Cheap flights to Tel Aviv. Nissegide on Tel Aviv: how to relax in the cultural capital of Israel where the Tel Aviv is located

Israel has many faces and contrasts. Barless dead deserts are adjacent to the blooming sea coasts, and the millennial ruins with modern heights. This rather small country in the Middle East occupies the 148th place in the world in the area. At the same time, it is washed by the water of the three seas - the Mediterranean, Red and Dead.

According to the standards of state, Israel is very young - in 2018 he will be fulfilled only 70 years. Until now, there is even a final clarity in the world with what is considered to be the capital of Israel - Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. But the most opponents of the three main world religions at once: they honor the local ancient land as saints.

1. Tel Aviv.

City on the bank Mediterranean Sea It was founded in 1909, and after 40 years, the declaration of the independence of the new state - Israel was proclaimed here.

2. About 430 thousand people live in Tel Aviv itself, this is the second largest city of Israel in magnitude after Jerusalem. And the population of agglomeration exceeds 3.5 million people (Tel Aviv-Jaffa).

3. Along coastline The city stretched more than 13 kilometers. Popular sandy beaches of a 10-kilometer waterfront calaeth (promenade) from the wilderness of the Mediterranean Sea are protected by breakwater.

4. Modern residential and business skyscrapers are adjacent to a low-rise private building of the beginning of the 20th century. Tel Aviv is sometimes called the most eclectic city of contrasts of the Middle East.

5. White City - This is the name that Tel Aviv received due to the large number of white buildings built between 1920-50. In the style of Bauhaus. Thanks to this, the city is listed World Heritage UNESCO.

6. Marina. The man-made bay is "parking pocket" for private yachts.

7. Jaffa (Jaffa).

Sea port, Fortress and shopping center ancient Mira. Historians include Jaffa to the number oldest cities With the so-called continuous population, that is, where people lived constantly since the foundation.

8. The history of the city began about 4,000 years ago. The settlement and the port alternately fell into the hands of the Egyptian pharaohs, the ancient Roman emperors, the Arab sultans, the European Crusaders - and even Napoleon's Bonaparte. United in the middle of the last century with Tel Aviv, Jaffa is located in the south-west agglomeration.

9. In Jaffa is located a large number of Monuments of History, Temples, Museums and other facilities cultural heritage. In many ways, because of this unique spirit, Jaffu was chosen for residence representatives of creative bohemia from around the world - artists, sculptors, and so on. Accordingly, the old town can boast an abundance of a variety of exhibition halls.

10. Israel has a well-developed road network, which began to build in the first decades of the last century, when the British Empire controlled the territory of Palestine. The total length of highways exceeds 18.5 thousand kilometers, of which about 450 kilometers are high-speed motorways.

11. The main motorway Israel - Highway number 1 Tel Aviv - Jerusalem, with a length of almost 100 km.

12. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

One of the most ancient cities in the world. The first settlement on a secluded rocky plateau in the Jewish mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Seas has appeared during bronze Age Approximately 4500 - 3200th to our era. The city, previously known as Salim, at the end of the III of the Millennium founded residents of the Historical Region of Canaan. About 1000 years before our era, Jews under the guidance of the legendary king David won the city and founded their capital. In the holy for the Jews, the place of Jerusalem turned after the ark of the covenant with ten commandments was brought.

13. Temple mountain.

At the sacred for Jews, the hill at different times were built and destroyed by the conquerors of the Solomon temple and the second temple (he is the temple of Herod). Muslims consider the temple mountain of the third in the importance of the shrine, after Mecca and Medina: Today, El-Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are located.

14. Dome of the rock.

Built at the end of the VII century AD. Damascus Caliph - over a stone from which, according to Muslim legend, the prophet Muhammed was raised to heaven.

15. A covered in a dome fragment of the rock at the site of the first temple is at the same time and the Jewish shrine: it is believed that this is the cornerstone of the universe, which was established by the ark of the covenant. And the prophet Abraham at this place almost brought sacrificing his son Isaac.

