Santorini, an eruption history that has changed our world. Santorini eruption: New theory opens the secrets of the cataclysm at the end of the Bronze Age (7 photos) eruption of tira

The name of Santorin (also Tira, Fira and Santorini) belongs to the island of the same name and volcano, the eruption of which happened more than 3 thousand years ago and entered the story as the largest in the northern hemisphere.

The earthquake, the explosion and the followed by the tsunami led to decline and the subsequent death of the famous Minoan civilization on the island of Crete. For some hypothesis, this event underlies the legend of the mysterious Atlantis.

Tira Island is located in the Aegean Sea and is part of the Kiklada archipelago, which belongs to greek state. Coordinates of the location - 36 ° 25 'northern latitude and 25 ° 26' East longitude. Its area is more than 76 sq. Cm, the maximum height above sea level - 567 m.

Santorini, in essence, is a group of several islands (Tire, Palea Kamen, Nea Kameni and others), which lined up in the form of a rings around the sea depression 400 m. The shores of the large island of Tira on the side of the caldera consist of a climbing slopes reaching the height of 300 m.

External - have a gentle relief and consist of comfortable beaches with exotic black sand and washed by the warm waters of the Aegean Sea.

You can get on the island in several ways:

Data on volcano, topology and hydrology

Tira Island is located 200 km in the southeastern direction from the capital of Greece Athens and 100 km north Islands Crete. The name of Santorin comes from the Italian word "Saint Irene", which in the Middle Ages meant the name of the Holy Patron of Island. It belongs to the whole group of volcanoes in the middle of the Aegean Sea, which are located on the arc around the sushi massif.

Santorin - volcano relatively young in geological value. Such a conclusion was made by scientists after the studies of the soil and bottom sediments in the caldera, which are dating approximately 100-200 thousand years old. Volcanic cones began to form 100 thousand years later, as a result of which the foot was plunged into the sea.

The volcano was in activity, starting with the Pleistocene era. As a result of constant eruptions, its dome gradually grew up to a height of 1615 m above the sea. For many hundreds of years, the magmatic chamber under the base of the island has gradually filled with molten rocks.

Studies of rocks in the central part of the island prove that the explosion occurred in contact with the decreased from the subsoil of the gross magma and cold water in the reservoir in the center of the island. The volume of volcanic lava exceeded 16 ccm, as a result of which the entire southern part of the island was destroyed.

The walls of the volcano cone collapse and collapsed into the sea, and the water quickly filled out the resulting pita.

When an explosion, a volcanic ash was thrown into the atmosphere, which covered the surface of the earth on an area of \u200b\u200b200 thousand square Due to the high concentration of gases, the air darkened, clouds of the ashes completely closed the sunlight. Therefore, the Egypt and the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean fell darkness, which continued for several days while the ashes did not dissipate.

After the explosion at the site of the crater volcano, Caldera was formed - deep vpadinaIn which sea waters poured into the flow. Another consequence of his death became a giant tsunami with a height of more than 18 m. The wave fell into coastal cities and destroyed settlements at the Mediterranean Islands Crete and Tira.

Santorin - the volcano acting, which specialists belong to the shield form. The diameter of its crater is now 7.5-11 thousand m, the height is 365 m. The coordinates of the volcano - 36 ° 24'16 "S.Sh. and 25 ° 23'44 VD The last eruption occurred in 1956.

The cause of strong volcanic activity is the fact that this place is located at the junction of African and Eurasian plates, which contributes to the formation of the volcanic relief on the territory of the volcanic relief and is accompanied by a high risk of eruptions.

Facts from history

The famous volcanic eruption on Santorin Island happened about 1645-1600. BC. (Some scientists call the figure 1470 BC). In the Metropolis of the Tira on the slopes of the mountains, the capital was placed and coastal settlements, and there was a comfortable harbor at the bottom.

The first data of archaeologists about the existence of ancient settlements on a dash appeared in 1866, during the construction of a Suez Canal, the land for which began to actively export from the island. Then the signs of human buildings were discovered. Excavations were carried out by a geologist and a volcanologist from F. Fuku, who gave them the name of Akrotiri (from Greek. Words ακρωτήρι - cape) by the name of the village nearby.

The houses were completely covered with volcanic ashes, which contributed to their good conservation. The remains of people were not found, which made it possible to assume that the locals had managed to float before the volcanic eruption began.

In 1967, the excavations were continued by the Greek archaeologist S. Marinatos, as a result of which 3-storey buildings and complex systems of drainage and sewage were discovered, as well as furniture, clay products and frescoes. All the artifact found were transferred to the Museum of Prehistoric Thera.

A catastrophe and an explosion on Santorini, according to scholars, served as the main events of the time that were described in the Bible and in the books of Plato's philosopher.

For example:

  • the disappearance of the state of Atlantis;
  • death of a minist civilization;
  • reducing the water level in the Red Sea, which served as the basis for the biblical legend of "broken waters", in which Israel's sons entered, trying to escape from the troops pursuing their egyptian Pharaoh;
  • the occurrence of darkness in the territory of coastal states Mediterranean Sea - "Darkness in Egypt" lasted about 3 days.

