and Tonkin bays and the Malacca Strait. There are many rivers, the climate is humid enough, so for the most part there are cultivated here. Local States - Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam.

4. INDUSTAN, 2000 thousand km²

Industan Square - exactly two million square kilometers and he is again in Asia. There are only three states - Bangladesh, Pakistan and, of course, India. Residents of these countries have access to the waters of the Indian Ocean, and the only bay is Bengal.

5. Labrador, 1600 thousand km²

So far I will leave Asia, and go to the shores of North America, or rather to the shores of the Labrador peninsula. More than one and a half million square kilometers in the east of Canada. Here in the rapid access of the water of the Atlantic, Hudson Gulf and the Strait, and the Bay of St. Lawrence. Rivers here are also a lot - Churchill, Arno, Fay, La Grand, Coxica, Grand Ballent, Publi-Balley, George, Peungkituk, Many and Lakes. Interesting vegetation and significant fur resources - lyry, ondatras, foxes.

6. Scandinavian Peninsula, 800 thousand km²

All other peninsula in our list in the area are much less than those in the first part. 800 thousand km² is the square of the Scandinavian Peninsula, which is located in the north-west of Europe, here it is the biggest. On the peninsula is Norway and Sweden, as well as partially Finland. It is on this peninsula that the most interesting rock is located - the Troll language, about which we recently mentioned.

7. Somalia, 750 thousand km²

Slightly less than the sizes of the Somalia peninsula. Returning back to the caring sun - this time in Africa. Somalia is also called the African Horn - he really reminds him with his form. Isaming this horn Indian Ocean and the Aden Bay. Here are several national Parks And the reserves of international significance, however, nature still suffers from exhaustion. Many animals are under threat of extinction, and reptiles on Somalia are more than anywhere, and 90 of them live exclusively on African Rog.

8. Pyrenean Peninsula, 582 thousand km²

The Pyrenean, or Iberian Peninsula is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the Biscay Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the peninsula occupies the territory of Spain, 15% - Portugal and the tiny part belongs to France, Andorra and the UK. The second name has appeared thanks to the people of the Iberians who lived on this territory before.

9. Balkan Peninsula 505 thousand km²

We stay in Europe and look at the third largest Balkan peninsula here. On half a million square kilometers, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina are accommodated. Here is such an impressive list. And here are the Balkan Mountains, in fact, therefore, the peninsula was also named. The first world war began here with the murder of Prince Franz Ferdinand.

10. Small Asia and Taimyr, 400 thousand km²

The last place in our ten shared two large peninsulas with a conditional equal to four hundred thousand km² are small Asia and Taimyr. As you already guessed, we returned to Asia again. This place is also called Anatoly - beautifully, isn't it? Water here black, marble, mediterranean and Aegean Morese, as well as the straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles. The entire territory of the Peninsula is Turkey.
The Taimyr is located in Russia, and here it is washes the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev and Kara. It is territory Krasnoyarsk TerritoryThe peninsula is located a few large lakes and rivers. It's pretty cool here, summer is short and far from the warmest. Inhabited here, of course, northern animals adapted to such a medium. The peninsula was uninhabited for quite a long time, but later people learned to join the harsh climate.

- (Fin. Nieminen) Finnish last name. From Finnish translates as a "small peninsula". In the list of the most common Finnish surnames occupies 3 yard. Famous media: NIREINEN, VILL (R. 1977) Finnish hockey player. NIMINEN, RISTO ... ... Wikipedia

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Count all the islands on the planet is difficult. They differ in magnitude, distance from continents and other factors. Such a land plot may form in several ways: to separate from the ground or become part of a solid rock thrown out by the underwater volcano.

On ground surface In the process of formation of the island there was no life. Only after millennia, they became inhabited. Birds and winds moved seeds of shrubs and trees, and man built stone structures. Some of the islands have become known to the whole world due to good location and tiny size.

Bishop Rock

This is the smallest land sushi. It contains one building structure. You can find the island in the county of Carnoule in the west of England. To get to it, you must swim deep into the Atlantic Ocean from Silly Island 6,400 meters. Bishop Rock stands over the ocean by 2 meters, and the length of one side does not exceed 16 meters.

Only a lighthouse is built on this island. His appointment to warn the court about danger to sit on the reef. On this section of the Sushi is enough for 4 people. Until 1992, one worker lived, who repaired the signal structure. After the full automation of the lighthouse, visitors are rarely sailing.

