City Khujand - Tajikistan Cultural Center. History Khujand Biography Square Land KV Khujand

This is the second largest city country and one of the oldest in Central Asia. According to the 2018 population census, more than 179 thousand people live in it.

Khujand spread in a beautiful valley on the shores of the Syrdarya River, mountains rose around it. Due to this location, the air in the city is fresh and clean. Khujand is not a modern megalopolis, but rather echoes of Soviet and post-Soviet times. The streets of the city are calm and bright, and people are friendly and responsive. In the markets you can buy very tasty, juicy and inexpensive fruits.

Khujand is an ancient city. No one can say exactly when people settled here for the first time. The foundation date of Khujand is considered to be 514 BC. e.

In the VI century BC e. The city was conquered by Alexander Macedonian and received the name Alexandria Eschati. In the VIII century He was captured by Arabs, and XIII century. - Tatar-Mongols, who almost completely destroyed the city. But thanks to a good location and the fact that trading routes were held through it, the city was restored. Over time, he turned into a major center of science, culture, politics and trade.

In 1866, Khujand was conquered by the Russian Empire and received new opportunities for development. In the time of the USSR, the city was renamed Leninabad.

How to get

Khujand can be reached from the capital of Tajikistan or Uzbekistan. Taxi from Tashkent will no longer be too expensive. The path from Dushanbe runs through two mountain passes, the journey will take at least 5 hours.

From Dushanbe in Khujand there are trains, but this type of transport is not entirely comfortable, since it will have to cross the border with Uzbekistan, and the inspection at the Uzbek customs takes a lot of time and differs in scrupulousness.

Around the capital in Khujand, airplanes fly from the capital in Khujand. This version of movement is not only convenient, but also allows you to admire the Pamir from the height. The airport is located 10 km from Khujand.

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Khujand fortress is part of an ancient system of fortifications. It dates from the VI-V centuries. BC e. By the VI-VII centuries. BC e. The city has grown and the fortress was completed. Khutzand Citadel is considered one of the most protected in Central Asia.

In the XIII century. As a result of a long siege, the troops of Genghis Khan the fortress was completely destroyed. At the end of the XV century. She was restored and she became the residence of the Khujand ruler. Now the historical museum is working on the territory of the cytadel.

The majestic mosque Masjidi Jami, which is also the mausoleum of Sheikh Muslihiddin was built in 1512-1513. It is located in the western part of Panzhanbe.

Masosle Masjidi Jami is striking with its magnificence and monumentality. A huge building, a few dozen columns, an openwork isvan, elegant carving, a skillful painting - all this makes the mosque of one of the best in Central Asia.

The building has a large dome in the center and four smaller sides. Walls, high arched openings, doors are decorated with mosaic, painting and carvings. Mask Masjidi Jami is rightly recognized as an outstanding model of the Central Asian art of the Middle Ages.

In 1884, the Church of Mary Magdalene appeared in Khujand. His construction reconciled a rich trader. In 2005, during a fire, the temple almost completely burned down. For five years they forgot about him, but in 2010 it was reconstructed.

Now the temple of Mary Magdalene is a 14-thimeter building. The dome adorns the gilded cross brought from Moscow. In the church you can see some icons that have survived after the fire.

a, lies at an altitude of more than 300 m above sea level in a fertile oasis formed by Delta river Syrdarya. Today Khujandone of the largest industrial - industrial centers of the republic, the most big city of Northern Tajikistan A and the second most important in the country.

The city covers a territory of 25 square meters. The KM, which compactly live 155 thousand people, 20 nationalities.

Historically Khujand is one of the most ancient cities in Tajikistan E. From reliable sources it is known that the archaic settlement existed here even during the reign of Akhmenid dynasty, which is much earlier coming to these edges Alexandra Macedonsky.

Because of its advantageous geographical position, Khujantamore than once there were in the center of various historical events. In ancient times, the city survived the invasion of many treacherous invaders: Alexandra Macedonskyrenamed it to Alexandria Eskhata, Arabs, brought Islam, horde Chingiz Khan Awho sowed destruction and death.

However, there were positive moments in the fate of the city. Being at the crossroads of commercial roads, Great Silk Path, Khujandsince ancient times, he was one of the most important economic, cultural and military-strategic facilities in Maverannova E.. Here were well developed crafts and trade, and as a result, favorable conditions for classes in science and culture were created. An ancient city is home to famous astronomers, doctors, mathematicians, historians, musicians and poets. Here lived and worked for the most famous people of the time, such as Abummumud Khujandi - Chapter and Founder of the Local School of Astronomers, Coles Khujandi - the author of well-known gazelles, Mahasti- Famous poetess, dancer and musician, singer and composer - Sodirkhon Hofiz., Great Traveler -Gurni Yusufoutstanding government figures Techmosiand Temmeralik, as well as many, many others.

