City on the Dead Sea in Israel Name. The Dead Sea

Salty, sodomskoe, asphalt, and almost always and everywhere - the dead sea. The lowest point of the planet still attracts a record number of tourists, and the healing properties of the very saline lake in the world are legends.

The air near the Dead Sea heals the most complex light diseases, and its dirt and rape are non-treatable skin diseases in other places. Therapeutic properties of the dead sea and its salt of 30 minerals and trace elements have not yet been studied to the end - they say that even the most hopeless patients sometimes stood on their feet.

A little geography

The dead sea is located 430 meters below the level of the world's ocean, and every year it lowers the lower, smaller on average for one meter. The Square of the Salted Lake (scientists are inclined to call it still by the lake, and the level of saline is estimated at about 35%) in the world, and due to the active production of salt and minerals - the number of companies specializing in products with the mark "Dead Sea" is growing in geometric Progression. The unique microclimate of the coast of the Dead Sea is known and the fact that, for example, it is impossible to "burn out" in the sun - air saturated with pairs and minerals, simply does not miss ultraviolet. For this reason, doctors in principle recommend taking sunny baths here. On the unique effects of the dead sea on a man wrote another Aristotle, and the first mention was found in Pavania in the second century AD. Both scientists, however, were convinced that due to the high content of salt in the reservoir, fish and other organisms - the hypothesis were refuted in the twentieth century, when about 70 types of oomycetes and higher fungi were found in the dead sea.

Resorts of the Dead Sea

The unique microclimate of the Dead Sea coast makes it possible to visit it all year round. For example, the resorts of Ein Bokek, Ein Gedi, Na-Akikar are famous not only by high-class balneological centers and unique specialists, but also the level of service, which guests are called "Royal". On the coast you can find hotels and hospitals for every taste and wealth: from offering accommodation for $ 1000 per day to more modest, for $ 80 per day. High is considered the season from April to October, but the most attractive prices of local sanatoriums and hotels offer early spring. However, the Israeli doctors recommend to come here at least once a year and at any time even if everything is in order with your health. This can be done, for example, in the framework of the tourist trip to Israel: the distance from Ben Gurion Airport is 83 km, UVDA - 211, Eilat - 288 km.

Patients have long appreciated the properties of the Rape and the mud of the dead sea as not having analogues on the effects on the skin. Ball rule wraps with dozens of algae species, mud applications, sessions in capsules, salt baths, procedures with rape, aromatherapy and holistic massage. Among customers are Hollywood stars, politicians and businessmen. The dead sea is called Mecca for fans of the so-called philosophy of active longevity - in a non-fit season here you can meet patients aged 90 and older. Neurodermit, arthritis, bronchitis, psoriasis, vitiligo - far from a complete list of diseases that are successfully treating on the coast even among the most elderly guests.

And, of course, no guest of the coast of the Dead Sea left without local cosmetics based on the minerals of the Dead Sea, packed for home therapeutic procedures of Rape and mud, and, of course, local sweets, hummus and spices delivered from the Arab neighborhoods.

Sights near the Dead Sea

The dead sea is bizarrely woven into the history of all world civilizations. For example, there were biblical soda and gomorra, and in 1947, Kumranian manuscripts were discovered. Mount Sodom is a salt ridge with a length of 12 kilometers in the southern part of the coast - guests are offered for visiting today. Here, in the southern part, there are sources of legendary black mud used for healthcare procedures and made of cosmetics. The uniqueness of the black mud also in its absolute hypoallery - it can be used even to those patients, about which they say that they are "allergic even to the air." In the free from the procedures, guests are also taken to Kibbutz Ein Gedi, where they grow unique varieties of dates and colors, and rare birds are bred. There is also a plant that specializes on the production of mineral and thermal water known throughout the world. It is worth calling and divided into several zones national Park Masada with a cable car, and in the hanging palace. The Jewish Desert is famous for the fact that David himself was the first hermit. It is also located the Byzantine monasteries of Savva Sangered (here he accepted by the post of John Damaskin) and the temptation monastery (the gospel strates that in these places Satan tempes Jesus). At the foot of the Jewish Mountains you can visit the ruins of Jericho, whose age is at least eleven thousand years.

You will be in Israel, be sure to visit the coast of the Dead Sea, because such places are on our planet. And our company Flagship Travel will be happy to help you organize a trip to these places. Established relationships with reliable tour operators, extensive experience will help make your journey memorable for a long time.

Excursions in the Dead Sea from private guides and travel agencies.
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The Dead Sea In Israel, whose name is translated from Hebrew (Yam Hamelah), means "Sea of \u200b\u200bSalt" - essentially one of the most unique lakes in the world.