You can find this group of islands on the border of the United States and Canada. The archipelago of 80 km along the River of St. Lawrence is formed. This includes 1864 islands. Some of them are the national heritage of UNESCO. There are sections of all sizes. Some of them are populated by people.

Officially reckoned the island here can only land, with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 1 m², which comes yearly over the sea level. At least one tree should grow on Earth. Favorite tourists miniature plots of land in the Archipelago "Thousand Islands" are the following:

Island "Heart". There is a romantic castle of Boldt. it popular place for wedding in the USA;

Wolf Island. This is the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago. The number of residents of 1400 people;

Island "One room". It accommodates only one one-storey house, a tree and two benches.


This minister is located in Greece. You can find it in the Canoni area. The area of \u200b\u200bterritory is 1 hectare. Along the shore of the pantchiconisi is surrounded by a stone fence that prevents flooding during the tide. This popular tourist facility has long been known. There are excursions to the ancient monuments of Greece.

The only structure on a small land is a monastery of a pantox, built in the early 12th century. Its dilapidated walls continue to surprise tourists, and white suitive steps passing around the island resemble a mouse tail. You can get to it on the ferry, which departs from the canoni cape 4 times a day.

Little land sushi is located in mysterious place On the lake Bled in Slovenia. In addition to fresh waters, it is surrounded by forests and mountains of the Julian Alps. This is the only natural island in the country, which is considered the main attraction of the terrain. Tourists who arrived at rest are seeking to visit these places.

You can get to the island on the boat, which the owners are offered on the pier, or with excursion group on gondola. Court arrive to the Isle Embankment. Hence the stone staircase stretches to the Church of Assumption. This place is popular among the newlyweds. Here are the wedding ceremonies and other sacraments.

In the 9th century, people lived at this small plot of land. This is confirmed by archaeologists who have found household items in this area and other traces of settlements. Scientists suggest that it was the Slavic cult of the pagans. The island found graves with human remains of the 10th century.

In the middle of the Lake Isao near Northern Italy Located Lorettto Island. He administratively belongs to the Siviano district. It is possible to inspect it from the side, since the Earth is redeemed, but new owner Do not welcome tourists. Slowing around him on the boat can be seen a marina, two ancient lighthouses and a neotic style castle, built in 1910 Vincenzo Richerie. The territory of Lorettto was seated with coniferous trees.

Previously, there were monks on the island, but by 1580 the abode ceased to exist. In these places there was only one hermit of Pietro, who left this land after some time. Gabriel Rosa arrived here in the 19th century (historian, traveler) discovered only ruins ancient Tower, Destroyed chapels.

The interesting landmark of Montenegro is a miniature plot of land in the middle of the Gulf. It is located in a quiet bay surrounded by majestic mountains. On the territory there is an abbey based in the 9th century. Ancient buildings are surrounded by a stone wall. Residents of this area have experienced a constant voltage. The island was captured many times and destroyed. In the 16th century, Turkish pirate burned the abbey. 100 years after the restoration, the structure was again destroyed by an earthquake.

The Montenegrin attraction is known for art gallery, which is located in a small church. The works of Latter of Marina Dobricevich, who wrote in the 15th century. Also a mysterious island is famous for a cypress grove. The majestic trees are planted around the cemetery, on which distinguished and wealthy residents of the city of Perast are buried. Anyone can get to the island on their own boat or with an excursion group on a boat.

Little amazing land plot is located next to the ancient city of Trakai in Lithuania. This island is located on Lake Galve. The area is considered the attraction of the city. The miniature mainland holds the ancient castle, which was erected in the 14th century. Previously, the structure was a strategic object, while Trakai was considered the center of the main Lithuanian duchy. Now there are concerts, festivals and thematic meetings.

Centre architectural ensemble The defensive complex is the palace where Prince Vitovt lived. This building is surrounded by a massive wall that has kept strength later than a century. You can get on the island without restrictions. It is necessary to go through the bridge to the next land of sushi and go to Trakai. It is possible to use water transport. Boats and boats moored to the pier on the embankment.

Islands sold

Little land of sushi, protruding over the oceans and seas, belong to the state. They will go to private property as soon as they find a buyer. You can purchase an island in any part of the globe. The cost of such pleasure is calculated on the basis of the location of the site, distances to civilization, the presence of buildings. For sale a huge number of mini islets. The following sections are attractive for life and work:

Sweet, British Columbia. Located this part of the land in the middle of the lake in Canada. There is a residential building and shipyard on site. Island thick covered with coniferous trees.

