Where better to go to Vietnam. Vietnam - Great Budget Country for Traveling

Vietnam is notable for beautiful nature, ancient temple complexes and high-quality hotels with good service and low prices. Capital Hanoi and Noisy Saigon Ho Chi Minhmin, Halong Bay and Resort Fanthiet - All about Vietnam: Weather, reviews, tours and maps.

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There is an opinion that Vietnam is the same Thailand, only more natural, not so "captured" tourists. In fact, these are two completely different countries, each with their chips, and in Thailand there will be very wild corners, and in Vietnam - resorts with the most advanced infrastructure. This Vietnam is the ancient temple complexes of the departed civilizations and the natural beauty of national parks, healthy and tasty food, the cheapest diving and resorts in the world with a distinct European Fleler: how-no, the former French colony. In addition, it is possible to posstalgate in a recent one here: and the flag is almost like our former, and pioneers in ties are there, and even the leader in the mausoleum.

If Vietnam had a magical way suddenly turned out to be closer to Central Russia, the tourist flow into this country would certainly increase many times. Indeed, among the tangible minuses of this direction, only long and, therefore, an expensive flight. Everything else is solid advantages: an unusual and exciting "excursion", beautiful beaches with wide opportunities for outdoor activities, an extensive and high-quality hotel base, low prices in hotels, restaurants, on excursions.

Regions and resorts Vietnam

Vietnam can be divided into three major regions: north, south and center. Northern Vietnam is the most ancient part of the country with many sights, tea and coffee plantations, reserves and Hanoi - the capital, where the West and East is surprisingly mixed. The best time to relax - Spring.

Central Vietnam is famous for long beaches, a pleasant climate for almost all year round, beautiful views of Dananga and the ancient temples of Hue.

South - Heart of the economy. The largest city of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, and in it - expensive hotels, the best restaurants, numerous shops and other benefits of civilization. The main resorts of the South are luxurious Fukuok, youth Nha Trang and more calm fanticheet. More information about the tourist geography of the country is told on the "Cities and Resorts Vietnam" page.

Time difference with Moscow

4 hours

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Approximately about a third of Vietnam is located at the level of 500 m above the sea, therefore the climate there is subtropical, and in areas above 2000 m - even moderate. From April-May to October, southeast monsoshs bring warm and wet weather to the country - except the areas protected by the mountains.

In the south of Vietnam (from Ho Chi Minhina to Fanthiet), you can allocate two seasons - wet and dry. The first traditionally lasts from May to November, the rainy months - June-August. The second usually begins in December and ends in April. For European tourists, this is the most favorable time. "Velvet" months - January and February: Soft sun, refreshing sea water. From the end of February until May, hot days are hot days without rains.

The best time to visit Vietnam when the rains are least likely: the period from April-May to October-November.

The climate of the Central Vietnam (from the Nha Trang resort before the ancient capital Hue): From February to August - it is clear, rains are rare, the temperature is +30 ... + 35 ° C. In mid-December - pouring rains, in October-November in the area of \u200b\u200bDananga and Hue are possible typhus, temperature +20 ... + 28 ° C.

In the north of the country (from Hanoi to the Sea Resort Halong), the winter and summer seasons are more clearly indicated than in the south. Winter, cool and wet, lasts from November to February, in February and March constantly there is a frosting rain "Fun". Since May, the summer season begins sharply: increased humidity, temperature up to +40 ° C.

Visa and customs

Citizens of Russia arriving in Vietnam for up to 15 days, the visa is not required, provided that during this time they will not leave the country, and on the island of Fukuok you can relax without a visa already 30 days. But in both cases it is worth it in advance to make a policy of health insurance for the entire trip.

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How to get to Vietnam

From St. Petersburg, it is possible to get to Vietnam only with a change in Moscow, Europe or Asia, but from Vladivostok in Hanoi, you can fly directly by the company Vladivostok Avia (1 flight to 2 weeks).

Two Loadosters fly from China, Laos and Cambodia in Vietnam - "Air Asia" and "Vietget Eyre".

Between China and Vietnam, two daily trains are running: Beijing - Hanoi (from 304 USD, travel time is 37 hours) and Nanning - Hanoi (from 37 USD in a double coupe, on the road - 11.5 hours). Both trains depart from China in the evening, and in Hanoi arrive in the morning. Prices on the page are shown in April 2019.

Search for tickets to Vietnam


Internal flights are perfectly suitable for moving between Vietnam's scattered at different ends of Vietnam. Low prices, the cost of tickets starts from 900,000 VND. You can go on the road and on trains, they are quite comfortable. From Hoshine to Hanoi to get about 30 hours, during this time the whole country will fly past the windows. Buses - the most budget version of travel on Vietnam, but it is better to use them at short distances, otherwise it will spend too much time.

Vietnam cards

Rent a car and moped in Vietnam

Accustomed to rent a car in distant countries It is worthwhile - the road traffic in Vietnam is organized poorly, the rules are rarely observed, entangled in signs and junctions - a pair of trivia. In addition, local driver's license will have to be issued for independent driving, and they are issued only with a visa for 3 or more months. An output can be the rental car along with the local driver.

