Find a tour for July. Tours to Turkey in July

July is considered the best month for traveling in Russia. In many regions, sunny weather, without rains.

The beaches of the Black Sea coast in July are clogged under the urban. average temperature Air in Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi reaches +27 ... + 28 ° C, water warms up to +22 ° C. By the way, many parents do not risk leave to rest with children abroad: kids can badly carry a trip. In addition, if the child is injured or ill, the doctor speaking in Russian is easier. Yes, and return home from our resorts is easier than from another country.

Fishermen is best suited to Karelia. Fans of sightseeing excursions - travel to Moscow, Peter, both Novgorod, Pskov, Volga region. Extremes and fans active rest Go to Baikal, Kamchatka and Altai, where you can go down the rapid rivers, travel on foot or on horseback.

And in Russia a lot of proposals river cruisesFor example, according to the Volga - from Nizhny Novgorod to Tver.

Festivals, holidays, concerts

Summer is a traditional time for all sorts of holidays and musical festivals. In Europe, there are almost no rock festivals in Europe, where in one or two days you can see the best world performers. Austria is particularly striking - there are constantly concerts of classical music, the teams perform right on the street, almost the clocks in the cities sounds live music.

Also in Europe there are colorful processions and carnivals associated with national holidays and traditions. If you go on a journey through the Danube or Rhina, you can see how the inhabitants of cities celebrate right from the deck of the ship.

The cost of tours (on-line) at the moment! Only real offers! All prices for holidays in July are here:

See prices for burning tours in July:

If your vacation coincided with July, consider that you are very lucky. Water in the sea (in all the seas of the globe!) It was already well warmed, and the strong heat has not yet come. Yes, and vouchers for this month are still quite cheap. It is best to pay attention to the countries of the Mediterranean or Black Seas - Turkey, Bulgaria or Tunisia. Rest in these countries in July is always favorable even with young children.

Let's go to Europe!

No worse can be resting in Europe. Each tourist can choose a vacation to her taste. For example, in Spain, you can spend your free time not only on the beach, but also take part in various kinds of excursions. With their help, you can learn a lot about Spanish culture, see its numerous architectural monuments. If you purchased a tour of the Costa Dorada, then your children will be delighted with the amusement park. Port Aventura, and this trip will be remembered for a long time. Newlyweds can be offered to go to the islands of Ibiza and Mallorca. Here they can hold perfectly honeymoon. For young people in July best holiday Cyprus and Malta islands. We also recommend tours to Greece, on the chalkidiki peninsula. There are many clubs, discos, dance sites. For lovers of the active view, there are various sports grounds. But for fans of a quiet and relaxing holiday, we advise you to purchase a ticket to Athos.

Where else can you relax in July

For those who are interested in art, the most best tour A trip to Italy can serve. Tour to this country in the middle of summer - the reason is better to familiarize himself with her, see its magnificent landscapes, explore the numerous monuments of history and culture, as well as visit famous beaches. For those who decided to combine recreation with amendment, then it is possible on the island of Ischia. There is available a large number of Thermal mineral sources and geysers. For children, too, there is a lot of interesting things: summer holiday camps, amusement parks, as well as a large number of water parks.

Pretty new directions in 2020 are Italian Sicily and Sardinia, where to go to rest in July is profitable, because Direct charter flights from Moscow are launched, which made it possible to reduce the price of tours.

Where to go with children

If your family has very little children, then a tour of Bulgaria can serve as the best holiday in July. After all, it is here that the mild climate and environmentally friendly air. At this time, there will be no exhausting heat, and many hotels have a modern standard and work on the "All Inclusive" system. Tour prices are quite accessible, and the air flight is not tedious and is just over two hours. A successful option will also be trips to Croatia and Montenegro. Among other things, these places are famous for their cuisine and excellent wines. No less successful choice can be Slovenia. Due to the large number of healing sources, it can be recommended to those who combine rest with treatment, which will cost cheaper than in other countries.

Rest with the most minimal cost in July can be obtained in Turkey - on Marmaris or Bodrum. The Belek can be perfectly and relatively cheap to relax young people. In this city can get great rest And family with young children. For them there are children's canteens with children's furniture and children's menu. And in the resocratic prices, you can relax in Alanya.

