Where to go for the new year. Where to go for the new year on the sea vacation in the new year

As a rule, children are waiting for winter holidays at least summer. After all, winter is truly a fabulous time especially for New Year's travels. Every day there are more and more opportunities for fascinating and unforgettable family winter holidays. The choice of space for such a trip depends on the financial capabilities, interests and accurate time of the alleged departure. Many travel agencies offer a wide variety of suggestions for a good rest for every taste and pocket. So, at will, you can choose a tour of warm and sunny countries or on ski resorts, where beautiful landscape slopes.

Where can I relax on New Year and Christmas holidays?

Holidays on the beach

If you wish to change the gray winter environment, then the best option for you will be a beach holiday in warm countries. There you and your children will be able to soak under the warm rays of the sun on the colorful coast. If you decide to go there, where it is always sunny and warm, then an excellent place will be such a popular country as Egypt. There is a big influx of tourists in it, but the place will certainly be found for your family. The temperature of the Red Sea in winter in Egypt is on average 22 degrees. The most popular resort in this country is Sharm el-Sheikh. Almost all hotels operate through the "All Inclusive" system. In addition, you can have fun in water parks, dolphinarias, on discos and excursions.

Admire the eastern flavor? Then your family must be visited in Thailand, who amazes with its hospitality and reverent relations to children. In this country, divine species and truly paradise corners. Thailand is the country where the tourist season lasts all year round, and you can choose a resort that the soul will wish. If you are important for you quality service and beautiful nature, then one of the most colorful countries for resting in the winter will be the island of Cuba.

Latin American beaches are ready to receive guests all year round. Here you will definitely find the resort for every taste. In winter, the temperature of the Caribbean reaches 26 degrees. In addition to the resting winter in Cuba, your family members will have a unique opportunity to visit numerous carnivals, dancing, and also try local drinks and food. In general, countries for rest in winter on the beach are a lot, but those listed above are the most proven and really interesting.

Ski holidays

Winter holiday has a lot of advantages. The ski resorts are almost all popular tourist countries, which can be impaired with pure cool air, and, of course, go skiing or spend walks on plain skis. The ski view of the rest offers the mass of countries, but Bulgaria will open up ample opportunities for you for a wonderful winter holiday. In addition, no reason for the moderate prices for the ski resorts of Bulgaria can not please. Moreover, the available cost of the tour in no way affects the quality of service and maintenance. The most popular resorts of Bulgaria are: Vitosha, Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.

Skiing in Turkey is also considered one of the best. In this country, reasonable prices and excellent quality of service are appropriate. The wonderful place of the winter resort Turkey is considered a cardany. After going there, you can enjoy perfectly clean snow and twenty equipped ski slopes. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the resorts such as Uludag, Sarykamysh and Palandoches. If you want to have endless opportunities for recreation, entertainment and sports, then it is worth staying on a tour to Austria. In this small country, there is a huge variety of ski resorts with tracks of any levels of complexity and glaciers, which allows them to work all year round.

Rest in Europe

Would you like to get acquainted personally with magnificent views, castles and other attractions of Europe? No problems. In any travel agency you will pick up a sightseeing or even a wellness tour of your taste and pocket. Excursion tours are a great opportunity for one trip to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and chic species of European countries. Tours to Europe can be the most of the duration and saturation. So you can go to Christmas holidays in Spain, Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece and many other European countries. It all depends on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Rest in Russia

If you do not want to leave Russia, but in the presented state we are waiting for the frosty winter to go on a journey, you can plan your winter holidays and without leaving the country. So, you can go to the snow-covered Siberia, where there will be a saturated excursion program and a lot of active entertainment. Your best winter holiday can go to Karelia, on Baikal or amazing places in Kamchatka.

How much is winter holidays abroad?

If we talk about warm countries, then rest there, in the winter time you will cost an average of $ 400 to $ 600. The cost of recreation in ski resorts depends on its duration and starts from $ 600. As for excursion tours of Europe, it all depends on the selected route and from the countries themselves. All details and price ranges can be found in any travel company. The fiscal winter holiday is vouchers in Russia. Where to go to you the choice is purely individual.

When you decide on the desired tour or sightseeing tour in Europe, you should immediately order tickets (vouchers), book tours and pay them. The advantages of early booking the tour is, firstly, the guarantee that you will get into the best and most popular hotel and, secondly, save a significant amount, since on average you can get about 30% discount from the entire cost of the tour.

Give your child the opportunity for new impressions and an unforgettable holiday abroad or in Russia. Fabulous places of the globe clearly will not leave you indifferent to you or your children.

It's no secret that it is the new year for Russians is considered the most important holiday in the year. He is waiting for him, they are preparing morally and physically much in advance, and the preparation is carried out everywhere: from kindergartens to the State Duma. Many people identify the New Year with the beginning of a new life, new promises and change for the better. Everyone decides for himself, as he will meet this grand holiday. At work and at school, long holidays are coming, which means it is time to change the situation and visit the long-time directions, to charge new emotions and spiritual strength for further accomplishments, and just relax.

Not just to relax, but to meet the holiday itself in a new country - an incredible adventure and an unforgettable experience that will enhance the culture of the area, to know special traditions and become part of the holiday. Many vacationers, on the contrary, carry the Russian culture of the celebration, introduce foreigners with Slavic identity into the masses. Such confusion of customs as part of the New Year celebration will remain in memory for life.

It is enough hard to decide on the new year with the direction, as there are actually a lot of tours. You can go to conquer the peaks in ski resorts, warmly and cozy to wander according to the old streets of Europe and in childish to rejoice at the fairs, and you can find a holiday on the beach that in itself for a Russian person is exotic.

New Year's tours on the sea

Almost all the territory of Russia in the New Year is covered with snow. It is difficult to imagine a holiday without frost, blizzards and white flakes outside the window. What an unforgettable experience will be the celebration of the New Year under the scorching sun in hot sand and gentle sea. It's funny to watch as hotels and palm trees instead of traditional firings. Although, hotels of the most popular destinations, ate still exhibit, in order not to disturb the traditions of visitors.