The famous Minoan civilization existed on the island of Crete in 2 millennia BC. Fertile soil and small harbor along the coast contributed to the prosperity of the human settlements appeared here. Her residents were navigators and led trading. The Mina Fleet made a swim between Sicily, Greece, Egypt, Phenicia and Malaya Asia states.

Craftsmen on Crete produced a beautiful ceramics and engaged in carving on a stone, builders and architects were erected by the chic palaces that artists painted beautiful frescoes. The opening of the archaeologists of the Minoan cities occurred only in 1900, but the legends and myths about the Tsar Minos, about the rich country and the Knos of the Palace they are told in the "Iliad" of Homer.

Search for Ostaskov ancient civilization An English journalist and an archaeologist Arthur Evans, starting in 1900 to excavations on the island. The result was the discovery of a huge palace with beautiful paintings, ceramics, jewels and ancient texts.

After the volcano eruption, all highly developed cities in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean came to decline, Most of the fertile land and buildings were covered with volcanic ash or left under the tsunami.

However, this event left in an inviolable state. a large number of Fragments of the Minoan culture, which allowed modern archaeologists to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life, religion and classes of people of that time.

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Climbing Santorini Volcanoes

Santorin Islands Archipelago is included in UNESCO Heritage List. On its territory there are volcanoes of Na Cania and Palea Kameni, which appeared as a result of major eruptions in the period 1707-1712 and 1866-1870. They are full volcanic islands, and their vertices are successful among lovers of pedestrian ascents.

Santorin Volcano - the path to it is not complicated, but not light.

The last eruption occurred in 1956, then the island of Nea Kameni appeared. The height of both volcanoes is only about 150 m, so even children can ascend them. Santorin - volcano, which is characterized by increased seismic activity and now. This is expressed in constant emissions of hot gases from cracks and craters (fumarole) and the availability of existing hydrothermal sources.

Climate and precipitation

Climate and weather on Santorini can be divided into 2 seasons:

  • very hot and dry in the summer months (April-November) and arid - within + 20 ... + 36 ° C;
  • cold and rainy since the beginning of November and until the end of March - rains and clouds usually continue for a few days, and the snow is very rare.

The optimal time for tourism is the second half of the spring and the beginning of autumn, although most travelers come here in the summer.

Flora and fauna

Santorin - volcano, eruption at which there was quite often. This was the cause of low saturation of the flora - in the 21st century, only about 240 of her species were recorded on the island. Vegetation consists of shrubs, ferns and seed species of plants.

Due to the fact that the soil is suitable for growing grapes, the locals founded many vineyards, where a rich harvest has been successfully collected for several centuries.

Most of the Wild Fauna representatives also died as a result of high volcanic activities. therefore animal world On the island is presented mainly by migratory birds. The symbol of Santorini is a home donkey, which has long served as the only way of movement along the island's rocky terrain.

Sostorini sights

Now there are 13 settlements on the island, which lives about 15 thousand people. In the summer months, the population increases sharply at the expense of visitors, and all the beaches are clogged with rest. They come here to admire the beautiful sunsets, lie on black healing sand, inspect the ancient ruins, visit the local restaurants and try one of the best Greek wines.

The capital of Santorini - the city of Fira (Tira) is located on the caldea side of the island on a rock height of 260 m above the sea, about 1.5 thousand inhabitants live in it. There are many souvenir shops in the city, where jewelry are presented.

Other settlements of the island:

The island attracts tourists with its beautiful landscapes, romance and beaches. All settlements consist of snow-white houses with azure-blue windows that look very attractive and smart.

Ancient facilities and excavations

For fans of antiquity there are several options for inspection:

Architectural buildings


Cruises and sea walks

For tourists are offered several interesting tours:

  • cruise on a boat or yacht according to Calder - the price depends on the level of comfort and availability of a buffet, duration and amounts to 50-200 €;
  • inspection of multi-colored beaches from the sea - Boat runs along the eastern and southern coast of Santorini;
  • excursion along the crater of the active volcano - is held on the boat, which mooring to the old port of Fira, to continue a walking tour for 20-30 minutes to the top, where you can admire the desert landscape and bizarre stone formations.

Visit wine and tasting

Local residents They boast the most oldest vineyards in the world. Some old vineyards whose vines were planted in 1200 BC, continue to give a harvest with the use of an ancient method. There are 10 wineries on the island, any of which can be visited and testing local drinks.

The most interesting of them:

Santorini taste

Try local cuisine and delicacies in the local tavern or restaurant:

  • marinated capers collected on the steep vertices of caldera, which are preparing a famous Greek salad with the addition of tomatoes; Dried form are used to prepare soups, sauces and vegetable stew;
  • yellow dried fate peas - grow here and used for cooking puree, to the table is fed under lemon sauce with olive oil and crushed onion;
  • tomatokeftedes - Meatballs or "Food of the Poor" are prepared from fleshy large tomatoes, which are crushed with skin, mixed with spices, turn into balls, roll in flour and fry in deep fryer.

