Estonia resorts in the Baltic Sea. Beach and Beach Resorts Estonia

Estonia- Little country, but amazingly rich in resort cities and recreation areas: Pärnu, Haapsalu, Kuressaare, Ust-Narva, Tallinn, Vimsi, Toila, Virski, Cubiaand Pyukhayarwe.. Estonia resorts are picturesque beaches, numerous sanatoriums, hotels, mud and water-hospital, thalassotherapy. Comfortable accommodation conditions combined with the European level of treatment and maintenance at affordable prices - this is exactly what you can find in Estonia. On the west coast of Estonia, the Sanatorium Tervis and the Spa Hotel Fra Mare is located. In the north of Estonia - the sanatorium Narva Yayesuuu, Tila, and in the south the famous Sanatorium Estonia Vyarsk. Estonia, which since 1710 he was part of the Russian Empire, was nearly 200 years in the mud resort of Russia: the first mudoveben was opened in 1825. The Mud was interested in the famous Russian surgeon Pirogov, who came to explore them for the purpose of using wound healing. In the bays and coves of the Estonian islands and the west coast, you can find therapeutic dirt, the health effect of which was known in folk medicine already in the distant past. The resorts - the mudhousebits arose in Western Estonia in the 20s - 40s of the last century (1824 on Saaremaa and 1825 in Haapsalu), when local marine water and dirt began to use for the treatment of patients under medical control in specially created institutions.
In Estonia, 4 main resorts were historically formed: Pärnu, Haapsalu, Kuressaare and Narva-Jõesuu, To which you can add 2 relative to the new: Toila and Vyarsk. Favorable for summer holidays and tourism period lasts about 90 days a year. Bathing season 60 - 80 days a year.
Pärnu- Famous seaside climatic and mud resort. The resort is treated with cardiovascular diseases, nervous system, motion organs.
Pärnu is not only a resort, but also a city with a rather long history (known since 1251). Lovers of History and Architectures will be able to see the Church of St. Catherine, built in 1764 - 1768 by decree of Catherine II, City Town Hall, Church of Elizabeth, with the best in Estonia, the Red Tower - the only surviving part from the city wall, built in the 15th century, residential buildings On the streets of Malmo, Nikola, Uus and other architectural monuments

Haapsalu - One of the favorite resorts of Estonia, where there are always a lot of guests, and the locals do everything to feel comfortable. All the streets in Haapsalu lead to the sea.
In 1715, Russian Tsar Peter 1, together with Admiral Apraksin, first visited by the Sea Haapsalu. He stopped at the House of Judicial Writing Enkina. This Wooden Burgers house was built at the end of the 17th century and was still preserved. You can admire the picturesque panorama Haapsalu from the top platform of the 38-meter watchtower of the Episcopian Castle. Haapsalus Medicinal dirt is used to treat the following diseases: inflammation of the joints, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the peripheral nervous system, muscle atrophy, spikes, scars after operations and injuries, gynecological, internal diseases, chronic skin and diseases of the autonomic nervous system, ear disease, throat and nose. Contraindications for mud arms: feverish diseases, tumors, blood disease, bleeding, cardiovascular insufficiency II and III degree, tuberculosis, pregnancy, kidney diseases, mental illness.
Resort Laulasmaa(Singing Earth), located a few kilometers from Tallinn, will create an excellent atmosphere for a pleasant rest and treatment. Wasc will meet with sincere hospitality, they will define in comfortable rooms, with all the amenities. The center of recreation and therapeutic corps will satisfy and do not disappoint even the most demanding guests. A delicious closed beach of a large length is located just 50 meters from the buildings complex, and another beach is available at a distance of approximately one and a half kilometers.
On the shores of the Finnish Bay, just 12 kilometers from Narva, there is a small cozy resort city. Narva-Jõesuu.Beautiful balneological climate, pine forest, an extensive beach with small golden sand, stretching at 13 kilometers, cool clean water of the Baltic Sea - all this makes Narva-Yõesuu especially attractive for tourists. Kuressaare -the main city of Saaremaa Island, an environmentally friendly island with a unique nature, sandy beaches, a purest sea water. Resort profile: respiratory diseases, skin diseases, general recovery.
Sanatorium "Vyarsk" Located on the shore of the Bay of Lake Lyamam, in the south-east of Estonia, in the midst of the pure forest and no less clean air. The sanatorium is unique in Estonia due to its arsenal of therapeutic procedures and Mineral water Vyarsk.
Sanatorium "Toila" Located on the steep sea coast next to a wonderful coniferous park, founded in the 18th century, merchant Eliseev. Specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal system, digestive tract (special tables for diabetics, vegetarians, food without lactose and leukovin), nervous system, cardiovascular system and allergies. And the healing smell of pine boron has a healing effect for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Based on:

Estoniainteresting to its nature, history and amazing attractions, attracting thousands of tourists here, many of which make tours with treatment and spa

An interesting place that is worth to visit in Estonia is the island of Saaremaa. The island is located in the Baltic Sea and is the largest island in the country. Now it is one of the main tourist centers in the country. You can get to this island on a car or bus, but first you need to overcome the path to the island to the island of Muh, and already from there on the road to Saaremaa (the islands are interconnected with the help of the dam). In addition, airplanes fly from Tallinn to the island, but for money the flight is more expensive than the bus trips.

