Dried Salt Lake Uyuni. Solonchak Uyuni - Soleny Lake Bolivia

If you think you know about the salt, everything and she will not be able to surprise you, then you should go to Uyuni to get to know her anew in the endless snow-white desert.

Uyuni is the biggest salt male in the world. It takes 12106 km2, which is 5 times the area of \u200b\u200bLuxembourg.

The huge mountain lake of Minskin 25,000 years ago almost completely dried, leaving behind a couple of small reservoirs and two gigantic salt marshes: Uyuni and Kupaas.

Dried Salt Lake Uyuni is the main attraction of Bolivia. Visit Solonchak. Hundreds of tourists coming here every day to see unearthly landscapes. Most often, people seek to get into the roast season - from the end of January to February - at this time the salt desert is covered with a layer of water and becomes a giant mirror in which the blue sky contrasts. But even in the dry season, the Solonchak Uyuni is incredibly beautiful, and opportunities for the photo in the limitless blind-white desert becomes even more.

Every year, about 20 tons of salt are produced here, and the total reserve of soles is estimated at 10 billion tons. The value of Solonchak is not exhausted by salt. There is about 100 million tons of lithium in Uyun, which is up to 70% of world stocks - this is enough for accumulators for all smartphones, which will produce in the next 100 years.

Holidays in Uyuni. Surreal landscape of dried lake

Uyuni is a fantastically beautiful place, one of the most incredible places of our planet, where the feeling of space is erased. To see this cosmic landscape and feel yourself in the inhabitant of another planet.

The most popular entertainment in the dry lake Uyuni is the creation of surrealistic photos.

The sun, the bright blue sky and endless salt smooth and without filters will make your frames as unearthly and bright. And even if you find yourself here not in the season, when Solonchak will be completely dried, your photos will still be fantastically beautiful! That is why uuesty is one of the most favorite places of photographers around the world.

Tourists are photographed here and standing, and sitting, and lying, and in a jump. To create the most original photos, the guides take with them the author's attributes - from the pan, which "sit down" tourists in the frame, to dinosaurs that add fantastic personnel.

By the way, evening and night photography - the sunset and the starry sky, reflected in the water, is another individual pleasure for photographers, consider this when choosing the duration of excursions.

In addition to visiting the salt lake, you can also visit a number of unusual places in the vicinity of Uyuni - from the "Cemeteries of Trains" to Geysers, Thermal Sources and Habitats of Pink Flamingo:

1. Cactus Island / Inkauasi Island (IslaIncahuasi.)

In the time of the Inca, when the caravans of Lam and the Faces-Chasska crossed Altiplano, this island in the middle of the Solarship desert served them with a shelter for a small rest.

The island is covered with a forest of giant cacti, and with his tops open truly magical views of the salt marsh and mountains around.

Only in the dry season, you can get to the island, in the rain season there is no access to the island.

2. Ringani (Colchanti.) - Soled List village

Salt is the main source of the income of the inhabitants of the Ringang. Guides are captured here to show how they collect, process and pack the salt and build houses from salt blocks. Another Kingani is known for its souvenir market, where you can buy unique products in the traditional Bolivian style - there are no suchities outside the unts.

3. Cemetery of trains

The dump of rusty steam locomotives of the XIX century remaining since those times when there was a factory for the production of trains, it is especially interesting to tourists from Europe - they are such species in the novelty. Although the rest is interesting to climb on old trains and make several apocalyptic photos.

4. Volcanoes and glaciers

In this region, many glaciers and volcanoes, which can be climbed: Licancabur Volcano (Licancabur, 5960 meters), Candelaria Glacier (Nevado Candelaria, 5995 meters), active volcano Olgaong on the border with Chile (Ollague, 5865 meters).

The active volcano Watss (Uturuncu, 6020 meters) is an excellent opportunity to add a rise to 6000 meters to the piggy bank of your achievements. And during the rise of the Tunupa volcano (Tunupa, 5432 meters), from the side of Koksa, you can visit the caves with pre-mummies. The rise and descent usually take 10 hours.

The rise in volcanoes is not included in the standard group tours, but they can be included in the individual route.

It is necessary to pre-pass acclimatization at an altitude within a few days before the start of the rise.

5. The National Reserve of the Andea Fauna named after Eduardo Avaroa (Reserva.NacionalDE.Fauna.Andina.Eduardo.Avaroa.)

Landscapes of Eduardo Aquaro National Park are beautiful and fascinating. One of the places is even called the "desert of Salvador Dali" - because the species are as surreal as the paintings of this artist. Here are so many colors: multicolored fields of movies, red, yellow and green lagoon with pink flamingos, snow-white peaks of mountains and dark tops of volcanoes.

The flock of wild Vicini, homelas and alpac with colored pompons and tassels in the ears are grazing on huge desert fields and the tassels in the ears are coming out. - Wild ostrises.

Flora and fauna adapted to a harsh local climate: permeating winds, soaring the sun and night frost. In some months, the temperature at night is lowered to -25c.

6. Sights of the National Reserve Eduardo Avaro

- Stone Tree

How water sharpens a stone and the gusts of the wind over the centuries change its shape. The photo of the famous "stone tree" can be often seen on postcards and in guidebooks. A huge stone block, standing on a thin "leg" really amazes.

- Colored lagoon (Laguna.Colorada.)

The largest of the colored lagoon - the Coloranda Lagoon - takes 60 km2, while the maximum depth of the lagoon is only 80 cm, and the average - 20 cm. The saturated red-orange color of the lagoon give seaweed and plankton, they also provide numerous flamingos.