In 1866, during the military operation, the city, as part of other Central Asian territories, was annexed by Tsarist Russia. Here stretched the branch of the railway tied Khujand with Tashkentwhich gave a powerful impetus to the development of industry in the region.

In 1916, the city is first in Central Asia He began to raise methers against the politics of the Tsarist Russia, mobilizing the local population to the fronts of the First World War.

In early 1918, the Soviet power was established here, and in 1929. Khujandhe entered the composition Tajik SSR.

Modern city - Multi-industrial industrial assembly and administrative center Sughd region Tajikistan A, one of the placer pearls Fergana Valley. Here is unusually beautiful: majestic mountain landscapes, leisurely eternal waters Syrdarya, crystal clear air, the emerald city outfit, the abundance of vegetables, fruits and other gifts of the generous of the Tajik land. All does it Khujand is unusually attractive for touristsMoreover, in the city there is something to see.

Sights of Khujand.

Monument to Kamol Khujandi

The monument was installed in 1996 and timed to the 675th anniversary of the birth of the poet, thinker and traveler. The sculpture created by K. N. Nadyrov depicts a sitting bare poet, with the hope of looking towards the setting sun, where his native house was located. Through the back of Khujandi, two huge wings are spread as a symbol of inspired poetry and purity of human thoughts. ...

Khujand fortress

When, this citadel was an integral part of the ancient city, presumably founded in the VI-V centuries. BC e. In those days, the fortification was surrounded by a bulk shaft, later, in its place there was a multi-meter wall of raw bricks, the remains of which to this day surround the territory of the ancient city found under the central part of the left-bank Khujand. But, …

Masosh Masjidi Jami

Beautiful cathedral mosque 1512-1513. - A magnificent sample of the interpenetration of decorative art and the constructional culture of Central Asia. Especially good, 30 Column openwork Avan, adjacent to the eastern wall of the mosque, some of the columns of which are covered with amazingly thin carvings. In the northeastern part of the spiritual complex, traditional minaret with a dome lantern ...

Historic monuments Khujand.

"Who knows that the first law of history is to be afraid of any lies, and then not to be afraid of any truth?"


Photo tours in Khujand.

According to Greek historians, in 329 BC, Alexander Macedonian founded on the Syr Darya River, the fortified fortress called him named. Subsequently, due to its favorable geographical and strategic position, the fortress began to settle hard, turning into a large size of the city, which is known in history as Alexandria Extreme (ESCAT).
The question of the exact location of this ancient city was worried about scientists from different countries of the world for several hundred years and only in the middle of the 20th century, the identity of Khujand IV century was confirmed BC and Alexandria of Nourine (ESKAT) 329 BC.
Taking a favorable geographical position in the Fergana Valley, Khujand flourished for a long time, rich, built palaces, mosque, citadel. In the XIII century, Khujand was captured and destroyed by the troops of Genghis-Khan.
At the end of the XIV - early XV centuries, Khujand, together with the region, was part of the state of Timur (Tamerlan). In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Khujand scratched greatly, turning into one of the major cities of Central Asia, in the territory not inferior to Kokand and Bukhara.
Khujand of the late XIX - early XX centuries was a typical Central Asian city with curves and narrow streets, along which one to another global houses were fed, with noisy bazaars and rows of all sorts of handicraft workshops.
Havacaanta (City of the Sun), Alexandria Eshata ("Extreme", belonging to the Macedonian), Khodeven (surviving Genghis-Khan and Tamerlane) - all these are the names of one city, which is more than 2500 years old.
He wakes up earlier than the capital: even before dawn on the streets, people hurry. Dehkan are carrying goods on the famous Panryshanbe market. In the evening, when it is dark, in the parks there are rides and a lot of people walking with families.
One version says that the name of the city happened from Horny Jan - "good people." I am a native Dushanbizyn, and I will not say that Khujand is better in everything; But in many things he surpasses the capital.
A little clearer, cultural, friendly, careful and smarter. In the center of the city there is a very strange place. Next to the dilapidated mosque (I was told that she was about 350 years old) there is a powerful ancient tree.
It has time from him. According to legend, he planted Tamerlan. Whatever it was, the place is so unusual that it is worth to visit and feel the spirit of history. The city has an ancient history. According to many historians and archaeologists, the legendary city of Alexander-Eskhat (Alexandria Extrey) was built by Alexander Macedonian on the site of the current Khujand (V century BC).
From ancient times, Khujand, being at the crossroads of the trade routes of the East, was one of the most important economic, military-strategic and cultural centers of Maverannahra.
Through it, the Great Silk Road, connecting ancient Greece, Rome, Maly Asia, Egypt, Iran with India, China and Japan. Khodeven - the second largest city in the country located in the north of the republic, one of the most ancient cities of Tajikistan, is based on Alexander Macedonian, about 2500 years ago.
According to Greek historians, in 329 BC, Alexander Macedonian founded on the river, called Tanais, or Jaccart (the modern River Cheese Daria), which was supposed to become the natural border of his empire, the fortified fortress, named after him, populated her Greek warriors and The surrounding "barbarians" (that is, the local population) which, initially, of course, could not be the city in the full sense of the word.
But subsequently, thanks to its favorable geographical and strategic position, it began to settle hard, turning into a large-scale city, which is known in history as Alexandria Extreme (ESChat).
The question of the exact location of this ancient city was worried about the scientists of various countries of the world for several hundred years and only in the middle of the 20th century, the identity of the Khodegen IV century BC was confirmed BC and Alexandria (ESKAT) 329 BC. T.
It also arose that Alexandria Extreme originated not at his naked place, but on the territory of the city center, called the Archaic Hodgeny, who had already existed on the left bank of Syrdarya, when Alexander Macedonian troops came there.

