Catastrophe over Sinai. A year ago Over Sinai, a plane exploded with Russian tourists

Exactly a year ago, October 31, 2015, there was the most massive in Russia in the number of victims of the aircraft crash. Then in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, the A321 airline of the Kogalymavia Airlines. On board were 217 passengers, including 24 children, and seven crew members. All of them died. Russian authorities recognized the terrorist attack that occurred, but the international investigation has not yet been completed.

On October 31, the Cogalymavia A321 airline was performed by a charter flight from Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg. The liner flew at 5:50 in the morning and after 23 minutes disappeared with radar. On the same day, the search groups of the Egyptian government found wreckage of the destroyed aircraft near the city of Nekhel in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. All those who were on board 224 people died, among them 219 Russians, four citizens of Ukraine and one native of Belarus.

Causes of crash A321

An international investigation, which leads the Egyptian aviation authorities, is not yet completed. Representatives of Russia, France, Germany, Ireland and the United States take part in it.

The first is that the terrorist attack could occur on board the A321, shortly after the plane crash began to report Western media with reference to their sources in special services and officials. From these publications, it was necessary that the US and the UK authorities considered the version of the terrorist attack of the most likely. However, in Moscow for a long time publicly distanced himself from it, calling the version of the terrorist attack of premature and urge to wait for the official results of the investigation. And only on November 6, it was decided to suspend flights with Egypt to clarify the causes of the A321 crash and evacuate the Russians there.

Officially the FSB terrorist attack that happened over Sinai only after two and a half weeks after the catastrophe, November 17. According to the department, a homemade explosive device worked in flight. Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Security Council to find the organizers of the crash "at any point of the planet" and destroy them.

However, the authorities of Egypt even after these statements continued to insist that the most likely cause of the catastrophe was a technical problem. And only in February 2016, the President of the country Abdel Fatay al-Sisi acknowledged that the terrorist attack occurred on board A321.

In September, the Kommersant newspaper with reference to the sources reported that the International Technical Commission set the exact explosion place in the aircraft. According to the publication, the experts determined that the terrorists mined the outbuilding luggage compartment in the tail part of the aircraft, hiding the explosive device between baby strollers and wicker furniture, which tourists were carried.

Russia and the CIA believe that the explosion on board organized "Villa Sinai" (until 2014 - Ansar Beit Al-McDis), the cell forbidden in Russia the Terrorist Organization "Islamic State" (ISIL). This grouping took responsibility for the collapse A321: November 18, 2015, the propaganda magazine of the Islamic state "Dabik" published a photo of a self-made explosive device made from Schweppes sickling bank. As stated in the article, this device was powered on board A321. In August 2016, the Egyptian military about the murder of the leader "Vilayat Sinai" Abu Duaa Al-Anseari, suspected of organizing a terrorist attack.


Relatives of those killed in the catastrophe repeatedly complained about the course of the investigation and the process of payment of compensation. In December, lawyer Igor Trunov on behalf of 35 relatives to the Basmanny Court of the complaint about the inaction of the Head of the Investigative Committee of Alexander Bastrykina. According to a lawyer, she expressed that SC ignored two conversion of relatives. In one of them, they asked to report the number of the criminal case, recognize them by victims and acquaint the investigation materials. Another complaint concerned Ingosstrakh. In appeal, it was stated that the company was fraudulently received from the relatives of the dead statements, limiting their right to appeal to the court in order to obtain compensation. In the "Ingosstrakh", these accusations categorically rejected. And the suit to Bastrykin was rejected.


After the collapse of the Kogalymavia aircraft, Russia suspended the flight with Egypt, and the tour operators were banned in this direction. All year, they were waiting for the renewal of communications with the country, which for many years was one of the main resort directions for Russians. According to the latest data, it can happen not before December-January.

To resume flights to the Egyptian side, it is necessary to carry out a number of security requirements for airport safety (their full list officially unveiled). During the year, Russia has repeatedly sent its specialists to Egypt for inspections at Cairo airports, Sharm-Eshech and Hurghada, but every time violations. According to the sources of the Al-Vatan newspaper, which the TASS quotes, "a number of Russian structures refuse to discuss the issue of the resumption of flights with Egypt before the emergence of the results of the official investigation."

