Photos showing the shape of the terrestrial surface of the Urals. Ural Mountains: Photo

Basic moments

This mining system itself, not just dividing both continents, but is the officially defined cordon between them, belongs to Europe: the border is usually carried out on the eastern sole of the mountains. Formed as a result of the collision of Eurasian and African lithospheric plates, the Ural Mountains embrace a huge territory. It includes the expanses of the Sverdlovsk, Orenburg and Tyumen regions, the Perm region, Bashkortostan and the Republic of Komi, as well as the Aktobe and Kustanai regions of Kazakhstan.

At its height, not exceeding 1895 meters, the mountain system is significantly inferior to such gigances as Himalayas and Pamir. For example, the vertices of the Polar Urals in terms of the average - 600-800 meters, not to mention the fact that they are also the most narrow on the width of the ridge. However, in such geological characteristics, an undoubted plus is laid: they remain available to humans. And the speech here is not so much about scientific research, how much about the tourist attractiveness of those places for which they run. Landscape of the Ural Mountains truly unique. The crystal clean mountain streams and rivers growing into larger reservoirs are beginning to be started here. Such big rivers like the Urals, Kama, Pechora, Chusovaya and White also flow here.

For tourists, a wide variety of recreation opportunities are opened here: both for real extremals and for beginners. And the Ural Mountains are a genuine treasury of minerals. In addition to the deposits of coal, natural gas and oil, mines are being developed here, in which copper, nickel, chromium, titanium, gold, silver, platinum are produced. If you remember the tales of Pavel Bazhov, the zone of the Urals is rich and Malachite. And yet - emerald, diamond, crystal, amethyst, jasha and other gems.

The atmosphere of the Ural Mountains, regardless of whether you will visit the Northern or Southern Urals, and the middle or average - indescribable. And their greatness, beauty, harmony and the purest air are charged with energy and positive, inspire and, of course, leave bright impressions for the rest of his life.

History of Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains were known since the ancient times. In the sources that came to this day, they are associated with hyperborean and rife mountains. So, Ptolemy indicated that this mining system consists of Romanus Mountains (this is the current middle of the Urals), NOSOS (South Urals) and the Northern part - the actual hyperborean mountains. In the first written sources of the XI century, our era, because of the big length, they were not different as the "earthly belt".

In the first Russian chronicles of the "Tale of Bygone Years", which also applies to the same XI century, the mountains of the Urals were called our compatriots by Siberian, belt or large stone. Under the name "Big Stone" they were inflicted on the first card of the Russian state, also known as the "big drawing", published in the second half of the XVI century. Cartographers of those years depicted the Urals in the form of a mountain belt, where the many rivers come from.

There are many versions of the origin of the name of this mining system. Having developed the so-called Mansi version of this toponym E. K. Khofman compares the name "Ural" with the Mansi word "UR", which is translated as "Mountain". The second point of view is also very common - this is borrowing the name from the Bashkir language. She, according to many scientists, seems most convincing. After all, if you take the language, legends and traditions of this people - for example, the famous Epos "Ural-Batyr" - it is not difficult to make sure that this toponym does not only exist from ancient times, but also supported from generation to generation.

Nature and climate

Natural landscape of the Ural Mountains is incredibly beautiful and multifaceted. Here you can not only look at the mountains themselves, but also descend into numerous caves, swim in the waters of local lakes, get a portion of acute sensations during alloy on stormy rivers. And exactly how to travel, each tourist chooses for himself. Some love independent hiking with a backpack behind the shoulders, others prefer more comfortable conditions for a sightseeing bus or a private car salon.

An animal world of the "earth belt" is different and no less variety. The predominant position in the local fauna is occupied by forest animals, the habitat area is coniferous, broad-sized or mixed forests. So, in coniferous forests, proteins dwell, the basis of the diesel firing seeds, and in winter these pretty animals with a fluffy tail are powered by pre-stocked cedar nuts and dried mushrooms. There is a wide distribution in local forests, the existence of which is difficult to imagine without the already mentioned protein, behind which this predator hunts.

But the real wealth of these places is the fur fishing beast, the fame of which extends far beyond the region, for example, a sable living in the forests of the Northern Urals. He, however, is different from a dark Siberian sable to a less beautiful skurt of a reddish color. The uncontrolled hunt for valuable fluffy animals is prohibited at the legislative level. Without this ban, he probably would have been completely destroyed.

In the Taiga Forests of the Ural Mountains also lives the traditional wolf, the bear and elk. In the mixed forests there is a roe. On the plains adjacent to mountain arrays, hare-rusak and fox feel freely. We did not make a reservation: they live on a flat locality, and the forest for them is just a shelter. And, of course, the crowns of trees are well clipped by many species of birds.

As for the climate of the Ural Mountains, then geographical position Plays in this regard, not the last role. In the north, this mountain system go beyond the border of the polar circle, but most of the mountains are located in a temperate climatic belt. If you move from north to south around the perimeter of the mining system, then you can see how temperature indicators are gradually increasing, which is especially noticeable in the summer. If in the north in the warmer period of the year, the thermometer bar shows from +10 to +12 degrees, then in the south - from 20 to 22 degrees above zero. However, in winter, the temperature between the north and south will be varied as sharply. The average monthly January temperature in the north is 20 degrees with a minus icon, in the south of 16-18 degrees below zero.

Air masses moving from the Atlantic Ocean also has a noticeable impact on the climate of the Urals. And although as atmospheric streams move from the west in the direction of the Urals, the air becomes less humid, but you can't call it 100%. As a result, more precipitation - 600-800 millimeters per year - falls on a western slope, while on the Eastern this figure varies in the range of 400-500 mm. But the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains in the winter fall under the power of a powerful Siberian anti-kilon, in the south, in the cold period of the year there are substantial and cold weather.

A tangible effect on local climate fluctuations has such a factor as a relief of the mining system. As it raises the mountain, you will feel the weather becomes severe. Different temperatures are felt even on different slopes, including those located next door. For various sections of the Ural mountains, the unequal rainfall is characteristic.

Sights of the Ural Mountains

One of the most famous reserved zones of the Ural Mountains is the Park "Oleni stream", located in Sverdlovsk region. Inquisitive tourists, especially interested in ancient history, make a "pilgrimage" to the rocks located here, on the surface of which drawings made by antique artists are applied to the surface. Considerable interest causes caves and a big failure. In the "deer streams" quite developed tourist infrastructure: On the park, special trails are equipped, there are viewing platforms, not to mention the places for rest. There are rope crossings.

If you are familiar with the work of the writer Pavel Bazhov, his famous "malachite box", then you will probably wonder in the natural park "Bazhov places". Opportunities for full rest and relaxation here are simply great. You can walk both hiking and cycling and riding. Passing on specially designed and thoughtful routes, you will with the eyes of picturesque landscapes, you can climb the stone of Markov Stone and visit the lake Talc Stone. Extremes usually rush here in the summer to make alloys on mountain rivers on kayaks and kayaks. Travelers come here and in winter, gladly rushing on snowmobiles.