Exactly as in Thailand, the New Year in Vietnam on January 1 is an indicative holiday for tourists. The Vietnamese New Year (TET) passes here on the lunar calendar and has floating dates. In traditional New Year's holidays, Vietnam pleases vaccinated sandy beaches, decorated with shopping centers, Santa Claus and other festive attributes. If you are lucky enough to meet the New Year in Vietnam, then you will certainly go to the embankment (no matter the Nha Trang It will be, Fukok, Phalket or Muin), as it is there that concerts, folk walking, dancing and countdown before the new calendar year are organized.

Where to go to the beach: Nha Trang, Fucca, Muin, Pranket.

Weather: Air warms up to +27 ° C, and water up to +24 ° C. At this time of the year, the precipitation is unlikely, but quite possible. They are unlikely to spoil the rest by the sea due to their short-term and rarity.

Other useful information about Vietnam:

Prices for New Year's Tours in Vietnam: from 100,000 rubles *

Choose and book a tour in Vietnam here:


December end and beginning of January, as it is impossible to suitable for a beach holiday on Bali, since the amount of precipitation gradually goes to the decline, but they are still likely. Balinese celebrate the new year in the spring, and on December 31, they hold celebrations exclusively for tourists. The holiday should rush to the beach where the big salute is satisfied.

Where to go to the beach: Nusa-Dua, Kuta, Denpasar, etc.

Weather: Water and air warmes approximately + 29 ° C, water temperature - + 28 ° C.

Other useful information about Bali:

Prices for New Year's tours on Bali: from 120000 rubles *

Choose and book a tour on Bali here:

Sri Lanka


The celebration of the New Year in Cuba is distinguished by a special scope, as January 1, this is also the day of the country's liberation. Going out on the street, the holiday will simply fail to avoid. Parads, processions, carnivals pass throughout. Everyone dressed in the brightest dresses, drink Rum and are proud of the country from the soul.

Where to go to the beach: Havana, Trinidad, Santiago de Cuba, Varadero.

Weather:the air and water temperature on average is +25 ° C - +28 ° C. Rainy season is already behind.

Other useful information about Cuba:

Prices for New Year's tours in Cuba: from 150,000 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour of Cuba here:

Less popular due to high cost, but no less interesting is New Year's tours to countries such as:

Christmas and New Year in Europe

Christmas Europe has a special, childish magic charm. Coloring fairs on medieval squares attract millions of visitors to Christmas. To Europe should go before December 25 in order to have time to catch the most important holiday in the year, to which Europeans are preparing with full responsibility. In Christmas in the Gothic Councils and Ancient Basilica, church services are held, the streets are filled with the smell of needles and cinnamon and the festive bustle does not take everywhere: everyone is buying gifts to their relatives and loved ones. The new year in Europe is celebrated not with so much as Christmas, but in any case, the winter holidays holidays and a special atmosphere will remain in memory forever.


Other useful information about Finland:

Prices for New Year's tours in Finland: from 55500 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour in Finland here:

Czech Republic, Prague)

Absolutely magic appearance in Christmas holidays acquires Prague. It seems that each square meter of the city is decorated with bright light bulbs, garlands, glass beads. On each area, the lush elegant fir is installed and break around the fair, walking through which you can endlessly. Be sure to arrange a gastronomic tour and try local New Year's dishes: wine sausage, "Vacan" and "Nuts". At every step in the cold season, they sell hot mulled wine, Punch or "Medovina", so there is no chance of frozen and cold.

Where to go for the new year: Prague.

Weather: The daily temperature is about +2 ° C.

Other useful information about the Czech Republic:

Prices for New Year's Tours to the Czech: from 50500 rubles *

You can pick up and book a tour of the Czech Republic here:

France Paris)

Another popular destination for the New Year is Paris. Since the beginning of December, the city is immersed in a pleasant pre-holiday turmoil. Eiffel Tower and other sights Thanks to the illumination acquire a new and bright image. The whole month in the city there are colorful thematic fairs, festivals and concerts. As a rule, the new year Parisian himself goes to meet the Elysees. It is here that the countdown is passed, and the crowd and a multinational crowd having fun and bulls. Be sure to look at the Christmas Sale: prices can be pleasantly surprised.

Where to go for christmas: Paris.

Weather: Air in the capital heats from 0 ° C to +8 ° C.

Other useful information about France:

Prices for christmas tours to France: from 74200 rubles *

Choose and book a tour to France here:


Exactly like other major countries in Europe, Italy is immersed in bright lights and fairs for all December. Basically, the Christmas holidays in Italy are going for shopping. In major cities, you can buy an absolutely any thing in almost cost. Experienced travelers advise to go to Italy's sales with empty, but large suitcases. With the Italians themselves, the Christmas tradition to throw out old things in the window rushed into the fly, but another appeared - to acquire everything new.

The new year is celebrated in large cities with a big sweep. Everyone goes to the central richly decorated area, music is played everywhere, the New Year's strong drinks are poured by the river, it takes back countdown and the fun does not subside until the morning.

Where to go: Milan, Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Pisa.

Weather:for Christmas weather Italy makes the travelers a good gift - the air temperature on average is +8 ° C, and in some places it is heated to +15 ° C.

Other Useful Information about Italy:

Prices for christmas tours in Italy: from 57800 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour in Italy here:

Estonia (Tallinn)

Celebrations on Christmas holidays in Tallinn are becoming increasingly popular. Romance and the European Fair Atmosphere here is present as in other countries, and the prices for tours are much lower than, for example, to Germany. Quiet and calm Tallinn in the New Year is filled with noisy tourists from different countries that fully want to feel the magic atmosphere of holidays. Everything here is as well as in other major cities of Europe: spruce is installed on the central square, breaks the tents with national treats and festive souvenirs, and restaurants and hotels offer New Year's dinners and entertainment programs in the 14th century atmosphere.