Alligator Kaye, Belize. The tropical climate envelops this terrain. This green island is located near the city of Dangrit. The winding coastline is cut by bays and bays.

Lark Kaye, Belize. This tropical island is located close to the mainland. Here catches a mobile connection. You can get to it by boat in 15 minutes from the pier of the city of Plasencia.

Cookers Bay, Belize. Located island near the barrier reef. Coastline Covered with golden sand. Mangrove trees and coconut palms grow on the territory.

Tidmarsh, New Scotland. This territory is suitable for the construction of its own castle. Amazing miniature lands are located near the coast of New Scotland. The nearest city with the necessary infrastructure is chit Harbor.

Leader, New Scotland. Located this island near the city of Halifax. You can get to it in half an hour. There are two berths that are placed on the opposite sides of the sushi.

Staff, Ireland. This is the European Promotional View Island. Vegetation here grows at the shore. The crowns of majestic trees are inclined to water, creating a cozy paradise corner. Next to him are the same small lands that the state is ready to convey to individuals.

Hungryman, Florida, USA. Among the miniature territories submitted on the list, this island is the biggest. Previously, there was a settlement of the Indian tribes, so the Earth is filled with interesting artifacts.

Isla Alhambra, Brazil. A small piece of land is a tropical dream of urban residents. There are no buildings on the island, only the thick greens of forests and plains.

Little Golding Kay, Bahamas. This sushi section is part of Berry Islands on the Bahamas. He is isolated from the surrounding world. You can only reach it on the plane.

On the planet, the uncountable number of miniature islands, small and large. Sushi plots are gradually bypassed people and turn into amazing sights. Even the smallest lands werehed by the waters of the oceans and lakes, have names and administrative affiliation.

The Square of the Crimea Peninsula, several years ago, which became part of Russia, is 27,000 km². However, land plots from this geographic category. Let's try to find the largest peninsula in the world on the earth's globe, listened to the ten largest parts of the continents cut into the ocean or the sea.

Top - 10 large Peninsula in the world

The geography of the planet is bunciful and does not recognize strict geometric outlines. From polar russian coast Antarctica, similar islands, but connected to the rest of the land, can be searched to the harsh ice expansion.

10. Taimyr. Here is the extreme northern point of the continent of Eurasia. 400 thousand km² not to find a single city. The largest settlement is the village of Karaul, where less than 800 people lives. In the winter, in the place of which the village built, stopped during his journey in Siberia Polar researcher Furoof Nansen. Cold rivers flow in this edge, unlocking mountains rise. In the tundra impossible agriculture, and the population is gradually decreasing.

9. The Balkan Peninsula is washed by the Black and Mediterranean seas, as well as several smaller. In this part of Europe, life was always boiling, and history was created. From medieval battles between Serbia, Byzantia and the Bulgarian kingdom to Yugoslav conflicts of the 1990s - these events took place on this site of the sushi area of \u200b\u200b505 thousand km².

8. The Pyrenean or Iberian Peninsula is a pronounced part of the southwestern Europe. The waves of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean are broken about its shore. Tourists go here to see the Rock Cape - the most western The European continent and the southernmost - Cape Morocco. Located on the Spain Peninsula and Portugal, a piece of France and the Tiny Principality of Andorra, the territory of Gibraltar. Here the central Cordillera stretches - a 400 km mining chain. The Square of the Pyrenean Peninsula is 582 thousand km².

7. Somalia was nicknamed by an African horn for a characteristic form. Splashing from its coast of the water of the Indian Ocean, wash the waves Adenian Gulf. The territory is occupied by plateau and plateau. The climate is arid, there is little precipitation. Somalia Peninsula - real Paradise For reptiles, which there are more than 90 species here. Plot area - 750 thousand km².

6. The Scandinavian Peninsula is the birthplace of brave seafarers-Vikings. In the north-west of Europe, the land stretched by bizarre fjords extends. Located here Sweden and Norway, as well as part of Finland. The territory takes 800 thousand km².