Sunset on Santorini

One of the famous and virtually free views of the island is the wondery bright sunsets, see which all tourists and visiting are going to the embankment. If there is a desire to admire this performance and simultaneously snack in a local cafe, then you need to make a reservation, because limited number of seats.

The best place To view the sunset is the town of Ia, located on the north side of the island. Maximum impressions can be obtained, standing near the lighthouse in the southwest of the island.

Art galleries

Mnemosyne Gallery is located in Iia and is one of the favorite places for visiting. It is located in the cave house next to the lighthouse. There are photos of local landscapes, handmade products (clay dishes and sculptures).

Art of the Loom Gallery Gallery in Calder is located in a building built in the Cycladic style in 1866, which was first used for winery. Here are the works of local artists, jewelry, ceramics and glass.

Santorini Hotels and Beaches

Famous beaches of Santorini with colorful sand:

There are about 500 hotels of different levels on the island. The accommodated housing for Santorini is quite expensive at cost, especially hotels overlooking Caldera. More budget places are located on the western side of the island (Perivos, Periss, Kamari) - there are no pools, but there are many beaches nearby.

Best hotels Santorin is shown below:

Name, location Characteristic Address and phone
Smaragdi The family-run hotel, consisting of small patios, standing around the pool, is located near the beach of Perivalos, there are bars, taverns and restaurants. The rooms are presented in 8 categories (from suite to economy). PeriVolos, Perissa 847 03, Greece,

tel. +30 2286 082701.

FINIKIA MEMORIES, Near the village of Phenicia (Oya) The family-run hotel is located on a mountain overlooking Caldera, all rooms have balconies, some - terraces overlooking the sea or pools; The rooms have air conditioning, mini refrigerators, shower. FINIKIA 847 02,

tel. +30 2286 071373.

Akrotiri in the village of the same name The interior of the hotel is decorated in traditional style; Prices are lower compared to other hotels (about 50 €) due to the lack of pool and the beach; However, the bus is getting to the popular beaches with black sand; The rooms have air conditioning, a balcony overlooking the sea, a fridge and a cooking stove for cooking - ideal for older tourists who seek to relax in silence. Akrotiri, Thira 847 00, GreeCe,

tel. +30 2286 081375

Hotel Maria Preka, near Kamari Beach The cozy hotel consists of classic elevated buildings with a blue finish standing around the pool; On the opposite side of the road there is a more expensive Anasass hotel, where you can use the pool and the gym; The hotel has 23 rooms, each has air conditioning, TV, safe, refrigerator and bathroom, furnished balcony, kitchenette; Breakfast is provided for 6 €. Kamari 847 00, GreeCe,

tel. +30 2286 031266.

Seaside. Beach Hotel., almost on the beach of Kamari The hotel-restaurant consists of 27 rooms (budget 2-seater and rooms overlooking the sea, small apartments), each has a kitchenette, a fridge, a bathroom with shower, air conditioning, a TV, a safe, a swimming pool, jacuzzi, Buffet breakfast, the beach is equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas with a straw roof. Kamari 847 00, GreeCe,

tel. +30 2286 033403.

The island does not accidentally call the most colorful and romantic place on the planet:

Popular from local and tourists saying about the island (former volcano) Santorin says: "There is more Oslov, than people, and the cathedrals are more than residential buildings, and wines are much more than water."

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about Santorin volcano

Sleeping volcano in Greece Santorin:

On the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea there is a Santorin volcano volcano. Now it remains a small trace, ancient caldera, and earlier there was a huge Cone of Volcano:

Santorin is an active thyroid volcano on the island of Tira in the Aegean Sea, the eruption of which led to the death of the Aegean cities and settlements on the Islands of Crete, Tire and the Mediterranean coast. The eruption is dated 1645-1600 to N. e. (according to different estimates).

The collapse of the caldera is associated with intense seismic activity, volumetric pyroclastic flows and tsunami, washed off all coastal settlements. During the eruption, Santorini's volcano completely devastated his subsidiaries, after which his cone, without having his own weight, collapsed in an empty magmatic reservoir, where sea waters hit him. The resulting giant wave of about 18 meters high (in Wikipedia data, which is up to 100m) swept over the Kiklada archipelago and got to the north coast of Crete Island. Tsunami destroyed all settlements on the islands of the Aegean Sea, as well as touched the banks of Egypt and other countries of the Mediterranean, suspending the development of mankind for a long thousand years.

After the eruption of Santorini, many other events took place in the center of the claimed caldera. Some of them were affected by the archipelago in the XIX and XX centuries. In particular, the last large eruption happened in 1950. Today, Santorini shows permanent seismic activity, and fumarols and hydrothermal sources still act on some of its islands.

The largest B. ancient history minoan eruption On the island of Tira, or Fira, occurred in 1628 BC. e. (Dendrochronological date). The following is the most powerful - occurred in 1380 BC. e. (Date is approximate). The latter happened in 1950

How I heard, dendrochronology can compare the dates of events just a few hundred years ago. Milestone trees in the right amount in the right place simply not.