If you appreciate the natural beauty of the genuine stones - it is precisely natural, not subject to processing - be sure to visit the Rezhevskaya reserve, which unites the deposits not only precious, but also semi-precious and diverse stones. Traveling in places of production independently prohibited - you must accompany the employee of the reserve, but it does not affect impressions from what he saw. On the territory of "Rezhevsky" flows the River Rezh, it was formed as a result of the merger of a large Sap and Ayati - rivers, originating in the Ural Mountains. Popular among travelers Shaitan-stone is on the right bank mode. Uraltsy consider this stone by the focus of mystical natural forces that help in various life situations. In this can be trusted or not to believe, but the flow of tourists coming to a stone with various requests to the highest forces does not dry.

Of course, the urals magnet attracts lovers extreme tourism, I am pleased to attend his caves that have a huge amount here. The most famous are Schulgan-Tash, or Capov, and Kungur Ice Cave. The length of the latter is almost 6 km, from which tourists are only available to one and a half kilometers. On the territory of the icy cave Kungur there is 50 grots, over 60 lakes and countless stalactites and stalagmites. The cave always holds a minus temperature, so for visits here are dressed like a winter walk. The visual effect of the magnificence of its inner decoration is amplified due to the special backlight. But in the cave Capov, the researchers found rock paintings, whose age is estimated at 14 or more than thousands of years. The property of our time was about 200 works of the ancient masters of the brush, although there were more of them anymore. Travelers can also admire underground lakes and visit the grottoes located on three levels, gallery and numerous halls.

If the Caves of the Ural Mountains create a winter atmosphere at any time of the year, then some attractions are better visiting in winter. One of them is an ice fountain that is in national Park "Zyuratkul" arose thanks to the efforts of geologists who drove the well in this place. And this is not just a fountain in the usual "urban" understanding, but an underground fountain. With the onset of winter, it freezes and turns into a bulk frequency icicle, an impressive and its 14-meter height.

Many Russians to improve health, go to foreign thermal springs, for example, in Czech Carlovy Vary or Bathing Gellert in Budapest. But why rushing for the Cordon, if our native Urals is also rich in thermal sources? To go through a full course of healing procedures, it is enough to come to Tyumen. Hot springs are rich in useful for human health by trace elements, and the temperature of the water fluctuates from +36 to +45 degrees Celsius depending on the season. We add that modern recreation centers are built on these sources. The mineral waters are treated in the wellness complex "Ust-Kachka", located close to Perm and the unique chemical composition of its waters. Summer recovery here can be combined with boating and catamarans, in winter to the services of vacationers ice slides, rollers and full-fledged ski tracks.

Despite the fact that the waterfalls are not so typical for the Ural Mountains, but they have here and attract the attention of tourists. Among them can be distinguished by a waterfall of the Plakuan, located on the right bank of the Sylava River. It lowers fresh water from a height greater than 7 m. The other name is Ilinsky, it is given by local residents and visitors who consider this source with saint. There is a waterfall and under Yekaterinburg, called for its roaring "temper" of crash. His feature is that he is man-made. He throws his waters down with more than a 5-meter height. When the summer heat is installed, visitors are happy to become under his jet, cooling and getting hydromassage, and completely free.

Video: South Ural

Large cities of Urals

Million Ekaterinburg, the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region, is called the capital of the Urals. He is unofficially, the third after Moscow and St. Petersburg capital of Russia and the third capital of Russian rock. This is a large industrial megalopolis, especially charming in winter. It generously falls asleep with snow, under whose covering he resembles a giant, who asleep in a deep sleep, and never know exactly when he wakes up. But when it gets enough, then do not doubt, it will definitely unfold on their own power.

Ekaterinburg usually produces a strong impression on its guests - first of all, many architectural attractions. Among them, it is possible to distinguish the famous church-on-blood, erected at the site of the shooting of the last Russian emperor and his family, the Sverdlovsky rock club, the building of the former district court, museums of various topics and even an unusual monument ... an ordinary computer keyboard. The capital of the Urals is also famous for its most short metro in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records: 7 stations have only 9 km.

Chelyabinsk and Nizhny Tagil also received wide fame in Russia, and above all thanks to the popular comedy show "Our Russia". The leadership of the transmission, of course, are fictional, however, tourists are still interested in finding Ivan Dulin, the world's first milling of unconventional sexual orientation, and Vovan with Geno, unlucky and loving drinking Russian tourists who constantly fall into frankly tragicomic situations. One of the business cards of Chelyabinsk is two monuments: love performed in the form of an iron tree, and left-handed with a savvy flea. Imprestent in the city and panorama of local plants located above the Miass River. But in the Nizhny Tagil Museum fine arts You can see the picture of Raphael - the only one in our country, which can be found outside the Hermitage.

Another Ural city, who gained fame due to television is Perm. It is here that "real boys" who have become the heroes of the eponymous series. Perm claims to be another cultural capital Russia and this idea actively lobby the designer Artemy Lebedev, working on the appearance of the city, and the gallery driver Marat Gelman, specializing in contemporary art.

The real historical treasury of the Urals and all of Russia is Orenburg, which is called the edge of the endless steppes. At one time, he survived the siege of the troops of Emelyan Pugacheva, his streets and walls remember Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's visits, Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko and the wedding of the first cosmonaut of Earth Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

In Ufa - another Ural city is the symbolic sign "Zero kilometer". The local post office is the very point from which the distance is conducted to other points of our planet. Another famous landmark of the capital Bashkortostan is a Ufa bronze sign, which is a disk with a half-meter diameter and a weighing whole ton. And in this city - at least, so assure local residents - There is the highest equestrian statue on the European continent. This is a monument to Salavat Yulaev, who is also referred to as a Bashkir copper rider. The horse on which this companion of Emelyan Pugacheva sends, towers over the White River.

Ski resorts of Urals

The most important ski resorts of the Urals are concentrated in three regions of our country: Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, as well as in Bashkortostan. Zavyilich, Bannaya and Abzakovo are the most famous of them. The first is located at the city of the three-story, the last two - near Magnitogorsk. According to the results of the competition, which is held within the framework of the International Congress of the Ski Industry, Abzakovo was recognized as the best ski resort of the Russian Federation in the 2005-2006 season.

The whole placer of the ski resorts is concentrated in the regions of the Middle and South Urals. Lovers of acute sensations and just curious tourists who wish to try themselves in such a "adrenaline" sport as mountain skis, come here hardly all year round. Travelers are waiting for good tracks for skis, as well as for sled and snowboarding.

In addition to the ski ski, rigorous rivers are very popular among travelers. Lovers of such alloys, also increase the level of adrenaline, are sent for acute sensations in Miass, Magnitogorsk, Asha or Kropchaevo. True, get to the destination will not work quickly, as you will travel by train or by car.

The resort season in the Urals lasts on average from October-November to April. During this period, even one popular entertainment is snowmobile and quad bikes. In Zavyilich, who became one of the most popular tourist towns, even installed a special trampoline. On it, experienced athletes work out complex elements and tricks.

