A mysterious phenomenon at sea that takes the lives of many people. Be careful! The Black Sea: what threats it poses What is happening on the Black Sea coast

The cleanest sea in Russia is the Baltic (beaches of the Kaliningrad region), and the dirtiest are the Caspian and Azov, where it is generally dangerous to swim. This is the conclusion reached by the sanitary doctors of Rospotrebnadzor, summing up the results of monitoring for 2016.

Rospotrebnadzor summed up the results of monitoring the quality of coastal water in the seas, which are used for recreation. In Russia, for recreational purposes, they use the coastal waters of the Black, Azov, Caspian and Baltic Seas, as well as a part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan washing the Primorsky Territory.

Sanitary doctors regularly take water samples to assess its sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators (including the number of pathogens of intestinal infections).

A high proportion of "non-standard" samples indicates that sewage (untreated sewage) from neighboring cities, coastal industrial enterprises and recreation centers is discharged into the seas. Sanitary doctors "reject" the taken samples for such parameters as high content of phenols, petroleum products, synthetic surfactants (surfactants), iron, manganese, chlorides. In the samples, E. coli, enterococci, worm eggs, and in isolated cases even salmonella and hepatitis A virus are found.

Another reason for pollution, according to Rospotrebnadzor, is accidents at onshore facilities and ships (including fuel spills during bunkering), as well as uncontrolled pumping of oily water from ships. On the coastal territory, spontaneous dumps are arranged (including snow dumps after cleaning the streets).

As noted in the report of Rospotrebnadzor, the main threat to the seas is the rapid growth of cities: at the same time, water supply networks are built much faster than sewerage networks (about 2-2.5 times), the capacity of sewage treatment plants is also much less than the volume of water consumption in cities.

At the same time, deep-sea wastewater outlets have not been modernized for decades: suffice it to say that in the Gulf of Finland technologies for deep removal of nutrients, as well as disinfection of wastewater with ultraviolet radiation, began to be introduced only in 2007.

A separate conversation is the improvement of beaches. The beaches must comply with the strict requirements of GOST "Hygienic Requirements for Recreation Areas of Water Bodies": have changing rooms, shaded sheds, trash cans, sports and playgrounds, parking for vehicles. In fact, according to Rospotrebnadzor, not all of them have separate gatherings for small boats, jet skis, the boundaries of the bathing zone are not fenced in by buoys, and rescue towers are not installed and equipped.

Oilmen and corrupt officials poison the Caspian

The Caspian Sea is of greatest concern to sanitary doctors. For many years, among all Russian water areas, the Caspian waters in the Makhachkala region remain the most polluted, where almost 100% of the samples taken by sanitary doctors did not meet microbiological standards in 2007. Last year - only 31% (in Derbent - 8%, in Kaspiysk - 5%).

We have already talked about the deplorable state of the Caspian seaside: the entire coastline is uncontrollably built up with cottages, recreation centers, and sanatoriums. At the same time, for the last three decades, the level of the Caspian Sea has been rising, as a result of which the treatment facilities in Derbent and Izberbash have already been put out of action.

And nothing has changed! Rospotrebnadzor in its report for 2016 notes that the discharge of untreated wastewater (sewage and surface stormwater) into the Caspian Sea does not stop, the boundaries of sanitary protection zones are not defined, there is no approved regime and procedure for economic activity in these zones. Well, the heads of municipalities continue to uncontrollably distribute land for construction in the water protection zone.

Bad business with the Azov Sea. For example, back in 2000 in the Temryuk region, 100% of the samples taken by sanitary doctors were recognized as “non-standard”. Now the situation seems to have improved, but not by much: last year Rospotrebnadzor "rejected" 16% of the samples taken in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov (and again Temryuk turned out to be the "champion", while everything is in order in Yeisk or Slavyansk-on-Kuban) ... It is worth recalling that in August 2016, the operation of the central beach in the village of Golubitskaya was suspended due to the terrible water quality of the Azov Sea.

Big Sochi "grows" with sewage

In the Primorsky Territory, where people swim in the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan, Rospotrebnadzor also noted a significant improvement in water quality in all respects. There are, of course, "non-standard" samples, but they are getting smaller every year (the worst situation, of course, is near large cities - Vladivostok and Artyom).

At the same time, according to Rospotrebnadzor, only last year collectors from two districts of Vladivostok - Leninsky and Pervomaisky - were connected to sewage treatment plants.

In the Leningrad Region, it is not recommended to swim in many rivers, which are “rejected” by Rospotrebnadzor from year to year (Syas, Volkhov, Kobrinka and others), as well as in the waters of the Gulf of Finland (the village of Bolshaya Izhora and Fort Krasnaya Gorka) and Vyborg Bay (Vyborg itself and Smolyanoy Cape).