Holidays in July 2020 in terms of holidays

Those who love the holidays, in July it is worth going to the United States - here at the beginning of the month there is widely noted the independence day of this state. Public holidays in the middle of summer are also celebrated in Canada, China, Argentina, Montenegro, Belgium, Tunisia. In the first week there are many folk holidays worldwide. An example is Ivan Kupala familiar to us. This month and unusual holidays are a kiss day, chocolate day, Scandinavian Fjord Day, International Fisherman's Day, hot dog birthday. Holiday of Japanese female ministers, chess day, whale holiday and dolphins, friendship day.

You can choose the appropriate travel option on our website using a special search engine that takes into account all your wishes about the future round.

The choice of places where you can relax in July, is truly great!

Can't you decide?

Especially for you, we picked up the best options:

  • The top 7 countries where to go in July to the sea can be cheap and without a visa.
  • Top 5 countries where for beach holidays It will take a visa.
  • 5 best places For a comfortable beach holiday in Russia in July 2020.
  • Where it is better to fly to rest with a child abroad, and where with children it is better to rest in Russia.

Where to relax in June abroad inexpensively and without a visa

Weather in July 2020 on visa-free destinations for Russians will be as follows:

Let's look at these directions in more detail.


From 40 000 r. The most popular budget direction!

This eastern country is the most popular for recreation among russian tourists in summer! Warm sea, favorable weather, a large selection of hotels for every taste and wallet, as well as budget tours, where everything is included in the package! Everything for carefree holidays! A wide variety of excursions makes rest even more interesting.

Things to do?

Of course, the middle of summer is the perfect time for a beach holiday! This is the peak of the season, the sea is good warmed! We advise you to choose resorts in July Aegean Sea - Marmaris and Fethiye. Here are the cooler weather and windy, as well as richer excursion program, less Russian tourists and higher quality service. On the very southern resort Turkey - Alanya The weather will be too hot, but prices for tours below.

If you still bother you lie in the sun, there is always something to do:

  • Rafting - descent on mountain rivers along with experienced guides for amateurs of active recreation and extreme!
  • Walking on the yacht - see the shores of Turkey in all its glory, swim in the open sea and visit the foam party.
  • Turkish night is a concert program, a present show, where you are offered to plunge into the world of Sultanov, look at the belly dance and try the national cuisine.
  • Turkish baths are useful and intake entertainment. You can also try massage.
  • Aqualend - interesting entertainment For the whole family! There are many lakes, pools and water slides of different heights!
  • Festival Khoji Nasreddad and Kadygga - the most large-scale festivals in Turkey

Extreme lovers are perfectly suitable rafting

One of the most famous sights of Turkey - Pamukkale

Try sea walks

Go to the Colorful Show - Turkish Night

Prices for holidays in Turkey

In July, there is a high season in Turkey, therefore prices for tours take off! It is best to take the round "All inclusive" 5-6 months before the trip, this will significantly save. Or you can also buy a hot ticket, but it's not necessary to hope for such an option, you should not catch the appropriate option. Read in our advice, how to choose the hottest ticket and not guess!


From 60 000 r. African country with snow-white beaches and unusual flavor.

Tunisia attracts tourists from around the world by measured beach vacation. Silent white sandy beaches are ideal for recreation with children. Dry subtropical climate, hot sunny weather, no precipitation - July is a great time to fully enjoy this African country and local flavor! For beach recreation, more northern resorts - Sousse, Tabarka and Hammamet.

Things to do?

Most tourists go to Tunisia in July for a beach vacation. Huge snow-white beaches, the sun and the warm sea - it is simply impossible to tear off! However, this country is famous not only by its beaches, what else can you do here?

  • The most famous sight is the ruins of the old town of Carthage, a unique place where you can plunge into history with your head.
  • The folk evening in the nearest village with local residents will allow us to get acquainted with culture and customs. Here you will try the national cuisine, and also look at the dances of the peoples of the world.
  • Visit the zoo - an excellent idea for recreation with children. To plunge into the world of wild African nature, look at the giraffes and rhinos in their natural environment, see cacti size with human growth!
  • Sea travel on a boat with a transparent bottom will definitely leave pleasant impressions, look at the marine inhabitants.
  • Lead thalassotherapy - natural components, sea water, mud and algae. It is in Tunisia that are some of the best medical centers of the world!

