Mysterious place in Romania. Attractions Romania

Romantic and mystical Romania many known by Transylvania and Count Dracula. But this is just small part of what expects in this beautiful country. The amazing republic boasts medieval castles, Black Sea coast, clean beaches, lakes, magnificent Danube, ski and medical resorts. We will talk about it further in the article.

General view of the country

Romania with the capital of Bucharest is in the southeastern part of Europe. The neighbors of the state are Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria. In the country, it has long been realized that on one name of the count of Draculas would not be left. Therefore, recently in Romania is growing rapidly tourist infrastructureNew hotels are being built, new projects appear in the resorts of the country.

Modern Romania will delight guests with interesting excursion programs, fashionable and updated hotels, beautiful nature of mountain ranges, warm sea. The weather in Romania affects the moderate continental climatic belt, whereas marine affects the eastern regions. Winter in the country is soft and sunny, but sometimes there are freezing, summer is warm and wet. Bathing season on the black Sea coast It lasts from May to September, and the skiing in the Carpathians - from December to April.

How to get to Romania from different countries of the CIS

Several times a week, direct flights are performed from Moscow. The average duration of the flight is 2.5 hours. Every day, airports in Bucharest and Timisoara landing planes from Kiev and Minsk. Of Kazakhstan in Romania direct flights are not manufactured: you will have to fly with a transfer in Moscow, Kiev or Minsk.

In the summer, quick trains go to Bucharest every day from Moscow through Kiev. Traveling from Russia on this transport will take about two days, and from Ukraine - 31 hours. In winter, trains route to Romania several times a week. From the capital airport to Bucharest itself, modern buses and taxis are running.

The Black Sea coast of Romania is famous for even bottom and clean, landscaped beaches. The seaside resorts of this amazing country will delight developed infrastructure and affordable prices:

  • Constanta is considered the largest Black Sea port and a great place to rest. The third population of the Romanian Sea Resort attracts travelers with interesting sights, entertainment centers, the Cathedral, Mosque, Museums, Planetarium and Dolphinarium.
  • Next to Konstanza is popular Maama. The resort is located on a sandy spit that shares the Black Sea and a large freshwater lake Syutgiol. Oldest city will delight long coastline, wide beaches, numerous hotels, entertainment parks, the only water park, disco and bars in the country. Every summer in Mama has a musical festival. Unlike other places for sea rest In Romania, this resort is more expensive, which is explained by the high level of comfort.
  • Family, peaceful and secluded rest will be the resort of Jupiter, who is one of the hour from Constanta. Vacationers come here to admire picturesque bay, soak on wonderful beaches and distract from the city bustle.
  • Most. southern resort Romania is considered mangali, which is known to be beautiful sandy beach, thermal sources, mineral drinking water, healing mud, natural park and horse plant, where you can ride a horse. Near the mangylia, Saturn spread. This resort is characterized by lower prices.

The most elegant resort of the Romanian coast is Neptune Olympus, located near Manglia. The coastal zone of the town borders with a coniferous forest, thanks to which healing from lung diseases is carried out. Neptune Olympus will delight tourists with sports grounds, summer cinema, entertainment park, numerous shops and walkways on the steamer.

Ski resorts Romania

A small, but a pretty Sina resort attracts tourists with a rich history and old architectural attractions. The name is obliged to the monastery, which was built in the area by the end of the 16th century. A business card of the town is considered the beautiful Peles Palace with a picturesque park.

Ski and launches are also suitable for beginners and experienced athletes. Sinais often serves as a venue for international competitions in winter sports. Developed infrastructure resort will delight restaurants, bars, discos, rink, swimming pool, interesting excursions and picturesque nature with clean air.

Trendy resort Ryana Brasov is located in the sunny valley. Well-equipped tracks are constructed on the southern slopes of the Carpathian Mountain Warming. Travel tourists on horseback or on sleigh, air of unique purity. Bursley lovers, cross-country skiing, sunny sports, jumps with springboard and paragliding arrive in the belt. Vacationers will be able to have a pleasure time in the pool, the sports center, sauna, restaurants and rink. Excursions are held in the legendary Castle of Bran, who in the 15th century built Vlad Chamenesh himself.

