Delivery of water legend of mountains. Mountain Talay Water "Legend of Mountains" - Etalon of Drinking Water

- water " The legend of the mountains of Arkhyz"And the water" Arkhyz "is the same thing?!

We answer:

- No, no and no ... These are absolutely different products, with individual properties and composition, are mined in different places and bottled at two independent factories.

Water " The legend of the mountains of Arkhyz»19 liters Manufactured CJSC Akvaline, RF, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Cherkessk, the place of production Zelenchuk district, the village of Nizhny Arkhyz.

The water "Arkhyz" is produced by the factory of CJSC Wisma, the Russian Federation, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Zelenchuk district, the village of Arkhyz.

It turns out the real water "Arkhyz" is bottled in the village itself, Arkhyz, which is located directly on the territory of the Teberdinsky Reserve, and water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" Spilled in a completely different settlement, which is located much lower than the village of Archyz and has the corresponding name "Nizhny Arkhyz".

Draw your attention to, Company "VODHLOB" One of the few who categorically refused to introduce the ARHYZA's "twin" assortment and thereby misleading his buyers.

Now in more detail about the background of the emergence of the current situation, why and how the "Double" of the Arkhyz water appeared on the market ...

Many consumers of drinking water have long defined with their preferences, choosing water Arkhyz water from a variety of brands. However, do not everyone know that Wisma, which produces this water, in the recent past, faced with many problems that led to a reduction in the release and decrease in sales volumes. These problems arose for various reasons, among which are unsuccessful marketing solutions, miscalculations in personnel politics, competition. Such a set of reasons led to a large debt to creditors in the total amount of more than 2 billion rubles. The main lender of Visma is Sberbank, whose management decided to initiate a lawsuit against bankrupt company.

But so far the judicial magician stretches, CJSC Avlinea took advantage of the liberated niche in the drinking water market and launched water on sale " The legend of the mountains of Arkhyz" She misleads buyers not only with the usual name, but also a design, practically completely copied with the popular "Arkhyz" brand. Thus, someone else's reputation and other people's problems have become a springboard for the takeoff of an unscrupulous manufacturer, who used a loved product to receive undeserved profits. There is no respect for the consumer, violation of legal and ethical norms, unfair competition and thirst to get started at someone else's account ...

"Arkhyz" - clean water, healthy health

The water "Arkhyz" is mined high in the mountains and contains an exclusively thale glacier product that is not mixed with groundwater, and therefore is characterized by a special structure and healing properties. Due to the low percentage of mineral substances and a soft taste, this water is recommended for both everyday use and for use in culinary purposes for the preparation of all sorts of dishes and drinks. The quality of the product is confirmed not only by high popular among consumers - the water "Arkhyz" has repeatedly occupied the leading positions in the ratings compiled by independent expert organizations. Recall that in almost all known Ratings "Arkhyz" is among the ten strongest, in addition, this brand received the People's Mark Prize twice, and in 2017 Roskontrol recognized her championship in such criteria as purity and safety.

The obvious plagiarism of Avlinea is based on high water ratings "Arkhyz", because much easier to use the very familiar to consumers the name than hard to prove the superiority of its brand in fairly competitive combat. However, the buyer's deception lies not only in the similar name and design - much worse, which manufactured by this company water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" Not at all corresponds to the declared composition and quality.

Make sure the deception is easy - on the labels of water brands " The legend of the mountains of Arkhyz"And" mountain peak ", which are products companies "Avline", one and the same place of production - well No. 3. Obviously, two different water can not be mined in the same place, that is, to increase sales, the manufacturer simply sticks different labels on one water using the already promoted name.

No - falsification, yes - useful and clean water!

According to statistics, Russians in 70% of cases become victims of falsification, consuming poor-quality products under the brands of well-known producers of drinking water. Visma also had to fight for fakes, protecting its products with a wide variety of ways. The long-standing brand adherents know about these protective measures and, when buying, always check the presence of corporate packaging, a shrink film with a company logo, as well as a protective film on the traffic jam. However, not all buyers are well aware of the ways to determine the authenticity of the "Arkhyz" water, therefore, seeing a familiar name on the products of Avline's products, make a purchase, without suspecting that this water has nothing to do with the real glacier.

Company "WISMA" responsibly declares that mark "Legend Mount Arkhyz" - Falsification, and has no relation to the real water "Arkhyz". Therefore, despite all the problems available, the company will defend its rights and rights of consumers in court. Buyers should know that "Arkhyz" and " The legend of the mountains of Arkhyz"- These are completely different products, with different properties, taste, composition and quality. These water grades are mined in different places, are produced by different technology, have significant differences in almost all parameters. Only "Arkhyz" is ice water with unique properties, the production of which is produced in the territory of the State Teberdin biosphere reserve at an altitude of more than 1500 m above sea level.

Popular water "Arkhyz" - Mountain drinking water. It is characterized by small mineralization, which allows you to drink it daily. Right "Arkhyz" with the Bloods of the Caucasian Range, from Karachay-Cherkessia. The name is given in honor of the village of Arkhyz, located in a wonderful place with a unique nature.

The origin of water

Water is a universal medium of information. Its benefit is not only in a set of trace elements, but also in the natural location of the source. The place of "birth" of the water "Arkhyz" serves the outskirts of the same name in the KCR. The height of the well - 1507 meters, in close proximity to the Teberdin biosphere reserve.