Nowhere else in the world there is no such unique combination of natural factors, as here.

  1. First, the Dead Sea is the lowest point of the earth sushi (namely, 415 meters below the world's ocean level).
  2. Secondly, the Dead Sea is the most salty reservoir all over the world.
  3. Thirdly, the Dead Sea contains more than 20 types of salts and all kinds of useful minerals. The water of the Dead Sea is a 33% solution of these very salts and minerals. For comparison, in the waters of the Mediterranean, only 3.5% of salts are dissolved.

And indeed, the Dead Sea is the most salty largest pool, where the concentration of salts per liter reaches 340 grams, that is, if we compare it again Mediterranean Sea, here is the concentration of higher than 10 times! You can easily be convinced that the sea can not only swim, but also to sit, without making the slightest effort to stay on the surface - so you only have to enjoy the rays of gentle sun :)

Several major rivers fall into the Dead Sea, including the famous ancient Jordan River. However, since the source from the Dead Sea does not exist, the water from here leaves exclusively by evaporation, and the dissolved salt remains here, consistently concentrating. Thus, there remains a thick concentrated cocktail from salts and minerals that are successfully applied in medicine.

Why is the dead sea so well? Thanks to numerous natural minerals contained in its waters, healing oxygen and super-sexable bromine vapors dissolved in the air, as well as hot sulfur sources, affectionate solar rays passing through a natural filter - an additional 4-meter layer of air and therefore not burning - thanks to all The most important factors of the Dead Sea over time turned into a unique and incredibly popular health resort among tourists.

Tours to the dead The sea is extremely popular among russian tourists. Travelers come here not only to relax well and at the same time to treat and restore forces, but also in order to enjoy them around their magnificent scenery, as well as to get acquainted with various and extremely curious sights of Israel.

Death video

The main attraction of the Dead Sea is it, of course, water and a common healing climate. These features from historical times were attracted here travelers, among whom were the king himself Herod Great, and the beautiful Egyptian queen Cleopatra itself. Of course, in Israel ...

Device Sea: Excursions and Events

If you are a commitment to cognitive trips, we recommend that you go for a walk to Masada's fortress, which was erected on a large-scale alpine plateau on the orders of King Herod. Another place, without a visit to which no excursion tour of the Dead Sea is bypass, is located in 1.5 km west of the National Park "Kumran", organized by the place where starting from the VIII century BC. e. There was a small settlement of Hirbat-Kumran, in the first century BC. e. Transferred to the residence of the Kumran community. Not far from the residues of the settlement are caves, where in the middle of the 20th century, archaeologists have discovered the conversion of the Dead Sea.

Tourists-lovers of relaxation in nature will probably remember a visit to the unique reserve "Ein Gedi" and the evergreen of the same name national Park, in whose territory you can go to long-term hiking To excellent waterfalls, watch the life of animals and birds. Here are the remnants of a large synagogue with a well-preserved mosaic. If you are a dream about something more extremal, you will certainly do a snow in local numerous canyons, make a dive into the Dead Sea remembered for a whole life or ride on the Jewish desert on a bike, a jeep and can even be a camel.

The story of the Dead Sea

Rich in diverse historical and spiritual events The history of the gradual development of the Dead Sea leaves the roots in the distant past. However, the modern Dead Sea was formed only some 20-40 thousand years ago, and from fresh water. By the way, according to biblical legends, it is on ...

Climate in the dead sea

On the Dead Sea, the solar weather is saved all year round, here is more than 330 sunny days in year. The air in the region is sufficiently dry and low-contaminated, not containing allergium impurities. In addition, the air on the Dead Sea is contained at 10 or even 20 times more bromine than in any other place in the world, which, of course, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. The air pressure here is about 800 - 810 mm Hg, for this reason, the oxygen content in the air by 15% exceeds the indicators above sea level. On the Dead Sea drops less than 50 mm of precipitation per year.

Weather conditions on the Dead Sea, as well as the average seasonal temperatures are as follows: From November to April, the average maximum water temperature of the Dead Sea varies from +22 to + 29 ° C, in the period from May to September-October, it equals + 32-37 ° C, In June-July - about + 38-39 ° C. The temperature of the air on the Dead Sea is rarely lowered below the mark +10 C. The average relative humidity in the resort is quite low: 27% in the summer, 38% in winter. It is worth noting the weakened ultraviolet radiation on the Dead Sea. Also, a large ozone layer is recorded here, which prevents the penetration of the hot rays of the ubiquitous white sun of the desert, also the merked sea is distinguished by low humidity and a very small amount of precipitation (about 50 mm). All this allows tourists to spend on the beach a few hours in a row.