I bet is the most highland Romanian city. Resort's highways are protected from wind with dense forest, which creates pleasant and comfortable conditions. Local ski tours Known in Europe and are popular. The resort is the best routes of the country. The main feature of the locality is that the skiing base never closes and takes thousands of tourists.

Major entertainment in Romania, how to spend time

Romania is rich in all sorts of entertainment. Entertaining excursions in antiquities and attractions, cycling in mountains, historical productions related to the Count Dracula. We must not forget about marine, ski and balneological resorts. In the capital of Romania, Bucharest, tourists will be able to admire the ancient architecture, to visit urban museums, taste the sophisticated local dishes in best restaurants countries.

The sea resort of Constanta is famous for the aquarium, which is located next to the famous casino building. The local aquarium is considered the first and largest in Romania. Visitors will be able to admire the marine inhabitants from the Black and Mediterranean Sea. The aquarium is divided into three sections: representatives of the exotic underwater world live in the last department.

The Northeast Jassa city is famous for the Palace of Culture, externally resembling a French castle. The building was erected at the beginning of the last century, on the site of the ruins of the burnt royal yard. During World War II, the Palace of Culture served as a warehouse and barracks for soldiers. Now in this place there are museums where exhibitions and cultural events are regularly held.

The neighborhood of the city of Timisoara is known by the vineyard vineyards of Recias, which are planted for more than five centuries ago. Wines are famous for all Romania, and not once awarded at international events of quality and taste signs. Excursions are constantly held through the vineyards, after which the tourists visit wine basements and workshops. In addition, each guest can bring the taste of the best wines home without any problems.

Sights of Romania where to go

Transylvanian Brasov is known for black temple and old churches, a historical museum and a medieval town hall. Not far from him is the city of Sigishoara, where Vlad Chain's light appeared. It is worth visiting the museum, which is located in the building of the clock tower, the Gothic Church.

The largest Black Sea Resort of Romania Constanta, except the sea and beach holidaysThe sights are proud of. Guests of the city are obliged to admire the ancient Roman wall, a monument to Ovid, an ancient Genoese Lighthouse, the Cathedral and Church. Lovers of cultural recreation will see unique exhibits in the museums of the history of nature, navigation, ethnography, astronomy.

The neighborhood of Bucharest attracts the attention of the monastery, the "Lord Church", the ruins of the castle of Count Dracula, the ruins of the Palace of Lyuchova, reserves with salt caves and the colorful city of Targu-Zhu. In the County of Gorge, tourists come to visit the oldest Romanian monastery of Tisman.

A business card of the mountainous County Maramures is a "fun cemetery" located in the town of Sepynets. This attraction is considered the only one on the planet a memorial structure, where death is depicted in the form of painted crosses and cheerful carved monuments.

The Romanian people have always been benevolent and sociable, so tourists will be able to calmly in the country even at night, without fear of hooliganism and pastures. In terms of security, Bucharest is ahead of many european capital. Fraud and petty stealing rarely happens, and even then far from the main attractions. Despite the rarity checks, it is better to walk on the streets with a copy of the passport or a driver's license. Military facilities, bridges, ports and state structures take pictures forbidden.

Because of the large amount of chlorine in tap water, intestinal disorders may occur, so it is better to boil or buy bottled fluid. On city streets, modern buses, trolley buses, trams and taxis are running. In Bucharest acts the metro. Despite the good organization, the metropolitan transport is often crowded. At the airport or large hotel you can rent a car. To do this will need credit card and international driver's license.

Reviews of tourists about a trip to Romania

Marina: For me, Romania has always been considered a country of contrasts and ancient legends and legends. During the trip, the impact of the European Union was felt, but this does not prevent Romanians to dress in national outfits, listen to their native music and observe folk traditions. Romania is quite large in the area, each region has features.

Mountain translations for the wealth and beauty of nature will give odds to the central and seaside regions of the country. On the homeland of the famous Vlad Charechez are numerous architectural and historical places. Really liked the excursions to the Bran Castle, where Dracula did, royal Palace Peles and medieval city-fortress of Sigishoara.