How to get

To get to all the major Urals will not be any difficulty, so the region of this majestic mountain system is one of the most convenient for domestic tourists. Flight from Moscow will take only three hours, and if you prefer to go by train, then the path of railway It takes a little more than a day.

The main Ural city, as we said, is Ekaterinburg, located on the Middle Urals. Due to the fact that the Ural Mountains themselves are low, it was possible to pave several transport highways leading to Siberia from Central Russia. In particular, in the territory of this region, you can travel according to the famous railway artery - a tractionist.

The Ural Mountains are a unique mining system for Russia. This is the only mountain range that crosses the country from north to south and is the boundary of two parts of the world.

Based on the region - Ural Mountain System stretched more than 2500 km - from cold waters Northern Ocean Ocean before deserts of Kazakhstan.

Geographers divided into five geographic areas: Polar, Circumpolar, Northern, Middle and Southern Urals. The highest mountains on Polar Urals. Here, on Polar Urals, there is the highest mountain of the Urals -. But these are these northern regions Urals The most difficult and low-divergent. On the contrary, the lowest mountains are on Mid Urals., He is the most imperative and dense-sealer.

The highest peaks

  • Pai Hoy - Mountain Seaiz (VESi-PE) (423 m).
  • Polar Ural - Mountain (1472 m above sea level).
  • Porcelary Urals - Mountain (1895 m), Mountain (1662 m).
  • Northern Ural- Mount Telposis (1617 m).
  • Medium Ural- Mountain (1119 m).
  • Southern Urals - Mount Yamantau (1640 m).
  • Mulgarian- Mount Bamptybai (567 m).


Many many different minerals and minerals are melted. Exactly by Ural Opened, and platinum reserves were the largest in the world. Many minerals were first discovered in Ural Mountains.

For eastern districts Urals The most characteristic of the deposits of medical communal ores and skarn-magnetite. Here are the largest bauxite deposits (North-Ural Banxiton District) and Asbestos (Bazhenovskoye). On a western slope Urals and B. Ural There are deposits of stone coal (Pechora coal pool,), and gas (Volga-Ural oil and gas region, Orenburg gas-condensate field), potash salts (Verkhnekamysky pool).

There are also gems - emeralds, beryls, amethysts and many others. Famous for the whole world and ural Malachite: from it and jasper made by the Bowl of the Petersburg Hermitage, as well as interior decoration and altar blood Saving Temple.


Along Ural Mountains It passes a large geological rift -. They themselves refer to slowly growing mountains, therefore they have low seismicactivity with magnitude 3-6. But, .

Mountain ridges, vertices and rocks

It seems that all surroundings around the damn settlement are familiar, but the connoisseurs of the Urals not only know interesting information, unknown to many, but also with pleasure they share it. White stone is not the official name of these pretty remains. "Not far from the damn fortification towards the Uvarovsky Cordon, there is a small stone ridge next to him, on top of which there are two granite rocks up to 15 meters high. They are among the deforestation and are well visible even from a long distance. In addition to these rocks on the ridge There are some more low picturesque stone tents with a height of no more than three meters. The official name does not have these rocks, but local residents ...

The urban-type settlement Sucsun is famous for the only monument to Samovar, there are also many historical and natural attractions here. Like many other places of the Urals, this terrain for beauty is celebrated by the epithet "Ural Switzerland". True, Alexander Radishchev himself called "Ural Switzerland", driving over Sucun more than 220 years ago ...

There is in the vicinity of the village of Saran, which is located in the Krasnoufim district, a unique monument of nature - a 50-meter rock. Called Alikaev stone. Not only locals come to him, not only local residents, but also guests from Bashkiria, Perm region, Izhevsk and Chelyabinsk regions ...

The Mountain Head is located near the city of Kirovgrad of the Sverdlovsk region. This is one of the most popular ski centers on the Middle Urals. The absolute height of the Mountain Herb is 550 meters above sea level. It is believed to the array of funny mountains, stretching from north to south by more than 30 kilometers ...

The jade valley is a monument of nature, the attraction of the Polar Urals, is located in the Polar-Ural Natural Park. The route begins on visiting the visit center of the Polarn-Uralsky Natural Park, located in the village of Harp Narralsky district, it takes place in the River Valley at the foot of the Paradise Mountain, rises to Mount Värdvomen, along the stream of Vocational Shore, ends in The massif of the Mountain "Paradise" in the supporter of the Ruchye "Nephritic" (coordinates: N66 ° 57 "45.34" E65 ° 27 "54.20"). Nature Park Polar-Ural-Ural Natural Park "Polar-Uralsky" formed by the Decree of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated July 31, 2014 No. 605-P "On the formation of the Polar-Uralsky Natural Park" by changing categories, regimes and boundaries of state reserves of the regional The values \u200b\u200bof "Gornihadatinsky" and "Polar-Uralsky" and accession to them new territories, on the basis of an integrated environmental ...

Osh, the highest mountain of the Middle Urals Osl, the highest mountain of the Middle Urals, is located in the north-east of Kizelovsky district, north of the administrative border with the Gornozavodsky district. Its height reaches 1119 meters above sea level. That is why Mount Oslanka is included in the project Oleg Chegodaev "Corona Urals". Probably, the name of the mountain occurred from the word "donkey" - dowdow, grinding stone. But there is a second option: from the word "Oll" or "Oslenedina" - log, possibly due to the form of the ridge. Mount Ostlyaka is the highest point of the Range of Osh, which is an elongated ridge of 16 kilometers from the north. He has several naked peaks covered by peaks. Some of the mountain ...

Range Shatak - Plate-shaped ridge, crowned with rock vertices, between which there is a real network of forest roads. In order to climb one of the vertices of the ridge, just one day, even inexperienced tourists. Thousands of Ridge Shatak Thousands of Range Shatak: 1011 meters Top Karatash, the farthest northern springs of the ridge, 1039 meters - the top of Yaryktash, there is a south-west karatas, 1271 meters - Big Shatak, the main vertex of the ridge, is at the top there is a rocky crest folded with shale rocks, 1142 The meters - the Big Tashtyrth (Lighthouse), is located in the southeast of 1271 m, it is distinguished by the presence of inclined rock slabs, 1206 meters - plateau, is located south-west 1271, small rocks are scattered here, ...

My big bitch on the ridge big bitch I rose once. And our way to the ridge, I understand now, was very non-standard. First, we led us conductor Ivan Susanin. So it was written from him on a T-shirt and he was seriously argued that his name was Vanya, and the surname Susanin, and being a guide in the Ural Taiga - his vocation. I hope you understand what feelings were taken by me when I, in the company with our German financial director, with a favorite nephew and a 17-year-old boy-German, who came to practice in Russia and whose security instructed me to answer me his father personally approached To the shore for some reason ...

