Hotel architecture. A variety of architectural solutions for modern hotel complexes

The architecture of the capital's buildings makes it possible to determine with an accuracy of a decade when and under which ruler they were erected. Not all residential buildings built in the last century have survived to our times. The same cannot be said about hotels. In this article, we will look at five "hotel heroes" in various categories, whose "life path" can tell about political and historical milestones in the development of the city of Moscow.

Five stars - hotel "Moscow"

The Moskva Hotel, which occupies an entire block, was one of the first hotels built in Soviet Moscow. The massive building plays a dominant role in the formation of the area immediately adjacent to the Kremlin. "Moscow" is notable for its complex architectural plastics, designed to coordinate the structure with the adjacent Kremlin and the building of the Historical Museum. The construction of the hotel was carried out from 1933 to 1935 according to the project of architects L. Savelyev, O. Stapran and A. Shchusev.

Okhotny Ryad, considered at the beginning of the 20th century one of the most unsanitary districts of the city, became the first Moscow district to undergo a radical reconstruction in the 1920s. This is not surprising: after all, there were numerous shops and taverns. The Soviet authorities decided to "clean up" the city center and build something monumental on the site of the shopping arcade. In 1922 it was planned to build a Palace of Labor here. The representative competition for the best project that was held did not lead to embodied results. Due to financial difficulties, construction was postponed. However, work on the reconstruction of the building began: in the same year the chapel of Alexander Nevsky on Manezhnaya Square was demolished, in 1924 the mass demolition of shops in the southern part of Okhotny Ryad (mainly wooden buildings) began. In 1930, the church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was demolished, and all market trade was moved to Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

The initial project of the Mossovet hotel (project name), completed in the late 1920s by young architects O. Stapran and L. Savelyev, was decided in the spirit of constructivism and was in obvious contradiction with the existing historical image of the area. The harsh asceticism of the massive building was not tied to the Kremlin ensemble, the development of Okhotny Ryad, Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets.

Savelyev's variant

Alexey Shchusev was invited as a co-author to correct the "mistakes" of the project. The frame box of the building was already being completed by that time, and it was not possible to make significant changes. However, Shchusev, with great ingenuity and tact, made changes to the project, adding laconic decor in the spirit of neoclassicism, without violating the constructivist basis of the building project.

General plan (Shchusev)

As a result, a strict and monumental eight-column portico with a height of six floors with an open terrace, spacious loggias-arcades in the center of the main facade, and numerous balconies appeared. The corners of the building were accented with turrets. The building itself has acquired greater plasticity due to the more pronounced division of the main facade.

The architects made 18 sets of furniture from different tree species especially for the hotel. And on December 20, 1935, the first visitors could see all the luxury of the first Soviet hotel.

Room plan

It is said that some citizens awarded with a trip to "Moscow" were so afraid to dirty the interior of their rooms that they slept right on the floor. In addition to workers and collective farmers, Alexey Stakhanov, Valery Chkalov, Demyan Bedny, Georgy Zhukov, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Mikhail Zharov, Arkady Raikin, Yuri Gagarin, Boris Yeltsin were seen among the guests, and Robert De Niro was the last "star" resident.

At the same time, Shchusev completed sketches for the second stage of the hotel, but it did not come to the construction of new buildings. The construction of a 10-storey building overlooking Revolution Square (with a facade on the building of the Lenin Museum) and a 6-storey building facing Teatralnaya Square began only in 1968. To implement the project, it was necessary to demolish a number of buildings adjacent to the "Moscow" from the east, including the old hotel "Grand Hotel". Architects A. Boretsky, D. Solopov and I. Rozhkin generally took into account the compositional ideas laid down by their predecessors. The second stage of the hotel was put into operation in 1977, to the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution; thus, the buildings of the hotel "Moscow" occupied an entire block. However, the decor of the new buildings turned out to be drier in design; The 6-storey building was generally designed in the spirit of an ordinary concrete box, which, according to some experts, brought a sharp dissonance to the Teatralnaya Square ensemble.

Drinkers must have noticed the facade not only in old Soviet films, but also on the vodka label. According to legend, state security analysts came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bplacing the building there. It was believed that such vodka was consumed by bosses and creative personalities, and accordingly, according to the version of the Chekists, they would someday stay at a hotel, which they often see on their table. And there you can listen to them and draw conclusions.

In 1942, the people's poet of Belarus Yanka Kupala died in "Moscow". He slipped on a marble staircase and fell down a flight of stairs from the 10th floor. The police considered this an accident, although there were rumors among the people that the NKVD had a hand in this death. And when they began to dismantle the hotel in 2003, there were rumors that Beria's secret bunker was found on the sixth floor: its walls were one and a half meters thick, so the builders had to work hard to dismantle this shelter. Under the building, explosives were found, which were planted at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War to blow up the hotel if the Germans got to it.

But then there was no need to destroy the hotel. This began to be done 60 years later, when the building was declared emergency. The last guests received as a bonus a voucher to stay in a new hotel for a week. The authorities promised that it would be possible to use the gift as early as 2010.