Device Sea: Entertainment and Active Leisure


In total, more than 10 major dermatological medical institutions are working on the dead sea, where many skin diseases, chronic arthritis, arthropathy are successfully treated. In addition, generously saturated with oxygen air of the dead sea Help tourists in the treatment of respiratory diseases, high atmospheric pressure contributes to a decrease in blood pressure from suffering hypertension. In addition, the local centers are accepted (and not only accept, but in addition, and treat) patients with neurological and andraological diseases and offer various wellness programs using mud baths and black clay wraps.

Unique healing properties of the Dead Sea are used by the Medicines of Israel to develop a variety of treatment complexes of the following diseases:

  • Psoriasis: Psoriasis therapy on the Dead Sea includes acceptance solar baths In combination with pleasant water treatments in the sea and some use of ointments. In special solariums intended for patients, patients may remain over a few hours, substituting themselves with the sun's rays and at the same time do not attend risk to get ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Dermatitis: Patients with dermatitis - the 2nd large group of patients arriving for treating the Dead Sea. Here they receive treatment similar to those offered to sick psoriasis, however, with some essential adjustments. So, solar and sea baths as partially postponed for several days. The patient's reaction is under constant control. The definition of proper care conditions for the patient is made much more carefully than in the treatment of other diseases. The process of treating dermatitis is carried out slowed down, as the patient as phased acclimatization. The recommended treatment time is not 4, but as many as 6 weeks. The most optimal results of treatment are achieved as a rule in the interval between March and June, as well as between October and December.
  • Asthma: Environmentally friendly air in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Arad, which is formed due to the mixing of air flows from the desert of the Negev and Dead Sea, is saturated with light ions of bromine, iodine, oxygen and ozone and is an excellent basis for the treatment of bronchial asthma and other numerous broncho-pulmonary disease diseases .
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (SHU): This is a specific state of the body, in which the threshold limit of the human nervous system reaches its critical mark. Characteristic symptoms of SHU: Increased irritability (tension) and at the same time fatigue, leading to headaches, the instability of blood pressure and cardiac rhythm; Sleep disorders, reducing the protective forces of the body (and all immune), which in turn often leads to various pathologies. High results obtained in the treatment of SCU on the Dead Sea are promoted by the unique properties of the resort - the sea here is invariably calmly, the air is saturated with magnesium and bromine couples, the clinic offers mineral mud and procedures such as salt pilling, useful relaxing massages, wet algae wrapping in special Therapeutic relaxation system ALPHA SPA Capsule. Upon completion of the course, patients enhance the body's stability to everyday stress, the feeling of influx of vital energy, total body cheerfulness and spirit comes.

Additional diseases that are successfully treated on the Dead Sea.

  • Skin diseases:
    • treatment of eczema
    • treating ichthyosis
    • treatment of fungal-like Mikosa 1-2 Stages
    • script Schlerodermia in the initial stage
    • treatment of red flat deprived
    • treatment of Paritus
    • treatment of inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine, treatment of psoriatic polyarthritis (in the inactive phase)
    • treatment of osteochondrosis
    • treatment of rheumatism
    • treatment of respiratory diseases
  • LOR pathology:
    • treatment of chronic sinusitis (hymorite)
    • treatment of chronic recurrent otites in the remission
    • tintus treatment - noise in the ears (including unclear etiology)
    • menieral disease treatment
    • treatment of chronic rhinitis (adenoid hypertrophy), incl. and allergic, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis (including professional)
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
    • treatment of Crohn's disease
    • treatment of ulcerative colitis
    • treatment of chronic gastritis (with increased and reduced acidity)
    • treatment of gastroduodenitis
    • treatment of ulcene disease of the stomach and 12-rosewood (IBS - syndrome, UC - colitis), intestinal dysbiosis (including children)
  • liver pathology and biliary tract:
    • chronic Pancreatitis Dressee
    • treatment of cholecystitis
    • treatment of hepatitis
  • proctological pathology:
    • treatment of proctitis
    • paraproktitis treatment is out of the aggravation stage
    • hemorrhoid treatment
    • treatment of cracked rear passage
    • treatment of rectal loss, states after transferred surgical interventions in this area

Contraindications for arrival on the Dead Sea:

  1. epilepsy diseases, schizophrenia
  2. parkinson's disease
  3. moored myocardial infarction prescription 2 months, as well as hemorrhagic stroke for 6 months
  4. hypertension disease 3 stages
  5. respiratory failure in 2-3 stages
  6. acute infectious disease
  7. lung tuberculosis disease
  8. renal, liver failure
  9. bubble disease
  10. disease of red Volcanic

Transport Features of the Dead Sea

The resort of the Dead Sea represents several villages consisting of a variety of hotels. Hotel complexes Include everything you need to tourists. It should not be assumed that they only go here in order to become - the resort offers a magnificent beach rest All year round!