16. Wall of Tears.

One of the greatest shrines of Judaism. This fragment of the western wall of the second temple is about half a kilometer. He survived after the destruction of the temple of the Romans in the first century of our era after the ill-crushing of the Jewish uprising (Jewish war). The crying wall is the traditional post of pilgrimage of the Jews, where they mourn the destruction of the temple, pray and leave in the wall written appeals to God. The crying wall is divided into two sectors for praying separately men and women.

17. Christian quarter.

Ancient Jerusalem is the Holy City at once for three world religions. Literally 500 meters from the Temple Mountain there is Calvary - the legendary place of the crucifixion of Christ, as well as the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher - where Jesus was buried, and later risen and raised on the sky.

18. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Old Town is less than a square kilometer, the most important shrines of almost all major world religions are compact on this territory. However, the long and difficult history of the city became one of the main reasons that the world will not come to this land. Jerusalem - Crossroads and political contradictions.

19. Jerusalem today calls both the state of Israel and Palestine today.

The unresolved status of the city caused several large armed clashes and constant tension. It is for this reason that most of the diplomatic missions of the countries of the world are located in Tel Aviv. Meanwhile, in December 2017, the US President Donald Trump announced the recognition of the Capital of Israel of Jerusalem and the transfer of the US Embassy there. This step caused another splash of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

20. IN Old city leads only 8 gates.

21. Yaffian gate.

The main passage to the Christian and Armenian quarters of the Old Town. The gates portal itself is located perpendicular to the fortress wall. It was done to make it difficult to promote the enemy.

22. Gate Herod.

Entrance to the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem. This is one of the most "young" gates of the city, created in the XIX century in the northern wall of the old city. Jews call them "floral": by one version, due to the incorrect translation of the Arabic name, on the other, due to the decorating the gate of the ornamental socket. The Christian name "Gate Herod" also arose as a result of a historical misunderstanding, mistakenly it was believed that the palace of one of the sons of King Herod of the Great was located nearby.

23. The ancient Jewish cemetery is the most ancient cemetery in the world.

His story dates back to the era of the first temple. Here are the tombs of a number of Old Testament Prophets (Aggia, Malachius, Zechariah), as well as the son of King David Prince Avashaloma (although her authenticity scientists are questioned).

24. This is also the biggest Jewish cemetery. It has up to 150 thousand burials. To be buried on the Eleon Mountain is a special honor. And also, according to biblical legend, it was in these places a terrible court will occur, and people buried here will fall on him among the first.

25. Orthodox female mountain monastery.

Located 7 kilometers from the Old Town in the southwest of Jerusalem. It was opened on the repurchased land plot in 1871. He is under the jurisdiction of the spiritual mission of the Russian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. The abode acting; About 60 women live in the monastery.

26. Jerusalem in its development went beyond the boundaries of the walls of the old city relatively recently, in 1860. For a long time, the city remained only a dense focus of shrines and antiquities. The current Jerusalem lives not one tourism: for example, the offices of world high-tech companies and research centers are opened here, modern development is being.

27. The "String Bridge" is the first suspension bridge in Jerusalem, a famous also called "Arp David". He keeps at the expense of Pilon with a height of 119 meters, which makes this design with the highest construction of the city. The cable bridge was built on the project of the world-famous architect Santiago Calatrava and is intended for the movement of trams and pedestrians.

28. "Poison Vashem" is an Israeli national disaster and heroism memorial. Organized in 1953 in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Annually, the "poison of Vashe" visits over a million people.

29. National Museum of Israel

This is the largest cultural institution of the country and one of the largest archaeological and artistic museums of the world. The collection has about half a million exhibits from prehistoric times to samples of contemporary art.

30. The complex of the Museum of Israel includes a temple of a book with a characteristic white tent and a black wall (most of the premises are under Earth). It was built in 1965 specifically for the storage of Cumran Scrolls of the Dead Sea, the oldest manuscripts of the Bible. Here is an existence of a mock of Jerusalem from limestone on a scale of 1:50. This is the reconstruction of the species of Jerusalem of the time of his heyday in the era of the second temple at the beginning of our era, before the destruction of the Romans.

31. Most of the territory of Jerusalem takes 2-3 storey buildings. It is determined by those, earthquakes occur here.

32. The separation barrier of a total length of more than 70 kilometers and up to 8 meters high by the border between the Jewish and Arabic territories, between Israel and the Palestinian autonomy. To the left of the wall - the suburb of East Jerusalem, the village of Al-Azaria. In the biblical tradition is better known as Vifania. Located here the tomb of Lazaror attracts many christian pilgrims.