Mount Bakhmur is the highest point of the Ashinsky district. Located nearby, just 30 km from the city of Asha. Located in the upper reaches of the ATI River west of the Range Baskak, on the western slope of the Ural Mountains. "Mount Bakhmur is one of the best, interesting and rich routes in the collection of project" from Ufa for the weekend "! There, in this Berendevo Kingdom, except Valery Kuznetsova, no one drives. This is truly protected place. Fabulous, dense and very beautiful. Type Route: Hiking ring, with a throwing. The total length of 14 km. Available to people in normal physical form. What awaits participants in the campaign? Rising 8 kilometers on "Buanka" with overcoming three brodes through the river ...

Posted Sun, 01/04/2018 - 08:37 by CEP

The sights of the Urals are numerous and diverse. They say that they are more here than in Paris. Famous places are scattered throughout the Urals from the southern to the polar.

There are two main species of attractions. These are places memorable and natural. The latter are unique on their beauty: in the Urals, many rivers, rocks, caves, steppes. An important role is played by the geographical location of this region: it is located at the intersection of Europe and Asia. Located the Ural on the most ancient ridge, to which, on the one hand, European flora and fauna are adjacent, and on the other - Asian.

Ural memorable places are closely connected with the oldest history of the Stone Age, the history of the development of the region in the 17-18 centuries, the life of the family of monarchs in Yekaterinburg. It is worth noting that the history of the Ural region is not so long, as rich in different events. Annually, the place historical and natural visits are attending thousands of tourists from both Russia and from other mills.

Southern Urals

Rocks / Mountains: Shikhan, Alikov Stone (Maryan Rock), Taganay, Jipper, Yalangas, Big Pakes, Ural Fuji (Shikhana Torrau - Miracle of Russia), Inzer gear
Lakes: Tavato, Turgoyak, Wildlows, Itkul, Aracul, Zyuratkul, Bannach
Rivers: Ufa, Sakmarara, Yuryuzan, Ay, Zilim, Nugush, White
Waterfalls: Kukrauk, Atyush, Cooper, Schulgan, Culp Tamak
Caves: Kapyova, Kurganazak, Ignatievskaya, Sicyyyan - Tamak, Victory (Kinderlin), Muradyim Gorge, Laclin
Sources: Holy Sources, Ice Fountain
Natural Parks: Arkim (Museum-Reserve), Schulgantash, Bashkir Reserve, South Ural Reserve Taganay, Zyuratkul, Ilmen Reserve
Sightseeing attractions: Treaves, Arkim, Akhunovo, Paris, Casli, Zlataust, Karabash

Ural Middle

Rocks / Mountains: Wolf, Talkov Stone, Damn Site, Kyrmannskie Rocks, Rocks Peter Gronsky, White Mountain, Seven Brothers, Shikhan, Shunut and Source Platonides, Old Man Stone (Merry Mountains), Azov Mountain, Kachkanar, Bear Stone
Lakes: Tavatoj, Yukul, Sandy, Ballet, Isetskoe, bottomless
Reservoirs: Beloyarskoye, Volchikhinskoe
Waterfalls: Plakun.
Rivers: Chusovaya, Serga, Dir, Neuva, Iset (Trunk and Smolinskaya Cave threshold)
Caves: Arakaevsky Cave, Big Failure, Katnikovskaya Cave, Glacier (Falling Mount Orlova), Cave Friendship, Smolinskaya Cave, Kungurskaya
Natural Parks: Natural Park "Oleni Brooki", Chusovaya, Bashegi, Pozhinsky Bors
Sightseeing attractions: Lower Sinychikha, Verkhoturia, Ganina Yama, Nevyansk (factory and oblique tower), Kunar village, Golden Mine, Gonchars from the village of Byonggi and Tolody, Cowrovskaya Astronomical Observatory, Osa, Usolye, Hochlovka, Belogorier, Cherdyn, Irbit, Potash mine , Tagil Trays, Alapaevsk, Turinsk, Pherm 36, Solikamsk, Ushkovskaya Danza, Konovalovka tract, Sanfaul, Saranspaul, Dolmen, Vicim, Row deer, Ostrich Farm

Northern Ural

Glaciers: Govorukhin and South
Waterfalls: Gigalansk Waterfalls
Rocks / Mountains: Konzhakovsky Stone, Little Ridge Quarks, Chistop (Ancient Sea Pier), Dyatlova Pass, Man-Puzzle-Ner, Torre-Porre-from, Tel-Pose-from
Lakes: Light, Pelesky and Vogulsky Fog, Lunchuusaputur - Lake of the last goose, Telpos
Rivers: Lozva, Vishera, Vizay, sang, savage, eggs, schugtor
Natural Parks: Metal Stone, Vishero Reserve, Pechoro-Ilychsky
Caves: Tenkinskaya, damn fortification, Versa, Divya

Porcelary Urals

Glaciers: Hoffmann, Mansi
Waterfalls: Hambol-Yu, Mare-Yu, Mansi Shore

Rocks / Mountains: Manaraga, People's, Saber, Karpinsky, Reindeer Plateau, Run
Lakes: Trade, Blue, Ground-Penditis, Mansi, Mouse (Namgi), Long, Small and Big Balds
Rivers: Northern Soche, Lyapin (Hulger), Spas, Pechora
Natural Parks: Yugyd Va

Polar Ural

Glaciers: Romantics, Moscow State University, Igan, Dolgushina,
Waterfalls: hydrolyologists
Rocks / Mountains: Massif Riiz, Konstantinov Stone, Nghetenape, Harnourdes-Keu, Hanmey, Payer
Lakes: Big Shchuchye (the largest in the Urals), Big and Small Hadata-Yugan-Lor
Rivers: Kara, Usa, Elets, Shchuchye, Longotegan, Son.

North border
From the border of the Perm region to the east along the northern borders of quarters of 1-5 of the forestry of the state of state of the Metal Stone (Sverdlovsk region) to the northeast corner of the KV 5.

Eastern border
From the northeast corner of a square. 5 south on the eastern borders of quarters of 5, 19, 33 to the southeast corner of square. 33, further east along the northern border of square. 56 to its southeastern corner, further south on the eastern border of square. 56 to its southeast corner, further east along the northern border of square. 73 to its northeastern corner, further south along the eastern border of quarters 73, 88, 103 to the B. Kozviv River and then on the left bank of the river. B. Kosva before his sign on the River Schuch offs, further on the left bank of the river. Schuch offs to the eastern border of the sq. 172 And further south on the eastern borders of quarters of 172, 187 to the southeast corner of the KV. 187, further east along the northern border of square. 204 to its northeastern corner.
Further south on the eastern borders of the quarters of 204, 220, 237, 253, 270, 286, 303, 319 to the southeast corner of the KV. 319, further east along the northern border of quarters of 336, 337 to the northeast corner of the square. 337.
Further south on the eastern border of quarters 337, 349, 369, 381, 401, 414, 434, 446, 469, 491, 510 to the southeast corner of the square. 510.

South border
From the southwestern corner of square. 447 east at the southern borders of quarters 447, 470, 471, 492, 493 to the sugar river, then on the right bank of the river. Soche to the southeast corner of the square. 510.

Western border
From the southwestern corner of square. 447 to the north on the border of the Perm region to the northwestern corner of the square. 1 forestry of the gentlemen "Methast stone".

