Direction and length of the Caspian Sea. Resources of the Caspian Sea

Many geographical names may mislead people who are not addicting geography. Can it be that the object designated on all maps like the sea is in practice the lake? Let's figure it out.

The history of the emergence of the Caspian Sea?

14,000,000 years ago, the Sarmatian Sea existed on the planet. It included modern, black, Caspian and Azov seas. About 6,000,000 years ago, in connection with the raising of the Caucasus Mountains and the decrease in the water level in the Mediterranean, it was divided by forming four different seas.

Caspian inhabited by many representatives of the Fauna Azov, which once again confirms that once these reservoirs were one of the whole. This is one of the reasons why the Caspian Sea is considered to be a lake.

The name of the sea happened from the ancient tribes of the Caspian. They inhabited his shores in the first millenniums BC and they were engaged in horse breeding. But for a long hundreds of years of its existence, this sea looked a lot of names. He was called Derbent, Sarai, Girkan, Sigai, Cook. Even in our time, this lake is called Khazarsky for the inhabitants of Iran and Azerbaijan.

Geographical location

Two parts of the world - Europe and Asia are washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The coastline covers the following countries:

  • Turkmenistan
  • Russia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Kazakhstan

The length of the north to the south is about a thousand two hundred kilometers, width from the west to the East - about three hundred kilometers. The average depth is about two hundred meters, the greatest depth of about a thousand kilometers. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is more than 370,000 square kilometers and is divided into three climatic and geographic areas:

  1. Northern
  2. Middle
  3. South Caspian

The water area has six large peninsulas and about fifty islands. The total area of \u200b\u200bthem is four hundred square kilometers. The largest islands are Jambai, Ogurchinsky, Chechen, Couples, Konevsky, Zyudyev and Absheron Islands. About one hundred thirty rivers flows into the Caspian, including Volga, Ural, Atrek, Sephrin, Terek, Kura and many others.

Sea or lake?

The official name used in the documentation and cartography is the Caspian Sea. But does this correspond to reality?

In order to have the right to be called the sea, any reservoir must be combined with the world ocean. In the case of Caspian, it is not reality. From the nearest sea, black, the Caspian separates almost 500 km of sushi. This is completely closed with water. Main differences in the seas:

  • Sea can be powered by water arteries - rivers.
  • Sea external directly related to the ocean, that is, have a way out to it.
  • The internal seas connect with the other seas or ocean straits.

The right to be called the Sea Caspian was primarily due to their impressive sizes, which are more characteristic of the seas, and not lakes. On the area, he is superior to even Azov. Also, not a small role played the fact that no lake washed the shore at once five states.

It is worth noting that the structure of the bottom of the Caspian Sea refers to the ocean type. This happened due to the fact that it was once part of the ancient world ocean.

Compared to other seas, the percentage of saturation of the salts in it is very weak and does not exceed 0.05%. Caspian focuses only with rivers flowing into it, like all the lakes on the globe.

Like many seas, the Caspian is famous for its powerful storms. The wave height can reach eleven meters. The storm can take place at any time of the year, but they are most dangerous in the fall and in winter.

In fact, the Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world. On its water does not apply to international marine laws. The water area is divided between countries on the basis of laws adopted for lakes, and not for the seas.

The Caspian Sea has rich mineral resources, such as oil and gas. Its water inhabit more than one hundred and twenty species of fish. Among them are the most valuable sturgeon, such as the seven, sturgeon, sterling, beluga, spike. 90% of the global sturgeon catch is in Caspian.

Entertaining features:

  • Scientists of the whole world did not come to an unequivocal opinion, why the Caspian Sea is considered to be a lake. Some specialists even suggest to consider it the "lake-sea" or the "inner" sea as the Dead Sea in Israel;
  • The deepest point of the Caspian Sea is more than one kilometer;
  • Historically, it is known that the overall water level in the reservoir changed more than once. The exact reasons for this have not yet been studied;
  • This is the only reservoir separating Asia and Europe;
  • The largest water artery that feeds the lake is the Volga River. It is she who carries the bulk of water;
  • Thousands of years ago, the Caspian Sea was part of black;
  • By the number of species of fish, the Caspian Sea loses to some rivers;
  • The Caspian Sea is the main supplier of the most expensive delicacy - black caviar;
  • Water in the lake is fully updated every two hundred fifty years;
  • The territory of Japan is less than the Caspian Sea Square.

Ecological situation

The intervention in the ecology of the Caspian Sea regularly occurs due to the production of oil and natural minerals. There are also interventions in the fauna of the reservoir, frequent cases of poaching and illegal catch of valuable fish breeds.

The water level in the Caspian Sea falls every year. This is due to global warming, due to the influence of which the water temperature on the surface of the reservoir rose to one degree and the sea began to actively evaporate.

According to calculations, the water level falls by seven centimeters since 1996. By 2015, the level of fall was about one and a half meters, and water continues to fall.

If it continues further, in a century, the smallest part of the lake can simply disappear. This will be the part that is washes the borders of Russia and Kazakhstan. If global warming is increased, the process can accelerate and this will happen much earlier.

It is known long before the start of global warming, the water level in Caspian has undergone changes. Water was dyed, then fell. Scientists still can not say exactly for what reasons it happened.

Pearl of unique beauty and identity is the Caspian Sea. This is a unique, the only water-closed reservoir with a fragile and invaluable ecosystem. His uniqueness attracts world attention to him. Caspian is considered the largest inner reservoir in the world, located at the junction of Asia and Europe. Amazing natural creation was given a lot of their works of poets, philosophers, historians, geographers. Among them: Homer, Herodotus, Aristotle. The biological environment of the Caspian Sea is also unique. But first things first. We invite you to learn about the depth, level, location of this reservoir, which countries are washes by the Caspian Sea. Well, on the road ...

Historical references

Many are interested in where the Caspian Sea is located, the history of his occurrence. But few know that it has ocean origin. Thirteen million years ago was the bottom of the ocean. As a result of natural cataclysms, the Alps arose and disconnected the Sarmatian Sea from the Mediterranean. 5 million years have passed, and the Sarmatian Sea was divided into smaller reservoirs, among which the Black and Caspian Sea entered. For a long time, the compounds and separation of waters were watched. And now 2 million years ago, the Caspian was completely cut off from the World Ocean. This was the beginning of its formation. History confirms that during the formation of the depth, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Caspian Sea has repeatedly changed.

Today, the Caspian class is classified as the largest faceless lake. Because of his huge sizes, it is called by the sea. And because of the fact that it has developed on the earth's crust of the oceanic type.

Today, Caspian is 44% of the planet's lake waters. Throughout its formation, various tribes and peoples were given to Lake about 70 items. The Greeks called him Gurkan (Gurdjan's) lake from the name of the city of Gorgan and the province of Girket. The ancient Rusichi was called him by the Swashing Sea, from the name inhabited in the coast of the people of the sovereign. Arabs, Persians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Crimean Tatars made it by the Khazar Sea. Another once in the Delta of the Kura River, flowing into the reservoir, was the island and the city, in honor of which he was called the Abeskun Sea. Later this city flooded. There was also a name to the Sarai Lake. In honor of the city of Derbant (Dagestan), he was made by the Derbent Sea. It was also the name of Sihai and others.

Geographical location

Many people want to know where the Caspian Sea is located on the map. This place is at the junction of Europe and Asia. The physico-geographical conditions of the sea allow you to divide it into three parts:

  1. The share of the Northern Caspianis takes 25% of the reservoir.
  2. The middle Caspian zone has 36%.
  3. The component of the southern part of the lake is 39%.