Where to go: Tallinn.

Weather:at Christmas, the air temperature on average is -2 ° C.

Other useful information about Estonia:

Prices for Christmas tours to Estonia: from 81,000 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour in Estonia here:


The popular destination for the New Year is Greece, since it is there that the celebration is suitable with all seriousness. Each Greek sacred believes that the coming year will bring positive changes. From mid-December, all are engaged in preparing for the holidays: both physical and moral. Greece residents rushed in the church, decorate at home and streets, and traditional dishes from pork, chicken and turkey, which can be tried in any restaurant. On New Year's Eve, travelers and local residents overlook the streets of cities, the Sirtaki dance, drink a lot of wine and the beginning of a new life is rejoiced from the soul.

Where to go:any major city.

Weather: Air warms up to +14 ° C.

Other useful information about Greece:

Prices for New Year's Tours to Greece: from 44000 rubles *

Pick and book a tour to Greece here:

New Year "Eastern"

East, as you know, the case is subtle and in every Eastern country the New Year is found in different dates and with different traditions. Even the summer is fundamentally different from European. It can be said that for the countries of Asia, the arrival of the new year is a feast of purely traditional, but in tribute to tourists every country suits the secular new year, which is celebrated on January 1.


The most popular country at this time of year is Israel - the beginning began. New Year in Israel is celebrated several times: in accordance with religious and secular traditions. On January 1, a secular new year comes to the country, whose traditions were taken from Russia. We must definitely go to the holidays where it all began - in the religious shrines of Christianity and make a desire at the Wall of crying, go through a cross way, visit the temple of the Mernel of the Lord and meet the dawn on the sacred mountain Zion. With the Catholic to Orthodox Christmas in the country there are many secular and entertainment events.

Where to go for the new year: Jerusalem, Bethlehem.

Weather: The air temperature warms up to +17 ° C. You can not swim anymore, but long walks in the fresh air is hardly able to overshadow anything.

Other useful information about Israel:

  • Visa - not needed

Prices for New Year's Tours to Israel: from 72500 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour in Israel here:

United Arab Emirates

In order to celebrate the new year with a scope and perfectly spend vacation on the beach, you must definitely go to Dubai. The secular celebrations on January 1 on the streets are not accepted here, and in establishments you certainly are waiting for concerts, shows, discos and parties. The exceptions are street fireworks, which are recognized as the best in the world for beauty and splasha.

Where to go for the new year: Dubai.

Weather: Air temperature on average in the country does not exceed +21 ° C. For evening walks, a lightweight jacket is useful.

Other useful information about the UAE:

Prices for New Year's tours in the UAE: from 51200 rubles *

Pick up and book a tour in the UAE here:


Currently, tours to Egypt resorts are available only with a flight through Cairo, which negatively affects their cost. The resumption of charter flights to resort cities is expected.

Even after the ban on flights to the resort cities of Egypt, the interest in it does not become less. Wall holidays are not in the snow, but in the sand - I wanted each of us at least once in my life. The resorts of Egypt is no longer as comfortable as in the autumn, but heated pools of hotels will come to revenue. In the New Year, hospitable owners are arranged for tourists chic feast with entertainment program, contests and salutes. Shopping centers are universally decorated with firs, balls and garlands. The Holiday Spirit does not leave travelers even on sandy beaches: many tourists and locals gather in beach bars for concerts and a fun celebration of the new calendar year.

Where to go: Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada.

Weather: up to +20 ° C.

Other useful information about Egypt:

  • Visa (upon arrival)

Tours prices in Egypt for the New Year: from 81500 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour in Egypt here:



An excellent opportunity to change the cold in the heat is a trip to Tunisia. To swim in the resorts of Tunisia at this time is no longer so comfortable, but it does not hurt anything leisure and celebrating a new year in the open air. In the end, Tunisia is the capital of thalassotherapy and each hotel has spa centers with heated pools. The main New Year's events are held in Sousse, Hammamete and Tunisia. On the central squares begin massive walking with fireworks, festivals, musical concerts. From the streets, the celebration gradually flows into bars and restaurants. In Tunisia, there is one very pleasant New Year's tradition, which the tourists are happy to eat with pleasure - to eat as much sweets as possible in order for the coming year to spend in prosperity.

Where to go for the new year: Hammamet, Monastir, Sousse, Moss, Djerba.

Weather: up to +16 ° C.

Other useful information about Tunisia:

Prices for tours in Tunisia on New Year's holidays: from 105,500 rubles *

Pick up and book a tour in Tunisia here:


The exotic New Year will make a trip to Japan. From year to year, more and more tourists rushed in exactly the country of the rising sun. Christmas do not celebrate here, but the arrival of the calendar year is counted from January 1. Preparation for the holiday begins with the middle of autumn: the streets and houses are decorated with garlands, souvenir markets begin work and the main sales are open. It's fun to note that the preparation for the holiday is very similar to the Russian: families are inhibited by gifts and statueries in the form of a symbol of the coming year, conduct general cleaning, on December 31, are covered with a rich table, dressed in their best toilets and celebrate the arrival of the new year. You won't call this holiday, as the Japanese are accustomed to celebrating it quietly, calmly and in the family circle.

As a rule, tourists and young people are collected on central squares, and then smoothly distributed through the bars. Everything passes peacefully, quietly and without abundant alcohol. On January 2, tourists appear a unique opportunity to visit the Imperial Palace, where they are allowed only twice a year.

Where to go for the new year: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Yokohama, Sapporo.

Weather: In Sapporo - up to -3 ° C, in Tokyo - up to +7 ° C.

