White rock. Crimea

GPS. 45.104846,34.624079 (Format is used in online maps)
GPS gps 45 ° 6.907 ", 34 ° 37.444" (Format is used in navigators and geocating)
GPS G.M.S. 45 ° 6 "17.45", 34 ° 37 "26.68"

White rock (ak kaya) is a staometer wall of limestone, like the whole Crimea, origin. The rock, well-reviewed from the southern directions, gave the name Belogorsk, becoming his attraction as a monument of nature, archeology and history.

Monument of Nature, Archeology and History

On the northern slopes of AK-KAI, four parking lots of the Mustherskaya era were found, the Skull of Neanderthal was found, proving that civilization arose not only in Europe. There was not so bad to live - water, chernozem soil, on which something delicious, grottoes and caves grew, in which you can hide from the beast and bad weather. And the high breakdown allowed practicing a corrugated hunt - the remains of Mammoth, Saiga, a cave bear, a giant and noble deer, a primitive bull, a wild horse, a midpan were found around.

Caves in a white rock

Many legends are folded about the caves and grots in the white wall. In the "Golden Nora" cave, the entrance to which is located 52 meters from the sole and 49 meters from the edge of the cliff, before the dragon, kidnapped beauties from all over the county. And the robbers kept their gold there, which gave her such name.

They also said that this cave lasts until the Feodosia itself, but only climbers could check it in 1960. As it turned out, this is not a cave, but a high grotto where the rays of the sun never come across, so it seems such a bottomless black.

On the fourth legend, around the White Rock once spilled out the sea, and even somewhere on the rock you can find iron rings for the mooring of ships. Well, on the site of the Crimea was not the sea - the Ocean Tetis, that's just no people then, but on the young land there was only one mainland - Pangea.

The closer you approach the rock, the more majestic it seems to be millions of years and they are folded from billions of the shells of ancient clams, the same small relative to you, what you now appear before this rock.

And in 1783, Prince Potemkin took the oath of the highest estates of Crimean Khanate, who completed the centuries-old struggle of the Russian Empire behind the Crimea.

Be that as it may, the rock is simply very beautiful. You can drive up from Belogorsk, knowing the coordinates, you can climb on the mound to the right of the two main grotts, there is even the possibility of check-in on the road along the road with coordinates. 45 07,272; 34 36,265.

To the left of the cliff is a red beam - a cold gorge. It received its name from a huge number of red wild peonies, blooming here in late April - early May. In general, the place is worth visiting, and on the way you can hug a centuries-old

In the Middle Ages, the White Rock became the venue of the execution - they loved to drop captives from her, who before death could contemplate all the beauty of nearby lands. Not the best consolation, but people have always been cruel. So blackmail Bogdan Khmelnitsky, hinting that with the redemption of prisoners you can hurry.

Even if you do not have time to go upstairs, visit at least the bottom cave - its atmosphere brings thoughts about the ancient sanctuary. There is light and dry, the entrance cozyly shades the tree, and see seeing, perhaps, any view from the window.

White rock or ak-kaya Located, as it is not surprising, near the village of White Rock, not far from Belogorsk. It is noticeably standing out against the background of those surrounding its gentle and low hills.

The place is not too popular with tourists, so it is usually clean and low here. Belogorsk is far enough from resort cities and far from standard tourist routes. Local residents come here mainly for the weekend, and visitors usually simply do not know about this place. Despite this, in the village there is a recreation center where you can order an equestrian walk or a walk on quadciccles. Here you can stay and if you want to go to the 15 km away Park Tague, unlike their hotels, the price base is not too high.

On the rock itself and the surroundings you can like a couple of days, during this time you can quite walk all the interesting things that there is. There are several small grottoes and caves in the rock, some of them can be approached, and it will not be possible to get to some of them without special equipment. For example, at an altitude of about 50 meters from the ground, you can see the Altyn-Techik cave (Golden Nora).

This rock plateau, on the one hand, climbing with white cliffs, but rather hollow on the other side. There are quite a few paths around the cliff and roads, on some of them you can climb on top. The shortest path to the top is clearly visible on the snow-white hill at the foot of the cliff, it is not too cool and the rise will take a maximum of half an hour. But, in fact, the best views are open here precisely below, and not from the top, because From the top is particularly visible, only gentle green hills.