The villages scattered along the whole coast are connected bus routes, The fare in which depends on the distance. Bus service is the most preferred type of movement in Israel. Money for travel is most convenient to pay the driver at the entrance. Taxi in the resort is customary to call on the phone or take the car from the taxi parking lots near hotels.

Below, we give the distance from the resorts of the Dead Sea to the main cities of Israel, as well as the fare of the bus:

  1. Eilat - about 233 km. A bus ride from the resorts of the Dead Sea to Eilat will cost tourists about 55 shekels, while traveling is slightly more than 3 hours.
  2. Tel Aviv is about 219 km. Moving by bus to the capital of Israel will be approximately 50 shekels, the trip will last about 3 hours.
  3. Jerusalem is about 163 km. The cost of a bus ticket is about 40 shekels, the time on the way is 2 hours.
  • The address: Israel;
  • Surface height above sea level: -430 m;
  • Square: 605 km²;
  • Length: 50 km;
  • Waterguide Square: 41 650 km²;
  • Width: 15 km.

There are no azure sandy beaches, picturesque corals, tropical fish and beautiful rocky bays, and a long stay in water can even harm health. Nevertheless, the coast of this sea is devoyed popular resorts With hotels of any class and wellness centers with a wide range of services. It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about a completely unique reservoir on Earth - the Dead Sea. Someone goes here to fix health, someone really want to experience the amazing power of salt water, which does not give to drown, someone craves to see famous attractions associated with this sea and its surroundings.

Where is the Dead Sea in Israel?

Most people are on the question: "Where is the dead sea?", Answer: "In Israel". This is not true. In fact, this reservoir lies on the border of two states: Jordan and. These countries have almost the same coast line for the length. Just on Western Israel coast more developed tourist infrastructureSo here are more popular than in Jordan. In addition, many tourists attract the opportunity to combine the journey immediately to the three seas: red, mediterranean and Dead Sea.which are applied to the map of Israel.

Israel resorts on the Dead Sea

Going to the shores of the most mysterious and unusual sea on Earth, be prepared for the fact that you will be waiting for you at all this atmosphere of careless recreation and fun, which reigns on the beaches and. Surrounded by Sacral, one hundred and hundreds of meters below sea level, among the crystal clean space, saturated with useful minerals. The concept of "rest" acquires a completely different meaning here. I want silence, privacy and harmony with nature. Therefore, the resorts, as such, there are not much here.

The main city of Israel, in which the Dead Sea is located - Ein-Bokek. It focuses the main part of hotels, equipped beaches and wellness clinics. There are many cafes, restaurants, shopping centers. And although in Ein-Bokek, there are always a lot of people and is perceived as an ordinary coastal city, local population there is no. The whole staff serving staff arrives from nearby townships. Therefore, it is correct to call Ein-Bokek just the resort of Israel on the Dead Sea.

Among ordinary settlements On the coast, where tourist infrastructure is also developed, you can allocate:

There is another city on the Dead Sea in Israel, where tourists are often coming, despite the fact that it is removed from the shore for 25 km. It . Its feature is that the location of the city contributed to the creation of completely unique natural climatic conditions here. Arad is recognized by UNESCO with the most pure city in the world in terms of environmentally friendly aspect. The composition of the air and its physical properties are unique. That is why tourists are seeking to get here different countrieswho wish to correct or strengthen their health. There are a lot of specialized clinics, spas and health complexes in the city.

Dead Sea Beaches in Israel

Lovers of recreation "Dicks" will have to disappoint. You will not be able to retire in any place like the coast. Bathing in the Dead Sea pays in itself many dangers (accidental swallowing too salted water, which aggressively affects the mucous membranes, slying sand, underwater rocks). Therefore, swimming is allowed only in specially designated and appointed places.

Rest in Israel on the Dead Sea is possible on the following beaches:

You can get to the beaches on the Dead Sea in Israel on a rented car or bus from Tel Aviv (№421, go about 2.5 hours), Jerusalem (№486, 444, 487, the road will take 40 minutes to 2 hours) or Eilat (№444, on the way about 2.5-4 hours, depending on the beach, where you are going).

What to look at the Dead Sea in Israel?

Recreation on the shore of an unusual reservoir can be diversified by fascinating tour of local attractions. In the nearby surroundings there are many outstanding historical and pilgrimages, as well as amazing natural parks and nature reserves. Whatever paradoxically, but one of the most lively and saturated photos in Israel you will do on the Dead Sea.