Other useful information about Japan:

Prices for tours to Japan for the new year: from 140,000 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour of Japan here:

New Year "American"

Absolutely enchanting on-scale celebration of Christmas and New Year takes place in the USA. As we know from movies, no one believes in miracles, Santa and a new life as Americans. And indeed, what is just worth a holiday in New York, where hundreds of thousands of people are going to Times Square to watch the old tradition of the fall of the glass bowl. A huge LED ball slowly lowers down the axis, and then reaches the lowest point, the lights fade and light up the scoreboard with the year, which marks its beginning. The Times Square must come back in the morning to choose a good place, as New Year with residents and guests of New York celebrate world stars of the first magnitude.

It's time to think about how to spend the winter holidays in the best possible way

Photo: Sean Gallup / Staff / Pacific Press / Contributor / Kaveh Kazemi / Contributor / Andia / Contributor / Giorgio Cosulich / Contributor / Bloomberg / Contributor / Johannes Simon / Stringer / JTB Photo / Contributor / Wolfgang Kaehler / Contributor / Anadolu Agency / Contributo / gettyimages. Com.

It would seem that the New Year holidays is full of time. In fact, the autumn will fly quickly, and very soon the most relevant issue will be "where to spend holidays?" For those who prefer to plan rest in advance, we collected the best festive areas for every taste and wallet.

Up to 15 thousand rubles

Berlin, Germany

The solemn ball in the medieval castle or non-stop bar-hopping, international folk festivities or dinner at Mishlen's stars - in Berlin it is possible to combine several New Year scenarios at once. Regardless of how you eventually decide to spend a holiday, you can improvise in the German capital and you need. Also from the menu: Baked carp, an infinite variety of meat snacks, fragrant cheeses, as well as beer, Kryuon, Punch and a little champagne smoothly at midnight - Berlin can be called a point of intersection of a variety of gastronomic flavors.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Berlin for the period of the New Year holidays - from 14.3 thousand rubles.

2.2 thousand rubles. per night


If you want to meet the new year in compliance with the main traditions, but in new scenery, go to Warsaw. European Fair, hot spicy wine and polish festive "Pernik" will be added to the familiar fun on the main square of the city and Zollem Fireworks. A couple of hours before midnight, make a company to local residents and tourists on the Palace Square. Throw a pair of zloty to street musicians and take the place closer to the Christmas tree, and when the clock is trying 12 times, try to shout as louder as possible "Szczęśliwego NOWEGO ROKU". On the first day of the year, conquer a couple of slopes or go on excursions on Wroclaw and Krakow. In the latter, do not miss the opportunity to look at the Copernicus's restaurant.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Warsaw for the period of the New Year holidays - from 14 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 1.3 thousand rubles. per night

Tbilisi, Georgia

In Tbilisi, for a festive mood, one type of lace facades is enough, carefully decorated with Soviet garlands. And the aromas of Satzivi and Khachapuri will finally run down the pre-New Year fatigue. The main night can be held as a soul wishes - if you are not afraid of the thunder Petard and love dull fun, go along with Tiflis youth to Rustaveli Avenue. And if you prefer to celebrate at the table, choose any likely restaurant. True, the basin feast will only at first - Georgians love and know how to have fun. One night in Tbilisi is definitely not to get rid: put up with spicy dishes, talking long toasts and dance here accepted from December 31 to January 2. So to explore the treasures of Georgia - if the forces will remain, it will turn out only from the 3rd number. Another day can be left to a thoughtful vacation with a visit to the famous sulfur baths of Abanotubani.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Tbilisi for the period of the New Year holidays - from 15 thousand rubles.

per night

Petrozavodsk, Russia

Karelia is a non-obvious and very winter direction for those who prefer to take congratulations in their native language. Meet the holiday as they did a couple of centuries ago on the island of Kizhi or go for a walk along Petrozavodsk. Heat in cozy restaurants and try the raw sweet patts, without which the new year does not represent in Karelia. On the first day of 2018, you can stroll along the seafront of the lake, and if you arrived with children, then look at a couple of fabulous museums. For example, in the "House of Dolls" or the Maritime Museum of the Polar Odyssey Club. The recreation program is also worth incorporating riding for sleds, harnessed husky, in northern forests and a visit to Packkane, the younger brother of Santa Claus.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Petrozavodsk for the period of the New Year holidays - from 8.2 thousand rubles.

per night

Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan

On how the old capital of Kazakhstan is revealed under the battle of the chimes, it is better to look from the top of Kok-Tube. You can order a table at the local restaurant, and you can take champagne and snacks and meet midnight under the starry sky. However, below, in the center of Almaty, do not get bored too: there are parties in spacious bars, and youth dancing right on the street, which has a few more days. If you prefer to spend your holidays in a calmer mode, go skiing in Chimbulak or ice skating on the world's largest high-voltage rink "Medeu". And also do not forget to allocate time and admire the large Almaty lake - one of the most amazing delicious sights of the country.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Alma-Ata for the period of the New Year holidays - from 9.3 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 1 thousand rubles. per night

Up to 30 thousand rubles

Rome, Italy

In Rome, the new year is not accepted to celebrate salutes and folk festivities. This is a bohemian party in Trastevere, seek and conversations with charming Italians. The main thing here is not to linger in one place for a long time. Gratefully take compliments from welcoming interlocutors and do not consider the institutions in which you come in. Under the morning, walk along the embankment of the tiber, filled with warm light of old lanterns. On January 1, not a single institution will not work, and this day can be devoted to walks along the semi-empty city, to meet architectural monuments and just rest. Starting from the second day of the year it will be safely dive into the cultural program. Do not pass by the ads on concerts and ideas - in Rome they can be both very expensive and free, but they will definitely decorate the vacation residue.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Rome for the period of the New Year holidays - from 17.3 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel 3 * - from 2.1 thousand rubles. per night

Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel Aviv is the city where you can hide from the new year and mark it louder than everyone. People's festivities on the streets on the festive night are not suitable here, but at the same time life is boiling in bars and clubs, where they are satisfied with the noisy parties and colorful ideas. In this regard, Tel Aviv offers a very wide choice - from expensive dinner in the Tower of Azrieli to dancing on the beach. By the way, water in the sea will be warm enough to swim in the morning.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Tel Aviv for the period of the New Year holidays - from 16.7 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel 3 * - from 2.6 thousand rubles. per night