The white shore of the lagoon contains sodium, magnesium, borax and plaster.

- Valley of Geysers Sol de Manyan (SOL.dE.Man.ana.), height 4850 meters

It smells sulfur here, and the ground is covered with burly puddles of dirt in steam clubs. But the view of the dawn valley with beating from under the ground here and there the pair pillars deserves early lifting.

- Thermal sources of Polches (Polques.)

What happiness understand when after the cold night at the hotel with minimal amenities and penetrating ice morning winds are in the pool with hot thermal water, where you can relax and warm up.

NB.: Grab the bathing suit and towel on the trip.

- Green Laguna

When a strong wind blows, the lagoon becomes saturated green-blue. This is due to minerals contained in water: lead, sulfur, arsenic, and calcium carbonates. The same minerals do not give the lagoon to be covered with ice even when the temperature drops to -20c.

During the calm of the lagoon, the color does not change.

- Salvador Dali Desert

The first tourists passing by this desert were amazed to similarly with the pictures of Salvador Dali. It's hard to argue with this, judge for yourself.

Excursions and tours in Uin

Traditional excursion routes are calculated on 1, 2 or 3 days.

One-day excursion Begins at 10 am in Uyuni. During the day, tourists have time to visit the Cemetery of Trains, the village of Kolchaini, Solonchak, Inkauasi Island (in the dry season) and dine in the Salt Hotel. In the evening, the group returns back to Untal.

Three-daytour in Uyuni., the most popular,includes all the most interesting: Solonchak Uyuni, Inkauasi Cactus Island, Colored Lagoons with Flamingo, Valley Geyser Salt de Manyan, Green Lagoon, Dali Desert, Stone Tree, Overnight in Salt Hotel and bathing in hot thermal springs.

You can finish the excursion in the city of Uyuni or in the Chilean city of San Pedro de Atakam.

What is included on the excursion:

  • Travel at Jeep 4x4 with professional chauffeur
  • Accommodation in hostels or hotels
  • Professional English-based Guide
  • Meals: All breakfasts, lunches and dinners (except breakfast on the first day and dinner in the last)

Individual routeit makes it possible to make a program taking into account the wishes of tourists and, for example, add a rise to volcanoes.

When to go. Climate and temperature

Rain season

The rainy season in Uyuni lasts from December to February. This is exactly the time when Solonchak becomes a gigantic mirror, which reflects the sky. This period is considered a "low season", but many tourists seek to get into Uzuna exactly when it is covered with water.

In the rainy season, some areas become inaccessible - the police for safety closes access. For example, you can only go to the island of cacti only in the dry season.

Weather in Uyuni

At night, in the mountains is very cold, in some months the temperature drops to -10c. And in the afternoon the air heats up and the sun heats very actively. Therefore, you will definitely need warm clothes for the evening and night, and easy - for daytime.

The warmest months: from November to April. At this time during the day: +18 / + 22c. At night: +3 / + 7c.

The coldest months: from May to October. Day Temperature: +12 / + 19c. Night: -7 / + 1c.

Take with you a good sunscreen and headdress. And, of course, sunglasses are so much reflected sunlight where else can be found on Earth.

Acclimatization at height

Uyuni is high in the mountains - during an excursion tourists rise to 4900 meters high. Before traveling to uuests, make sure you have passed acclimatization and will not affect the mountain disease.

Tourist access to Uyuni

Keep in mind - as such roads are not here, after the rain, the Solonchak surface becomes slippery and dangerous, so we strongly recommend using the services of professional drivers.

Also on the lake there are dangerous places, on the surface of which water is boil - not knowing these places, you risk falling together with the car.

Another problem with which tourists are faced during urit - drunken guides or drivers, as well as jeeps who have not been completed, which can break at any time and anywhere. These are not just annoying little things, but life-threatening situation.

Hotels and other accommodation options in Uyuni

You can visit the Uwney in one day: fly from La Paz in the morning, and fly back. In this case, the hotel accommodation will not need. But if you want to spend more of one day in a smoothing, then overnight in the salt hotel or right on Solonchak can become an unforgettable adventure!

Salt hotels

Walls and furniture made of salt blocks and a thick layer of salt on the floor - so the salt hotels look like. Accommodation is expensive due to the uniqueness of these hotels and book them are needed long before the planned trip, since the number of places is limited. But be prepared for fairly basic placement conditions. In the area of \u200b\u200bSolonchak and the National Park there are no high-level hotels.

Glamping /Glamping.

To spend the night right in the midst of the Solonchak under the soaked stars sky - it sounds tempting, right? Glamping is a tent on high supports that are installed on a hydrochlorian surface of the urinets in any season: and when the Solonchak is dry, and when it is covered with a layer of water. For tourists there is everything you need: a separate tent with a beyatuette, delicious dinners and breakfasts and romantic solitude.

How to get to Uyuni

By plane

The fastest way to be in Uyuni.

Airlines Amazsonas and BOA perform daily flights on the route G.Las Pazni, the flight takes less than an hour.

By bus

Moving from La Paz in Uyuna takes 10 hours.

Several local companies offer a night crossing on comfortable buses with folding chairs and nutrition. Buses come to Uyuni at 7-8 am.

By train

Trains follow the route Orura / Uyuni / Orry several times a week. The city of Orura is at 3 o'clock ride from La Paz. Buses walk from Oruero to Uyuni. Schedule must be clarified before planning a trip.