With the closure of flights, Egypt suffered significant losses. From the collapse of tourism - one of the key industries for the country (more than 11% of GDP until November 2015) - the budget of Egypt, as evaluating Reuters lasted more than three billion dollars.

The collapse of the Russian airbus and the subsequent cessation of flights to the Arab Republic led to the problems and for the Kogalymavia itself and the BRISCO tour operator associated with it, which was the customer of the flight 9268. Since the spring of 2015, the case of recognizing the carrier by bankrupt, the next meeting will take place on November 10th. In March, Rosaviatsius limited the certificate of the Kogalymavia operator and deprived its tolerances into 13 international destinations.

The BRISCO tour operator of the BRISCO tour operator has suspended the work until the debt is repaid to customers and agencies. As reported on the Brisco website, after closing flights to Egypt and Turkey, the company suffered "colossal financial and economic losses."

October 31, 2015, Ray Sharm El-Sheikh - St. Petersburg. Someone is reviewing photographs in the phone, representing how to tell the relatives and relatives about the rest. Family couples calm the kids who in the morning behave too vigorously, - yes to fly probably fear. Departure on a schedule, drove it right into the sky. Already the next day, the media is converted to the photo of the "main passenger" - ten-month Darina Thunder. This snapshot will become a kind of symbol of the fateful flight of Airbus 321, from which none of the 224 people have not returned alive.

"Flight in normal mode"

The plane flew safely and began to gain a height at 6:50 Moscow time. Everything passes in normal mode, as suddenly after 23 minutes, the dispatchers lose touch with the crew.

Meanwhile, the Pulkovo airport is reported that the flight is delayed "for technical reasons." Time is transferred once, tolerate two ... In Russia, they try not to think about the most terrible and nervously waiting for messages from relatives: an emergency landing, but about anything, just wrote. When the flowers have already begun to be faded, and the record of the next flight transfer, the nerves of relatives did not stand: calls to Kogalymavia and the BRISCO tour operator were sprinkled. "We find out everything", "do not worry," people in different instances heard.

And then the news came, which flashed in the head in everyone, but they refused. The fact that everything died, it became known not immediately. One of the rescuers who immediately advanced to the place immediately after the crash, said that he had heard the voices of passengers who came from under the liner debris. Already in minutes it turned out: I did not hear it seemed.

Chief passenger

A photo of a ten-month-old Darina Thunder from Gatchina, made at Pulkovo Airport, it seemed to be all Russian well-known media and was converted in social networks. The snapshot became one of the characters of that terrible tragedy.

Son, Alexey, wanted to be a pilot. Only I did not allow, "Grandma Darina Elena told Life later.

Alexei's father 30 years old was a military pilot. The young man himself studied on a technical specialty and went to work in an IT company. Here he met Tatyana. Young people got married a little more than a year before the tragedy. On the still affordable page of a young man in the social network housed a lot of photos of a loved pair made on the wedding day.

The "main passenger" daughter called Tatiana. Before departing from Pulkovo, she photographed a girl who was pressed with handles to the glass, and laid out a picture in the social network.

Grandmother Darina offered his parents not to take the child's flight: it is afraid, it will take it badly. But those and listening did not drive: the child should get sink in the sun.

"I will not live without her"

October 31 became a tragedy for thousands of people. The husband Svetlana Dudochkina, Anatoly, could not fly along with his wife on vacation once. In Egypt, the spouses were already more than once, so the woman knew not bad how to behave in the resort. Especially strange it seemed his warning.

She first went on vacation without me. I told her that if something had happened, I could not survive without it. I no longer want to live, I'm not interested, "said Anatoly's crash.

The woman went to relax in the company of his daughter and two young grandchildren. But the daughter decided to stay on a day or different, as it was possible to relax a little longer. As a result, only Svetlana rose from the whole family on the fatal flight.

Birthday gift

On October 27, the birthday of the civilian wife was celebrated then the deputy head of Pskov Alexander Kopylova. He bought himself and beloved, Elena Melnikova, a ticket. From our work they did not want, but the deputy head of the city persuaded it. It was argued by the fact that the occasion is very weighty.