As for the Black Sea, the most popular among Russians, as noted in the Krasnodar department of Rospotrebnadzor, last year the water quality indicators improved significantly - there were noticeably fewer “non-standard” samples (and there were none in the Anapa region). Less than 0.3% of the samples taken do not meet hygiene standards (while in 2015 there were almost 5%).

This is explained in the Krasnodar department of Rospotrebnadzor by the fact that the situation was taken under personal control by the deputy plenipotentiary in the Southern Federal District Vladimir Gurba: taken under strict control wastewater discharges after treatment from treatment facilities in the Greater Sochi area.

As a result, the share of “non-standard” seawater samples taken in Greater Sochi in 2016 amounted to only 0.1% against 11% two years earlier.

On the Crimean seaside, the situation is even better, sanitary doctors state: only 2% of the samples taken were "rejected", including on several beaches of Yalta, Kerch, Sevastopol, Alushta, as well as the village of Nikolaevka. But neither tourists nor locals believe such data.

"It's dangerous to swim in Gelendzhik Bay"

The deputy coordinator of the public organization "Ecological watch for North Caucasus»Dmitry Shevchenko. In an interview with Svobodnaya Pressa, he noted that it is wrong to estimate the "gross" indicators of the number of seawater samples taken by sanitary doctors - it is necessary to take into account how far from the coast they were taken, at what depth, at what time of day and year.

- Today, the biggest problem for the coastal waters of the Black Sea is, undoubtedly, municipal pollution. Industrial pollution from various industrial enterprises is more local in nature, it is most pronounced, in particular, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ports of Novorossiysk, Taman.

While municipal pollution is more widespread and associated with the discharge of untreated wastewater into the sea. In the Greater Sochi area, even after the Olympics, during which the modernization of centralized treatment facilities was carried out, this problem remained relevant.

Many Sochi districts with private buildings do not have centralized sewerage systems even today. People solve this issue as best they can: they buy septic tanks, fold up and build local treatment facilities. But many still discharge untreated wastewater directly into the sea or into storm sewers, which in turn also go to the sea.

"SP": - Rospotrebnadzor in its report notes that last year the modernization of sewerage networks in Greater Sochi continued, which was taken under control at the embassy.

- Modernization is underway, but at an insufficient pace. Most of the deep-water outlets in the water area were built back in the sixties-seventies of the last century, and now they are outdated both physically and morally. And even to the engineering state of objects in last years there were many questions. Suffice it to recall that in December last year, a huge plastic pipe surfaced like a whale off the coast - part of the deep-water outlet of the Adler sewage treatment plant, built before the Olympics.

"SP": - That is, you would not recommend swimming in the Black Sea?

- I will not be so categorical. There are areas where the water really meets all the standards. But there are also extremely polluted areas: for example, in Gelendzhik or Anapa bays, in my opinion, entering the water is dangerous to health. Near Anapa, the water area is shallow, the water is strongly warmed up by the sun, which allows microorganisms to multiply faster from wastewater entering the sea.

Now all the water there "blooms" due to algae - this is an indicator of the degree of pollution with organic waste. Due to the abundant reproduction of algae that consume oxygen, water loses its other inhabitants - fish, molluscs, crustaceans go to other places. That is, ultimately, it leads to an ecological disaster.

    As a rule, we are very surprised at the seemingly completely ridiculous death in the water of people who can swim and feel confident at depth. Often, alcohol intoxication is considered the cause of such inexplicable accidents, but in fact, life is taken by a phenomenon that, alas, only a few people know about - a rip current.

    We will tell you about what it is and how to be saved if you are not lucky enough to find yourself in such an ill-fated place.

    So, rip current is a very, very dangerous thing that can destroy even professional swimmers.

    Attempts to get away from the current do not lead to anything, and the person is simply seized by a panic state.

    The most dangerous is considered to be the rip currents of shallow seas with gentle shores, since sand spits do not allow water to return to the sea during low tide. The water pressure in the strait connecting the estuary and the sea increases, which forms a rapid, and a kind of river appears in the middle of the sea with a current speed of up to 2.5-3.0 m / sec.

    This is how it looks when the current flows back towards the sea, perpendicular to the coast.

    This often happens near the beach during high tides, after which the waves return at different speeds, forming a reverse current.

    This is how it might look:

    The seething water is not visible here, but the current itself is noticeable and, alas, the people who got into it:

    As a rule, the rip current corridor is narrow: 2-3 meters with a current speed of 4-5 km / h. This rip is not dangerous. But if its width reaches 50 m, and its length is 200-400 meters with a current speed of 15 km / h, this phenomenon becomes deadly!