The North and Medium Caspian shares the island of Chechen with Cape Tuba Karagan. The middle and South Caspian divides the island of Chills with Cape Gan-Gulu.

The territory adjacent to the lake is called the Caspian. The size of the Caspian Sea is amazed. The coastline stretches, approximately 6,500 - 6,700 kilometers. The shores have a low-live and smooth structure. The northern part of the coastline is cutting water ducts and the islands of the Delta of the Urals and Volga. The shores are mostly low and wetlands covered with thickets. The east coast has a limestone structure. In the west of the shore is very winding.

Relief and depth, Caspian Sea Area

These indicators constantly fluctuate. As a result, they affect the level of the sea. The Caspian Sea thus changes the area and volume of water. If its level is 26.75 km, then the area is 371,000 km 2. And what is the maximum and average depth of the Caspian Sea? At the maximum depth, it is inferior only to Baikal and Tanganic. The magnitude of the maximum depth in the South Caspian depression is 1,025 m. The average depth of the Caspiana helps to calculate the batigraphic curve, which indicates a depth of 208 m. In the north of the reservoir more shallow - 25 m. The average Caspian has many deep depressions, mainland slopes, shelves. Here, the average depth reaches 192 m. Derbent vadina has a depth of 788 m.

The length of the lake from north to south is 1,200 km, and the width of the Caspian Sea from the west to the east - up to 435 km. The relief of the northern part of the lake is plain, with accumulative islands and banks. The southern part of the Caspian shelf is rich in shell sands, deep-water sections with orst precipitation. Sometimes indigenous breeds are performed here.

Peninsula, Islands and Bays of the Caspian

A number of large peninsulas are located on the Caspian Sea Square. On the west coast, near Azerbaijan, is the Absheron Peninsula. It is here that the cities of Baku and Sumgait are located. On the east side (territory of Kazakhstan) is the Mangyshlak peninsula. Here built the city of Aktau. It is also worth noting the following largest Peninsula: Miycale, Tuba Karagan, Buzachi, Agrahan Peninsula.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe major and medium-sized Caspian Islands is 350 km 2. There are about 50 such islets. The largest and famous are considered: Ashur-Hell, Garas, Chechen, Chigil, Gum, Dash-Zire, Ozurchinsky, etc.

Such a huge reservoir cannot exist without bays. Agrachansky, Kizlyarsky, Mangyshlak, Kazakh bay are known. It is also worth remembering the bay of Kajdak, Kenderly, Turkmen, Astrakhan, Hasan-Kuli, Enzeli.

Special Bay Lagoon Caspian is considered the salt lake Kara-Bogaz-goals. In 1980, they built a dam, which separates this shed from the Caspian Sea. Every year, 8-10 km 3 of water comes from the Caspian to Kara-Bogaz-goal.

What countries is the Caspiana wash?

The Intergovernmental Economic Conference of the Caspian states found that five coastal countries are washed by the Caspian Sea. What exactly? In the north, northeast and east, it borders with Kazakhstan. The coastline at the same time is 2,320 km. Who borders the Caspian Sea in the south? This is an Iran with shores of 724 km. The southeast is located Turkmenistan with a coastline about 1,200 km. North-West and West Caspiana occupies Russia with a length of 695 km. In southwest, Azerbaijan stretches for 955 km. Here is such a kind of "Caspian Five".

Coastline and Nearest Cities

Many cities, ports and resorts are located in the Caspian Sea. Objects are considered to be the largest objects: Caspiysk, Makhachkala, Election, Lagan, Dagestan lights, Derbent. Astrakhan is the largest port city of Caspiana, located in the Volga delta (60 km from the northern coast).

In Azerbaijan, the largest city port is considered to be Baku. Its location falls on the southern part of the Absheron Peninsula. 2.5 million people live in the city. A little in the north is located sumps. Lankaran is located near the southern border of Azerbaijan. In the south-east of the Absheron Peninsula, there is an area of \u200b\u200boilmen - oil stones.

In Turkmenistan, the city of Turkmenbashi is located in Turkmenistan. The major resort of this country is Avaz.

In Kazakhstan, the city of Aktau is built near the Caspian. North, in the Delta of the Ural River is Atyrau. In Iran, on the southern coast of the reservoir, is Bender Enzeli.

Rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea

130 large and small rivers flows into the Caspian. Nine of them have a deltoid mouth. Among the largest rivers, spread the Volga, Ural, Terek, Samur, Sulac, Emba, Kuru, Atrek. The largest river flowing into the reservoir is considered the Volga. Over the year from it, on average, 215-224 km 3 water expires. All of the above rivers replenish the Annual Water Rossa of the Caspian Sea by 88-90%.

Caspian Flora and Fauna Caspian

For those who are interested in where the Caspian Sea falls, the answer is already clear - it is closed with water. Water in it circulates due to winds and drainage. Most of all the water flows into the North Caspian, so the northern currents circulate there. With these intensive flows of water are transferred to the west coast of the Absheron Peninsula. There, the flow passes into two branches - one moves parallel to the West Bank, the other is eastern.

The fauna of the Caspian basin is represented by 1810 animal species. 415 of them are vertebrate representatives. About 100 species of fish swim in Caspian, there are also a large amount of sturgeon. Freshwater fish, represented by Sasan, Sazan, Voblya. Also in the sea a lot of carp, kefali, spruce, kutuma, bream, salmon, perch, pikes. It is worth remembering another inhabitant - the Caspian seal.

The Flora of the Caspian Sea and the coastal zone includes 730 species. It is important to note that the reservoir is overgrown with blue-green, diatoms, red, brown, hiking algae. Flower algae is considered the most common - ruppia and zoster. The age of Caspian flora refers to the non -ogenic period. Many plants fell into the Caspian with the help of ships or conscious actions of a person.

Research work

In the period between 285 and 282 BC. Greek king Seleevko I ordered Geographer Patrole Macedonian to explore the Caspian lake. Later this work was continued by order of Peter the Great. For this purpose, the expedition was specially organized, which was led by A. Bekovich-Cherkasi. Later, the research continued the expedition of Karl vserena. The following scientists were engaged in the study of the Caspian: F.I. Simonov, I.V. Tokmachev, M.I. Worn.

At the end of the XIX, the instrumental coastal survey conducted I.F. Kolodkin, later - N.A. Ivashenseva. In the same period, 50 years studied the hydrology and hydrobiology of the Caspian N.M. Knipovich. 1897 was marked by the foundation of the Astrakhan Research Station. At the beginning of the Soviet era of Caspian studied I.M. Gubkin and other geologists. They directed their work to the search for oil, the study of the aquatic environment, changes in the level of the Caspian Sea.

Economic Sphere, Shipping, Fisheries

In the Caspian Found a lot of gas and oil deposits. Scientists have proven that oil resources are about 10 billion tons here, and together with gas condensate - 20 billion tons. Since 1820, on the Absheron shelf, near Baku, they began to extract oil. Then, oil production on an industrial scale began to engage in other areas. Oil production from the bottom of the Caspian Sea began in 1949, on oil stones. Mikhail Kaverochkin was engaged in drilling of the long-awaited oil well. In addition to oil and gas, salt, limestone, stone, sand, clay are produced at the Caspian Sea.

Shipping here also pays enough attention. Terminal crossings are constantly working. The most famous directions: Baku - Aktau, Makhachkala - Aktau, Baku - Turkmenbashi. Through Don, Volga and Volga-Don Canal, the Caspian Lake is connected with the Azov Sea.