33. In Al-Azaria, the second largest (after al-axes on the temple mountain) was built in Palestine Mosque. The mosque was erected with the financial support of the United Arab Emirates And wears the name of the president of this country, one of the richest people of the world of Sheikh Califa Ibn Zaid.

34. Cemetery of cars.

35. Palestinian territory in the area of \u200b\u200bJerusalem is called the West Bank of the Jordan River. In historical sources, these areas are also known as Jews and Samaria.

36. The cedron stream and the beginning of the Kedron Valley.

Separating the temple and Eleon Mountains, it takes place from the north to south through the territory of Jerusalem and further through the territory of the Jewish desert southeast to the Dead Sea. The Bible appears as a Valley's Josafatov - the place of a terrible court.

37. Lifeless hilly places from ancient times served as a refuge for hermites, who often settled in the caves.

38. Monastery Mar Saba in the Jewish desert.

Also known as the Sava Laurel is consecrated. This is one of the oldest Orthodox male monasteries in the world, he was founded in the Cedron Valley at the end of the V century. In the monastery do not use electricity (except for manual lamps). Monks live at the expense of donations and fundamentally do not eat apples: in memory of the spiritual feat of the founder of Sava, who, in the immediate time, overwhelming a powerful temptation to eat a beautiful ripe apple.

39. Jewish desert.

40. Cedron Gorge.

41. Valley Poaming. Once in these places they acted the fortress of the Girket and the Castellon Monastery, based on the same in the same savoy.

42. The Dead Sea.

The most famous in the world salt Lake And one of the most sacred. In the liter of its water minerals dissolved seven times more than in the same amount of water from the Mediterranean Sea.

43. The "dead" sea was called because there is no life in its saline water, except for several types of bacteria.

44. The unique composition of water and healing mud turned the dead sea into a natural resort. People who suffer from skin diseases, asthma, inflammation of the joints, rheumatism and other ailments are going here.

There is another feature of the dead sea: the water here is much heavier than the ordinary seawater to drown in such a heavy liquid as the human body is easier for it.

45. Masada.

Fortress on a flat top of a 450-meter cliff. Built in the first century BC, King Herod Great as a refuge for his family and treasury. Practically tapped walls and powerful fortress structures made Masada hardening.

46. Masada is one of the most popular tourist objects of Israel. Object sites are equipped here and cable car For lifting.

47. In the first century, our era Masadi seized the participants of the Jewish uprising against the Romans. The siege of the fortress lasted for several years, the Romans (or rather, their slaves) had to pour a high siege tree around the rock. Realizing the hopelessness of its position, the rebels entered the story of heroically: the men killed their wives and children, then randomly selected ten people of all the others; Finally, the lot pulled out one more thing: he interrupted the remaining ninters, knocking the fortress and committed suicide. The Romans were shocked.

48. At the top of the cliffs, fragments of the Palace of Herod, synagogues, water tanks, baths and pools are preserved.

49. On the coast of the Dead Sea, there is the lowest part of the land on Earth - minus 416 meters from the sea level. Same itself foolish lake No connection with the oceans.

50. According to historic legendsIn antiquity, on the dead, the sea was quite active shipping, the pirates were industrially, even sea battles occurred. Now commercial shipping on the dead sea is not enough that it is difficult due to the properties of water, but also prohibited by the agreement between Israel and Jordan. We walk on the dead sea on small courts only rescuers, border guards and sometimes researchers.

51. The Sea itself threatens death: water goes into failures, now on the coast there are already about three thousand karst funnels, the depth of which reaches several tens of meters.

52. The Hardour Gorge in the Jewish Desert is one of the canyons in the vicinity of the Dead Sea. Once here rivers flowed.

53. Cedron Gorge.

54. Kedron Valley.

55. Latrian Monastery of the Virgin on the hills 15 kilometers west of Jerusalem. Now belongs to the Christian Order of Trappists. Due to the fact that the local inhabitants are extremely reluctant to communicate with the world around the world, the abode called the "monastery of silence".

