Eiffel Tower in Paris at night. Eiffel Tower can not take pictures at night

The most ambitious, famous, shocking construction of Paris, of course - Eiffel Tower. From the moment of its appearance in 1889 as an arch for the World Exhibition dedicated to Bastille, and to this day she is in the center of attention. It was also recognized as an important link of the French economy and the valuable heritage of Europe.

The history of the creation of the tower!

Although the engineer Gustave Eiffel offered to disassemble the tower after the expiration of the twenty-year period of its construction, as we see, it still continues to rise simulating on a Mars.

Book a table in the restaurant on the Eiffel Tower

The most interesting thing is that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe design belongs not to Eifel, but Mauris Koshlenu is his colleague on the engineering bureau. It is in the old drawings of Maurice a leading engineer found an interested sketch of the tower.

Together with other employees, Eifel modests the idea, make up a joint patent, sends drawings to the competition, and wins. Subsequently, he redeems the right of possession, and becomes their only owner.

The amazing fact is that during work on the structure of the structure as a basis, German von Maer - Swiss professor of paleontology of the XIX century was taken as a basis. He studied the structure of the femoral bone, namely her heads in the bend and joint compounds at the angle.

He concluded that thanks to a variety of small processes of strict geometric shape, which it is covered, the body weight is distributed evenly, preventing fractures.

It is these studies of Mayer after 20 years and inspired the designers of the famous tower to give it so stable form. Even with a powerful wind, the top deviates only by 12 cm, and if it is riveted in the sun - by 18 cm due to the expansion of the metal.

Work on image

The initial type of steel lady was exclusively a model of technical progress of his time, and looked too conservative. To win the competition, it was necessary to reflect the design with decorative elements, make it more refined.

Gustaves made a proposal to decorate the tower supports with a stone, make Arches with a link between the supports and the lower floor, and also turn them into the main entrance to the exhibition. Levels also had to transform and become functional thanks to glazed rates, and the top - to gain a rounded form along with other decorations.

When the scheme gained all these innovations, the jury approved the Eiffel plan, and he received the green light for construction. Feeling the tide of enthusiasm after the first victory, he exclaimed that now France will become the world's only 300-meter flagpole owner in the world.

Be or not to be a bohemian

Delight, however, did not divide the creative elite, calculating the future building an insulting look. In the mayor of the city, letters have repeatedly came demanding to prevent the construction of such a monstrous structure, arguing that the Eiffel Tower in Paris will be a huge mistake that repel the spot hanging over the city and not combining with other architectures.

About three hundred painters, architects, musicians and writers made up protest by sending it to the city authorities, where in colorful expressions they convinced the commission to drag: "For the past 20 years, we will be forced to look at the disgusting shadow of the hated column of iron and screws stretching over the city as ink blot".

Skall Guno, Duma-Son, and the famous Novelist Gi de Maupassan installed their signatures. However, afterwards, Maupassan has repeatedly visited the restaurant, which is now called Jules Verne. When the novelist was asked why he comes there, if she does not like the Eiffel Tower, he said that there was no more space in Paris where it would be seen from this damn thing.

However, not everyone was so jar of her opponents. On Thomas Edison, she made a completely different impression, and in the guest book he wrote a welcoming word to her creator.

Construction in particular: figures and facts

It all started in 1887 on January 28, and the last afternoon, completed the construction, was December 31, 1889. For such a colossal project, it was a record-lasting period, if we consider that the height of the Eiffel Tower was 300 meters.

Tower construction!

Techniques capable of lifting the details weighing up to 3 tons did not exist on this height, and therefore Eifel had to additionally invent special mobile cranes. Also, to speed up the work, most of the elements were made in advance, and the holes in them are drilled in which the connecting rivets installed.

Eiffel demonstrated unique accuracy in drawing up drawings. There were 1700 common and 3629 detailed, and the accuracy of them was 0.1 mm (3D printers are printed with such a clarity today). It is comparable to jewelry or magic, worthy of admiration, especially in our age of high technologies.

Inner world

Once in Paris, it is difficult to avoid the temptation to look at the city of love from the height of the most famous Parisian. On the initial two platforms, which are located on the vertices of 57.63 and 115.73 m; You can visit the restaurants, drink a glass of sparkling wine or book lunch.

At the third level, located at 276.13 m, visitors are waiting for the bar, astronomical and meteorological observatory. Went the tower of a lighthouse with a dome, the light of which reaches 10 km.

Sit down to the 3rd level

1792 steps rise to the top, but you are unlikely to want to make such a serious climb, especially since in 1899, two FiveS-Lill firm elevators were built for this, and passengers, rising to 175 m, passed to another cabin .