Salzburg, Austria

New Year in Salzburg is a classic winter holidays. Shimmering braids garland, bunches of Christmas toys and coniferous wreaths decorate the city since the beginning of December, and in any of his alley you can feel like in a medieval Austrian fairy tale. On the squares of the houseplac and the resident platforms are deployed one of the best in Europe festive bazaars. And it's not just in ancient decorations, fragrant pretzels and sweet mulled wine, but also in a sense of privacy that appears among high mountains. In the New Year's Eve, buy Bengali lights in one of the fair houses and meet midnight along with the inhabitants of the city under the ringing of the Bells of the Salzburg Cathedral. The next two days with more than enough to get around and across the historic center of the city, and after can be sent to one of the ski resorts nearby.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Salzburg for the period of the New Year holidays - from 22.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of 3 * - from 4.3 thousand rubles. per night

Casablanca, Morocco

The center of nightlife in the city - the Naberezhnya Kornish. It is on it that it is worth looking for a suitable establishment to celebrate and get acquainted with travelers from around the world. For Christmas gifts, go to the Hubbus Quarter - here and bright slippers of Babushi, and famous Moroccan lights, and colored mountains of fragrant spices. Stroll through the streets of the Medina, study the Khasan mosque, and then go to explore the capital of Rabat and Imperial Meknes.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Casablanca for the period of the New Year holidays - from 21.7 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 1.4 thousand rubles. per night

Athens, Greece

Unusual on the trip for the New Year in Athens will be the fact that in the Greek capital the holiday is called the Day of St. Vasily. From our usual holiday, it is mainly the fact that the main character here is not Santa Claus and not Santa, but in fact, Holy Vasily. Go to Syntagma Square and join a crowded oriented siestaki under bright fireworks. When midnight comes, break on the happiness big fruit of a pomegranate about a stone wall, and in the morning we hurry into the nearest bakery to try magnificent Vasylopit. If you're lucky, then a good-natured neighbor will be treated with a good-natured New Year's cake - in this case, chew the dessert carefully: the Greeks love to put a coin in the dough (also for happiness).

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Athens for the period of the New Year holidays - from 21.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 1.7 thousand rubles. per night

Up to 50 thousand rubles.

Hong Kong, China

New Year's Fireworks in Hong Kong is one of the most spectacular in the world, so come early to the Square of Golden Duffinia to take the best places. And if you do not want to push the elbows of other crowds of tourists, then move to the Chimsachi region embankment to look at the presentation of the Cantonese Opera, stroll through the local fame alley and try all the variety of Hong Kong Street. It is worth returning to the next days - a famous "Symphony of Lights", the largest permanent light show passes on the embankment daily at 8 pm.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Hong Kong for the period of the New Year holidays - from 40.9 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of 3 * - from 2.6 thousand rubles.per night

Reykjavik, Iceland.

Local residents believe: the louder to meet the holiday, the happier it will pass. Noise here really a lot: music and songs do not subside until the morning. Each new year, the main city square becomes the epicenter of the universal fun: there is a big bonfire, which acts simultaneously in the role of the Christmas tree, and as a powerful heater. After a few hours, salutov salutes will stop, but the sky will not darken, but will only be more beautiful thanks to the magnificent northern lights - the sight, which is worth doing all the long path in Reykjavik.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Reykjavik for the period of the New Year holidays - from 29.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 4.7 thousand rubles. per night

New York, USA

The city that never sleeps, begins to prepare for the winter holidays in about two months and by the end of December is transformed beyond recognition, sparkles and transfers with millions of light bulbs and garlands. If you do not want to crowble on Times Square, move to the rink in the central park or in the "Gotham Hall" (for those who are with children). However, it will be enough and just stroll along the noisy Avenue.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to New York for the period of the New Year holidays - from 34.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 4.6 thousand rubles. per night

Goa, India

In early January, the season comes in South Asia for an ideal beach holiday. Although the smallest state of India is a very popular destination at any time of the year, and this is more than deserved. For a noisy party, move to Anjuna - there are new year right on the seashore. After drinking, on the very first day of the year rent a scooter and go to New Year's trip along the most beautiful beaches nearby. Do not forget to look at the gifts to the local historic flea market Flimarket - here are looking for clothes, painted in Tye-Dye technique, and strange needlework souvenirs, and feel free to bargain!

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Goa for the period of the New Year holidays - from 46.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 5.2 thousand rubles. per night


On New Year's Eve, the Burj Khalifa Tower becomes the epicenter of the salute, from which the whole city is festive. If you do not want to crowd on the square in front of the skyscraper, book a table in the nearby restaurants or buy a ticket to the ship on the ship - and then you will need to schedule in advance. And for those who do not want to spend very much, there is always a free beach of Jumeira district. Follow food and drinks and come here early to take good places. If all this is too trivial, then think about the New Year's Safari on camels. After him, you can go on a festive shopping, which will delight big discounts.

The cost of the flight from Moscow to Dubai for the period of the New Year holidays - from 22.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in the double room of the hotel is 3 * - from 3.5 thousand rubles. per night

Material prepared together with Momondo tourist services and Irina Ryabovol, official representativeMomondo.in Russia

Do not know where to relax for the new year?

  • 7 countries where to go for the new year 2020 to the sea;
  • 6 visa countries;
  • Domestic New Year's Eve;
  • Where can I relax with the child?

Where to relax for the new year inexpensively on the sea

Rest in visa-free countries can be beach and excursion. The best seaside holidays in December-January:

It is also interesting to spend time in Georgia and Turkey.

Weather review, holiday prices abroad, as well as attractions, see below.


From 130 000 r. Ancient temples, beautiful views and endless beaches.