Irina: Before the trip, Romania was associated only with Dracula and Gypsies. The latter in the country is really a lot, so on the streets of cities should not be surprised at the asking gypsy children. On the beauty of nature, the purity of the streets and roads of Romania is similar to Russia. However, by color, Romanian cities differ from other Balkan countries. Locals were pleasantly surprised by kindness and friendliness. Be sure to visit the legendary castle of Bran, the main thing to visit this place at night.

Valeria: A trip to Romania will delight history lovers: various medieval architectural monuments have been preserved here, which give the country a fabulous atmosphere. Special emotions presented the city of Brasov, who is famous for the castle of Count Dracula. The city historical museum is interesting for exhibits and exhibitions. In Bucharest at an affordable price, you can order an interesting a tourist route Together with the Russian-speaking guide.

Mysterious Romania is known to the whole world of Transylvania and Count Dracula, which was the hero of many films. However, it is impossible to forget about other features of this country: wonderful marine and ski resorts and mineral springsThanks to which Carpathian balneological places of rest are always filled with tourists.

Video review: Romania resorts

For travelers, seeking special routes and programs for incredible impressions overlooking the Real!

"The edge behind thick forests, surrounded by the majestic mountains.
Abundant vineyards ... Flowers, so delicate and beautiful, what nowhere will you do anymore ... "
(c) k / f "Dracula", 1992

Mysterious Transylvania - the Motherland of the Legendary Count Dracula, the region, shrouded in the legends of incredibly mighty wizards and fantastic creatures is waiting for brave guests who want to immerse themselves in the unique atmosphere of mysticism and secrets! The route of this unusual travel covers the "Power Places" and abnormal zones In the heart of this amazing distinctive country, gently staining the tradition of the past centuries.

This is your route if:
- You want to relax the soul in union and harmony with nature;
- admire the picturesque mountain and forest landscapes, wander through the narrow streets of old cities with a rich historical past;
- see the inappropriate medieval fortresses inhabited by ghosts (?);
- Touch the traditions and culture of another country and, perhaps, discover something completely new ...

Support of the group for the whole pan:
Transportation throughout the route.
Perhaps flexible planning for your travel participation
(for example, with arrival and departure from Bucharest, etc.).

Trip program

1 day.

Departure from Moscow to Bucharest.
Landing on a bus, moving from the airport to Brasov.
Accommodation in hotel Hotel. Crocus 4 *,

Romania-edge legends and mysteries that did not go into the past at all, they are alive today. This country is rightfully considered one of the most mystical in Europe.

Tell you in a cozy friendly atmosphere by the fire under the magic light of shimmering stars. From here and your amazing journey By places of power, gives energy, health and awakening the power in you ...

In addition, an experienced practitioner will share with you some secrets of skill, will tell what magic is in general, what kind of types there are, who are such magicians, and what is needed in order to become a magician, what qualities to raise themselves for successful practice, as well as What is better to start the way of mastering the magic wisdom ...

2 day.

Departure from the hotel in Shika-century - "Temple of Desires".
The most famous castle in Transylvania-Bran.
Visit the room of fear-at will.
Night Brasov - a walk with torches "City legends".
Return to the hotel.

The temple of desires, sometimes called the temple of the elected chosen or even the temple of the aliens due to many inexplicable phenomena and magnetic anomalies occurring under it drove in stone by the arms, which is more than 7,000 years old!

There is a legend that says that it is enough to stand under the conical tower connecting the temple with the sky, and sincerely wish anything with a clean heart, full of faith, your desire will certainly come true!

This place will open to those who really need a miracle and, of course, those who are able to catch his unusual energy waves ...

Bran Castle is also one of the most mystical places in Romania, but much more popular than the temple of desires is much more popular - it enters the "Top 10 most terrible places on the planet". And no reason! In addition, the atmosphere of Halloween is reigning here all year round, some hunters for paranormal phenomena even managed to capture in the pictures of the ghosts of some inhabitants of the castle, who lived in it many centuries ago ... Who knows, perhaps you will be lucky!