5. Labrador Peninsula is in North America In the east of Canada. It is washed by the waves of the Atlantic, the Goodzon Bay and Strait. It is here that the Bay of St. Lawrence is located - Estairi, i.e. Place of signs of the eponymous river in the ocean, which is the largest in the world. Many rivers and lakes turn the continent in the amazing natural Reserve Square 1 million 600 thousand km².

4. The Peninsula of the Industan is located in the southern part of Asia. In addition to India, Bangladesh states and part of Pakistan are located here. The coasts are splashing the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bengal Bay. The climate of Industan Musson and Sub Escavatorial. Half of the area occupies a localized dechannie plogram, and the entire territory of the peninsula is equal to 2 million km².

3. Indochytai is at halfway from one major state to another. Seeing the features of two nations - Indians and Chinese, the Europeans gave the corresponding name to the peninsula in the south-east of Asia. The waves of the South China Sea, the Bengal Bay, Malack Strait and the Andaman Sea are broken about his shore. The southern part stretched out the narrow strip of the Malacca Peninsula south. The total area of \u200b\u200bIndochina is 2 million 88 thousand km².

2. Western Antarctica is a lifeless, hidden ice crust of the southern continent. TRANSSTRATIC Mountains separate this section of sushi from another major region of the mainland. The territory is equal to 2 million 690 thousand km².

The largest peninsula in the world

The largest square occupies a arid and desert edge, the only wealth of which is oil, natural gas and sand.

1. The Arabian Peninsula is most busy Saudi Arabia and located in the southwestern part of Asia. Smaller states in the territory of the Sushi section - Yemen, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman. All this is located 3 million 250 thousand km². The shores of the Peninsula Omansky, Adensky and Persian Bay, Arabian and Red Sea are washed.

Peninsula, existing in the world, larger than Western Antarctica or Indochina. Arabian land is completely desert with skyscrapers cities built thanks to oil and gas wealth.

By definition, the island is a land plot, surrounded by water from all sides. The British law of 1861 introduces amendment into this definition: only the island can only be considered to be considered the water of the land block, on which there is a place at least for one pasture, where at least one sheep can graze.

Bishop Rock

One of the islands of Silly's archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean fall under such a definition. It is called Bishop Rock. Its dimensions are uniquely small - only 730 square meters! In the Guinness Book of Records, he is recorded as "the smallest island on earth."

Belongs Bishop Rock Great Britain. His whole area occupies a lighthouse of 45 meters high, which illuminates the sea within a radius of 20 miles. Nothing more placed on such a limited plot of land.

The history of the lighthouse itself is very interesting. Sea waters around Silly Islands have always been among the most dangerous in the world. In these places there is a lively shipping route Northern EuropeThe incredible number of shipwrecks is recorded. Causes are broken in the rocks scattered around the perimeter, in marchs and huge waveswhich, accelerating on the expanses of the Atlantic, rise to a height of 35 meters! The most large-scale tragedy became death in 1707 a whole squadron of ships under the administration of Admiral Claudesli. The marine paunch took the life of whiter 2 thousand sailors.

The question of building a lighthouse near the archipelago was first raised by the British Parliament in the middle of the 19th century. Unanimously Lords of the House of Commons decided to erect the lighthouse that could protect the courts. The project was entrusted by the Pinity House pilot corporation. The place of construction chose the most western part of the archipelago and the United Kingdom - the tiny island of Bishop Rock. Works began in 1847, and ended only in 1858. In total, 6 thousand tons of granite slabs were used and over 30 thousand pounds of sterling were spent. Therefore, on the world's smallest in the world is the most expensive lighthouse in the world.

Lake Urmia is the biggest in Iran. It is famous not only for its therapeutic bitter and salted waters, but also the beauty of the coast and islands. In total, 102 islands are scattered in the lake. The smallest - "fist of Osman" - claims second place in the nomination "The smallest island in the world." "Kulak" has an amazing shape and rises above the lake to a height of 140 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bits base is less than one square kilometer. Non-residential island, and there is no vegetation on it. As a transshipment point is used by migratory birds.

The main competitor "Kulak Osman" is an island-Rock Baklany, located in the Chivirkuy bay of Lake Baikal.

Its area is about 0.2 km square. Northern part The island is a rocky arrays, southern part more common. This is a favorite nesting place of cormorants.