Geographical coordinates
Center: LAT - 60O30 "29,71", LON - 59O29 "35.60"
North: LAT - 60O47 "24,30", LON - 59O35 "0.10"
East: LAT - 60O26 "51.17", LON - 59O42 "32.68"
South: LAT - 60O19 "15.99", LON - 59O32 "45,14"
West: LAT - 60O22 "56,30", LON - 59O12 "6,02"

Part of the Ural Mountains from the Massif Kosvinsky Stone in the south to the shore of the Schugol River in the north is called the Northern Urals. In this place, the width of the Ural ridge is 50-60 kilometers. As a result of raising the ancient mountains and the impact of subsequent glaciation and modern frosting weathering on the territory of the middle-growing relief, with flat vertices.
Northern Urals is very popular with tourists. Of particular interest are the rocks and remains of arrays of Man-Pupin-Nierr, Torre-Porre-from, Muning-Tump. Aside with the waterproop, the main vertices of this part of the Urals are located: Konzhakovsky Stone (1569 meters), carbacked stone (1492 meters), clean paint (1292), separated (1182), skin-from (1195),

The northernmost top of the Mountain System of the Ural - Mount Telposis in Komi. Located an object in the republic. Mount Telposis in Komi is composed by quartzite sandstones, crystalline slates and conglomerates. On the slopes of the mountain, the Telposis in Komi grows the Taiga Forest, - Mountain Tundra. Translated from the language of the local population, ORONIM denotes the "" Nest of the Winds ".
Porpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful areas of our Motherland. His ridges from the sources of the Hulger River in the north to the mountain of Telposise in the south stretched by a wide arc. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain range is about 32,000 km2.
Unfalled harsh nature, an abundance of rivers and lakes of fish, in the taiga of berries and mushrooms entails travelers here. Good paths of communication on the northern railway, on the steamboats and boats along the Pechora, Mustache, Obi, Northern Soche and Lyapin, as well as the network of airlines allow you to develop water-water, hiking and ski routes with the intersection of the Ural Range or along Western and Eastern slopes.
A characteristic feature of the relief of the Supolar Urals is a large height of the ridges with alpine formas of relief, the asymmetry of its slopes, deep dismemberment of through transverse valleys and gorges, a significant height of passages. The highest peaks are located in the center of the Supolar Urals.
The absolute height of the pass through the main watershed, separating Europe from Asia, and through the ridges located to the west of it, from 600 to 1500 m above sea level. The relative heights of the vertices near the passes are 300-1000 m. Especially high and difficult-class Passages on the Sablinsky ridges and an impregnable, whose slopes are ends with steep-walled karas. The most advantageous passes through the research ridge (from 600 to 750 m above sea level) with relatively gentle minor lifts, allowing to easily carry out wolbs, are located in the southern part of the ridge between the tops of the Puviva (the right influx of cuishes) and the trade (the right influx of schugora), and also Between the tops of the crate, Manya (Lyapina pool) and a large patch (the right influx of schugora).
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountain and People's Mountain Ridge, the height of Pozals 900-1200 m, but here through many of them pass trails, according to which a relatively light wolfs from the Hulgerps (Lyapina), Heimay, Grubbai, Halmere, Peoples in the head of the tributaries of Lemva , Skin and Balbanyo (mustache basin).

Porpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful areas of our Motherland. His ridges from the sources of the Hulger River in the north to the mountain of Telposise in the south stretched by a wide arc. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain range is about 32,000 km2.

located in 20km south. from S.Arhangelskoe, to the east The slope of xp. Ulutau, folded by limestones of Devonsky and coal age.

The cave entrance is at high. 70m above R.M. Askyn. Askin ice cave is a large hall for. 104m, Max. shir 61m and high. 26m

In the cave all year round the temperature is kept below 0 ° C. It contains 17 ice stalagmites with a height of 8-11m with diameter to 2.2m and 20 - height up to 1m. In 1926, according to G.V.Vakhrushev and I.G. Petrov, there were only 8 stalagmites. The amount of ice during this period increased 5-6 times.

The reason for the preservation of the cold and the formation of ice in the cave is the abundance of precipitation in the district of the Askin ice cave caused by the barrier character of XP. Ulutau; Curved rocks, easily transmitting moisture in the cave.; Ware. Flows chilled in the mountain. valleys; sowing. the location of the inlet; Heat insulating, from crubbed deluel with clay filler cover of the entrance; The thick forest contributing to the decrease in soil t-in due to the reinforced transpiration of moisture from the soil. In the cave Found the bones of Split. Johnny, incl. The horns of an ancient deer. This suggests a multiple age of ice shell. On rocky outcrops there are relics: Woodsia North, acromitis, oak, vasilstechnik smelly, cortose mattilation, etc.

The cave is a large grotto, the entrance of which is the glacier. For convenience at the entrance, a staircase is installed, however, it would be nice to have a 30 good rope meters.

More beautiful in Askinskaya in winter, when bizarre ice floats and figures are formed in it, in which, if desired, you can see magic animals. In the summer, the temperature in the cave decreases somewhat, and the figures lose their outlines, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe glacier is reduced - the floor of the face of the grotto turns into a clay porridge.

The Ilmenogorsk complex is located in the southern part of the Sysert-Ilmenogorsk anticlinor of the East-Ural raising, has a fold-block structure and is complex in various compositions in magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Numerous unique pegmaty veins are of greatest interest, in which Topaz, Aquamarine, Phenacite, Zircon, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Amazonitis, various rare-metal minerals are found. Here, for the first time in the world, 16 minerals were opened - Ilmenite, Ilmenorut, Kasyisadanagita (Kali'ferrisadanagitait), Kankrinitis, Macarochinitis, Monazit- (CE), Polyakovit- (CE), Samskite- (Y), will communicate, Ushkovit, Fergusonite beta ( ), fluoroomagnesiaarfvedasonitis, fluororichtherite, child, chivkinite- (CE), Eshinite- (CE).

Ilmensky Reserve

The relief of the western unit low. The average heights of the ridges (Ilmensky and Ishkulsky) 400-450 m above sea level, the maximum mark of 747 m. Eastern foothills are formed by low elevations. More than 80% of the area is occupied by forests, about 6% - meadows and steppes. The peaks of the mountains are covered with larch-pine forests. Pine forests predominate in the south, in the north - pine-birch and birch. On the Western slopes of the Ilmen Mountains there is an array of old pine forest. There are areas of larchs, stony, cereal-divergent and shrub steppes, moss swamps with cranberries and a richness. Flore marked more than 1,200 species of plants, many endemic, relict and rare species. Eat ermine, forest chore, columns, wolf, lynx, protein-flying, hares - Belyak and Rusak, enters a brown bear. Elk and roeble are few. Acclimated spotted deer and beaver. From birds are usually aunty - degrahae, tetrayev-Kosach, Ryabchik, gray partridge. The reserve nest swan-clikun and a gray crane, rare birds are marked - Eagle Belochvost, Moghox, Sapsan, Skop, Baloban, Strept.

