Great Minoan eruption of Santorina. Santorini, the history of eruption that has changed our world eruption of Santorini

In August 2014, Greece's dear to my heart was lucky again, this time one of the main goals of the trip was to visit the island of Santorini and his magnificent landscapes - including the volcano Tira. To get to Santorini Island, we helped our tour. The operator, who offered one-day excursions to Santorini Island from Iraklion (Iraklion is considered the capital of Crete, its port center). From the hotel we were taken to the port, on a small cruise boat. Due to the fact that we took a pretty expensive tour (120 euros per person), our tour. The operator provided us with convenient places in the middle of our liner (sides of the sides of the sides of the sides). Many tourists traveled by buying cheapest tickets to deck. During a walk on the boat, we met small islands on the way. After a few hours, our eyes began to open wonderful views of the Santorini Island, to which we walked, his nature of origin is incredibly different from all that we are accustomed to see. The walls of the rocks completely consist of frozen lava, like the whole island, his roads, his landscapes, amazing how plants make their way through these rocks, vineyards and olive trees are growing. Further, we were organized as an excursion bus and on the road to the volcano Tira, which is located in the village of Fira, told the story of the origin of the island. Fira is a small tourist town, with narrow streets, according to which crowds of tourists are hung, from one store to another, smoothly moving towards the volcano or from it. The crowd of people, the heat, the smell of donies, which are the only vehicle on narrow streets - all this is left behind and not so significant when we approached the luxurious species that surround the volcano of the Tire from all sides. Since the observation deck is located at the top of the island, the landscape for photographing is ideal, one problem - those who want to take a photo for memory so much that they are more like a volcano. You can enjoy the views infinitely, here you can have a snack - along the whole path leading to the observation platform are restaurants and cafes on the street, you can enjoy local ice cream based on goat milk (very tasty!), And you can just walk along the shops that are sold. Local goods both handmade and food (local wine, nuts, baking). Tourists, actually, as elsewhere. Magnets - 2-4 euros per piece, a liter bottle of water 1 euro, homemade bracelets from 5 euros and above, local wine could be taken over 12 euros and higher, but it cost (they say that the Pope itself orders the local wine on Santorini ). On Santorini, all conditions for tourists have been created, full service, it all depends on the number of your money and the desire to visit this unforgettable place, learn the story of the volcano and the whole island, make stunning photos for memory. You need to come here, not a single photo will not give all unforgettable beauty of this place.

Santorini Island - number one direction in Greece according to TripAdvisor. And indeed it is. Athenian Acropolis is fading against this extraordinary island.

In fact, Santorini is a group of islands in the Aegean Sea. The group includes the islands of Tira, Tiracia, Palea-Kameni, Na-Kameni and Aspero. The population of Tirasia is completely small, Palea-Kamen, Na-Kameni and Aspro are generally uninhabited, according to this, the main island of Tira is called simply by the name of the archipelago.

Vulcan Santorin

The most important attraction of the island is the Vulcan Santorin. Arriving on Santorini not to visit the volcano is simply impossible - an island and there is a volcano. The exception is the peak of Santorini, but it's later. Vulcan acting. Island regularly shakes. The last serious earthquake here happened in 1956

Up to 1500 BC, the island had a round shape and called Stronggile. Santorin Volcano, which was in the center of the island, had a height of 1.5 km. About one and a half thousand years BC occurred, a decisive way changed as the history of the ancient world and the shape of the island is an eruption of up to 7 points on the scale of eruptions. As a result of the eruption, the volcanic crater failed and a huge caldera (funnel) was formed, which was immediately filled with the sea. The area of \u200b\u200bthe sea surface of the caldera reaches about 32 square meters. Miles, and the depth of 300-400 m. From the ancient Strong, only the visible crescents currently remained with a sheer cluster of more than 300 m of the western part and the gentle beaches of the eastern part.

So today it looks Santorini. In the very center there is an island-crater (Palea-Kameni), around him flooded caldera and individual islands. Source: Wikipedia.