In the evening we walk along the mysterious streets of Brasov, we will get acquainted with the mysterious light of torches with his history, legends and ghosts ...

And behind dinner at the hotel you will find a seminar on magic mirrors, recipes for their manufacture, which have come down from the distant Middle Ages, crystal balls and features of working with them, and how "the world beyond" is arranged.

3 day.

Mountains buchedzhi-Sphinx.
Cantacuzino castle.
Castle with ghosts of Yulia Helda
Return to the hotel.

Sphinx is one of the points of the energy triangle of Romania (a person - old women - Sphinx), which is considered one of the zones with abnormal activity due to incredible phenomena, periodically registered herein and not explaining from the point of view of science and logic. The origin of mysterious sculpture is also enveloped by legends, but is amazing the fact that the height of the Romanian Sphinx is equal to the height of its Egyptian "fellow".

Local residents believe, if sincerely ask for help around the Sphinx, you can heal from severe ailment.

Moving to Khimin, to one of the most mysterious castles in Romania, once the center of Romanian Spiritis - Castle Julia Helda.

Cantacuzino castle. It is said that this place is able to fulfill desires. You will learn a lot of interesting things about this full of secrets, rest over a cup of tea in a local cafe and charge the energy of the surrounding mountains.

4 day.

Sigishoara.- Church of St. Nicholas.
Lunch in the Dracula house.
Return to the hotel.

Sigishoara is a small and neat town, called "Pearl Transylvania", whose history and legends are inextricably linked with mysticism. And after all, it was here that one of the mighty and influential gentlemen of Romania was born, to this day, the remaining, perhaps, the most mysterious person in history - Vlad III Dracula, and in the local church of St. Nicholas, if you believe rumors, the reliably hidden magic artifact of incredible power is stored - mummified The hand of the ancient Transylvanian sinner is a magical instrument for any sorcerer or witches that gives her owner of great power and giving invulnerability ... You will be happy to dinner in Dracula's house: a restaurant menu with extraordinarily delicious dishes and drinks "Draclower cuisine" and very memorable names;) And of course, the warm atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

After excursion programs, for dinner at the hotel, we will definitely share the secrets of protective magic, tell me how to make a wubble with your own hands and how to activate it ... and also! How to make a magic artifact that is not inferior to the strength and properties of the sinner itself.

5 day.

Eviction from the hotel
Moving to the castle Poenar
through the transfregarash highway,

The fortress of the Poenar was not good for the "eagle nest" of Prince Vlad III Dracula - it is located at an altitude of 850 m and to rise to it, you will have to overcome the way in 1480 steps. This is another zone of paranormal activity in Romania, which is associated with many chilling blood stories ...

But besides, you will definitely enjoy your stay in this picturesque corner, because it is filled with its special harmony, there will always be silence, leading thoughts, and energy that helps to cleanse from any kind of negative.

For dinner you will find one of the most mysterious and fascinating the factory with spirits. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the peculiarities of the "Population" of the world "Behind the Edge", as well as, at will, to participate in the spiritual session under the ready leadership of the Master!

6 day.

Departure from the hotel - Kurta de Azhd
Moving to Bucharest Cemetery Belo-Kurtie-century
Walk in the city

In Kurta de Azhdsch is a temple built in the XVI century. By order, the Voivoda Naga Basarab, who dreamed of making the Valachy by the new center of Orthodoxy in return to the conquered by the Turks of Byzantium. And in the XIX century. This is consecrated by an ancient historical tradition, the first Romanian king Kalol I is chosen for the Royal Tomb. You will legend related to the advent of the temple.

Here, on the territory of the monastery, there are the relics of the Holy Girl Felftei Romanian, to which they treat special prayers for curing patients, as well as a source with live water capable of healing ...

Next we will go to Bucharest, the city standing on a variety of mystical legends related to its foundation
We will visit the Belo-One Cemetery from the largest and old cemeteries in Bucharest, where the famous citizens-acting persons are buried by the legends of mystical flavor.

