Where to go from Marseille for 1 day. Marseille - what to see in one day in a cruise

First, a few words about railway communications in Europe.
European trains high-speed, comfortable and inexpensive, so the ability to leave somewhere in addition to the main place of stay seems very tempting.
Inexporated, however, depends on the shares held by the railway company. In France, the carrier is SNCF, its routes cover the entire territory of France and a number of cities of neighboring countries. In this campaign there is a practice of encouraging early bakery, i.e. Ticket shopping 3 months before the date of travel, in this case the lowest rates are provided to you. In addition to low prices In case of early bouquet, promotions are constantly being held, allowing a cheap moving on certain routes. For timely receipt of information about special offers We just have to subscribe to the newsletter on the company's website.
All routes have the opportunity to buy electronic ticket With the ability to print it immediately after the transaction is made, or get directly at the departure station or in one of the company's offices. With the latter, there are also no problems - usually there are terminals at the station, which issue tickets for credit cardAccording to which payment was carried out, however, it should be chip, if the card is not so, then you need to contact this card at the SNCF cashier (there at the station) and the ticket will be printed without problems.
When I discovered the railway communication in France, immediately wondered, where can I leave Paris, for example, for a daySo that it was enough time to inspect the city.
I was interested in the following cities: Sen-little, Vichy, Marseille / Cassis. Before each of them ride no more than 3 hours. Each of them will stop more.

Sen-little - City in the Brittany region, washed by La Mansha. My choice fell on him because this big City from good choice Hotels on the coast is located in close proximity (50 km) from Abbey on the island of Mont Sen Michel, relevant to the Normandy region.

Mont-Saint-Michel (Fr. Mont Saint-Michel - Mount St. Michael) - a small rocky island, turned into a fortress island, on the north-west coast of France. In 1874, the island is recognized as a historical monument, and since 1979, UNESCO as a world heritage monument is recognized. Mont-Saint-Michel is known to Benedictine abbey, built in the XI-XVI centuries. The abbey covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 55.000 m² and is an excellent preserved sample of a medieval French fortified monastery. Abbey is still available, about 50 Benedictine Monks permanently resides.
Mont-Saint-Michel is the most popular tourist Moz in Normandy. Every year, the island is visited by about 3.5 million people. In France, Mont-Saint-Michel is inferior only Eiffel Tower And Versailles.

Vichy. - simply resort town. He drew me with his cute view. In my presentation it should look like a classic French city. Walking on it will not only be nice, but also useful. The home therapeutic factor - mineral water, Therefore, his whole life is concentrated around the triangular park of sources. From the station to it leads ul. Paris, which ends at the intersection with the main shopping street ul. Georges Clemanso.
From the history
To be treated on the waters has become fashionable at the beginning of the XIX century. By the middle of this century, Vichy became, perhaps, the most fashionable and fashionable resort of France. Napoleon III visited the sources in 1860, the sunset of the empire seemed to be mothballed the city. Now it can be considered a place where the architecture of the style is typical for the "beautiful era" of the style (end of the XIX - XX) preserved in the unablenic purity.

Marseilles- "The Cultural Capital of the European Union" 2013, the second largest city and the largest port In France S. ancient historywho called the "Gate of the East". Marseille, founded by the Greeks back in 600 BC, is located in the south of France, on the shores of the Lyon Bay Mediterranean SeaIt refers to Provence Province, which also includes Nice, Saint-Tropez and Monte Carlo.
It is worth considering the "pearl" of Marseille, the Cathedral of Notre Dame de la Gard in Romano-Byzantine style. The first chapel of the cathedral was erected in 1214. At the top of the cathedral, the Golden Statue of the Virgin Mary is towers, and his foot offers a magnificent view of the city and the Watercology of the Mediterranean Sea. You can walk along the street of La Kanbier, on which life constantly boils, a variety of shops, cafes, restaurants and pass through the surroundings are working. At the beginning of the street, you will see the building of the Exchange, built in the eighteenth century and decorated with bas-relief compositions from the world of trade, further your attention will attract the Negotic Church of Saint-Vincen-de-Paul and the Lonasham Palace in which the Museum of Natural Science and the Museum of Fine Arts is currently located. As for museums, there are a lot of them in the city and all of them possess rich exhibition expositions, among them: Museum of Roman docks, Museum of Old Marseille, Museum of Cantini, Laddle Viei-Sharite, Museum of the History of Marseille, Museum of Crafts and People's traditions of Marseille.