56. Jewish cemetery on the oilseed mountain.

57. When Jerusalem was captured by the Crusaders in 1099 and staged a total massacre in the city, local Saracens were hidden on the jam. Many broke out, fell from 30 meters altitudes and broke.

58. The Jerusalem Theater is a center of performing art operating in 1971.

59. Park "Mini Israel".

The exposition consists of more than 350 mocks of the most famous buildings and attractions of Israel.

60. Museum of armored troops "poison leschon".

The collection contains more than 200 exhibits, many of which participated in real battles. Young tankers bring oath on the territory of the museum.

61. Rishon Lezion. The most "young" city of the country is the average age of residents barely exceeds 30 years.





66. Cemetery of aircraft.

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See how the price of air tickets to Tel Aviv varied depending on the time of purchase. Since the beginning of sales, their cost changes on average by 36%. Minimum price In the direction of Tel Aviv - 48 days before departure, approximately 14,191 rubles. The maximum price towards Tel Aviv is on the day of departure, about 21,720 rubles. In most cases early booking Helps save, take advantage!

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Israel. Tel Aviv - City of Contrasts

Tel Aviv-Jaffa - the second largest city (about 400 thousand people), economic and cultural Center country.

History of Tel Aviv Starts with Jaffa adjacent to him ancient City. This is one of the oldest cities in the world, the first written mention of which refers to the 15th century to our era, and, unfortunately, was destroyed to the ground in the era of the Ottoman Empire.


Jaffa is enveloped by legends, ranging from creating and titled and ending with local attractions. There are several versions, from where the word "Jaffa" comes from. According to one of them, on behalf of the son of Nov, Jafet, who built this city after the flood.

Here you can stroll through the picturesque narrow streets laid out by stone bridges and feel the atmosphere of an ancient city.

Streets of Jaffa.

One of the attractions of the city is the church of St. Peter, built in the XIX century, there is a tomb of the righteous tavif, decorated with Byzantine mosaics V-VI centuries.

Church of St. Peter.

In Jaffa - more than a dozen temples, monasteries and mosques. Mosque Hasan Beck is located at the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, in the southern part of Tel Aviv. Lighthouse reminds his view, so it is also called marine mosque. Entrance to the prayer house Muslims is free, but you can only go inside with barefoot.

Tomb of righteous tavif.

Mosque Hasan Beck.

The main Square of Jaffa - Kikar-A-Shaon, in the center of which was erected by a chapel (Migdal-A-Shaon), built at the beginning of the 20th century in honor of the 25th anniversary of the coronation of the "bloody sultan" Abdul-Hamid II, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire. The clock was mounted in each of the walls of the tower, one of which had previously shown European time, while others were local. Now all hours show local time.

One of the famous works is an orange tree that hangs in the air. This is a real tree planted in a clay pot and attached to the neighboring houses.

Clock tower.

Orange tree.

Tel Aviv

Jaffa City has long merged with Tel Aviv to one megapolis, which is now turned into a large tourist and cultural center.

Ahuzat-Bait ("Native House") - the first area of \u200b\u200bthe future Tel Aviv, founded by Jewish families who lived in Jaffa. At first he was part of Jaffa, and in 1910 he was renamed Tel Aviv. Over time, from the Quarter, the whole city, which became the capital of Israel and today there are hundreds of tourists come here.

In early May 2013, learning about visa-free mode Between Ukraine and Israel, my dad and I decided to fly to friends and relatives. They fell just on the May holidays and the Easter celebration, so there were enough tourists from all over the world. Ben-Gurion flew to Tel Aviv airport, and from there to Haifa, uncle was visited, from whom we stopped. Our goal was, first of all, visiting relatives, but at the same time we decided to go on a tour of Tel Aviv. It was hot enough, in sensations - not lower than +32 ... + 35. In addition, the sun was mercilessly fried, the wind is not, the rains did not smell. Such weather stood all week. Therefore, if you are going to Israel, know that you need to take comfortable shoes with you (everyone goes in sneakers), as the tour took the whole day and had to go a lot; cap; T-shirt and shorts (although uncle said that it is sometimes better to wear clothes with a long sleeve, so as not to burn out); sunglasses; Backpack, where it is worth putting a water bottle. You need to drink constantly so that there is no dehydration. Read completely

Safari Park is a piece of wild Africa in civilized Israel. It is located in the suburbs of Tel Aviv - in Ramat Ghana. I visited him as part of a free tour of Tel Aviv and Jaffa from a diamond exchange.