Hotel "Moscow" on a postage stamp of the USSR, 1946 The building of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (left) and a fragment of the hotel "Moskva" on a postage stamp of the USSR, issued for the 800th anniversary of Moscow

There is a legend that JV Stalin personally approved the final project of the hotel, presented by Shchusev, and it was this circumstance that caused the noticeable asymmetry of the main facade of the building. For approval, the architect prepared a project for the main facade with two design options. Both options were combined in one drawing and separated by an axis of symmetry: on the right side of the drawing a more strict version was depicted, on the left side - a version with a large number of decorative details. Stalin put his signature in the middle: to clarify what exactly Joseph Vissarionovich had in mind, none of the designers dared, and Shchusev implemented both design options in one facade, literally in accordance with the approved drawing. Allegedly for this reason, the projections of the main facade differ from each other. This is nothing more than a beautiful legend. Stalin did not sign the projects. In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic: Shchusev put the signature under one of the variants of the facade, divided by the axis of symmetry. Further, the drawings went to the builders, who did everything as in the picture. At that time, in parallel with the construction of the building, scaffolding was erected, which hid the error until the moment of their dismantling.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe complex will be 183,000 sq. m. The project of a new building on the site of the destroyed hotel was developed by the architect of the State Unitary Enterprise “Mosproekt-2 named after M. V. Posokhin "V. V. Kolosnitsyn. The customer of the reconstruction is Dekmos JSC.

Four stars - hotel "Cosmos"

The Cosmos hotel complex was built to serve the XXII Summer Olympic Games, which took place in Moscow in 1980.

Hotel "Cosmos". 1980s

The architecture and design of the building with a view of VDNKh and the Monument to the Conquerors of Space were developed jointly by a team of Soviet and French architects (V. Andreev, T. Zaikin, V. Steiskal - Mosproekt-1; O. Kakub, P. Zhugle, S. Epstein - France).

The hotel included: 1718 standard rooms with 2 beds, 53 two-room suites, 6 four-room suites and about 3600 hotel catering beds.

When planning the premises, we had to strictly adhere to Soviet norms, which were not only very different from Western ones, but were also much stricter. The building was built by the French company Sefri.

The hotel was officially opened on July 18, 1979. It was attended by many prominent politicians, businessmen, and pop stars. Sang by specially invited singer Joe Dassin.

"Cosmos", unlike the likes of "Zarya" and "Tourist", is a twenty-five-storey building resembling a horseshoe shape.

During the Olympic Games, the hotel housed the Olympic Press Center. There were also many other mass events in the hotel: the Festival of Youth and Students, TV programs "Morning Star", "Song of the Year", the "Crystal Boat" competition, and in 2004 the project "People's Artist-2" was held in the Cosmos Hotel. Among the guests of the hotel were such famous personalities as: Joe Dassin, Alla Pugacheva, Garry Kasparov and other famous people.

Also "Cosmos" became famous for the fact that Tõnis Mägi performed the song "Olympiada 80" at the main entrance to the hotel.

And in the film "Day Watch" the hotel was the headquarters of the dark forces. Some of the filming was done at the hotel.

However, despite the hotel's developers arguing that there was no doubt about the safety of the facility, in 2010 an employee of a cleaning company who was keeping an eye on the cleanliness of a hotel hairdresser was boiled alive in an elevator shaft. The tragedy happened when she took the elevator down to the basement with bags of garbage. When the elevator doors opened, the main heating pipe suddenly burst. The temperature of the liquid (water with the addition of special additives) in the tanks at the time of the accident was about 130 degrees. A powerful stream of boiling water poured over the unfortunate woman. The woman died on the spot. An accident on the heating main occurred as a result of a valve failure.

At present, the Cosmos Hotel is used by Russian and foreign tourists and business people, participants in exhibitions held at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, and everyone who is comfortable with the hotel's location.

Three stars - hotel "Izmailovo"

The history of the Izmailovo Hotel is closely connected with the history of the city of Moscow. In 1980, Moscow was chosen as the center for the Olympic Games. The city expected a large influx of foreign athletes, fans and reporters attracted by the spectacular games and competitions of the year's central sporting event.

It was decided to build a hotel in the greenest district of Moscow - Izmailovo.

A large team worked on the Izmailovo hotel construction project: architects D. Burdin and Y. Rabaev, engineer E. Skorodumov, famous sculptor Z. Tsereteli and many others.

As a result, a worthy architectural monument was built in Moscow in four years, for the work on which the authors were awarded a state prize.

Despite the fact that participation in the 1980 Olympic Games was boycotted by most of the capitalist states, many guests and participants gathered.

As conceived by the creators, the hotel and tourist complex was to be associated with the Olympic Games at all levels: both in spatial embodiment and in color. The Olympic rings were taken as a basis - symbols of the continents of the Earth. That is why the Izmailovo hotel is a complex of five high-rise buildings of 30 floors each, two of which are connected by ends. And the names of the buildings were given by the letters of the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Vega, Gamma-Delta. The buildings of the complex were located around the square where the concert hall was built.

The people called them in the Russian manner - "ABVGD-ykoy". All 5 buildings could simultaneously accommodate up to 10 thousand people, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Of course, during the construction of such a facility of international importance, the advanced technologies of that time were initially laid down, the interior of the hotel and equipment corresponded to world standards of safety and service.

So, the hotel heat supply system in its capacity is not inferior to the three district boiler houses. During the construction of Izmailovo, innovative developments of Soviet scientists were also used: a system for automatic registration of numbers, mechanical dust removal. The developers have also introduced a fundamentally new system of ventilation and air conditioning, sprinkler fire extinguishing.

