Early booking of tours to Israel. Tours to Israel Beaches and swimming season

Our official tour The site is the perfect selection assistant and selection of online tours. We sell tourist packages of leading tour operators online. We show you the same thing you see travel agency managers. You can choose a tour who you like, familiarize yourself with the information and book it. You also immediately see all the newest "burning" suggestions, and you do not need to lose your time, come to the office of travel agencies to book it. You instantly book a trip on the site and wait for confirmation by phone.

I noticed that you have prices lower than in ordinary travel agencies. Why?

We have exclusive treaties with tour operators, we have no bloated staff, and we are also very modern and technologically. Thanks to the system of booking our partners, we managed to exclude the human factor, therefore the price you see on the site completely coincides with the one that you pay.

Where does all this information be bored on your site?

What are the hotels ratings for? Reviews from TOPHOTELS

How often is the information updated?

Everything happens in online mode, we are constantly working with tour operators gateways, and give you the most relevant information.

What is included in the cost of the tour?

We always show the final cost of the tour, which may vary with the update, but it is entirely dependent on the tour operator. The cost of the tour is usually included: hotel accommodation, airport connecting flight, airport transfer to hotel and back, medical insurance. Additionally, fuel fees can be added - it depends on the airline you choose. If you want to improve the conditions of your travel, for example, order a business class flight, you will also need to pay extra for that.

How much is a trip to rest with a child? Are there any discounts on children?

It depends on the hotel and airline. In most cases, hotels and airlines request a smaller amount for rest with children, but it is always individually. There are several age groups of children, in our system you can enter the age of the child and the system will give you the final cost, taking into account all discounts. For babies is usually paid only boarding pass and insurance.

If I can't fly away or for any reason, I changed my mind, and the tour has already been confirmed what to do?

You need to write a letter to email. mail [Email Protected]After that, we will inform you the size of penalties for canceling the reservation. If you agree, we will cancel your contract and return you money for a minus fine.

How to pay the selected tour?

On our website the tour can only be paid by a bank card. We accept bank cards written by both individuals and legal ones. You can also pay a cashing tour in the office, but then we cannot book your chosen tour immediately, and therefore its cost can change. ATTENTION! Offers on the site change constantly, in real time!

What cards are accepted for payment?

We accept Visa International Systems, Maestro and MasterCard (Classic, Gold, Platinum, World and Others) and other types (debit, credit, virtual, prepaid) of all banks.

Can I buy a tour for friends, parents as a gift?

Of course, you can pay the tour to your card, as well as make your data or third parties. At the same time, do not forget to notify tourists about conditions and changes in travel.

Do you store my card data?

No, it is technically impossible. All data on the secure channel is transmitted to the Equiler Bank.

How safe is the payment of the card on your site?

We use the most advanced technologies at the moment. This is a completely secure procedure, all your data is encoded and encrypted, the processing of payments is performed on the bank server.

Why does not pay for my card?

Perhaps on your map lacking money to pay for the order. Also, make sure that: - You are not mistaken when entering data from your card - your bank did not establish restrictions on the volume of transaction volumes on the day during the day - your bank does not prohibit payment via the Internet

What will be a confirmation of the purchase on your site?

Early booking of tours is the choice of those who like to plan a journey in advance and at the same time take money. If you probably know the dates of your journey or want to get a ticket to a chic hotel with democratic prices, then the early booking of tours for 2020 is your faithful assistant.

Usually, early booking becomes available a couple of months before the start of the season. For example, tour to Israel for June can be booked already in March, and in August - Christmas tours. Early booking Almost certainly guarantees you a confirmation of the hotel. In season good numbers At low prices are instantly bought, so the bookings are bootable in advance the choice is much higher.

Dignity early booking - Ability to save. Prices for air tickets and rooms in hotels are almost always tied to one of the world currencies - a dollar or euro. If the domestic currency in relation to the euro and the dollar is strengthened, then prices for tours are falling. Given that now the ruble fluctuates greatly, we recommend you think about vacation now.

The only significant lack of early booking to Israel is an almost complete loss of money in case of cancellation of the order. If for some reason you will not be able to fly, then the tour will simply disappear.

Israel is a gracious destination for millions of tourists every year. And all this thanks to its location and climatic conditions.