You can call on the white rock and by car, but you need to go on the road, leaving perpendicular to the lip line, meters in a hundred from the rock itself. In good weather here you can call on any car. On many maps, a bypass path is drawn closer to the village of cherished, but it is possible to drive only on a quad or on a well-trained SUV, the rise is very cool and stony.

How to get to Belaya Rock?

By car:

First you need to get to Belogorsk and roll to the north, towards the village of Belaya Rock. The rock itself is seen from afar, it will not be able to skip it. You can drive up to it either through the village, or turning the right on the first turn after departure from the settlement. In the second case, it turns out to drive along the entire rocky array, although the road there is a little worse.

Belogorsk can be reached by busesThey go from Simferopol and Sudak. From Simferopol, you can get straight to the White Rock, buses depart approximately every hour from 8.00 to 19.30. From the pike perch can only be taken to Belogorsk almost on any bus towards Simferopol. From Belogorsk to the White Rock of about 5 km, if desired, you can walk on foot, or take a taxi.

White cliff, or in Crimean Tatar, Mount Ak-Kaya is one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. And for my taste - it may be at all the most beautiful! At the same time, it is not so much on the hearing as the sights of the tourist southern shore, but the species that the gaze opens here will leave even those travelers who have ever been in the world. White cliff is located in the vicinity of Belogorsk, just four kilometers from the main highway Crimea, connecting Simferopol and Kerch. This array is a rigid wall formed as a result of the erosion of Paleogenic limestone and sandstones, formed at that distant time, when the modern Crimea was the bottom of the ancient ocean. The height of the cliff from the foot to the top is 100 meters, while it looks unusually picturesque at any time of the day. In the afternoon it is white, and if you come early in the morning or at sunset, then illuminated by soft sunlight, the mountain casts gold.

The fancy relief of these places is similar to the famous scenery of the US West, and thanks to this similarity, the white rock has become a place to shoot many well-known Soviet "Westerns". The movies without a head films, "Mustang-INODOKET", "armed and very dangerous," "man with Capuchin Boulevard,", a detective "Mirage" of Riga film studio and many other Soviet and Russian films, which take place on the scenario " Wild West. " White cliff - the place is amazingly interesting, so I went there twice: first it simply shoot common types by car, and then drove to the very top of the cliffs on the UAZ, inspected the caves, the grotto and having loved the views from the upper point of the rocky array.

1. On the way to the white rock there is another unique monument of nature and history - "Suvorov Oak." This tree is about 800 years old! And it was under him more than 300 years ago a bid of Suvorov during battles with the Turkish Sultan Shagin Gury in 1777. Here the commander took the Messengers of the Turkish troops during the negotiations. Despite the four-fold numerical superiority of the Turks, the battle ended in the victory of the Russian army and became an important stage of events that ended with the accession of the Crimea to the Russian Empire.

3. White rock. Landscapes are incredibly beautiful. Let's just admit!

4. The powerful sheer wall of the white color seems to hang, dominates the surrounding area.

5. From the opposite side of the ridge there is a rock resembling a sphinx.

8. The drone slope of the White Rock is dressed as caves and grotes formed as a result of weathered rocks. You can only get into some of these caves with climbing equipment.

17. Perhaps the most famous, "card" photo of a white cliff.

18. And now - we will rise to the top of a white cliff from a gentle slope, inspected on the road several interesting places. The first of them is the ancient Scythian Fortress of Ak-Kai, dating from the III century BC - III century AD.

22. In addition to the remains of fortifications, some interesting adaptations of the daily life of Scythians have been preserved. For example, a hole in the rock, where the products were placed so that they do not spoil. Acknowledged ancient "refrigerator".

24. From here, the rock begins to grow smoothly - up to the highest and sheer with three sides of the cliff, which is removed in all its glory on 17 photos. From above the magnificent landscapes of the Central Crimea are opened.

25. Those distant mountains behind the steppes are already southern shore. Behind them - the Black Sea. 25 kilometers in a straight line.

27. Breeds are lightened by mountain layers. Each layer is its own era. In some places, the underlying rocks are more loose than the top. So form caves, grottoes, or hanging stony vaults above their heads like this one.

28. Millions of years ago, Crimea was the bottom of the ancient ocean, then a smooth raising of rocks occurred. But the memory of those distant times alive. The slopes of the white cliff are composed of an ancient shell.

