How to get to the Vienna Vienna Forest. Vienna, Viennese forest: photo and description, excursions, tourist reviews

Viennese forest (Vienna, Austria) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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The Vienna Forest (Wiener Wald) is worth visiting at least for the sake of its nature: here you can collect mushrooms, sunbathe on the lawn, admire the views from the observation deck and, finally, to eat in a pleasant restaurant almost on the lap of nature. Previously, it was popular place The walks of the whole city, here were loved by Kafka and Freud, and it was almost impossible to find a free cottage in the vicinity of the forest. As today.

How to get

To the Viennese forest can be reached by metro along the line U4, stop HEILIGENSTADT, then by bus number 38a (passing by the main watching sites - Cobenzl, Calenberg and Leopoldsberg).

What to watch

Sitting on bus number 38a, which drives a narrow street with the villas of the 19th century, it is worth choosing a travel route in advance.

If desired, it is better to get up to stop Kobenzl (Am Cobenzl, this stop is difficult to miss: there is a giant parking with a hotel). From here you can go up the slope - in the direction of the Hermannskogel observation tower (Hermannskogel, about 3 km, go to the bei der kreuzeiche and jägerkreuz signs) or down - in the direction of the Bellevue Höhe observation deck, where there is a fun sign about how to By this place on July 24, 1895, Sigmund Freuda "Opened Mystery of Dreams".

Another option is to go on one stop further and, walking along Krapfenwaldlgasse (Krapfenwaldlgasse), find the outdoor pool Krapufenwaldl. In addition to the noteworthy of the pool itself (vintage cabins for dressing up, etc.), from there still opens beautiful view to Vienna. Mode of operation: May 2 - September 14; Monday-Friday 9: 00-19: 00, Saturday-Sunday 8: 00-19: 00. Login - 5.90 EUR, for children under 15 years old - 3.20 EUR.

Prices on the page are shown in November 2018.

Viennese forest in autumn

Having traveled two more stops, the bus arrives in Calenberg (Kahlenberg), to a height of 484 m. It is worthwhile to explore the Polish Church, Tower Stephaniwart (Stephaniewarte), go to Josefinenhütte huts or find the Sirbu Cabaccy with a legendary view of the city.

Charter from the Vienna Forest and the crowd of the people, you can go to the city of Klosterneuburg, where the baroque monastery is located and the largest collection of modern art in Austria.

The Vienna Forest covers huge areas in the vicinity of Vienna, covered with thick forests, colorful valleys and powerful mountains.

A favorite place of tourist walks in the Vienna Forest is the town of Mödling. It attracts guests with the beauty of his landscapes and the contents of wine cellars. On the outskirts of the town is located the largest cave lake Eurasia - Hinterbruv, its area is 6,200 square meters. meters.

Klosternoyburg town, which is compactly located right on the hills of the Vienna Forest, is famous for its Augustine monastery. The "Holy Palace" was built back in 1108. For the 8th centuries, he was a spiritual center of Austria, glorifying the Dynasty of the Great Habsburgs. Now in the monastery there is the largest museum in Europe, exhibiting works of art of the post-war period.

Therapeutic water, the magnificent architecture and the most ancient and large casino of Austria - this is what is known for the whole world resort Baden under Vienna (Baden Bei Wien). At one time, this city in his time was chosen by Russian Tsar Peter I, it's a pity that he stayed in which he stopped, was not preserved to the present day.

Surrounded by vineyards Viennese Forest - perfect place For winemaking, the history of the development of which in this region has about two thousand years. The most popular Wienerwald winemaking centers is Closternoyburg , Humpoldskiren, Bad Feslam, Baden and Pergtoldsdorf. Each tourist can raise himself a mood in one of the local Hoiriggers (wine cellars).

Viennese forest - mysterious place With a big historical past. It can be safely called a fabulous state separate from Austria, in which there are own cities, villages and resorts.

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The Vienna Forest is a huge forest area in which the well-groomed towns, distinctive villages of winemakers, as well as numerous thermal sources are located. It is located in the vicinity of the Austrian capital (Vienna), in the foothills of the Alps. Viennese forest is a favorite and traditional holiday destination local population And guests are beautiful veins.

Viennese forest - rightly considered "light" veins. The borders of this huge territory is the Danube Valley, known for its delicious vineyards, as well as the resort towns of Baden and Bad Fesslau. In addition to the exciting beauty of Nature, vacationers will delight various thermal sources that do not need any advertising. Developed tourist infrastructure The Vienna Forest successfully harmonizes with the natural beauties and the charms of nature. In the Vienna Forest, hotels of all majer and categories are developing and developing. At your service all sorts of cafes and specialized resort areas.

Viennese forest is the Walves of I.Shtraus, traces of L. Bethoven and Legends about F. Schubert. This is Lightentein Castle, built at the beginning of the past millennium. This is a favorite place not only curious and greedy to all new tourists, but also local residents. The Viennese Forest amazes and admires again and again, the only problem may be the question - why start an inspection of this natural attractions of Austria?