In addition, your attention will be offered marine excursions to the IF Castle, described by Alexander Duma in the Roman "Count Monte Cristo," will be offered to inspect the prison chambers of the Pharya Abbot and Edmon Dantes and, allegedly, died with prisoners underground.

Despite all this, Marseille, primarily a noisy port with its markets and fairs, fish attainment, where fishermen in all votes are called buyers and offer them their catch. Here, in the taverns of the old port, you can enjoy the famous buuabes - fish soup, our ear, of several varieties of marine fish or taste mussels, drinking solar southern wine.

Cassis - This is a beautiful resort town near Marseille (20 minutes by train). If we are tired of megacities and I want to relax by the sea, then Cassis is an excellent option. This is a postcard town surrounded by high white cliffs, it resembles an old village, which was built at the foot of the mountain around a small shady park. There is almost nothing to do here, except for adoption solar baths and walk to ruins medieval castlebuilt in 1381.
However, this place is still proximity to this natural phenomenon, like Calanques, long, narrow and deep coves, carved in limestone cliffs, so to speak local fjords. This is one of the most beautiful and picturesque landscapes of France. Cassis's tourist bureaus organize as hiking toursAnd walking around the sea on the boat. If you are in good physical form, you can walk along the walking route Calanques behind the Western Beach. You will take one and a half hours to get to the most famous and the most beautiful cove, EN VAU, where you can descend down the rock. Among the white rocks, as well as pine trees, tourists and locals sunk. Water here is gentle blue, and you will get a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure if you swim in this place.

Visit to Marseille and Cassis - a great option for dating south of France and rest on the Mediterranean coast. If you compare the trip to Marseille and Cassis with a trip, for example, in Nice, then the first won, since the move to Nice will take not 3 hours, and at least 5 and cost it will be more expensive than 2-3 times.

If you can offer alternatives to such a trip, it is ready to listen. As well as any comments on the text are just welcome.

Marseille provides its guests with broader opportunities not only to get acquainted with the city itself, but also the region as a whole. Numerous travel agencies and private guides offer a wide variety of excursions - from common overview to thematic and non-standard. But first things first.

Range city excursions in the city Very great. And you can find something, then it is suitable for you. So, you can become a member of an organized bus and pedestrian tour, conducted by one of the travel agencies of the city (though it will be held in French or English, but it costs about 20 - 25 euros per person) or order sightseeing tour Directly in Russian at a private guide (though, the price will be much higher - from 50 to 250 euros per group of up to 4 people). Immediately it is necessary to take into account that such an excursion is usually designed for 2 - 3 hours, and you can save, walking on a tourist bus and armed with a guide. In this case, it turns out that you see all the main attractions, but tells you about them not a guide, but a book. The ideal option in this case is knowledge of English or French. In this case, there will be no problems with the understanding and choice of excursions.

One of the most popular excursions relating to the sights of Marseille is a trip to the mysterious castle IF, Sugden in the novel by Alexander Duma "Count Monte Cristo". Sheltered small island In the middle of the sea, the castle (and part-time the former prison) still attracts an impressive number of tourists. It is worth such a tour, the calculated oriented 2.5 - 3 hours, from a private guide around 120 - 150 euros, as part of an organized group need to be clarified.

If we talk about where you can go from Marseille, then it is primarily a charming town Ex-en-provencewhich is in essence of the real cultural center of Provence, which absorbed his most characteristic distinctive features. True pride local residents There are monuments of medieval architecture, as well as very beautiful fountains, which in the city there are several hundred. Go there quite close - about 30 kilometers, and there is a trip as part of an organized group from 30 euros (of course, private guides are more expensive), so it's not to be surprised, then this excursion is very popular with tourists.

If you do not want to limit the Olive Spirit only ex-en-provence, you can go on a tour "Traditional villages of Provence"capable of introducing curious travelers with all charm and cute charm of southern France. And I will say right away - having visited the pair of quiet and cozy villages built up with old mansions filled with flavors of fresh bugs that are coming from family buns, looking at the vineyards, you will finally fall in love with this amazing region, filled with friendliness of local residents and the warmth of the climate. Of course, you can order such an excursion from a private guide and go with it to conquer the surrounding villages on the car (it will cost a day of such pleasure in the area of \u200b\u200b300 euros). But I would advise you to advise you to choose your favorite place on the map and go there on your own on the train or bus, wander through the quiet streets, plunge into this amazing atmosphere and return to Werra back (although you can rent a house or room and stay at all Such a village for a couple of days is for those who appreciate calm and harmony on vacation).