We visit the couch-century-old princely compound, representing the remnants of the ensemble of the buildings of the 14th century: - Palaces of rulers of Valahia and Romania;
- Church of St. Anton;
- Yard Hallane-Lui Manuk.

You will learn the stories of the famous ghosts of this city, and even see the quarter with truly "troubled" houses! You will be able to stroll through the narrow mysterious streets, and it is possible to even witness a paranormal phenomenon ...

In the evening for dinner, we will talk about how to connect to the cash egregor to attract good luck and well-being in your life.

7 day.

Eviction from the hotel
Departure from Bucharest to Moscow


All energy exercises, the acquisition or manufacture of amulet / tools are carried out at historically significant points - "Power places", and accompanied by an experienced master, which ensures the maximum level of energy security of travel participants. Discover the new uncharted Romania!

Hello everyone! Today we will go with you to the mysterious country Romania. You were there? And I still do not, but I will definitely go, because nothing compares with a real journey. To strengthen your desire to visit this territory, I will tell you about the magical side of Romania.

Gloomy and mysterious, Romania are an ideal country for those who believe in sorcerers, witches, ghosts and vampires.

  • Breathtaking landscapes;
  • mountains and valleys covered with fog;
  • warm Black Sea;
  • dense forests, rivers and numerous lakes;
  • ancient locks and no less ancient customs

Being in such a place, you realize that reality and magic can coexist.

The uniqueness of the Romanian folk culture is its archaic: ancient knowledge is carefully preserved in their original form, practically without changing. The control of the church in Romania has always been less stringent than in Western or Central Europe. There was no organization similar to the Inquisition, and therefore the pagans were not subjected to mass and systematic persecution. Yes, and the Mentality Romanian played his role: for centuries, they experienced the influence of various peoples, but always adhered to their culture and traditions.

Dracula: Legends and Reality

Perhaps the first association with the word "Romania" most foreigners will be "Count Dracula". This colorful character can rightly be called the most famous Romanian, and the castle is the most important landmark of the country, to visit which thousands of tourists consider.

Meanwhile, at the honorary title of "Dracula Castle" claims several vintage places. Supporters of different theories have their numerous arguments, however, it is believed that the legendary vampire still dwells in the castle of Bran, thirty kilometers from the small town of Brasov.

To be accurate, in Romania Dracula - the name is nominal, belonging to two different heroes. One of them laid the beginning of a literary and cinematographic "career" of a bloodthirsty graph, this is an image created by Irish Bram Stocker in the Roman "Dracula" (1897). The namesake of this hero (and, in combination, his prototype) has lived quite real life And he entered the story as an incredibly cruel ruler of Valahia, one of the districts of Romania.

In 1931, in order to check the truth of this legend, archaeological excavations were carried out, but no other remains were found. There were no tomb residues, something that would indicate the burial. However, fans of mysteries and mystics not only were not disappointed, but, on the contrary, began to warmly discuss a new question: the mysterious disappearance of the body of the Vampire Graph. All these mysterious stories and give Romania that unique color, for which she loved.

Romanian witches

Witches for Romanians are not the characters of ancient fairy tales, but quite real, familiar beings living with them side by side and not surprising anyone. Local residents have long been trusted by sorcerers and sorcerer, faith in them is strong to this day, especially in rural areas.

An important event was legalization in 2011 magic, departments and witchcraft. This means that professions such as a predictor, a chiromant, a black magician and the like were ranked entrepreneurs. The ministers of dark and bright forces obliged to give 16% of their income in the treasury, which caused the strongest resonance in the magical world. Anger of the sorcerer (and in the overwhelming majority of cases, this profession in Romania is precisely feminine) there was no limit. According to them, the new tax would leave them without a means of existence, because their earnings are not at all great.

The sorcerers also celebrated their merits in the fight against natural disasters (which for Romania - are not uncommon, and there are truly destructive). The state, according to women, does not show proper thanks for magical support, while the policies themselves often appeal for spellings for their enemies.