But for rental bike or moped, you do not need rights. But this option is suitable for small resorts with low traffic, about traveling on the moped of Dananga or Ho Chi Minh City, without decent driving skills in Southwer, do not stutter.

  • What documents are required for renting a car in Vietnam

Communication and Wi-Fi

On mobile communications in Vietnam, tourists are rarely complaining. It is inexpensive and covers almost the whole country, including small cities and villages. Local calls stand from 1700 VND per minute of conversation, a pleasant bonus - roaming in Vietnam No, you can use one SIM card in any city, the call to Russia will cost 3000 VND per minute.

Everything is well in Vietnam and Internet, especially in large cities. Mobile Internet often happens faster and more convenient to hotel Wi-Fi, but it must be connected separately, details - on the SIM card packaging. The speed and tariffs of the operators are approximately the same, which eliminates the flour of choice. Free Wi-Fi is in almost all hotels and restaurants.

Vietnam hotels

In large cities of Vietnam, the hotel selection is the most diverse - from mini-hotels to Lux Categories. Service in them, in general, at the average European level. Power type - breakfasts (most) or half board, the "all inclusive" system is practically not found here. The buffet is extremely diverse. All rooms from 3 to 5 stars are equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV and telephone, options for more than more baths, hairdryer, tea and coffee making sets, safes and minibars.

Prices for accommodation are kept for about a year at the same level. Night in the hotel luxury accommodation in Hanoi will cost 1,850,000 VND per day for the room for two, in four-star - from 740,000 VND, in a good "treshka" - from 200,000 VND, and accommodate for the night in the hostel will cost 80,000 VND per day per person.

Voltage in power grid 220 V, frequency 50 Hz. Plugs mainly have flat connectors. Rooms in many hotels are equipped with universal sockets, which are suitable forks of almost any configuration. If necessary, the hotel staff will find the desired adapter.


The country's monetary unit is Vietnamese Dong (VND), in 1 Dong 10 Hao or 100 Su. Actual course: 1000 VND \u003d 2.68 RUB (1 USD \u003d 23145.34 VND, 1 EUR \u003d 25825.69 VND).

It is better to go to Vietnam with dollars and euros, the dollar rate is a little more profitable, but for small amounts the difference is insignificant. Rubles are rarely taken and enough for them. Currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, jewelry stores, travel agency offices, in markets and even at airports - the course everywhere is about the same, the robber surcharge does not happen. But the street changes can deceive and instead of 100,000 VNDs to issue 10,000 VNDs in the calculation that the tourist will not notice the difference.

Paranoika note: The bills of Vietnamese dong are made of thin plastic, it almost does not mind and is not afraid of sea water. You can safely swim with the "cutlet" in the messenger's melting pocket.

How to avoid problems

Vietnam is one of the safest places in Asia, but here you should fear pockets and scammers. The second meets in various places - a fraudster may be an officer on the border, requiring money for a free visa, an unfortunate pedestrian, suddenly materialized under the wheels of a bike with a tourist driving, unfair hoteliers and sellers.

As for life, it is not worth drinking water from the tap, it is better not to order drinks with ice in small cafes, not to lean on an unusual food and fruit at the beginning of the trip and keep yourself in your hands in the presence of alcohol.

What other troubles can happen in Vietnam, how not to turn your body in a solid Punchy Fire, where to change money and buy a SIM card, how not to lose the location of local residents, as well as - where to run and call in case of trouble, told in the article "How Avoid problems in Vietnam. "

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Beaches Vietnam

From north to south stretches Vietnam along the shores of the South China Sea - beautiful beaches in the country are incredibly a lot. In some, popular resorts spread and boil nightlife, others are ideal for extreme recreation - surfing, kiting or diving, and the third is gorgeous with their wildness and delicacy. Almost all the beaches of Vietnam - sandy, but in some places there is a pebble coating.

At the borders of cities and resorts, most beaches are municipal, with free entrance, changing cabins, shower and washbasins, here regularly clean the sand and remove the garbage, and umbrellas and sun beds will cost the funny 320,000-60,000 VND per day (you need to bargain). Choose your strip of gentle sand and affectionate seas will help the page "Beach holidays in Vietnam" and "Vietnam Beaches".

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Diving in Vietnam is one of the most cheapest in the world. At the same time, it is really interesting and organized at a completely decent level. The coast of the country has a lot of interesting dive sites. The best in this regard is Nha Trang, Hoyan, Condo and Fukuok Islands. In addition to a wide variety of corals, there you can see all sorts of mollusks, cuttlefish, octopus, squid, fish clowns, muren, iggobullukh, groupings, manta and barracud.

The most appropriate time for dives - the period from October to April. The best season for dive in Nha Trang - February-October, and on the island of Fukuok - from November to May. Nlychang is located near the famous diving sites: Muren Beach, Raduga Coral Reef and many islands near the resort.

Condo Archipelago National Reserve consists of 14 islands and is 300 km from the coastline. There you can meet very rare mammals - Digo (sea cows), large green turtles and many endemics - animals and plants that do not live anywhere else.