Other small islands

There are a lot in the world small islands. Especially rich in the central and southern part of the Pacific Ocean. For example, in the Tuamot Archipelago in Pacific Ocean - 48 atolls of up to 10 km square. The smallest islands of them are the South Tube (0.6 km sq.), Tekokot (0.9 km sq.), Akiaki (1.3 km sq.), Pinaki (1.3 km square), Motutung (1 , 38 km square meters.), Remitor (1.39 km sq.), Repack (1.6 km square meters.). All of them have coral origin, uninhabited, their flora and fauna are typical for the tropical climate.

The composition of Galapaghods includes 5 islands of up to 2 km square meters. And Marshall Islands have 7 crumbs in their list of 7 km from a square., Moreover, 3 of them are inhabited.

Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon islands And other archipelagoes consist of large, small and tiny areas of sushi, washed from all sides by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Which one is the smallest, to say it is difficult to even experienced geographers, especially if you consider that more than 25 thousand islands are located in the Pacific Ocean.

Near the major island of Sulawesi (Indonesia) is a group of Togaan Islands.

The archipelago consists of 118 Sushi fragments, most of which have no more than a kilometer in diameter! Among them local residents Allocate 5 "large" islands, the length of which is more than two kilometers. This lost in Dali from civilization the world - paradise For romantics.

The small islands are in the Atlantic. For example, 32 Islands from 36 in the Aripelago Virginsky have an average area of \u200b\u200bonly 0.8 km square. Toddler Montanya Clara belonging Canary Islandshas an area of \u200b\u200b1.33 km square. And estimated at 9 million euros.

IN Indian Ocean Between Australia and Indonesia are coconut islands.

The archipelago consists of their 27 crumbs, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 14.3 km square. The largest of them are West Island (6.23 km square) and South Island (3.63 km square), and six have an area of \u200b\u200bless than 0.1 km square. This is a kind of record of the World Ocean!

Residential islands-crumbs

And what are the most famous tiny islands in the world? They are not so few.

In 70 km from Honduras (Central America) is the island of Dunbar Rock, whose area is not more than 2 hectares. There is a legend that it was here that the treasures of the pirate black beard hidden. Divers have long been looking for gold in sea depths Net Islands.

Today on the rocky rock there is a snow-white three-storey mansion surrounded by an oak grove. The building is put up for sale for 1.7 million dollars. While used as a hotel for tourists.

Another amazing sushi block with a diameter of 1.4 km is the island of Bled in the Lake of the same name in Slovenia.

On the green island, the operating chapel of the Assumption of the Mother of God with the bell of desires. It is said that if you make a desire during the bell stall, it will definitely come true soon. Local attraction is attracted annually thousands of travelers.

The island of Visovez is another surprisingly tiny, but a popular block of land in the middle of the Krka River in Croatia. Its dimensions are 170 by 120 meters, that is, about 20 thousand meters of square meters. In the middle of an excellent garden, the operating monastery of the 16th century and the museum in which the main treasures of the monastery are exhibited - the richest collection of paintings, folk costumes and relics, including the rarest copy of the Basen Ezop, one of the three worldwide.

No less interesting and a small island of St. George in Boko-Kotor Bay of Montenegro. Block of the Earth, indeed, tiny - only 0.0032 km square. In the 9th century, Benedictine abbey was built on it. Monastery is valid and closed for tourists. You can not even adjust the island on a private boat.

The smallest artificial island on the planet

People, rival with Mother-Nature, learned how to create artificial islands. The greatest accumulation of the manual land of land is in the Persian Gulf, not far from the shores of Dubai in the UAE.

What reminds this world archipelago? That's right: the map of the earth. It consists of 300 islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b55 km square. It does not connect anything with a big land - neither bulk ovens nor bridges nor underwater tunnels. You can only get here by sea or air. The construction of the archipelago took 10 years - from 2004 to 2014. It was conducted according to the most modern Norwegian and Japanese technologies. First of all, security and ecology issues were taken into account. According to the estimates of the best engineers of the planet, the islands do not threaten either a flood, nor an earthquake nor tsunami. For water, they should take only 1000 years. The creators of the "World" took care of the complete preservation of flora and seawater fauna.

To buy an island, the average price of which is $ 38 million, not everyone will be able to anyone, because the company-developer itself determined potential buyers. They were sent special invitations. By the end of 2009, almost all lands were sold. It is planned to build here the most luxurious mansions on the planet for the elect. You can get on the islands only after a special check. The number of the elite community should not exceed 200 thousand people taking into account the servant.