Immerse yourself in the world of wildlife in the zoo

Go to the sea journey on a boat with a transparent bottom

Beaches Sousse Susis

Ruin ancient City Carthage

Strengthen health and rejuvenation the body can be on the famous thalassotherapy

Prices for rest


From 120 000 r. The biggest island state in the world!

Exotic Islands of Indonesia, similar to the pictures of the paradise beaches will not leave any tourist indifferent! BUT rich story, Reserves and temples, national cuisine and a rich excursion program will not be allowed to miss!

Where to relax?

  • Bali Island is the most popular destinations among tourists, but also the most expensive. In addition to the ideal conditions for the beach holiday, here you can enjoy surfing, diving and rafting. There are a lot of entertainment and nightclubs. Also in early July, there are many holidays and carnivals here.
  • Lombok Island is an ideal place for those who want to retire, merge with nature and be away from civilization. There are many lakes and waterfalls, and also be sure to climb the largest volcano of Indonesia Rindjani.
  • Mentai Islands are 70 small islands, where there are no expensive hotels and restaurants. The islands were cut off from civilization for a long time, and wild tribes live here, and you can plunge into their traditions. The beauty of rest here is in complete isolation. Perfect place For those who want to feel like a real Robinson! Popular among many country surfers.
  • Sumatra Island - the fifth largest island in the world with plenty of attractions. Look at the Mosque of Paradise, Maimoon Palace, Lake Toba, National parks, Volcano Krakatau - these sights make the island one of the curious in Indonesia.
  • Island Borneo - a paradise place with endless jungle, mountains and beaches will conquer anyone! Here you can do not only with beach rest and surfing, but to get acquainted with the aborigines, visit the reserves or a fret of the farm, climb to kinabalu.

Volcano Krakatau on the island of Sumatra

Bali Island

Meet S. local tribes on the mentai islands

Try to catch the wave - come in surfing!

Exotic Islands

Prices for rest

Rest at this time will be released no cheap, the hot season, but the islands will define you in delight!


From 70 000 r. Budget holidays in Europe with beautiful scenery and clean sea.

The tiny European state where you can get without a visa! This country is a real find! Located on the purest shores Adriatic SeaShe is famous for its incredibly beautiful nature, lots of national reserves, mountains and lakes. And medieval cities with classic for Europe with narrow streets, paving, old buildings with red tiles, Gothic and Romanesque Catholic cathedrals and numerous museums create a special appearance, you will fall in love with this cozy country at first glance!

Things to do?

  • Beach holidays on the purest beaches of the Adriatic coast.
  • Visit national parks.
  • Budva is an old town, which is more than 2500 years with narrow medieval streets, churches and a fortress wall. Here you can visit the museum and the Citadel.
  • Water excursion on the Skadar Lake. 26 species of birds nest here, and the lake is a national park.
  • Sveti Stefan is a former fishing village, and now the costly island hotels consists of a variety of small houses.
  • Visit the main tourist places Cetina and Kotor, as well as to see the bay.
  • Try local cuisine.

Kotor Bay

Male Monastery in Cetina

Saint Stephen Hotel Island

Old Budva

Prices for rest

Most often in hotels offer breakfasts. The rest of the time you can go to numerous cafes and restaurants. Lunch for two will be released from 1000-2500 rubles.


From 140 000 r. The best beaches of the world and a large number of shrines.

Israel is a state in the Middle East with a rich historical past and one of best beaches The world! It is noteworthy that half the country's territory is occupied by the desert, on the second one you can see a beautiful nature, architectural structures and many temples that are of great importance for believers. Also tourists are attracted to the wellness program on the Dead Sea, thermal and mud sources.

Where better to rest?