Solonchak Uyuni is the world's largest saltchart located in Bolivia. Photographers come here to capture a unique landscape. It is often visited as part of a 3- or 4-day excursion in southwestern Bolivia. We tell more about it.

general information

Origin of Solonchaka Uin

Solonchak Uyuni includes more than 10,000 square meters. km of land in the region. The thickness of the salt reservoirs reaches 10 meters in the center. In the dry season, salt expanses are covered with a dry flat salt, but a thin layer of water is formed in the rainy season on the surface.

Standard tours take their origin in the southwestern part of Bolivia. Here you can find a lot of fluorescent lakes, which were created from various minerals brought by mountain rivers.


We want to outline a standard tour in general terms. It is carried out on cars 4x4 (usually "Toyota Land Cruiser") with 6 or 7 people and with the driver. Most of the 3- and 4-day rounds have the same routes in the first 2 days: a day on a salt plain, a movement in the southern direction to the southwestern districts of Bolivia, and then returning back. A visit to certain places may depend on the tour, but the groups can determine what places to visit and how much time will be held in each.

Accommodation is usually provided in basic shelters, and the weather is very cold, but it is worth it if you see an amazing landscape. Avoid tours that offer a night in one of the salt hotels. They are illegal, since they are not part of the water grid and pollute the environment.

What to take with you

  • Flashlight (torch): The light goes out when the generator is dried.
  • Sunglasses: Solonchals blind.
  • Camera, optional battery and multiple memory cards: no better photos than here.
  • Additional water: the tour usually provides an insufficient amount. Additionally, 2 liters are required for a day.
  • Cream for tanning and hat: 3.5 km above sea level is significantly less atmosphere absorbing solar ultraviolet radiation.
  • Sleeping bag. You can rent it. Check and make sure the lightning lock works.
  • Warm clothes are better than multi-layered.
  • The heater: at night it is very cold, and you will be very glad that you have a heater.
  • Slippers: Restrooms are common.
  • Towel: During the excursion is not provided.
  • Additional snacks, especially fruits and protein. Although high-quality food is provided, it usually contains heavy starch.
  • Lip balsam: in the sun, wind and dry air they can crack.

How to get

Uyuni. The path includes the railway from the Avaro on the Chilean border (uncompressed time of departure), the railway from Oruoro, the bus (including the tourist bus) from Orro, or La Paz, and the flight from La Paz.

San Pedro de Atacama. Routes from here are practically identical to those who come from Uyuni, only in the opposite direction and more expensive by 60%.

Search agency

Choosing a tour operator, it is important to consult with other travelers to understand what experience they had, vehicles, drivers and food on the trip. Trips will begin in all cities, so this is a good opportunity to ask other traveler coming from the route about their impressions. Usually complain that vehicles are in a very bad technical condition that there is no emergency supply, drunk drivers and a small amount of food and water.

Uyuni - There are dozens of travel agencies offering this trip. Most of them are located around the main square, where every second store is a travel agency. It is also desirable to find a group of people who are going to excursions and share your interests, and / or language and work with your agency. Minuteman Pizza in the evenings or the main square is a great place for meetings of such people. Ripley Tours Agency can organize a decent one-day tour (BOB130).

Tupiza. You can also go from Tupiza to the end of Uyuni or vice versa. Local agencies offer 4-day Uyuni tours, while others prefer to offer options for 3 days.

Other excursion options

Cum on the Chilean border. Alternative - to hold a three-day tour and get to the Chilean border before visiting San Pedro de Atakam, or start the whole tour from there. Do not miss any of the attractions by leaving the Chilean border before heading back to Uyuni.

From San Pedro de Atakama. There is an opportunity to visit this tour, which begins in San Pedro de Atakam, and ends in Uyuni on the third day or returning to San Pedro the next day. The advantage is that you get the opportunity to see Solonchaki in the last morning and see the sunrise over them. On the main street in San Pedro there are several tour operators. However, you must take into account the instructions of the tour operators in that all tours in Uin () are managed by Bolivian Tour-Guides. Chilean guides are not eligible to carry out excursions in Uyuni.

Selection of vouchers

There are several options for visiting Solonchak Uyuni. Starting your trip from La Pas, you need to take a bus to Orura, and then take the train to Uyuni. After a pleasant 7-hour trip you will arrive in Uyuni at night. You can book a hotel in Uyuni or in one of the hotels built in salt blocks located near the Salt Plains. The next day you will start your journey towards the Uyuni to visit the Ringang. This is a small town where you can buy salty crafts. From this place there is an unimaginable and breathtaking view of the largest salt desert in the world, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is approximately 12,000 square meters. KM! You will start a trip, watching bubble water on the surface in the so-called "water eyes", and you will also see the work of residents to extract salt for sale purposes.

Next you can go to Incahuasi Island, or the island of fish. The island is located in the heart of Solonchak, it is characterized by the presence of giant cacti. You can walk around the island, enjoying an exciting view of Solonchak and evaluate the great white weave with an Andean sky. This is the best place to photograph saltchard. Later you can continue the journey, still focusing on the southwest towards the colored lagoon (red, blue, white, yellow and green) located in Parque Nacional De Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa.

These places occupy volcanoes, and from here offers a wonderful and incredible look. On some excursions you can visit the cave of Galaktik and the Cave of the Devil. The lagoons have such a name due to different tones that are organized due to the presence of algae, the chemical composition of the water, wind movement or due to a certain time of the day. When returning to the urinas, you can visit the town and train cemetery. Also you can see one of the most majestic sunpaths in your life in Solonchak!