Since 1930, there is a mineralogical museum founded by A. E. Fersman, which presents more than 200 different minerals found in the Ilmensky ridge, including Topaz, Corunda, Amazonites, and others.

In 1991, a branch was organized - the historical landscape archaeological monument to Arkim 3.8 thousand million. Located in the steppe foothills of the Eastern Urals, in the Karagan Valley. More than 50 archaeological monuments are preserved here: Mesolithic and neolithic parking lots, burial grounds, Bronze Age settlements, other historical facilities. Of particular importance is the fortified settlement of Arkim XVII - XVI centuries. BC e.


Gremyachinsky district of the Perm region.

Monument type: geomorphological.

Brief description: Weathered remains in ninecalented quartztopesters.

Status: Landscape Monument of Nature of Regional Values.

The city facing stone.

The city is located on the main vertex of the Ridge Rudyansky SPIA, absolute height which is 526 m above sea level. It is a powerful rocky array folded by fine-grained quartz sandstones of the lower carbon, which are part of the coal strata formed in the Delta of a large river.

The array is cut into deep, up to 8-12 m, cracks with a width of 1 to 8 m in both the meridional and latitudinal directions, which creates the illusion of deep and narrow perpendicularly intersecting streets, streets and alleys of an ancient abandoned city.

tchaikovsky Museum

In 1837, Ilya Petrovich Tchaikovsky was appointed the new chief of the Kamsko-Votkinsky district. Upon arrival from St. Petersburg to Votkinsk, he, together with his wife Alexander Andreevna, is located on the Lordsko Street in a spacious, cozy house - the state-owned apartment of the Mountain Heads of the Racelore Plant.
The Tchaikovsky family reigned a rare atmosphere of love, exceptional harmony, mutual respect. In Votkinsk, they held 11 happiest years of life, four of their children were born here. On May 7, 1840, Peter Tchaikovsky was born - the future genius of Russian music.
More than 200 years old Tchaikovsky is the main attraction of Votkinsk. The house was built in 1806 in the style of "Classicism" on the project of architect N.A. Andreevsky. From the moment of construction of the "Kaznaya Apartments" before the revolution of 1917 in the house, replacing each other, the 18 chiefs of the plant lived. The Tchaikovsky family lived in Votkinsk 11 years old: from 1837 to 1848. In 1840, the future composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in the house number 1 on the Lordskaya Street.
In 1918-1919. The house served the White Guards as headquarters. The office and counterintelligence placed here. Then the city was taken by Red Guards, from the house on the Lord they managed the elimination of Izhevsk-Votkinsky uprising.
After the revolution, the house was occupied by various public organizations: metal club club, youth union, seven-year school. Naturally, soon the building has acquired an abandoned look.

The Ural Governor Gorge is an amazing corner of Nature of Orenburg. The gorge with a stormy river is not in the mountains, but among the flat steppe plains, on which the Kurgans of the ancient nomads come out - Sarmatov.

The gorgeon of the Gubereli River, is one of the oldest on earth, these are a variety of shale of the Proterozoic era. As a result of erosion destruction, they form picturesque rock sculptures resembling wonderful animals or birds. On the shale in ancient times settled Sosnovy Bor. Pine forest, grows mainly on sandy soils - this is the most southern outpost of pine in the Urals.

In the depths of the gorge under the cliffs, the amazing world of relict plants is preserved: ferns, moss, lichens, rare flowering plants.

A water stream of relatively large sizes, as a rule, is constant and the flow of atmospheric precipitation from all overhangs underground waters (underground nutrition). Guberly - River in Orenburg region, right influx of p. Ural. Length - 110 km. Square of the pool - 18.6 thousand square meters. From Tatars. Providauu - "Brilliant, Crubot".

In the Karagaya Cuberen district, it looks like a real mountain river. It originates 6 kilometers above the boron, eating numerous springs. In its source, more than 10 springs with student water. The province runs fun between the rocks, then forming little waterfalls, then breaking into the picturesque Plesa, then completely hiding between the trees and huge stones. In some places, she serves polished, glittering saliva shales in the sun.


We leave the Orenburg region and the next on our way will be

- Cave in Bashkiria, one of the largest limestone caves of the Urals. Located on the western slope of the kibiz ridge, in the rivers of the River Belaya and Nugush, at the confluence of Sukhodolov Sumgan and Kutuk.

Monument of nature.

The length of the cave is 9,860 m, the depth is 130 m.

Forms a labyrinth with horizontal and inclined galleries, stretched in the southwestern and southeastern directions. The labyrinth consists of 3 tiers connected by wells. The cave has many large halls with an abundance of scholars. The entrance well has a depth of 70 m.

The air temperature reaches 6.5 ° C. The underground river flows in the lower tier (in southern direction, average water consumption 0.3 m³ / s). Near the entrance well there is a long-term exposure of about 600 m².

In winter, the walls of the inlet well and a number of halls are coated with crystals of frost, there are ice stalactites and stalagmites.

The volume of its cave cavities is 350000 cubic meters.

The name of the cave is translated from Bashkir, "Sumagan" - "dived", "Kutuk" - "Well".

I must say that Kutuk-Sumagan is one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult cave system Urals. The descent in it requires good canopy and the presence of good gear.

The best time for the passage of Cutuk-Sumgan is autumn. At this time in the mine trunk, the smallest amount of ice and the danger of the icefall are minimized. Less danger of glaciation rope.


Source of materials and photo:
The team is wetting.
Monuments of the nature of the Urals.
Beautiful places of the Urals.
Geography of the Ural Mountains.


Posted Sun, 08/01/2017 - 10:13 by Cap

Part of the Ural Mountains from the Massif Kosvinsky Stone in the south to the shore of the Schugol River in the north is called the Northern Urals. In this place, the width of the Ural ridge is 50-60 kilometers. As a result of raising the ancient mountains and the impact of subsequent glaciation and modern frosting weathering on the territory of the middle-growing relief, with flat vertices.
Northern Urals is very popular with tourists. Of particular interest are the rocks and remains of arrays of Man-Pupin-Nierr, Torre-Porre-from, Muning-Tump. Aside with the waterproop, the main vertices of this part of the Urals are located: Konzhakovsky Stone (1569 meters), carbacked stone (1492 meters), clean paint (1292), separated (1182), skin-from (1195),