We went on an excursion from Netanya. Mercedes Viano drove up to the hotel exactly at the appointed time. The driver said that no one would not be a guide. To say that we were pleasantly surprised - not to say anything.

For all lovers, the country will be interested in twice as much as any exotic island. And now you will learn why.

When our plane landed at the airport Tel Aviv, the feeling of extraordinary grace immediately arose. Yes, yes already at the airport.

Tel Aviv is known as one of the best sea resorts Israel. Moreover, the city is the business, cultural and economic center of Israel, so it is constantly developing and transformed. In addition to magnificent beaches, Tel Aviv can offer tourists exciting excursion program With a visit to the ancient Quarters of Jaffa, the old port and the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe Neva-Supp.

Tel Aviv is dynamic and modern citywhich stores old traditions and at the same time has been opened with new trends. Tens of fashionable clubs and restaurants are waiting on the picturesque urban embankment, tens of fashionable clubs and restaurants, the ghosts of previous centuries are waiting for the narrow streets, the amazing collection of the Diaspora Museum is impregnated with the Spirit of the Millennie Skitnesses of the Jewish people, who found his homeland only in the middle of the XX century.

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What to see and where to go to Tel Aviv?

The most interesting I. beautiful places For walking. Photos and a brief description.

Jaffa is one of the oldest cities in the world. The first settlements on its territory existed in the XVII-XVI centuries to our era. The city flourished in the ancient era, but during the period of the Jewish war was destroyed. Restoration occurred under the emperor Vespasian. During the Arab dominion and subsequent Crusades, Jaffa continued to develop as an important port. In 1268, the city was destroyed by the troops of Sultan Beibars I, after which 400 years stayed in the ruins. In the middle of the 20th century, Jaffa was combined with Tel Aviv.

The sea harbor Tel Aviv worked in the period from 1938 to 1965. After the closure, the port remained abandoned for thirty years, while in the 1990s he was not turned into a tourist area. Today, restaurants, shops and entertainment facilities are open here, for visitors are organized landscaped pleasure zones. Once a week, an antique market operates on the territory of the harbor.

A modern complex consisting of three skyscrapers - a triangular tower (169 meters), a round tower (187 meters) and a square tower (154 meters). All structures were erected in the period 1996-2007. The complex was named after D. Azrieli - an entrepreneur of Israeli origin, who participated in the creation of the project. On the 49th floor of the round tower there is panoramic observation deckFrom where you can look at Tel Aviv from a height of 182 meters.

In the XIX century, on the territory of the modern area of \u200b\u200bthe Neva-Zedek was located outside the Jaffo Jewish settlement. Earth for the construction of houses were bought from Muslims. Gradually, emigrants from Europe came here and built their homes, so the streets began to resemble Krakow's quarters, Munich and Prague at the same time. During the XX century, the area came to the launch, but again revived in the 1990s.

A group of districts in the central part of Tel Aviv, where the houses have preferably white color. The main development of this part of the city was carried out in 1920-1950 in a popular post-war style "Bauhaus", which involves functionality, convenience and minimalism. The White City entered the UNESCO World Heritage List as a monument of urban planning of the XX century.

Building 1925, in which the features of several architectural styles were connected. The house was erected by the project A. Levi for the wealthy citizen M. Blokha. With its creation, a curious story is connected, according to which Bloch rejected the original Levi's plan and turned to the American architect. But the latter did not take into account the peculiarities of the local architecture, so his project was rejected. Then Bloch came to Levi again. In retaling, the architect created a building where the styles of different eras mixed.

The exposition is devoted to the history of the fighting Jewish detachments "Palms", created in 1941 to reflect the possible attack of the Third Reich on Palestine. The divisions were existed until 1948, then they were included in the newly created Israel Defense Army. The museum has an interactive format. With the help of videos, projections and special effects, visitors are demonstrated by the "revived" history.