Furi-angled by the arbitrariness of the authorities decided to take revenge on the government affordable only by the method: impose on members of the Cabinet of Ministers a terrible curse! For a ritual, 13 witches gathered at night on the banks of the Danube. They made and, producing all the manipulation in such cases, poured into the poisonous decoction to the river (they said that in its composition there was a magical plant). Bratara Buzay, the Supreme Witch Romania, stated to journalists: "We caress the evil those who hurt us." About the fact that "the most terrible curse in the world worked," the story is silent.

The modern innovation, which entered the life of Romanian wizards and the magicians and significantly influenced it, is the Internet. "We must apply modern technology, keep up with the times," they say.

Unlike its Russian colleagues, Romanian sorcerers can advertise their services, offer various potions and drugs legally, along with ordinary goods and services. The lady who owns the witch profession, here has the official right to predict the future, to disclaim the diseases, to make love spells, etc.

The famous Romanian witch is an innovator - she was the first among his colleagues with his own website and blog. It turned out that the most ancient teachings are well combined with new technologies: Rodov has learned everyone who wants to fortunate on the maps in the "Online" mode, engaged in the daily interpretation of dreams and, of course, advertised his skills, promising the return of potency in it, getting rid of drunkenness, severe diseases and Much, much more. "I create drugs and read spells in accordance with the ancient art of vorozhba. However, the blog is what brings me closer to the possible customers, many of whom were skeptical about magic before, "the Rodov writes. "For magic there are no distances," says another modern witch, Vilan Vilan from the ancient Romanian kind.

It is worth noting that not all Romanian magicians perceived a new "magic" tax in the bayonets. Some have already talked about the fact that this government's step is legislative recognition of the existence of witchcraft. In other words, having lost some of its income, astrologers, predictors, shamans from illegal position switched to quite legal. It seems that in Romania, the eternal opposition of science and occultism ended with a friendly draw.

Although, today, Russia has opened the door of witches and sorcerers. The transfer gave push to this movement. Sites, advertising and suggestions to use such services now everywhere, on the Internet and newspapers.

Be sure to visit Romania, visit the Castle of Dracula and talk with local sorcerers. I wish mystical journey!

And be sure to subscribe to the site updates. You are waiting for many more stories about mysterious places and magic cities of our planet.

The forest is rejoiced, located in the county must, crossed the road, on which accidents often occur, although the road is direct.

According to local residents, there is only one explanation: the bride is rejoiced before drivers, the ghost of a young woman, dressed in a wedding dress, terrorizing and those who walk through the forest at night.

This legend has several options. Some say that this is the ghost of a girl who came from Moldova to earn money for his family, but hanged himself in the forest Radowan, believing that she was pregnant, which was a shame at that time.

As a suicide, she was not buried in the Christian custom, and her beggar relatives could not care about the grave, so her soul did not find peace.

Other locals say that the ghost of the girl appears in the forest, whose groom died right before the wedding. She waited for him dressed in a wedding dress, and the news of his death made her jump into the well, but even after death she did not cease to look for her beloved. That is why the bride appears only in front of cars of unmarried guys.

National Road 7: Tragedies provoked by the Dead Bride

Another bride seeking his groom, and the car accidents are the center of the legend associated with the National Dear 7. Here, near the Gesht County Dymbowitsa, a few decades ago, the girl died right on his wedding day. The fault was the accident in which her fiance was killed. Since then, there are many accidents in this zone, especially near the cross installed by the family in memory of the young bride.

For only two years, near this cross, 12 non-native men were killed, which makes the locals think about the curse of the bride, which is not clear for what reasons could not leave this world and leave with the fiance.

Hill Longgan: Ghosts soldiers

Long between the villages of Sark and Lungan of the Yaskaya County, Longan Hill is known for his mysterious phantoms that appear before travelers. Local residents tell stories about this zone, not always pleasant legends about the ghosts, who pursued them a few kilometers, a lot next to them over the road.

It seems that soldiers who died during the First World War were buried in this zone. As they died without communion and candles and were buried without a religious rite, their souls did not find peace, so they demand from travelers to make something that is supposed to be, that is, book a panocide.