Considering a favorable geographical position in the Fergana Valley, the Khododege flourished for a long time, rich, built palaces, mosque, citadel. In the XIII century was captured and destroyed by the troops of Genghis Khan.
In the IX - XII centuries, Khodeven consisted of the city (Shahristan), the old fortress (cuct) and the craft-trading suburbs (Rabad). All these parts of the city were strengthened by defensive walls.
Subsequently, the city was restored and began to play an important role of the trading transit node on - the Great Shelkova Path. At the end of the XIV - the beginning of the XV centuries, the Khodeven, together with the region, was part of the state of Timur (Tamerlane).
In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the Khododeh broke a lot, turning into one of the major cities of Central Asia, in the territory not inferior to Kokand and Bukhara. The city had its own ruler - Beck.
Walking of the late XIX - early XX centuries was a typical Central Asian city with curves and narrow streets, along which one to another milling houses were fed, with noisy bazaars and rows of all kinds of handmade workshops.
The city was divided into numerous minor quarters (Mahalla) with mosque, tea and pond, tea and a pond (Hauz). Quarterly mosques and teahouses were a place where various fees were held and issues affecting their common interests were solved. In each quarter, a certain kind of craft prevailed.
Khodeven was located on the border of possessions of the Bukhara Emirate and Kokand Khanate and for decades was the object of discord between them. In 1866, he was joined in Russia, after which the internecine destructive wars stopped because of him Bukhara and Kokand.
After conquest in the XIX century, the Russian city became the center of the county, where the industry began to develop a rapid pace. A railway was held here. In Soviet times, Khujand (in 1936 - 1990 - Leninabad) is the center of the Leninabad region. From here, many famous representatives of the Tajik intelligentsia and the Republican leadership were called.
His previous name - Khodeven - persisted until 1936 and, according to written sources, existed in the VII century. The Arab historian Al-Belazuri, who lived in the 9th century, mentions a hode in the description of one of the Arabices of the second half of the VII century. However, modern historical science believes that the city existed in the dynasty of Akhanidov, that is, before coming to the shores of Syr Darya, Alexander Macedonian troops.
Capturing the city, they strengthened him, calling in honor of their commander - Alexandria Eshhat. Later, Hodgeny more than once had to be provided in the center of historical events. In the VIII century, he was captured and destroyed the Arabs.
Five centuries later, the city had a fierce resistance of Genghis-Khan, for a while delaying the promotion of the horde to the West. Since ancient times, being at the crossroads of famous trade routes of the East, the Khodeven was one of the most important economic, military-strategic and cultural centers of Central Asia.
Through it was the so-called "Great Silk Road", who connected ancient Greece, Rome, Malny Asia and Egypt with China, Persia and India. Silk products, jewelry made by Masters of Khodode, were known even outside the countries of the East. About the past value These crafts and today will remind the old names of urban quarters: Pillakashon (Skolkotranschors), Zaruron (Jewelers), Sangbarron (Kamenotesies) and others.
The medieval author who did not leave his name called the Khodeven "the inhabitant of astronomical science stars", but this characteristic reflected only part of the historical and cultural significance of the ancient city.
Khodeven was a birthplace or a venue of not only famous astronomers, but also mathematicians, doctors, historians, poets, musicians. One of them Abumumud Khujandi is the founder of a local astronomical school, an outstanding authority of world medieval science.
His invention is an astronomical sextant, widely used in the largest Observatory of the East - in the Marag (XIII), in Samarkand (XV century) and Jaipur (XVII century). "Solovy Khodeven" was called in the XIV century the author of famous Gazelle poet Koh Khujandi.
An extremely popular in the Middle Ages was an outstanding poetess, musician and a mahasty dancer, in whose work issues of social inequality of the people were reflected. In the XIX century, in Hodvit, the active educational work known in Central Asia cultural figures, including Toshkhodzha Asiri, Sodirkhon Hofiz, Khoji Yusuf.
After the accession of Central Asia to Russia (1866), Khodeven became one of the centers of the revolutionary movement in Tajikistan. Social democratic organizations began to arise here, work and national liberation movement are actively developing.
In 1916, Khodeven first among the cities of Central Asia was openly opposed the colonial policy of tsarism, who was trying to attract Tajiks, among other peoples of the region, to participate in the First World War.
The uprising quickly shut into the neighboring cities and the prilyattes and soon spread throughout the medium of Asia. Khodevent first among the cities of Tajikistan responded to the victory of the Great October Socialist Republic of Voluction.
Following Petersburg and Tashkent in November 1917, Soviet power established here. In this struggle for the national authorities led by Russian Bolsheviks, headed by E.Avanitsky, the revolutionary hardening was received by the best representatives of Tajik workers: D. Zakirov, A.Rakhimbaev, K.Nazhmiddinov, D.Sokarimov, R. Egamemberdyev, A. Shehermatov , K. Rahmatbayev, H. Sunov, Brothers of Malavanbekov and others.
During the construction of socialism in the city there were huge changes in all areas of the economic, social and cultural life of the city. All their successes in the construction of a new life, the Khodeventsy associated with the name of the Grand Lenin. Given the will of the Tajik people, the CEC of the SSR Union with its decree dated January 9, 1936 renamed G. Khodeven in Leninabad.
During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945), Leninabadtsy, like all the sons of our Motherland, stood on the defense of the sacred Soviet land. In the ranks of the Red Army, thousands of natives of the city were fighting with Nazis.
Three of them - Fathullo Ahmedov (posthumously), Rakhimbay Rakhmatov and Saidnaf Saidvyev became the heroes of the Soviet Union, many returned home with fighting orders and medals, including the Ataev Pulat - the cavalier of the three orders of Glory.
Today Khujand is the largest industrial and cultural center of Tajikistan, the largest and cultural center of Dushanbe. The city industry has become a diversified, equipped advanced domestic technology.
The pride of the city is one of the largest representatives of the republic - the Silk Combine. Industrial products are known far beyond the limits of Khujand - in Mongolia, Romania, Bulgaria, India, Guinea, etc.
Only the tissues of the Silk Combine are sent in the 450th birth of the former USSR and overseas countries. In the 1960s, Leninabad actively expands its borders. The city stepped on the right bank of Syrdarya, throwing two bridge over her.
The right bank included an extensive park area with beaches, sports facilities. The satellite city rose, in which more than a third of the Leninabad population lived. During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Tajik SSR and the Communist Party of Tajikistan in 1974, a monument of V.I. Lenin was opened on the right bank of Syrdarya.

