Where to go to the Crimea. Crimea: where do you need to visit? Interesting places of Crimea: a bias on historical and cultural value

Crimea at all times was considered one of the most beautiful resorts of the world. The peninsula is full of natural and historical attractions that attract tourists from all over the world. In Crimea there are places to visit every person. Today we want to show you the most beautiful places Crimea!

This reservoir is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. The color of water in it is really emerald. It is worth plunge into this lake, the feeling immediately arises, as if you fell into paradise. Water in it is crystal clear.If you want to spend your vacation with benefit and get a lot of pleasant sensations, you must visit this fabulous place of the Crimean Peninsula.

This very interesting and beautiful attraction of Crimea consists of clay rocks. Hundreds of years ago, he had quite large sizes. Over time, water and rains, wash it, significantly reduced the size of the cape.

The name "Chameleon" he received due to the fact that during the day he changes his shades for more than twenty times. In the morning you can watch a bluish tint, in the evening it can change to golden. This fascinating picture of the Crimea can be observed all day and simply admire the game of sunlight on amazing rocks.

Swallow nest is one of the most beautiful places of Crimea by the sea, is a great pride of the peninsula. The architectural structure is very similar to the ancient castle, which is on a high rock. The base is bay and pier. Currently, the building is located in the building "Swallow Nest". Here you can try fine dishes, as well as admire the wonderful view of the sea and the entire southern coast of Crimea. There are also exhibition halls that will be told about the history of the Crimea.

You can get here on a taxi or public transport, but you will receive more pleasure and impressions from a walk on the ship.

4. Jur Waterfall - Jur

Jaur Waterfall - Jur is the most powerful and full waterfall of the Crimea, in addition, very beautiful. Its name is translated as "forever murder." Height is 15 meters. The flow of water is so powerful that even in the most severe drought he does not dry. Water is crystal clear, but it is not worth swimming in it, since stones fall with the flow of water. Therefore, they are better admired by. The waterfall is in the very picturesque area of \u200b\u200bCrimea. You will get pleasant impressions.

In this magical place of Crimea, you can observe unique plants and trees shrouded with fog, which is formed as a result of aquatic spray.Not far from the waterfall is the cave Jur - Jur. Its length is about 800 meters and depth of 22 meters. This is an interesting place as surrounded by various types of trees. The trip here will give you great pleasure.

Valley of Ghosts is one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. The mysterious area is represented by a large number of rocks of various shapes. Some of them are very similar to the figures of people and animals. If you observe the figures for several hours, you can see what amazing forms take shadows falling from the cliffs and move. That is why locals are called their leaders.

The most famous was the twenty-meter rock, which was given the name "Bust Catherine". Watching from afar you can see the image of a queen sitting on the throne. Unfortunately, if you approach her closer, this image disappears, but still remains mysterious.Walk through this valley in the Crimea created by nature itself, will not leave anyone indifferent.

This is a unique Crimean nature reserve, which occupies a huge territory. Here are plants and animals listed in the Red Book. On an excursion, it is possible to get here only accompanied by personnel on a separate ecotope. There are about three thousand representatives of plants in the reserve and about six thousand species of animals, fish and reptiles.

Not far from the reserve in 1927, extractive stones were mining, but according to the requirements of residents, these activities stopped.

On the territory there are viewing platforms with which a fascinating view of the mountains, rocks. The most famous of them are Ivan-Robber, damn finger, Golden Gate.There is another way to consider the reserve - on the sea trail. It also passes throughout the territory of the protected area.

Love bowl is a natural structure resembling a bathroom. It contains crystal clear water that gets out of the open sea through a small tunnel. This beautiful place in the Crimea is popular with young people.

It was previously thought if the couple jump into the bowl, holding hands and they would not open up, then this is a sign of happy, complete consent of family life.Although the water in the reservoir is cold enough, it does not stop anyone at the most romantic corner of the Crimea.

Another beautiful landmark of Crimea is Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It occupies a huge territory that does not get around and for the whole day. Several thousand plants, shrubs are grown here. There are whole plantations of beautiful colors, cactus garden. Blossom here can be observed all year round, the parade of tulips is carried out, then roses, lilies and chrysanthemums.

Also on the territory there is the most famous area on which a very beautiful pool is located. There is a place of visitor recreation. On the other side there is a sculpture of the goddess Flora.

One of the most beautiful places of the mountain Crimea is the top of the mountain ah-Petri. From above, you can admire the picturesque meadows and rocks. In addition, this is the most foggy and windy place of the peninsula.