Geologists found out how the explosion of supervulkan caused a "great flood" in Crete

Before the eruption of the Supervolkan, the modern archipelago Santorin was a single island. Related figured out that the eruption occurred almost instantly on geological standards - in just 100 years, a magmatic camera under the island was filled with "fresh" molten rocks, which warm up the local stocks of magma, forced her to expand and literally break the island to pieces.

An unusual "channel" in the northwestern part of the archipelago, which scientists opened under water, told them about what happened to the island and the Ocean surrounding during the eruption and in the first days after the catastrophe.

For example, the unusually deep walls of this channel and its structure indicated that the walls of the supervolkan on the island of Santorin were collapsed even before the sea water burst into the exploded. This means that the tsunami, which was allegedly caused by the destruction of the island and the fall of his "debris" in the Aegean Sea, was born in a completely different way.

In the fact that this tsunami really existed, scientists do not doubt - about his occurrence, traces of sea water and sand in the Mina Palaces of Crete, where she could only get if the height of the waves at the shore exceeded ten meters.

Traces of this event scientists found in the center of the former vulcan train, and a few hundred meters from the coast of the archipelago.

As the analysis of breeds in the central part showed former IslandIn the first stages of the eruption, the part of Santorina exploded due to the fact that in the central part of the island there was a lagoon with sea water, which became the first "victim" of a hot magma, rising from the bowels of the earth. This explosion led to the fact that the southern part of the former island was literally instantly flooded with the most powerful outpacing of magma, whose volume exceeded 16 cubic kilometers.

They ultimately "slipped" in the Aegean Sea, covering the bottom of southern Coast Santorina is a 60-meter layer of new breeds, and caused the most powerful tsunami, whose wavelength of the former island exceeded 35 meters, decreasing to about ten meters when they reached the shores of Crete.

Almost immediately after this wall, the volcano collapsed, after which the sea broke through the "Damb" from a volcanic ash, formed from the north-east channel at the bottom of the modern sea. His water began to fill in the resulting brand, completely filling it with water in just 40 minutes, if the depth of the channel was the same as today. Such a rapid flow of such geological catastrophes, as scientists noted, suggests that supervolkans, especially their island varieties, is worth paying special attention.

As can be seen, the death of the Minoan civilization scientists and historians laid on this (in the past) volcano. They argue that it ruined the flood, tsunami from eruption.

Incorrect shape failure of a volcano cone.

And looks like a flooded quarry

Lime hills are adjacent to tuffs

Central Island

Santorini is included in the group of Cycladic Islands

List of minerals that are available on the islands:

But there are no tests for metals.

I suggest to see the excavations and the remnants of the structure of the Mine culture, which this volcano ruined:

According to the first signs, the territory is quite far from the sea, respectively, higher than 10m above it

The fact that it is destroyed by a flood, the village - does not cause doubts about archaeologists. But could the wave of 10m getting up to these buildings? If the volume of water was big, then her inertia could drag the village and here.

Excavations of this complex from height

In the process of excavations

After. Already glued and restored jugs

It is possible that the entire coast of the Mediterranean has suffered from this cataclysm. And traces of destruction and a flood on all of his coast - the consequences of this event.


in love with the book. Mutually

My Mediterranean love) is an island-tale, simple, dried, but insanely beautiful and cozy.
A business card of Greece, Mecca for lovers and romantics, the edge of the enchanting sunset and at the same time dormantly fatal danger.

Santorin now

Santorini Archipelago is a group of five islands:
Chief Island - Tira (Thira) 75.8 square meters. km, coastline - 70 km, the population is about 8,000 inhabitants.
Teriasia (ThirasSia) 9.3 square meters. km, about 250 inhabitants (here excursions are made on a boat with a visit to the volcano and thermal sources)
Aspronisi 0.1 square meters. km, not populated
Old Kameni (Palea Kameni) 0.5 square meters. km, 1 resident
NEA KAMENI (NEA KAMENI) 3.4 square meters. km, not populated.

Yes, again a lot of letters, but this is the last time) probably)) It is very interesting is the story of the island and amazing his attractive force. With the Santorini fir, it is connected one of the most catastrophic eruptions of the volcano in the history of mankind, as well as one of the most mysterious and mounted myths, the legend about Atlantis.
I will try to briefly retell) the epichitance of the occurrence in ancient times on the island leads me to some almost sacred trepidation)

Grand cataclysm

Mediterranean is located - African and Eurasian, and therefore
« Most of the islands in the Aegean Sea arose as a result of volcanic activities. One of these islands in the Kiklada archipelago is Tira (Fira). Tira along with the islands Tiracia, Palea Kameni, Nea Kamen and Aspero enters the group of islands in the form of a ring called Santorini.»
"The story of Santorina began 80 thousand years ago, when a new volcano was born in the southern part of the Aegean Sea. He "noticed the Mediterranean with a powerful eruption and the peplopad, whose traces of which are found today throughout Italy to Cyprus today, about his appearance. Over time, the volcano rose, rose above the water, joined the cliff sticking out of the sea and turned into a fifteen kilometer island. Then his activity fell, the volcano "fell asleep", overgrown with grass and forest and became similar to other suitable island of the Aegean Sea. "

In the most common version of Tira, it is presented in the form of a volcanic cone, although there are the theories that the island was a complex group of fraught with each other of volcanic cones, located mainly by its periphery And the inner part partially occupied the lagoon or plain.
Freshly locating in the middle of the sea, warmed by the Sun, he attracted people with fertile soils. It is believed that the first name of the island was "strongili", round.