Khujand (sometimes translirries as Khododeh, Khujant) - an ancient city in the northern part of Tajikistan, the administrative center of the Sughd region (previously called Leninabadskaya), in Soviet times from 1936 to 1991. Leninabad was called. The second size of the city in Tajikistan after Dushanbe, the most important transport assembly, as well as the political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country.

The history of the city goes into deep antiquity. Modern historical science believes that Archaic Khujand existed in the dynasty of the achemenides, that is, before coming to the shores of Syr Darya, Alexander Macedonian troops. Capturing the city, they strengthened him, calling Alexandria Eshhat (extreme).

In subsequent periods, Khujand more than once had to be provided in the center of historical events. In the VIII century He was captured by Arabs, in the XIII century. The city had a fierce resistance to the Mongolian invaders, for a while she delayed the promotion of Genghis Khan Horde to the West.

From ancient times, Khujand, being at the crossroads of the trade routes of the East, was one of the most important economic, military-strategic and cultural centers of Maverannahra. Through it, the Great Silk Road, connecting ancient Greece, Rome, Maly Asia, Egypt, Iran with India, China and Japan. Khujand was the birthplace of famous astronomers, mathematicians, doctors, historians, poets, musicians. One of them Abumumud Khujandi is the founder of a local astronomical school, an outstanding authority of world science. "Solovy Khuzanda" was called Khujandi Kojoladi Coles in the XIV century - the author of famous gazelles. As popular in the Middle Ages was an outstanding poetry, musician and mahasty dancer. In the XIX century, such cultural figures were active in Khujand, such as Toshkhodzha Asiri, Sodirkhon Hafiz, Khoji Yusuf.

On May 24, 1866, the city was occupied by the Russian army and entered the Russian Empire. Entry into the empire of the center of densely populated, which had rich economic resources of the district, the most important node of the road between the Fergana Valley, the Tashkent Oasis and the Zeravshan Valley, a large shopping point, opened up new opportunities for the development of Khujand. In July 1916, Khujand first among the cities of Central Asia openly opposed the colonial policy of tsarism, who was trying to attract Tajiks among other peoples of the region to participate in the First World War (Central Asian uprising of 1916).