The island, though it is located in the Baltic Sea, but the climate is favorable for recreation: in the summer heat, and the winter is soft. The greatest amount of precipitation falls on spring and autumn. The uniqueness of this lake is that for many centuries he was in isolation, it was extremely difficult to get to it. Now the island takes tourists from around the world and amazes with its pristine nature, authentic villages, ancient architecture and many others. The local population is not talking not in Pure Estonian, but on his dialect, therefore, even Estonians find a common language with them quite not easy.

The administrative center of the island is the city of Kureaare. This is a resort town in which excellent leisure opportunities have been created, there are spa centers, mudhousebits, many small, but cozy hotels and a cafe with traditional cuisine.

It is believed that the beach season on the island lasts from June to August, but the sea is best warmed in July, when its temperature reaches 22 degrees. But tourists come here not only in the summer, but also to other seasons (many attract the opportunity to undergo a course of recovery).

The beaches on the island are a lot, but most of them either pebble or stony. A good, furnished sandy beach is in Kureaare. There is even a gentle entrance to the water. As a rule, all beaches on the island are equipped with shower and locker rooms.

Local residents carefully keep their history and attractions. One of the most famous architectural attractions of the island is Maasi Castle, which was built in 1345 by one of the Master of the Livonian Order. After these lands switched to the Danish ownership of the castle was destroyed and now tourists can only see his ruins, but in the near future the authorities intend to reconstruct it. But the castle dungeons are well preserved (tourists go there).

Windmills are considered one of the business cards of the island. Such mills have been preserved five and one of them continues to function. In Europe, such mills has already been almost left, so tourists are happy to look at them.

On the island there is a very interesting and unusual place. This is a crater lake Cali. The unusualness of this lake is that its origin is considered extraterrestrial. According to scientists, it was formed about four thousand years ago. Crater is surrounded by a 16-meter earthen shaft.

Saareaa is located one of the Estonian National Parks - Vilsandi. It is located in the west of the island and there you can see not only all sorts of trees, shrubs and other flora, but also some types of animals, including gray seals.

There is on the island and a place that causes far from the most pleasant sensations, but rather the opposite. This is a panga cliff or in other words, a large rocky breakdown, from which pagans were discharged in the ancient times of the victims and thus tried to drop the god of the sea.

It will be for you with a beach holiday or not, but see the stunning nature of the island will definitely succeed (in the summer there is not much rain). If you compare with Jurmala, which you mentioned in your question, then the island of Saaremaa looks preferable.

Contrary to stereotypes, Estonia has a sufficient number of excellent wide sandy beaches, most of which are framed by coniferous forest.

The "continental" coast stretches from Narva in the north, by Tallinn and further to the southwest to Pärnu. You can travel along the shore both by car on the ground and on the yacht by the sea. In addition, Estonia boasts numerous islands with untouched nature and good infrastructure, the most famous of which is Saaremaa and Hiyumaa.

For rest on the sea fit:

  • Narva-Yõesuu is a small resort in Finnish bay on the banks of the River Narva. Sandy beach and coniferous forest create a truly healing atmosphere. The first spa resort was opened in 1876 for members of the Russian tsarist family and their subjects. Today in the city several hotels and spas. This is a great place for families with children and romantics. You can swim in Narva-Yõesuu (in hot weather), walk along the shore and forest, visit spa treatments and admire the historical center of the city.
  • Toila (Toila) is a small town on the coast, founded in the distance 1241. The castle was built here at the end of the XIX century, later became the residence of Estonian presidents. Now this is a popular destination for a holiday of the weekend among the inhabitants of Estonia. Beach, numerous walkways, castle with park, spa centers, restaurants, and a popular concert playground attract tourists here. For the beautiful air, this place was recognized as a "ozone resort". Nearby you can visit the city of Yoevi (Jõhvi) and the estate of Saka, the Natural Park ontika and the former concentration camp Vaivara.
  • Top (Võsu) is a pretty village in Lahemaa National Park. This is one of the oldest marine summer resorts in Estonia. He did not lose his fame and in Soviet times. Gorgeous three-kilometer beach, surrounded by dunes, and a well-warmed seawater off the coast attract families with children. There are also good features for windsurfing and kiting. In the neighborhood, you can visit the estate of Palmse, Sagadi and Vihula, the ruins of the Toolse castle, the fishing village of Alley (Altja) and the village of Kasmu (Käsmu).
  • Caberneeeeme - beach village 40 kilometers from Tallinn. A two-kilometer beach is surrounded by a pine forest. And local sunsets are famous as one of the most beautiful in Estonia. The resort is suitable for families with children.
  • Laulasmaaa (Laulasmaa) - a beach resort on the Lahepere coast (Lahepere), known since the 1930s. Due to the gentle coast, water in the sea warms up pretty quickly, which makes this place comfortable for relaxing with children and lovers to buy. Active tourists come here for the sake of Windows and kaitsurfing, and divers attracts a flooded ship "Joseph Stalin". Cycling paths are laid around the resort, which in the winter are used as running ski tracks.
  • Paldiski is the former Soviet base with picturesque shores and beautiful cliffs. A small beach is suitable for family holidays.
  • Okva (Nõva) is a region of a pine forest with a hard-to-reach, but magnificent beach, surrounded by dunes, whose height reaches 5 meters. The forest is equipped with camping.
  • Haapsalu is a rather significant coastal city in the north-west of Estonia. There is a university, a well-preserved castle, several attractions, good hotels and restaurants, as well as beaches suitable for relaxed and outdoor activities.
  • Valgeranna - beach resort 8 kilometers from Pärnu. This place is salvation for those who do not like long-minded beaches in Pärnu. The 500-meter beach is suitable for a measured rest, including for families with children, as the entrance to the water is flat here. For active holidaymakers there is an obstaclean park Valgeranna Adventure Park. The resort is also equipped with a golf course on 18 holes.
  • Pärnu is a popular sea and spa resort in the west of Estonia. Around the city - a lot of small islands, between which it is nice to ride on boats and yachts. Many are equipped with pleasant beaches. Infrastructure is complemented by high-quality spa.
  • Looks (Kabli) - a quiet village by the sea. The noise and vanity here create only birds migrating through these places in May and October.

A ride to the sanatorium is usually associated with any disease that requires attention and systematic surveys and fakes. Partly this is true. But only partly. Because the sanatoriums now focus not only on treatment, but also on the prevention of diseases.

Agree, from a huge number of ailments, it is much easier to get rid of them before they bloom in lush color and give dozens of consequences and complications. This applies, first of all, to diseases of the nervous system that are provoked by life itself.

This can also include diseases associated with a certain way of life - diseases of the spine and a musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders, hypodynamine and a long row of similar disorders.

A simple solution Lies on the surface. Another week, rest in Estonian sanatoriums, decides several problems at once. You will correct your health, will pass a course of pleasant and unobtrusive treatment, and at the same time just rest on calm and friendly resorts of Estonia, forgetting for a time about the cycle of worries and eternal struggle with time.

Estonia resorts are conventionally divided into six groups, depending on geography. It:

  • district of Narva;
  • tallinn district;
  • pärnu district;
  • district Haapsalu;
  • saaremaa resorts;
  • south Estonia resorts;

In each of the regions there are both specialized sanatoriums and hotels provided separate services and directed, for the most part, on prevention and rest. Also, there is a popular holiday in Spa Sanatoriums of Estonia Spa hotels, there are many sanatoriums with a swimming pool and other pleasant moments. For recreation with children, there will also be suggestions. The best sanatoriums of the resorts on the sea are waiting for you!

Narva, or Ida-Virumaaa

This area has the most obvious advantage For visitors from Russia: the border location allows you to cut the road. However, whether it is the most advantage of the only thing that would hardly affect the choice. Recreation resorts Narva and Ida-Virumaa are known for more than a century, there "have put themselves in order" more members of the royal family name.

The holiday program in Tyoo includes Treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal, respiratory and digestive systems. Also exist services packages To maintain well-being and, especially for women, to care for appearance.

Racing Pool, Terms, Aroma Relax, Cosmetic and Spa Procedures, Gym and Wellness Services for Adults. Children can unlimited time Have fun in a special game center.

Narva-Yõesuu - specializes in the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, gastroenterological, heart disease.

Also in the sanatoriums are engaged in the treatment and prevention of diseases of bone and articular systems and diseases of blood vessels.

As preventive services There are programs to reduce weight and adjust the shape.

Meresuu Spa Hotel and Manor Saka Cliff - specialize in preventive, cosmetic, wellness, spa and common recreation services.