After filling the vulcan of the volcano, its evaporation and the huge force of the explosion (the effect of the steam boiler) occurred, which caused a huge tsunami, allegedly allegedly from 100 to 200 m, which brightened on the northern coast of Crete. The consequence of Tsunami was the sunset of a minist civilization. A strong earthquakes completed a catastrophe and a volcanic ash-thrown into a significant distance. Tsunami, height in several tens of meters destroyed everything that was on the islands of the Aegean Sea, in Crete, in the coastal Greek settlements, the North of Egypt, all who lived on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and for a thousand years suspended the development of civilizations. There is a version that exactly this tsunami ruined Atlantis.

If you look at the satellite picture, then the mountain is clearly visible. This is the peak of Santorini. He has nothing to do with the volcano and was here before him. It is exactly the same structure and origin as all the other islands of the Kiklada archipelago.

From the side of Caldera is framed by sheer slopes. It is on these slopes that top attractions are located - the city of Fira and Oyia.

Cast cliffs around Santorin Volcano Calder. Dark Island in the center - Crater.

Santorini conditionally Greek island. This is visible in architecture, culture, names and Catholics. The very name of the island has a Latin origin - Santa Irini (according to Greek would be Agios Irini). Obviously, Latin names are among the settlements - Emporio, Perissa, Messario, etc.

Carter Santorin Volcano. In the background, oily is visible, and even further - the iso island.

I am very skeptical about the pillar of tourists, but this island built Togo. We spent five days on the island and did not have time to see everything.

Transport to Santorini

Vulcan Santorin

The ruins of the city of the Minoan era at Cape Akrotiri

Akrotiri is the name of the excavations at the place of the settlement of the Bronze Century attributable to the Minoan civilization. The name of the excavations is given by the name of the modern village located on the hill nearby. The original name of the ancient settlement is unknown. It was buried under the ashes layer after the volcanic eruption of about 1500 BC, as a result of which it was surprisingly well preserved. According to experts, before the city fell asleep with volcanic ash, there was a strong earthquake, and therefore the residents managed to leave their homes in time.

Akrotiri Museum is one of the most civilized places in Santorini. It is clean, neat and everything is thought out. The infrastructure is very similar to the Pyramids of the State University of Guimar. I did not like only paid parking (3 euros). We have not met more paid parking lots on Santorini.

Akrotiri's excavation museum - a branch of Tenerife on Santorini.

Shortly before the completion of the excavation in 2005, the roof was collected, covered the entire territory of the excavation, as a result of which one of the visitors died. Excavations were not affected, but after that the object was closed for free visits. In June 2008 it was announced that acrotets would be closed for tourists at least until 2010. When I did not know exactly, but the museum works.

Red Beach

Red beach is in close proximity to Akrotiri. Beach like a beach, only red. For such a popular and organized beach, surprisingly wretched parking and an approach. Poor aunts with difficulty make their ways to stones and other bouanes. Parking at the beach resembles the average Novgorod courtyard.

Black beach

Black beach on Santorini everywhere. Volcano is a volcano. There are beaches with very small pebbles - they are called sandy. They are located in the beach villages of Periss and Kamari.

Surprisingly, a beach vacation is developed on Santorini. Beach villages and beaches are so-so, you want a beach - go to another place (better not at all in Greece).

Santorini peak

Santorini peak is the highest point on the island. At the peak there is a NATO radar and the peak itself is closed for visits. Nevertheless, almost at the very top, there are viewing platforms. From the peak, the entire archipelago is visible.

On the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea there is a Santorin volcano volcano. Now it remains a small trace, ancient caldera, and earlier there was a huge Cone of Volcano:

Santorin is an active thyroid volcano on the island of Tira in the Aegean Sea, the eruption of which led to the death of the Aegean cities and settlements on the Islands of Crete, Tire and the Mediterranean coast. The eruption is dated 1645-1600 to N. e. (according to different estimates).

The collapse of the caldera is associated with intense seismic activity, volumetric pyroclastic flows and tsunami, washed off all coastal settlements. During the eruption, Santorini's volcano completely devastated his subsidiaries, after which his cone, without having his own weight, collapsed in an empty magmatic reservoir, where sea waters hit him. The resulting giant wave of about 18 meters high (in Wikipedia data, which is up to 100m) swept over the Kiklada archipelago and got to the north coast of Crete Island. Tsunami destroyed all settlements on the islands of the Aegean Sea, as well as touched the banks of Egypt and other countries of the Mediterranean, suspending the development of mankind for a long thousand years.