Forest Hoy Bach - Bermuda Triangle Transylvania

The forest near the town of Cluj-Napoca has long been known for the mysterious events that occur here, and is even considered a gateway to another dimension. Named "Bermuda Triangle Transylvania", the forest is one of the most active regions of the world in terms of paranormal phenomena.

The legends arose after the shepherd disappeared into the forest with his oar, and no one had managed to find him or even some of the sheep. It was only the first mysterious disappearance in the forest Bach. Now the locals, and tourists avoid this zone, which attracts only those who are looking for acute sensations.

If an unusual case happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had a unusual dream, you saw in the sky UFOs or became a victim of the abduction of aliens, you can send our story to us and it will be published on our website \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003e .

The Hoya Bach forest, located near the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca, is rightfully the title of one of the most mysterious places in Europe. He's called " bermuda triangle Transylvania. "

This analogy suggests itself: People disappear here, there are no separation of meeting with UFOs ... Residents of the surrounding villages prefer not to go to Hoya-Bach, in order not to attach the anger of the powerful forces, which, in their opinion, live in the forest.

The forest changed in front of ...

The main tourist attraction of Transylvania is the Castle of Bran, built in the 14th century. In their time, owned the legendary Vlad chain, better known to us as a graph of Dracula.

However B. last years More and more tourists seek to visit not only and not so much the castle of Dracula, how many Hoya-Bach forest around him, paranormal phenomena in which they are hardly commonplace.

But a little more than 100 years ago it was a forest like a forest. Locals hunted there, collected mushrooms and berries. Through the forest, the long-distance tract was launched, according to which the travelers were not afraid to travel even at night. Now this road almost overgrown, and to go to Hoya-Bach at night risk perhaps extremals. Or obsessed researchers paranormal. Which, however, is enough.

At the beginning of the last century, the forest (then he was also called just Hoya) began to change literally in his eyes. The straight trunks of the trees gradually bent under the monstrous corners. Soil bored with thick moss. From the forest gradually disappeared the beasts, and for them almost all the birds. The locals whispering that in Hoye saw Vlad Charechez, who at his time adored to hunt in these places. They rummed that the forest school was chosen by the devil himself.

Missing shepherd

Hoya began his sinister reputation immediately after the end of World War II. In one of the local villages, she had a shepherd on nicknamed Bach (in Romanian - "Leader", "Leader"). The local residents were engaged in cattle breeding, and therefore Bach, which agriched and sold sheep, respected. In one of the June days, the shepherd chase Otaru in 200 heads to the fair in the town of Cluj-Napoca. His path ran through the forest. Bachu went there early in the morning and ... disappeared without a trace.

When he did not appear at the appointed time at the fair, the merchants who spent Otaru, for which the deposit was already made, began to be crumbled. Residents of the city and the surrounding villages (several thousand people participated in search) literally fought the forest on the meter, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 35 hectares. But no traces of either a shepherd nor sheep found.

The robbers in these places were not found for a long time, but even if they came from somewhere and killed Bach, hiding his body, to take such a major octar so that she was not noticed in the surrounding villages - the task is unreal. Dear man and sheep shouted without a trace. And the forest has since begun to be called Hoya Bach.

Time loop

The forest, as if a predator, speaking the taste of human blood, demanded all new and new victims. For several years, a few more people disappeared into Hoya Bach. Their bodies were also not found. But these tragedies can be written off at an accident, the attack of wild animals, that is, at least somehow explain. Other stories shake out frank hell.

For example, two cases that have occurred after World War II. A young teacher who could not believe in God or in the hell, went to Hoya Bach for mushrooms. Soon the locals found it sitting on the edge.

In 1989, the screaming forest was hit in the Guinness Book of Records, located in the County County near the village of Plakley. There was observed the greatest number Ghosts in the UK - a minimum of 12 "phenomena" for the year.

Unfortunate completely lost memory - she did not remember even his name. And, of course, could not answer the question that it happened to her in the forest. Another time a five-year-old girl in pursuit of a beautiful butterfly ran into the forest and disappeared. Searches were organized, but failed to find the baby. Only five years later, the girl missing - in the same clothes and absolutely externally did not change - left the forest, holding a caught butterfly behind the wings.