After the Olympic Games, Izmailovo was transferred to the department of hotels of the USSR and the buildings were opened to accommodate ordinary citizens and guests of the capital. Later, the hotel complex also hosted participants in mass and all-Union international events - the Goodwill Games, the Festival of Youth and Students, and the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR. According to the Soviet classification, the Izmailovo service level corresponded to the Inturservice level.

After the collapse of the USSR, a period of reforms began, and the Izmailovo hotel complex did not escape the problems of that time: the centralized management of the hotel complex and budget funding stopped. It should be noted that the management of the Izmaylovo hotel made not the worst decision - the enterprise was corporatized and put up for a privatization auction for loans for shares, and not in full, but in buildings. This move allowed potential buyers to privatize hotel buildings in parts more profitably. Thus, Izmailovo in the structure of the hotel business in the 90s began to be positioned as 5 independent hotel enterprises. This division in the conduct of commercial and economic activities still exists, but Muscovites still perceive the "ABVGDake", which they love, as a single hotel complex.

At present, all buildings of the Izmailovo hotel and tourist complex correspond to a three-star level of service according to international certification.

Two stars - hotel "Slavyanka"

The Slavyanka Hotel is also a hotel with history. This year she turned 77 years old, most of which she was known as the hotel of the Central House of the Soviet Army (CDSA), becoming "Slavyanka" only in 1995.

It was built on the site of the demolished church of John the Warrior on Bozhedomka. The place itself was associated with the army.

Many famous military leaders, in particular, A.I. Pokryshkin, I.N. Kozhedub, stayed at the Slavyanka Hotel at different times. During the Great Patriotic War, the most distinguished front-line soldiers who came to the capital to receive government awards, underwent rehabilitation after treatment in hospitals, were accommodated here. At this time in the history of the hotel there were moments when folding beds were even in the corridors. The future generals and marshals of our army spent many nights there. The French pilots of the Normandie-Niemen regiment also lived here.

Fighting comrades could find lost fellow soldiers. The heroes of the defense of the Brest Fortress often met there. There is a lot of evidence of chance encounters of veterans who thought they would never see each other.

The current management of "Slavyanka" would like to have a corner of the hotel's history, but so far they cannot find many important documents. For more than 60 years, the hotel was a structural unit of the Central House of the Soviet Army, but there is not a word about it in the documents. Only orders for personnel have survived.

Muscovites and guests of the capital who pass by a gray seven-story building, at the entrance to which there are sculptures of a pilot and a tankman in uniform of the 30s of the last century, believe that inside the military hotel has not changed much since its opening.

The film crews of the historical film even approached the management of "Slavyanka" with a request to shoot in the old interiors. Imagine the director's surprise when it turned out that practically nothing remained of the hotel-hostel, which it had been for many years, from the old pre-war and post-war situation. Perhaps only the sculptures at the entrance, which have become a striking landmark of "Slavyanka" and near which both domestic guests and foreigners love to take pictures.

And today every guest is welcome in Slavyanka, but the special attitude here, of course, is to the servicemen and their families. It offers visitors - 305 comfortable rooms of various categories. The Slavyanka Hotel has a convenient location: in the city center, not far from the Theater of the Russian Army and the Olympic sports complex. At the same time, prices for accommodation are affordable for many.

Congress hotel - "Iris Congress Hotel"

For many decades, the concept of progress in medicine was associated with the name of Svyatoslav Fedorov. In the sixties, he began to solve the most difficult medical and social problem - the replacement of a clouded lens with an artificial one. And in the late seventies he offered the world another innovative technology - getting rid of patients from myopia with the help of incisions ("incisions") on the cornea.

After multifaceted experimental research, Svyatoslav Nikolaevich carried out the first successful implantation of an intraocular lens in the USSR, thereby opening a new direction in science. The following decades proved the promising nature of his chosen scientific direction. Only in Russia S.N. Fedorov and his students performed about 1.5 million such operations.

However, few people know that Svyatoslav Fedorov was involved in the opening of the first world-class chain hotel in the USSR.

In 1989, he decided to build a luxurious hotel at the Eye Microsurgery MNTK for wealthy foreign clients who came to Moscow to undergo eye surgery. The French company Bouygues was invited to design and build the hotel.

The Iris project was the first for the company in Russia. Later Bouygues had many successful projects in Russia - construction shopping centers "Atrium" and "Mega Belaya Dacha", as well as the reconstruction of the Main building of Moscow State University in Moscow, the building of the Hyatt hotel in Yekaterinburg, etc.

Fedorov assumed that foreign citizens would be more willing to come to the USSR if they were offered all the conditions for living at the highest level.

The hotel's architecture was unique to Russia. The exterior cladding of the hotel was associated with many coastal hotels in world resorts.

In addition, for the first time, a huge atrium was implemented in the hotel, with a dome shaped like an iris of the eye. And the hotel itself was shaped like a human eye.

The French chain Accor was involved in the management of the hotel. It was one of the first foreign operators on the nascent Russian market. The French ran the hotel under the luxury brand Pullman Iris 5 *, which opened its doors to its first guests in early 1991.

Some of the name of the object was associated with the Latin word "iris", which means the iris of the eye, others deciphered as capital letters of the names of Fedorov's wife - Irena and himself - Slava.