    The signs of a rebound flow are:

  • section of boiling water perpendicular to the shore
  • area near the coast with a changed water color
  • foam, algae and bubbles that move steadily from the coast to the open sea
  • discontinuities in continuous wave bands

But remember that 80% of dangerous rip currents are usually invisible!

As a rule, rips occur near the coast and can carry away a person standing in the water to the waist, so you should not go into the water alone, especially if you are not very good at swimming.

Rules of conduct in the rip current

  • Do not panic!Calm down and rely on your common sense. Remember that if you know these rules, in 100 cases out of 100 you will be able to get out of the tide!
  • Save your energy!Do not resist the current and do not swim to the shore - it is useless. Begin to swim calmly to the side, parallel to the shore. If the rip is narrow, you will come out of it very soon.
  • If the rip is wide (from 20 meters or more) ...If it becomes clear that the rip is wide enough, you should relax on the water and do not panic. Remember that the reverse flow cannot be long, which means that after 5 minutes it will stop, after which you can swim towards 50-100 meters and head towards the shore. Do not swim to the shore, as soon as you feel that the current has stopped, it may arise again!

Remember the following!

  • Bump leakeenie never pulls to the bottom.This is not a whirlpool. It moves from the coast along the surface, not in depth.
  • The rip current corridors are not wide.Often their width does not exceed 50 meters, and even more often - 10-20 m. That is, you can get out of the rip by swimming 20-30 meters along the coast.
  • The length of the rebound flow is limited.It weakens quickly and ends where the waves peak and break. Surfers call this "line up", and this is where they usually try to catch the wave. It is located no more than 100 meters from the coast.

This information can save the lives of your loved ones. Share this post with them!

July is in full swing, with it the seaside resort swimming season. So you want to dip your body heated up by 30-degree heat into the sea foam jets and experience blissful joy. But it was not so .... People who have arrived thousands of miles from their places on the sea in, complain about the cool water, lack of pleasure from swimming and are forced to lie on the beaches "dry".

In addition, there was talk on the Web that the water changed color and acquired a turquoise hue. What is the reason for these phenomena? Let's start with coolness.

Why is the water in the Black Sea cold in summer?

Well, in fact, why, in mid-July, doctors and the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Anapa give recommendations to limit swimming for organized groups of children due to the low sea temperature. And adults, to be honest, having plunged into far from gentle waters, run back. Not comfortable!

So it was on the Anapa beaches in early July.

Water temperature graph in the Anapa area:

Average daily data. As you can see, the coldest water on the eastern coast of the Black Sea is in Anapa.

First version. Coastal upwelling - this is the name of the phenomenon of the rise of deep sea waters to the surface. That is, mixing water, sometimes they also say "turning the sea". For various reasons, the surface warm water goes into the depths, and its place is taken by the colder deeper layers of water.

The simplest cause of cold water is the wind blowing at a certain angle from the side of the warm land. It drives away the heated mass of water near the coast inland. And the night wind, on the contrary, drives cold sea waters to the shore.

The cyclones of the Northwest continue their influence, we feel their cold Atlantic breath and we are here.

How much does the surface water of the Black Sea cool during upwelling? The drop reaches from 1-2 to 10-15 degrees Celsius. Sometimes there are very sharp jumps in temperature up to 20 °.

When will the water start to warm up? Not right away. Most often, the phenomenon lasts from 2 to 10 days in the period from June to August.

Second version Other experts talk about the influence of the surge phenomenon, which is more characteristic of winter, but more and more often it began to manifest itself already in summer. As a result, the water level in the sea and its temperature change. Poor ecology may be the cause of the phenomenon. The same is the constantly observed bloom of water caused by an overabundance of algae, that is, eutrophication. Plants consume oxygen, soluble in water, which leads to life problems in animals and fish, and therefore to their death. Satellite images show how the color of the Black Sea water differs from others. There is simply no one to purify the water, because the microorganisms living here have been wiped out to cope with it.

Third version: The reason is the South Stream gas pipeline deep-water pipelayer, aimed at Turkey and located in the Anapa Black Sea waters, just in the area near.

Moving the bottom masses, while strengthening structures, it raises cold silts to the surface, which cool the water. Sometimes there are accidental spills of oil products, both off the coast and in the waters. And all human activities are aimed not at purification, but at pollution of the sea.

Fourth reason - self-cleaning of the sea. A forced process triggered by the sea itself to cool the water in order to stop algae growth and keep oxygen in the water. Where upwelling occurs frequently, the water is richer in phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. This stimulates the development of phytoplankton, which crustaceans like to feast on and therefore provides food for fish.