Vietnam is a magnificent beach holiday, a rich excursion program, active entertainment, fun parties on the sea shore and in megalopolis.


In Vietnam, you can be without a visa to 15 days. On Fukuoka - up to 30. But on the island you need to fly by direct flight and do not go away from there until the end of the holidays.

South resorts are ideal for beach holiday in winter. In January, there is a pleasant soft sun, warm water and almost no rain. Fukuok is snow-white beaches, wonderful views, dimension. Nha Trang - Active Entertainment and Bright Nightlife. Calm and sea delicacies are Phantheet.

Popular attractions:

  • South - National Park, Waterfalls and Stone Garden in Nha Trang, Crocodiles Kennel and Mineral Sources in Phanthet.
  • North - tea and coffee plantations, mountain with temples, Halong Bay.
  • The central part is a huge statue of Buddha, marble mountains, the longest and high cable car in the world.


From 45 000 r. Beach rest in winter at low prices.

Popular resorts are ready to accept young people and a wealthy public. You can swim all year round. But in winter prices are significantly lower. Beach vacation diversify excursions to the ancient cities and temples.


A visa up to 15 days is drawn up by arrival.

What to do and what to see

Main attractions:

  • Sphinx;
  • pyramids;
  • temples Luxor.

The main resorts have everything for beach and outdoor activities. Clean sandy beaches, warm sea waters, boat walks and several dozen water entertainment. For those who do not like to sit still, organize excursions in the cuts, Cairo, Cruises on the Nile.


On a note!In January, strong winds are performed periodically.


From 117 000 r. Meet the New Year in Asian custom.

Thailand is a real paradise for beach recreation fans and for adventure seekers. The new year here is noted noisy, fun and with a scope of the whole 3 times! Twice in January and one in April.


Tourists from Russia without registration of a visa can remain in the country for up to 30 days.

What to do and what to see

In Multidoral Thailand there are entertainment for every taste. Inquisitive travelers go to the cultural capital of Chiang Mai. Fans of active and spectacular entertainment - in Bangkok. Beach holiday lovers - on the main resorts and islands. Perfect time for swimming - with software.

Phi Phi Island

Popular resorts

  • - Rest on any budget. Entertainment - diving, fishing, swimming on the beach, curses by sea or jungle. The best beaches: Patong, Kamala, Bang Tao, Surin.
  • Krabi. - These are the most beautiful beaches. The best beaches are AO-Nang, Hat-Rey-Le, Hat Tham Phah-Nang. You can relax on the nearby Isles of Phi Phi, Samui and Hong.
  • Samui Suitable for a relaxing family holiday. The best beaches - Chaweng, Lamai, Bopchut.
  • Samet - for a measured rest. Entertainment - excursions to Pattaya and Bangkok, diving, viewing platforms of AO-Poo. The best beaches are Hat Sai Kev, AO-Poo, Ao-Nuan.
  • Pattaya - The most budget and most noisy resort. There is everything for rapid fun - parks, bars, attractions, floating market. To rest on the beach it is better to go to the islands.
Weather in Thailand
temperature day, ºСtemperature at night, ºСwater temperature, ºС
+30...+32 +20...+22 +27
Phuket.+30...+32 +21...+23 +28
Krabi.+29...+31 +22...+23 +29
Samui+30...+32 +19...+21 +26
Pattaya+30...+32 +19...+21 +26
Samet+31...+33 +20...+22 +26
Chiang Mai+26...+28 +14...+16 -

Dubai, UAE)

From 82 000 r. Incredible city-tale.

In the richest city of the United Arab Emirates ride for a comfortable rest, incredible species from skyscrapers, interesting excursions, bright festivals and unusual entertainment.

Want to ride skiing in the country of eternal summer or to be at the time of pearls? See the city with an unreal height or go to an exciting safari tour? Then the New Year holidays in Dubai for you.


A visa for up to 30 days is issued on arrival in the Emirates.

Things to do

The main event of the winter is a trading festival with discounts up to 80%. It begins at the end of December and lasts a whole month.


  • World Trade Center;
  • Burj Hadifa is the highest (828 m) skyscraper in the world;
  • the house of Sheikh Said from corals;
  • artificial islands palm;
  • singing and dancing fountain.

Entertainment for children - Zoo, Water Park, Wonderland Amusement Park, Oceanarium.

On a note!Beach season in Dubai - Spring and autumn. Winter bathing interfere with strong winds.


From 58 000 r. Beach vacation on the shores of the Red and Mediterranean Sea.

In Israel, all rest areas are developed - beach, sightseeing, wellness, active, pilgrimage.


Russian tourists do not need a visa if the duration of the trip is less than 90 days.

What to do and what to see

Israel ride to see the main religious shrines in Jerusalem and Haifa. Take off in clubs and on Tel Aviv beaches.

Top Beach Resorts:

  • Tel Aviv - for young people;
  • Netanya - for vacation with children;
  • Herzliya - for wealthy tourists;
  • Eilat - for divers and fans of water sports.

The coast of the Dead Sea - the zone of therapeutic tourism. The most famous resort is Tiberias.

On a note! In winter it is better to relax on the coast of the Red and Dead Sea.


The beach season ends in. For the new year, here are going to exploring attractions and ski resorts - Uludag, Kartakaya, Sarykamysh, Palandoches.


The visa is not needed if the trip is less than 60 days.

Things to do

In the summer, in Turkey, you can easily fly on the beach with a clean conscience. In winter, tourists are waiting for other entertainment:

  • celebration of the New Year with salutes and street concerts;
  • excursions in Istanbul - visiting the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Basil Tanks and others;
  • rock monasteries Cappadocia;
  • antique structures in Antalya;
  • ruins of ancient temples, mosques and luxurious restaurants in Ankara.


From 85 000 r. The eternal beauty of the Caucasian Mountains and Georgian hospitality.

In winter, they go here for the landmarks. Treatment from Mineral Sources Borzhomi. Dating with national cuisine.