In 1993 the management company replaced the hotel brand with a more democratic one - Sofitel Iris 5 *.

In times of scarcity, many citizens came to Iris to get acquainted with French cuisine, as the Champs-Elysees restaurant functioned on the ground floor, where one could enjoy oysters and beaujolais.

However, after the collapse of the USSR and the success of Japanese doctors in the field of ophthalmology, Fedorov's plans collapsed like a house of cards. Iris never saw the influx of wealthy, visually impaired guests. And in 1998 the Accor chain withdrew from the project, and the hotel, the construction of which was carried out with credit funds, after the tragic death of Fedorov, went under the hammer.

However, with the development of the hotel business in Russia, it became clear that the hotel, which is located far from the city center (Korovinskoe shosse, 10), can in no way be called a "five-star" hotel. The hotel is changing owners who are transforming the management system to find Iris' niche in the market. The hotel was renamed into Iris Congress Hotel.

The emphasis on conferences and events has been a salvation for the hotel's economy. Positioning in this perspective has doubled the object's revenue. The new owner of Amtel Properties, which appeared in the mid-2000s, strengthens the focus on the provision of congress services.

And the fact that a registry office operates next to the hotel has provided the Iris Congress Hotel with orders for weddings and other holidays for years to come. Since in terms of the ratio of quality and services provided, few of the capital's hotels can compete with the "Iris".

An interesting fact is that in one of the hotel rooms Fedorov planned to build an operating room. And according to legend, he managed to carry out several successful operations in it.

During all 20 years famous people have become its guests: prominent politicians, scientists, musical groups, domestic and foreign pop stars, eminent coaches and athletes - participants of the Formula 1 race, famous football, basketball and hockey teams.

And now the hotel retains its individuality and history. Thus, the unique architecture and interiors attract the attention of not only guests, but also cinema figures - feature films and TV series are regularly filmed within the walls of the hotel.

The hotel has 201 rooms, including 20 two-room suites and one presidential. The Iris also includes: a fitness center, 12 conference rooms and meeting rooms, a multifunctional transforming hall with a stage, a business center, parking and several barbecue lawns.

Anastasia Kremenchuk

Do you want to do hotel business? Do you have a general concept and business plan? You can go directly to the design stage of the hotel.

Designing hotels (hotels) is one of the most significant stages preceding the construction of an object of any scale and purpose.

The design of the hotel is based on the concept developed at the stage of drawing up a business plan. Designing allows you to get a complete picture of how the hotel will look from the outside and what will be inside.

Plans include more than architectural design hotels, calculation of the number and area of \u200b\u200brooms, the location of the lobby bar, but also the layout of all mandatory zones, the general style solution, the selection of furniture, the arrangement of the necessary equipment, the placement of utilities and communications. This rule remains unchanged for a country hotel and for a resort area. Designing an ordinary hotel, eco or spa hotel requires the well-coordinated work of a large team of specialists: from builders and technologists to designers and architects. Everything is important: from the selection of finishing materials to determining whether 50 seats are enough for a restaurant at a hotel with 60 rooms.

Detailed design of hotels from the "Fantalis" team

At your request, our team will carry out all stages of the design of hotels for 2, 3, 4 and 5 stars, including the study of architectural and planning solutions.

Our clients receive a complete and comprehensive package of drawings and plans in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content."

The presence of this package of documents allows you to easily obtain a permit for the construction of hotels, as well as hotels with a swimming pool or other additional services.

The work of our company involves the implementation of the following stages:

Hotel master plan development

The development of the general plan of the hotel includes sections that allow conducting conciliation procedures in the shortest possible time and starting work related to changing the landscape of the site. We carry out:

  • development of a planning scheme for a land plot. This drawing assumes an indication of all objects to be placed on the site;
  • planning, landscaping solutions, plans for planting plants, placement of lighting devices;
  • plans for the construction of all buildings and structures with a detailed description of all stages;
  • plan of earth masses;
  • layout of engineering communications, connection to backbone networks;
  • landscape design, landscaping of the adjacent territory, including vertical planning;
  • development of a plan of sanitary protection zones with justification of the boundaries for each capital object;
  • development of a plan to protect buildings and structures from natural disasters, including from a large volume of storm water, flood waters, rising groundwater, from earthquakes, etc .;
  • binding to roads and junctions.

Detailed design of the hotel

If the hotel project needs to be submitted for state expertise, work is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Hotel design - stage "P";
  2. Development of working documentation for the hotel - stage "RD".

In addition, projects are being developed to connect engineering networks, fire alarm systems. For earthquake-prone areas, special attention is paid to the stability and reliability of buildings. At the first stage, drawings of all buildings are developed, including technical extensions and premises.

Obligatory attention is paid to the organization of transport movement, the placement of recreation areas and landscape design. For each of the hotel buildings, a bill of materials is compiled with an indication of the volume.

Design and construction company "Fantalis" specializes in the development of hotel projects: from 2 stars to 5 stars with a range of additional services at the hotel. We have experience in solving all possible problems accompanying the design of hotels, placement of entertainment facilities. Each of the company's specialists is responsible for a separate stage of work, but all together make up a well-coordinated team capable of preparing a project of any complexity and purpose .. After all, each type of architectural solution has its own specifics. And it is physically impossible to know everything. And we chose our direction - the development of original and unique solutions for hotels and hotels.