Elevator for lifting on the 2nd floor

The first machines worked on hydraulic pumps, but since in winter their use was impossible, in 1983 electric motors of the "OTIS" brand came to shift, and the hydraulics is demonstrated as the exhibit to tourists.

Apartments Gustava Eifel

At the very top there is another room - the apartment, which was built specifically for the Eiffel. Although the area is quite spacious, it is simply furnished, but with the taste of man XIX century. It has separate rooms, furniture, carpets, and even the piano is a mandatory item of the elite of that time.

When it became known about the apartment in the city, there were people who wanted to buy it away or at least spend the night there, offering solid amounts, but Eifel always refused such proposals.

Staying in Paris, the engineer often arranged in his beloved refuge meeting with rich and famous people. And Edison visited it, and for ten o'clock a couple of inventors under cognac and cigars found many fascinating topics for discussion, including the phonographic-fresh invention of the famous American.

In captivity, but with proudly raised head

Eiffel Tower, year 1940 - the lift mechanism suddenly fails. This trouble happened just on the eve of the arrival of Adolf Hitler. Since the war was going, the new details had nowhere to take him, and the Führeru remained only to hide at the feet of the stroke Parisian. On this occasion, the poets did not miss the opportunity to say: "Hitler conquered France, but he could not conquer the Eiffel Tower."

Hitler planned to transmit radio signals from the lighthouse to their military units and broadcast in Paris, but it was especially the idea that the flag fluttering on the spiders of the top would be great in all corners of the city.

At the end of the summer of 1944, Hitler, annoying, which could not be climbed to the top, gives the Colonel-General Dietrich von Holtitsa order to destroy the non-conquered proudness along with the rest of the sights of Paris.

However, the order was never fulfilled, and when the occupiers left the city, who stopped for several years of elevators in a couple of hours earned again, and the news about it was passed on the radio from the tower.

The height of the Eiffel Tower!

As many as 40 years, Eiffel Tower did not have competitors in height in general, and only in the 1930s lost to the palm of Championship Chrysler Bilding in New York. Today it is height reaches 324 m due to antenna established in 2010.


In reality and in the photo, the tower looks a slender, sophisticated, charming beauty. As a true Frenchwoman, she loves to radically change the image from time to time, and has already managed to move a few outfits. It was painted in different colors, which ranged from yellow to reddish-brown.

Now specially developed and patented a unique tone "brown-eiffel", which is closest to the bronze tint. Every 7 years it is stained over to protect the metal from corrosion, and also replace the old details with new of the lighter, but durable alloy.

Night beauties

The iron lady loves to shine, and at the time of his own premiere in 1889, he spoiled a dozen thousand gas lamps, a pair of spotlights and a lighthouse, the rays of which had the color of three shades of the National Flag. After just a year, electric lights were spawned on it, and in 1925 she became the most ambitious advertising platform for Andre Citroen.

An advertisement was called: "Tower on fire", and thanks to 125 new electric bulbs on it, the silhouette glanced first, then the star rain was replaced, which smoothly went to the comet flight and the symbols of the zodiac, then the year of birth of the tower, the year has appeared, and the last name appeared Citroen. Worked advertising until 1934.

Parisian fashion guy received his golden dress on the last day of 1985, and in 2003, silvery lights were added to this noble brilliance. To do this, it took 4.6 million €, 20 thousand light bulbs, 40 km of wires, 30 people and several months of work. Another memorable outfit tower was wore from early July to the end of December 2008, which looked like a flag of Europe - a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background.

Gustava Eiffel's brainchild and today remains an excellent miracle of the world. A copy of the Eiffel Tower stands in many megacities: in Copenhagen, Las Vegas, Varna, in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, and Aktau in Kazakhstan.

Accurate copy in Las Vegas

In the first 12 months of its existence, it fully popped up the cost of construction thanks to visitors, and remains the most popular attendance attendance. Every year millions of people come to date for her, and by 2002 this number exceeded 200 million.


Dream City and Champagne Bubbles

In order to spend the time at the company of the Eiffel Tower as long as possible, tickets for a tour and a restaurant can be booked in advance. Several buffets, a bar and a pair of cozy restaurants will enjoy delicious dishes, drinks and views of Paris.

On the first floor you can visit the restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel, eat sandwich, froth potatoes, croissant, drink juice or coffee, paying for Lench only 18 €. In the evening there is a choice of several main dishes and desserts, but the price increases to 82 € per person.
At the same level, there are conventional buffets in which a glass of juice and a piece of pizza will not exceed 7-8 €.