A tourist trail leads to the top of the mountain, but it is better to get there along the cable car. To enjoy the paradise forties, it is better to go down on foot. The road was laid to the Yalta itself.

10. Bay in Balaclava

The real decoration of the Crimean town of Balaclava is the bay. She anciently pleased with the eyes of travelers and defended local residents from enemies. Next to the bay is the ancient fortress of Chamblock.

The bay is surrounded by mountains that close the city from the winds and strong waves. This place is considered to be the best in the Crimea for riding on the yacht. At the right bank of the bay was a secret plant for repairing submarines, currently converted to the museum.

11. Genoese Fortress (Sudak)

She was actually once a fortress and defended the locals from the invasion of alien. Now only part remained from this medieval structure, but looking at her, it will be possible to imagine how the locality looked at the time of Byzantium, because the first fortifications appeared in the 6th centuries.

12. Vorontsov Palace (Alupka)

It is also called the "pearl of Crimean architecture", and not in vain. This Majestic Building of the Crimea in Neomavrite Style is striking already due to its facade - what to say about internal design?! The Palace is surrounded by a wonderful park with neat alleys, fountains and many species of well-groomed vegetation. His design was engaged in a talented botanist Karl Kebach. But the building itself was erected by the draft Edward Blora - he also took part in planning some zones of the Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.

13. Chersonese Tauride (Sevastopol)

In 2013, this place on the territory of Crimea was brought to UNESCO. The ancient Greek colony was founded in 422-421 to our era. The remaining ruins will tell a little about the Crimean Peninsula and its history. Here, even partially preserved the amphitheater, and walking along the ruins, you can try to imagine how the Greeks, Romans and other peoples wandered along the same places - predecessors of local residents of Crimea.

These and many other beautiful sights of Crimea you must attend while traveling to the peninsula. This is really one of the most beautiful places in the world, where you can simply relax, enjoying nature or make magnificent photo shoots.

Very beautiful video of Crimea

For decades, the Crimean Peninsula has been a popular holiday destination for our compatriots and to this day, he continues to attract travelers from all over the former Soviet Union. And read this article, you will learn what they are beautiful places Crimea.

This fertile land is famous not only by beach holiday resorts, magnificent landscapes and a unique microclimate. This paradise is one of the most beautiful places on the planet and a real tourist treasure.

On the eve of the summer holidays and the season of vacation, we often wonder how to spend where to go to rest and what to see. And if you decide to spend your vacation on the Crimean Peninsula, then I want to offer you a list: "The most beautiful places of Crimea" That is worth visiting and which will remain in your memory for a long time.

1. Swallow nest

With this legendary castle, at least all Russians are familiar with photographs and postcards. Swallow the nest located on Cape Ai-Todor not far from Yalta is the hallmark of the Crimea and is considered one of the most Crimean Peninsula .

The castle was built in the village of Gaspra on one of the cliffs in 1912. The appearance of this wonderful architectural structure changed several times. In the form of how we see it now, the great merit of the oil magnate Baron Steingel. For many years in the castle there was an excellent restaurant, currently the exposition of the art exhibition is located here.

Due to the strong earthquakes, the castle was partially destroyed, but those who wish can visit it and admire the dizzying species that open from the height of twelve meters. So that the swallow nest is rightfully called one of the most beautiful places of Crimea.

2. Livadia Palace

This palace is one of the most visited and beautiful southern shores of Crimea . The Livadia Palace previously belonged to the Russian emperor Nicholas II and was his summer residence. His uniqueness is that his facade traced a synthesis of four different architectural styles. A beautiful palace and park ensemble spread to the palace.

3. Vorontsov Palace Museum

This architectural monument was built in the 19th century by architect Edward Bhor, who designed individual parts of the Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. For the construction of Vorontsovsky ( or Alupkinsky) Palace passed 23 years, and it was built in the 19th century. And around the palace, the German gardener Karl Kebach was defeated by a beautiful garden with magnificent alleys, fountains and an excellent lake. Palace Library keeps many interesting historical documents. The complex is assigned the status of the Museum-Reserve.

4. Chersonese

In Sevastopol, in the reed bay in the territory of 500 hectares there is one of the most famous sights of Crimea - the ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesos. This place is considered one of the most interesting and beautiful places of Crimea. This city was founded about in the 6th century to our era ancient Greek colonists.

Here are such ancient architectural monuments such as Vladimir Cathedral, Zenon Tower, Citadel, Temple with Arcosolias, Barracks, City Gates, Celebrations, Antique Square, Basilica, Breweys, Signal Bell, Six-Power Temple, Residential Quarter IV-III centuries. BC, and Chapel XIII century, theater and a mint. After inspection, you can plunge into the azure water of the Black Sea and relax on the beach, where you can find small fragments of old ceramics.