Provence most people are associated, of course, with endless lavender fields. Everywhere in the markets you can buy pads with dried lavender flowers, soap with the addition of lavender oil and much more. Therefore, it is not surprising, then one of the excursions you can stumble upon the list of proposed directions is devoted to this particular symbol of the region. As a rule, during a similar excursion, which is usually called "Lavender fields" or "Blooming Provence" You will be able to see the real blooming fields of lavender, which resemble a lilac canvas, enjoy their incredible aroma, to get acquainted with the technology of preparing one or another products with lavender and buy something as a souvenir. This route is designed, naturally, not for 2-3 hours, and at least 6 - 8, and it will cost a private guide at 300 - 400 euros for a mini group. "On the excursion

In addition, one of the famous and old French cities located near Marseille can be visited. It can be the legendary Avignon, the place of the medieval "captivity of the Pap" (6 ASs, from 200 euros from a private guide), or fashionable cannes or Nice - Pearls Cote d'Azur (400 - 800 euros from a private guide).

An excellent option can be independent trip on a pleasure boat on Calans. These are small bays located near Marseille, with seasons in the sea with capes and cliffs, often referred to as "French fjords".
Adopting on them, you can easily lose the network of time, and the photos made on their background are really impressive. By the way, an excellent alternative to this journey can be acquainted with the kalans from the air - it is very often possible to go on the flight proposals over these metals on the helicopter (from 300 euros per person). Well, lovers of romance can be noted at all to ideas to look at Provence from a bird's eye view, and tone - from the basket balloon . In this case, you can see not only Marcel himself, but also amazing cities Like him or Avignon. This air travel is calculated by 4 - 5 ASOs, and it will cost about 500 euros from the group (3-4 people).

Well, finally I can not not note thematic excursions focused on certain parties to the life of Marseille and the region as a whole. This is, first of all, gastronomic travels, acquainting their travelers with the best local dishes, with traditional recipes and interesting restaurants or farms. The cost of such a route may vary very strongly, since the price of a strong influence has a speed expectancy (it can be from 3 ASs up to several days if it includes a visit to several cities or towns), as well as the scale of tastings and geography of the route itself. But in general, you can focus on the amount of modest 150 (Marseille kitchen, designed for a couple of Aes) to an impressive weekly acquaintance with the culinary traditions of the region for 5,000 euros.

And finally remind you, the south of France is also one of the most popular winemaking regions. So if all of the above routes are not impressive than you or you want to simply relax, go to the conquest of the wineries of Provence, during which you not only learn about the process of collecting vintage and manufacture and wine, but also be able to taste local products.

Good trip!

Gathering in Marseille, on other reviews was tuned to dirt and many emigrants. Maybe we did not go there, but we didn't see all this. Normal city, in any case, the center. Despite June a month, we were not lucky with the weather. It was overcast, cool, and then it was too raining.

From the port you can go by taxi for 20 €. We went through the green line on the asphalt for free shuttle. Stop meters in 700, but waited for a bus for a long time, 50 minutes. It brings to the ferry terminal, next to the Cathedral.

We walked down the center and for a taxi for 8.5 € rose to Notre Dame de la-Gard. Panorama from there Beautiful, despite the gray sky. The cathedral itself is rather unusual, inside the model of sailboats.

Because of the rain, right from the cathedral went on a taxi to the port, 25 euros.

Is there a desire to return? Probably not. All the most significant saw. If only ride around the neighborhood.

The author will be nice!

In the castle of IF the second time you do not need to ride, but we definitely did not regret

Being more than once in Marseille, I was going to get into the castle of IF every time, and all the time something bothered, laying a trip to the island next time. And this time I came! Cruise port Located away from the city, you need to take or ship transfer for 16 $ there, or agree on a taxi. Maybe there are other opportunities, but we did not see. Taxi costs 20 euros, which is in the counter, which by agreement, bargaining is not appropriate.

Immediately, nothing bothered, took tickets to the boat to the island at a convenient time. Here I slapped myself on my forehead! After all, I saw the last time by sea walks, combining and the castle of IF and bathing from the romantic rocks, but then because of the weather it was not relevant, and somehow not postponed. And in Marseille it is stupid to take a swimsuit, there are no beaches. And they would take, the hands did not draw it, but they could go to this heat also to buy. Apparently, again another time ...

The cost of sea walk with an IF castle room is about 16 euros, if not mistaken, duration 2 hours.