The baby was not able to tell me where it disappeared: for her from the moment she went into the school, just a few minutes.

Formed people, like the teacher, which was discussed above, despise superstition. Therefore, although the bulk of the locals avoided the campaigns to Hoya-Bach, someone else went there for berries and mushrooms. Not all, but some soon have fallen - people complained about skin rashes, migraine, dizziness, unreasonable vomiting. Doctors could not establish the cause of disadvantages from absolutely healthy people. After some time, the patients were recovered, but for Hoya-Bach, bad fame finally fixed.

World Glory

In the 1960s, the Romanian biologist Alexander Syft became interested in the Hoya-Bach phenomenon. He became the first scientist who seriously undertook to study the paranormal zone. For a number of years, Alexander, despite the danger, crossed the forest along and across, spent the night in a chassis, spent a photo shoot there.

Surprisingly, Hoya Bach did not harm him. Alexander Syft noted that in the depths of the forest there is a strange round glade, on which there is no vegetation. When comparing the samples of the soil from this glade and with conventional forest, no difference in the composition was found. It means that biological reasons for the disappearance of vegetation within round glades are not.

Alexander Syft noted: UFOs (most often a round form) can be found anywhere in the forest. But in the "Lysa" area of \u200b\u200bthe Polyana, their activity is the greatest. When filming the films after the night photo sessions, the researcher drew attention to another strange feature. Many photos recorded round glowing objects that are not perceived by a simple eye.

By the way, such balls are often appearing in the pictures made by digital apparatus. Scientists cannot give it a reasonable explanation, but there are no local residents. In their opinion, the balls are the souls of the dead people. The fact is that the lands of transylvania are plenty of blood with blood - this area in the Middle Ages constantly passed from hand to hand. All this, of course, was accompanied by violence. The unfortunate peasants robbed and ruthlessly killed local princes, and Hungarians, and Romanians, and Turks.

... In 1968, the case of Siphta continued the Romanian Military Engineer Emil Barney. Soon after the start of the observation, he managed to take a picture of the UFO over the tops of the trees. Experts found that it is really about a certain flying object whose nature they cannot be explained. It is believed that this is the most clear and reliable snapshot of the UFO, made in Romania.

Portal in another world?

Nowadays, numerous ufologists from around the world - Germany, France, Great Britain, Hungary come to Hoya-Bach. However, paranormal activity in these places in recent years has declined somewhat. Not all visits manage to face mystical phenomena.

However, many of them are watching glowing balls in the forest (most often - near Lysa Polyany in the depths of the forest). Sometimes researchers hear strange sounds or see flashing shadows and lights. In winter, strange tracks often appear in the snow, not belonging to any creature known on Earth.

In the photos, it is still often possible to see strange silhouettes and glowing balls that are not visible to the unarmed look.

Prestigious publications dedicated to ufology, as well as the Air Force Channel call the Hoya-Bach one of the most interesting paranormal zones on the planet. Even Nicholas Cage, intrigued by the transfers about the mysterious forest came here. The famous Hollywood actor for a few days filmed a documentary about Hoya-Bach, which now demonstrates his acquaintances in closed parties. Cage is confident that the trees in the forest changed their shape under the influence of powerful energy inherent in these places. After this statement of the actor in Hoya-Bach, the fans of yoga began to come. They meditate in the forest and try to cry out the energy from the mystical source.

The inhabitants of the surrounding villages in recent years have found their explanation of the whole diamond, which is happening in Hoya Bach. They are confident that the "bald" glade in more often is a portal in another world. The disappeared people simply failed there. And the glowing balls, strange shadows and UFOs are inhabitants of the parallel universe, accidentally falling into our world.

But there is another version explaining mysterious phenomena In Hoya Bach. Castle Dracula, which somehow forgotten among all this noise around mystical ForestIt may well influence its negative energy to the area around its negative energy and even be a kind of portal connecting our world with worlds parallel.

Andrei Leshukonsky