The northernmost top of the Mountain System of the Ural - Mount Telposis in Komi. Located an object in the republic. Mount Telposis in Komi is composed by quartzite sandstones, crystalline slates and conglomerates. On the slopes of the mountain, the Telposis in Komi grows the Taiga Forest, - Mountain Tundra. Translated from the language of the local population, ORONIM denotes the "" Nest of the Winds ".
Porpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful areas of our Motherland. His ridges from the sources of the Hulger River in the north to the mountain of Telposise in the south stretched by a wide arc. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain range is about 32,000 km2.
Unfalled harsh nature, an abundance of rivers and lakes of fish, in the taiga of berries and mushrooms entails travelers here. Good paths of communication on the northern railway, on the steamboats and boats along the Pechora, Mustache, Obi, Northern Soche and Lyapin, as well as the network of airlines allow you to develop water-water, hiking and ski routes with the intersection of the Ural Range or along Western and Eastern slopes.
A characteristic feature of the relief of the Supolar Urals is a large height of the ridges with alpine formas of relief, the asymmetry of its slopes, deep dismemberment of through transverse valleys and gorges, a significant height of passages. The highest peaks are located in the center of the Supolar Urals.
The absolute height of the pass through the main watershed, separating Europe from Asia, and through the ridges located to the west of it, from 600 to 1500 m above sea level. The relative heights of the vertices near the passes are 300-1000 m. Especially high and difficult-class Passages on the Sablinsky ridges and an impregnable, whose slopes are ends with steep-walled karas. The most advantageous passes through the research ridge (from 600 to 750 m above sea level) with relatively gentle minor lifts, allowing to easily carry out wolbs, are located in the southern part of the ridge between the tops of the Puviva (the right influx of cuishes) and the trade (the right influx of schugora), and also Between the tops of the crate, Manya (Lyapina pool) and a large patch (the right influx of schugora).
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountain and People's Mountain Ridge, the height of Pozals 900-1200 m, but here through many of them pass trails, according to which a relatively light wolfs from the Hulgerps (Lyapina), Heimay, Grubbai, Halmere, Peoples in the head of the tributaries of Lemva , Skin and Balbanyo (mustache basin).

Porpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful areas of our Motherland. His ridges from the sources of the Hulger River in the north to the mountain of Telposise in the south stretched by a wide arc. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain range is about 32,000 km2.

North border
From the border of the Perm region to the east along the northern borders of quarters of 1-5 of the forestry of the state of state of the Metal Stone (Sverdlovsk region) to the northeast corner of the KV 5.

Eastern border
From the northeast corner of a square. 5 south on the eastern borders of quarters of 5, 19, 33 to the southeast corner of square. 33, further east along the northern border of square. 56 to its southeastern corner, further south on the eastern border of square. 56 to its southeast corner, further east along the northern border of square. 73 to its northeastern corner, further south along the eastern border of quarters 73, 88, 103 to the B. Kozviv River and then on the left bank of the river. B. Kosva before his sign on the River Schuch offs, further on the left bank of the river. Schuch offs to the eastern border of the sq. 172 And further south on the eastern borders of quarters of 172, 187 to the southeast corner of the KV. 187, further east along the northern border of square. 204 to its northeastern corner.
Further south on the eastern borders of the quarters of 204, 220, 237, 253, 270, 286, 303, 319 to the southeast corner of the KV. 319, further east along the northern border of quarters of 336, 337 to the northeast corner of the square. 337.
Further south on the eastern border of quarters 337, 349, 369, 381, 401, 414, 434, 446, 469, 491, 510 to the southeast corner of the square. 510.

South border
From the southwestern corner of square. 447 east at the southern borders of quarters 447, 470, 471, 492, 493 to the sugar river, then on the right bank of the river. Soche to the southeast corner of the square. 510.

Western border
From the southwestern corner of square. 447 to the north on the border of the Perm region to the northwestern corner of the square. 1 forestry of the gentlemen "Methast stone".

Geographical coordinates
Center: LAT - 60O30 "29,71", LON - 59O29 "35.60"
North: LAT - 60O47 "24,30", LON - 59O35 "0.10"
East: LAT - 60O26 "51.17", LON - 59O42 "32.68"
South: LAT - 60O19 "15.99", LON - 59O32 "45,14"
West: LAT - 60O22 "56,30", LON - 59O12 "6,02"

The Ilmenogorsk complex is located in the southern part of the Sysert-Ilmenogorsk anticlinor of the East-Ural raising, has a fold-block structure and is complex in various compositions in magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Numerous unique pegmaty veins are of greatest interest, in which Topaz, Aquamarine, Phenacite, Zircon, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Amazonitis, various rare-metal minerals are found. Here, for the first time in the world, 16 minerals were opened - Ilmenite, Ilmenorut, Kasyisadanagita (Kali'ferrisadanagitait), Kankrinitis, Macarochinitis, Monazit- (CE), Polyakovit- (CE), Samskite- (Y), will communicate, Ushkovit, Fergusonite beta ( ), fluoroomagnesiaarfvedasonitis, fluororichtherite, child, chivkinite- (CE), Eshinite- (CE).

Ilmensky Reserve

The relief of the western unit low. The average heights of the ridges (Ilmensky and Ishkulsky) 400-450 m above sea level, the maximum mark of 747 m. Eastern foothills are formed by low elevations. More than 80% of the area is occupied by forests, about 6% - meadows and steppes. The peaks of the mountains are covered with larch-pine forests. Pine forests predominate in the south, in the north - pine-birch and birch. An array of old pine forest is located on the Western slopes of Ilmen's mountains. There are areas of larchs, stony, cereal-divergent and shrub steppes, moss swamps with cranberries and a richness. Flore marked more than 1,200 species of plants, many endemic, relict and rare species. Eat ermine, forest chore, columns, wolf, lynx, protein-flying, hares - Belyak and Rusak, enters a brown bear. Elk and roeble are few. Acclimated spotted deer and beaver. From birds are usually aunty - degrahae, tetrayev-Kosach, Ryabchik, gray partridge. The reserve nest swan-clikun and a gray crane, rare birds are marked - Eagle Belochvost, Moghox, Sapsan, Skop, Baloban, Strept.

Since 1930, there is a mineralogical museum founded by A. E. Fersman, which presents more than 200 different minerals found in the Ilmensky ridge, including Topaz, Corunda, Amazonites, and others.

In 1991, a branch was organized - the historical landscape archaeological monument to Arkim 3.8 thousand million. Located in the steppe foothills of the Eastern Urals, in the Karagan Valley. More than 50 archaeological monuments are preserved here: Mesolithic and neolithic parking lots, burial grounds, Bronze Age settlements, other historical facilities. Of particular importance is the fortified settlement of Arkim XVII - XVI centuries. BC e.


Gremyachinsky district of the Perm region.

Monument type: geomorphological.

Brief description: Weathered remains in ninecalented quartztopesters.

Status: Landscape Monument of Nature of Regional Values.

The city facing stone.

The city is located on the main vertex of the Ridge Rudyansky SPIA, the absolute height of which is 526 m above sea level. It is a powerful rocky array folded by fine-grained quartz sandstones of the lower carbon, which are part of the coal strata formed in the Delta of a large river.

The array is cut into deep, up to 8-12 m, cracks with a width of 1 to 8 m in both the meridional and latitudinal directions, which creates the illusion of deep and narrow perpendicularly intersecting streets, streets and alleys of an ancient abandoned city.

Ural is a mountainous country that stretches from north to south from the shores of the Cara Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Cara Sea to the Central Asian steppes and semi-desert. The Ural Mountains are the natural border between Europe and Asia.
In the north of the Ural ends with a low ridge of Pai-Hoi, in the south - Mountain chain of Mugarjara. The total length of the Urals with Pai Hoam and Muurgas - more than 2500 km.