5. Ay-Petri

Ai-Petri is rightfully considered the highest mountain massif of the Crimean Peninsula and one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. Its highest point towers 1234 meters above sea level, offering stunning views of the whole Crimea. Here are the famous stone teeth.

6. The Genoese Fortress of the Cafe in Sudak

This fortress was built by the Genoese. In the XV - XVI centuries. Sudak was the largest colony of the "coupe of the Italian Republic" Genoa. Because The city was located in the center of the Great Silk Road, in the 14th century built a powerful citadel to protect their treasures from encroachment.

The Genoese Fortress was built on the basis of ancient strengthening structures and survived different owners: Italians, Turks and Russians. Each multiple secrets and legends. Many people are familiar about the beautiful princess, which was thrown away from the maiden tower to avoid marriage with unloved. Right under the fortress is the beach, where you can spend a great time.

7. Big Canyon

Big Canyon, also refer to environmentally friendly and most Beautiful places Crimea. The beauty of this canyon fascinates. If you start your trip from the sides of the falconian village and overcome the six-kilometer path through the forest, you will see beautiful waterfalls, cool cloths and the purest springs with delicious water. Here you can plunge into your youth bathroom, which, by giving and heals all the ailments.

8. Diving on Tarkhankut

Cape Tarkhankut - is the most western point, a place with the most pure water on the coast of the entire Peninsula and one of the most beautiful places of Crimea . If you love the underwater world, then you will definitely visit this place. You will receive an unforgettable impression, admiring the wonderful underwater landscapes: caves, grotts, the remains of the Turkish fortresses and sunken ships. Come and make sure that yourself!

9. Excursion caves

These caves are not far from Simferopol, and unlike wild caves have raven walkways and stationary lights. Caves Marble and Emine-Bair-Hosar on Chatyr Dagi are considered one of the most beautiful places not only in the Crimea But in Europe. All these picturesque caves are unique, thanks to their natural scenery: stalactams, stalagmitams and stalables. The marble cave is interesting to a large number of huge halls and galleries. The oblivion hall has the height of the nine-story house and the length of 200 m, and is the largest in the world.

10. Balaclava

This small city with a picturesque bay is comfortably located near Sevastopol, there is also a parking lot of yachts and an underground base of submarines. Several tens of years ago, the entrance for tourists in Balaklava was quite problematic, since the base of military submarines was located here. Also on the territory of Balaklava is an ancient Fortress Chamblock.

it place one of the most beautiful in the Crimea. In the Water Bay, there is a closure with stones of the embankment, the shore has a lot of yachts and yals, which gives an amazing flavor to this place. Be sure to visit who are considered the best on the whole peninsula and taste the local cuisine.

On Tatianin Cape, you can try a gentle of Rapanov, and in the Pirate Harchevna - a fishing jug from freshlymal black fish, and in Balaclava taste the delicious fillet of Cambals under sauce with cedar nuts and red caviar.

11. Valley of Ghosts

This valley, which is also one beautiful places in Crimea , spread out on the western slope of the southern plot of mountain range Demerji. Here, the Millennies did the nature of the miracles, forming the cliffs of the most bizarre form - eaves and niches, bastion and mung-shaped rocks. The unrealistic and fascinating valley of the deliberation looks in the predestal and sunset clock.

12. Meganom

If you are a fan of wild tourism, the Meganom Bay is a place where you can relax from the city bustle and merge with nature. This bay form two speakers in the sea of \u200b\u200bCape: Meganom-1 and Meganom-2. Lovers, despite all the difficulties, seek to get a deserted bay, cut off from around the world, which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. It can be found 10 kilometers from Sudak, toward the Solar Valley. You can get to it on a boat or a boat, or by car to the middia bay, then on foot - along the winding mountain trail.

If you still succeed in visiting Meganom Bay - the main entertainment will be walking along a rocky coastline, inspection of the "stone city", observation of friable dolphins and, of course, scuba diving. And what else is needed for a full rest on the lap of nature?

13. New light

Three Novosvet bays are very popular and very beautiful . Here you can swim on the royal beach, where Nicholas II once rested, and also to visit the places of the famous cults of the Soviet films "Pirates of the twentieth century", "Man-amphibian", "three plus two".

14. The Khansky Palace in Bakhchisara

This Palace is considered the most colorful palace of Crimea. After his visit, we taste the real Tatar food in the cozy local restaurants, as well as stroll through the lavender plantations and Kazanlyak roses, which are located near the Bakhchisarai Khansky Palace.