Local residents are caught in the waters of the sea of \u200b\u200bsturgeon fish, bream, Sazan, Sudak, Rosch. We are engaged in fishing seal, caviar mining. Unfortunately, in this water reservoir, it is possible to face illegal catch of sturgeon and the extraction of caviar. Foundation is popular here, Kambala, Kefal, different types of shrimp. Sturgeon fish feed here with a worm of nonreis, which was specifically brought to the Caspian. The "five" countries of the Caspian Sea, washed by its waters, specially organizes fishing and spawning farms.

In the northern shallow water sturgeon most, especially near Russia. It is worth listed to the sterling, burgu, sturgeon, spike, sorry. Many people like to catch carp types: bream, Wobble, Zhereh. There are many soms, white Amur, Tolstolobik. Small inhabitants in Caspian more than large. In the south of Lake Winter and spawn herring. Caspian fish is allowed all year round, except April - May. Allowed to use fishing rods, spinning, docks and other devices.

Most of all for fishing in Russia, the Astrakhan region is chosen. The catch of some sturgeon here is temporarily prohibited, but you can catch a church, Somov, Sudak. Spring here often pecks and redfire. In Kalmykia, industrial catch fish are engaged in Lagan. Here are large copies of Sazan. Often, fishermen have to spend the night right in the boats. Water in these areas is very transparent, so underwater hunting is used.

Rest in the Caspian Sea

Sand beaches, mineral waters, therapeutic mud of the Caspian coast - good help for treating and recreation. The tourist industry and resorts are not as developed here as on the Black Sea, but wishing to relax a lot. It is located at a fairly popular level in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Russian Dagestan. Azerbaijan has developed a spa zone near Baku. Just relaxing here, mostly local residents, foreign tourists lack a sufficient level of service and good advertising.

The Russian coast is mostly located in Dagestan. Potential tourists are afraid to go here. But the beauty of the Caspian just fascinates! It is here that you can admire the waves with gray scallops, the bitter salinity of dark water, small shells on the shore. Often, rest in the Caspian Sea is considered exotic. After all, it is more lake ...

Increased salinity of water in Caspian enhances its therapeutic properties. Water in the reservoir warmes early, so it can be quietly coming here in May. In September, it is possible to spend great time, because the water keeps at + 21 ° C.

What are the conditions for recreation in Dagestan near the sea? Here the coast is covered with yellow velvety sea sand. The water of the Caspian Sea warms up faster than in the Black Sea, because the first is much smaller. The bathing season begins here in mid-May. The beauty of the Caspian coast is supplemented with picturesque mountains, which is not far from Derbent. Here you can admire the ancient sea fossils, which gas formation raised on a thousand-sided height. After that, there were many caves on which various legends go. Many locals come to these places to worship the highest forces.

In the Soviet period, Dagestan was a venue for tourists from different parts of the USSR. Rest here cheaper than on the Black Sea coast, the sea is warmer and the sandy coast is more pleasant.

The Caspian coast in Dagestan has multi-kilometer beaches: Makhachkala, Samurian, Manas, Kajanth. The rest of their territory is the recreation centers (150 units), boarding houses, sanatoriums, children's camps. You can order numbers not only in public hotels, guesthouses, but also in large, small private hotels. Remove the single room here stands from 500 to 1 000 r., Double - 700-1,500 r., Luxury apartments - 1,500-2 000 r.

If it is bored to swim in the sea, then in Dagestan, you can go to the covered snowy hats. Rafting lovers can go to rapid mountain rivers. Excursions offer interesting excursions in historical places.

Not far from the coast of Caspiana, it is worth viewing the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala. This beautiful and well-equipped city has a very developed infrastructure. Makhachkalay tries to attract as many tourists as much as possible and build the resort zone "Cote d'Azur". This building takes 300 hectares.

The South Dagestan coast with a center in Derbent is the most attractive place for tourism. This area is distinguished by a moderate continental climate while in subtropics. The territory is rich in citrus, figs, grenade, almond, walnut, grapes and other cultures.

Not less than the colorful city of Election. Here is a beautiful nature with a clean mining air, a rich aroma of forests that grow low at the foothills of the Grand Caucasus. The sandy beach can be changed for a walk to mineral sources, among which there are both geothermal contributing to health recovery.

Rossturism measures taken to develop a cruise recreation in Caspiana. Not only domestic routes are thought out, but also international. Often cruises around the sea are fitted with the route along the Volga. For such events, very good vessels are needed, because the Caspian Sea often has storms.

Another semiconductor direction in the Caspian is wellness and medicinal. Many favors helps overcome the local sea air. On the seashore in Dagestan, many sanatoriums were built. People here are adorable to mineral waters, mud, therapeutic climate. Does not do without health and sports tourism. Active rest today is quite popular. For those who wish, an extreme, skiing, ecological tourism is offered. You can be confident, the Caspian Sea and its coastal districts deserve to visit them.

The Caspian Sea is the largest water-tailed water Planet Earth, located on the continent of Eurasia - in the border territory of States Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan. In fact, the giant lake remaining after the disappearance of the ancient ocean thethis. Nevertheless, there is every reason to consider it as an independent sea (there is a solonity, a large area and a decent depth, bottom of the oceanic crust and other signs). At the maximum depth is the third among closed reservoirs - after Lake Baikal and Tanganyika. In the northern part of the Caspian Sea (a few kilometers from the northern shore - in parallel) the geographical border between Europe and Asia passes.


  • Other names: In the entire history of mankind, the Caspian Sea had about 70 different names. The most famous of them are: prashhanskoe or holva (took place in the times of ancient Russia, originated by the name of the people humpedwho lived in Northern Caspiani and traded with Rusichi), Girkan or Gurdjan (derived from the alternative names of the city of Gorgan, located in Iran), Khazar, Abeskun (by the name of the island and cities in Delta Kura - now flooded), Sarai, Derbent, Sihai .
  • Origin of name: According to one of the hypotheses, its modern and most ancient name, the Caspian Sea received from the tribe of nomadic horse breeders caspianwho lived in the I-M Millennium BC to our era on the southwest coast.


  • Waterguide Square: 3,626,000 km².
  • Mirror area: 371 000 km².
  • Coastline length: 7,000 km.
  • Volume: 78 200 km³.
  • Medium depth: 208 m.
  • Maximum depth: 1,025 m.


  • Presence of permanent drainage: No, faceless.
  • Flows: , Ural, Emba, Atrek, Gorgan, Heraz, Sefidrud, Astarchha, Kura, Pirsagat, Kusaretha, Samur, Rubas, Darwagchai, Ullock, Shuraozen, Sulac, Terek, Kuma.
  • Bottom: Very varied. On small depths, sandy soil with an admixture of seashells is common, in deep-sea places - or. In the coastal strip may occur in pebble and stony places (especially where mountain ranges are adjacent to the sea). In the assistive sections, underwater soil consists of river nansions. Bay of Kara-Bogaz-Gol is notable for the fact that the bottom of it is a powerful layer of mineral salts.

Chemical composition

  • Water: Solonish.
  • Salinity: 13 g / l.
  • Transparency: 15 m.


Fig. 1. Map of the Caspian Sea basin.