A man met the future civil wife at work. The fact is that Elena is the head of the personnel department in the Pskov City Duma. Alexander, a few years before, his wife died, Elena - divorced. They were together for about a year by the time.

All the time, Elena spoke on vacation in social networks that they rest very well - bathe, sunbathe and in general "come off." The last time I went online three hours before the fateful departure.

"A little more - and leave from aviation"

Senior flight attendant, 38-year-old Valentina Martsevich, who was dedicated to the sky for 12 years, planned to leave aviation in the near future. She wanted calm, made plans for a quiet family life. Valentina's husband, Maxim, is the aircraft commander. At that moment he was on the flight of Chinese airlines.

Valentine herself from Anapa, worked in the Krasnodar airport when he met the future spouse. Soon together moved to Moscow. He is all the time on the flight, she is on the next departure. Tired of video with her husband and native urabs.

October 5, on his birthday, she flew home to hug mom. The acquaintances later remembered that she behaved rather strangely: it was strangely spoken, smiling strangely, made a lot of pictures.

During return to Moscow, shortly before the fateful flight, the woman was afraid for the first time during the landing. She told his friends, as the liner was shaking and she was afraid that pilots would not succeed in a good board.

"Fluffy, waiting"

The flight attendant Marina Oshotnova was supposed to meet with her husband -Suard Andrei Geometric in Domodedovo on November 1. The plan looked as follows: Andrew landed in Pulkovo, resting, and after going to Moscow as a passenger. After 20 minutes after the arrival of his side, she lands in the capital. Young people planned an unforgettable weekend.

The couple had a tradition: all four years old that they were together, Andrei sent a SMS beloved during such "intersections" with the same text: "Fucking, I'm waiting for you." This time there were no messages. In November, Andrei was supposed to be 30 years old ...


Experts reviewed four main versions of a plane crash: technical malfunction, pilots error that the aircraft was shot down and an explosion.

Technical malfunction

The first version that investigators began to be viewed are a technical malfunction. Allegedly liner had defects. For example, another 14 years before the tragedy, in November 2001, at Cairo Airport, Liner failed and hurt the land tail. Then he still belonged to Middle East Airlines. After the aircraft occurred, the aircraft was repaired and sold. After that, it was chartered by various airlines, until finally, it was not "skew" in Kogalymavia in 2012.

You can talk about this airline anything, but any aircraft of any carrier is tested before the new flight. In addition, the sides are arranged technical checks. So, the liner engines were examined five days before the tragedy. And it would be unlikely that the experts would have missed such a significant malfunction, due to which the aircraft could have crashed. This point of view was confirmed in the airline. In addition, pilots with great experience have repeatedly said that none of the crew members will risk their own life, and simply refuse to fly in case of doubt.

Against the version of the fault, another fact says: on the eve of the crash "Airbus" flew from Sharm el-Sheikh to Samara and back. After that, in the Egyptian airport, he passed maintenance, there was no critical troubleshooting.

A week after the tragedy, Mac representatives told that until the recording of recorder recorders, the flight was held in normal mode, information on refusals of systems and aircraft units on a parametric recorder was not recorded.

Error crew

This version has become the second. Allegedly pilots could panic, incorrectly behave in a critical situation. Such a version was denied in Rosaviation on the same day. FCC Valery Nemov was initially a military pilot, and after retirement (a man was 48 years old) reincounded on a pilot of civil aviation at the Amurair training center in Turkey. Its common experience of the plaque is 3682 hours, of which 1100 hours - the commander of the aircraft.

The second pilot, the 45-year-old Sergey Trukhachyov, had 5641 years old, more than that of the FCC. He passed special training in the Czech Republic for the management of A321.

The version of the error was excluded by the Kogalymavia's pilots themselves: they placed a letter on the network after a few hours after the tragedy, where they claimed that no error could be.


Soon after the collapse of the militants ISIS * took responsibility for the aircraft crash. They even published a video where the aircraft allegedly knocked down. Soon it turned out that the video is nothing more than fake, and no one knocked the Russian liner.

Already after the preliminary inspection of the plane of the aircraft, the experts became clear that no one was shot on him.

The plane burst into the air. Initially, the tail was torn off, and after the whole liner began to decay. The debris of the aircraft was at a distance of about 40 km from each other, the tail and nose were 5 km away.