Without which it is impossible to present the morning Marseille - this is without smelling dampness of the fish market! Wide among the trays with unknown species of seashells or frightening reptiles - one pleasure!

A little passed around the city, sneaked cherries, bought a couple of points at the price of one, more heels of dresses and a lot of water (well, baked!) Finally sat on the boat. The exit from Marina guards the Museum of Civilizations, for sure, interesting is the notes for the next time.

I wonder, someone calculated, in what language the book Alexander Duma, released by multi-million editions, were read most of all? I think our country takes an honorable place in the list of admirers of the Great Fantasty, otherwise what would the museum on the Isle of IF place information in three languages, among which one is Russian?

The childhood of our generation (born in the USSR) is impregnated with a romance of Dumas, we read fascinating stories a member, worried the adventures of heroes as our own.

A trip to the island of IF is akin to emotional pilgrimage - return to childhood, the way to resume those amazing experiences ...

Therefore, if you did not read the Roman "Count Monte Cristo" and do not share my connotation, the museum may seem not interesting or not worthy of money and time - the fortress and the fortress.

I regretted that I did not capture a Tomik Duma in a cruise, would swallow as in childhood, a volley. My sister and I adored to read and used tricky techniques to fool the vigilance of strict parents who were not allowed to read before bedtime in bed. They persuaded the grandmother to give us lanterns, and sat down under the blankets secret reading caves ...

Less emotional, but convincing argument in favor of the museum can be the immutable fact that the information in the former shots is written in Russian, little-known, but curious facts from the life of Dumas, the museum is welcome and loyal to universal love of visitors to fictional stories, never here is not happening.

We carefully peered into the walls of the castle at the entrance to the island, hoping to see the rocks to which Abbot, Roy, sought her saving tunnel. No, we sighed, I could not get to get to the sheer walls to escape the sea.

In the courtyard with a well collecting rainwater, inspection begins. On the first floor of the castle there were warehouses for storing ammunition and food. There was never cameras, probably, therefore, it was here that the legendary Dantes chamber was placed. Inside the camera is installed with the screen so that visitors can see themselves in imprisonment and make selfie.

Between the Dantes and Faria cameras were made by LAZ in accurately according to the legend. And if you think that the secret tunnel has broken in our days in favor of literary pilgrims, then mistaken! In 1858, Alexander Duma visited the island and was very surprised when the concierge in detail told him the exciting story of the conclusion of Edmon Dantes, the death of the Abbot, escape and as evidence showed a visitor to a breakthrough an old Tunnel between cameras.

From the famous visitors of the island also celebrate the rhino, which stayed here in 1515 to wait for the storm. This unprecedented animal was donated by the Portuguese king Pope Leon H.

On the second floor of the castle there are shy in prisons in which real prisoners were sitting. Walls are stored traces of the stay of prisoners. The island prison is the road one way, here referred to convicts on political and religious affairs.

The floor above housed room room, there is much more comfortable - there are windows and fireplaces. On the roof of the castle there viewpoint. The castle is small, but very friendly.

At the exit from the museum there is a souvenir museum and a cafe. Reverse boat came, and we said goodbye to the castle of IF. Probably, the second time ride here is no need, but we definitely did not regret what we visited.

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Marseille - Provence Marine Heart

Our cruise began in Marseille. Arrived from Moscow at night. Marseille Provence Airport is 27 kilometers from the city center, and a taxi trip to it - the pleasure is not cheap. At the night rate on the meter turned out to be 68 euros. On the way there were a lot of long and paid tunnels, one of which passes under the old port and through the whole city.

The price of the pleasure of 18 euros with people, although it was possible with the same embankment to ride around the city on the tourist train for 7 euros per person.

But first we looked at the nearest neighborhoods of the port and walked along the promenade. My desire was first to get acquainted with the local highlight - a mirror pavilion from Foster + Partners. This place undoubtedly attracts all tourists visiting Marseille's embankment. We also did not refuse to visit the castorgal.

Everywhere, during a walk, we met a variety of picturesque and painted animals - deers, hippos, pandas and even elephants .. Apparently it is the consequences of the fact that in 2013, Marseille was declared the "cultural capital of Europe", and a whole year was held here various exhibitions and cultural events .