Passage of approval procedures

The specialists of our company will not only develop a hotel project that will pass the state examination without comments and modifications, but will also help with the passage of mandatory examinations and approvals in state authorities, if necessary.

Advantages of hotel design from the company "Fantalis"

To ensure that all our projects are of high quality, meet all the needs of the client, we have developed a rule "5E"

We are always mindful of costs! The investor must not only invest in construction, but also make a profit. We believe that unnecessary and inappropriate pathos should not ruin customers. But our projects are never boring!

Ecology is above all! We do not use materials with formaldehyde, harmful volatile substances. When designing an ECO hotel, we use only natural materials. Our hotels are always ECO! When developing projects, the features of the landscape on the site are taken into account. We do not destroy what we have in order to build something new!

Utility bills take away the lion's share of all hotel profits. We care about the energy efficiency of all buildings and structures. Savings are your additional profit

Your clients will always be comfortable in their rooms, in the lobby, and on the territory of the hotel. We will help you to correctly determine its visual positioning in the eyes of your audience. For a hotel, "aesthetics" is an important component of success!

Your staff gets comfortable places to work, and clients - to rest. There will be no “just in case” rooms at your facility. Everything will work for you!

Completed hotel projects

You can see all hotel projects in the section "Our projects".

Do you want to keep costs to a minimum, avoid paying for unnecessary "bells and whistles" and get an optimal project? Please contact the Fantalis company.

Hotel Ukraine is one of the seven Stalinist skyscrapers in Moscow. The hotel building was under construction at an accelerated pace for the International Festival of Youth and Students, which was scheduled for 1957. Hotel Ukraine in Moscow originally included 1000 hotel rooms and 254 apartments.

The outer part of the building is decorated with obelisks, vases made of sheaves of wheat, decorative walls made of five-pointed stars. The hotel's interior is also characterized by lush marble decoration and picturesque shades. Hotel Ukraine 206 meters high with a spire, consists of three parts. The central part of the hotel has 34 floors.

The hotel is located in an important, from the point of view of urban planning, place near the Dorogomilovskaya bend of the Moscow River on the Taras Shevchenko embankment. The building was erected even before the construction of the Novo-Arbatsky bridge and the active development of the adjacent part of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

The high-rise was supposed to become a vertical, marking the beginning of the only laid-out Kutuzovsky Avenue. According to the general plan for the reconstruction of Moscow in 1935, the projected avenue was supposed to be called Constitution Avenue and it was supposed to pass by Poklonnaya mountain through the Dorogomilovsky district to the center. Now it is Novy Arbat and Kutuzovsky Prospect.

Architects of the hotel "Ukraine"

The architect of the hotel Ukraine was A. Mordvinov, who specialized more in high-speed flow construction of new quarters of Moscow. His ideas were more in line with solving problems with a catastrophic shortage of living space for Moscow citizens.

Therefore, he involved the newly released architect V. Oltarzhevsky to work on the project of the Hotel Ukraine, who took part in the work on the project of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow and was repressed in the 1930s on charges of sabotage.

After the death of I. Stalin, the architects of the skyscraper had to make excuses for its construction for a long time. With the filing of N. Khrushchev, incredible criticism of both the building and the architects who created it began. Most of the architects who took part in the work on the skyscrapers, including the hotel Ukraine, lost their Stalinist prizes and high positions. Architect A. Mordvinov was disgraced from the post of President of the USSR Academy of Architecture.

Construction of the hotel Ukraine in Moscow

The architects and builders of the hotel Ukraine faced a difficult task. The bank of the Moskva River is not the best place for a high-rise building. The design of the building assumed that the foundation of the entire structure should go to a depth of 11 meters and 6 meters below the groundwater level.

In those years, there were two solutions to such a difficult task, or the already well-known system of freezing the soil or dewatering using a network of pumps. More than 900 pumping units were provided for the drainage of groundwater in the pit.

Hotel Ukraine got its name only under N. Khrushchev, before that, at all stages of architectural planning and construction, the project was called the Hotel Building in Dorogomilovo.

Completely architectural ensemble was completed only in the late 60s, when the view of Arbat Square and Novy Arbat was finally formed. The Taras Shevchenko embankment and the park laid out on it have successfully completed the look of the Ukraine Hotel.

The engineers, planning Constitution Avenue, assumed to build it up with houses three times less in height than the erected ones. However, due to criticism of the project by N. Khrushchev, buildings were erected on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, catching up with the hotel Ukraine and significantly diminishing its appearance.

The magazines of that time wrote that "the eerie masses that grew up on the sides of the new highway wiped out the hotel spire with their grayness, which against their background looks like a medium-sized sapling stretching from under the asphalt of Novy Arbat."

In 1957, at the time of its opening, the Ukraine hotel was considered the largest in Europe. The restaurant of the Stalin skyscraper was also a landmark of Moscow in its own way. From above, the entire structure is a rectangle, one side of which is the main element - a high-rise building of the hotel itself, and two long and symmetrical sides make up residential buildings.

The golden hue of the limestone near Moscow used for facing the building emphasizes the richness of the facade. The majesty of the building is emphasized by colored mosaics in the high-rise part of the building, extensive use of bas-reliefs and volumetric sculptures.

One of the legends about Stalin's skyscrapers says that the designs of all buildings were based on the designs of the pyramids. Indeed, among the design drawings of Ukraine there is a drawing reflecting the idea of \u200b\u200ba pyramid.