Lovely Vietnam


Cuisine and restaurants Vietnam

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Legends and history of Vietnam

Here is a brief excursion to the confusing history of the Vietnamese people. For three more than a thousand years before our era on the lands of the current Vietnam Rules Tsar Dragon Lac Long Kuan. Once, pursuing a continuation of the kind, he decided to ask her hand and the heart at the poultry poultry AU Ko. The beauty did not slow down to accept the offer and bore at the prescribed period ... the bag in which 100 eggs were found, and each of each was out of one heir to the progenitor 100 Vietnamese genera. Whether a female posterity was sitting or placed in the incubator - a story is silent, but since then, every self-respecting Vietnamese responds about himself as a "Child of the Dragon, the grandson of the gods." The end of the story is very modern: after a while, the spouses diverged - Lank Long Kuan pulled half the sons and retired with them in the sea, and Au Ku killed the remaining fifs and went to live in the mountains. How nevertheless did the Lion Nikolayevich about happy and unhappy families come true!

To understand the secret of the charm of Vietnam, look at any house in a small Vietnamese town. Here it is, with a narrow, literally meter 3-4, the facade, elongated in the distance from the road (the fact is that the families are distinguished here under the houses are not square, but a footage along the street, and very small), two- or three-story. The facade is very elegant, even, perhaps, somewhat Pistenhed, bivalve doors in full swing are welcomed. Above the entrance, Naviva obscure memories of the "Dzat" CPSU Congress ", there is a red flag with a golden star in the center. The floor is higher - a small altar with dormant surrounded by smoking incense dark bronze buddha. And at the very top, on a tiny balcurity, I was biting something with small pink flower, humbly clone the head Marmara and White Virgin Mary.

Guides in Vietnam

Entertainment and attractions

Vietnam is ready to please guests with many diverse entertainment: from riding in elephants, visits to snake restaurants with crocodile reserves, national parks and fishing to casino and nightclubs. The highlight of the country's excursion program is considered to be the partisan tunnels of Ku Chi, but also besides them, attractions here are even debt.

Halking the crowd on the clothing market, no comparable "aroma" roasted herring, sloppy trays with poorly sewn consumer goods - all this has nothing to do with this Vietnam.

Strong, but good-natured and smiling people living in one of the most beautiful countries of Southeast Asia, trying to turn their country into a prosperous and rich country. Including, at the expense of the immense Russian market ... But in Vietnam ... everything is done here in order for the guest to feel welcome and respected. Low crime, pleasant climate, decent beaches, abundance of hotels, entertainment weight, attractions marked in world heritage lists, recognized by the "wonders" of nature and culture - all this makes Vietnam desired for tourists around the world.

It is worth adding that the price level in the country is one of the lowest in Asia, as I immediately want to start planning a journey. Moreover, a visa for those who have gathered to relax not longer than 2 weeks do not need.


The road will be long, and therefore not cheap. But this is the only serious spending, everything else will cost a very modest amount.

Flying to Hanoi or Saigon (Ho Chi Minh) from Moscow or St. Petersburg is approximately the same - from 350 to 430 euros (in both ends). The "plug" is obtained large, it all depends on how hardy you are: a direct flight from Aeroflot (9 hours in the sky) will cost more, flight with transfers is cheaper. In the second case, it is necessary to reckon with the fact that the wait for the flight can be very long, departing on Monday evening, in the final point it is possible to be only in the morning on Wednesday.

Cheapest tickets offer Qatar (Transfers to Doha and Bangkok) and Etihad (transfer to Abu Dhabi).

Taking into account the cost of food during a long and tedious waiting, direct flight, ultimately, will cost cheaper.


The place in the hostel of the major city of Vietnam costs from 4 to 7 euros per day. Double room in a modest hotel with breakfast - from 10 euros. Similar accommodation prices are relevant for resort areas, including small hotels on the seafront.

The spacious apartment in the house next to the beach (Hoian, Nha Trang) is available from 8 euros (very popular, book no less than six months!) Up to 15 euro / day.

Double room in hotel at 3 * - 13-15 euros. The prices listed in the fall in the fall, when the flow of tourists in Vietnam runs out before the new influx in the winter months. During the "high" season (spring-summer) prices increase by 25-30%.


Food in Vietnam is the most important part of the culture, as elsewhere in Asia. Recently, here also began to share cafes and restaurants for those who take tourists, and those servicing mainly local residents. Cheaper to eat in the "local" institution. And let you do not confuse plastic furniture and a Spartan atmosphere, the food here will be as tasty as in the restaurant on the contrary, but the price is one and a half or two times lower.

Breakfast in the street cafe (soup with noodle, omelette and tea) is possible for 1 - 1.5 euros. Lunch from several local dishes - 4-5 euros. Dinner with beer in the restaurant on the urban outskirts - no more than 7 euros (given our healthy appetite, which causes local just a reverent admiration).

If you have a dinner or dinner in tourist restaurants, preference giving seafood (here they are flawlessly fresh and more stunningly cooked), then you will have to prepare 10-12 euros per person (the most expensive dish - the skuffing soup - 12 euros).