In early 1918, the city established the Soviet government, on October 2, 1929, it was included in the Tajik SSR. During the years of Soviet construction in the city, wearing the name of Leninabad, there were huge changes in all areas of economic, social and cultural life. In the post-war period, Khujand turned into the largest industrial and cultural center of Tajikistan, the largest after Dushanbe. The city industry has become a diversified, equipped advanced domestic and foreign technician. The pride of Khujandsev was one of the largest enterprises of the republic - the silkombinat. In 1991, dozens of Khujand enterprises produced as many industrial products within a day as in all pre-revolutionary Tajikistan for the year. Industrial products of Khujandsev were known far beyond our homeland. Only silk fabrics were sent in 450 cities of the USSR and in foreign countries. Starting from the 60s, Khujand actively expands its borders. The city stepped on the right bank of Syrdarya, throwing two bridge over her. During the years of Soviet power, fundamental transformations occurred in the field of health. By 1991, in Khujand, there were 40 therapeutic and preventive institutions in which about 2.5 thousand doctors and specialists with higher and medium honey worked. Education. Large changes occurred in the field of public education. In 1991, 30 schools acted in Khujanda, in which about 30 thousand students were trained.

In 1932, the Pedagogical Institute was opened in Khujand, where students were only 26 people. Today, in the 13 faculties of this university, transformed in 1991 in the Khujand State University, more than 10 thousand students study. For the post-war decades in Khujand, the new heyday was reached by literature and art, the whole pleiad of poets and writers, artists and composers, folk craftsmen. Khujand became more painted, acquired the appearance of a large, industrialized city. In 1986, he celebrated his anniversary - the 2500th anniversary of the base. In this regard, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the city was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

The role of ancient Khujand was even more increased during the sovereign development of Tajikistan. It was here that the most important step towards the termination of the Bratehetic War and the achievement of national consent at the Tajik land: the XVI session of the Supreme Council, held in Khujand in November 1992, restored the constitutional system in the republic and put forward a new leader to the political arena - E. Sh. Rakhmonov .

Khujand is magnificently spread in the picturesque floodplain of the Syrdarya River at a height of more than three hundred meters above sea level. Today Khujand is the largest industrial and cultural center of Northern Tajikistan and the second most important city in the republic. Truly grateful geographical location and climatic conditions of Khujand. Therefore, the Fergana Valley, where it is located, hear the pearl of Central Asia: Mountain landscape, everlasting waters of Syrdarya, clean air, green outfit, the abundance of grapes, fruits and other nature gifts make Khujand eternally young city - garden. Khujand is the administrative center of the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan, the second city in the republic in the number of residents and the volume of industrial production. Located in an intergrant passage leading to the Fergana Valley, on the most important caravan trading path of antiquity. The city of Syrdarya river flows within the city. From the city center to Zh.d. Stations - 11 km, to Dushanbe - 341 km. Khujand is connected by railways, air and road routes.

Monument to Kamol Khujandi
Installed in 1996 in honor of the 675th anniversary of the poet's birth. Located on the stars of Khujand. The main idea is to transfer his image as a thinker, philosopher and show his inner world. Against the background of the wings, personifying the holiness of man and at the same time denoting the wings of inspiration of poetry. The face of the poet is drawn to his place of birth and towards sunset. The height of the sitting figure is 3.5 m, the wings of 5.5 m. The area occupied by the monument, 1000 square meters. m. In order to create an image of a strong person, spiritually rich who has committed many travels, the sculpture deliberately created by Bosoy, as there are canons of sculpture about the beauty of the human body. The author of the artist Sculptor K. N. Nadyrov. A similar monument of the same author was established in 1997 in Tabriz on the site of the grave of the poet.

Khujand fortress
Particular part of the fortification system of the city. Founded in the VI-V centuries. BC e. According to the data obtained by the North Tajik archaeological integrated expedition (STAKE), the Khujand fortress was first surrounded by a bulk shaft, a later wall of a considerable raw thickness. The city and the citadel are composite parts of the ancient Khujand, had separate fortress walls surrounded by a wide and deep moat, filled with water. The remains of these fortifications were found under the central part of the left-bank Khujand and surround the territory of the ancient city with an area of \u200b\u200b20 hectares.

With the development of the economy, trade, the board and population system, the city is growing. In the VI-VII century a new fortress is built. Medieval Khujand consisted of three main parts: Citadel, Shahristan and Rabad. The citadel was located on the shore of Syrdarya at the Rabada gate. The medieval Khujand fortress was considered one of the most fortified in Central Asia.

During the invasion of Genghis Khan (1219-1220) for the siege of the city, a 25-thousand army was sent from 50 thousand Central Asian prisoners. The heroic defense of the Khujand Fortress and is located near him, the Islands on Syrdarya under the leadership of Timurmalik is one of the bright pages in the history of the liberation struggle of the Tajik people. As a result of the Mongolian invasion, the Khujand fortress was destroyed. According to the historian of Horma Abra, at the beginning of the XV century, the fortress lay in ruins. According to Zahiriddin Babur, at the end of the XV century, the fortress was restored and was a residence of the local ruler.