For travelers with a limited budget, there is also an option to simply catch a local bus to Ringani Bob10. Ask the driver to leave you in salt marshes, and you can travel on foot and free to get a more complete picture of the place. The path to the old Salt hotel takes about two hours.


Uyuni - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 7.

Kazan 7.

Samara 8.

Ekaterinburg 9.

Novosibirsk 11.

Vladivostok 14.

When the season. When it is better to go

UUNY - Weather for months


UUNY - Weather for months

Where to go, walk, go ...

First day - the world's largest solonchak

On the first day you will be on Salt Plain. In the dry season it will be a hallucinogenic white landscape. Under the rain, the salt plain is mainly immersed in water, which gives the perfect reflection of the sky.

Uyuni Plaza Arce. Most travel begins here, near the railway station at 10.30, although you can reach the hotel.

Train graveyard (Train Graveyard). Excursion usually occurs at the very beginning of the tour, but some operators prefer to complete the tour of this place. There are many destroyed old steam locomotives.

Colchant, Bloques de Sal - Village 7 km north of Uyuni. Here you can buy souvenirs from salt. Here is the salt museum, in which there are different animals created from salt (you will be forced to pay a fee upon exit), as well as some copies of furniture and household appliances. Bathrooms are available for 1 Boliviano.

Salt mining area - Area where salt digs and leave it with piles (weight in tonn) to dry in the sun for transportation to the cleaning plant.

Salt hotels- Several hotels are made entirely of salt. You need to buy a chocolate bar to go inside.

I. sLA de los Pescados, or Isla Incawasi. The name comes from the island, outwardly resembling fish in the rainy season. It is an island of petrified corals, covered with 1000-year-old cacti, in the middle of Salar (Salar). These cacti grow at a speed of 1 cm per year, so that you can easily calculate their age. Here you can also see Temkashi. Most tourist groups have dinner on the West "shore" of this island. Bathrooms are available for 1 Boliviano.

Accommodation can be found in San Juan, although it is better to try to find hotels closer to Salar to get a real pleasure. Then it will be possible to get up to dawn and reach the plain on the jeep 4x4 to see the most spectacular sunrise in your life. Especially in the main "salt hotels" you can take a shower for 10 Boliviano and charge the camera.

Second day - go south to colorful lagoon-colorado lakes

Laguna Ediding. The lagoon is full Flamingo, and it is a popular place for lunch.

Zone Viskashi- A short stop on the rocky ledge is the colony of Temkashi. Excursions feed them with carrots, accustomed to come out to eat.

Arbol de Piedra (4 412 m)- Stone tree, which was carved with strong sandy winds.

Laguna-Colorado - Red lake with algae. You can also see many flamingos. 30 Boliviano for Bolivian citizens or 150 Boliviano for foreigners - the fee for entrance to the National Wildlife Reserve Andina Eduardo Avaroa.

Residence. Numerous huts without heating are working in the vicinity of Laguna-Khodardo. Beds and blankets are provided. Electricity is a few hours, but you cannot immediately recharge the battery. The ambient temperature in July may fall below -20 ° C at night. You can persuade the owner to turn on the water heater (15 Boliviano), but showers are located outside the house.

Third Day, Morning - Geizers and Hot Springs in Laguna Verde (Verde)

The day begins early in the morning (5.00) and without breakfast, in order to have time to visit all the necessary places.

Solademanaña Heizer Pool (4 850 m) - A collection of bubble gray pools and a geyser, as a rule, attend when the sun rises. There is no railing here, it may be slippery and in the cave water may look hot.

Hot Sources TermasDepolques. Located next to Salar de Chalviri. To enjoy the sources, you can bring with a bathing facilities. Popular breakfast place. Simple bathrooms are available for 6 Boliviano.

Laguna-Verde (painted in green, in it there are heavy metals arsenic, lead, copper and others) with a magnificent view of the Lincacabur volcano.

Lagoon Blanca.- White lake filled with boring ore.

Dinner. Laguna-Colorado is a popular place where you can dine. Sometimes toilets are provided.

Afternoon - east of Tupiza

If you choose a four-day tour in Tupiza, then you will go to the wilderness and visit some small communities.

Laguna-Celeste. - Bright blue lake, painted by magnesium and manganese.

Lagoon Amarilla. - Yellow Sulfur Lake and a few old rock paintings.

Ruinas de San Antonio - Abandoned mining city of the XVI century, where they used slave labor. The city was abandoned by the reasons not fulfilled until the end. Despite all attempts in the 70s, the city could not be populated, and people now live in the city with the same name that is nearby.

Afternoon - north of uin

The road back to the uin is very uneven. On the way you will dwell in various small communities.

Valles de Rocas. Many strange mountain valleys appear from Altiplano. The guide will indicate samples in the rocks that resemble familiar items.

Accommodation - Tourists stop in different towns along the way to destination. Heating and souls will depend on where the driver decides to stop.

Fourth day - the trip ends in Tupiza

The tour will pass through the terrain with a beautiful scenery.

Sir - Giant clay columns formed as a result of erosion.

The fourth day - ends in Uyuni

San cristobal - The city in which there is a 350-year-old church, in which a very beautiful silver altar.

Cemetery of trains- Collection of old trains in 3 kilometers south-west of Uyuni.

Food. What to try

Security. What to beware is worth

Be careful: every year an accident occurred in the salt cave in the fault of drunk drivers. Do not risk your life by traveling with a drunk driver.