Romance port - around beautiful views with yachts. Walked along the promenade. Here on the embankment please the eyes of the beautifully renovated houses of citizens and churches. Look at the surrounding streets. Walked and inspected - everything is clean, neatly, people are welcoming, absolutely nothing of those terrible stories about dirty Marseille. The next encountered animals - lions and bulls in the style of Salvador gave on long legs. And here is the giraffe, and rhino, all such painted and cheerful! And of course raising the mood! We in Latvia have the city of Ventspils, where a whole flock of such multicolored cows of all the masses and sizes differ throughout the city live.

Museums here are also found, but we, unfortunately, did not have time for their visit. But quite by chance and free of charge we witnessed the wonderful representation of the street ballet artists. It was an amazing performance, which delivered additional pleasure from the walk.

Marseille streets are decorated with various compositions from plants, which gives special freshness of stone jungle.

We drove past a city beach with azure water to the sea. The people are too many for such a tiny space, but at least to cool down in such a foolishness than in any way. We drove a memorable arch La Porte de L "Orient. All noted that the shore of the sea in Marseille is unusually beautiful, littered with small coves. The color of the water is very beautiful, it is indisputable, of course.

We climbed all the above on winding streets and here ahead already seemed another business card of Marseille - Basilica Notre Dame De La Gard. Since the hop-on hop-off bus allows you to get out at any stop on the route and then take the next bus, we took advantage of this opportunity to visit this beautiful air temple.

Having risen to the cathedral, you can admire the type of Marseille for a long time from the highest point - from here there is an excellent panorama on the city itself and on the Watercaters of the Mediterranean Sea. Basilica is crowned with a high gilded statue of the Virgin Mary with a baby (12m), which is periodically updated, trimming gold with new plates.

Very nice and truly festive and in the cathedral itself. Immediately rush in the eye of the model of ships woven throughout the basil. This tradition was born in the old days when the families of sailors asked for the return of their Rostemnnikov and brought the arms of ships.

Well, we have already been tagged on the way back to our bus, which should soon approach the stop. And past us, the most tourist train was spacing, on which you can also get to Basilica from the embankment of the old port.

Returning to the old port once again passed through a cozy embankment. From here you can go on the sea walks and see not only the city from the sea, but also the other sights of Marseille, for example, the Friul Islands (ILES DE FRIOUL), where the castle of IF (CHATEAU D "IF), which Alexander Duma wrote in his novel "Count Monte Cristo."

And if you have time, it is even better to take the boat to the west of Marseille and watch the picturesque Calanque Bay (Calanques) - one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean. The time of our mini parking was not particularly located to such a rest, but we were in the plans to be programmed the next time.

On this, our walk through Marsel ended. We sat down in a taxi to return to our ship. On the road, we drove past and appreciated another attraction - the Cathedral Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille.

In general, the city made a very pleasant impression on us. Now we would also rate the beautiful nature of local coves and then this resort will definitely remain in my heart for a long time. To new meetings, Marseille!

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Very beautiful piece of Provence

To all major attractions easily access

We are the whole family to the port of Marseille (I am with a spouse and 2-year-old son) arrived at Costa Magica in August 2015. The liner rose to the cruise moor and get to the Juliet Square in several ways:

By taxi (expensive);

By bus from Costa (10 Euro, there and back);

First 1-1.5 km on foot (for us it is not a problem, especially since we have a stroller-cane) left from the liner towards the city before stopping the free shuttle bass, and then on the shuttle bass, for free, respectively, Already to the square.

On the Juliet Square, when leaving the port, turn right and passing a little along the port right away to the cathedral and the old port,

Having hardly having examined the Cathedral and reaching the old port, we saw a small excursion train TRAIN Touristique, he had 2 routes, - 1) in Notre Dame de La Gard and 2) Old Marseille on 8 Euro with a man, child for free . We chose Notre Dame de la-Gard, as I really wanted to visit it. The route takes a little time, and near the Cathedral of the locomotive makes the stop and sit down, and back, in the old port, you need to go on any next train, in general, time for examining the cathedral is enough.

Returning to the old port on the train, we decided to move on, namely to the palace of Lonasham, and considering that the time allowed, and the palace from the old port is only 2-2.5 km, "we decided to walk on foot and did the right thing. Lucky we reached the palace admiring on the road with beautiful streets of Marseille.

Back to the Juliet Square from the Palace of Lonasham, there is a tram, and the stop is called "Lonsham" and is located 50 meters from the palace. On it we traveled back.

We really liked Marseille, that's how we imagined it. Of course one day is not enough for inspecting this beautiful city, but we now know exactly that you need to go back in Marseille ...