At the same time, the first one is located in a modern large building, and the second - in the fully restored old estate at the border of the "Otika" reserve.

Sanatorium Tallinn

In Tallinn and its surroundings there are recreation centers that combine resort and wellness services.

Special attractiveness The ability to combine treatment with an extensive cultural and excursion program.

SPA Wiimsi Tervis - specializes in hydrotherapy, aromatherapy and various types medical massage; Spa, cosmetic services, advice on aesthetic surgery are also provided.

Laulasmaa Resort provides a full range of wellness SPA services. The sanatorium is perfect in the coastal pine forest, the sanatorium is perfect for recreation with family.

Hotel Pirita Top Spa offers resting Phytotherapy and antistress treatment. You can also use the complex of cosmetic, spa, massage and gymnastic procedures.

Kalev Spa Hotel & Water Center Suitable for relaxing holiday With water, massage and cosmetic services.

Hotel Ecoland offers its customers massage, cosmetic and Spa services. Therapeutic procedures include aroma and hydrotherapy.

And in Lithuania, for example, you can also relax perfectly. - The spa town on the coast, everyone will give strength and charge of cheerfulness.

Do not interest the sanatoriums? Looking for a place to stay on vacation time? There is also useful information.

By the way, in Palanga, too many attractions. Review of the most interesting look in our article.

Rest in Pärnu

Pärnu is a traditional resort area, famous for its sanatoriums. Summer it resort centerAnd the rest of the time is a great place for prophylactic and recreation.

Tervis Medical SPA - a number of servicesassociated with the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular, nervous, bone-articular systems, various types of allergies and dermatitis.

Sanatorium fully equipped Modern medical equipment that allows you to track the change in the condition of the body and adjust the treatment. Additionally Presented preventive and wellness services.

Tervise Paradiis - specializes in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the reference and muscular apparatus and the cardiovascular system. In addition You can get spa treatments to traditional resort treatment.

SPA Estonia recovery and preventive services that are classic for resort sanatoriums.

WASA complex - designed to receive antistress and rehabilitation Assistance after transferred diseases of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems of the body. In particular, this sanatorium is well known for reducing treatment after a heart attack. To customers - phytotherapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound and hydrotherapy, continuous observation of doctors.

Hotel Viking - provides preventive services and treatment of the cardiovascular system and the state of chronic fatigue, stress.

Various types of medical procedures are well combined with general treatment and preventive services.

Holidays in Haapsalu

Sanatoriums of the small town Haapsalu take holidaymakers already more than one hundred years. Excellent location on the coast in combination with the exits of healing mud made this place by a resort and wellness center, wide famous Outside Estonia.

Recreation Center Fra Mare is suitable for treating and preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Vacationers are offered traditional mud, thalassotherapy, phytoprocessors, light and hydropathy, salt procedures.

Hotel Laine provides preventive and local services, including mud, spa, waterproof and anti-stress program.

Saareaa and Kuressaare resorts

Due to the island location, rest on Saaremaa is particularly well suited for relaxation, getting rid of stress, disturbing states and chronic fatigue. In addition, rest on the island is a good opportunity for privacy.

Hotels "Georg UTS", "Meri", "Grand Rose" render complex Wellness, spa, cosmetic and anti-stress services.

There are various types of massages, aromatherapy, wellness services, water, bath, cosmetic and general treatment procedures.

Resorts of South Estonia

Due to the proximity to the chief university city of Estonia Tartu, rest in the sanatoriums of South Estonia is distinguished by a focus not only for treatment, but also on sports and entertainment in the fresh air. Proximity to Tartu expanding the opportunity vacationers.

Spa Sanatorium Virska - has the biggest Therapeutic base in this resort area. It specializes in the treatment of bone muscular system and connecting tissues, including on recovery after operations and injuries. Also, the sanatorium deals with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, nervous system, urological and gynecological disorders.

In addition to therapeutic and wellness procedures, prophylactic, stuffing and cosmetic programs are available.

Pühakhyrwe Recreation Center - offers treatment services Muscles, joints and disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Guests of the Center are available spa treatments, classic and Chinese massage, paraffin procedures, hydropings, swimming pool, gym and various types of outdoor activities.

Hotel Bernhard - Pries Cosmetic and Spa servicesAnd also provides all the possibilities for outdoor activities in nature.

Thus, resorts and sanatoriums of Estonia can offer any services complexrelated to rest, prevention and treatment of various diseases. The soft marine climate of the Estonian coast, peaceful nature and uniquely transparent air of pine forests by itself a beautiful natural leakage. BUT perfect ratio The highest services for services and democratic prices becomes a decisive argument for our compatriots when choosing a place to treat and rest.