If you want to see the fascinating spectacle and beautiful place Crimea, That go to the cocktabel, admire dawn and sunsets that are worthy of painting brush. The palette of paints in the sky is overflowing with all the colors of the rainbow. This amazing natural phenomenon is best observed from the mountain of Voloshin mountain towards the Feodosia. In the fall in this village, a jazz festival passes, which collects jazz lovers.

16. Massandrovsky Palace

The Massandra Palace is also one of the attractions of the Crimea, which is under Yalta. This palace was also a summer residence Alexander III. The palace is unique and its architectural style and the inner decoration of every hall. If you visit, you can enjoy the excellent taste of Massandrovsk wines, which are considered one of the best in the entire Crimea.

17. Holy Assumption Monastery in Bakhchisara

Holy - Assumption Monastery Located in the gorge of Maryam-Dere, a few kilometers from Bakhchisaraya. The monastery was founded at the end of the VIII - early IX centuries.

Crimean Khans, confessing Muslim, the Orthodox monastery was not a hindrance. They showed religious tolerance and the mosques were located next to the monastery. But in the past century, this monastery blew up and even in the early 90s from the temple, only the caves with frescoes in the rock remained, and in the gorge itself - the corps of a mental hospital, whose patients sometimes had hiking along the tourist trails.

True, paradise? This is the territory of the Karalar Stay Reserve. But she herself - the steppe, which looks as well as thousands of years ago, when there were brands, ants and God to mean what nomads:

Here, by the way, such unique animals are inhabited as yellow-powered metering lizards, and - giant poisonous multicacies.

The former residents of these places resembles a multi-kilometer, crossing the entire Kerch peninsula across. Of course, it is not a Chinese wall, but the scale (the length of the structure is 42 km. The moat 20-25 width and a depth of 6-8 m., And near the similar dimensions of the shaft) are impressive.

It is worth going to the Crimea and in order to visit - the most ancient city of Russia. For the 26th centuries, people continuously lived here. In Kerch, be descended to - stunning to the depths of the soul of the museum, where it tells about the heroism of our people during the Second World War. It is also worth seeing another historical landmark of this part of Crimea -, stroll through the center, climb the famous:

To admire the city and the new bridge through the strait. Then go down on another slope to the ruins - the capital of the Bosporian kingdom. By the way, the remnants of the ancient settlements of various conservation are in other parts of the Eastern Crimea -, Acre, Chinese. Left his mark on this land and the brilliant port, and this is not only the aforementioned Fortress of Arabat, but also:

She had to protect the Turkish Crimea from Russia, but did not fulfill the task - Krymnash!

What is it worth going to the Crimea?

And these are the beaches of the Black Sea and the mountain of the Opuk away:

There is a famous Opunky Reserve, especially popular in the spring, when the colorful tulips of the Schrenk are blooming - the twin points of the first cultural varieties of tulips. Behind him salty lakes wonderful lilac color.

Another interesting object of the Steppe Crimea:

This is not a hill, but a mud volcano. He is not the only one, Kerch should look at the acting mud volcanoes -.

Already in order to wear on such a beach it is worth going to the Crimea! On this photo is already:

Lovely villas were lined up along the wide embankment of the city, and in the world's largest collection of his paintings.

This is a real Western European fortress, in the tower of which plates with coat of arms and inscriptions are mounted - a noble gentleman has ordered such a construction in such a year. In the summer there spend the chic festival "Genoese helmet". For the sake of their rolewicks and lovers of history from year to year come to the Crimea.

What to see in the southern Crimea

Its surrounds the most beautiful South Coast Park - Alupkin.

Photography made in December - sunny and green. The park has a huge collection of plants and greatly planned - multi-levelness, excellent lawns, emphasizing the beauty of evergreen plants, cascades of water bodies, winding tracks and chaos are the races of huge stones.

You need to visit the Crimea to see. It is also beautiful all year round and every month there is a regular unique collection of colors :, lilac, irises, lotibs, roses, clematis, cannes and chrysanthemums. On the blossom of the latter - "" from year to year, the Crimeans themselves go.

At any time of the year, Parks are beautiful.

and admire the surroundings from the caves:

and his foot will be surprised by funny orchids, a monkey to the monkey.

See the biggest grotto of Europe in Kachi Calon.

And meet the sunset from a 200-year-old lighthouse from the most western point of the peninsula.

Then enter the inside of this hollow mountain. Here is such a "portal":

And there to swim in the blue transparent lakes formed at the location of the quarries, where the white inkerman stone was mined for the construction of Sevastopol, Inkerman and Balaclava.