It is their proportionality that contributes to the harmonious perception of skyscrapers. The architect of the hotel Ukraine A. Mordvinov based the project on a versatile pyramid. The architectural image of the high-rise embodied the universal principles of harmony.

Interior of the hotel Ukraine in Moscow

The rooms of the Hotel Ukraine were designed and equipped to the highest standards of that era. The air preparation and heating equipment was practically silent. The building was provided with a general dust removal system.

Several restaurants and shops were envisaged in the building. The halls of the restaurant were made in typical Stalinist architecture. The closed rectangular architecture, the monumental enfilade did not at all combine with the restaurant function.

One of the European guests of the Ukraine Hotel wrote that "while having breakfast in the restaurant hall, I experienced the full severity of the building, pathos, excessive pomp, and my own insignificance." According to I. Stalin's plan, these are the feelings that all visitors to Moscow skyscrapers should have felt.

The large dimensions of the halls and individual elements of the restaurant were completely disproportionate to a person, and even more so to a sitting person. The use of expensive materials for decoration, luxury fabrics and dishes made eating not just an uncomfortable event, but a very dangerous ritual. One awkward movement of the guest and for the spoiled tablecloth or dishes it was necessary to pay a large fine.

It is impossible not to mention the KGB post on one of the floors of the building. The Soviet government could not allow such an object as the Ukraine Hotel, which also receives foreign guests and is located within walking distance from the Foreign Ministry building, did not have special equipment for listening to conversations and monitoring guests. And as you know, a post with duty officers of a specialized department was necessarily set up for the equipment.

High-rise reconstruction

In 2005, the building of the Hotel Ukraine in Moscow was put up for auction. The Moscow government was forced to sell the building, as no co-investor was found willing to invest almost $ 60 million in its reconstruction. More than 20 little-known companies participated in the auction. The winner of the auction was Biscuit LLC, which paid $ 275 million for the high-rise building.

The building was completely reconstructed. The interior elements of the decor, the facade, including the 73-meter spire, were updated. During the renovation, one of the eight decorative towers collapsed on the restaurant building. There were no victims in the emergency, as everything happened at night.

During the analysis of the destroyed structure, the architects and experts agreed that the collapse was due to the use of low-quality building materials during the construction of the Ukraine Hotel back in the 1950s. But despite this, its further operation is considered safe.

Today, the skyscraper not only fulfills its main purpose as one of the best hotels in Moscow, but is also a striking landmark of the city. In 2010, the renovated skyscraper began to receive guests under the Radisson Royal brand (Radisson Royal). The management of the building was entrusted to The Rezidor Hotel Group. The new Radisson Royal Hotel has become part of the international Radisson Hotel chain.

One of the conditions for the reconstruction of the Ukraine Hotel in Moscow was the preservation of its historical appearance and interior decor. Now in the pompous halls of the skyscraper are located:

  1. Restaurant "Tatler Club" A. Novikov.
  2. Beefbar "Junior".
  3. Veranda restaurant.
  4. Restaurant of Iranian cuisine "FARSI".
  5. Italian restaurant "Bono".
  6. "Mercedes-Bar".
  7. Karaoke bar "Troubadour".
  8. Restaurant for two "Romantic".

The highest point of the building - the glass veranda under the spire of the Ukraine Hotel, or as it is now called the Radisson Royal Hotel - is occupied by the Romantic Restaurant. At almost 200 meters in height, there is a magnificently decorated table and two comfortable armchairs, just for two.

And the main decoration of this restaurant is not its snow-white decoration and romantic setting, but of course the view! View of Moscow from the center to the outskirts. By the way, the Bono restaurant, located nearby, is included in our two ratings “The most expensive restaurant in Moscow” and “Panoramic restaurants in Moscow”.

The cuisine of the restaurant fully corresponds to the height of the restaurant itself, each dish is unique and is a masterpiece of culinary skills. Dinner in such unusual place will be remembered for a lifetime, and the story of an evening spent on one of the highest and most unusual rooftops in Moscow will be passed on as a family legend.

Diorama Moscow - the capital of the USSR

Hotel Ukraine in Moscow not only fulfills its function of receiving guests, but also serves as a hall for a large number of items of artistic value. The main gallery on the first floor houses an amazing historical exhibit - Diorama Moscow - the Capital of the USSR. The diorama is a miniature Moscow of the 70s. The diorama is not only a cultural and historical monument, but also a masterpiece of panoramic art.

The diorama surprises with a very high level of accuracy. The models of the depicted objects are particularly reliable. The diorama is made on a scale of 1:75, which allows you to see in detail the entire center of what was then Moscow.

The total area occupied by the diorama is 306 sq. m. and is equipped with mechanisms that reproduce the appropriate time of day. The diorama was created in the art workshop of Yefim Deshalyt for the National Exhibition in the United States by order of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The diorama was exhibited in many countries of the world, making it possible to make a virtual journey behind the Iron Curtain to the capital of the Soviet Union. The diorama at the exhibition in Leipzig won the gold medal as a work of high art.

In the USSR, the diorama was exhibited at VDNKh and in one of the exhibition complexes in Moscow. In 2007, specially for the reconstructed hotel Ukraine in Moscow, at an auction, Diorama was bought by the new owners of the building. In 2010, restoration work on the Diorama was completed and now it is on display.