"It's hard to say when the first people appeared on the island - only the fact that still before the onset of our era, life on his shores already beat the key: the ships were harvested, ships were moored with goods from Egypt, from Crete, with Other Islands of the Cycladic Archipelago ... "
"The inhabitants of Santorini island knew the system of measures and calculus, they mined lime and built complex vaulted structures, painted walls fantastic frescoes. They successfully developed agriculture, weaving, pottery art. "
Akrotiri's village in the south of the island was the colony of Crete and one of the centers of Criton-Mina civilization. When excavations near him from 1967 to 1974 (just some forty years ago) Aridon Aridon Expedition discovered
a whole residential quarter consisting of spacious two and three-storey houses with facades, lined with stone slabs. Many at home probably hit the sea at the moment of the explosion of the volcano, the collapsed edge of his crater, on the slopes of which the settlement was opened by Greek archaeologists. But even on the preserved remnants, a crowded and prosperous seaside city can be submitted here.
as well as found
"Amazing on the beauty and thoroughness of the performance of a wall painting, adorned inner premises of almost all open during the excavation of houses of the preserved part of the settlement. According to its artistic advantages, these paintings are not at all inferior to the frescoes, long before it is open in the Palaces of Knossos, Pilos, Tirinf and Mycene. There are among them and the works are completely unique in their artistic and historical value. In all Aegean art, there is hardly anything comparable with an amazing picturesque frieze, depicting a whole squadron of ships that make a cruise along the coast and the islands of the Aegean or maybe the Mediterranean Sea. "

And it is in this inappropriate time (Approximately between 1500 and 1640 BC, the data is specified as the dating methods improve) The volcano woke up from the millennial "hibernation". The historical evidence of this event was left, but the picture can be restored according to the data of volcanology and observations of other eruptions, such as Krakatau explosion in Indonesia, etc.

The catastrophe was monstrous, the eruption began with an explosion. "Giant black" Sultan "shot over the island. After a few minutes, the shock wave, overcoming 130 km, reached Crete: Mountains shuddered, the walls of the royal palaces cracked. Stunned and frightened cries ran out of their dwellings: in the north, where there is always a serenely bluish sea, flowed black, all in the bugger reflections, cloud. Devouring space, she rapidly approached.
The impenetrable, suffocating darkness then covered not only Crete, but also Palestine - this is evidenced by biblical legends and Egyptian chronicles. The peplopad continued, probably for several days, after which the power of explosions declined, but Santorin shook a new, no less terrible cataclysm.

The eruption devastated the magmatic hearth, which was under the volcano, and the entire middle of the island - more than 80 cubic kilometers of rocks - fell into an underground emptiness with a roar that was supposed to be hearing at such a removal like Norway. Norway, imagine? The marine water rushed into the abyss, she fell straight on the hot lava. The huge volumes of water instantly turned into steam, the pressure of which grew at a huge speed.
Santorini Island exploded as a steam boiler. From this explosion there were fluctuations ground surface And its local lowering. But the most terrible was the formation of a new wave of tsunami, which was superior to their first sizes and power.

A huge wave whose height reached presumably from 100 to 200 m, fell on north coast Crete. This wave finally destroyed the entire Minoan fleet, and the construction on the island, and part of the population of Crete and the Cycladic Islands. Criton-Mina civilization suffered such damage that he could not recover from him in the future.

Stronggil no longer existed. On the round island, only torn edges with dizzying cliffs, going to the inner bay of a depth of 380 meters - the so-called caldera. Black, red, yellow breeds - this is what was the "flesh" of the sprinkle with an explosion and collapse of the old volcano. "

"The whole island was covered with a thick layer of pembol, the thickness of which in some areas reaches over 30 meters. Basalt's boulders were eructed from the volcanic train with such a force that caused damage to the many houses of Akrotiri. "
"At a speed of 150 km per hour and at a temperature of more than 600 degrees, Lava burns everything on its path."