Why go to Western Crimea, what sights are tourists awaited?

Here you need to go to smear therapeutic mud into and feed wild swans on a pink lake, under:

Visit the Evpatoria itself, sunbathe on spacious sandy and small beaches.

To walk along her embankment, wander around the winding streets, where the mosque, Orthodox church, a synagogue, and Kara -

Try in local restaurants Karaaymsky cuisine, and rush on, for example, to the village:

Well, what not aivazovsky?

In Crimea, you can travel really cheap. Yes, it became more expensive here than it was before, but the one who wants to save, can always do it. If you travel not in summer, it is easy to find accommodation at a cost of 500-1000 rubles a day in a comfortable environment.

Crimea is a great place for tracking and fans of tents. This is the place where you can point with a backpack and the best friend, the option is win-win.

Crimea is an ideal place for extreme and active sports (jumping, kayaking, paraglider, balloons, etc.). There is never boring here.

Crimea is a story: from Genoesers and Greeks to Tatars, Russians and Ukrainians. These are fortresses, ruins, museums. This is the intersection of many cultures.

Crimea is a variety of nature: both the mountains, and the sea, and the lakes of pink or blue, and the caves, and waterfalls and so on. Diversity.

Crimea is delicious places where local mussels, oysters, rapana, drums and other seafood can be tasted. I recommend the cafe "Seagull" in Yalta (Georgian, Asian menu with seafood) and "Island" in Sevastopol (seafood), as well as the Tatar family cafe Roomi in Alupka. Here you can try Tatar dishes (very inexpensive and satisfying), and Ukrainian, and serious restaurants from Moscow are added to them now, so everyone will find something for themselves :)

What to see in the Crimea?

My top looks like this (thanks to my subscribers in Instagram, your advice in this material including):

Meet dawn in poppy fields. If you go in the middle or at the end of May, do not be lazy to get up early in the morning so that in the first rays of the world to drown in Macs. This is spectacular. In the photo of the field at the entrance to the village of Turgenevka

Balaclava. Here it is necessary to rise to the Genoese Fortress to admire the panorama of the Balaklava Bay, and, if there are forces, rise to the "Barrel of Death" (the coastal strengthening of the Crimean War). Also here is the Naval Underground Museum with submarines. From here, the boats go to the beach of Inzhir - a very secluded and picturesque natural place, located in the reserve of Ayazma between Balaklava and Laspinsky Cove. There are no hotels, only a tent town.

Without reaching Balaclava there is an abandoned limestone quarry, filled with blue water, around which wild poppies grow, and birds meet on the shores of the lake. Next to this quarry there is another location similar to a quarry, but it is only similar, because it was so conceived. Nearby there is a small village with buildings similar to the houses, on the walls of which windows are drawn, and there is a camouflaged entrance to a large Soviet Spare Command Point, now plundered and abandoned. This once secret base, which few people know, will suit those who love to wander around the abandoned places.

Be sure to go up on Ai-Petri, and even better stroll through mounted bridges. Be sure to see the schedule of the cable car in Mishore (the rise no later than 16 hours). If you do not have time back on the rope, then you can go down with bombing on minibuses that those still impressions ... Everyone is chased as crazy, turns dangerous (we saw Chevrolet Niva, which did not cope with the control and lay in the bushes on the side). But it is convenient that in this case you are immediately left in Yalta. But in general, of course, I advise you to climb on the rope - it is faster and calmer.

Go to Koktebel, look at Kara-Dag.. I still fall asleep with the idea that I did not have time to visit this place. You have to go back :)

Common district BakhchisarayaThere are incredibly picturesque mountains and meadows, such as browstone. In Bakhchisarai district there are also famous stunning places: Mangup Calais and Chufut Callea (medieval settlements and fortresses). And also climb into Kyz Cermen (another fortification). In the same way, cave cities and kacon (medieval settlement, caves, cuttered in the rocks), from where, from the cliffs, you can take jumps (roofjumping from the 150-meter cliff).

Mount Demergi., she is the valley of bringing. This accumulation of cliffs of fancy forms on the western slope of the Southern Ridge of Massif Demerji in the Alushta district. There is a waterfall of Jur-Jur and beautiful species townships

Sevastopol. The Hero's city itself is interesting, I advise you to stay in it longer, especially since you can visit such places like Cape Fiolent (the sunset was beautiful!), Chersonese (the ancient settlement and place where Rus baptized), Balaklava ( About which he wrote above).

New World. The famous trail of Golitsyn, great places. If there is time, then you need to climb the Mount Kaul.