  • Coordinates: 41 ° 59'02 "s. sh., 51 ° 00'52 "in. d.
  • Height above sea level: -28 m.
  • Coastal landscape: Due to the fact that the coastline of the Caspian Sea is very extended, and it itself is located in different geographic zones - the coastal landscape is distinguished by a variety. In the northern part of the shore reservoir, wetlands, in places of the Delta of large rivers are cut with numerous ducts. Eastern shores most limestone - desert or semi-desert. Western and southern shores are adjacent to mountain ranges. The greatest cutting of the coastline is observed in the West - in the region of the Absheron Peninsula, as well as in the East - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Zayvayov of the Kazakh and Kara-Bogaz-Gol.
  • Popular sites on the shores:
    • Russia: Astrakhan, Derbent, Caspian, Makhachkala, Olya.
    • Kazakhstan: Aktau, Atyrau, Kuryk, Sogandyk, Bautino.
    • Turkmenistan: Ekherem, Karabogaz, Turkmenbashi, Khazar.
    • Iran: Astara, Balboser, Bender Torkemin, Bender Enzeli, Neka, Chalus.
    • Azerbaijan: Alyat, Astara, Baku, Dubendi, Lankaran, Sangachaly, Sumgayit.

Interactive Card.


The environmental situation in the Caspian Sea is far from ideal. Almost all major rivers flowing into it are contaminated with the drains of industrial enterprises located above. This could not not affect the presence of pollutants in the waters and bottom sediments of the Caspian Sea - over the past half century, their concentration has increased significantly, and the content of certain heavy metals has already exceeded the permissible norms.

In addition, the water of the Caspian Sea is constantly contaminated by the domestic runoff of coastal cities, as well as during oil production on the continental shelf, and during its transportation.

Fishing in the Caspian Sea

  • Fish species:
  • Artificial settlement: Not all of the above-mentioned fish species in the Caspian Sea are aboriginal. About 4 dozen species hit randomly (for example - on the channels from the pools of the Black and Baltic Seas), or were deliberately populated by a person. As an example, it is worth leading Kefalev. Three Black Sea species of these fish - Loban, Ostonos and Single - were released in the first half of the 20th century. Loban did not fit, but Ostronos with Singleille was successfully acclimatized, and to the current moment it was actually settled throughout the Caspian water area, forming several commercial herds. At the same time, fish are faster feeding than in the Black Sea, and reach larger sizes. In the second half of the last century (since 1962), attempts were also made to settle such Far Eastern Sign Fishes in the Caspian Sea, like Gorbow and Ketu. In total, several billion fry of these fish were released in the sea for 5 years. The pink salmon did not survive in the new range, Keta - on the contrary - safely passed on and even began to come to spawn into the river flowing into the sea. Nevertheless, it was unable to multiply in sufficient quantity and gradually disappeared. For the full-fledged natural reproduction, there are no favorable conditions (extremely few places where the ikrometania and development of fry could successfully occur). To ensure them, they need amelioration of rivers, otherwise without the help of a person (artificial fence of the caviar and its incubation), the fish will not be able to maintain their number.

Places fishing

In fact, fishing is possible anywhere in the coast of the Caspian Sea, which can be reached by land or from water. What types of fish will be seeded - depends on local conditions, but to a greater degree of whether the rivers flow here. As a rule, in places where the mouths and delta are located (especially large watercourses) - water in the sea is strongly ledmed, so freshwater fish (Sazan, Som, bream, etc.) are usually dominated in the catches, and species characteristic of flowing Rivers (Usachi, Shnaya). From marine species on desalinated areas, those for which the solonicity does not matter (kefalia, some of the bulls) are caught. At certain periods of the year, semi-pass and passing species feeding into the sea may occur here, and on the spawning setting in rivers (sturgeon, some of the villagers, Caspian salmon). In places where there are no flowing rivers, freshwater species are found in several fewer, but at the same time marine fish appear, usually avoiding desalinated areas (for example - maritime court). Fly from the coast are catching fish, preferring salted water, and deep-sea views.

Conditionally, you can select 9 seats or sites, interesting in terms of fishing:

  1. Northern Beach (RF) - This area is located on the northern coast of the Russian Federation (from the Volga delta to the Kizlyar Bay). His main features are a minor water saline (the lowest in the Caspian Sea), the shallow depth, the presence of multiple chalks, islands, highly developed aqueous vegetation. In addition to the Volga delta with its numerous ducts, bays and rods, it also includes a musty seaside, called the Caspian risks, these places are popular with Russian fishermen, and no accident: the conditions for fish here are very favorable, there is also a good feed base. Ichthyofaun in these parts may not shine the wealth of species, but it is distinguished by numerous, and its individual representatives reach very considerable sizes. Usually, the foundation of catches is freshwater fish characteristic of the Volga basin. Most often: perch, pike perch, roach (more precisely - its varieties, called Voblya and Taranty), Krasnoproka, Zhereh, Czech, Bream, Silver Caras, Sazan, Som, Pike. Some less often come across Bursh, Guster, Belogoglazka, Tynets. It is found in these places and representatives of sturgeon (stern, seven, Beluga, etc.), Salmon (Nelma, Kumzha - Caspian salmon), but they are forbidden to be forbidden.
  2. Northwest Coast (RF) - This site covers the West Coast of the Russian Federation (from Kizlyar Bay to Makhachkala). The rivers of the Kuma, Terek and Sulak fall into the rivers - they carry their waters both by natural polls and artificial channels. There are bays in this area, among which are rather large (Kizlyar, Agrachan). The sea in these places is distinguished by a small depth. Freshwater dominates from fish in the catches: Pike, Okun, Sazan, Som, Krasnoproka, Bream, Usach, etc., are caught here and sea views, for example - herring (cherrypinka, fusion).
  3. West Bank (RF) - from Makhachkala to the border of the Russian Federation with Azerbaijan. A plot where mountain ranges are adjacent to the sea. The saltness of the water is somewhat higher here than in the previous places, therefore, in the catch of fishermen, sea views are more common (maritime court chapels, kefali, herring). Nevertheless, freshwater fish are not uncommon.
  4. West Bank (Azerbaijan) - From the border of the Russian Federation with Azerbaijan on the Absheron Peninsula. The continuation of the site, where mountain ranges are adjacent to the sea. Fishing here is even more like a typical marine, thanks to such fishs like Ostronos and Single (Kefali) and several types of bulls, which are also caught here. In addition to them, Cutum, herring, and some typically freshwater species, such as Sazan.
  5. South-West Bank (Azerbaijan) - from the Absheron Peninsula to the border of Azerbaijan with Iran. Most of this plot is occupied by the Delta of the Kura River. Here are the same types of fish that were listed in the previous paragraph, but freshwater are somewhat more often.
  6. Northern Beach (Kazakhstan) - This plot covers the Northern Coast of Kazakhstan. Here are the Delta of the Urals and the State Reserve "Akzhayk", so fishing directly in the river delta and on some adjacent water area is prohibited. You can only fish outside the reserve - upstream from the delta, or in the sea - at some distance from it. Fishing near the Delta of the Urals has a lot in common with fishing at the location of the Volga - there are almost the same types of fish.
  7. Northeast Beach (Kazakhstan) - From the mouth of Emba and to the Cape Tuba Karagan. Unlike the northern part of the sea, where the water is strongly diluted with flowing large rivers, its salinity increases here somewhat, so those kinds of fish that avoid crushed plots, such as maritime courtes, whose fishing is kept in the bay of the dead Cultuk. Also in catch, other representatives of the sea fauna are often found.
  8. East Beach (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan) - From Cape Tuba Karagan to the border of Turkmenistan and Iran. It is distinguished by almost complete absence of flowing rivers. The saltness of the water here has the maximum values. Sea species are dominated from fish in these places, the foundation of the catch is the cofala, maritime court chapels and bulls.
  9. South Beach (Iran) - covers the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. On all over this section, the Mountain Ridge Elbec is adjacent to the sea. There are many rivers, most of which are represented by small watercourses, there are also several medium and one large river. From fish, in addition to marine species, there are some freshwater, as well as semi-pass and passing species, for example - sturgeon.