So, the main attractions:

  • canyon Parsa;

  • canyon Tmarim.;

  • irodion National Park;

  • ancient city Jericho;

  • Byzantine monasteries in the desert;
  • ein-Gedi National Park;

  • tor Canyon;

  • reserve "Ein Prat";

  • mount Sodom with the famous statue - Lot's wife;

  • museum "Story Dvor Good Samaritian";


You can go on interesting places yourself, taking a car for rent, or join the excursion group.

What treats the Dead Sea in Israel?

It's no secret that many people travel to the Dead Sea do not have so much to relax on the beach, how much to get a charge of health and cheerfulness for many months ahead. Even if you won't be under the close attention of workers of the medical clinic or recreation center, still searcate from here with noticeably rapid health and improved well-being.

Minerals and salts of the Dead Sea favorably affect, first of all, on the skin:

  • soften and moisturize the upper layers of the dermis;
  • eliminate deep pollution;
  • accelerate regeneration processes;
  • remove toxins;
  • improve blood circulation and metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, scars, microcracks;
  • stimulate the work of the immune system, reduce the risk of infectious and bacterial skin diseases.

Very helpful to rest on the Dead Sea of \u200b\u200bthose who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. The athletes come here to recover after injuries, patients with arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and rheumatism.

There is still a huge list of diseases in which holidays on the Dead Sea will be a great way to improve health and prevent the progression of the disease. These include: eczema, psoriasis, chronic bronchitis, diabetes mellitus, prostatitis, dermatitis, prostate hypertrophy, asthma, ENT disease (sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tinituses, tonsillites, laryngitis), all sorts of allergies.

And, of course, the special "satisfaction" from the rest of the Dead Sea will receive a nervous system. Here you will not only get rid of depression, chronic fatigue and remove stress, but also be able to treat more serious dysfunctions of the nervous system (asthen-neurotic states, neurosis, centers).

Dead Sea Hotels in Israel

On the coast of the Dead Sea, the entire range of vacation options for tourists is presented. There are hotels, loggies, guest houses, apartments, hostels, chalets and campgrounds.

The largest selection in Ein-Bokek. We present you a list best places For accommodation based on reviews and guest ratings:

Also a lot of hotels on the Dead Sea in small settlement Israel - Neva Zohar. The best of them:

About 9 mini-hotels and guest houses are located in Midgesa Akikar ( Libi Bamidbar., Dead Sea Tamar "S Cabin, Etzlenu Bahazer.). There are also accommodation options in Ein-Tamara (), Ein Gedi ( hotel Kibbutz.), Almog ( mini Hotel Almog) and routing routine ( hostel Metsoke Dragot.).


Perhaps the weather on the Dead Sea is one of the most favorable in. All year round is sunny and warm, there is almost no rain. Yes, it is also practically impossible to burn out here, since malicious ultraviolet rays simply do not reach so low, to level -400 meters below sea level.

The average temperature in summer + 35 ° C, in winter + 21 ° C. Water also rarely cools down to a temperature below + 20 ° C. therefore bathing season Continuous here. Umbrella to the resorts of the Dead Sea can not take. In just a year in this region, about 50 mm of precipitation falls. Getting under a small short-term rain is probability only from November to March.

What time of year you did not go, take warm things with you. They can be useful even hot summer, since during the day the temperature may vary in the range of 15-20 ° C.

How to get?

Getting to the Dead Sea in Israel is easy, in whatever city you have not gathered to relax. By bus can be reached from ,. There are several routes that will lead you to Ein-Bokek, Khameya Zohar, Ein Gedi, Neve Zohar or Kalia. You can also use a rented car or taxi. The nearest airport is to the Dead Sea in Israel. There are no direct buses from it, but almost to any resort can be reached with transfers.

Useful information for tourists about the Dead Sea in Israel - geographical position, travel infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

The Dead Sea is a salt lake located on the territory of Israel and Jordan. The coast of the Dead Sea is the lowest land plot on Earth: it is 417 meters below sea level. The level of the Dead Sea continues to decline. This amazing reservoir is called "dead", because due to the high content of salt in it, neither fish nor other organisms can live.

In the atmosphere over the dead sea of \u200b\u200boxygen by 10% more than above any other sea. In this place the highest ozone layer on earth, which eliminates rigid short ultraviolet rays from the spectrum of sunlight, leading to cancer and a number of other diseases.