Parks and museums. Best: Vorontsov Park, Chekhov Museum in Yalta, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Livadia Palace. And, of course, the swallow nest. To make a photo without people, you should come in the morning to the opening.

If you are in Yalta, visit Arbor Windsand drinking advise Winery Massandra Combine With tasting :)

Koyash Lake Near Kerch in May acquires a saturated pink color. A very beautiful phenomenon is available from the beginning of May and reaches its apogee in July-August. Why is it pink? All due to algae, producing beta-carotene, painting water and hydrochloric crystals, and racks. Attention: in the summer, the lake dries up, do not look for it :) If you go to Kerch, next to the lake it is worth seeing the Rocks of Elkhen-Kai or "Stone Sailboats". Another rose lake is Sasyk-Sivash, located in Evpatoria.

And remember That Crimea is people. Hospitable and open. Thanks to them, I felt like at home, hello, friends Artemi, Gena_Razbegaev, Golovchenko_Julia_, thank you!

What difficulties did I encounter in the Crimea?

About everything in order, for a start about housing. Since Airbnb is banned in the Crimea, it is difficult to remove accommodation at the owners. Until now, the most convenient and inexpensive option is to figure out and squeeze in place. Sites, where you can book housing in advance, fully (I used TVIL.ru, Sutochno.ru, AVITO.ru). In Yalta, our apartments were only among the intermediaries, I did not give up and found on one site myself, but she only answered in 10 days when I had already booked her housing through the agency. Lucky in Sevastopol, but I had to go to the bank and make a translation through the contact system. Uncomfortable. Also one apartments I was interested, I did not cost as much as indicated on the site, always after the call they became more expensive. We were looking for apartments (it was the first journey with a baby) in the center with not grandmother and without carpet. It is more difficult with this, there are few good options, and their cost is already equal to the cost of living in Nice or Como (from 4 to 6 thousand per day). In addition, sentences are very small. In Yalta, we shot an apartment in LCD Brigantin worth 5,500 rubles a day, in Sevastopol - an apartment in Stalinke to Nakhimov for 3,500 rubles per day.

With a rental car there is a nuance concerning me personally. Since my driving experience is less than two years old, I found only two companies, ready to give me a car. This is Hertz (27,000 in 10 days polo on the machine) and Naprokat.ru (24,000 rubles of a similar class). I took in the end in the latter. They gave out the Skoda Rapid, with the car, too, the adventures were. The battery sits down, the guys in the parking lot are trying to sear him, but they are confused with a minus, as a result of which all the electronics flies ... Thank you for giving out another car (Renault Duster without surcharge), but I haven't really went to see how everyone Chasing awesome, flying on a serpentine on the oncoming. But even the car parked in Yalta at the house, someone managed to lean, naturally, immediately swinging :)

At prices for food - it seemed to me as ordinary, regional. We did not use excursions, we went on their own, of course.

In general, I believe that everyone should be in the wonderful Crimea. But not instead of something, but in spite of everything and everything, preferably in May or in September.

In this article, I will try to briefly describe the top 15 attractions of the Crimean Peninsula, which should be visited. Immediately I want to make a reservation, which constitutes this top, I had to strike out many other beautiful places from it and leave the list, only the most beautiful and worthy of your attractions of the Crimea.

1) Mount Ai-Petri.

I think Ai-Petri is the most beautiful mountain of the peninsula. Its height is 1234 meters above sea level. Unforgettable views, majestic pines, dizzying cliffs, caves, waterfalls ... on Ai-Petri has everything that you can imagine.

From the top of Ai-Petri, the Black Sea, in clear weather, is visible in the distance 150 km, and this is how-no, half of the distance to Turkey!

Ai-Petri can be climbed in various ways: with a cable car, a minibus or a taxi, and on foot. For more information about these methods, I advise you to commit a hiking lifting on the picturesque tourist trails. Only in this case can argue that you conquered Ai-Petri!

You can make a route in such a way that in one light day, you can see the highest waterfall of the Crimea - to make a rise in and look at Yalta to Taraktash windows, walk along the Plateau Ai-Petri and enjoy the flavors of the mountain herbs, make rise to the famous Ai-Petrinsky Teeth, and then descend or on the cable car. And it's all in one day!

We are engaged in organizing hiking day trips and will be glad to see you among the participants! More about campaigns and. 🙂

More information about Ai-Petri and its attractions can be found in

2) Cape Fiolent.