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all attractions are quite compact

port is far from the center, dragon prices eat

Parking in Marseille was 8 hours. In principle, this time is enough to see the main attractions:

Basilica of Our Lady Keepers (Basilique Notre-Dame-de-La-Garde)

Lonshan Palace (Palais Longchamp)

Cathedral Cathedral (Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille)

Old Port (Vieux-Port)

Exchange (Palais De La Bourse)

Town Hall (Hôtel de Ville de Marseille)

Fort Saint John (Fort Saint-Jean) and Fort of St. Nicholas

Palace of Justice (Palais de Justice de Marseille)

In general, the trip. For a long time, I have long dreamed of going to France, where I once studied, with my husband ... And here the dream came true. Moreover, I saw Douce France (delicate France, according to the famous song) not only my husband, but also the Son - in his incomplete three years.


The travel plans are somehow themselves. At first, the airfrance tickets of Moscow-Marseille tickets were purchased on the middle of March (profitable - less than 8 thousand per person in both ends, now there are no longer these prices). A romantic trip was plucked together: day in Marseille, then three days in Nice, where my very good girlfriend lives with her husband and son, restaurants, walks ... However, it was decided to take on the trip of our son, who urgently a ticket was urgent. This somewhat changed the trip concept. And, nevertheless, everything went great, even considering numerous moving and places are not very good - if not to say bad weather.


Of course, I did not extend the knowledge of the language and French life in general - even in the Cote d'Azur in English they say far from every step, and the decision of household problems is faster in French. In Nice, we didn't have a life at all, and Maslenitsa: all three days we spent there with a friend and her family, which helped us to discover the corners of the azure coast, which we are unlikely to visit. However, it turned out that much for English-speaking tourists in France was now easier. For example, you can order railway tickets through English-speaking sites, including www.tgv-europe.com and others. We used this site to buy tickets Marseille Nice and back (100 euros on three for everything, child for free).

Marseilles: seaport, cultural capital and refuge of the Mediterranean guests. To begin with, I want to tell about the impressions of Marseille, where we were just one day. Marseille - the second largest city of France and the largest Mediterranean port. In addition, it is still considered the most ancient city of the country: the foundation date is 600 years BC. e. In 2013, Marcel declared cultural capital Europe - that gives the trip there a special meaning.


Nevertheless, we hoped in vain that by 2013 the main projects under the "Year of Culture" will be completed and we will enjoy equipped with infrastructure and new museums. Construction in Marseille is still in full swing: even the fastest sea ferry in the world, which comes from one part of the port in Marseille to another in 4 minutes, is still in repair!

We will not know that in France, Marseille is associated not only with the cultural heritage, but also a high level of crime and very numerous non-nosed (mainly Arabic) population concentrated in the northern quarters. However, after several years spent in Paris, Marseille does not seem so awesome "the city of immigrants". IN central regionswhere we were, the situation is quite pleasant. The "indigenous" local, that is, the French itself is not in the first generation, by the way, they made a good impression: polite, faces are fresh and tanned, dressed more brightly than in Paris: the southern flavor is felt.


And thanks to Immigrants, Marseille is also famous for colorful restaurants, where you can try the delicious couscous, as well as luxurious bazaars. Couscous tried in the restaurant L'Eau Vive (see below). And on the Arabic bazaar came along the way to the station - how many are there: Fresh fruits, vegetables, fish! And in French standards, very reasonable prices. Sorry, there was no time to buy something and cook.

However, the inconvenience for the guests of Marseille due to the criminogenic situation sometimes arise. So, the day before our arrival, all the city's transport workers used in protest against the fact that the bus driver was attacked by a young criminal with a knife.

Transport . We really liked public transport in Marseille. There is a developed tram network, the compositions are very comfortable and run every few minutes. We traveled both in the subway, and on the bus: also quite worn. You can buy tickets for 1 day for all types of transport: 5 euros per person, child - free. The son especially enjoyed to ride on Marsel: so many trips in one day!


And we went a lot, we are not by chance - Mistral was raging in the yard. I barely leaving the Newhotel Vieuxport hotel in the morning, which, by the way, I really liked (see photo below), we realized that it would not work like on foot. It seems from the window that the weather is beautiful: Sunny, blue sky. And on the street - hurricane! The wind carries dust, newspapers and other trash, passersby are rummaged in scarves, hurrying somewhere else to hide ... The edge of the eye glanced at the port, which was two steps, hastily headed for the tram stop.