After the eruption of Santorini, many other events took place in the center of the claimed caldera. Some of them were affected by the archipelago in the XIX and XX centuries. In particular, the last major eruption occurred in 1950. Today, Santorini shows permanent seismic activity, and fumarols and hydrothermal sources still act on some of its islands.

The largest ministerial eruption in the ancient history on the island of Tira, or Fira, occurred in 1628 BC. e. (Dendrochronological date). The following is the most powerful - occurred in 1380 BC. e. (Date is approximate). The latter happened in 1950

How I heard, dendrochronology can compare the dates of events just a few hundred years ago. Milestone trees in the right amount in the right place simply not.

Geologists found out how the explosion of supervulkan caused a "great flood" in Crete

Before the eruption of the Supervolkan, the modern archipelago Santorin was a single island. Related figured out that the eruption occurred almost instantly on geological standards - in just 100 years, a magmatic camera under the island was filled with "fresh" molten rocks, which warm up the local stocks of magma, forced her to expand and literally break the island to pieces.

An unusual "channel" in the northwestern part of the archipelago, which scientists opened under water, told them about what happened to the island and the Ocean surrounding during the eruption and in the first days after the catastrophe.

For example, the unusually deep walls of this channel and its structure indicated that the walls of the supervolkan on the island of Santorin were collapsed even before the sea water burst into the exploded. This means that the tsunami, which was allegedly caused by the destruction of the island and the fall of his "debris" in the Aegean Sea, was born in a completely different way.

In the fact that this tsunami really existed, scientists do not doubt - about his occurrence, traces of sea water and sand in the Mina Palaces of Crete, where she could only get if the height of the waves at the shore exceeded ten meters.

Traces of this event scientists found in the center of the former vulcan train, and a few hundred meters from the coast of the archipelago.

As the analysis of the breeds in the central part of the former island showed, in the first stages of the eruption, some of the Santorin exploded due to the fact that in the central part of the island there was a lagoon with sea water, which became the first "victim" of a hot magma, which rises from the bowels of the earth. This explosion led to the fact that the southern part of the former island was literally instantly flooded with the most powerful outpacing of magma, whose volume exceeded 16 cubic kilometers.

They ultimately "slipped" in the Aegean Sea, covering the bottom of the southern shores of Santorina with a 60-meter layer of new breeds, and caused the most powerful tsunami, whose wavelength of the former island exceeded 35 meters, decreasing to about ten meters when they reached shores of Crete.

Almost immediately after this wall, the volcano collapsed, after which the sea broke through the "Damb" from a volcanic ash, formed from the north-east channel at the bottom of the modern sea. His water began to fill in the resulting brand, completely filling it with water in just 40 minutes, if the depth of the channel was the same as today. Such a rapid flow of such geological catastrophes, as scientists noted, suggests that supervolkans, especially their island varieties, is worth paying special attention.

As can be seen, the death of the Minoan civilization scientists and historians laid on this (in the past) volcano. They argue that it ruined the flood, tsunami from eruption.

Incorrect shape failure of a volcano cone.

And looks like a flooded quarry

Lime hills are adjacent to tuffs

Central Island

Santorini is included in the group of Cycladic Islands

List of minerals that are available on the islands:

But there are no tests for metals.

I suggest to see the excavations and the remnants of the structure of the Mine culture, which this volcano ruined:

According to the first signs, the territory is quite far from the sea, respectively, higher than 10m above it

The fact that it is destroyed by a flood, the village - does not cause doubts about archaeologists. But could the wave of 10m getting up to these buildings? If the volume of water was big, then her inertia could drag the village and here.

Excavations of this complex from height

In the process of excavations

After. Already glued and restored jugs

It is possible that the entire coast of the Mediterranean has suffered from this cataclysm. And traces of destruction and a flood on all of his coast - the consequences of this event.