Terrorist attack

This version is a priority. The fact that the bomb was on board, the media began to write a few hours after the tragedy. During the month, Russian experts confirmed the fact of the explosion. So, on November 16, 2015, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov at the meeting in the Kremlin, for the first time officially announced that the terrorist attack.

Initially it was assumed that the bomb was laid between passenger seats in the 30th row. However, later experts came to the conclusion that the homemade explosive device with a capacity of up to 1 kg in TNT equivalent was in the tail part, next to the children's wheelchairs. The timer installed in the bomb counted how many minutes would live 224 people. After the explosion, the liner turned the tail part, and he moved to uncontrollable dive.

Egyptian officials have not officially recognized the terrorist attack for a long time (according to one of the versions, fearing multimillion lawsuits on the part of the relatives of the victims). Cairo called on to wait for the official results of the investigation, which, by the way, is not still. However, in February 2017, the representative of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry Ahmed Abu Zeid admitted that the terrorist attack occurred on board.

The victims of terrorist operations were dozens, and even hundreds of people, including as a result of the fall of the Russian liner in Sinai, "he said.

* The organization is prohibited in Russia by decision of the Supreme Court.

Flight Flight 9268 went to 03:50:06 UTC (05:50:06 local time and 06:50:06 Moscow time). At 04:13:00 the liner sharply reduced the height, and then disappeared with radar.

Shortly before the accident, the aircraft commander requested a permit for emergency landing in Cairo due to technical fails. However, saving the aircraft was already impossible. The liner wreckages were discovered near the city of El Arish - they were scattered for 13 km in the form of an ellipse, which reached 30 square meters. km.

On board the collapsed Airbus 321 there were 224 people, seven-party crew members. At first, the Egyptian rescuers who arrived in place were reported that they heard the moans of people under the wreckage, and stated that they were hoping to find someone who was able to survive, but soon it became known that no one had survived. Most of the passengers of the aircraft were tourists who returned to Russia after rest in Egypt. The overwhelming majority of those who were on board the liner, the Russians, however there were three citizens of Ukraine and one Belarusian citizen.

Among the dead were the deputy head of Pskov, who returned from vacation with his civil wife, as well as the participant of the TV show "Top-Model in Russian" Elena home from St. Petersburg. 24 children died.

The very small passenger was only ten months old, her photograph published by many world publications became a symbol of tragedy over Sinai.

The reasons

In the first days after the catastrophe, information about the possible causes of the crash came in contradiction. So, the Egyptian authorities stated that the crew Airbus 321 complained about the engine malfunction. They also put forward a version of the technical fault as one of the main. In the preliminary report released by Egypt at the end of last year, there was not a single word about the terrorist attack on board the vessel.

However, all evidence was pointed to the opposite.

A few hours after the accident, the militants forbidden in Russia "Islamic state" took responsibility for the explosion.

The organizer of the explosion was called Abu Usama Al Masray, the leader of the group "Villaiy Sinai", which is considered. Later through the media friendly, the terrorists demonstrated photographs of the explosive device - they turned out to be a self-made bomb made of ordinary aluminum can. The Militants of the IG also argued that they were able to bring the device on board the aircraft after they found some loophole in the security system of Charm El Sheikh airport.

On the evening of November 16, Vladimir Putin at a meeting, following the results of the investigation, the causes of the aircraft crash said that Russia would find and reap the organizers of the terrorist attack.

"The murder of our people in Sinai is among the most bloody in the number of victims of crime. And we will not wipe tears from our soul and hearts. It will remain with us forever. But it will not prevent us from finding and punishing criminals, "the president emphasized. - We must do this without the limit period, know them all name. We will look for them everywhere, wherever they hide. We will find them anywhere in the planet and kill. "

In addition, Putin ordered to strengthen aviation strikes on the objects of the Islamic state in Syria. After that, the Aviation Group of Russia's Air Force in Syria was strengthened, and far aviation aircraft were also connected to bombardments. "Our combat work of aviation in Syria should not be just continued. It should be strengthened in such a way that the criminals understand that retribution is inevitable, "the president added.