Features fishing

The most popular and catch of amateur tackle, which is used in the Caspian coast is a heavy spinning, refurbished in the "sea donka". It is usually equipped with a durable coil, which is wound a rather fat fishing line (0.3 mm and more). The thickness of the fishing line is determined not so much the size of the fish, how much the mass of pretty heavy loads, which is necessary for the ultra-lifting cast (in Caspians it is considered everywhere that the farther from the coast there is a cast point - the better). After the load there is a lining of a fond - with several leashes. Shrimp and booplasts used in coastal thighs of algae - if it is assumed to catch marine fish, or the usual nozzle like a worm, larvae of the May beetle and others - if freshwater species are found at the fishing site.

Other gear, such as a float fishing rod, feeder and traditional spinning can be used in the mouths of the flowing rivers.

kasparova2 Majorov2006 G2GG2G-61.

Photo 8. Sunset in Aktau.

Caspian Sea (Caspian), the largest on the globe closed with water, faceless brackish lake. Located on the southern border of Asia and Europe, the coast of Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan is washed. Because of the sizes, the originality of natural conditions and the complexity of the hydrological processes of the Caspian is customary to the class of closed intramaterial seas.

The Caspian Sea is located in the extensive field of internal flow and takes a deep tectonic depression. The water level in the sea is at about 27 meters below the world's ocean level, an area of \u200b\u200babout 390 thousand km 2, the volume of about 78 thousand km 3. The greatest depth of 1025 m. With a width of 200 to 400 km, the sea is stretched out of Meridian by 1030 km.

The largest bays: in the East - Mangyshlaksky, Kara-Bogaz-Goal, Turkmenbashi (Krasnovodsky), Turkmen; In the West - Kizlyar, Agrachansky, Kyzalag, Baku Bay; In the south - shallow lagoons. There are many islands in the Caspian Sea, but almost all of them are small, with a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 2 thousand km 2. In the northern part, small islands adjacent to the Volga delta; Larger - kulals, sea, seals, Chechen. At the Western Coast - the Absheron Archipelago, the Islands of the Baku Archipelago are south, the eastern coast is a narrow, elongated Ozurchinsky Island from the north.

The northern shores of the Caspian Sea lowlands and very detached, are characterized by a wide development of dryers formed as a result of short-range phenomena; Delta shores (Volga, Urals, Terek) are also developed here with an abundant intake of the terrigenous material, the Volga delta is distinguished with extensive cane thickets. Western banks abrasion, south of the Absheron Peninsula, mostly accumulative delta type with numerous peres and braids. South coast lowlands. Eastern shores most of the deserted and low-lying sandy.

Relief and geological structure of the bottom.

The Caspian Sea is in the zone of increased seismic activity. In Krasnovodsk (now Turkmenbashi) in 1895 there was a strongest earthquake of 8.2 points on the Richter scale. On the islands and coast of the southern sea, the mud volcanoes are often observed, leading to the formation of new shallows, cans and small islands, blurring excitement and appearing again.

According to the peculiarities of the physico-geographical conditions and the nature of the bottom relief in the Caspian Sea, it is customary to allocate North, Middle and South Caspian. The North Caspian is distinguished by exceptional shallow content, is completely within the shelf with average depths of 4-5 m. Even small changes in the level here at lowland coasts lead to significant fluctuations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe aqueous mirror, therefore the borders of the sea in the northeastern part on the small scale cards are shown by a dotted line. The greatest depths (about 20 m) are observed only near the conditional border with the Middle Caspian, which is carried out along the line connecting the island of Chechen (north of the Agrahaan Peninsula) with Tub-Karagan's cape on the Mangyshlak peninsula. In the embedded bottom of the middle Caspian Sea, Derbent Wpadin is allocated (the greatest depth of 788 m). The border between the Middle and South Caspians passes over the Absheron threshold with depths to 180 m along the line from the island of Chills (east of the Absheron Peninsula) to the Cape Kuuli (Turkmenistan). The South Caspian Caspian Sea is the most extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe sea with the most large depths, almost 2/3 of the water of the Caspian Sea are concentrated here, 1/3 falls on the middle of the Caspian, in the Northern Caspian because of small depths there are less than 1% of Caspian waters. In general, the rank of the Caspian Sea predominates the shelf areas (the whole northern part and a wide strip along the eastern coast of the sea). The mainland slope is most pronounced on the western slope of the Derbent brand and almost all over the perimeter of the South Caspian brand. On the shelf, terrigenous shell sands, rocus, oolithic sands are common; Deeporate areas of the bottom are covered with aleurolite and or solid precipitation with high calcium carbonate. In some sections of the bottom, the indigenous rocks of the neogenic age are exposed. In the bay of Ka-Raja-ша, Mirabilite accumulates.

In tectonic attitude, within the Northern Caspian Sea, the southern part of the Caspian syneclide of the Eastern European Platform is allocated, which in the south is framed by the Astrakhan-Aktobe zone, composed of Devonian-Nizhne-Permaneous carbonate rocks, which occur on the volcanic basis and accommodate large deposits of oil and natural combustible gas. From the south-west on Syankliza, Paleozoic folded formations of the Donetsk-Caspian zone (or Karpinsky's ridge), which is a prototion of the foundation of young Scythian (in the West) and the Turanian (in the East) platforms, which are divided at the bottom of the Caspian Sea Agrahaan-Guryevsky Fault (left shift) northeastern stretch. The average Caspian mainly belongs to the Turan platform, and its south-western outlet (including Derbent Vpadina) is a continuation of the Terco-Caspian advanced deflection of the folded system of the Big Caucasus. The sedimentary platform and deflection case, built by Jurassic and younger deposits, concludes oil and combustible gas deposits in local lifters. Apsheron threshold separating the average Caspian from the southern, is a closing link of the Cenozoic folded Systems of the Big Caucasus and Copetdag. The South Caspian Caspian Sea Bowl with a bark of oceanic or transient type is filled with a powerful (over 25 km) complex of precipitation of Cenozoic. Numerous large deposits of hydrocarbons are concentrated in the South Caspian hill.

Until the end of Miocene, the Caspian Sea was the outskirts of the ancient Ocean Tetis (from oligocene - the Relic Ocean Basin PattioTis). By the beginning of Pliocene lost a connection with the Black Sea. The North and Medium Caspian was drained, and the Paleo Volga Valley stretched through them, the delta of which was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Absheron Peninsula. Delta sediments have become the main capacity of the deposits of oil and natural fuel gas of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. In Late Pliocene in connection with the Akchagyl transgression, the Square of the Caspian Sea greatly increased and communicating with the World Ocean was temporarily resumed. The sea of \u200b\u200bsea covered not only the bottom of the modern depression of the Caspian Sea, but also adjacent territories. At the Quaternary Time of Transgression (Absheron, Baku, Khazarskaya, Holyanskaya) alternated with regression. The southern half of the Caspian Sea is in the zone of high seismic activity.