Pier of the hotel Ukraine in Moscow

The pier of Ukraine in Moscow, located on the Taras Shevchenko embankment opposite the park in front of the hotel. The pier, like the embankment, was built in 1961 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of the Ukrainian poet T. Shevcheno, complementing the architectural composition of the structure. The pier is equipped for disembarkation and embarkation of passengers. The pier of the Radisson Hotel is usually called a pier, despite the fact that in the river fleet the more common term is a pier.

"River trams" do not make a stop near the berth - pleasure motor ships of the Capital Shipping Company, making regular river walks along the Moskva River. The berth of the Ukraine Hotel is intended only for anchorage of motor ships of the Radisson Royal flotilla. Radisson cruise along the Moskva River on modern and comfortable yachts begins from the pier of the renovated hotel.

Flotilla Radisson Royal

In 2009, 5 magnificent pleasure yachts, specially designed for the Radisson Royal, were launched:

  1. Ferdinand.
  2. Scarlet.
  3. Celebrity.
  4. Capella.
  5. Bon Voyage.

The snow-white yachts surprised and delighted not only the travelers themselves, but also the Muscovites, who watched with amazement the smooth glide of motor ships along the Moskva River. The trip on a pleasure boat from the Radisson flotilla was mainly entertainment for foreign tourists. But in last years and Muscovites started buying tickets for cruises on the Moscow River more and more often.

In 2013, the Radisson Royal flotilla was replenished with improved yachts with class 1 salons and open decks, allowing you to experience the journey along the water surface of the Moscow River: enjoy the sun, headwind and splashing waves:

  1. Butterfly.
  2. Montana.
  3. Felicita.
  4. Primavera.
  5. Beauty.

Cruises on the Moskva River from the Radisson Royal pier are held every day all year round. The motor ships are equipped with all the necessary equipment to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers. Panoramic glazing of all the yachts of the Radisson Royal flotilla allows you to admire the center of Moscow without any interference. The open decks are a great place for a photo shoot.

All ships have restaurants and bars, where you can have a pleasant dinner and admire different panoramas of Moscow.

The hotel industry is at its peak today. High competition forces business owners to think about methods to increase customer flow. Among them:

  • Development of an individual project of the hotel facade or a hotel is an interesting and challenging architectural design challenge.
  • Creation of a unique hotel interioris an effective way to attract visitors.
  • Cozy atmosphere, the clever combination of decor elements and practical accessories will no doubt impress visitors, making them want to come back to your hotel or hotel again and again.

The professionals of the Design Moscow architectural studio will implement a concept of any complexity for you. The attentive approach of our architects and designers allows us to create truly special projects. Depending on the chosen conceptual direction and location of the object, the external and internal appearance of the building is being developed.

Hotel building project

The projects of the hotel are very diverse and very different both in layout and in the volumes and facades of the building. First of all, its layout depends on the location of the hotel.

  • City hotels built-in urban structure of streets and roads obey certain conditions dictated by the city (entrance area, width of the building, style, height)
  • Resort hotels are located on a free terrain. The style and structure of planning decisions of resort hotels is dictated by the landscape and the surrounding nature (shape of the building, height, entrance parade group) Such hotels or hotel complexes make the most of the opportunities and advantages of the surrounding landscape.

Hotel projects

We will develop a hotel concept, create a project and implement the best design solution.

  • Design and design of hotels for a ski resort
  • Design of hotels in the mountains
  • Designing a hotel with a swimming pool
  • Design and design of family hotels
  • Design designing Boutique hotels
  • Design of hotels for active recreation

For our studio "Design-Moskva", the development of a design project for a hotel or hotel is a primary task, an indicator of the skill level of specialists and confirmation of the company's high reputation. Ergonomic, functional and exclusive interior design solutions guide us towards the main goal: to create a space in which it will be pleasant to relax and, if necessary, work. At the same time, the wishes and preferences of customers remain in the first place for us.

Style stage

  • Defining a room style
  • Collages with style selection by room
  • Ceiling plans and sections with indication of dimensions, types of materials, reference to structures
  • Decorative unfolding of walls with tile layout
  • List of areas and types of finishing materials
  • List of equipment (electric points, plumbing, furniture, decor items and
  • View images of rooms in perspective in the ArchiCad program

Studio "Design-Moskva" is ready to implement your ideas and implement the most non-standard ideas!

Order a project

To attract a client with impeccable service, in order to want to return to the hotel again, you need to do something special - to create a unique atmosphere. The interior of the hotel depends on the wishes of the customer and the requests of the guests, on which the business is oriented.


  • Selection of paintings, drawings, wall graphics
  • Selection of sculptures
  • Selection of cutlery, sets and tablecloths
  • Selection of bed linen
  • Selection of accessories for various premises
  • Architectural supervision is a set of measures taken to ensure that the artistic solutions of the object being built into operation comply with the solutions provided for in the design project approved by the Customer.

Design of the entrance group and reception.

Hotel reception, Art Deco style

Hotel entrance lobby

Receptionist style eclectic

Eco style hotel entrance lobby

The architects and designers of our studio have extensive experience in the design of hotels and hotels. Many styles - from elegant K lassics and luxurious A rt deco, before the modern reading of the style Vintage can be successfully implemented in the design and decoration of hotel rooms.