Masosh Masjidi Jami
Sheikh Muslihiddin, a monument of folk architecture of the XVI century. Located on the western side of Panzhanbe Square. The facade of the building is drawn to the street. Shark. The mosque was built in 1512-1513. Multicolon (30 columns) Avan adjoins the eastern wall of the winter room, also multicolone (20 columns), and enters the courtyard of the mosque. Shark's street is drawn to the extended south wall of the mosque without any openings. Only on the right to the edge of the wall, there is an input device of Darvoza-Hon with a deep pest. - portal. The location of the columns in the mosque is subordinate to the modular grid: six rows of four columns (30 modular squares) are repeated on the Quince, and in the winter room there are five rows of four columns. Two middle columns along the northern facade of Aivan are finished by carvings for the entire height and carry an increased part of the architecture with massive typical stalactites, which preserved the remnants of the painting. At the entrance and over Mihrabas, there are three milk squares of the ceiling are painted, but the paints are very darkened and the part cropped out. The walls are covered with a good carved decor, most advantage of geometric motifs. Both doors of the winter hall are distinguished by fine elegant carvings. Structurally, a building frame with raw filling and subsequent stucco with a gangham solution. The intervals between the frame are used for the niche device with Mihraba both in the winter room and Aivan. The roof of the mosque is a flat earthen with clay-saman coating. The foundation on which the walls of the building are standing out of a burning brick. The courtyard of the mosque from the East and partly the north is limited by single-storey hujes. In the northeastern part of the courtyard, minaret with a traditional lantern decorated arched openings, from where the beautiful panorama of the city opens. The input portal facing the street. Shark is distinguished by the tiled cladding and carved gangsheal panel by the facade. The high portal represents only a facial decorative wall of a burning brick, supplemented on the northern side of raw buildings in two floors with a wooden quince at the top. The portal carved gate is made in 1513-1514 years. Mullah Mansur took part in the decorative trim, Mullah Mansur (painting), Usto Shamsidcin (Hankchu's carving) and others mosque, in general, has a surprisingly harmonious image and is a magnificent sample synthesis of decorative art and Khujand's construction culture.

There is a second largest city in the country - Khujand. Along with Samarkand and Bukhar, this city was the center of Culture and Science of Central Asia. The settlement on the site of modern Khujand was founded at the time of the king of Kaikubod, which was ruled in the VI century to our era. The city reached his heyday at the Persian Queen Daria. After the conquest of Central Asia, Alexander Macedonian city was called Alexandria Highness. By age, this city can be sacrificed with such great capitals of the world as Paris or Rome. In 1986, Khujand celebrated his 2500th anniversary.

Today Khujand is the largest industrial, transport, scientific and cultural center of Tajikistan. The city is the largest silk processing plant in the republic. In addition, there is a Khujand State University, which employs more than 10,000 students not only from Tajikistan, but also neighboring countries.

Ancient Khujand prefer to attend real connoisseurs of history and culture of Central Asia.


Number of population

182,000 people (for 2012)

VII-VI century BC e.

Population density

63.8 people / km 2


Postal code

International Area Code

Climate and weather

South-Caspian, Verkhneamaryinsky and Murgbian cyclones, which determine the change of weather, its nature and the amount of precipitation have a great influence on the formation of the Khujand climate.

The average air temperature in Khujand is approximately +16 ° C. In summer, the air warms up to the mark of +30 ° C, and in the winter the thermometer column can be lowered to 0 ... -2 ° C. The average annual precipitation is approximately 150 mm. Interestingly, during the year there is uneven rain loss. Most often, sediments are celebrated in March and April, and the summer in Khujand is usually dry.

The best time to visit magnificent Khujand is called April - June, when the air temperature takes the optimal value for adaptation, and rare and short rains will not interfere with the rest.


Majestic Khujand spread over the picturesque shores of the Syrdarya River. By the way, Khujand is the only city in Tajikistan, which is located on a large river. Fergana Valleywhere the city is, famous for its unique nature. From Khujand you can see the majestic mountains, and serene waters of Syrdarya, and abundant flowering meadows near the city, and fertile vineyards. The city itself reminds the ever-green garden, thanks to numerous parks and squares that are saved by citizens from the sultry heat in the summer.

The Fergana Valley Luga is covered with fragrant poppies, edelweissions and wild irises. Small rodents and crots are inhabited here, which become prey for prey birds (eagles, falcons). Water river Syrdarya is rich in fish. Among the species common here - Som, Trout, Marinka, White Amur.