Whatever it was, you will have to wait a little or start the hardening process, because water at + 21º + 22º cannot be considered cold, given the belt location of our country. So we will not luxuriate and will accept what nature gives us with gratitude.

Black Sea problems

About environmental in general, and in the Anapa region in particular, they have been talking a lot for a long time, but so far they are only talking. Its degree of pollution has long exceeded all conceivable limits. Anapa has its own trouble - water is blooming! The long-standing problem caused by algae such as kamka is not harmful to the sea, and even beneficial to human health. We do not consider the aesthetic side.

However, the fact that every year the degree of growth of the population of algae in the sea becomes more and more, the volume of distribution is wider and even the installation acquired by the city for capturing “green wealth” and utilization does not bring results, is alarming. Despite the coolness, damask has already begun to bloom. This most likely indicates an imbalance in the ecosystem. It is not so easy to struggle with nature itself.

Three days ago, together with my guests, I visited all b and hers to witness with my own eyes the state of the beaches. The water is actually a little cooler than usual for this time of year, I would even say coldish and did not cause a hot desire to swim.

Especially low water temperature in the Sukko area, barely exceeding +20, but quite clean and transparent:

On the city beach and the beaches of Dzhemete, as I said, there has already been a tendency for water to bloom.

Today, just three days later, the sea is getting warmer, the process has begun :-). Swimming becomes a pleasure. But a couple of degrees is still not enough for the norm.

The bluest Black Sea in the world turns turquoise

The fact that the Black Sea changes its color in different periods of the year and even the day from dark blue to turquoise has been known for a long time, in any case, immediately after arriving here, we drew attention to this fact, which is considered quite normal. Moreover, the sea was painted with stripes, those closer to the coast had a pronounced turquoise hue.

Bolshoy Utrish, early June 2017. The water actually looks a little turquoise.

However, the acquisition of turquoise by the water becomes permanent. For me, this color is very beautiful, but there must be an explanation for any phenomenon.

The fact was reported by NASA in the weekly "Arguments of the week" https://argumenti.ru/science/2017/06/538988.

The well-known American agency supported its statement with photographs, but the Americans have not yet been able to name the reasons for this phenomenon. Our scientists, as always, are silent. How would they know? After all, to monitor the situation, to study deep processes - you need money, which, as always, is not available for such needs.

The first version of the color change is ecological: the invasion of a special species of phytoplankton, which absorbing oxygen, causes irreparable harm to the animal world.

This fact may explain another phenomenon in the Black Sea: the increasingly frequent voluntary release of dolphins onto land. The bodies of these intelligent animals can often be found on the seashore. They simply lack oxygen in the water.

Why did the unfamiliar plankton, unusual for the sea, settled? Most likely, these are the consequences of that ecological sluggishness, mismanagement of man, and what is there, complete permissiveness, which can lead to an ecological disaster.

The sea itself is trying to solve the problem of water purification and cooling, which is why the same upwelling is launched - mixing of cold deep layers with warm ones, which inhibits the development of microorganisms, purifying water.

GENEVA, RIA Federal Press. The World Meteorological Organization has published a report stating that in 2013 the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached a record high in the last 30 years.

In the future, this could threaten with disaster: acidification of the World Ocean and result in the extinction of entire species. The survival rate of some marine organisms, including corals and molluscs, may plummet, ITAR-TASS writes.

Scientists have calculated that the rate of increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will only grow, at least until the middle of the 21st century. The ocean absorbs about a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions from human activities on the planet, which does not occur without a trace.

This proves once again that the Black Sea is a living biosystem, with its own character, disposition, laws of development and connection with the universe. Everything in nature is linked and interconnected, and if human activity does not fit into the general order of things, nature begins to change itself, often to the detriment of humanity. What we see over and over again more and more often.

So it may be time to seriously think about the consequences of our activity. At least to the best of your ability not to pollute the spaces around?

I will finish the topic from where I started .... The Black Sea is warming up day by day and is waiting for guests, embracing with its foamy waters everyone who is eager to meet him. Waters, albeit slightly turquoise ...

Black Sea water in June 2018

PS: Yesterday 4 June 2018 at The Department of Civil Defense and Public Protection of the resort has introduced a temporary ban on swimming in the Black Sea on all beaches of the resort. Swimming in the waters is prohibited due to low sea water temperatures until 5 June. All responsible persons working in the field of tourist services, parents were given recommendations to strengthen control over the observance of the ban.