  • The author's look at familiar elements is the best solution in creating an individual style.
  • The status of the hotel's interior will be emphasized by materials and details - furniture and finishes made of precious wood, noble shine of bronze and silver, high-quality soft leather, intricate marble pattern, flowing silk curtains.

Our advantages are experienced architects and designers who develop unique projects for hotels and hotels. We are ready to provide our clients:

  • Consulting on any specialized issues;
  • Design and design of bars, restaurants, lobby bars in the hotel / hotel;
  • Design and design of rooms, public areas;
  • Completing projects with furniture, finishing materials, interior items, lighting devices;
  • Full project support.

The key stages in the design of hotels and hotels are the creation of an architectural project and zoning of the premises. It is also necessary to develop a design project for interiors, including:

  • entrance area
  • lobby
  • reception
  • a restaurant
  • room fund
  • conference rooms
  • corridors and elevator halls, etc.

In the design of hotels, it is important to take into account the combination of the housing stock, the entrance area of \u200b\u200bthe reception, restaurants and cafes, and infrastructure maintenance.

Location of hotels depends on their purpose. Hotels are located near railway stations, at the intersection of busy streets and roads, in areas where administrative buildings and entertainment establishments are located. For the construction of hotels, calm, dust-free land plots are selected, if possible with green spaces and sufficient territory for arranging parking lots and large garages. Hotels should have entrances directly adjacent to public routes, but located far from schools, hospitals, etc. Hotel buildings are constructed from fire-resistant structural elements.

Stairsequipped with arched railings should be wide enough. The exits from the hotel should be equal in width to the width of the flights of stairs, Doors "not more than 1 m, opening outward.

Resort hotels have large living rooms, usually overlooking the park or the beach.

Hotels of increased comfort have spacious rooms for friendly meetings of a limited circle of visitors; in hotels for tourists, only one dining room is often provided, sometimes several living rooms.

Hotel area public use is 1.5 - 4 m2 per visitor, depending on the type of hotel. The minimum area for breakfast rooms can be set provided that visitors are served in two or three shifts. In large cities, hotels with more than 100 rooms are profitable.

Orientation to the cardinal points: numbers orient to east, south, west. Kitchens, utility rooms, corridors, and sometimes staff rooms are oriented to the north.

Car entrances... If possible, only one driveway to the main entrance is arranged, which provides through traffic and is well visible from the hotel; the area in front of the entrance doors must be protected by a canopy.

Lobby with adjoining rooms for the through traffic of visitors and staff, it is the center of the hotel. There are staircases and elevators, all operations for registration of visitors are carried out; the length of the check-in counter is assigned at the rate of 2.5 cm per place in the hotel.

Living room-hall often decide in the form of a covered courtyard-garden, around which various rooms for residents are grouped; bar. a breakfast room (designed to serve 25% of residents, a dining room (for 50 residents), a cafe-restaurant (most often with a separate entrance).

Public premises, as a rule, they are placed adjacently in a separate wing of the building, which makes it possible to create one large banquet hall from 2 - 3 halls by pushing apart the partitions. Sometimes there is also a separate entrance with a spacious wardrobe and sanitary facilities.

Beer hall usually arranged in the basement. In modern hotels, the area of \u200b\u200bthe living rooms located on the ground floor has been drastically reduced. Many hotels in large cities have only breakfast rooms on the ground floor; however, these hotels are often directly and conveniently linked to independent restaurants and cafes. The area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor freed up in connection with this is allocated for shops, etc.

Rooms, as a rule, are located only on the second floor and above, large rooms are oriented mostly towards squares and parks, to the east and south, mostly small rooms overlook the courtyard-garden.

The utility room and the northern part of the courtyard-garden are, as a rule, facing the utility rooms, the premises of the staff and drivers.

Kitchen are located, if possible, on the ground floor near the restaurant, the breakfast room and the lounge-hall. It is connected to the pantries on the upper floors by lifts and service stairs.

The ratios of the areas of individual rooms vary dramatically depending on the type of hotel.

Required kitchen area per person; restaurant kitchens - about 0.6 m2; breakfast room kitchens - about 0.4 m2; only 1 m2.

1. Layout scheme of the hotel on a free site. First and top floor plan. M 1: 2000.

2. A hotel, on one side adjacent to the adjacent site. First and top floor plan. M 1: 2000.

3. Hotel on a corner plot adjacent to two adjacent plots. First and top floor plan. M 1: 2000.

4. A hotel on a plot adjoining adjacent plots on three sides. First and top floor plan. M 1: 2000.

Hotel "Hyatt Regency" in San Francisco is a clear example of the implementation of the above principles of space-planning solutions for hotels. It is located on a triangular plot of land and includes a very attractive courtyard-garden, perfectly visible from the open gallery-corridors and from the glazed elevator cabins, openly placed on the wall at the main entrance (Fig. 5).

5. Hotel "Hyatt Regency Hotel" in San Francisco. Architect D. Portman. Floor plan of the 5th floor (the lowest of the floors intended for accommodation) and cross section. 1 - number; 2 - a room with a balcony facing south; 3 - gallery for access to rooms; 4 - terrace; 5 - elevator hall; 6 - luggage storage; 7 - openly moving glazed elevator cabins; 8 - hall; 9 - garages; 10 - floor for shops and offices; 11 - revolving restaurant; 12 - patio garden.