It is not bad to bring the essential items well (including food and water for several days) in case the truck breaks up in a hard-to-reach place, but if you are in a tour, most likely another truck will be available in a few minutes.

Perhaps here you will have a high-rise disease. If you are directly from the coast, you may need to acclimatize up to several days. Dizziness, difficulty breathing and headaches are common symptoms. Locals say that if you chew Coca leaves, they can alleviate the symptoms, but they can also lead to the failure of drug test. If anyone did not acclimatize completely, you can buy several acetasolamide tablets in a pharmacy Uyuni before departure.

You can also drink tea from Coca leaves. All, from the Pope to the Queen of Spain Sofia, drink it when visiting Bolivia. If you add some sugar, tea can be even better!

To avoid mining disease, it is recommended a gradual adaptation to height. First, visit the Bolivian plain, located 500 meters from, then it is recommended to go to the Cochabamba Valley located at an altitude of 2,500 m, and only then travel to Salar de Uuzya. If you do not even want in a 3- or 4-day tour, keep in mind that you will raise 5000 m and will sleep at an altitude of 4,200 meters. This is a serious risk for your health if you are not acclimatized. The officially recommended height per day is only 300 m! Therefore, it is not worth starting with Tupiza (3,000 m) and with uin (3,700 m). Before starting the tour, stay there for several days. The German embassy in La Paz has already installed the room to cool the corpses of those who died from the altitude disease!

Warning of certain travel companies

On December 24, 2011, the car of the Oasis Tours travel agency (also known as "Oasis Odyssey Tours") came to a serious accident due to negligent driving. The driver who was driving a car was moving at a speed of 100 km / h along a wet dirty road from San Cristobal to Uyuni. The driver did not cope with the control, the car flew to the side of the road, twice turned over and landed on the roof.

One passenger received a heavy wound in his head, expired with blood until he was pulled out, he needed emergency medical care. Another passenger received a cranial injury. Other passengers had various scratches and bruises. Passengers who needed emergency medical care were headed back to Uyuni to contact a travel agency.

Travel Agencies actively refused all attempts to collect information about the passenger, which was taken to the hospital. When the police were involved, the travel agency continued to actively refuse that they had this information. The travel agency refused to offer any compensation, including reimbursement of expenses.

The travel agency insisted that their attitude and attitude of the driver are not related to criminal negligence. Most other machines on the same road ride at no more than 30 km / h. Many are even less than 20 km / h. And at a speed of 20 km / h, there were occasional cases. Consider this when booking specifically in this travel agency. Look at the name of the poster on the car, which is assigned to you. If the driver goes carelessly, ask him to change the driving style.

Also beware of the tour operator Dali Tours. It is located on Ferrovaria avenue on the side of the railway station. Website software (not working). Tourists ordered there an individual tour for a big price, but got a simple, standard tour. Instead of the double room, they received two beds in a ten bedroom hostel. Instead of interesting roads, they had a simple fast trip, and the driver cut the corners every time when he could. No sunsets and even little excursions - nothing. A woman in the agency will sell you all, but you will not be able to find it after the trip. So everything you can do is write about it here.

As m was supposed on the third day of our journey through Bolivia, we arrived at salt lakes. Solonchak Uyuni (Spanish Salar de Uyuni) - a dried salt lake in the south of the desert plain Altiplano, Bolivia at an altitude of about 3650 m above sea level. It has an area of \u200b\u200b10,582 km² and is the largest solonchak in the world. Prices in the vicinity of the city of Uyuni in the territory of the Orro and Potosi Departments in the south-west of the country.

When Solonchak uuests are covered with water, it reflects the blue South American sky.
The inner part is covered with a layer of table salt with a thickness of 2-8 m. During the rainy season, the Solonchak is covered with a thin layer of water and turns into the world's largest mirror.

About 40 thousand years ago, this area was part of the Lake Minskin (which itself was separated from the ancient Lake Balillian). After its drying, there are two existing lakes currently: Popo and Uru-Uhru, as well as two large salt peppers: Salar de Kupaas and Uyuni. Uyuni Square is about 25 times superior to the area of \u200b\u200bthe dried lake Bonneville in the United States.

According to estimates, Solonchak Uinu contains a stock of 10 billion tons of salt, of which less than 25 thousand tons are produced annually. Due to its flat surface, Solonchak Uyuni serves as the main transport route in Altiplano.
Thanks to the development of tourism at Solonchak, the locals began to build hotels from Salon Blokov, in which you can stay at night. It is noteworthy that the beds from salt blocks hold warmly warm, and at night they are very hot on them. All are built from salt, chairs, tables, beds, walls, floors.

Every year in November, the three types of South American flamingo - Chiley Flamingo, Andean Flamingo and Flamingo James arrive at South American Flamingos.

At an altitude of 3,650 m above sea level.

A few years ago, Loneley Plenet published a list of the most vibrant natural attractions of the world, putting a Solonchak Uyuni in the first place. Since 2014, Dakar races from 2014.

Experts believe that in Solonchak Uyuni, which arose as a result of drying out the huge Lake Minskin, contains 10 billion tons of salt, less than 25 thousand tons are produced annually. However, it is not worth trying to a language, you can not choose (although the cook salt here mining on an industrial scale).

At salt sediments, a very complex composition, comprising in addition to sodium salts, calcium, magnesium and lithium salts. A huge amount of lithium chloride is detected in Solonchak, suitable for the production of lithium necessary in the battery industry. Experts estimate lithium reserves in Solonchak about 100 million tons, which represents 50-70% of world lithium reserves.