30. We will examine another grotto in the rock.

31. In terms of almost a round form. Here, even in the heat is cool, and water drips water on the walls of the cave.

34. Another cave in an inconspicuous beam between neighboring hills. Archaeological studies argue that she served as a refuge of the ancient Neanderthals.

White rock (AK-Kaya) is the famous landmark of Crimea, which is located between the steppe part of the peninsula and its main mountain varnish. The same thing is also called the village, until 1948 wearing the name of AK-Kaya, ("White Rock" in Tatar). Since 1981, Ak-Kai Monument of Nature.

Geographical features

Ak-Kaya is a steep rock, which towers over the valley of the river. Bick-karasa per 100 m. The same valley itself is 225 m above sea level. Geological rocks that make up the mountain - white limestone, as well as sandstones, which provides a unique color. Features of these breeds allowed nature to create a real miracle way: closer to the top of the cliff appeared grottoes, niches, pillars. In the lower part of it, it was formed by the bumps of chill, scenic screaming and hollows. The rock from erosion is partially protecting the richberry bushes and ram, actively stroked at her foot.
The height of the cliffs reaches 107 meters.!

This is a storehouse of information for geologists, because In the formation of the breed, the remains of the ancient sevenths of the sea are excellent, which was sometime here.

History reference

Archaeological expeditions of the 1960s - 70s The 20st persons of the ancient person were able to spread 20 (their age 300 - 30 thousand years BC) at the foot of the Ai-Kai. In addition, they found the remains of ancient animals:

  • - Mammoth,
  • - Cave Bear,
  • - Giant deer,
  • - Onra, and a number of others, no less interesting.

Natural conditions of the mountain - caves, grottoes near the river, the presence of a silicon field - made these places very comfortable for the primitive residents of Crimea. In addition, it was convenient to drive production to a sheer cliff during hunting.

It is in this place for the first time on the peninsula found the remains of Neanderthal.

At the beginning of the new era, Sarmatians lived on this territory, scientists believe that the rock was a sanctuary for them.

In the Middle Ages, Tatars have already settled here. A noble genus, descendants of Genghis Khan, controlled a portion of a silk path passing through the current Belogorsk. For them, Ak-Kai played the role of the evening, where the senior genus was elected, and Murza discussed his claims to the Crimean Khan.

But it was a convenient place of execution. The owners of the terrain did not disseminate those who could not (or did not want) to buy from the cliffs of those whom. We saw the like Bogdan Khmelnitsky himself, who fell into Tatar captivity in his youth. Then, in front of the future hetman, the captives were executed to stimulate it intensively collect money for their own redemption.

Schirin was so powerful that Khana Crimea was given to them their daughters. And the city of Karasubazar (now Belogorsk) was considered the economic capital of Khanate.

In 1777, A.V. headquarters were located here. Suvorov, who defeated the Tatar army. Oak preserved at the foot of the Ai-Kai, under which, according to legend, the great commander rested.

Good to know:
On the Plateau of the White Cliff in 1783, the elite of the defeated Crimean Khanate through his representatives was sworn in the Russian Empire.

Legends of ak kai

The inhabitants of Crimea love to tell the beautiful legends about their wonderful peninsula. And the white cliff is simply created in order for amazing events here.

One of the versions once it was the dwelling of the Snake Gorynych himself. As usual, messengers flew around the surroundings, stolen cattle for food for food, and, according to the laws of the genre, fell in love with a young girl. The serpent dragged his choices to the sun.

Beauty learned how to kill messenger, and dropped a letter with information from the mountain. But she was waiting for help, no one came. Time went, she gave birth to a baby, for whom the happy father made a golden cradle. And only having heard the crying of the baby, a certain bogatyr took out the magic sword and managed to defeat the Gorynych. True, the end of the legend is sad - everything died, including the beauty and child, together with which she rushed from the cliff. Only the Golden Cradle remained, and it still hopes to find enthusiasts.

According to another legend, one of the most famous caves of Ai-Kai (Altyn-Techik) served as a treasury for local robbers, hence the name, which in Russian sounds like "Golden Nora." And some are confident that an underground move from this cave begins to the Feodosia itself. Associated with rock and other interesting stories.