Cape Fiolent is an insanely beautiful place. Be sure to visit this cape, he will impress you, I assure. Also, the Fiolent is known for its Yashmey Beach, the length of which is near a kilometer. And the water in the sea is considered the most pure in the vicinity of Sevastopol.

So take a tube with a mask, a camera and forward for impressions!

3) Balaclava - Crimean Venice.

Balaklava bay is a unique place that attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world. The bay is protected from all sides of the wind and waves, and is considered the best place for lovers of yachting.

At the height of the season, the Balaklava bay resembles a lively road, small boats and majestic yachts, then it is going to go there, delivering tourists to the most beautiful beaches, which in Balaclava a lot. It is Vasili, and the beaches of gold and silver. Also from balaclava can be reached , And to Cape Ayia. The selection of beaches is really impressive.

In the Balaclava itself there is also something to see. You can visit the secret submarine repair plant, and you can see the fortress of Cambalo, or make a hiking campaign on picturesque places to one of the beaches.

4) Golitsyn trail.

Picturesque trail taking her beginning in a new light. The route of the trail is absolutely not difficult and does not require special skills, nor good physical training.

The entrance to the trail is paid - 100 rubles.

The trail is obliged by his name to the prince of Golitsin, who ordered the passage to the grotto in the rocks and equip the cellar in it to store wines. In the grotto itself, excellent acoustics and saving salary.

The trail passes through all the Novosvetov bays (green, blue and blue, which have such names because of the color of the sea in them), in close proximity to the sea and leads to the caper cape.

From Cape, you can return through the juniper grove into a new light, and you can continue the journey and go down to the royal beach or go to conquer the mountain of the Space Peak, which offers beautiful views of all bays.

Photos of our pretties can read here ...

5) Yalta - Crimea Pearl.

Yalta! How cool to walk along the Yalta embankment, listening to the marine surf and enjoy the beauty of the kilometer mountains surrounding Yalta from all sides. Yalta is beautiful. Chekhov himself said that Yalta was not inferior to Nice, but in many ways even better.

Therefore, if you think you go to Yalta or choose some other city, then I can give you advice - of course, eat. Beautiful nature, clean sea, mountains, palm trees are everything about Yalta!

6) Chatyr-Dag Caves.

Not far from Alushta there is Mountain - Chatyr-Dag, with the highest vertex - Equisi-Burun (1527 meters above sea level - the 4th Top of Crimea). Chatyr-Dag himself is also very interesting and you can conquer his vertices yourself,

But we are talking about caves. There are several dozen caves on Chatyr-Dag, but only two specially equipped for tourists are a marble and mammoth cave (Emine-Bair-Hosar). You can visit these caves yourself, and you can go to them with a tour.

We also visited both of these caves, but the marble did not impress us at all, but I can't say about Mammoth. There is something to see. And it is named so in honor of Mammont, the remains of which lie in the cave.

In any case, Chatyr-Dawa cave is worthy of your attention, and I recommend you to visit them.

All of you, most likely, saw movies or heard of the Grand Canyon in the US - the deepest canyon of the world. But imagine that in the Crimea, too, there is such a canyon, of course, not so huge as American, but it's not a little worse.

The large canyon of Crimea is 5 km from the village of Sokolina - this is an amazing and excellent place. The depth of the canyon is over 320 meters, the length is 3.5 km, and the width of the canyon in some places does not exceed 3 meters.

On the bottom of the canyon, a mountain river flows and forms small waterfalls with a height of 3-4 meters. Waterfalls, in turn, wash erosion pits, which are called young baths. Water in the river does not exceed 11 degrees even on the hottest days. There is a legend that bothering in the bathroom youth, you rejuvenate your body. But not everyone can overpower themselves to take such a bath. I am very refreshing.

And now add the long-term Crimean forest and singing hundreds of birds to this everything. Presented? Not? Then plan your next journey through the Crimea, so it will be sure to visit the Big Canyon.

8) Jur-Jur is the most complete Waterfall of the Crimea.

Jur-Jur's waterfall is in the Hap Hal Protection Valley, not far from the village of General (with the Turkic - Wolf Palace), so at the entrance to the reserve it is necessary to pay a tourist collection - 100 rubles.

The river Ulu-Uzen on his way to the Black Sea, meets 15 meter breakdown and with noise, breaking off the cliff, forms a waterfall. Jur-Jur is the most complete Waterfall of the Crimea, and in translation from Turkic means - water-water.

In the spring, this waterfall is truly impressive, it is so powerful that under his pressure it is impossible to resist. Every second cliff rushes down 350 liters of water. Falling water creates such noise that it is impossible to hear each other.