  • The resort of Eilat is an expensive resort, located on the Red Sea coast. Here are beautiful clean and safe beaches, they are great for recreation with children.
  • Tel Aviv is a more economical option, located on the Mediterranean coast. There are many entertainment centers, clubs, bars and shops, the place is perfect for youth and outdoor activities.
  • The Dead Sea is a famous resort where the health come to improve, rejuvenate the body and recharge the energy.
  • Jerusalem is one of the main shrines for believers with a large number of temples. In the summer there are many festivals, concerts and cultural events.

Famous Watch Watch, Sacred Place for Believers


Tel Aviv resort

Resort Eilat

Dead Sea

Things to do?

  • Beach rest
  • Excursion program
  • Diving
  • Active water sports
  • Shopping

Prices for rest


From 130 000 r. Unique untouched nature.

A small island state in the Indian Ocean consists of Madagascar and adjacent island small islands At the coast of Africa. Here is a unique untouched nature, hospitable local residents, beautiful wild beaches, wide variety of animal and floral world, well developed active tourism. However, it is important to take into account that good hotels On the island there is little, the infrastructure is developed weakly, we advise you to choose Noucy Island for a beach holiday.

If you want to be away from civilization - go exactly here!

Nusi-BE is the most popular resort in the country. Here are sandy snow-white beaches and turquoise water, no waves. Place Ideal for swimming and diving. The infrastructure is best developed here, many restaurants where you will be served fresh food right on the beach.

Things to do?

  • Beach holidays on the paradise beaches
  • Diving
  • Whale watching - at this time, whales are sailing for the sake of mating rituals.
  • Visit Ialo National Park
  • Visit Zingzhi Du Bimaraha Related - Kingdom stone cliffs, looks rather fascinating
  • See Alley Baobab - the most recognizable alley in the world! Here are huge trees with age of 800 years
  • Go to the island of Sen Marie - untouched Island, one of the main attractions. Previously, the pirates hid treasures there, now this place is perfect for swimming. Also here you can observe the migration of humpback whales

Alley Baobab - the most recognizable alley in the world

Isoal National Park

Island Sen Marie

Raiented beaches Nusi-Be

Zingzhi du-Bimaraha - the kingdom of stone rocks

Prices for rest

The direction is still weakly developed, so finding a ready tour is unlikely to succeed. The trip can be planned independently.


From 80 000 r. African flavor and Atlantic Ocean.

African kingdom with modern skyscrapers and old luxury palaces, deserts and oases, hot sun and cool wind of the Atlantic Ocean, with a smell of spices! The country where the Arab world is tightly intertwined with the European culture, and high service, a pleasant climate and many excursions will like any tourist!

Where better to rest?

  • Marrakesh will be for youth and outdoor activities, here is the abundance of night clubs, cafes, bars. Here you can fully plunge into the local color and get acquainted with the culture, to do shopping, but for the beach holiday will have to go to another city
  • Casablanca - modern city With many skyscrapers and expensive hotels, developed infrastructure and beautiful coast
  • El Jadida is more suitable for recreation with children, here a lot of entertainment for children and parks.

Prices for rest

Rest in Morocco is expensive, especially in the midst of the season, it will be few Russian tourists. There are quite few tours and prices for them are overestimated. If you decide to go to learn this African country, we advise you to look for a tour on your own - it will come out much cheaper. For example, a weekly tour will be released from 80,000 rubles, depending on the choice of hotel and entertainment costs.

Want to know where the cheapest tours?

Where to fly on vacation at sea with a visa


From 60 000 r. Holiday paradise Islands And antique sights.

Scenic country in the south of Europe, where beach holidays are perfectly combined beautiful Islands With environmentally friendly beaches, a rich excursion program, which will allow you to plunge into the ancient history of the country, as well as a wide variety of active sports will not be bored.


Schengen visa is required. You can make it in special agencies or yourself.

Where better to rest?