The opening of the museum was dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the formation of the Israeli state. His collection was created from the exhibits, which can be studied by the story of the Jewish diaspora scattered around the world. Skitania Jews began 2600 years ago, when King Nebuchadnezzar II took Jerusalem and became the force to relocate the Jews from their original lands. The exposition is devoted to various aspects of the life of the Israelis in other countries.

Archaeological and Anthropological Museum, consisting of extensive collections of historical artifacts found on the lands of Israel. The exposition consists of several pavilions where ceramic products, decorations, coins, dishes, mosaic, tools, and other objects are located. The museum was organized in 1953 five years after the proclamation of Israel with a separate state.

A large art gallery, where they are exposed paintings, photos, graphic drawings, sculptures. Separate exposures are devoted to design and architecture. The museum was established in 1932 on the territory of the house M. Dizengof - Tel Aviv Grador. Today, he is a whole museum complex consisting of several pavilions and a full-fledged educational center.

Ilana Gur is a self-taught artist and a passionate connoisseur of art, from childhood gifted by extraordinary abilities. Due to the features of development (dyslexia), it was forced to independently comprehend the whole layers of knowledge. During his life, Ilan GUR created works from various materials, giving preference to the metal. The museum was opened in 1995 in one of the old Jaffa quarters in the house, where the hotel for pilgrims was previously worked.

The Chief Military Museum of Israel, founded in the 1950s by D. Ben-Gurion, is one of the founders of the Israeli state. The museum collection consists of various weapons, ammunition, technicians and military trophies mined, including in the process of oppositioning to terrorist organizations. A separate part is highlighted a collection of gifts received by the Ministers of Defense, and the Park of Government Car.

The tower was erected at the beginning of the 20th century on donations to the residents of Jaffa in honor of the anniversary of the coronation of the Ottoman Sultan Abdul-Hamid II (at that time the territory of Tel Aviv belonged to the Ottoman Empire). The construction has become the first civilian building on which the dial was placed. Prior to that, the clock was installed only on minarets or church bell tower.

The indoor market, on the territory of which you can "rejuvenate" delicacies. In his numerous shops are sold vegetables, fruits, sweets, cheese, meat, seafood, fish. There is also a cafe, wine boutiques on the market with a large selection of drinks and tea shops. A branch of the Bishulim culinary school works on Sarona, which hosts master classes for the preparation of unusual dishes.

The lively Schuk Ha Carmel arose in 1920. Over the past years, he turned into the largest Bazaar Tel Aviv. Jewish emigrants from Russia, who came to Israel after 1917 became the first sellers. They opened small shops near their homes and sold foods with homemade utensils. Today, almost all residents of Tel Aviv go to the market, as prices are here below than in stores.

The place where they are traded from different countries Antiques. Here you can find things that belonged to once the emigrants of the beginning of the 20th century, lying in the afternoon with quite useless junk. To find something worthwhile, you will have to spend a lot of time, but efforts will be rewarded, and the tourist will become the best owner of a valuable subject. The flea market is one of the most "colorful" places Tel Aviv.

Handed on a cable pot, inside which an orange tree grows. It is one of the symbols of the country. The fact is that after the formation of a separate state, Israel began to express oranges hardly, which allowed him to receive good income and resolve many economic problems. The local Citrus grade appeared at the end of the XIX century and received the name "Jaffa".

The park is located in the northern part of Tel Aviv along the river of the same name. It consists of six thematic areas, among which is a garden of stones, a garden of cacti and a tropical garden. There are many entertainment in the park, such as water rides, a bird corner, sports grounds, a children's town and a carter. Here you can come to just lie down on a green lawn and read a book or stroll through shady alleys.

On the embankment, the entertainment infrastructure of Tel Aviv is concentrated. Even in the traditional Jewish holidays here you can find employees. In the afternoon it's nice to sunbathe on a landscaped sandy beach, in the evening - slowly walk along the strings of hotels, restaurants and shops, at night - to dance in one of the nightclubs to the music of fashionable DJs.

Tel Aviv is not only the cultural and economic center of Israel, it is also a popular Mediterranean resort. The whole western border of the city is a continuous sand strip. Urban beaches are covered with light sand and equipped with all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable holiday of visitors. On the coast there is even a special beach for orthodox Jews.