Climate. The Caspian Sea, strongly stretched from the north, is located within a few climatic zones. In the northern part, the climate is temperate continental, on the west coast - a moderate warm, south-west and southern coast lie within the subtropics, the climate of the desert is dominated on the east coast. In winter, over the Northern and Medium Caspians, the weather is formed under the action of arctic continental and sea air, and the South Caspian is often under the influence of southern cyclones. Weather in the West Unstable rainy, in the east dry. In the summer, Western and Northwestern areas are influenced by the revision of the Azor atmospheric maximum, and the southeasterns are under the influence of an Iranian-Afghan minimum, which in the aggregate creates a dry, sustainable warm weather. The winds of the Northern and North-West (up to 40%) and the southeast (about 35%) directions are dominated over the sea. The average wind speed is about 6 m / s, in the central areas of the sea up to 7 m / s, in the region of the Absheron Peninsula - 8-9 m / s. Northern Storm "Baku Nordes" reach a speed of 20-25 m / s. The lowest average aircraft temperatures of the air -10 ° C are observed in January - February in the northeastern regions (in the most severe winters reach -30 ° C), in the southern regions of 8-12 ° C. In July - August, average monthly temperatures over the entire sea water area 25-26 ° C, with a maximum of up to 44 ° C on the east coast. The distribution of atmospheric precipitates is very uneven - from 100 mm per year on eastern shores up to 1700 mm in Lankaran. In the open sea, on average, about 200 mm of precipitation falls per year.

Hydrological mode. Changes in the water balance of the closed sea strongly affect the change in the volume of waters and the corresponding level fluctuations. Mennoyed components of the water balance of the Caspian Sea for the 1900-90s (km 3 / cm layer): River stock 300/77, atmospheric precipitation 77/20, underground flow 4/1, evaporation 377/97, \u200b\u200bStock in Kara-Bogat Goal 13/3, which forms a negative water balance of 9 km 3, or 3 cm layer per year. In paleogeographic data, over the past 2,000 years, hesitary fluctuations of the Caspian Sea reached at least 7 m. Since the beginning of the 20th century, a steady tendency was observed in the level fluctuations, as a result of which a level was reduced by 3.2 meters and in 1977. -29 m (the lowest situation over the past 500 years). The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe sea has decreased by more than 40 thousand km 2, which exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea. Since 1978, rapid level increase began, and by 1996 a mark of about -27 m was reached relative to the level of the world's ocean. In the modern era of fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea are mainly determined by the oscillation of climatic characteristics. Seasonal fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea are associated with the unevenness of the arrival of the river flow (primarily the drain of the Volga), so the smallest level is observed in the winter, the greatest - in the summer. Short-term sharp changes in the level are associated with huggular phenomena, most of all are manifested in shallow northern regions and can reach 3-4 m. Such arrows cause flooding of significant coastal areas of sushi. In the middle and southern Caspian, the surround-rolling oscillations of the level of 10-30 cm, under storm conditions - up to 1.5 m. The repetition of the arrivals depending on the area from one to 5 times a month, duration up to one day. In Caspian, as well as in any closed reservoir, seishlery oscillations of the level are observed in the form of standing waves with periods of 4-9 h (wind) and 12 hours (tidal). The amount of seeshevy oscillations usually does not exceed 20-30 cm.

River stock in the Caspian Sea is distributed extremely unevenly. More than 130 rivers fall into the sea, which, on average, bring about 290 km 3 freshwater per year. Up to 85% of the river flow falls on the share of the Volga with the Urals and enters the shallow northern Caspian. Rivers of the Western Coast - Kura, Samur, Sulac, Terek et al. - Give up to 10% of the flow. Another 5% freshwater is brought to the South Caspian River of the Iranian coast. Eastern desert shores are completely devoid of permanent fresh flow.

The average speed of wind flow 15-20 cm / s, the largest - up to 70 cm / s. In Northern Caspian, the prevailing winds create a stream directed along the north-west coast to the southwest. In the Caspian average, this flow is merged with the western branch of local cyclonic circulation and continues to move along the western coast. At the Absheron Peninsula, the flow is split. Its part in the open sea is poured into the cyclonic circulation of the Middle Caspian, and the coastal coast of the coast of the South Caspian Sea and turns to the north, including in the coastal flow that enters the entire east coast. The average state of the movement of surface Caspian waters is often disturbed due to the variability of wind conditions and other factors. So, in the northeast shallow area can occur local anticyclonic cycle. Two anticyclonic vortices are often observed in southern Caspian. In the middle of the Caspian Season, the sustainable North-Western winds create southern transfer along the east coast. With weak winds and during the sixth current flows can have other directions.

Wind excitement develops very much, since the prevailing winds have a greater overclocking length. The excitement is developing mainly in the north-western and southeastern directions. Strong storms are observed at the open water area of \u200b\u200bthe Middle Caspian Sea, in the districts of Makhachkala, the Absheron Peninsula and the Mangyshlak Peninsula. The average wave height of the greatest repeatability is 1-1.5 m, at wind speeds more than 15m / s increases to 2-3 m. The largest heights of the waves are noted during strong storms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hydrometeorological station. Oil stones: 7-8 m annually, in some cases before 10 m.

The temperature of the sea on the sea surface in January-February in the Northern Caspian Sea is close to the freezing temperature (about -0.2 - -0.3 ° C) and gradually rises in the southern direction to 11 ° C off the coast of Iran. In summer, surface waters warm up to 23-28 ° C everywhere, except for the eastern shelf of the Middle Caspian, where in July - August, the seasonal coastal appeal and the water temperature on the surface is lowered to 12-17 ° C. In winter, due to intensive convective mixing, the water temperature changes little with depth. Summer under the upper warm layer on the horizons of 20-30 m, seasonal thermocline is formed (a layer of a sharp change in temperature), separating the deep cold water from the warm surfaces. In the bottom layers of the water of deep-water depression, the temperature of 4.5-5.5 ° C is maintained in the middle of the Caspian region and 5.8-6.5 ° C in the southern one. The saline in the Caspian Sea is almost 3 times lower than in the open areas of the World Ocean, and averages 12.8-12.9. It should be especially emphasized that the salt composition of Caspian water is not fully identical to the composition of ocean water, which is explained by the insoxidity of the sea from the ocean. The water of the Caspian Sea is poor sodium salts and chlorides, but richer carbonates and calcium and magnesium sulphates due to the originality of the composition of salts entering the sea with a river and underground flow. The highest variability of saltness is observed in the Northern Caspian, where in the presence of the Volga and the Urals, the water is fresh (less than 1), and as the salts are moved to 10-11 at the south at the south at the border with the Middle Caspian. The greatest horizontal gradients of saline are characteristic of the frontal zone between the marine and river waters. Differences in salting between the Middle and South Caspians are small, salting is somewhat increasing from the North-West to the southeast, reaching 13.6 in the Turkmen Gulf (in Kara-Bolz-goal to 300). Changes in salt vertical are small and rarely exceed 0.3 ‰ as indicative of good vertical stirring of water. The transparency of water varies widely from 0.2 m in the mouths of large rivers to 15-17 m in the central areas of the sea.

At the ice regime, the Caspian Sea refers to partially freezing seas. Ice conditions are observed annually only in the northern regions. The Northern Caspian is completely covered with sea ice, medium - partially (only in harsh winters). The average border of marine ice goes along an arc facing convexity to the north, from the agrahan peninsula in the west to the Tuba-Karagan peninsula in the east. Usually, the ice forming begins in mid-November in the extreme northeast and gradually extends to the southwest. In January, the entire Northern Caspian turns out to be covered with ice, mostly the ice (motionless). Draft icebreaks digest 20-30 km width strip. The average thickness of ice from 30 cm in the southern border to 60 cm in the northeastern regions of the Northern Caspian Sea, in peasic heaps - up to 1.5 m. The destruction of ice cover begins in the 2nd half of February. In the harsh winters there are endors of drifting ice to the south, along the West Bank, sometimes to the Absheron Peninsula. In early April, the sea is completely freed from the ice cover.