By the end of the summer, due to the lack of precipitation, the waterfall weakens noticeably, but, nevertheless, it remains quite powerful.

Read more about our excursion to Jur-Jur and to the Temple-Lighthouse of St. Nicholas

9) Cable road on Ai-Petri.

The cable car on Ai-Petri is a miracle of engineering thought. This road enters the top 10 of the most impressive cable car. Also, the Crimean "CANCE" is unique in that the length of a silent span is 1670 meters, longer than in Germany. And the angle of lifting near the mountains is 46 degrees.

The road was made on the pendulum principle - the booths move towards each other. The booths themselves are large enough and spacious, they can accommodate up to 40 people and they can even be climed with bikes and tourist backpacks.

The price of travel on the cable car is 250 rubles for adults and 100 rubles for children. Children under 6 years old for free.

More detailed information .

10) Memorial complex "35 Coast Battery" in Sevastopol.

The Museum "35 Coast Battery" is a memorial complex in which you will be able to familiarize yourself with the history of the Defense of Sevastopol in the period of the Great Patriotic War, about the feat of our soldiers.

The museum is open to the visit:

  • in summer (May-October) - daily from 10:00 to 18:00, except Monday;
  • in winter (November-April) - from 10:00 to 16:00, except Monday and Tuesday.

The entrance to the museum is free.

The heroic defense of Sevastopol lasted 250 days. And 35 batteries played a very important role in this defense. The city managed to take only after the battery death. I also want to note that in the last 25 days of the assault of Sevastopol, the German aviation dropped so much air bombs into a besieged city, how much the British were reset to all Germany since the beginning of World War II. Naturally, Sevastopol was completely destroyed.

I advise you to visit this museum to everyone!

More detailed information

11) Swallow nest - Crimea business card.

The castle of a swallow socket is a miniature castle, which towers on the Avrryan rock of Cape Ai-Todor. Swallow nest is one of the most famous and popular places of Crimea. Crowds of tourists are drawn daily to the castle of an endless varnish to see the wonder of architecture.

12) Sudak (Genoese) Fortress

From the title of the fortress it becomes clear that in order to see it, you need to visit the wonderful city of Sudak. This is an amazing fortress - the heritage of the medieval history, which the Genoese was built.

Honestly, before seeing the fortress with your own eyes, I feared that I would see something similar to in Alushta. But what I saw is really fascinating.

Every year in the Sudak Fortress of historians - reconstructors are carried out by festivals, visiting which you are with the ease of passing into the Middle Ages.

Landmark worthy of your attention!

13) Livadia Palace

To say that the Livadia Palace produced a strong impression on us - say nothing. Imagine a leisurely walk in the park, and suddenly you go to the palace.

The palace just amazes with its whiteness and greatness. Well-groomed lawns and palm trees on the background of the palace, they look especially bright, and the blue black sea can be seen on the horizon. Amazing view!

I also want to say that it was here that the section of Europe was happening at the end of World War II. Such great personalities as Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met here at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. And you can visit the exhibition of wax figures and plunge into that atmosphere.

The Livadia Palace originates and you can slowly walk through the shade of trees and enjoy the views from the trails.

14) Vorontsov Palace in Alupka.

Vorontsov Palace - also deserves your attention. The palace belonged to Count Vorontsov, one of the richest people of that time, and his architecture was performed in English style, but intertwines elements of different historical eras.

Southern terraces, with famous lions, which offer stunning views of Ai-Petri.

Beautiful and Poland Park (Alupkin) - masterpiece of parco-garden art. Walking around the park You will be impressed by the mind of the thought of his creator - Karl Antovich Kabach.

Visit Vorontsov Palace stands, only for his inspection you need to allocate a full day, otherwise you just do not see everything.

15) Chersonese Tauride in Sevastopol.

Chersonese Taurical was founded by the Greeks, and at the moment is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

To say that I was very impressed by Chersonesos, more precisely, I can not. But visit it to everyone. Quite an interesting place. The remains of the ancient amphitheater and the columns are impressed.

What more can be said? It was here that the baptism of Russia took place, and the font stayed, in which Rus was baptized by Prince Vladimir. Very beautiful, Vladimir Cathedral, which is almost in the center of the settlement.

They also say that diving into the sea can be seen under water the remains of the ancient ruins. And this spectacle causes strong emotions. I managed to visit Chersonese Tavrichesky in December and dive with the mask did not really wanted, although I redeemed on this day. Strongly by the sea color is beautiful. 🙂

I hope my brief list will be useful and interesting for you, and you will visit some of these places. And perhaps you know other interesting sights that you think should get into this list. Share your thoughts in the comments.