Ancient Khujand amazes with a huge number of excellent historical sights. Attracts the greatest attention Khujand fortresswhich was considered the main component of the fortifications complex of the city. The date of the foundation of the fortress is considered the V century BC The development of the economy and trade led to the growing of the city. And already in the Middle Ages, the Khujan fortress was considered the most fortified in all Central Asia. However, after the invasion of Genghis Khan and his troops, the most importantly defensive structure of Khujand was destroyed. According to historians, at the end of the 15th century, the Khujand fortress was restored and was used as a residence of local rulers.

For many Muslim pilgrims, the main attraction in the city is mosque Masji Jami, built in 1512-1513. The look of the unique tiled facade facing, supplemented by unique carved panels.

From the architectural monuments of the Middle Ages, preserved well mausoleum Sheikh Muslihiddinwhich local residents consider the holy and spiritual patron saint of the city.

On square Star Khujanda located monument to the Great Poet of Tajikistan Kamolu KhujandiMounted in 1996 in honor of the 675th anniversary of his birth.

You can get acquainted with the rich history and culture of ancient Khujanda in the urban museum, which presents an extensive exposition of rare artifacts found in the city.


All tourists who come to Khujand can fully enjoy the unique kitchen of Tajikistan. The most popular catering establishments are not only among foreign guests of the city, but also the locals are considered tea " Coles Khujandi", a restaurant " Zaitun"And cafe" Honey Khujand" Here, the menu presents the most famous Tajik dishes, such as abobe, Ugro-Pilaf, Skewers, Cabbages, Caurydak. In addition to popular meat dishes in Khujand, locals are very loved by fish dishes. They give their preference to fried or baked trouts.

Of course, no feast arrives without the traditional Tajik baking. In urban restaurants, you can not only enjoy the magnificent taste of twigs, sambuses and various pellets, but also see the cooking process itself. Many tourists lead such an entertaining spectacle to the indescribable delight.

Some foreign guests of Khuzand will be very surprised when the dessert ordered by them will bring not at the end of the meal, but at the very beginning. For the city, and Tajikistan as a whole, this is a tradition. Local residents used to consume fruits, drinks and sweets as before and after eating. Halva is considered the most popular sweetness in Khujand. As a rule, in restaurants it is ordered only foreigners. Local residents have already learned how to prepare it at home.

Of course, in all restaurants and cafes of the city you can taste the famous Tajik green tea, seasoned with milk, butter and salt. It is worth noting that foreign guests are not solved to drink such an exotic drink. They are limited to familiar tea, boiled on clean water.

Prices in Khujand restaurants will pleasantly surprise you. In a small medium-level cafe, a rich dinner will cost only $ 6. And for dinner, along with alcohol in a restaurant, the class higher will have to pay from $ 10 to $ 15.


In the hospitable Khujand, a fairly wide selection of hotels and hotels, where you can stay in foreign citizens. True, high-class five-star hotels you will not find here. Many guests of the city decide to stay in hotels Tavhid», « Vathan"I. Sughd. These hotels in service level and quality of services provided correspond to the 4th "Stars". The guests are provided with spacious rooms with a set of necessary furniture and equipment necessary for a comfortable stay. There is a separate bathroom in each room, a set of upholstered furniture, television, air conditioning. The cost of accommodation in such hotels ranges from $ 100 to $ 150 per day.

Pretty popularity among foreign tourists enjoy pretty comfortable hostels and guesthouses. Rooms in such establishments look somewhat modest than in previous hotels, but the cost of living in these hotels is much less - from $ 30 to $ 50 per day. It is worth noting that before arrival in Khujand, it is necessary to learn in advance about the presence of cold water in the hotels of the city, as well as the possibility of its heating. Many hotels can not provide guests with tap water, and there is nothing to say about the presence of a boiler.

Entertainment and recreation

The main type of entertainment in Khujand Many tourists who have visited the visit to the ancient structures and buildings of the city. In addition to historical attractions, Khujand tourist companies offer their customers several types of active tours. Near the Khujand is a famous Kairakkum reservoir, or the Tajik Sea, as its locals call him. Here you can enjoy windsurfing, make a walk on a boat and a junior boat. Many tourists attract a rich fishing on the reservoir. The most honorable trophy here is the trout and som.

Near Khujand is located ak-Suwhich is considered one of the most beloved climbers in all Tajikistan.

The youth arriving in an amazing Khujand will be pleasantly surprised by the large number of nightly institutions in the city, many of which are open until the morning. Here you can spend great time in restaurants, cafes, night bars and clubs.


One of the main attractions of Khujand is the famous city bazaar " Panryshanbe", Which is one of the largest indoor markets in Central Asia. The name of the market is translated as "Thursday". It is on this day, like many centuries ago, a large trade is carried out. Only in this bazaar one can feel all the flavor of urban life in Tajikistan. "Panryshanbe" attracts visitors with their colorful, unusual smells, upholstered a variety of vegetables and fruits that are sold all year round.