Our guide in Vienna reminds that there is a mass of viewing sites in the forest, while you can see any specifically to determine the further route. However, the mandatory attention of tourists deserves the church of the Baroque era, the Krapfenwald open-type pool and the largest underground lake Hintenbrull, located at a depth of 60 meters under the ground, which arose, is true, not without the help of a person ... By the way, on this lake, tourists can ride a boat. It is interesting to know that the lake eat seven underground springs, but it does not have natural outflow. That is why about 50-60 thousand liters of water pumped out each night, in order to maintain an optimal level equal to 1.2 meters.

The wealth of nature of the Vienna Forest is huge! Here you can meet about 150 different types of birds, get acquainted with more than 2,000 species of plants and animals, including rare and disappearing. And if you want to distract a little, then absolutely look into one of the vineyards and taste the natural delicious wine in a warm and cozy rustic atmosphere.

During its existence, the Vienna Forest has been replenished with numerous hiking and cycling routerswho will delight you with your diversity.

It was in the Vienna Forest Sigmund Freud opened his secret dreams. Here, at one time, Kafka slowly began to walk and Peter I stopped for four days.

But back to what really deserves attention.

Of great interest is the Abbey of Heiliegenkroitz with the Tsistercian monastery. It was named after the first monastery of the Order - Cistercium. At the entrance to the monastery, attention attracts a hill with a colorful staircase. The name of this original beauty is Calvary!

And now imagine that the beauty of the Vienna Forest could not be preserved to the present day! The fact is that in the XIX century it was planned to sell the forest to the logger on the repayment of a military debt. But the furious forest began and rapidly developing on this occasion.

In general, Viennese Forest - amazing placewhich is worth visiting if possible or at least once in life!

Vienna Forest - "Green Light" cities, one of the symbols of the Austrian capital and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. But first of all, the Viennese Forest - favorite place Rest citizens, a recreational area where picnics are satisfied, romantic walks and are engaged in sports.

The forest became famous in 1868, when the famous Waltz Johann Strauss "Tales of the Vienna Forest" was written, whose melody is familiar today, perhaps, to everyone. The name of the "Fairy Tales of the Vienna Forest" is also wearing a multiple-played play of the famous Austrian playwright Edne von Croat.

History and geography

Viennese forest is a chain of woody hills in the foothills of the Alps to the west of veins of 45 km long and width from 20 to 30 km. Natural borders natural Reserve Serve River Tristing, Helesen, Trizen and Danube (Danube).

The first settlements on the territory of the Vienna Forest in Austria appeared in the VIII century. It is interesting that the most ancient inhabitants of the terrain were Slavs. It is to the Slavic roots that the names of the villages are put up, and now the communes of the city - Döbling, Leasing and Ducklings.

Viennese forest has long served citizens for walking and hunting. Despite this, after the XVI century, logging was actively conducted here, and during the industrialization in 1870 there was even a plan, providing for the deforestation of most forests. Fortunately, these intentions were not implemented.

In 1987, the Austrian government assigned the status of the environmental zone to the Viennese forest, and since 2005 he is a UNESCO biosphere reserve, that is, the zone of special cultural and environmental significance is considered.

Some parties in the city of the vast territory of the Vienna Forest received a "security status" of several centuries ago. For example, Lainzer-Tiergarten was announced by private royal hunting grounds back in 1561, and until 1919 Tiergarten ("Garden of Beasts") fenched a stone wall, which was closed by shit over coat.

TO XVIII century The story and Schwarzenbergpark - first in Austria landscape Parkbroken in English style. For a long time beautiful park With alleys and ponds were privately owned. Only in 1958 the land were redeemed by the city, and Schwarzenbergpark became another pearl in the Crown of the Vienna Forest.

Today, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Vienna Forest is 9900 hectares. Rather, it is the area of \u200b\u200bthe biosphere reserve, while the green array itself is even more. The forest park covers and partially seizes the seven southwestern Viennese quarters (Hitzing, Penzing, Ottakring, Hernals, Vering, Döbling and Leasing), that is almost half of the city.

The highest point of the reserve is at 893 m above sea level - it is Mount Schöpfl. From the observation tower on its top there is a delightful view of the surroundings. And on the next, the second highest top of Mittershöplefl (882 m) is the observatory. Leopold Physle.

Those who prefer the vertices of the dungeon can go 20 km from Vienna in natural Park Sandstein-Wienerwald, where there are several caves. The total length of the largest of them, Dreidärrischenhöhle ("Caves of Three Deaf"), is 230 m, and the depth is 19 m.

Nature of Vienna Forest

On an area of \u200b\u200bover 1350 square meters. CMs grow more than 2000 species of plants, 150 species of birds live, including those listed in the Red Book. It was from the Vienna Forest that reintroduction began in the natural medium of the population of long-tailed neastes that disappeared in Austria more than half a century ago. In 2011, these rare birds brought the first offspring.

Practically intact wildlife It can be found in Lyntzer-Tirgerartan - here live from 800 to 1000 wild boars, from 200 to 250 lins, about 700 wild rams and from 80 to 100 noble deer.

In the northern part of the Vienna Forest, mostly deciduous trees grow - birch, oaks and graphs, coniferous - pines and spruce prevail in the south. Here is the Föhrenberge Reserve ("Pine Mountains").