Story study . It is believed that the modern name of the Caspian Sea comes from the ancient tribes of the Kaspiev, inhabited by the seaside areas in the 1st millennium BC; Other historical names: Girkanskoye (Ircskan), Persian, Khazar, Hawii, Khorezm, Derbent. The first mention of the existence of the Caspian Sea belongs to the 5th century BC. Herodot One of the first argued that this water was isolated, i.e. it is a lake. In the works of Arabic scientists, the Middle Ages there is information that in the 13th and 6th centuries Amudarya partially fell into this sea by one of the sleeves. Famous numerous ancient Greek, Arab, European, including Russians, Caspian Sea maps until the beginning of the 18th century did not reflect validity and were actually arbitrary drawings. By order of Tsar Peter I in 1714-15, an expedition was organized under the leadership of A. Bekovich-Cherkasi, who studied the Caspian Sea, in particular his Eastern shores. The first card on which coast contours is close to modern, was drawn up in 1720 using the astronomical definitions by Russian military hydrographs F. I. Soyimonov and K. Verden. In 1731, Soymonov issued the first atlas, and soon the first printed location of the Caspian Sea. The new edition of the Caspian Sea maps with corrections and additions was carried out by Admiral A. I. Nagaev in 1760. The first information on the geology and biology of the Caspian Sea was published by S. G. Gmlin and P. S. Pallas. Hydrographic studies in the 2nd half of the 18th century were continued by I. V. Tokmachev, M. I. Winovich, at the beginning of the 19th century - A. E. Kolodkina, who first fulfilled the instrumental compass shooting of the coast. In 1807, a new map of the Caspian Sea was published, compiled by recently describing. In 1837, the systematic instrumental observations of the sea level fluctuations began in Baku. In 1847, the first full description of the Bay of Kara-Bogaz-goals was performed. In 1878, the General Map of the Caspian Sea was published, in which the results of the latest astronomical observations, hydrographic shooting and probe of depths were reflected. In 1866, 1904, 1912-13, 1914-15, under the leadership of N. M. Knipovich, expedition research on hydrology and hydrobiology of the Caspian Sea was conducted, in 1934 a commission was established for the integrated study of the Caspian Sea at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A great contribution to the study of the geological structure and oil-basedness of the Absheron Peninsula and the Geological History of the Caspian Sea was made by Soviet geologists I. M. Gubkin, D. V. V. D. Plovenikov, P. A. Goroslavlev, V. P. Baturin, S. A. Kovalevsky; In the study of the water balance and fluctuations in the sea level - B. A. Applov, V. V. Vyeninsky, K. P. Voskresensky, L.S. Berg. After the Great Patriotic War in the Caspian Sea, systematic versatile studies were developed, aimed at studying the hydrometeorological regime, the biological conditions and the geological structure of the sea.

In the 21st century in Russia, two major scientific centers are engaged in solving the problems of the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea Research Center (KASPMNITS), created in 1995 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, conducts research and development work on hydrometeorology, oceanography and ecology. The Caspian Research Institute of Fisheries (Caspnirch) leads its history from the Astrakhan Research Station [Created in 1897, from 1930 Volga-Caspian Scientific Fisheries Station, from 1948 Caspian branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, since 1954 Caspian Research Institute of Sea Fisheries and Oceanography (Caspniro), modern name from 1965]. Kaspnirh is developing the basics of conservation and rational use of the biological resources of the Caspian Sea. In its composition, 18 laboratories and scientific departments - in Astrakhan, Volgograd and Makhachkala. It has a scientific fleet of more than 20 ships.

Economic use. Natural resources of the Caspian Sea are rich and diverse. Significant hydrocarbon reserves are actively developed by Russian, Kazakh, Azerbaijani and Turkmen oil and gas companies. The reserves of mineral self-satisfying salts in the Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-Goal. The Caspian region is also known as the mass habitat of waterfowl and obolovaya birds. Through the Caspian Sea, about 6 million fleensing birds migrate annually. In this regard, Delta Volga, the bays Kyzylagazh, Northern Chelelensky and Turkmenbashi are recognized as farmers of international rank within the Ramsar Convention. The mouth sections of many rivers flowing into the sea have unique types of vegetation. The fauna of the Caspian Sea is represented by 1,800 species of animals, of which 415 vertebrate species. More than 100 species of fish live in the sea and the escape areas of rivers. Fisheries have sea views - herring, sprat, bulls, sturgeon; Freshwater - Carp, Okuneye; Arctic "Universal" - Lososi, Belorybitsa. Large ports: Astrakhan, Makhachkala in Russia; Aktau, Atyrau in Kazakhstan; Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan; Bender-Torkemin, Bender Enzelie in Iran; Baku in Azerbaijan.

Ecological state. The Caspian Sea is under powerful anthropogenic effects in connection with the intensive development of hydrocarbon fields and the active development of fisheries. In the 1980s, the Caspian Sea gave up to 80% of the world's sturgeon. Predatory catchments of the last decades, poaching and a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation put many valuable fish rocks on the edge of disappearance. The habitats of not only fish, but also birds and marine animals deteriorated (Caspian seal). In front of the countries washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea, there are problems of creating a complex of international measures to prevent pollution of the aquatic environment and developing the most efficient environmental strategy for the near future. A stable ecological state is marked only in removed from the shores of the sea.

Lit.: Caspian Sea. M., 1969; Complex studies of the Caspian Sea. M., 1970. Vol. one; Gul K. K., Lappalainen T. N., Polushkin V. A. Caspian Sea. M., 1970; Svalodin B. S., Kosarev A. N. Sea. M., 1999; International Tectonic Map of the Caspian Sea and its framing / ed. V. E. Khain, N. A. Bogdanov. M., 2003; Zonne I. S. Caspian Encyclopedia. M., 2004.

M. G. Deev; V. E. Hane (Genological structure of the bottom).

, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan

Geographical position

The Caspian Sea is a view from space.

The Caspian Sea is located at the junction of two parts of the Eurasian continent - Europe and Asia. The length of the Caspian Sea from north to south is about 1200 kilometers (36 ° 34 "-47 ° 13" S.Sh.), from west to east - from 195 to 435 kilometers, an average of 310-320 kilometers (46 ° -56 ° C. d.).

The Caspian Sea is conditionally divided by physico-geographical conditions on 3 parts - the North Caspian, the average Caspian and South Caspian. The conditional boundary between the Northern and Medium Caspian passes through the line about. Chechen - Cape Tuba-Karagan, between the Middle and South Caspian - on the line about. Residential - Cape Gan-Gulu. The Northern, Middle and South Caspian area is 25, 36, 39 percent, respectively.

Coast of the Caspian Sea

Coast of the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan

The territory adjacent to the Caspian Sea is called the Caspian.

Peninsula of the Caspian Sea

  • Ashur Ad.
  • Garasu
  • Zienbil
  • Hara-Zira
  • Senga-Mugan.
  • Cheygyl

Bay of the Caspian Sea

  • Russia (Dagestan, Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region) - in the West and the North-West, the length of the coastline is about 1930 kilometers
  • Kazakhstan - in the north, northeast and east, the length of the coastline is about 2320 kilometers
  • Turkmenistan - in the south-east, the length of the coastline is about 650 kilometers
  • Iran - in the south, the length of the coastline - about 1000 kilometers
  • Azerbaijan - in the southwest, the length of the coastline is about 800 kilometers

Cities on the Caspian Sea coast

On the Russian coast are located cities - Lagan, Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Election and the most southern city of Russia Derbent. The port city of the Caspian Sea is also considered to be Astrakhan, which, however, is not on the shores of the Caspian Sea, but in the Volga delta, 60 kilometers from the northern coast of the Caspian Sea.