Be that as it may, but Ai-Kaya is a real treasure for scientists. Many discoveries made here
- geologists,
- Biologists.
- Ethnographers
- Archaeologists and historians.

Video Overview

Information for tourists

The legendary treasures of the golden hole and the Scythian mounds are attracted to the white rock of modern treasures, but it is not less popular with ordinary tourists.

You can climb the ah kay:

- by car, best on the SUV and not in winter;
- on the horse, at the foot of the cliff there are Konferma, where and the horse will give a rent, and the route will be offered - 1.5 hours over a steep path up and down or calm rise and descent for 3 hours;
- on foot, which, of course, can not be called a lot of walk, but all difficulties will be rewarded with beauty, which can be estimated only from the top point.

Going on a white rock, travelers see not only the very miracle of nature and breathe beautiful air, but get acquainted with historical artifacts, excavations of the settlement of ancient Scythians. And many more wonderful impressions are waiting for them on the way.

There is no shadow on the plateau, it is necessary to take hats, and the water that will take it on the mountain.

Lovers of active and extreme rest can try themselves in roofjumping (jumps from the rock on the rope). And romantic nature to stay at the campsite and spend the evening with the guitar by the fire

The unusual shape and beauty of the mountain attract cinematograms. There were shooting many famous movies, among them
- "Man with Capuchin Boulevard",
- "Headless horseman",
- "Star and death of Hoakin Vureta",
- "Business people".

How to get to ah kai

From Simferopol to a white cliff village only 47 km,
- By car you need to go along the highway on the Feodosius, then turn to Belogorsk;
- by bus from the East bus station to Belogorsk, then drive on a taxi to the village of Belaya Rock, then on foot;
- Possible trip on the excursion bus.

Address: Belogorsk Rn, P. Belaya Rock

White cliff on the map of Crimea

GPS coordinates: N 45 06.483 E 34 37.317 latitude / longitude

There are many attractions and beauty in Crimea, but all of them eclipses Ak Kai. The Biyuk-Kasu-Kasu, the river, which saw a lot, White Rock, or, as they call her aborigines, Ak Kai, blinds cleanliness and brightness.

It would seem that there are a ridges and peaks, much higher than the mountain ak kaya, which has a little more than 325 meters, but limestone rocks and the fused shape of the natural monument are attributing the sights of travelers and make us consider to consider the gray white clock, acting as a bushprit. Millenniums did not break the spirit of the mountains, it is special, wild and majestic beauty, striking the inescanity and unbridled pride.

Located next to Belogorsk, by the way, the city and named by the name of the White Rock of Ak Kai, the elevation is part of the inner range and continues with the chain of the same limestone, which is visible, if you look in the eastern side.

Especially beautiful Ak Kaya becomes at sunset when the grudge acquires a golden hue and literally begins to glow.

Interestingly, it is in this part of the Crimea limestone who have a slightly yellowish color, but upon closer looks it becomes clear that the seashells and other remains of life forms of the chalk period give yellowness, when the rock rocks have been formed.

Legends and the story of ak kay

Legends of the White Rock Shots in the eyelids. According to one of the fairy tales, a very long time, the cliff ak kaya was a refuge of the dragon or the snake-Gorynych. He flew unmanned, dragged the shepherds of cattle, cut her homework and, as usual, fell in love with the young girl of unearthly beauty. Grabbed the charming and brought to his cliff. The monster did not believe the Monster, refused to love, but was a cunning.

And, a little blowing, I decided to escape to the snake, seek about his death. He told the mandeship that there is a bogatyr in one of the houses, and he is stronger than hanging on the wall a real sword-Kladenian. The girl pulled off his sleeve from clothes, wrote everything on the fabric everything that snakes told her, the stone was wrapped in a sleeve and threw down from ak kay.

Of course, the message was found, but only no one hurried to revenue. Through time, the Son suffered the Molodka, and the monster about the cradle was taken care of. We heard people cry the baby-snakes and found the bogatyr, caused a snake to fight. Both died, the girl deprived of his child's child and also dropped to Earth. But the cradle of Golden remained and still excites the minds of hunters for jewels.

The story is definitely the mythical, but keeps ak kaya white rock and reliable facts. In particular, during the reign of Tatar Khanate, the place has become a disastrous for thousands of unwanted khana's view of people who were dumped down without trial.