Going to Greece, you can choose rest on the mainland, for example, most tourists go to Athens look at historical sights. But we still advise you to choose the island part of the country - rest on the paradise islands with crystal clean water Those to taste each:

  • Crete is the most popular destination. The island is washed by the Aegean, Ionian and Libyan seas. Here you can do not only with beach holidays, but also active sports, very popular diving, also a wide variety of excursions. Sandy beaches. You can rent a motorbike and see the whole island. Perfectly suitable for holidays with children.
  • Corfu - this island is not in vain called emerald, it is covered with cypresses, fruit trees, olive groves and other vegetation. There is very beautiful nature and developed infrastructure, almost all beaches have a blue flag, environmentally friendly and comfortable. Beaches from small pebbles.
  • Rhodes is an island with expensive hotels and developed infrastructure, so prices are more expensive here. There are many ancient and medieval monuments.
  • Santorini is a city from the pictures of white houses with blue roofs to everyone. It is considered one of the most romantic cities in the world, not in vain here there are so many weddings. It is perfect for a beach and family holiday, there is also attractions here.

Take on active sports

Corfu Island


Romantic Island of Santorini



From 49 000 r. Cozy and sunny country with picturesque nature.

A small European country with warm sea, sandy beaches, a soft climate, rich cultural Heritage and picturesque nature. Separately, it is worth mentioning the traditional Bulgarian cuisine, its own production and national flavor! Here you want to go back again and again! In sunny Bulgaria, the season is in full swing, so we advise you to choose resorts with wide beaches - Sunny Beach, Albena and Review.


To visit the country, you need to get a visa.

What to see?

  • Seven Rila lakes - glacial lakes Located high in the mountains, you can take a walking tour
  • City Museum Melnik is a city where many artists lived and worked. He combines everything that the country can boast - the sea, beaches, wine, a huge number of monuments, temples and museums.
  • Perpersion - ancient city keeps many mysteries history. It is believed that he was erected by the gods and it is here that the grave of Orpheus is here
  • Thracian tomb in Kazanyk - ancient constructure listed in UNESCO and is considered an important cultural heritage

City Museum Melnik

Resort Albena

Sunny beach resort

Look at seven Rila lakes

Ruins of the ancient city Perpersion

Prices for rest


From 69 000 r. Azure coast and rich cultural program.

Most tourists go to Italy not only for beach holidays on the azure coast, but also, of course, look at a large number of famous sights, visit museums, look at the most beautiful castles, shopping. Also in Italy the festivals begins in Italy, you can spend excellent time!

  • Rimini is the resort of the Adriatic coast with landscaped beaches, developed infrastructure and magnificent sea. Resort is very popular among Russian tourists
  • Sicily Island is washed by three seas: Mediterranean, Tyrrhenian and Ionian. Here are luxurious beaches with white sand, a lot of cultural objects and historical monumentsDeveloped tourist infrastructure, beautiful landscapes, bays, bays and rocky shores.

European flavor on Sicily Island

Resorts of the city of Rimini.

Sicily Island

Go to the sea walk

Things to do?

  • Beach rest
  • Sea walks
  • Active tourism
  • Inspection of numerous attractions
  • Shopping



From 66 000 r. Large selection of resorts and hot season!

The middle of the summer is a great time to visit Spain. Soft climate, warm sea, calm and active leisure - everyone here will find a rest to taste!

To visit the country, a Schengen visa needs!

Where to relax?

  • Costa Brava is clean beaches, evergreen plants and rocky landscape. Suitable for outdoor activities, as well as to relax with children, there is big Aquapark.. Also an hour from here Barcelona.
  • Ibiza is a lot of nightclubs and bars here, you can work in having windsurfing. Suitable for youth recreation.
  • Islemorka - here sandy beaches and highlighted hotels. For children, there is Disneyland, adults can do golf, tennis, yachting.
  • Canary Islands - for lovers of relaxing and excursions. The most popular is the islands - Tenerife.


Canary Islands

Sea walks

Ibiza Island - Center for Club Life, is perfect for young people

Major Island Island

Costa Dorada coast

Prices for rest


From 83 000 r. Rest on Islands with European Comfort!

Mysterious Portugal is ancient city and medieval castles, clean beaches and well-developed infrastructure, first-class service, low crime levels, numerous resorts and elegant local cuisine. To visit the country you need a Schengen visa.

Where to relax?