Area, depth, water volume

The area and volume of the water of the Caspian Sea varies significantly depending on the water level fluctuations. At water level -26.75 m, an area is approximately 371,000 square kilometers, water volume - 78,648 cubic kilometers, which is approximately 44% of the world's reserves of lake water. The maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is in the South Caspian depression, 1025 meters from its surface. The magnitude of the maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is inferior only to Baikal (1620 m) and Tanganic (1435 m). The average depth of the Caspian Sea, calculated on the batigraphic curve, is 208 meters. At the same time, the northern part of the Caspian Seamy, its maximum depth does not exceed 25 meters, and the average depth is 4 meters.

Water fluctuations

Vegetable world

The vegetation world of the Caspian Sea and its coast is presented with 728 species. From plants in the Caspian Sea, algae predominate - blue-green, diatoms, red, brown, chas and others, from the flowering - Zoster and Ruppia. On the origin of the flora relates mainly to the unicurate age, but some plants were listed in the Caspian Sea by a person consciously either on the bottoms of the courts.

History of the Caspian Sea

The origin of the Caspian Sea

Anthropological and cultural history of the Caspian Sea

Finds in the cave of Huto at the southern coast of the Caspian Sea show that a person lived in these edges about 75 thousand years ago. The first mentions of the Caspian Sea and living on his coast of tribes are found at Herodot. Approximately in the V-II centuries. BC e. Sakov tribes lived on the Caspian coast. Later, during the resettlement of the Turks, during the period IV-V centuries. n. e. Talysh tribes (talysh) lived here. According to the ancient Armenian and Iranian manuscripts, the Russians swam in the Caspian Sea with the IX-X centuries.

Studies of the Caspian Sea

The studies of the Caspian Sea were launched by Peter Great when, according to his order in 1714-1715, an expedition was organized under the leadership of A. Beckovich-Cherkasi. In the 1720s, hydrographic studies were continued by the expedition of Karl von Verden and F. I. Soyonov, later - I. V. Tokmachev, M. I. Winovich and other researchers. At the beginning of the XIX century, the instrumental shooting of the coast was carried out by I. F. Kolodkina, in the middle of 19 century. - instrumental geographic survey under the direction of N. A. Ivashinsev. Since 1866, for more than 50 years, expedition research on hydrology and hydrobiology of the Caspian Sea under the leadership of N. M. Kbepovich was conducted. In 1897, the Astrakhan Research Station was founded. In the first decades of Soviet power in the Caspian Sea, geological studies of I. M. Gubkin and other Soviet geologists, mainly aimed at finding oil, as well as research on the study of water balance and oscillations of the Caspian Sea level were actively guided.

Economy of the Caspian Sea

Oil and gas

In the Caspian Sea, many deposits of oil and gas are being developed. Proved oil resources in the Caspian Sea constitute about 10 billion tons, total oil and gas condensate resources are estimated at 18-20 billion tons.

The oil industry in the Caspian Sea began in 1820, when the first oil well was drilled on the Absheron shelf near Baku. In the second half of the XIX century, oil production began in industrial volumes on the Absheron Peninsula, then in other territories.


Shipping has been developed in the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea applies ferry crossings, in particular, Baku - Turkmenbashi, Baku - Aktau, Makhachkala - Aktau. The Caspian Sea has a shipping connection with the Azov Sea through the Volga River, Don and Volga-Don Canal.

Fishing and seafood mining

Fisheries (sturgeon, bream, Sazan, Sudak, Kilka), caviar mining, and also fishing seal. In the Caspian Sea, more than 90 percent of the global sturgeon will be carried out. In addition to industrial production, in the Caspian Sea flourishes illegal mining of sturgeon and their caviar.

Recreational resources

The natural environment of the Caspian coast with sandy beaches, mineral waters and therapeutic mud in the coastal zone creates good conditions for recreation and treatment. At the same time, according to the degree of development of the resorts and the tourist industry, the Caspian coast loses noticeably by the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. At the same time, in recent years, the tourist industry has been actively developing on the coast of Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Russian Dagestan. Azerbaijan is actively developing a resort area in the Baku area. At the moment, a world-class resort was created in Ambaran, another modern tourist complex is built in the village of Nardaran, rest in the sanatoriums of the villages of Bilghe and Zhugulba is very popular. Also develops the resort area in Naughty, in the north of Azerbaijan. However, high prices, in general, low level of service and the lack of advertising lead to the fact that there are almost no foreign tourists in the Caspian resorts. The development of the tourist industry in Turkmenistan is hampered by the long-term policy of isolation, in Iran - the laws of Sharia, due to which the massive rest of foreign tourists in the Caspian coast of Iran is impossible.

Ecological problems

The environmental problems of the Caspian Sea are associated with water pollution as a result of oil production and transportation on the continental shelf, the intake of pollutants from the Volga and other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, the vital activity of coastal cities, as well as the flooding of individual objects in connection with the increase in the level of the Caspian Sea. Predatory mining of sturgeon and their caviar, rampant poaching lead to a decrease in the number of sturgeon and for forced restrictions on their extraction and export.

International status of the Caspian Sea

Legal status of the Caspian Sea

After the collapse of the USSR, the Caspian Sea section was and still remains the subject of unresolved disagreements associated with the section of the resources of the Caspian Shelf - Oil and Gas, as well as biological resources. For a long time, negotiations were held between the Caspian states on the status of the Caspian Sea - Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan insisted on the Caspian Section on the Middle Line, Iran - on the Caspian Section section for one fifth part between all Caspian states.

Regarding the Caspian Sea, the physico-geographical circumstance is that it is a closed intra-radical reservoir that does not have a natural compound with the oceans. Accordingly, automatically norms and concepts of international maritime law should not be applied to the Caspian Sea, in particular, the provisions of the UN Marine Convention on the Law of 1982. Based on this, in relation to the Caspian Sea, it would be unlawful to apply such concepts as the "territorial Sea", " Economic zone "," Continental shelf ", etc.

Now the current legal regime of the Caspian Sea is established by the Soviet-Iranian treaties 1921 and 1940. These treaties provide for freedom of shipping throughout the water area of \u200b\u200bthe sea, freedom of fishing with the exception of ten-mile national fishing zones and ban on swimming in its water area of \u200b\u200bships under the flag of Necspian states.

Negotiations on the legal status of the Caspian Sea are currently continuing.

Separation of the sections of the Caspian bottom for subsoil use

The Russian Federation concluded an agreement with Kazakhstan on the delimitation of the bottom of the Northern part of the Caspian Sea in order to implement sovereign rights to subsoil use (dated July 6, 1998 and the Protocol to it of May 13, 2002), an agreement with Azerbaijan on the delimitation of adjacent areas of the Northern Caspian Sea (from September 23, 2002), as well as a tripartite Russian-Azerbaijani-Kazakhstan agreement on the joint point of the lines of distinction of neighboring sites of the Caspian Sea (dated May 14, 2003), which established the geographical coordinates of separation lines that limit the sections of the bottom, within which parties Exercise their sovereign rights in the field of exploration and mining of mineral resources.