The explosion on Strong is considered one of the strongest in the history of our planet. Add to this earthquake, tsunami and fires and get a picture of a real apocalypse for the Mediterranean region.
"Santorini's volcano changed almost all the Mediterranean, and the sound wave from the explosion reincarnated several times the entire planet. Aspirated ash in the atmosphere for several years changed the climate for many thousands of kilometers from the epicenter. "
The scatter of the contents of the crater by different estimates reaches 500-700 km, affecting Africa, mainland Greece, Near East
"The volcano threw a huge amount of pumice. And PEMZA is lighter than water. As a result, the whole eastern part of the Mediterranean for many years was covered with pembias. The navigation has become impossible. "

« The eruption of the tira sent European civilization on another way.
Perhaps the Tira of Starl is a whole continent. For example, the legendary Atlantis.
Under the Caldera on the three-hundred-digit depth under water and the layer of ash, perhaps lies the deceased city.
800 kilometers from the tira, the eruption was observed in Egypt. It is mentioned even in the Bible. The eruption of the volcano and the tsunami is associated with such a biblical event as the outcome of the Jews from Egypt, and in particular, the famous transition of Moses across the sea, when the sea retreated (sings to the tsunami) and the Jews were held, and the troop of Pharaoh was destroyed by a huge wave.

Living on a volcano

When Marinaatos started to excavations, the archaeologists expected to discover the second pompeii, but something warned the inhabitants of the danger and they left the settlement in advance.
"In Akrotiri, neither valuable things, no decoration, nor print or other signs, also not found human remains or remains of animals, except for one pork skeleton. The temporary period lasted between the earthquake and the awakening of the volcano is unknown. Most likely passed one year, as the seeds who were in the ruins of houses since the earthquake time began to germinate when they were covered by the first volcanic ash. "

But for some reason people love to live on a volcano) and even after such a catastrophe, the former strongili did not come to the launch. There were centuries, the story turned into a legend, and residents returned to the island. Only already others.

Phoenician, Dorian and Roman ships were bought to his shores at different times. Dorians are the island so much like that they in the second century BC decided to establish on the main island the city with the name of Fera in honor of Tsar Feras (the modern name - Fira). In the Hellenistic period, Fera served as a marine base for the Ptolemyev dynasty, later passed to the Romans, in the IV century the first Christian Church appeared on the island.
Santorin received his current name in 1204 from francs - in honor of Holy Irina. Franks preferred to transfer the capital to the eastern, breaking, coast, building the fortress on the rock Scaret. Later nearby, right on the crest of the caldera, and the modern capital of Santorina - Fira rose.
A series of bloody quarrels between the Dukes who owned the Cyclades, attempts by Byzantia to win Santorin, the ride of the Turks - relatively quiet life For the santorintes, it came only in 1579, when the island was finally attached to the Ottoman Empire. For some reason, the Turks provided the Santorin autonomy, allowing residents to choose their elders themselves. Whether the Turk was fascinated by Santorinian windmills (in Turkish island was called "Deimercycle" - "Little Mill"), whether they were embarrassed by the renewed activity of the volcano.

The new inhabitants of Santorina got a difficult share. The former greatness of the island remained forever buried under the layer of volcanic ash along with its fertile soil, clean sources, comfortable harbors. Dry land continued to maintain traces of fire and more resembled Phambes. The grape vine had to be twisted with the ring so that it was not broken by the wind. And fishermen to go down to boats, it was necessary to take a whole journey.

Permanent eruptions

But the volcano himself did not give people to relax
Scientists are also known about one powerful cataclysm associated with Santorin's volcano, which occurred about 25 thousand years ago, and about the multiple smaller.
1) Santorin was disturbed by the Greeks in 197 BC. E., Then the island of Palea-Kamen.
2) The eruption of 236 BC was separated by Tiaracy from the North-West edge of the Tira.
3) In 726, Palea-Kaiman Island significantly increased
4) terrible volcanic eruption Skilled half Palea Kamen in 1452.
5) South Coast Santorini went under water in 1570. Three years later, a small cammer appeared.
6) In 1650, Columbus was formed
7) Underwater eruption with poisonous gases, which occurred about 1700 in the north-east of Oyia, led to the death of thousands of people and animals.
8) within 1707-12 g. New Cammy seemed above the water. 5 years!

In 1707, sailors saw something black in the middle of the Santorinian bay. They decided that these were the remains of the sunken vessel, and hurried there, but ... Slowed on the rocks! These rocks moved, and the sea around them changed their color from green on red, with red on yellow. The heavy smoke and the flame broke out from the depths - the population of the island embraced panic: people decided that the fire is about to repain the island itself. Lava island grew in front of the eyes gradually turning into a giant black "spider", which rests in the center of the bay. The sea, meanwhile, was boiling and burned, like oil on a frying pan, and the waves threw dead fish to the shore. Every night over the bay flames broke out, which climbed high into the sky and crumbled over the stunned people with "Star Rain". And so continued for almost a month ...

9) In 1866, the series of eruptions that lasted two years led to the appearance of the island of Afotress, which then disappeared again.

01/26/1866 Stones from an ancient cone of Na-Kaimna, 30th, the amount of stones increased. The inhabitants of the island noticed that in many places the bay water became noticeably warmer than before. Couple clouds rose from the water, spread sulfur smell. The next day, steam with noise began to escape from the water, heard a light underground hum, the cracks appeared on land, cracked and many houses in villages scattered in the archipelago. Then the frightened residents, looking for salvation, moved to the largest of the islands. On February 1, volcanic activity increased, and at around noon in the middle of the bay appeared from the water of a black gear cliff, shrouded in white ferry, which gave the beginning of Georgios, which was joined by Na Kaire on February 5. On February 13, after a strong underwater buzz on the surface of the water, another island appeared, named Afro Ecass. Finally, on February 20, the underwater eruption has reached a maximum. In Georgios, there was a terrible explosion. A huge asset pillar and a couple rose to a height of several hundred meters, and the hot slices of lava raised from the sea rose up at least 500 meters. Soon there was a third island, which then composed one as an afro-essay. The eruptions continued throughout the year, and the periods of strengthening volcanic activity alternated with periods of relative lull.