In addition, such popular Tajik souvenirs, like silk, shawl, scarves, embroidery, textiles can be purchased here. Traditionally, many tourists prefer luxurious, strained silk carpets, as well as subjects of national clothing (tubets, cotton bathrobes, belts and dresses). Warm products from the wool of Pamir Yakov can be purchased both at the market and in a specialized store in the city center. Of course, no real woman will pass by the original multi-tiered Tajik ornaments. Earrings, necklaces and bracelets are considered one of the most discovered souvenirs. It is worth noting that all these souvenirs can be purchased not only in the Bazaar "Panryshanbe", but also in small shopping tents scattered throughout the city.


Public transport Khujand is represented only by minibuses. Most recently, numerous bus and trolleybus routes were abolished due to the strong wear of the rolling stock and very frequent power outage. The cost of the trip in the route taxi does not exceed $ 0.3, and a huge number of organized routes covers an absolutely whole city.

Foreigners prefer to enjoy a private taxi. The cost of one trip to the taxi somewhat exceeds the price of tickets in public transport, however, the comfort level is much higher. In Khujand, you can rent a car along with the driver who will be at your disposal all day for only $ 50.

Since Khujand is a major industrial center of Tajikistan, a railway was held here. It is worth noting that international passenger transportation in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are organized from the city.

Close to Khujand, just 11 kilometers, is a major airport Khujand.who received the status of international. Flights to the cities in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia and other countries of the world are served by the state company Tajik Airlines. In addition to international flights, the company provides flights and in the internal post.


The communication system in Khujand today has been developed enough. From the Soviet times on the streets of the city, old dance phones remained, from which you can call the other city of Tajikistan. To implement an international conversation, you must contact the post office. The cost of one minute of such a call will cost about $ 1, if the conversation is organized with Asian countries or from the United States. But for the call to the CIS countries, you can pay only 0.3 $ per minute of conversation.

Recently, a hundredth population has received great popularity among the local population. True, the cost of mobile operators in the city is quite expensive. A minute of conversation on a mobile phone exceeds $ 0.4, and the connection itself will cost about $ 20.

In Khujand there are several large Internet cafes providing almost all existing network services. Interestingly, you can use the services of the World Wide Web in just $ 1 per hour. Large hotels and hotels in the city also provide the ability to work with the Internet.


The level of security in Khujand allows guests to feel calm and confident on the streets of the city. Serious offenses in the city are practically not recorded. And yet local law enforcement authorities strongly recommend not to go out to the streets of the city at night one day. In addition, the level of pocket theft has recently increased. Therefore, when visiting the places of greater cluster of people, it is advisable to leave valuable things and large amounts of money in the hotel.

Doctors Khujand advise boil water water before use. This caution is associated with the frequent cases of cholera and dysentery. For the same reason, it is necessary to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits purchased at local bazaars and in stores.

To enter the Khujand, some mandatory vaccinations must be carried out, since frequent cases of hepatitis A and E, cholera and diphtheria are noted in the area.

Business climate

Large industrial center Khujand is of great interest in foreign investors. Many businessmen see in the city a lot of objects that require investment of significant cash. It can be both industrial enterprises and elements of the tourist infrastructure, which has become an object of close attention recently, when foreign tourists' interest in the cultural and historical sights of Khujand has sharply increased. It is worth noting that the recently adopted by the Parliament change in legislative acts greatly simplify the opening of joint ventures on the territory of the country. In addition, tax rates for investors investing money in the city industry are significantly reduced.

The property

A successful geographical position, a mild climate, a rich history, a huge number of cultural attractions make real estate Khujand very attractive to buy foreign citizens. Before Tajikistan, there are no special restrictions on the sale of housing to foreign residents. True, the cost of real estate in Khujand for citizens of other countries is significantly different from the one by which the sale of local residents is carried out. For example, to acquire a small apartment will have to prepare about $ 50,000. And housing in the suburb of Khujand will cost approximately $ 35,000.

Today, high demand for apartments exists in the rental housing market. In order to remove the apartment in Khujand for one month, it is necessary to prepare about $ 500.

Safe and full of impressions Rest in Khujand requires foreign tourists to fulfill several important rules. As in any Muslim city, in Khujand, it is necessary to adhere to the main norms of morality. Public expressions of feelings, kisses, inappropriate clothing will cause disapproval from the local population.

Buying souvenir products in Khujand must be accompanied by a bargaining. Local residents love this process very much. They are even ready to provide substantial discounts on their goods to the one who will be bargain to bargain. It is worth noting that the purchase is carried out only in National Currency - Somoni. Exchange foreign money is necessary in state exchange offices or in the bank branch. Be sure to remember that the minerals, precious stones, gold can be taken abroad, only after receiving special permission and mandatory declaration. To export somoni categorically impossible.

In each city of Tajikistan, including in Khujand, it is necessary to register after arrival. Registration is carried out directly in the hotel. It is worth noting that most hotels produce it for a fee: for the design of the necessary documents with you will be asked $ 15.