I do not need if the trip is less than 90 days.

Things to do

In Georgia, it is necessary to learn from the hospitality and the ability to speak beautiful toasts. And also:

  • visit cheerful Tbilisi, everlasting Batumi, ancient Kutaisi;
  • go skiing on the slopes of Gudauri and Bakuriani;
  • go to Mtskheta - the second Jerusalem;
  • order an excursion to the cave monastery Vardzia;
  • celebrate New Year with Georgian scope.

Where to go to rest for the new year abroad with a visa?

Those who want to celebrate the New Year in romantic Europe or colorful India will be interesting:

  • Finland;
  • Prague;
  • Italy;
  • Germany;
  • Budapest;
  • Portugal.

For information on where to place a visa, weather and prices for tours below.


From 76 000 r. New year visiting Santa.


Need a tourist visa. The questionnaire fills online.

Things to do

To the country thousands of lakes and hot saunas tourists go to:

  • enjoy natural beauty and see the northern lights;
  • visit museums and fortresses in Helsinki;
  • give in the Aland Islands;
  • ride skiing into
  • live in the hotel from ice;
  • get to the grand christmas sale;
  • go to Lapland in the Santa Claus residence and Lemmenioki National Park with wild deer, wolverines, foxes and eagles.

Prague, Czech Republic)

From 61 400 r. The city that is impossible to forget.


Need. You can arrange yourself in the visa center or through a travel agency.

What to do and what to see

In the largest city of Europe, you can open something new for yourself every day. In Prague you need:

  • stroll through the historic center with medieval streets;
  • defend a part of the Shopping vacation - in early January, prices for brand things are very low;
  • walk along Karlov Bridge;
  • take a picture against the background of the National Theater and the biggest fortress Prague Castle.


From 66,500 p. World Center for Fashion, Art and Leisure.


Need (Schengen).

Things to do

The beach season begins in May. In winter, it is worth paying time to the cultural program:

  • walk through the boutiques of Milan;
  • to visit colorful chinckwe-terra;
  • admire world art masterpieces in the Vatican Museum Complex;
  • ride a gondola in Venice;
  • enjoy a rural flavor in Tuscany;
  • see the main attractions of Rome - Colosseum, the Capitol Hill, Pantheon, the Sistine Chapel and others.


From 75 500 r. Popular direction.

India is a country of contrasts. Vacation at the main resort of the country is different for the price and style depending on which part of it is to stop.

South - dear, respectable, measured. Beaches of snow-white, little and clean. North - budget, democratic, full noise and fun. Sand on the beaches dark gray. In addition to the large number of different public from all over the world, you can always see dogs or cows.


A visa can be issued on arrival if the duration of staying in the country is less than 15 days.

What to see

In South Goa, you must be visited:

  • Old Goa;
  • dudchsagar waterfall;
  • spice plantation;
  • cotigao Reserve.

From the northern part of the state you can also go on an excursion to the Old Town and to the waterfall. And also visit the flea market in the village of Anjuna and the ancient Fort Aguada.


From 57 000 r. Germany for those who appreciate the good service.


It can be issued in the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe visa center of Germany or through a travel agency.

How to spend time

In winter, in Germany you can:

  • visit Museums and Gallery Berlin;
  • wander through the castles and fortresses of Lower Saxony;
  • admire the alpine slopes and Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria;
  • peel into the charm of Dresden;
  • under the course of therapeutic procedures in Baden-Baden;
  • ride skiing in Oberstdorf and Garmisch-Partenkirchen.


From 38 000 r. Beautiful city in Europe.


Need a Schengen visa. It can be issued at the embassy in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

How to spend your vacation

Budapest is:

  • walking through the old baroque quarters;
  • cozy restaurants;
  • impressive building of parliament;
  • famous bathing;
  • luxurious Royal Palace and Romantic Castle Vaidakhunyad;
  • great Danube.

Dozens of architectural monuments, churches, vintage quarters and charming streets.



Tourists from Russia need a Schengen visa.

What to do and what to see

In winter, it is better to rest in the south of the country. There is quite sunny and almost no rain.

Portugal worth a visit:

  • her capital is Lisbon;
  • city of Porto with a huge Church of San Francischka and the Cathedral;
  • the oldest university in coimbre
  • ideal places for gastro tourism - Evora city and headlight.

And you can also go to the shrines in the Religious Center of the country of Braga.

Where to go across Russia for New Year's holidays?

It is interesting to spend your vacation, and without leaving the country. AT:

  • Veliky Ustyug;
  • Moscow region;
  • Kazan;
  • Karelia;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Sochi;
  • in Altai.

Read about the cost and entertainment below.

Great Ustyug

Small, but great.

A visit to the residence of Santa Claus - a mandatory point of the excursion program in Veliky Ustyug. The fabulous property is 13 km from the city. Walking along the magic paths, skating in a fabulous oven, fun games and many other entertainment are waiting for children and adults.

What to see

  • urban residence, fashion house and mail of Santa Claus;
  • museum of New Year's toy and nature of the edge;
  • Museum of Local Lore;
  • Mikhailo Arkhangelsky Monastery;
  • natural attractions in the vicinity - Vaskin Key Waterfall, dangerous river thresholds Sukhonov, Reserved forests.

The optimal option is to buy a tour for 3 days in the master of Santa Claus. The price includes railway travel, meals, excursions, theatrical ideas, etc. Prices:

  • from Moscow from 16,000;
  • from St. Petersburg from 8,600.

Moscow region

Hundreds of tourist objects.

Where to relax

In the suburbs, more than 80 cities and each has its own highlight:

  • The fans of skiing can safely ride in Vains, sorcers, yachroma.
  • Fans of antiquities go to the oldest cities - Volokolamsk, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Kolomna.
  • Interested in history will appeal in the Museum-Reserve Borodino, in Serpukhov and Chekhov.
  • Sergiev Posad - Center for Orthodoxy.
  • Paravlovsky is famous for the dwarf scarves.