Restaurant "Jules Verne" (Le Jules Verne)

But, if you are in the romantic place on Earth, you do not intend to save on pleasure, then visit the Luxury Jul Verne Restaurant at the second level. Lunch here will cost a minimum of 85 € per person, and dinner with lobster - at least 200 €.

View from the tower at night

Night Paris from the Overview

Eiffel Tower on the map

However, you can enjoy and without visiting such expensive institutions. Rising to the third level, in Champagne Bar Take a glass of champagne, take a look at Paris from a bird's eye view, and feel the exception of this moment.


The exact address: Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris

Working hours: From 9:30 to 23:00, in the summer from 9:00 to 00:00


Lift entrance (up to 2nd): Adults - 11 €, 12-14 years old - 8.5 €, children and disabled - 4 €.

Before the top: Adults - 17 €, 12-14 years old - 14,5 €, children and disabled - 8 €.

On the stairs up to 2 floors: Adults - 7 €, 12-14 years old - 5 €, children and disabled - 3 €.


Photo Gallery Eiffel Tower!

1 of 21.

Holidays in November

Eiffel Tower at night photo

Eiffel Tower photo

Photographing the Eiffel Tower at night is actually illegal. And that's why…
Ah, Evening Paris. Your stomach is full of good bread, good cheese and good wine. Now you look at the Eiffel Tower: her lights flicker and dancing in the night sky. But if you think to climb the camera, then think about it again. Snopes, Online checking site, just confirmed that the use of photos of the Eiffel Tower, removed at night, is illegal. (There are other breathtaking facts)

According to the current French legislation, it is quite possible to photograph the evening light display of the Eiffel Tower. However, the dissemination of this photo through Facebook or Instagram can lead you to litigation.

But happy tourists, as a rule, do not know anything about it. But breathe easier. You can legally photograph during the day, because the Eiffel Tower is a public space. That's just the evening light display, installed on the tower in 1985 by Pierre Bido, belongs to the artist and is protected by copyright.

De La Tour Eiffel, which owns and manages the tower, confirms: "Rights for publishing photos of the illuminated Eiffel Tower must be obtained from Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel." Using photos of the illuminated Eiffel Tower without permission of France can become a potential target for lawyers. The rate on what you did not know this does not work. (These amazing international laws that travelers do not guess).

Tom Eversley / Shutterstock

Your photos on Facebook are probably safe if you use them only for personal purposes. But this is a waste of time, every time to light the Eiffel Tower, if tourists cannot click the photo, right?

Part Two, dizzy.

In this photo, you can trace the famous path of Man-Cognac Napoleon Bonaparte. In the middle of the frame, a military school in which the future emperor studied, and on the left - the cathedral of the disabled houses, where his dust rests. In the background, almost in the center, Montparnasa is drowning in the lights - the only skyscraper in the center of the city (we will also ride it in one of the posts). And finally, in the foreground is observed broken in front of the Eiffel Tower Park Sham de Mars or simply a Marso field.

2. Lower left corner from the previous photo. She is an area of \u200b\u200bEcol Militer (military school, easy to translate). For this snapshot, you can conclusted a few facts about Paris life: the architecture is beautiful, the compact auto is parking compactly, and the trees in the city are trying to save. But the most wonderful is the lack of street wires. In Paris, they are hiding underground.

3. Let's see a little left. View of Pale-Bourbon (7th District, in all of them 20 and each with her mayor).

4. ZZZZ closer. The story of the Chert Wheels is similar to the history of the Eiffel Tower. Like she, the wheel was erected as a temporary construction for the celebration of Millenium. And his owner also refused to subtract his brainchild. This clown Marcel Kampyon (and he is a former clown) referred to the fact that he finances programs to combat AIDS and cancer. Ah, poor. The most piquant, however, that he led friendship with the then president of France by Jacques Chirac (who, as is known, just now sew the case). But this did not quite help, the court ruled the wheel to remove and it rolled through various European squares and fairs, however, for a while he was back to Concord Square.

5. There, in the distance, at the highest point of Paris, Montmartre hill, is the basilica sacre-ker. The only vineyard in the city was also sheltered, gives out several hundred liters of wine to the mountain (on the hill).
Montmartre is famous artists place (as Arbat, but not Arbat).

6. To the left. Arch, Arch, Well, who does not know her, E-e.

7. Already northwest. Paris Downtown Defense is very prudently built on the outskirts of the city. I somehow tell about him in more detail.

8. Regarding young (1937 buildings) Palace Shaio. It is museums.

9. closer. Varsovi's area in front of the palace, which is crossed by New York Avenue. In general, the topography of the city is beautiful. Not only is the hearing caress French names in principle, then you are Cennedy Avenue and Charles de Gaulle, Walter and Sevastopol boulevards, Rome Streets, Moscow and St. Petersburg (which was called Petrograd, then Leningrad).