There are also several vineyards in the Viennese Forest. Despite the location within the city, the wine-making enterprises retained rural charm - in cozy Taverns-Houirigrah, visitors to the forest park under living music can taste young wine and enjoy.

On environmental excursions in the Vienna Forest can be found with the nature of the reserve. Particularly interesting "Biodiversity Day" in June, during which visitors should find as much biological species in a given zone as possible, and can also participate in family entertainment programs and wine tasting.

Things to do

  1. Pedestrian routes. Hayeking, Scandinavian walking or just pleasant walks in a calm pace - in the park there are more than 6,000 km of routes for lovers walking. Pedestrian routes in Vienna and the surrounding area are presented on the tourist website of Vienna.

For the first acquaintance with the forest, you can choose a rather short (7.2 km) route number 4. He leads to the Jubiläumswarte observation tower, it opens a dizzying view of the southeastern suburbs of the vein, and in good weather You can see even alpine arrays of Shneberg (2076 m) and Rax (2007 M), from which the purest drinking water comes to Vienna.

Route number 1 is somewhat longer (11 km) - It rises to the picturesque Kalenberg hill, covered with vineyards. On the way, you can visit one of the cozy Hyuriggers in Nusdorf. At the top of the hill is the historic observation tower of the princess Stefania Stefaniewarte (unfortunately, access inside is now closed).

Even more pedestrian routes in the Vienna Forest for tourists of various levels of preparation is presented on its information website. There is a 30-kilometer route to the most high vertex Forest park, and a small 6-kilometer "circle" on Sparbach Reserve (Sparbach), where huge century pines grow.

  1. Mountain bike.The park hosts 46 routes with a total length of more than 1000 km. There are tracks of various difficulty levels, from family (Family) to complex (POWER).
  2. Skiing.In the Vienna Forest there are four small ski descents that, of course, cannot compete with infrastructure oVHowever, it is possible to go skiing near the city. Most descents work only in cold winters in the presence of natural snow.

In addition to occupation hiking tourism, Mountainbay and mountain skiing, in the Vienna Forest you can play golf on the Arena Baden field, ride a horse or go down from the mountain on Rhodelbane (a variety of bobsley on wheels).

  1. Sightseeing. Viennese forest is an ideal place not only for sports, but also for admission to rich history and the culture of Austria. There are many picturesque villages, beautiful castles, old monasteries and romantic ruins. Among the most interesting sights:
  • Lichtenstein castle - miniature, but wonderful restored medieval castlewhich is obliged to their origin the current princes of Liechtenstein;
  • Meerling - Idyllic village with a memorial chapel at the site of the tragic and mysterious death of Rudolph's Kronprint and his beloved - Baroness in the evening;
  • Monastery Hailiegenskroitz, founded in the XII century and being today one of the oldest current Cistercian monasteries in the world;
  • Monastery Klosternoyburgwhere the unique monument of the XII century is stored - Verden Altar;
  • Zehegrotte - The largest underground lake in Europe with an area of \u200b\u200b6200 square meters. M, located in gypsum mines, for which you can make an exciting journey on a special boat.


You can get to the city of Vienna Forest bordering public transport. For example, before the starting point pedestrian route №4 There is a tram 49 (Bahnhofstrasse stop), and before the starting point of the route No. 1 can be reached by tram D from Ring. Hoe-Wand Ski Descent is near the Hütteldorf Metro Station.

Focusing in the biosphere reserve help information shields located at key points. They provide information on the local flora and fauna, about the available sports and recreational infrastructure and the gastronomic delights that can be tried in the nearest Houirger.

In short, the Viennese Forest is no wonder attracts residents of the capital and numerous tourists. Perhaps you already had there? Share your impressions in the comments! And also do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter, in which we offer only the most interesting, relevant and useful information About Austria and Vienna.

The Vienna Forest is glorified in history, literature and music. In these spurs, many loved to rest famous people. Aristocrats, Imperial Operations, People of Art and Writers were freely walked on the slopes, listened to birds, collected mushrooms.

The day was beautiful, and there were a lot of people on Calenberg. We didn't have enough places in the cafe, and we went to the Polish church of St. Joseph. At the entrance to the temple there were two memorial plaques, inside the church - interesting frescoes. In the temple, the banner of Polish gentles, who participated in the battle for the liberation of Vienna from the Turks.

On Calenberg there is another famous institution - Hojeriger "Sirbu"(Kahlenberger Strasse, 210). You can get there by one of the forest paths. In the zucchini, we no longer went, and sat down again to the bus and went further - on the Hill Leopoldsberg.

It is worth clarifying that in the names of these two neighboring hills there is some confusion. Initially, Kalenberg (Bald Mountain) was called Leopoldsberg, and then the mountain was renamed in honor of Marcgraf Leopold III. The name Calenberg passed to the neighboring hill. Apparently because of this exchange names of historians still argue: on what of the hills were Mesa King Yang Sobsky and Marco D''Aviano - Papal Lead, before the mistake of the United Army against the Turkish troops?

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