The thickness of the salt layers is from 2 meters from the edge to 10 meters in the center. In the dry season, Solonchak sparkles a snow-white dry salt, and a thin layer of water is formed on the surface of the rain on the surface of the uinger.

Unique Salt Lake Uyuni is used in astronautics. The large size of the aqueous mirror, the perfect surface plane and the minimum change in the height allow the scientist to use the Solonchak for testing and calibrating satellites. Thanks to the clean sky over the uin and dry air, the calibration of remote sensing devices in orbital satellites occurs several times more accurate than when using the surface of the oceans.

When it is better to go to the uin

The best period for visiting the Solonchak Uyuni is the rainy season lasts from December to January, then the salt smooth is covered with water and you can admire the unique mirror reflections of the sky with clouds.

In December, you can see all the variety of solonchak, like dry areas where the dried surface is covered with patterns in the form of hexagons and wet "mirror" zones. In January and February, it rains are strengthened, so sometimes it turns out to be blurred all the entrances to Solonchaka or some areas become unavailable. However, according to locals, at any time of the year, even in a dry season, you can find areas covered with water on the uin.

Tourists who visited Solonchak are advised to stock up with sunscreen and clothing that protects the body from the burning alpine sun, but warm clothes will also need and the temperature difference is very large and after sunset sharply cold, sometimes up to minus 10-15 degrees. By the way, it is worth considering that there is no cellular communication in Solonchak, only weak Wi-Fi is found nearby in some hotels.

Tours at Solonchak Uin and Prices

To pick up the tour at Solonchak Uine is easy, most of the Bolivia and Chile's travel agencies provide this service. In most cases, tourists order a 3-4-day tour that allows you to visit not only Solonchak, but also other surrounding attractions.

The tour is usually held on Toyota Land Cruiser cars, with a driver and 5-7 passengers. Tourists can specify the route, highlight more time to visit certain places.

The price of tours starting to Solonchak from Chile and from Bolivia depends on the preferences of the hotel's comfort and skills to bargain. For a 3-4 day round of a group of 5-7 people will have to pay from 100 to 230 US dollars. This price includes food and overnight.

However, for visiting some national parks, it is necessary to pay separately. For the rise to the viewing platform on the island of fish, you need to pay 5 US dollars, and for a mandatory entrance ticket to the National Park - 22 US dollars. A visit to the paid toilet will cost $ 0.5.

It is desirable to have a certain amount in the local currency Boliviano.

Attractions Uyuni

In addition to the most unique Solonchak, other interesting objects are usually included in sightseeing routes.

Cemetery of steam locomotives

Near the railway tracks connecting Antofagast with Bolivia, 3 km from the city of Uyuni, the locomotive cemetery is located, representing one of the attractions of Solonchak. In the 1950s, when the mining of minerals on the surrounding mines declined sharply, the city of Uyuni ceased to be a large transport center and the railway began to reduce the rolling stock. Due to this, tourists can consider old steam locomotives, among which there are rare and interesting specimens, and also make an unforgettable photo in the Spirit of "Retro".

Salt Hotel Playa Blanca

Usually all tours include a visit to this hotel, located about 20 km from the edge of Solonchak. The whole hotel, like all the furniture inside it, is made of salt blocks. In 2002, the hotel was closed at the request of ecologists, but in a few years, after the necessary re-equipment, the hotel was again opened as a museum and a resting place during the tour.

And on the shores of Solonchak, a few more hotels were built from the salt blocks. According to the reviews of tourists, in the salt chambers is quite warm and breathing easily. The night in this hotel will cost 80-100 US dollars.

A salt flower bed is built in front of the hotel, on which tourists establish flags of their states.

Island of fish

A small volcanic island, located approximately 70 km from the edge of Solonchak, is more famous as the island of fish, since his outlines resemble fish.

The island is covered with petrified corals on which cacti grow. Since such cactis grow at a speed of 1 cm per year, many of them are several hundred years of them, and the largest, nine-meter - about 900 years.

Valley of Geysers

Many tourists visit this valley, stretching at an altitude of 4,800 m to admire hot jets of water shooting from under the ground, and also the terracotta mountains surrounding them.

The hot springs

Sources are located at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters above sea level. Infrastructure is poorly developed, but there is a place where you can change clothes. However, swimming in a hot tub overlooking the beautiful valley makes you forget about inconveniences.

Stone Tree in the Desert

An amazing formation of a stone with a height of 5 meters arose as a result of wind and sand. A few years ago, Tree was fenced with a rope that prevented beautiful photos, but in recent years, the attraction can be photographed without interference.

Salvador Dali desert

Landscapes in this area are surprisingly reminding the works of the famous surrealist.

Multicolored lagoons

Most tourists are trying to visit the Eduardo Avaro National Park, on the territory of which are famous multicolored lagoons. The unusual color of the lagoon is red, green, white, black - formed as a result of leaching by mountain rivers of various minerals and the subsequent population of lakes by bacteria. Fluffy lamps and alpaca walk around the lagoon, they are so friendly that they can be stroked.

In November, pink flamingos flies at Solonchak. In this desert terrain, the birds multiply multiply, and thanks to reddish wipes, the flamingos acquire a pink color. You can watch 3 types of Flamingo: Chilean Flamingo, Andean Flamingo and Flamingo James.