Tours to Israel

Basic tourist destinations Countries are wellness tours on the coast Dead Sea, beach rest on the Red and Mediterranean seas, pilgrimage and excursion tours, as well as weekend tours to Israel. Based on the fact that tourists here every year more and more, the managers of travel agencies should be well aware of the tourist enterprise implemented by them. That is why the advertising tours in Israel are becoming increasingly in demand.

Rest in Israel from the tour operator

Israel is the country, to rest in which you can at any time of the year, because there is almost all year round here. Does not apply only to resorts Mediterranean SeaA more favorable to relax there from April to October, well, and you can visit the Red and Dead Sea and 365 days a year. Pax is a tour operator in Israel, which develops tours to various interests and customer needs. Individual approach and qualitatively provided services are our credo.

The Dead Sea known worldwide, no matter how paradoxically sounded, is called the sea of \u200b\u200blife. And all this thanks to the large content of minerals dissolved in water, as well as the content of therapeutic vapors of bromine, oxygen and numerous healing sulfur sources. It is for all this to go here tourists from around the world for the purpose of rehabilitation.

The country is very rich in the sights, looking at which rest in Israel will remember you for a long time. There are three famous world religions in the country - Muslim, Judaism and Christianity - and all this is reflected in the architecture of the country. There are many cities, monuments and buildings of the era of the Old Testament, are also the mosques, which are mentioned in the Quran, and the temples in which Christ preached. All this can be seen with your own eyes and fully experience the atmosphere of past times. Israel has many different festivals.

If you decide to relax, search and selection of tours to Israel will be performed by our qualified tourism managers. As for the visa, for the citizens of the Russian Federation, when visiting the country, up to 90 days is valid visa-free regime. A mandatory document that you will need when crossing the Israeli border is a passport, but insurance can also be needed, flights to the reverse departure or confirmation of armor to the hotel, also some migration services may require confirmation of financial support.

As for hotels, in Israel there are no clear gradation for stars. The category of hotel is determined according to generally accepted world standards solely for the convenience of customers. Any hotel room will have standard amenities such as air conditioning, telephone, TV, bathroom or shower and toilet. The rooms of four- and five star hotels, as a rule, have a minibar, hairdryer and safe. The cost of tours to Israel depends on the category of the selected hotel and excursion program. When settling, as a rule, is blocked 100-200 dollars on your bank card As a deposit. Additional services in hotels are paid both in cash and plastic cards at your request.

Israel - magnificent countryfull of secrets, mysteries and cult attractions. Many Russians buy tours to Israel and come here to spend their holidays with children or visit local shrines.

Hotels in Israel

In Israeli hotels there are no official "star" gradation, the class of classes is used instead. Here you can find hotels in Israel 3 stars who are able to offer service and services, the same as Israel hotels 4 stars. At the same time, in most four-star hotels there is no compulsory for such a category of pools, and the hotels of Israel are 5 stars, and the pool and the corresponding service infrastructure will be offered. Travelers who choose burning tours to Israel are recommended not to look at the number of "stars" in the title, but on specific descriptions of the rooms and a list of service services. There are also many hotels owned by the famous network hotel structures that have an international standard classification.

All hotels are debugged service providing guests with the necessary service. There are no lining, "freezing" of computers or "passing", everything works well and organized. Excellent service offers Israel hotels all inclusive. Domestic tourists need to keep in mind that Hotels in Tel Aviv are taken from the guests a deposit that returns after eviction. The 220W electrical sockets here have a specific 3-pin configuration, and require special electrical appliances adapters, hairdryers and electronics charging. Acceptable prices At rest in Israel allow different categories of tourists to visit these sacred lands.

Despite the rather small territory, the climate in this country is very diverse: from tropical, with a mass sunny days, To moderate. Due to the unstable situation in Egypt, many of our compatriots wish to buy tours to Israel in 2020. August is considered the hottest month in this country, therefore, planning to spend your holiday in Israel in the summer, you need to take into account climatic features. Winter here is short and wet, average temperature At this time "goes down" to 12-18 ° C, which for our compatriots is more like the spring. That is why many of them seek to hold new Year in Israel.

By choosing a tour to Israel, everyone will be able to open it for themselves from different sides, touching the shrines and having acquainted with various attractions.