Buying products in the markets or in stores, in order to prepare yourself, save a lot will not work. The thing is that the products familiar for Europeans are quite expensive for Vietnam. Therefore, the best access to the tourist is to eat in modest places for local residents.

Vietnamese cuisine is unique and unique. It is so difficult and bugly the traditions of Southeast Asia and the classic combinations of French culinary art (the country was the overseas territory of France for a long time), which turned out something completely unusual, but unusually tasty.

Contrary to numerous stereotypes, insects and crocodiles, cats and dogs, lizards and sea bugs, Vietnamese are preparing mainly for foreigners. All these ambiguously perceived dishes were in the way of the country's residents in ancient times. It is like repa and the brightness among the Russians: before the appearance and introduction of potatoes is the most common meal. But don't many are preparing a trouser or turnip to dinner?

Vietnamese cuisine stands on three "elephants": rice, vegetables, spices. Meat, fish and seafood - only the addition in the three components.

The abundance of dishes and their varieties is so great that it is very easy to "get lost" in cunning combinations of exotic products. Be sure to try you need:

  • Soup "FO" - the basis of this soup - broth, rice noodles and spices. All other additives depend on where you are. If in Germany, each village is proud of its own and unique beer, then in Vietnam the same situation with FD soup. Pieces of beef, chicken, pork, fish, shrimp, crab meat, a mixture of vegetables, sharp sauce, soy sprouts - complementary ingredients can be different. Alternatively only one thing is a stunning taste!
  • Cha-Gio or Ban Bao - pancakes with fillings. The dough is more like an omelet, and the taste does not compare anything. The most popular filling - pork and shrimp, but also cabbage with soy sprouts and garlic is no worse;
  • It is NUONG - rice paper rolls. Every culinary himself: We take into the hands of a rice wrapper sheet, we assign the filling that I want (varieties a lot), wrap a roll, dip in a sharp sauce and ... dive into the sea of \u200b\u200bVietnamese pleasure;
  • Seafood - crabs, lobsters, royal shrimps - all that is very expensive at home, here can be the basis of your diet. Crustaceans are prepared here only the freshest, and prices for similar dishes are the lowest in the world!
  • Baking - hundreds of varieties of buns, cakes, cakes. All are made in old French traditions: tasty and easy;
  • Coffee is a separate article for your memories. This drink here has a distinct chocolate taste, and the cooking technology is so coat, which can be combined with a gastronomic pleasure with the study of cultural traditions of Vietnam.

Europeans in Vietnam on the market pay more than local residents. "Noseged" (so-called local all European phones) are rich. So consider the aborigines. But the situation can be corrected: Cam!

The more active you will try to reduce the price, the more respected to you will immerse the seller. And if you become buying food from the same trash in the market or on the street, the less money he will take with you.

Tourist joy: natural and cultural

Due to the fact that, unlike Thailand, a massive tourist rushed to Vietnam recently, the virgin forests are preserved here, clean water bodies, and the local population meets the guests sincerely and welcome, without intenting to "surround large" (well, except for a little bit).

Today it is difficult to believe in it, but in the Middle Ages, Vietnam was an empire: a strong, extensive and very influential state of the region. Numerous architectural monuments of the country keep memories of this period. French colonial architecture also represents undoubted interest for tourists. Temples, palaces, parks, lakes, catacombs, museums, bohemian quarters in cities - attractions Enough for good hundred visits to this exotic and hospitable country.

For those who are first riding in Vietnam, will be the most interesting:

  • Hanoi - from the metropolitan attractions to the main one can be attributed to the Mausoleum Ho Chi Minh, the Temple of the Turtle, ancient Citadel, the theater of dolls on the water. It is only the most basic, the best option for a novice tourist is to buy a tour of the city (35 euros, 8 hours, the price includes lunch and entrance fee in museums, palaces, parks);
  • Halong is this bay (3.5 hours by bus from the capital, 1.5 euros one way) the most "promoted" natural monument of the country. The abundance of the picturesque islands, the opportunity to make a boat walk (6 hours, including visiting the natural park, a ticket to both ends - 11 euros), soak on the beach, swim in the sea. The most impressive entertainment is flying around the bay by helicopter (150 euros);
  • Sapa is a mountain town in the north of Vietnam. Ethnographic adventure: picturesque villages, rice terraces, virgin nature, purest air (7-8 hours by bus from Hanoi, ticket - 20 euros in both ends);
  • Hoian - a miracle city, more than 800 architectural monuments, ancient port and a shopping center, numerous sewing workshops, where in one day there can be a suit or dress in the catalogs of Valentino or Gucci (prices - from 10 euros for one order);
  • Hue - Imperial Capital, an important cultural and educational center of Vietnam. From attractions - Imperial palaces, temples, active and bright nightlife. It is better to get from the capital by bus (12 hours on the way, ticket 22 euro). From Hue, it is very easy to get to Laos and get acquainted with the beauties of the neighboring country;
  • Mishon is an ancient temple complex, the ruins of the sanctuary of the Hindu gods, a cultural center where the weekly shows with traditional songs and dances are held. One-day excursion from Hoian - 8 Euros (including entrance tickets);
  • Fukok is an island, where you can not only get enough to get into the sea and enjoy the sophisticated marine delicacies, but also visit one of the pearl farms to buy a pearl necklace or souvenir easier, take part in sea fishing together with local fishermen, order a massage on the beach;
  • Fong Nia Kebang - National Natural Park. There is the largest cave in the world in the park (Khan Dung Dung). You can buy in the Hanoi tour of the park (from 150 euros), the cost depends on the duration of the visit (from 1 to 6 days).