Acting volcano Olgaue

Volcano Olgyague is on the border of Bolivia and Chile, its height above sea level - 5868 m. Volcano Olgaoi shows a small fumaroid activity, which means that hot gases are broken through the cracks and holes in the volcano. Fumurol activity may indicate the attenuation of the volcano, and may be a sign of an intermediate stage between eruptions. The date of the last eruption of the volcano of Olgyuye is unknown.

"Solonchak's eyes"

From under the fine saline edges, they break into the surface of a jet of water with gas bubbles, it is not as entertaining as a geyser, but also beautiful.

How to get

Until Solonchak Uyuni can be reached from Bolivia or Chile.

Road from Bolivia

If you are already in Bolivia, you need to drive to Uyuni, from where the complex tours to Solonchak will start and surrounded attractions.


Faster to get into Uyuni from La Paz, South Amszonas or BOA airlines. Every day, carriers perform two flights, in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the flight is about an hour, the price of a ticket for both sides is about about 160 USD. Flights arrive at Joya Andina Airport, 3 km from Uyuni. This distance can be overcome by taxi (3-5 US dollars) or on foot for half an hour.

If you buy a ticket Amszonas airline via the Internet, you must use a bank card that you can show when landing, otherwise you will not be allowed to the plane.


Budget travelers are often choosing moving to the smoking bus, especially since the night crossing will save on the hotel. Buses to Uyuni are departed from the main transport terminal of the city of La Paz and arrive at the city center. The cost of the ticket is 7-10 US dollars, on the way will have to spend 12-13 hours. Tickets can be booked on a special website.

According to travelers, the buses often include air conditioning at full capacity, so it is better to capture warm clothes with you.

A train

Lovers save also can reach Uuzhny by train departing from the city of Orura. This way of movement allows you to admire the beautiful views from the window. However, when planning such a trip, it is necessary to be attentive, trains to Uyuni and back are not going every day.

Ticket price - $ 8, and a business class ticket - 17 US dollars (included drinks and snacks).

Tickets for the train to Uyuni are sold online, but many tourists complain about the unreliability of the ticket sales system and advise you to buy them personally at the checkout.

Road from Chile

Since Solonchak lies on the border with Chile, it can be reached from the Chilean side. In this case, the tour begins in the city of San Pedro de Atakama, in the attacm desert of the same name.


The nearest airport is El Loa Airport in Kalam, 100 km from San Pedro de Atakama. This distance can be overcome by taxi for an hour and a half, paying 40-50 US dollars.

You can get to Kalaama from Santiago in 2 hours by Latam and Sky Airlines airlines. The price of a ticket to 2 parties is 80-100 US dollars.


From Santiago bus to Kalaama leaves from the alameda terminal. The trip will take about 12 hours, the cost of the ticket is 60-100 US dollars (depending on the class of the bus).

Solonchak Uyuni in Bolivia

Solonchak's video review in Bolivia

Modern travelers, talking on the light and seen a huge number of attractions are rarely surprised by something. It seems that all monuments of nature, culture and history have already been missed. However, it is not. And Lake Solonchak Uyuni proves it! In this article you will learn about this lake.

General Information about Solonchak

On our planet there are places from which literally captures the spirit. You seem to come to an unknown planet. Uyuni - Solonchak, located in Bolivia, the country, famous for the whole world by its fields. Here, in the south-west of the country, at an altitude of almost 4,000 above sea level, and the largest saltchart of the world is located. Its area is more than 10 thousand square meters. km.

Salt layer thickness sometimes exceeds 10 meters. Every year the crowd of tourists from the entire planet is attacked by Uyuni - Solonchak, which attracts not only natural beauty, but also by many attractions. And take a photo against the background of the "Heavenly Mirror" is considered a real success!

The history of the form of an amazing lake

Lake Uyuni - part of the Altiplano Plateau. This mining plateau is located at an altitude of 4 thousand meters above the sea and keeps not only uuzhny, but also other small salt marshes, as well as low lakes. How did the nature miracle formed - Solonchak Uyuni? His story takes us in ancient times. Somewhere 40 thousand years ago, the lake was part of the Giant Lake Minskin. Under the influence of the time, Minskin was transformed in Tauka's water, then in Kupaas. After drying, Lake Uru Urua, PoP (exist now) and Solonchaki Kupass, Uyuni. Solonchak in the rainy season is becoming a flood, since it is imposed by the nearby Popo and Titicaca. Water that covers the salt layer turns its mirror. Tourists have the impression here that the sky is above the head and under their feet. People seek so far in the air.

Climate locacy

The rainy season here lasts from November to March. The approximate air temperature in the summer is 22 ° C. As in many deserts and mountains, a hot day on the Bolivian plateau is replaced by a cool night. On the summer months in South America there are winter, but, despite this, at such a time and the main influx of tourists happens. In winter, the air temperature in Uyuni (Solonchak) reaches +13 ° C, at night, lowered up to -10 ° C.

Due to the high height above sea level, many tourists (especially unusual to change heights) are inconvenient here. They have a head spawn, laid ears. The attacks of nausea and vomiting happen, but the symptoms quickly pass. The body is accustomed to climate, and the locals know how to help the tourist. They advise visit to chewing Coca leaves - a strong toning agent that helps relieve unpleasant sensations. However, people visiting Salar de Uuini Salar (Bolivia) should be remembered that Coca leaves are a slight drug!