"Garden of Memory"

On the eve, on October 30, a mortgage stone on the site of the future monument to the victims of the tragedy "Garden of Memory" was installed on the Rumbal Mountain in the Leningrad Region. "We plan to plant 224 trees here, according to the number of those who died as a result of the terrorist attack over Sinai. And this garden, the "garden of memory", will flourish every year, will live. And in our hearts there will be a memory of relatives, friends, friends and fellow countrymen, flying 9268, "said the Governor of the region.

The project "Garden of Memory", developed by students of the St. Petersburg State Architectural and Construction University, is a corridor from plates and metal structures with the names of all those killed in a plane crash with elements of landscape design. Thanks to the lighting system, the monument will be visible during the day passing along the way of life (today it is the official name of the A128 St. Petersburg highway). The solemn opening of the "Garden of Memory" will occur in a year, on the eve of the second anniversary of the Egyptian tragedy.

On the eve of the relatives of the dead literally fell asleep with the flowers laid in St. Petersburg.

Waiting for the first results of the investigation on the tragedy over Sinai, they were left for long: the preliminary results of the investigation, according to the source of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Wathan, will be published in the Ministry of Civil Aviation, will be published over the next 60 days.

On the morning of October 31, the Russian aircline Airbus-321 Kogalymavia Airlines was crashing over the North of the Sinai Peninsula, on board which there were seven crew members and 217 passengers, among which 17 children. In the first minutes, information about the plane crash was extremely contradictory. There were even messages that the plane is intact.

Apparently, therefore, in the St. Petersburg airport Pulkovo on the call of the correspondent "SP" on the time of arrival of the flight 7K 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh, a polite female voice answered a friendly: "On preliminary information, this flight is somewhat delayed." After that, short beeps rang out in the handset. On the clock was 11: 27.

By this time it was already clear that the plane, alas, was crashed.

Information about the tragedy with a liner instantly scattered across the Internet. Three minutes later, the estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe crash Airbus-321 was known - the central district of Sinai.

We again scored the number of Pulkovo reference. "Do not specify, but is much late for a plane from Sharm el-Sheikh?". The voice in the tube seemed less friendly, rather strained, this time reported briefly: "Information is specified." And - again beeps, beeps ...

Soon information about the arrival of the aircraft disappeared with the board ...

The plane, which flew 9268 from Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg, flew from the Egyptian airfield at 6.21 Moscow time and after 23 minutes disappeared from radar screens. Military aviation of Egypt was raised to the Russian vessel on the alarm.

At about 11 o'clock in Moscow time, the power of Egypt confirmed the collapse of the Russian liner. The location of the aircraft was stupid, Egypt Prime Minister Sheriff Ismail convened the crisis committee.

According to the media, with reference to their sources, after takeoff, the pilot told the dispatcher on the land on technical problems, and after 18 minutes after the start of the flight, the plane requested an emergency landing in Cairo. At the airport, Sharm el-Sheikh reported that the liner crew several times after the last week complained about the engine's malfunctions. According to the media in operation, the aircraft was 18 years old. The A320 family aircraft have two CFMI CFM56-5B, PRATT & WHITNEY PW6000A or IAE V2500-A5.

As it became known from messages from the Egyptian authorities, the fallen plane is completely destroyed. It is assumed that all those who were aboard died. At the same time, in the Egyptian security service stated that there are no signs that the plane was shot down.

Pulkovo Airport created headquarters to help the relatives of the passengers of the vessel. Two IL-76 aircraft and one BE-200 Emergencies Ministry of the Russian Federation are ready to fly to Egypt with rescuers on board. Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova Reported that the staff of the Russian Embassy in Egypt find out the details of the tragedy.

The probable cause of the collapse of the Russian passenger aircraft on the Sinai Peninsula was the technical malfunction, said Ayman Al-MukadamHeading the Committee formed in Egypt to monitor the consequences of the catastrophe.

According to the Egyptian newspaper Al-Akhram, the expert noted that he believed that the "technical problems" had occurred.

Read all news about the crash of the Russian aircraft in Egypt

Last information:

12/25/2015 The terrorist attack on board A321 was performed using a self-made explosive device based on plastic explosives C-4. According to the newspaper Kommersant, with reference to his own source close to the consequence, this fact significantly expands the list of potential criminals.