The Dead Sea is the most saline in the world of the lake. The composition of the salts is unique, not characteristic of other seas, and also practically do not reproduce artificially. They are brought to the Dead Sea 55 hot mineral springs from a depth of 1500 m. Due to a certain combination and high content of a number of elements (magnesium sulfate, bromide, lithium salts, etc.) Water and dirt of this lake have a pronounced antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect. , Run a number of biochemical processes in the skin leading to the rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

100% natural black dirt of the Dead Sea for Face and Body - a mixture of marine minerals and organic substances - formed for thousands of years. Minerals allow to enrich oxygen cells, improving their metabolism, resulting in the result of the best removal of toxins from the moisture body is better kept in the skin. This is significantly improved by the quality of the skin, its elasticity, the amount of wrinkles decreases, and also makes it possible to successfully treat many diseases.

Specialization of the resort:
- skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne, neurodermatitis);
- muscular and general (polyarthritis, mystics, mositeitis, collagenoses);
- respiratory (bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis);
- neurological (asthenia, vegetiovascular dystonia, insomnia, physical rehabilitation);
- Andrological and gynecological (male and female infertility, prostatitis, impotence).

Hotels of the Dead Sea are over 4,000 rooms more than 15 hotels. Everyone is located near the sea. All hotels of the Dead Sea are equipped with modern wellness centers, guests of which are located mud and sulfur baths, massages, inhalations, cosmetic procedures, closed and outdoor pools with water of the Dead Sea and modern gyms.

Each hotel on the Dead Sea has several restaurants offering their guests a kitchen of different peoples of the world, discos and entertainment programs are held.

Over the shore of the Dead Sea at a 440-meter rock, the legendary fortress - Masada is rising - the symbol of the revival of statehood. It is in this fortress that 960 Jews (among them and small children), three years old, resisted the 15 thousandth army of the Roman invaders, and when it became clear that the enemy would not overcome, they decided to commit suicide.

Dead sea called salt Lakewhich is located on the territory of Jordan and Israel. His coast is below sea level at 417 m, this is the lowest land sushi section on our planet. There is a constant decrease in the level of the Dead Sea. Due to the very high concentration of salt in it, there are no any kind of living organisms (hence the name of the lake).

It is noteworthy that in the atmosphere above the dead sea of \u200b\u200boxygen (by 10%) than over other reservoirs. The ozone layer is the highest in the world, so the sunlight does not contain harmful ultraviolet rays, and therefore safe!

Another characteristic feature of the Dead Sea is that it is very saline on Earth, and the composition of the salts is unique and not characteristic of other seas, is also not considered and artificially reproduced. At the depths of the lake, which is 1500 m, there are 55 hot mineral sources, thanks to which there is such a unique composition of water in the Dead Sea. The presence of chemical elements: lithium salts, magnesium sulfate, bromide, etc., their high content and a certain combination give water and dirt of this lake with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties, as well as they have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

For many thousands of years, the formation of black dirt of the Dead Seawhich is a mixture of organic substances and marine minerals. For the skin of the face and body, the dirt composition is excellent: minerals enrich the cells with oxygen, their metabolism improves (as a result - the best removal of toxins from the body), moisture is held longer in the skin. Due to this - a decrease in the number of wrinkles, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, that is, its condition is significantly improved. Also mud it is possible to successfully get rid of many ailments.

The resort specializes in the treatment of the following diseases:

1. Respiratory: bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

2. Skin: acne, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis.

3. Andrological and gynecological: prostatitis, impotence, female and male infertility.

4. Neurological: insomnia, asthenia, vegetative dystonia, as well as physical rehabilitation.

5. Muscular and general: Miastinia, polyarthritis, collagenoses, mosses.

More than fifteen hotels are located near the sea, in them over four thousand numbers. All dead Sea Hotels Contemporary wellness centers are offered: sulfur and mud baths, inhalation, massages, cosmetic procedures. Also centers are equipped with gym and pools (there are also closed and open) with water of the Dead Sea.

Tourist stories about the Dead Sea.

The decade my husband and I decided to note unusual and my husband. Despite the fact that together we visited many seas and even two oceans, it was the dead sea that I remember in memory of my originality. Many tourists visit these places to improve, and we arrived at unique landscapes, which seemed in the photo of their friends.

We rested in the midst of the summer - in mid-July 2017. To say that it was hot weather - it means nothing to say. The air was so hot that it was hard to breathe him. For five days of our stay, it is not that rain, even a small white cloud in the sky was not seen. The air temperature all the time was stable on the terrifying mark of + 38 ° F. At night, he declined only for four to five degrees, which did not help the gross land and air. Water in the very dead either will not call a refreshing + 30 ° C. That is, wherever we go, everywhere we accompanied the crazy heat. With you, we always took a few ... Read more

In February 2015, I happened to visit the Dead Sea. Rest turned out not only useful, but also informative. There are simply gorgeous spa areas, incredible hotels and good tours on sights.