Flora and fauna of lakes in the mountains

Due to the huge accumulation of salts, local soil is unsuitable for life. Very is almost absent here. You can notice only high cacti and rare shrubs that are aborigines use as fuel. By the way, cacti here are very interesting. Reaching a height of 12 meters, they all have different shapes and thickness. It is difficult to find two identical cactus.

In the summer, a real miracle can be seen in Solonchak: hundreds of beautiful birds are flying here - pink flamingos, stepwise walking along the mirror stroit. Chilean, Andean and Flamingo James arrive every year here for breeding.

There are about 80 species of birds nearby. Among them are interesting individuals, such as Andean Goose and Andean Hummingbird. Also here you can see Andean foxes and small rodents of the temples. The appearance of the latter is slightly reminded by the habitual rabbits.

Solonchak de Uuesty: Economic importance

For the Bolivian economy, Solonchak has a tremendous value. Of course, his main wealth is truly significant salt reserves. Experts suggest that there are ten billion tons of salt. This is a huge figure! At the same time, about 25 thousand tons of mineral produces each year on the lake. Lithium is also mined here. It is used to produce batteries. More than 50% of the global stock of this substance is located in Lake Bolivia.

In the dry season, the smooth surface of the salt chamber is one of the main highways altiplano. And of course, it is considered one of the main attractions of the country. There are crowds of tourists flying here, causing state treasna.

Another fact in favor of the lake: here is a flat mirror surface, clean sky and dry air. These are excellent conditions for testing and calibrating orbital satellites. That is why Salar de Uuini Salar is so expensive by the Government of Bolivia.

Local attractions: locomotive cemetery

The locomotive cemetery is located three kilometers from the city of Uyuni. Now this once large town has a population of 15 thousand people. But once there were the most important railway tracks of the country. In the 40s of the 20th century, mining fell on the mines, and the city gradually began to be allowed. The division of the railway communication did not make himself wait ... Locomotives and cars were thrown just like that.

Tourists can even see the locomotives here, whose age is more than a century. But unfortunately, all these historical objects are in a terrible and unclean state. The authorities tried to raise the issue of creating a museum, but so far to no avail.

Salt hotels

Residents of Bolivia, who work on salt extraction, use it not only in food. Traders offer visitors to the country and souvenirs made right here from salt. But this did not stop the inventive people! People visiting the Solonchak Uuzhi in Bolivia and wanting to feel the local flavor as sharper as possible, stop for the night in hotels made from salt blocks.

The first hotels were built in the 90s of the past century. They were erected in the middle of the lake. Because of the problems with sanitation, poorly affecting the ecology, hotels were demolished and rebuilt with all the rules. Now the famous salt hotels are located on the edge of the lake.

Palacio de Sal Hotel is one of the most famous hotels from Salt. Walls and roofs, floor, furniture, sculptures here are made of salt. Tourists will be offered a sauna, jacuzzi. The only prohibition of all hotels from Salt Blokov - Cannot lick the surrounding environment!

Pescado Island

Another attraction of Uyuni is right in the middle of the lake. Pescado Island (translated - "Fish") in the rainy season with its outlines and though reminds Fish. Island area is approximately 2 square meters. km. Over the desert salt rummaged the tower of an ancient extinct volcano.

It is covered by many fossil corals and tremendous cacti. Cacti here are ancient, even millennial individuals are found. Pescado Island is famous for the ruins that remain from the settlement of the Inca.

Other local attractions

Visiting the village of Kolzhani, the tourist must notice to the local museum, where interesting specimens of furniture and sculptures from the mineral are exposed.

Interesting and lagoon of Lake Ediding. Flamingo flocks are found here, and you can also watch lamas and alpacamas. Flamingo arrive in the nearby lagoon Colorado.

A geyser pool, called Sol de Manyan, is 50 km from the Colorado Lake. The reservoir boils and highlights sulfur gas with a characteristic unpleasant odor. Very close, you can swim in the thermal source. This is especially useful to people suffering from arthritis.

If you have little and these attractions, then go to the Lagoon Verde. This salted lake is green located almost on the state border with Chile. An interesting color of water gives sedimentary deposits with copper.

Aymara Indians tell the tourists an ancient legend. Mountains surrounding Solonchak, according to Aboriginal, in ancient times were giants. The piece was married but the tuno, but fascinated by the cousin. The Giant threw a wife and a small child, and the tunaper lied bitter tears for a very long time. The tears streams were mixed with milk, which she fed a child, and a huge lake was formed. Locals are very honored by the legend of the trunnel and believe that the terrain should wear her name.

Memo to tourist

Going to a new and unknown place, do not forget to take everything you need. Take sunglasses if you do not want to pure all the time. If you wish to make a night snapshot "Solonchak Uyuni in Bolivia," take warm clothes.

Nights here are very cool. Be sure to fit into the suitcase water-winding shoes and moisturizing cream, because the leather is very dry from the local climate.

If you settle in the budget hotel, take a blanket or sleeping bag. Such hotels are often not heated.

The best place to visit Uyuni is February, it is this month that the lake becomes truly a giant mirror. Do not forget to make photos of local cute lamas walking along the shore. Their ears are decorated with funny surroundings of different colors.

Solonchak Uyuni: How to get to the place?

Tourists usually get to Solonchaki from the capital of Bolivia, La Paz. Several types of transport run to the famous lake. So, how to visit Solonchak Uyuni in Bolivia?

If you want to admire the truly wonderful view of the endless mirror lake, the flocks of charming pink flamingos, live in an exotic hotel from salt blocks and watch an ancient volcano, then you will definitely visit the dried Lake Uyuni in South America.