God saves man, who save himself

Vietnam has a reputation as one of the safest countries of the world.

From the point of view of hygiene and medicine, like every tropical country, the Motherland of Balzam "Golden Star" represents theoretical danger for the European.

Some rules still need to follow:

  • Do not drink water current from the crane in the shower of the hotel, even if you live in the comfort of level 5 *;
  • Water, juice or ice cocktail can only be ordered in a large and expensive restaurant. Otherwise, you risk getting frozen water from the nearest river;
  • Take on the trip activated carbon, the local cuisine may initially cause an unpleasant reaction of the body;
  • For consumer peacefit - make a vaccination from malaria. Just in case.

Pleasant impressions!

Rest in Vietnam in 2019 is a wonderful opportunity to combine excursions, beaches and noisy nightlife, get acquainted with distinctive traditions and exotic culture. Vietnam is an amazing multifaceted country that meets the visits of harmonious merge of antiquity and modernity. Here you can see the majestic millennial temples and modest peasant houses, admire the intricate architecture of vintage pagodas and delightedly measure the monumental buildings of the last century.

Tours in Vietnam have a number of advantages. Here you will spend the time of lovers, families with children, active youth and fans of measured beach holidays. Among the numerous advantages of the trip to Vietnam can be allocated as follows. Purchase vouchers Or the so-called can be on the site -.

Favorable climate

The warm climate of Vietnam provides ideal conditions for seafood and sightseeing tours. Here, as in other southern countries, there is a rainy season. However, in various districts of Vietnam, the rainy period falls for different months, which allows you to go here all year round. It is enough to choose the resort right, and enjoy all vacation to enjoy excellent sunny weather. And even if a short-term tropical shower happens, he will not only spoil the rest, but will also bring special exotic notes into it.

A small number of visits

Tourist business in Vietnam is actively developing, but today the country has not yet entered the list of the most popular destinations. Therefore, having decided to buy a tour in Vietnam from Moscow, you will be resting on spacious beaches, you can easily book a good room in the hotel you like and affect prices in restaurants and shops.


Vietnam is one of the safest Asian countries. Due to the low level of crime, you can walk through the streets without fear of fraudsters and robbers. But before the trip to Vietnam, do not forget to learn about.


Tourists traveling on a ticket to rest in Vietnam for a period of up to 15 days, it is not necessary to receive a visa. If you are going to stay in the country longer, then, but this procedure will not cause difficulties. In addition, the Russians do not pay the consular fee, which is an additional advantage.

Burning Tours in Vietnam

Cost Tour shown for one personwith departure from Moscow.

Separately, I wrote the instruction.

The best resorts of Vietnam for recreation

Wang Tau.

Thanks to the developed infrastructure, rest in Wang Tau will be saturated and comfortable, and the vouchers for this resort of Vietnam in 2019 will delight affordable price. The numerous attractions of the resort guarantee exciting excursions. Resting here, try to visit Ding - the former residence of the Vietnamese kings, visit the caves of Ming Darm and descend into the mysterious underground tunnels Di Tao.

To learn more about Buddhist religious traditions, buying a tour in Vietnam, schedule a visit to the largest temple of the Bat Tin Ca and the old Pagoda of ChUP FAP Hoa. You can admire the exotic nature while walking in the park of Thie Ka Fat Dai, or climbing the lighthouse Hai Dang, from where the spectacular panorama opens.

If you dream about a relaxed holiday on the coast, give preference to the golden beaches of Phan Rang - buy a ticket from Moscow to this resort of Vietnam can be quite inexpensive. Traditional resort entertainment here is a bit, and therefore you do not threaten the neighborhood of noisy youth companies.

Phang Rank is famous for thermal sources and healing mud, so it is worth using the opportunity and go through the course of wellness procedures. From active entertainment, windsurfing, kaiting and diving are popular here.

Located in the central part of Vietnam is one of the most popular seaside resorts. The beach of Tsull Beach, covered with clean soft sand, recognized as the best place for a lazy rest. In the autumn months, the coast has a high wave, which ensures ideal surfing conditions. Since 1992, surfers from all over the world on the beach of Chain Beach, to take part in the annual international championship.

It is worth buying trips to Vietnam from Moscow to watch the contest of fearless conquerors of the waves.

Interesting excursions will help to diversify leisure time and more about the culture and traditions of Vietnam. You can see an ancient architecture related to the period of the Cham Kingdom and visit the ruins May Son - the main temple of that era.