  • Vilagraph - elite resort With three beaches with "blue flags", golf clubs, ancient ruins, museums and numerous cafes
  • Porto Santa - small island With golden beaches and turquoise water, the infrastructure is developed here. Suitable for a quiet relaxing holiday.
  • Madeira Island - known for its clean air and balneological centers. There are practically no beaches here. Popular entertainment here - Windsurfing, diving, tennis, golf, horse riding.
  • Kashkaysh - Suitable to lovers of active sports and young people, there are many nightclubs

What to see?

  • Azores - on the nine islands quietly and calmly, infrastructure is not at all. But you can watch whales and dolphins.
  • Vasco Da Gama Bridge - the longest in Europe, stretches through the River Tejo by 17 km
  • Obidos Castle - one of the wonders of Portugal, now there is a museum here
  • Kint Yes Regaleir - fabulous place, complex from 4 storey palace and parks

Vasco Da Gama Bridge, the longest in Europe

Be sure to look at the Azores

Madeira Island

Beach rest

Try windsurfing on Madeira Island

Fabulous Palace Kint Yes Regaleir

Elite resort of Vilamora

Prices for rest

Where you can relax in Russia at sea cheap

It is possible to rest comfortably and interestingly in our country! Pluses a lot - there is no language barrier, you do not need to make visas, and prices are available!

So, where is it worth going?

Black Sea

From 40 000 r. Warm sea and budget prices!

The most popular destination among Russian tourists. Peak season, the sea is good to choose, the infrastructure is developed. It remains only to choose a suitable resort and enjoy the rest! Most beaches of pebble.

If you eat to relax with children, it is best to take a ticket to at least 3 weeks so that they are well transferred acclimatization.

Where to rest?

  • Sochi - visit the Olympic Village or go to Disneyland. Holidays here will definitely have to taste your children
  • Lazarevskoye - by comfort, nothing is inferior to Sochi, but prices here are much lower
  • Anapa - a variety of beaches and attractions, developed infrastructure. Comfortable sandy beaches perfectly suitable for family holidays.
  • Gelendzhik is located in picturesque bay with a unique microclimate, suitable to lovers of active tourism

  • Sochi beach holidays

    Olympista embankment


    Most often, tourists go to Russian resorts on their own, remove housing and eat in local cafes or prepare themselves.

    Azov Sea

    From 38 000 r. The smallest sea in the world is ideal for recreation with children!

    July is a great time to rest here! The Azov Sea is more suitable for relaxing with young children, rather than black: this is the smallest sea in the world and it quickly warms up, the beaches are safe and sandy, which is also better for children. Natural beauty, a wide variety of active sports, hiking and cycling, marine excursions, entertainment for children - There is everything you need for the perfect holiday!

    The choice of resorts is huge, the main directions are: Yeisk, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Pozpin, Kuchugur, Stanitsa Golubitskaya and Dolzhanskaya, Schecko.

    • Yeisk - perfectly suitable for family holidays and recreation with children. Here are comfortable furnished beaches, there are many entertainment for children - water park, oceanarium, dolphinarium, crocodile canyon, ostrich ranch, zoo, many attractions. Also holidays here will have to taste to lovers of surfing, sea hunting and fishing.
    • The village of Golubitskaya - perfectly suitable for recreation with children and for youth recreation and lovers of active and extreme sports. There are many clubs, you can do windsurfing or ride on Paraglider. A lot of entertainment for children.

    Baltic Sea

    From 40 000 r. A piece of Europe right in Russia!

    Most tourists go here not only for a beach holiday, but also to improve health, enjoy charm baltic resorts Kaliningrad region. Houses, architecture, roads, the kitchen here very much resemble the European, large variety of seafood, and prices are very available. Resorts are clean, well-groomed, comfortable and with ancient architecture. An ideal place to relax with children or older people, here is quiet and calm.

    For relaxation with children, the sea here can be cool!

    Where to relax?

    • Zelenogradsk - here the German spirit is felt, previously the city was the royal resort. It is known for its wide sandy beaches, but little shops and cafes and almost no entertainment for children.
    • Svetlogorsk - Here the beaches are not so good, but in the city, hilly relief and it is surrounded by high pines. It is here that more hotels are focused, infrastructure is very developed.
    • Amber - hotels almost no, but the biggest beach
    • Curonian Spit is interesting for visiting if you choose good location, Water will be on both sides of you, an interesting spectacle!