Depend on the duration of the trip, such as accommodation and nutrition, programs. Prices from Moscow for tours:

  • Weekend with a visit to 4-7 cities - from 6,000.
  • Festive and event - from 7,000.
  • Excursion multi-day - from 6 800.


Pearl of Tatarstan.

Where to go

  • Kazan Kremlin with Mosque Kul Sharif and Falling Tower Syumubik;
  • Tatar Sloboda;
  • pedestrian street Bauman;
  • National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Petropavlovsky Cathedral.

Many impressions will leave a trip to the temple of all religions, to Raifsky Monastery, Sviyazhsk.


A trip to Kazan for 7 days for one will cost a minimum of 11,000:

  • Accommodation - from 700 rubles in a double room.
  • Food - from 600 rubles per person.
  • The road from Moscow is back and forth - from 4,800 plane, from 1,900 train.


Unique nature and architectural monuments.

What to see

In winter, in Karelia, you can:

  • Skiing in one of the ski complexes.
  • Visit Natural Attractions - Panaarvi National Park, Kivach and Kostomukshsky Reserves.
  • Go to the historical and architectural complexes in the open air - Kizhi, Valaam Reserve, Solovetsky Archipelago.
  • View on Petroglyphs on the shore of Lake.
  • Visit the attractions of Petrozavodsk and its surroundings.

The cost of a three-day tour from Moscow begins from 9,000 rubles.


Winter holidays on the seashore.

What to see

In the city of 3 district. Each of them has its own attractions:

  • Moscow - about. Kant, Cathedral, Fish Village, Kirch and Gate Museum.
  • Leningradsky - Amber Museum, Royal Gate, Barracks, Quarter of German Villas.
  • Central - vintage buildings, zoo.


Place of unity with nature.

Altai is very large and relaxing in it is diverse. Passive, excursion, active, adventure, wellness, event.

What to see

Main attraction - Nature. Thick forests, fast mountain rivers, turquoise katun, passes. Majestic mountains are compared with the Alps and Tibet. Every year tourists come here in search of mystical chambala.


In Altai, you can:

  • To improve health at the resorts of Belokurich and Oz. Yarovoe.
  • Ride skiing - in the vicinity of Gorno-Altaisk and Oz. And I.
  • Going on an excursion to Teletskom Lake, to the Tavdinsky caves, on maralovodic farms, about. Patmos, Mergeok, at the Cheap.

Prices for rest

It is most profitable to buy tours. The minimum cost is from 21,000 rubles. Includes three meals, excursions, transfer. In some cases, it will be necessary to additionally pay the flight to Barnaul - from 14,000.


We go to the sea in winter.

If you did not have time to get in Sochi in the summer, not trouble. In December and January in the Black Sea resort, warm and few precipitation. Swim into the sea, of course, it will not work. But you can have plenty of fun in the water park.

Things to do

  • To go with children in the parks of Riviera rival or "Sochi Park", in the oceanarium, an arboretum and a fabulous "Berendevo Kingdom".
  • Buy a ticket to the performance of the KVN teams. The first will be held on January 5 at the Pearl Hotel.
  • Book an excursion to museums and natural attractions.
  • Master skiing and snowboarding in Red Polyana.


Accommodation in a double standard room - from 1,500 per day.

Nutrition - from 600 rubles per day.

Airline "Round-back" - from 13,800 rubles.

1 Visited Water Park - from 500 to 1,300 rubles.

Where to relax with the child?

For recreation with children, pay attention to the following directions.

Forward to meet with Santa Claus!

This is a little journey to the magic world. Rovaniemi city - the center of attraction of tourists in winter. In its surroundings there is Santa Park and his village.

Children waiting:

  • Meeting with Santa.
  • Games and master classes with elves.
  • Trip on the magic train.
  • Gingerbread plant and other magical entertainment.

In Lapland, it is necessary to visit the traditional deer farm. Ride on a deer or dog harness. I go for a walk. You need to dress with warmer. In January, the thermometer column can be lowered to -27 ° C.

Important!Do not forget to issue a Schengen visa.

In Russia

Where to relax in Russia with a child for the new year 2020


How to get from Moscow

Great Ustyug

Magic journey to Santa Claus

  • by plane with a change - 15 h
  • by bus with a transfer to Vologda
  • railway tour "Winter Express" - from 16,000 for a child, from 21,000 for adult

waterparks, Sochi Park, Car Museum, Oceanarium, Dolphinarium, Botanical and Dendrological Park, Berendevo Kingdom

  • aircraft - 2.5 h
  • by train - from 36 hours
  • on cars - from 30 h

free Museum of Military Equipment Open Sky, Contact and Conventional Zoo, Amusement Parks, "House of Engineering Science and Technology", Puppet Theater

  • plane - 1 h 30 min
  • by train - from 19 h
  • by bus - 18 h
  • on cars - from 12 h

St. Petersburg

museums, theaters of fairy tales and dolls, dolphinarium, oceanarium, zoo

  • plane - 1 h 40 min
  • by train - 6 h
  • on the expresss "Sapsan" and "Nevsky" - 3 hours
  • by bus - 11 h
  • on cars - 9 h

On the sea

Fanthiet, Goa, Phuket or Samui? What to choose?

Winter holidays on the sea promises many pleasant entertainment and bathing in warm waves. Beaches at rest resorts with children clean, sandy. Entrance to the sea on most of them is flat. Infrastructure is well developed.

Where to relax with the child on the sea

Country and resort

Does Viza need

What is interesting to children?

Air and water temperature, ˚С


10 hours

  • crocodile kennel
  • temple of China


7 o'clock

  • butterfly Park
  • reserves
  • fort Aguada


13 hours

  • pCHUET Aquarium
  • amusement park
  • snake farm
  • orchida Garden


17 hours

  • aquapark
  • animator services
  • Paradise Park
    monkeys, parrots
    and iguana