10) In 1920, the formation of a new KAMMY, it cost no victims.
11) in 1925-26. Connected a small and new Cammy, did not lead to major destruction. And it looked like this:

12) Volcano last woke up in 1956, having caused a strong earthquake and tidal waves with a height of 17 meters. 50 people died on the island. This earthquake destroyed the majority of Santorini's houses and many residents were forced to leave outer, there were only about 400 people on the island.

Not everyone could withstand such "performances". People left the "Devil Island", but many soon returned back. To survive on a volcano where there is not a single normal tree, there is no clay, no sand, no stone, the santorinians began to dig in the militia volcanic tuf horizontal caves - "Spa".
"Cave" life on Santorini continued until 1956, when the island suffered a catastrophic earthquake. The new trouble kicked out the inhabitants of their sorprise forever. The horror of the prospects to be flattened in the thicker of the breed can not be survived twice - people did not want to return to their homes, although it was scafflers and survived: a viscous tuff ended up the fuddy fluctuations, while all ground buildings collapsed.

In August 2014, Greece's dear to my heart was lucky again, this time one of the main goals of the trip was to visit the island of Santorini and his magnificent landscapes - including the volcano Tira. To get to Santorini Island, we helped our tour. The operator, who offered one-day excursions to Santorini Island from Iraklion (Iraklion is considered the capital of Crete, its port center). From the hotel we were taken to the port, on a small cruise boat. Due to the fact that we took a pretty expensive tour (120 euros per person), our tour. The operator provided us with convenient places in the middle of our liner (sides of the sides of the sides of the sides). Many tourists traveled by buying cheapest tickets to deck. During a walk on the boat, we met small islands on the way. After a few hours, our eyes began to open wonderful views of the Santorini Island, to which we walked, his nature of origin is incredibly different from all that we are accustomed to see. The walls of the rocks completely consist of frozen lava, like the whole island, his roads, his landscapes, amazing how plants make their way through these rocks, vineyards and olive trees are growing. Next, we were organized as planted in excursion bus And on the road to the volcano Tira, which is located in the village of Fira, told the story of the origin of the island. Fira is a small tourist town, with narrow streets, according to which crowds of tourists are hung, from one store to another, smoothly moving towards the volcano or from it. Crowd of people, heat, smell of donks, which are the only vehicle On narrow streets - all this remained behind and not so significant when we approached the luxurious species that surround the volcano of the Tire from all sides. Since the observation deck is located at the top of the island, the landscape for photographing is ideal, one problem - those who want to take a photo for memory so much that they are more like a volcano. Enjoying the views can be infinite, here you can have a snack - along the entire trail leading to observation site There are restaurants and cafes on the street, you can enjoy local ice cream based on goat milk (very tasty!), And you can just walk along the shops, in which there are many local goods both handmade and food (local wine, nuts, baking). Prices for tourists, in fact, as elsewhere. Magnets - 2-4 euros per piece, a liter bottle of water 1 euro, homemade bracelets from 5 euros and above, local wine could be taken over 12 euros and higher, but it cost (they say that the Pope itself orders the local wine on Santorini ). The Santorini has been created by all the conditions for tourists, full service, it all depends on the number of your money and the desire to visit this unforgettable place, learn the history of the volcano and the whole island, make stunning photos for memory. You need to come here, not a single photo will not give all unforgettable beauty of this place.

Hi friends! Today is our review about the excursion to Santorini Volcano, on the terrible black islands in Calder. To confess, we were not going there, and the price of 26 euros bribed - a cheap opportunity to get to Na-Kamen's volcano, the one that everything is photographed from the main island.

Excursions to Santorini Volcano: What options and prices

Buying excursions to we did not plan. However, in one of the tourist offices, where we took the ticket tickets, we saw the advertising booklet S. interesting excursions On the volcano of Santorini:

  • option 1: Excursion only on the volcano for 18 euros per person;
  • option 2: Excursion to volcano and hot springs for 20 euros, from 11 or 14 hours for 3 hours;
  • option 3: Excursion to volcano, hot springs and island Tiracia for 26 euros, from 10:45 to 16:15;
  • option 4: Excursion to volcano and hot springs, meeting sunset on a ship with a glass of local wine - 35 euros, from 15:30 to darkness.

We liked these options and at the price and filling. Start of excursions - from the old port of Tira, get to the port - on your own.

You can order the same or similar excursion in any travel agency of the island.