    Where better to go to rest with the child?

    When you eat relax together with children, then focus primarily for the rest to be safe, comfortable and interesting for your child. After all, it is not only a deposit have a nice rest For him, but for the whole family! What are the resorts to choose?

    Beach holiday with children abroad

    Turkey, Tunisia, Montenegro, Israel - what to choose from it?


    Of course, the option of hotels "All Inclusive" has long been favor of Russian tourists to relax with children! Here is a varied menu, a lot of entertainment right on site, there are animators, nanny. The sea is very warm, the beaches are equipped and comfortable, and a large selection of resorts and hotels for every taste and wallet makes holidays available. In July it is worth choosing the resorts of Marmaris or Fethiye, the climate is here on so hot.


    Perfectly suitable for calm and quiet rest with kids. Beaches here are big, sandy with a convenient entrance to the sea. Water in July is very warm. You can go to the zoo and look at wild African animals in their natural environment, you can also go to the water parks.


    European flavor, delicious home cooking, secure resorts, a large number of attractions and environmentally friendly beaches of the will be comfortable for recreation with children.


    Rest here is very comfortable and safe. In the hotels, a very high service, beaches are equipped, the descent to water is convenient, as well as many parks and attractions here.

    Beach holidays with children in Russia

    What are the resorts to choose on the Black, Azov and Baltic seas?

    Sochi (Black Sea)

    Here your child will not be bored!

    • Attractions
    • Dolphinarium
    • Oceanarium
    • Arboretum
    • Park "Riviera
    • Sochi Park

    Anapa (Black Sea)

    Z.the little sea, it quickly warms up and is perfect for recreation with children. The infrastructure is developed, and the rest will be cheaper than in Sochi.

    Yeisk (Azov Sea)

    It is perfect for recreation with children, there is a water park, aquarium, dolphinarium, crocodile canyon, an ostrich ranch, zoo and many attractions. Also here is a small sea and a gentle entrance to the water.

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Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such funds meets the nature of action (about PERIOTIES), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, to carry out in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in card files or other systematized personal data meetings, and / or access to such personal data, and Also on the transfer (including transboundary) of these personal data to the tour operator and third partners to the partners of the agent and the tour operator.

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Let's find out where in July 2020 it is possible to relax at sea in July 2020! In this selection we will list popular destinations For a beach holiday, in which in the middle of the summer, the warm sea, but not too hot. By tradition, we consider prices for tours and air tickets.

In July, there is a real tourist boom - many take leave and leave to relax to the sea. This month is good because it disappears the need to fly somewhere far: Mediterranean, black and Azov SeaAnd many European and domestic resorts willingly take millions of tourists.

At the same time, July is usually one of the most expensive months of months due to high prices In popular tourist places both forth air tickets and accommodation, entertainment, etc. But no one canceled interesting!

In this selection, we list the best overseas areas, where you can relax in July 2020, thanks to low prices for tours and tickets. We also tell me a little about the weather in these countries, which resorts are best suited for a beach holiday and what to do during the holidays.

Holidays in July at sea abroad


Of course, it is pleasant and inexpensively to relax on the sea in July it is possible in - in this direction regularly are cheap last minute. Rest is better planning for the first half of the month: not so stern and fewer people on the beaches. In the afternoon + 32 ° C, at night + 22 ° C, the water in the sea is well warmed to a temperature of + 25 ° C. The greatest demand for tourists aimed at a great beach vacation, tours are used to the islands, and where the constantly blowing breeze from the sea brings freshness and coolness - that's where in July it is not hot, and comfortable.

Beach Shaitan Limanya (Chertova Harbor) in Crete (photo © Anastoskol / / License CC BY-NC 2.0)

The most persistent attend monuments of ancient ancient culture and numerous natural attractions: Monasteries Meteora and Mount Athos, Poseidon Temple, are most popular. Athenian Acropolis, Palace, Palace, Zeus Cave, Santorini Island and others.

Beach in Nea Mudanya, Chalkidiki (Photo © / Ikos Oceania)

Good news for those who prefer to fly on vacation in a ticket. Tours to Greece at 2020 are quite inexpensive! Greece resorts successfully replace for many Russians who are accustomed to fly to Turkey and Egypt, their favorite directions. Now you can find weekly tours from 42,000 rubles for two people.