NOTRE-DAME-DE-LA-GARDE . The main achievement of the day was the arrival at the passage (tram - the Estrangini Préfecture metro station 60) to the Notre-Dame-de-La-Garde (Basilica of Our Lady Keepers). By the way, walking there even in good weather Not very getting getting away: the bus drove along very steep slopes. However, NOTRE-DAME-DE-La-Garde can be driving on a travel mini-train coming from the old port. The area around the Basilica is considered one of the most prestigious in Marseille, I recalled the Ottoman architecture of Paris something.


Basilica, the first building of which was built in 1214 on the "La Garde" hill and then replaced by much more monumental, is considered to be a symbol of Marseille. This majestic temple, welcomed from the height of his hill, arriving vessels is dedicated to sailors and fishermen.

The uniqueness of Notre Dame de la-Gard is primarily in his unusual style, which calls "Romano-Byzantine": and external, and interior decoration combines elements of the Romance and Byzantine architecture. In 1871, a monumental gold-plated statue of the Virgin Mary was installed on the bell tower of the Cathedral. The bell tower itself is more than 40 metro in height.


Because of Mistrar, go to the cathedral through the main entrance (that is, on the stairs, and then on the lifting bridge) we failed. Having made a photo of an amazing panorama of the city and barely holding back on the legs from the wind, passed to the basil across the lower church (Crypte). Byzantine mosaic inside affects imagination! Spectacularly looks and layouts of ships resembling the symbolic meaning of this majestic structure.


A restaurant in NOTRE-DAME-DE-LA-GARDE . The lower church, equipped with the most modern way, is also an "administrative" part of the basilica. There are an information clause, a souvenir shop, as well as the L'Eau Vive restaurant. The latter is a real find, about which only the most advanced guidebooks mention. In addition to the wonderful menu and completely balanced prices (there is even a comprehensive dinner for 12 euros), the restaurant can also boast a picturesque view of the city. The waiters in the restaurant operate the Missional Monastery Monasurers of the Order of Travailleuses Missionnaires De L'Immaculée, which gives this institution a special charm. In general, we boldly recommend to all lovers to eat with "taste, really, with arrangement."

Around lA Major. . The second largest cathedral of Marseille - Notre Dame De La Major - see also managed. The old quarter of Le Panier, which is a few away from La Major. It was in this place that the Greeks once founded the settlement of Massalia, which gave birth to the city. Sometime, this area was considered "poor", they lived there predominantly immigrants. Now this place was chosen by galleries and all kinds of shops and it enjoys well-deserved popularity among tourists: the narrow streets of warm Mediterranean colors are very good.


Old port .

As my friends told me, a couple of years ago, the old port was in a very neglected state and was not very convenient for tourists. However, it was decided to completely rebuild the port and the surrounding streets to make it the largest square of Marseille, a kind of "agoro". Works partially continue, now it's really a huge, well-equipped area where you can just walk, and admire the yacht, and look at the famous fish market, and sit in a cafe. And many museums (muses of ancient shipyard, the Museum of Old Marseille, Museum of Cantini, etc.) from the port not far. From there, ferries are departed to Frioul Islands (Fri Foul), including the famous IF Island - very much wanted to go there to look at the city from the sea, but alas, the wind did not give plans to come true (below the photo of the Island IF with overview site NOTR DAM-DE LA-GARD).



On the shores of the Lyon Bay in France there is an old beautiful city - Marseille. This largest economic and cultural Center It is one of the largest ports of the country. Thousands of tourists come there daily to plunge into the unique atmosphere of old Provence, explore the attractions and relax on the Mediterranean coast.

If you arrived in the city for 1 day, you need to think in advance what to see in Marseille. Otherwise you can skip anything important.

Old port

Arriving to the city, the tourists are first hurry to the old port. It began to be built during antiquity when the ancient Greeks mastered these places. It was from here that the city was gradually growing. In 15-16 centuries, the first marins for sailing ships And the fort for the protection of Marseille. Over the centuries, the port has become more and more powerful. Lungs sailing ships Replaced heavy modern steamers. During World War II, most port buildings were destroyed. They were restored in 1948. In the ruins, workers were found huge vases from ceramics belonging to the Roman era. Unique finds can be viewed at the Roman Dock Museum.

Now only sightseeing yachts and ships are moored in the old port, which in vicinity offer tourists a variety of sea walks. It is interesting here at any time. Near the harbor are the main attractions of Marseille:

  • lighthouse Virgin Mary;
  • museum of Roman docks;
  • abbey Saint-Victor;
  • town Hall.