There are excursions to Santorini Volcano, which begin with the new port of Atin and include a transfer from the gathering points and back to them. We did not specify where the collection points are, but we think there should be a lot of them. So, excursions to Santorini volcano with a transfer:

  • option 5: Excursion to volcano, hot springs and island Tiracy for 35 euros, from 10:30 to 17:30;
  • option 6: The same, only at the end of the excursion is not going to a new port, but in the port of Oiy, the meeting of the sunset in Oyu and the travel around the collection points - 38 euros; From 10:30, ending - after sunset.

We chose between 2, 3 and 4 options and stopped on the third for 26 euros per person. And here, as it looked.

All at the start! That is, in the port

Places that we have to visit during an excursion to Santorini Volcano, on the map:

So, first you need to get to the old port of Fira. This can be done in three ways: on foot in several hundreds of steps, on the funicular, on a donkey. We chose the first option and did not lose: on the way open beautiful views. And, of course, a lot of donkeys and mules, ready to carry tourists in any direction. "Only five euros to the old port!" - Offer at every corner the drivers. But why do they, we go down!

Oscals on the steps are pumped to the same wall, tourists - to another 🙂

Funicular B. Old port Santorini is always in demand. But we are in the left we believe that it is boring!

And here the volcano Na-Kameni, on which we will swim now!

After almost half an hour, the descent - go down the steps is not as easy as it would be possible to think - we are in the old port. There are a lot of people, they all came to go on an excursion to the volcano.

The most modest port from all that we have ever seen.

In the office we were told, where to come to show the voucher (excursions to Santorini are fully paid in advance). The guide grouping tourists and from half the eleventh begins to sit on the sailing ships. Well, begins, cheers!

I love such excursions where people from all over the world are going. And everyone says / understand in English 🙂

We are on Na-Kamen. This is tin

Na-Kamen Island is the main attraction of the excursion to Santorini Volcano. Since we use the word "volcano", you need to give some explanations. A lot of millennia ago at this place was a single island with high acting volcano. And in one day there was an eruption of unprecedented power. Lava tesled up on tens of kilometers, in fact, the whole volcano exploded from the inside. The mountain was completely collapsed, and not only on the surface of the Earth, and "with the root" - in its place was formed a pitual depth of several hundred meters, and it was flooded by the sea. So the famous caldera appeared.

If you look at the card, then notice that the island island and the nearest islands form the shape of the circle - once there was a dry mountain in their place.

So in a strict sense, all these islands are part of one volcano. And in the everyday sense, the volcano is called Nea-Kamen-sticking caldera, uninhabited, lifeless and completely black island. We arrived at him.

Stop on Na-Kameni lasted about two hours.

On the island of the protozany paths; It was possible to walk with both the guide and independently.

We first walked on their own, and then joined the group to listen to the story of a guide.

You know, we were truly scary. No, we were not afraid of eruptions in our arrival. We were scared to imagine how wild was the prehistoric spectacle, who witnesses were not left ...

In some places from under the surface there is a light smoke with the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

Even such a scanty, fruitful and dirty-gray vegetation causes bewilderment: how did it even appear here?

We pore there only for the photo.

Still, no, not a romantic place - Santorini ...

Packing swimsuit, relax in Palea-Kamen, mooring to oh

We again on the ship and float to hot springs to the neighboring island - Palea-Kamen. He is also uninhabited (churcher does not count), vegetation is no. The guide on the ship broadcasts in the mouthpiece that you need to swim in hot springs in dark swimsuits: they will, they say, immentable colored divorces.

I confirm half: stains really appeared, and on green cloth. But then they were detained the most common way 🙂 however, they do not advise experiments on white swimsuits.

And how (and for whom?) They built the church there?

The yellow water, the higher its temperature.

Next stop - Tiracia Island. Time to the island is about two hours. The guide reports that you can climb the stairs to the village, but it is not necessary for us. Yes, and no one, in my opinion, did not go.

And here is another inhabited island - Tirasia. Here excursion ships make a stop for lunch.

The Tiarassia is already waiting for the guests: at the pier - a dozen cafes, at all on the shop windows - seafood of varying degrees of appetiteness.

Lunch on the excursion is not included, only delivery to the cafe is included. Thank you, uncle, but we have lunch with you!

On the island there is a kind of semblance of beaches, but bother and sunbathing uncomfortable. In short, if it were not for this a pretty photo, it would be possible to assume that the stop for the tick.

Here is the end of our excursion to Santorini Volcano! Next, the ship follows the port of Oiy, where you can land if you want to walk on one of the most beautiful villages all I . We did and did.

From the sea, the oily looks like an impregnable and harsh.

But the closer, the more friendly 🙂

Council expensive readers: If the fate will be in the port of Oiy, do not spare 5 euros on the donkey, your legs and the heart will tell you then "Thank you, the owner!". Lifting up is steep and consists of more than 300 steps. When we saw the red, choking people at the very top, we were sorry for us.

Excursions to Santorini - this is not a guided tour in Pattaya, where you are taken at the hotel back to the hotel. Here about your transfer take care yourself 🙂

In our next article, you are waiting for a selection where we sailed at the end of the excursion. Stay with us, friends!