Independent travelers, there is no reason to complain. Tickets from Moscow to Thessaloniki and Athens are from 8 thousand rubles, it is possible to fly to Rhodes in July 2020 from 13 thousand rubles, on Crete - from 12 thousand

Athenian Acropolis (Photo © / @Arthuryeti)


Fly in Italy can be completely inexpensive. In Rome, Milan, Bologna, Venice, Naples and many other cities tickets are from 9 thousand rubles. Flights in Rimini and back costs from 18 thousand rubles.

Basilica Virgin Mary Healing, Venice (Photo © / @canmandawe)


Hot and dry weather in July is installed in. Day + 32 ° C, at night +22 ... + 24 ° С, water temperature in the sea + 25 ° С - Ideal conditions for relaxing on the sea. In July, rains are rarely and most often in the northern regions of the country. Spain is better to visit in the first half of the month - from mid-July the number of tourists increases every day, and the little local beaches are difficult to call.

The most popular for beach holidays in July The resorts of the coast of Costa Brava, Costa Dorad and Costa del Sol. Young people go to Ibiza - the island has become a kind of center of youth culture in Europe, and those who do hardly tolerate heat prefer holidays on. Comfortably relax in July on the islands of Menorca and, they often choose families with children.

Beach Ses-Ilenets in Mallorca (Photo © gnomusy /

Excursions in Spain are no less interesting than in Italy. The recognized center of the tourist movement was its architectural monuments, the Catalan and Castilian cities are popular. For children, there are water parks and amusement parks, the largest and most famous of them - Port Aventura Amusement Park - Located not far from. In the summer you can see the real Spanish Corrida, spectacular performances go to Zaragoza, San Sebastian, Madrid and other major cities.

Bulls race at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona (Photo © Vaquerofrancis / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Sale in Spain will start at the beginning of the month, and the holidays have the opportunity to make fashionable acquisitions with discounts.

Now there are easily tours for 7 nights in Majorca, the resorts of the coast of Costa Brava and other places from 48 thousand rubles. You can fly to Spain in "All Inclusive" mode from 60 thousand rubles for two.

Flight in Barcelona or Madrid from Moscow can only be from 10 thousand rubles, in Ibiza and in Alicante - from 15 thousand rubles.

San Juan Beach in Alicante (Photo © Pedro_m_L / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Another destination, where you can relax in July to the sea in 2020 -. In July, the high tourist season begins. Albena, Golden Sands, Sunny Beach, Sozopol and attract a large number of vacationers of different ages. On the Bulgarian coast in July, the sea is not hot, besides, there are good and affordable prices for rest.

Summer is very soft - it is warm, not roast: in July, the temperature is about +28 ... + 30 ° C, at night + 19 ° C. Cool Black Sea warms up to + 24 ° C. The precipitation, which often darken with rest in June, is extremely rare in July.

Beach in Albena (Photo © Balcon Del Mundo / / License CC BY-SA 2.0)

In addition to standard beach entertainment, tourists, visit Rila lakes, rose valley, rock monastery Aladja, ancient Nessebar and Sofia. Shopaholics will be able to pamper natural cosmetics based on rose oil and leather products of local production, with a discount you can buy things inexpensive European brands.

Rest by the sea in July 2020 in Bulgaria is very cheap! It is easy to find trips for a week at a price of 29,000 rubles. Tours "All Inclusive" are a few thousand more expensive.

Flights to Sofia are from 10 thousand rubles, in Burgas - from 14 thousand, in Varna - from 12 thousand.

Holy Week Cathedral in Sofia (Photo © Deense / / License CC BY 2.0)


Many tourists believe that it is best to rest on the sea in July in July. True, in July, good natural conditions add up to the resorts of the Adriatic Sea. In Montenegro in coastal areas during the day +28 ... + 30 ° C, in highlands for 3-5 degrees below. Transparent sea and clean beaches, water temperature + 23 ° C. And although the level of service is not yet reaching high European standards, but this deficiency is compensated for rest, good ecology and