And in 1777, Ak Kaya was the location of the Russian troops under the command of Suvorov. Already in 1783, the great Russian commander Prince Potemkin took the oath of loyalty from Beeev and Murz to the loyalty of Russia.

White cliff in the Crimea, like most of the opposites and ridges of the inner ridge, is a coast, the forms of which are not characterized by symmetry. The sheer slopes compete with beauty with detached descents. Due to the weathelation in the array, grottoes, pillars, niches of various shapes were formed, scolded in a gentle climb. A huge number of natural caves and grotts amazes with their beauty. Since 1981, the White Mountain in Crimea is recognized as a monument of nature and therefore carefully protected.

Interestingly, the rock of Ak Kaya gave a raidness to many questions of historians. In particular, it was here that the debris of an adult Neanderthal cranial box was found, various artifacts related to later periods. The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain was very favorable for life: water, comfortable animal pens, rich silicon deposits. The fauna of those times was distinguished by a wide "assortment": cave bears, deer, saigas, bulls, onagra - the bones of these animals in the petrol form were generously scattered by caves and grottoes.

Mount Ak Kaya - a monument of nature and for geologists. In the formations you can find fossil remains of marine animals, even the teeth of a giant shark, which dwells at the place of the shallow sea, once poured their waters rather wide.

Ak Kaya Sarmati did not go - one of the most militant tribes of the Earth. Detected Tamga, which are tribal generic signs, give reason to declare that the rock of Ak Kay was the place of residence of numerous childbirth and the burial site of Scythian leaders. And there is a documentary and visual confirmation - the Scythian Fortress of the White Rock! It is located on the western slope and the road is distinguished in difficulty accessibility. Try to get out in Noura, the entrance of which is located 52 meters from the sole and 49 meters from the edge of the sheer cliff, not everyone will risk.

Caves and grotes AK Kaya are a separate story. Many believe that the branched network of the caves will bring a traveler far to the sea, and the labyrinth ends at the southeastern part. And on the way there will be a lot of buried treasures, chests with jewels and other pleasant and useful things. On the one hand, the Scythians could really hide their wealth here, but on the other hand, geologists have already examined a lot of caves and find something valuable for a person without preparation is impossible. But did these considerations pushed someone? And tourists roam the caves, looking through literally everything that turns out under their feet, in the hope of finding Scythian gold.

And the value of the ak kaya in the caves themselves. Only here you can see incredible and unique compounds of limestone layers belonging to various epochs of our planet. Each layer is a millennium. Until now, the remains of the rosholes remains, and if you have a little closer, you can see the transition of shades from pinkish, in gray, ashes and white - distinction of periods.

The grotto of Ak Kaya - asylum from the summer scorching sun, it is pleasant to sit in them and think about what the Fortress was a white rock during his heyday. Step facets give a complete understanding of the unsuccessful attempt to capture the highest color point, which is a lot of historical evidence. A flat top is a huge survey at the land of the Crimea. The higher the rise, the freshly becomes the wind, carved by flavors of flowering herbs and shrubs. And at the peak of Ak Kaya Spirit literally captures from the panorama, the latitude of the review and all the charm of the paintings!

How to get

If you want to see exactly where such famous paintings were filmed, like: "Man with Capuchin Boulevard", "Leader of Redheads", Mustang-Innodets, "armed and very dangerous," to estimate the size of the height with which the cinema characters jumped "Mirage ", As well as get into the" Chippolino "fairy tale, you certainly need a white rock! Getting to AK Kaya is easy if you specify the coordinates in the navigator: N 45.5.53 E 34.38.00 or get to Belogorsky District - Ak Kaya is seen from the track, which is very convenient for all travelers.

Exact location: 50 km from Simferopol and 5 km from Simferopol-Kerch. Buses go to Belogorsk quite often, there is a trip cheap. And, by the way, it is impossible to drive only on the car from the south side, with Northern it is performed without any problems. And it is better to drive not to the village of White Rock, but a little further, to the cherry (village), there bes the beginning of the road to Ak Kai.

And so that the path is pleasant, the grotto with the source of delicious water is located at the entrance to the road.

In addition to self-journey, you can take a proposal from Simferopol's tourist companies, where you offer a variety of parents for parents with kids over 4 years old.