Take the ferry to the beautiful Greek Islands of Santorini, and you will see a truly unique landscape created by the cataclysm of the end of the Bronze Age. In the north and south, your ship will leave the shiny blue water of the Aegean Sea and will enter the natural harbor, which the majestic rocks surround. The ferry will take place between the large island of Santorini and the smaller - Tirasia, and right in front of them you will see a small island in the center of the natural harbor - Na-Kameni. It looks like a tubercle surrounded by mountains.

Being on Nea-Kameni, among hot springs and sulfur-containing ventilation holes, you can understand the natural history and the formation of this island. Harbor, rocks, elegant white houses with blue roofs - all of them are part of a huge volcano.

Do you know that in the middle of the second millennium BC of our era of Santorini is literally exploded? It was one of the largest eruptions of the volcano in the history of mankind. Over the past 800 years, only the volcano of the Tambor in Indonesia evested with such force. He is responsible for the global "year without summer" in 1816.

The eruption led to the formation of a destructive tsunami throughout the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, which collapsed on the Midmas living in Crete. At that time, the miners were one of the most advanced civilizations in the world.

How could Caldera appear

Volcano Santorin is Caldera. This type of volcano, which erupts with such force that its central part collapses, forming a huge crater. The appearance of this crater is most interested in the scientist Paraskeva Nomiko and his colleagues. Scientists have published high-resolution seabed cards and supplemented their seismic evidence. They suggest that the seabed breed is made of caldera. This allows you to make assumptions about how the volcano collapsed was filled with water and, possibly, caused the tsunami.

Before the eruption of modern caldera did not exist. Instead, there was a caldera much smaller sizes, which remained from more ancient eruption. She formed the lagoons in the north of a single island. Not far from the modern city of Akrotiri, there was a Minoan settlement - a noisy city with three-story buildings, narrow streets and courtyards. He was quite different from the palace complexes found in Crete. Prehistoric Akrotiri may have been a house for hundreds or thousands of people, and probably was an important trading port for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Warning for Midway

The first eruption was sent high to the sky a huge column of ash, which descended back to settlements and agricultural land. This terrible, but not the catastrophic stage of the eruption has become an early warning for local residents and forced them to leave the island. Archaeologists could not detect any bodies, and this suggests that the inhabitants probably fled.

As the volcano continued to throw ashes into the air, he accumulated on the island. Imagine a strong shower of ash and dust that is not going to stop. But when the column of the ash reached its maximum height, it entered the stratosphere and began drifting to the east. The ash from this eruption was discovered in Turkey, on the islands of the Aegean Sea and Crete.

Lava flows

The next step of the eruption of steel pyroclastic flows are hot landslides of volcanic material, which move faster than cars during Formula 1. They blocked the strait in the north-west and isolated the caldera from the Mediterranean Sea.

The strength of the eruption continued to grow, and the pyroclastic flows came out already from several ventilation. Lava streams reached 60 meters in thickness (the height of about 14 two-storey buses) and absorbed the Minoan settlement to Akrotiri, creating Pompeyu Bronze Age and a kind of window in an ancient civilization of the 1600s to our era.

Destructive tsunami

It is at this stage that scientists suggest that the Tsunami began to form. The waves with a height of nine meters broke the northern part of Crete (which is at a distance of 120 km from the volcano), leaving emptying and trash in its path. Tsunami may have reached Western Turkey and even Israel.

Formation of modern painting

In the end, the sea calmed down, the eruption ended, and the modern caldera began to form. Sea coast erosion and catastrophic landslide opened the North-West Strait, and the water from the surrounding Mediterranean filled the caldera for several days. Further landslides have formed southwestern straits. At the end of the formation of modern geography, there was a few more thousands of years, since the acting volcano Na-Kameni continued to gradually erupt over the sea level.

How influenced the Middle Civilization

Although this eruption was catastrophic, terrifying and, perhaps, changed the life for a large number of people, the Mildren themselves were not extinct. Although the settlements on Santorini did not appear anymore, the potary products found confirm that civilization in Crete existed a few more generations. But for a society built on maritime trade, the loss of Santorini's port, which had direct connections with Cyprus, led to the weakening of the position among the trade powers of the Eastern Mediterranean.