The source said that the Russian special services established the possible nature of the explosive device. Plastic explosives C-4 was developed in the United States, and now it is produced in many countries. Thus, a list of suspects in participation in the preparation of the terrorist attack will be significantly expanded, and therefore the search for them is complicated.

11/17/2015 The FSB confirmed the version of the explosion on board AIRBUS A321.

Information about this was received by the resource site after the meeting of the Director of the FSB and Vladimir Putin. As it became known, in all likelihood, the power of the explosive device of the crash in the Sinai Peninsula in the Sinai Passenger Airliner was about 1 kilogram in TNT equivalent, however, in reality, it can also be about a much smaller number of explosives that could serve Only the initiator of the further destruction of the aircraft in the air.

The cause of the explosion on board the Russian A321 over Sinai was an unknown suitcase, which one of the movers received from Charm El Sheikh Airport employee. According to sources in Egyptian power services, the device for scanning baggage for some time remained unattended.

The terrible tragedy that occurred on October 31, 2015, and with her life of 224 people pay a lot of questions, while, despite the fact that onboard recorders found at the airbus A321 airliner crash site were still deciphered, experts have already put forward far Not one version of why the plane crash could occur.

Terrorist act

Almost immediately after the appearance of information about the crash of the passenger airliner of Kogalymavia ("Method"), the versions about the terrorist act occurred on board the aircraft. Who could implement it, it is extremely difficult to assume that the radical groups around the world are not so little, but the experts adhere to this version believe that this may be the militants of the "Islamic state", the positions of which are so mercanding during the month, destroyed in Syria Russian Federation.

Almost immediately after the presentation of this version, skeptics appeared, noted that the version of the terrorist act on board the air is unlikely for the reason that in the case of an explosion on board, and it is most likely to consider this particular circumstances, it would certainly be very large damage to Including touched and passengers and interior interior decoration. Nevertheless, it is worth noting the fact that even a small explosion inside the aircraft salon would be enough for its depressurization, and given the fact that the aircraft was at high altitude, with a 99% probability that could be said that the aircraft would be destroyed.

The destruction of the aircraft from the ground

One of the first also appeared the version and that the passenger airliner of the domestic airline Cogalymavia could be destroyed from the ground. This version was very detailed under the moment the photos and videos from the crash site of the passenger airliner were published. At the presented photos and video materials, it is perfectly clear that any external, in any case, there is no visible damage to the fuselage from entering the reactive projectile, which minimizes the likelihood of such circumstances, but at the same time does not exclude them completely.

Technical malfunction of airliner

The most common cause of almost any aircraft crash is a technical malfunction, and at the moment, this version adheres to the majority of specialists in the investigation of the aircraft crash. What kind of character was a malfunction, experts at the moment speak are not taken, because most of the most different versions are possible, however, it should be assumed that it originated, very violent.

It was originally assumed that the aircraft motor could be failed to become wiven, however, it is fair to note the fact that modern airliners are very well insured against falling in the event of a failure of one of the engines, since even when using only one power plant, the aircraft may not overcome less than 200-300 kilometers.

In addition, given the official data, before departure from the Egyptian airport, the passenger airliner of Kogalymavia was fully corrected, and before it did not have any technical problems of concern.

It is also worth clarifying that in the event of any technical malfunction, the aircraft crew primarily reports the airlights, however, according to official data, the pilot of the passenger aircraft did not make any requests or notices regarding the technical problems that arose on board the aircraft.

Sharp depressurization of the aircraft

The latter, very believable voiced version, became the so-called explosive depressurization. Given the large scale of the passenger airliner, as well as the entire process of the process, this version is quite justified, however, remain unknown circumstances of what happened, since to initiate the process of instantaneous depressurization, it takes either a large hole in the fuselage of the passenger airliner, or a sharp increase in pressure inside the passenger aircraft which can be caused by the detonation of explosives on board the liner that again it pushes on the version or about a terrorist act or the version of the targeted destroying of the aircraft from the ground.

Experts note that most likely the main cause of the catastrophe will be named only after deciphering the aircraft's side recorders, which, although they received some damage, but are quite suitable for extracting information and data from them. It is expected that the first information from the onboard recorders will be received by experts by the middle of the current week.