I did not think that in February I had so beautifully here to spend time. In Moscow - harsh winter, and here warm and sunshine. The temperature of the water all year round is stable from 21 to 24 degrees.

On the coast, many hotels. I lived in Lot -spa-likele. Wonderful hotel. I liked the fact that it has its own way to the sea and its own well-kept beach. Food at the hotel is a buffet. It is convenient for those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. The hotel has a spa area where they make a variety of body care procedures. In addition, there is a gym, and perfectly equipped.

On the Dead Sea several beaches. There are paid and free, but everywhere is the same ... Read completely

Beach "Potassium"

Kalia Beach (Kalia Beach) is one of the beaches closest to Jerusalem on the Israeli side of the Dead Sea. It is located in the northern part of the Dead Sea, next to two more beaches - "Bianinsky" and "Nave Midbar".

In this part of the Dead Sea there are waves, and it happens that strong enough. Such on the beaches in the resort area of \u200b\u200bhotels (Ein Bokek and in the Neva Zohar) almost never happens ...

The entrance to the beach is paid: for adults - 55 shekels, for children from 3 to 12 years old are slightly cheaper - 44 Sheek.

In March 2010, she wanted to warm up after a long winter, and we found themselves in Israel. Ben Gurion Airport met us rather non-shit. The border control hall was packed by a bit. True, the queue moved in a good pace, after half an hour in the passports stood stamps, giving a paste to the ground promised. Our suitcase has already been waiting for their owners, like a minibus meeting. Immersed and went to the Dead Sea.

Stories about the Dead Sea

Popular hotels.

Israel \\ Dead Sea
A photo Name Location Information
SPA Club Dead SEA 4 *
Hod Hamidbar 4 * Israel, Dead Sea, Ein Bokek
Leonardo Club 4 * Israel, Dead Sea, Neve Zohar
Oasis Dead SEA 3 * Israel, Dead Sea
Crowne Plaza Dead SEA 5 * Israel, Dead Sea, Ein Bokek

Latest reviews about the hotels of the Dead Sea.

I decided somehow unexpectedly in March the month to go to relax in Israel. I arrived at the hotel just March 21. With me for a ticket, with a flight, 88 thousand rubles took the flight. And on the day of arrival began unexpected and I can not say that pleasant. For the fact that I was settled in the room with a balcony demanded a surcharge of $ 30 per day! Apparently, their guests are not worthy of living in rooms with balconies. Well, you can have to agree.

Then I strongly confused the distance from the hotel to the sea. In the travel agency I was told very beautifully and said that it was just some 120 meters. But as it turned out that in fact it was necessary to go no less minutes, and even on such a terrible heat! I still think that for such huge money is a clear bust.

In principle, in the hotel's concept, there is such a concept as a transport delivery of guests of the hotel to the beach. But here everything rests on one problem - the drivers do not want to ride here at the heat there. You can half an hour to stand on the Sun bakery and expect when he deigns to drive up, and at that time he sits herself in a tank and chats on the benefit of Wi-Fi at the hotel free. It honestly was terribly annoyed, he is there with air conditioning and you are standing here and then pour it on the heat. So I wanted to honestly approach him and something to crack on my head.

In general, the hotel of course looks very cool, but the meal is terribly annoyed. The choice of a completely limited ten minutes are like and in the end you will not choose because there is nothing at all. The lobby bar is very attentive and pleasant staff. Thank you so much for such an attitude. But that was the problem - I didn't pay them every time I ate or swept, they suggested me to record with the number of the room.

And before the deduction, I gave me an account and I paid it. But again, the most unpleasant was when I gave me another bill but already what I did not drink and did not eat. And there were still the products that I did not order at all. And all my attempts to prove that they were either meaningless, pay and that's it! I had to pay, well at least the amount was small. Therefore, people are kind! If you do not want to fuck your nerves, then you should not go to this hotel!

We also stayed with my husband in this hotel only for two nights, it was in April of this year when the season was in full swing and the hotel was completely filled. I had to take an improved room for an additional 55 dinar per day because everything else was busy. Settlement passed instantly for which great gratitude to the guys at the reception that very quickly solve all the questions. The porter quickly downloaded our luggage on his tarantayka and taking us to our room. Just in case I remind you that the tips here are welcome.

Our number that was listed as O-14 was on the second floor and went to the main pool. It should notice that these numbers about that is "oasis" everything is incredibly good - and the views are gorgeous here, and they are closer to the sea, but there is one unpleasant moment - on Fridays and Thursdays here is too noisy. And this is all because there is a restaurant nearby in which there are loud Arabic music on these days until 23 o'clock in the evening. If you close a balcony and caster to the windows, it will be more or less tolerant, but still a little heard.