Incredible impressions will remain after the journey along the longest cable car. You will do a way to 35 km and raise the founding of the Ba Mountain to Mount Wong Nguhet, admiring the surroundings with an exciting spirit of height.

A cozy quiet resort is considered one of the best places for family holidays. Settling in 2019 during the Tour in Vietnam in one of the small hotels, you will not have a private beach under hot sunny rays or enjoy a light breeze, sitting in the shade of coconut palm trees.

The main attraction of Phanteta is the sand dunes of a stunning pink color. Therefore, try to visit this natural miracle and make some memorable pictures.

This resort is a real paradise for divers. Transparent turquoise water and picturesque coral reefs inhabited by exotic marine residents will give many emotions from each dive. In addition to kilometer dazzling white beaches and coconut palm trees growing along the embankment, famous islands, burned out the bay from the open sea. A trip to any of them will be a small adventure, traveling to the world of virgin nature.

Choosing to stay in Vietnam in 2019 Nha Trang, you can improve the health of the Balneological Center. Healing dirt and water from the mineral source allow you to get rid of diseases of the joints, pulmonary pathologies, as well as other diseases.

Having bought a tour in Vietnam with a flight from Moscow and going on, you will get on the most beautiful island that has impassable tropical forests. Here you can sunbathe on the beach, swim in the gentle waves of the warm sea and admire the exotic underwater scenery and fantastic corals, plunging with the aqualung. And if you want to diversify the beach holiday with new impressions, it is worth visiting one of the pearl farms. There you will not only recognize the secrets of growing pearls, but also be able to purchase elegant decorations.

This ancient city is an inexhaustible storehouse of historical attractions. Having passed through the narrow streets, you will see ancient houses built in Chinese style, and by visiting the assembly hall, you can admire the filigree carving of a tree, adorning the altar, walls and beams.

Fans of history will be interesting to look at the Pagoda of Foclam and Chuk Than, to visit the village of Stamany, as well as visit the museum dedicated to the long-disappeared culture of Ca Hyun.

Hello. Rest in Vietnam is a great option! If Vietnam had a magical way suddenly turned out to be closer to Central Russia (let's say, somewhere next to), the tourist flow into this country, no doubt, would grow multiple times. Indeed, among the tangible minuses of this direction, only long and, therefore, an expensive flight.

Almost everything else is solid advantages: an unusual and exciting "excursion", beautiful beaches with wide opportunities for outdoor activities, an extensive and high-quality hotel base. And with all this - low prices in hotels, restaurants, on excursions and generally everywhere.

Despite all this, Vietnam thoroughly spoiled an opinion about themselves with terrible markets of shirpotreb with bales of all kinds of rubbing, speaking inhabitants and aromas of fried herring. Perhaps, many today shine the nose, having heard the proposal to go there: "I saw it here."

Meanwhile, this Vietnam is an ancient temple complexes of unknown civilizations and natural beauty of national parks, healthy and tasty food (dietary rice and appetizing fresh seafood), the cheapest diving in the world (coupled with abundance of underwater inhabitants) and resorts with a distinct European fleer: As - in no way, the former French colony.

In addition, there is an opportunity to posstalgate in a recent social condition: and the flag is almost like our former, and pioneers in ties, and even the leader in the mausoleum.

Capital - Hanoi (Hanoi). Interesting cities: Ho Chi Minh, Hue; Popular resorts: Fanthiet, Fukuok,.

Approximately one third of the country is located at a level above 500 m above the sea, therefore the climate there is subtropical, and in areas above 2000 m - even moderate. From April-May to October, southeast monsoshs bring warm and wet weather to the country - except the areas protected by the mountains.

In the south of Vietnam (from Hoshimina and Fanthiet), you can allocate two seasons - wet and dry. The wet season traditionally lasts from May to November, the rainy months - June-August. The dry season usually begins in December and ends in April. For European tourists, this is the most favorable time. "Velvet" months in the south of Vietnam - January and February: Soft Sun, Refreshing Sea Water. From the end of February until May, hot days are hot days without rains.

The climate of the Central Vietnam (from the Nha Trang resort before the ancient capital Hue): From February to August - it is clear, rains are rare, the temperature is + 30 ... + 35 ° C. In mid-December - torrential rains, in October - November in the area of \u200b\u200bDananga and Hue are possible typhoons, temperatures + 20 ... + 28 ° C.

In the north of the country (from Hanoi to the Sea Resort Halong), the winter and summer seasons are more clearly indicated than in the south. Winter, cool and wet, lasts from November to February, in February and March constantly there is a frosting rain "Fun". Since May, the summer season begins sharply: increased humidity, temperature up to +40 ° C.

Vietnamese customs

The import of foreign currency is not limited, but the amounts of over 3000 USD need to declare: the export of currency from the country is allowed only within the amount declared at the entrance. The export of the national currency is prohibited.

You can import 400 cigarettes or 100 cigars or 500 g tobacco, 1.5 l of strong alcoholic beverages or 2 l alcoholic beverages to 22 °, 5 kg of tea, 3 kg of coffee, as well as other products with a total cost of no more than 5 million VND.

Household and computing equipment must be declared: all undetectured technique will be allowed to export only when paying customs duties or availability of a check confirming its acquisition in the country.