In the northern part of the port there is a newest museum dedicated to the origin of European culture, which will be interesting to all lovers of history.

In addition, tourists will find small cafes here and many shops where you can buy souvenirs in memory of the trip. The old port is the heart of Marseille, so it must be viewed first.

Temples of the city

If you are in Marseil for one day, do not lose time. Walking on the old port, go to the Cathedral of Notre Dame de la Gard. This unique Catholic Temple is built on an elevation, so it can be seen from afar. The abode, erected in the 18th century, is one of the most visited places in Marseille. The cathedral is very beautiful. At the top of his bell tower installed a 11-meter statue of the Virgin Mary, covered with gold.

Log in to the Cathedral and inspect it can everyone. It is easy to do with the guide and independently, after leaving the application on the site of the temple and coordinating the time of the visit.

After inspection, you can relax a bit and dine in the restaurant, located two steps away from the attractions. In this quiet cozy place delicious food and reasonable prices. Nearby is a store of souvenirs, where spinning, figurines and other attributes are sold, which tourists are happy to acquire.

Traveling through Marseil, do not forget to visit the Cathedral. He is striking with his architecture. The architects used for construction a green and white marble, so the walls received a striped finish. This is a huge structure, decorated with towers with domes, stretching at 60 meters, amazing the imagination with its greatness. The inner decoration of the cathedral is no less beautiful. Its walls are decorated with mosaic and unique bas-reliefs.

Vintage castles

After studying the temples, come back to the old port. There you can purchase tickets for a fascinating tour of the IF Castle, which is famous in Marsele a landmark. His famous Alexander Duma glorified him in his work. The old fortress is built on a small island. Boats run there with a periodicity of 20 minutes, as they wanted to visit this place a lot.

This fortress was erected in the 16th century to protect the city from enemies from the sea, but soon she became a gloomy prison. Strong walls and water around did the shoots of prisoners practically impossible, so the criminals and political arrests from all over the country were prevailed. Who just did not see the chamber of the fortress during their existence. IN for different years There were all the leaders of the Paris Commune, Huguenotes, prominent political figures. But the fiction of the fortress did not bring them, but fictional prisoners who never stuck the threshold of a gloomy building.

Now in the castle IF spend excursions. Those who wish can see the camera Edmon Dantes and the famous LAZ, drenched by Abbat Faria. On the second floor of the fortress there is another camera, where another prisoner described by a writer was languished, - an iron mask.

On a small island there is an observation deck where tourists can climb. From there, there is a chic view of the ancient city. After a walk, you can sit in a cozy cafe, drink a glass of juice and listen to how the waves are fighting about stony rocks.

If free time remains, do not lose it. The answer to the question about whether to stay in Marseille and what to see back in this city, you will learn further, because interesting places There is incredibly a lot here.

All tourists must see the Palace of Lonshan. This architectural masterpiece is built in the 19th century. Now in the palace complex are located:

  • museum of Natural History;
  • observatory where you can see the equipment of ancient astronomers and admire the stars in modern powerful telescopes;
  • museum of Fine Arts.

The center of the complex is a 10-meter multi-level fountain decorated with a sculptural composition, on which three women are captured in the chariot. Behind the fountain rises a white-name arch. From her in different directions, columns combined with horizontal overlapping are diverged.

it beautiful place It cannot leave anyone indifferent, so the pearl of Marseille and the whole of France is considered right.

Unique nature

If you first arrived in the capital of Provence, try to carve time to inspect the beautiful natural attractions, which is called calans.

A peculiar geological education extends along the coast of 20 km. it real Paradise for tourists. Here you can find solitary coves with purest waterhidden behind white limestone cliffs, mysterious gorges and picturesque caves.

It is advisable to go to the inspection of these places in the morning. Put on practical shoes and go drinking waterSince you will have a lot of walking. You can get there by car or on the boat from the sea. The popularity of calans is explained by the fascinating type of marine stroy and untouched beauty Natural landscapes.

Having enjoyed the contemplation of turquoise water from the top of the mountain, you can go down, sunbathe and swim in the purest sea. Connoisseurs active rest delighted with calene. There are excellent conditions for diving and snorkeling. Many are happy to explore mountain ridges, Learn the gorge, go down to the cave.

It is impossible to inspect all the sights of Marseille for 1 day. There are many museums, ancient buildings, squares and parks in the city. France carefully refers to traditions and history, so in Marseille has a huge number of antiquity monuments. Traveling around the city will remain in memory for a long time, and you will definitely want to return here.