The lower layers of Caucasian glaciers are constantly tapping. As a result of this process, the source penetrates through rocks enriched with useful trace elements, turning into water, which is the component of "Arkhyza". According to the molecular composition, it is similar to a human cellular liquid, which leads to her light absorption. Reviews about the water "Arkhyz" are convinced that it is very easy to drink, confirming its unique compatibility with the body.

Organization of production and bottling water

The production and production of "Arkhyza" is engaged in the company "Visma", operating in this area since 1993. Water from a depth of about 150 meters is produced. Comes from wells around the clock. It should be noted that the water emerging from the Earth is already saturated with gases of natural origin.

Place of production - Arkhyz deposit, village Arkhyz, Zelenchuk district KCR, wells NO131-K, 1-E. Their depth is 150 and 140 meters.

After filling the tanks, they are transported to the production for further bottling in the city of Cherkessk. There, water is bottled into the container, which is manufactured by an independent enterprise.

The composition of water

Officially, in accordance with the conclusion of researchers, the water "Arkhyz" has a table hydrocarbonate magnesium-sodium-calcium composition, the characteristics of it correspond to TU 9185-006-24461881-03.

Leaving reviews about the water "Arkhyz", doctors note that it is optimal for daily use. Initially, it has the necessary trace elements to maintain the body in a healthy tone.

Create such vital activity following the chemical components of "Arkhyza":

  • calcium - chemical element, indispensable in the structure of bone tissue;
  • magnesium is required for the optimal work of the nervous tissue, it is very important in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, favorably affects the process of blood supply to the heart muscle;
  • sodium - replenits alkaline reserves of blood plasma;
  • iodine - stimulates the hormones of the thyroid gland, ensures protection of it from diseases, has a positive effect on the intellectual development of children;
  • fluorine - ensures protection of teeth from caries, prevents other dental diseases.

Getting acquainted with the reviews of the water "Arkhyz" left by specialists in the field of medicine, it can be concluded that each sip contributes to the replenishment of domestic energy reserves.

Research results

Manufacturers of the water "Arkhyz" constantly conduct research in order to confirm its health properties. Attracting authoritative scientific institutions and centers. So, according to the latest conclusions on the mineral water "Arkhyz", this is an effective natural agent suitable for the prevention of chronic diseases.

In the implementation of integrated treatment, the water "Arkhyz" enhances the effectiveness of the use of traditional drugs. Doctors, forming reviews about the quality of the water "Arkhyz", state: It can be used in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems.

By regularly using "Arkhyz", it is possible to significantly reduce the time of recovery after various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, it contributes to a decrease in blood cholesterol.

Reviews of the water "Arkhyz" along the line of cosmetology and a call indicate that it really contributes to the purification and rejuvenation of the body. Women provides invaluable help in preserving beauty, hair and nails. Optimal for those who actively engaged in sports, helping to supply the body with the necessary substances that improve its functioning.

Drinking water in container 19 liters

Manufacturers of "Arkhyza", given the requirements of the time and needs of the population in high-quality water, and especially urbanized cities, set up the production of bottled water in Tara 19 liters.

Such volume is sufficient for current needs (use of water in pure form, cooking food and beverages). Those who use coolers or ordinary water pumps have long ago concluded that the 19-liter bottle is the best choice for home and work.

Water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" - M. irner dining room drinking watercaucasian glacier originating at an altitude of 1,100 m above sea level. Well Arkhyz №52 / 2 since 2003.ARHyz - The edge of untouched Caucasian nature and monuments of antiquity. This alpine valley is located in Karachay-Cherkessia (where, according to official statistics, lives the largest number of long-livers of the Russian Federation).

The water of the legend of the Mountains of Archyz leads its origin from underground lakes formed by the thawed waters of majestic mountain glaciers.When melting these glaciers, water, seeping through the stratum of sedimentary rocks of the Ancient Sarmatian Sea, which is natural filters, forms huge underground aquifers with crystal clear water, existing in reliable isolation from the surrounding world.

What is the difference from the popular water Arkhyz

To purify the water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz", a completely new technology in the water industry is used - ceramic filtering.The main advantages and differences between ceramic filtering:

  • Ecology - used natural environmentally friendly and secure component - ceramics. At the same time, ceramics is neutral to water - it does not interact with water, does not enter the reaction with it and it does not enriches it.
  • The reliability of the result is a ceramic filter is characterized by a constant and reliable result and always gives equally high water quality.
  • Sterility - ceramics gives a guarantee of microbiological purity in the final product by 99.9%

The legend of the mountains of Arkhyz is a premium product not only at a price, but also at the place of origin and quality.

The effect of the water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" on our body

The water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" is unique in its composition. It has a special property to stimulate the natural mechanism of self-healing of the human body.

This is confirmed by research by scientists of the Pyatigorsky Gni resortology. It even up to 37-38 o C, the water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" is rapidly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and the upper departments of the small intestine, penetrating through physiological membranes into the inner media, and has a normalizing effect on a number of exchange and immunological processes in the direction of their high-quality improvement. .

The composition of the water "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" includes 16 most important micro and macroelements for humans (their presence is one of the main characteristics of the quality, taste and utility of water). At the same time, it has low mineralization (0.1 - 0.35 g / l) and recommended for daily use of the Pyagigorsky state research institutes of the resortology.

The "Legend of the Mountain Arkhyz" was approved by the Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation for the use of adults and children from the first days of life and was submitted to the presidency of children and adolescents recommended for schools (office of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation in Moscow).

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