The export of objects of art and antiques, jewelry and subjects of folk fishing without relevant allowances are prohibited.


In a stretched from the north to south Vietnam, to move between long-distance cities, it is reasonable to use the internal flights Vietnam Airlines or Jetstar Pacific. Most often, the aircraft fly between two megalopolis - Hanoi and Ho Chief (up to 10 flights a day), but also other major cities are not deprived by regular flights.

Vietnamese trains are comfortable and follow clearly on schedule. The main route, Hanoi - Ho Chi Minhmin, will last 30 hours. Acquire tickets It is recommended at least 3 days before the date of the trip directly at the office of the station (local turcompania can easily be able to fly at the cost of the ticket and the class of the carriage).

Intercity buses makes sense to use for relatively near travel: constant speed limits on the tracks are poured into unreasonably long crossing. On the other hand, the price of bus trips are insignificant: you can take from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minhine in just 450,000 VND.

During night crossings, it is worth being very attentive with a luggage: there are no uncommon cases (small thighs are everywhere). Players and other gadgets are better removed at the first signs of dorms.

Urban transport is well developed only in large metropolitan cities: this is a taxi, various motorcycle and velaiks ("Saiklo" or "Siclo"). Taxi travel fee do not need to stipulate in advance: in all the cars there is a counter that indicates the price of the passage, and the taxi drivers usually know English a little. Taxi fare: 5500-9500 VND per kilometer plus 15 800-23 700 VND for landing.

15 800 VND moto and bicycles will have a 15-minute trip, but the amount of payment should be coordinated in advance and bargain in this case is simply necessary. The movement on the roads is not regulated, so the "traffic jams" in large cities is a common phenomenon.

For diving lovers

Diving in Vietnam is one of the most cheapest in the world. At the same time, it is really interesting and organized at a completely decent level. The coast of Vietnam has many interesting dive sites. The best in this regard is Nha Trang, Hoyan, Condo Islands and. In addition to a wide variety of corals, there you can see all sorts of mollusks, cuttlefish, octopus, squid, fish clowns, muren, iggobullukh, groupings, manta and barracud.

The best time for dives - the period from October to April. The best season for dive in Nha Trang - February-October, and on the island of Fukuok - from November to May. Nlychang is located near the famous diving sites: Muren Beach, Raduga Coral Reef and many islands near the resort.

Condo Archipelago National Reserve consists of 14 islands and is 300 km from the coastline. There you can meet very rare mammals - digrays (sea cows), large green turtles and many endemics - animals and plants that do not meet anywhere else.

Shopping and shops in Vietnam

Local shopping has two pleasant features: a rich selection of purchases and lowest prices in the region (if, of course, do not forget to bargain). Stores work almost every day without days off, from 7:30 to late evening. Many supermarkets in the capital and major cities are open around the clock.

From Vietnam you can bring things from varnish, bamboo, pearl, products from silver, pearls, red and black wood - including very beautiful cutlery and caskets.

Another category of successful shopping is clothing and accessories of silk, flax and cotton. Even in Saigon, you can find very high-quality and beautiful gold products - not that in order to completely throw, but quite cute prices, as well as pearl products - mostly from the artificially grown river, less often a cultivated marine.

It is worth purchasing different spices, especially Fukuok black pepper. Beautiful sexers guaranteed to pay attention to the National Suit "Aozay", consisting of a long-fitting figure of a long shirt-dress with cuts and pants (they are accepted to sew to order).

Wonderful exotic souvenirs are standing here in the literal sense of a penny, and beautiful silver products are hardly unhappy. Returned from Vietnam travelers usually take silver decorations and dishes from their suitcases, products from natural silk, flax and cotton, mahogany souvenirs and bamboo, varnished products and ceramics.

Vietnamese cuisine and restaurants

Vietnamese cuisine Although "omnivorous" (right up to fried grasshoppers in ullants from newspapers instead of seeds), but at the same time quite light and, despite its unusual, healthy. Products here are not exposed to long heat treatment. The basis of the kitchen - rice, noodles and spices, a variety of seafood.

Many dishes are seasoned with the "whip-mothers" sauce from fermented (read: "I have overcome in our own juice") fish - however, it is not so scary to taste and smell, as it may seem. From soups worth trying light and delicious "FO": rice noodles with low-fat beef or chicken.

The French, former colonialists, noted in a local cooking, making the dried baguettes with all sorts of fillings popular as a "snack". Green tea is traditionally popular in the country, and local coffee is considered very decent.

And in produce good red and white wines.

In state hotels and restaurants, 5% for services are usually added to the account. In private institutions, if the food and service liked, you can leave for tea 5-10%.

Legends and history of Vietnam

Here is a brief excursion to the confusing history of the Vietnamese people. For three more than a thousand years before our era on the lands of the current Vietnam Rules Tsar Dragon Lac Long Kuang. Once, pursuing a continuation of the kind, he decided to ask her hand and the heart at the poultry poultry AU Ko.