10. Look at the south-west direction. Somewhere in the distance Versailles, but at the bottom - hay, liquid water. This river did a lot.

11. The unsuccessful white spot in the frame issues a non-professional photographer (as well as fuzzy photographs, no tripod). So lit in the night one of the many stadiums of the city, located at the foot of our tower. Thousands of devils, football playgrounds in Paris set and on them constantly chase the ball. So where the legs grow from victories at the World Championships.

12. Approach and see that even now (about 10 o'clock in the evening) someone brings together scores in the game.

13. Here is another stadium in the smoky.

14. Complete the turnover and again, now more clearly, we see the Montparnas Tower.

Do you know that photographing the Eiffel Tower in the evening is prohibited? To do this, you need to get a special permission!

Yes, yes, you did not hear! The "Copyright Act" prohibits the photographing of the Eiffel Tower at night. The thing is that it is impossible to photograph not the tower itself, namely its night lighting, as it is the object of copyright. Previously, you need to get a written permission from the company "SeTe", which is engaged in servicing the tower. The French court back in 1990 decided that all the lights on the Eiffel Tower should be protected by copyright, but it was possible to fulfill full control just recently.

Do not rush to publish your photos of Night Paris - you break the law of France. According to SETE, all night photos of the Eiffel Tower, published on the Internet, were officially authorized by the administration. Those who really want to have the rights to use the night shot of the Eiffel Tower, will have to pay a few dollars of Royalties.

When in 1887 Gustav Eifel decided to build a tower, the entire intelligentsia of Paris and all the well-known cultural figures of those times criticized him. In protest even gathered signatures. The biggest hater creation of the Eiffel was a French writer Gi de Maupassan, who later loved to lunch in the restaurant of the tower. At one time he wrote that this is the only place in Paris, from where it was impossible to see this disgusting building!

During World War II, before Nazi troops entered Paris, French engineers were detained the elevator drive, which was not possible to fix in the war years. German soldiers could not get to the top of the tower and raise the Nazi flags on it. Hitler conquered France, but not her heart - Eiffel Tower!

A rather common phenomenon is suicide from the Eiffel Tower. For all the time there were about 400 suicides. However, not all attempts have been realized. The most curious incident occurred with a Frenchwoman who jumped from the tower and landed on the roof of the car, and then married the owner of the car.

In the world in different cities, more than 10 copies of the Eiffel Tower, the most famous of them are located in Las Vegas, in Solobozia, in Copenhagen and Varna.

For 120 years of existence, Eiffel Tower visited more than 250 million people. Every year, the tower is visited by about 6 million tourists.

For the whole story, Eiffel Tower was sold by fraudsters about 20 times, the most famous of them was Victor Losting, who twice managed to sell it on scrap metal!

Every year, "Western values" is all better protected by laws, turning them into complete insanity * ...

According to the Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel, according to the Société D'Exploitation De La Tour Eiffel, which the highlight of the Eiffel Tower is recognized as a artistic work. Photographing at night and divided the pictures taken by snapshots, as it violates the copyright and contradicts the norms of European legislation in this area. Those who wish to remove the main attraction of Paris at night, should receive permission from the management company.

Société d'Exploitation De La Tour Eiffel is managed by the Tower of Justice De La Tour Eiffel, which has been emphasized on its website a formidative warning about the persecution of photographers' violators. Yes, the video shooting is also prohibited. The rationale is the same iron as the tower itself - the backlight of the Eiffel Tower is the artist's author's work, and therefore is protected by the law on copyright protection. You can photograph the tower only during the daytime when the backlight is turned off and the "author's work" is not visible.

The Sun's British newspaper specifically explains to tourists from Misty Albion that the eiffel tower's pictures taken at night can not be published even on social networks - even after a long time, you may be judged for violation of copyright.

It is impossible to evaluate such laws in the right mind. After all, any person who built his home and decorated it, may require the same. Moreover, any man who came to the street is entitled to claim compensation for damage from entering the frame - each is dressed, combed and painted in accordance with its own author's design. The same applies to photographing someone else's dog, for example. Yes, what is there to speak - graffiti on the walls of houses and even the photographed advertising poster fall under the copyright - to watch it, but not dare to take pictures.

If this is true European values, then they would be good there and remained.

P.S. Photo used in the material Photo of the Eiffel Tower is taken from the Ukrainian resource (http://globustour.com.ua/upload/file3007.jpg). All claims - in Kiev.

* - Marammus, the state of complete decline of psychophysical activity. The domestic name of the symptoms of senile dementia (seenile dementia), Alzheimer's disease.