Super room, very large with two rooms and two bathrooms, all very new and stylish interior. In both rooms there was a big new TV, our room was already after cosmetic repair. And in other rooms, he quietly walked. But completely unnoticed, neither noise neither dust nor even the smell of paint was.

The bed is very large with a completely new bed, everything is beautiful and clean. The mini bar is non-alcoholic and free, updated every day. The room was directly built-in charging for mobile phones and clock clock. As a compliment kit for tea and coffee. Every day brought for free on one big bottle of water. Safes stood in both rooms was also a hairdryer.

The towels were for hands and for the body, besides them, bathrobes and slippers. If suddenly something lacked, you could call the reception and they will immediately bring. All toiletries in a double instance Since two bathrooms. I must say that they are very high quality. Bathrooms serves special threads for drying linen, separately bathroom and separate shower. It is worth the bidet and even the phone in the case if in the toilet with you suddenly something happens. Two balconies, and on them tables and two ottles.

There is no more than five minutes to go to the restaurant, and somewhere 15 minutes to the sea. It is necessary to just go down the steps past the private villas. Cleaning is very good, but due to the overcrowding of the hotel, the cleaner reached us only to three o'clock day. I removed the bed, replaced towels and sets in the bathroom. I have for the tips asked an additional shampoo tube.

In the main pool, water is quite suitable temperature and very good that there are different depths. But in that pool that heated (he is next to) water is too chlorinated. In the bar near the pool and the day and in the evening music plays. The main pool is more suitable for family holiday And with children as well. Towels were issued near the main basin. There is also a spa but we did not look into it. But vacationers are very praised.

The minus of the beach is uncomfortable come in the sea. There is no ladder or slabs, you need to go along the large stones covered with salt. Due to the large number of bathing salt, places are smoothed, but still without slippers are very uncomfortable - you can easily hurt. There are showers on the beach and there is a Chan with healing mud. If you rise from the sea just up the steps then there is a wide beach strip and on it sun beds and also showers. The temperature of the water in the sea is simply excellent - not hot and not cold.

Power due to a large number of vacationers was simplified but still chic. For breakfasts for four or six types of flakes with nuts and grains, yogurts are sweet and simple. There was still yogurt more reminiscent of the sweetened cream, very tasty with the additives of coconut and fiber. Boiled eggs, buns, bread, omelet did with additives on request, two types of sausages and sausages, cheese, potatoes, baked tomatoes, then fresh cucumbers with tomatoes, olives, sardines, bacon fried, salads, croissants, oranges, apples and grapefruits , jams are different, leaflery, fruit salads, cupcakes, honey, pancakes, well, waffles are baked right in your presence.

There was a soup for lunch, then fried potatoes, baked vegetables, cheese of four kinds, four-five salads, olives, greens, fish and cakes in sauce, Kebab fry right with you, chicken breast too, meat in sauce including lamb , rice, then pasta with cherry tomatoes, excellent selection of sweets, chocolate cake, souffle and cheesecake. In general, everything was awesome tasty. And we are certainly satisfied with meals.

So the hotel in which we rest is not the first time we constantly like it, we recommend it to you. Well, if you get into the numbers after the update, everything will be wonderful in general.

I want to warn at once those who plan to go here to rest about that on the coast of the Dead Sea from the Jordanian side very few hotels and all of them are quite expensive. Well, we already caught fire to go exactly therefore they chose from what was. This one looked in pictures quite decently, the reviews are normal and the price is more or less arranged.

When already settled about arrival at the hotel, they learned about a very unpleasant surprise - it turns out to be taxes and fees in Bucking at the price of the hotel, so we had to immediately add twenty percent to the initial cost. So be careful and consider this fact. If I knew about it in advance, it would be better to choose the same chalet in Mujib Chalet on the same approximately.

Infrastructure around the hotel is not quite, only one road. When we drove, it was just a gap between dinner and dinner, but there was very much. We had to take the car and go to the only nearest shopping center Samara. There are as many three cafes. Well, in the hotel itself there is a pub with a very smiling bartender.

In February, there are naturally no season in the local places, so the hotel has lived a maximum of five people. Maybe therefore the beach looked completely abandoned with torn umbrellas and a bunch of non-spacing pipes. The souls work very badly and diewhide as such are not here and in risen. In the morning they met the cleaner there, he diligently noted and prepared a bucket with mud in advance.

A construction site is located right behind the hotel fence, there is a bunch of excavators, and naturally noise, dust and dirt. Although the hotel is almost empty, we still managed to settle in the patio and we perfectly heard the neighbors from the room opposite. If there is a balcony, we may even have seen everything that they are in the room there. The room we had a slightly shabby but still spacious, so it was possible to live in principle.