The beauty did not slow down to accept the offer and at the prescribed period gave birth ... the bag in which a hundred eggs was discovered, and from everyone came out one to one heir to the progenitor of one hundred Vietnamese birth.

Whether a female posterity was sitting or placed in the incubator - a story is silent, but since then, every self-respecting Vietnamese responds about himself as a "Child of the Dragon, the grandson of the gods."

The end of the story is very modern: after a while, the spouses diverged - Lank Long Kuan pulled half the sons and retired with them in the sea, and Au Ku killed the remaining fifs and went to live in the mountains.

How nevertheless, rightly noticed our Lion Nikolaevich about happy and unhappy families!

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Vietnam

Vietnam is ready to please guests from the North of a multitude of diverse entertainment: from riding on elephants, visits to serpentine restaurants with crocodile reserves, national parks and fishing - to casino and nightclubs.

The highlight of the country's excursion program is considered to be the partisan tunnels of Ku Chi, but also besides them, attractions here are even debt.

In the Halong Bay National Park - one of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. Several thousand small limestone islets and rocks rising from sea waters and having a bizarre form are forced to believe in the legend of this place. She says that Halong Islands were created by a giant dragon, which lived in the mountains. The bizarre rocks and rocks in the form are similar to the turtle, camel, cat, dog head or dragon.

In the Hanoi mass of Buddhist, medieval and recent communist attractions, as well as natural beauties in excess.

In Danang there are beautiful "marble mountains" of NSU-Nan-Son and Pagoda with unique statues. In Fanthiete - the famous statue of the lying buddha.

Vietnam hotels

In major cities of Vietnam, the hotel selection is the most diverse - from mini-hotels to De Luxe category establishments. Service in them, in general, at the average European level. Power type - breakfast (most) or half board, "All-in" is practically no. The buffet is extremely diverse.

All rooms from three to five "stars" are equipped with air conditioning, a TV with satellite channels and a telephone, in the rooms of more expensive, there are also robes, hairdryer, tea and coffee making sets, safes and minibars.

Voltage in power grid 220 V, frequency 50 Hz. Plugs mainly have flat connectors. Rooms in many hotels are equipped with universal sockets, which are suitable forks of almost any configuration - and if the plug is still not suitable, the hotel staff will find the desired adapter.

Do you need a visa and to whom?

Exotic Vietnam in modele loyal to Russian tourists: on the one hand, the entrance to the country is simplified almost to the maximum (the visa for a period of up to 15 days with tourist purposes is not needed), on the other - with a longer visit, the visa still takes.

But in this case, it should not be difficult: a visa in Vietnam can be obtained directly on the border on arrival. What is nice - the visa collection for Russian citizens is missing. Well, if you do not want to wait for a visa to the airport, you can get it in advance at the Vietnam Embassy in Moscow.

A visa-free 15-day stay in Vietnam may not more than once every 30 days. If you plan to leave Vietnam and return to it (for example, within the combined tour), you will need a visa to re-entry.

Thus, Russian citizens arriving in Vietnam have three possibilities:

1. Arrival visa

If the stay in Vietnam lasts more than 15 days, a visa can be obtained by arrival at one of Vietnam International Airports: in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi or Danang. To do this, at the Visas Upon Arrival rack before passport control, it will be necessary to present:
Passport, valid for at least six months at the time of the trip;
return tickets;
Visa permission is a confirmation letter (Approval Letter).

By the way, a confirming letter, this is a document with a unique code that issues the Immigration Department of Vietnam. It is easy to get it, the easiest way is to book online on one of the specialized sites (the issue price is from 15 to 38 USD, depending on the type of visa and the velocity of the design). A confirmation letter will be sent by e-mail, it must be printed and then present in the border control point.

The time of receiving a visa at the airport is approximately half an hour, tourists from Russia it is issued for free.

2. Registration of a visa in the consulate

Consent to the processing of personal data

Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such funds meets the nature of action (about PERIOTIES), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, to carry out in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in card files or other systematized personal data meetings, and / or access to such personal data, and Also on the transfer (including transboundary) of these personal data to the tour operator and third partners to the partners of the agent and the tour operator.

Processing of personal data is carried out by the agent and its authorized representatives (tour operator and direct executors of services) in order to fulfill this Agreement (including, depending on the terms of the contract, in order to execute travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation and carriers, data transfer to Consulate of a foreign state, permit complaints with their occurrence, submission of information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of the courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me is reliable and can be treated with an agent and its authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the agent and the tour operator to send me emails / informational messages to the email address specified by me and / or the mobile number.

I hereby confirm the existence of my authority to provide personal data of the persons listed in the application, and make an obligation to compensate to the agent any costs associated with the lack of relevant authority, including losses related to the sanctions of the auditory authorities.

I agree (for) with the fact that the text given by me on his own will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the application, the consent to the processing of personal data is kept in electronic form in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent For processing and transferring personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This agreement is given for an indefinite period and may be with me at any time, and in the part of the swinging specific person, the subject of the personal data specified in the application specified by the person, by sending a written notice to the address of the agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, are clarified by agent and understand me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of the Review of this consent are clarified by the agent and I understand.

This consent is an application of this application.