In the east of the Orenburg region, the Gubernlysky Mountains (southern part of the Ural Mountains) come out - one of beautiful seats Orenburg. The provincial mountains are located 30-40 kilometers to the west of Orsk at the right bank of the Urals, where the Guberen river flows into it.

The Gubernlysky Mountains are the blurred edge of the high-risk steppe, a strongly dissected and rugged Valley of the Gubereli River, the logs and the gorges of its tributaries. Therefore, the mountains are not towering over the steppe, and lie below it.

They occupy an unbreakable strip along the valley of the Urals River, north passing to a high ovary steppe, and to the West, on the right bank of the province, replaced with a variety of low-rope. The gentle eastern slope of the provincial mountains is imperceptible to the plain, on which the city of Novotroitsk is located.

The territory occupied by the Governile Mountains is about 400 square kilometers.

"From open cracks, the settlement is raised indiscriminately thin, trembling couples against the sun, to which it is not possible to touch the hand; An abandoned birch bark or dry chips in one minute with a flame sunk; In bad weather and in dark nights it seems to be a red flame or a fiery ferry for several Arrins of Embroider, "wrote 200 more years ago unusual mountain In Bashkiria, academician and traveler Peter Simon Pallas.

Long-time Mount Yangantau was called otherwise: Karagosh Tau or Berkutov Mountain. According to the old good tradition, "I see, I call." To the mountain renamed, a certain exceptional event was to happen. They say that this event has even exact date: 1758. Lightning hit the mountain, all trees and shrubs on the southern slope were torn. Since then, the Mountain has become known under the name Yangantau (Jangan-Tau), translated from Bashkir - "Burned Mountain". Russian names slightly reeddied: burned mountain. However, despite the wide fame and absolute uniqueness Yangantau, the locals still remember the old name, Karagosh Tau, and still use it.

Pedestrian trips to the jippel can be carried out from May to October from the village of Talyuk (Chelyabinsk region). Before it can be reached from the Railway Station Vizialaya (70 km).

The road to Tyutuk is covered with gravel, to the Meshades asphalt. Bus runs.

Tyutuk - view of Zigalga Range

The base camp can be broken as in a tula, there are special paid places for tents or houses to choose from and on the way to the ripe at the river Karagayka.


Source of materials and photo:
The team is wetting.
The encyclopedia of the Urals
List of mountains and ridges of the Urals.
Mountains and vertices of the Urals.


I love my dear Ural Mountains! And therefore created a whole section dedicated to this region of Russia. It provides materials as my personal, from various hiking in the Urals mountains and just encyclopedic materials about each individual region of the Ural Mountains. This section is a guide to the Ural Mountains and will be very useful to tourists, travelers and simply lovers of nature. Attractions of the Urals, numerous photos, description of the region.

Polar Ural - the most northern part Ural Mountains. Mount Konstantinov Stone is considered to be the northern border of the region, and in the south the border with the Supilla Urals is the Lyapin River (Hulger). The area is about 25,000 km.

Porpolar Urals - Mining system in Russia. Its northern border begins on the origins of the Lyapin River (Hulger) 65 40 's. sh., And in the south, the border passes through the mountain of Telposis 64 p. sh. Geographical objects of the Supolar Urals.

Northern Urals - part of the Ural Mountains. It begins from the Kozvinsky stone and the Korzhakov Stone neighboring with him (59 ° S.Sh.) in the south to the northern slopes of the massif Telposis

The average Ural is the lowest area of \u200b\u200bthe Ural Mountains, lies between 56 ° and 59 ° C. sh. The South border is considered to be Mount Jurma, which lies in the Chelyabinsk region, and North - Mountains Kosvinsky Stone and his neighbor - Korzhakovsky stone.

The widest part of the Ural Mountains. Located in two states: Russia and Kazakhstan. The southern outskirts of the Southern Urals (Mulgarians) run on the territory of the Aktobe region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The largest rivers of the Urals. In the Urals there is a large number of rivers suitable for alloys - shipping rivers. The most popular routes in the Ural rivers. Photo, description of the most interesting rivers.

Mansi - the people constituting indigenous population The Northern Urals is the Finno-Ugric people, are direct descendants of Hungarians (belong to the Ugric group: Hungarians, Mansi, Khanty).

Walking through the Urals forests, we bump into a wide variety of different plants, bright colors rushed to our eyes. But not having a special botanical education, we often do not know what kind of plants

A hike on the tract of Dyatlov Pass in June 2016. My spontaneous ride to the pass, then as it was. How to get to Dyatlov's pass on the car and walking? Detailed report.

The river ride was held on August 12-13, 2014. We came to the ridge from the east side, through Severouralsk and the main Ural Range, which lies on the border between the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk region.

This campaign on the mountain Shunut-stone was issued in October 2010. We walked fourwise. The weather was very good, sunny. However, the yard was already October - and it was pretty cool. Already were freezing.

In June 2011, they went to the main mountain and the main ridge of the Sverdlovsk region - Konzhakovsky stone. Korzhak is a favorite place to climb many tourists from both Yekaterinburg and from all over Russia.

The campaign on the ridge Taganay was quite good. We visited the rolling ridge and on the mountain Kruglitsa. We looked at South Ural Taiga, in which there are many Linden, probably instead of the Siberian cedar.

We reached the bus to the city of Kachkanar. It was even early morning, more precisely, even night. Waited until dawn at the bus station. How to get to the mountain Kachkanar, we had no idea - and therefore began to ask for employees of the bus station.

Mount High Jairel is located on the border of Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region. The case was approximately at the end of July - early August 2011. There were 10 people, 2 passenger cars.

At the end of August 2011, we managed to escape to the north of our region - to the main Ural Range (Gush). It is located strictly on the border of the Sverdlovsk region with the Perm Territory and stretched from the south to the north.

The Ural Mountains are among the oldest mountains in the world. They have a relatively small height, the highest point - Popular Mountain - just 1895 m above sea level. A small height of such a huge mountain system is caused by the age of the mountains. During its existence, the high mountains were destroyed, forming heaps of stone placers - Kurumov. But once a long time, the Ural Mountains did not give anything to some Sayanam or even, maybe the Himalayas himself!

The surroundings of the ridges are covered with taiga forests, at the heights of over 800 m begins the belt beltundra, at the heights of above 850-900 - tundra. In the southern Urals, the mountains are covered with a steppe and have small sizes. In the extreme north - tundra. Tundra portions of the mountain Science of centuries were a great place to walk deer, local indigenous people of this region. The belt of the mountain tundra suitable for the walking deer comes to the central part of the Northern Urals - the plateau Quarks. Below the Quarkly, the mountain tundra is relatively rare.

The climate in the mountains is continental, moderate continental. Winter at altitudes over 850-900 meters comes early, the snow falls in September and continues to lie all year in the form of small snowfons even in the midst of summer - in July. Open hills are very windy, which gives climate more harsh conditions. In the summer, the sun can warm up to + 30-33 degrees, and in winter there are temperatures to -57 (Village Burmanto, Ivdelsky district).