Yesterday the water temperature was + 17º, in some areas up to + 16.5º. The ban on swimming in the sea is not only a precautionary one. If vacationers of the resort ignore it, they will be fined from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.

What caused the decrease in water temperature in the Black Sea in June 2018? All the same cold currents, which were driven by the north-western wind that blew from the Atlantic with strong gusts all last week.

The official opening of the spa season in Anapa will take place on June 11. By this time, we hope the water will warm up slightly to the required +18, and swimming will resume. Maybe tomorrow too. :)

And so on July 8, 2018 streams of cold sea water from the southern water area from Sochi reached Anapa. The bathing season has been suspended again, only the daredevils are paddling in the icy streams of the Black, which descend to + 16 ° on the beaches of Anapa, and even less than + 13 ° in Novorossiysk. Forecasters predict recovery of the situation by July 13. But only the Black Sea itself knows when it will again be pleasantly warm, comfortable and soft in summer.

Why can't you swim in cold water? Everything is trite and simple. "Walruses" - drum upwelling. For everyone else, it is fraught with cramps in the limbs, which leads to death and possible colds. And it's just uncomfortable.

Black sea summer 2019

The holiday season was opened a week ago. The water approached + 21º + 22º. And today in the Dzhemete region on June 18 I personally experienced the cold sea current. The water is not higher than +18, really cold. Brrrr !!! The people hardly bathe. The beaches are deserted. Peace and quiet!

So only a few daredevils. I think the reasons are all the same as stated above. By the way, there was a dam - algae. Anapa's trouble.

Although a week ago the sea was clear and the water was warm. Rather, algae began to grow in the warm water, and the sea "turned over" again for self-purification. I think two, three at most five days and the water will become warm again.

The summer is already coming to an end, but the Black Sea near Anapa has not yet pleased us with its warm streams. It will not reach +24 in any way. Even in Dzhemete in the milk water it is cool, even colder in Sukko and B. Utrish - it is deeper there. But the sea coolness invigorates at night, in spite of the 30 - degree heat during the day. And it pleases. 2019 is the best summer for us residents of Anapa. I sympathize with the guests. On the other hand, it is more comfortable to rest, there is no heat and stuffiness.

This is how cold summer it is 19 🙂

The number of passengers who went on airplanes to the Black Sea resorts has already increased by 1.5 times compared to last year, according to the Vnukovo airport. Another piece of news - the Black Sea has become turquoise due to algae blooms. Environmentalists say this is an indicator of good water quality. "AiF" checked what was happening on the beaches of the Krasnodar Territory.

Sochi: where to eat and swim?

Sochi keeps the brand of an elite resort. However, in June the weather was not good. But the city hosts the Confederations Cup matches, and the atmosphere is festive. The further summer program is also rich: you can visit the performances of the circus "Du Soleil", and ice shows, and music festivals.

Yes, rest in Sochi remains expensive. However, there are places where you don't need to spend 1000 rubles for lunch - many inexpensive canteens have been opened in the city. In restaurants, chefs offer dishes made from local products: Cossack lamb ribs, borscht with donuts and lard, dumplings.

Open-topped double-decker sightseeing buses roam the streets. “There were no such people in the city before,” says a local resident. V. Mikhailenko... “I myself recently took a ride from Sochi to the Olympic Park and listened to a review lecture.”

“I came to Sochi for the first time,” says Tatiana Babchinskaya... - I with my husband and a small child settled in the Imereti lowland - near the Olympic Park, Sochi Park. We also visited Rosa Khutor. Everything is very beautiful, European-style - impressive. But Adler was unpleasantly surprised: chaotic tent trade does not paint the resort at all.

Sochi beaches, while there are few tourists, remain fairly clean. However, locals recommend going to the Olympic Park for swimming. “There is an open sea, and even before the Olympic construction, when there were wild beaches, the locals preferred to swim and sunbathe in this very place,” advises V. Mikhailenko. "Now everything is comfortable, and the quality of the water has not deteriorated."

Accommodation (cost per day):

Bed (hostel)

from 500 rubles

1-room apartment

from 1.5 thousand rubles

Hotel room 3 *

from 4.2 thousand rubles

Hotel room 5 *, breakfast included

from 42 thousand rubles.


100 g kebab

from 200 rubles.

100 ml dry red wine

from 180 rubles.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 350 rub.


is free

Deck chair + umbrella

from 150 rubles. in hour

Ticket to the water park

1.5 thousand rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Dolphinarium ticket



children under 5 years old

is free

Sochi Park

Anapa: warm sea, seaweed, low prices

Shallow sea, sandy beaches: Anapa is a resort for families with children. And the city was filled with tourists from the very beginning of the summer holidays. Among the new entertainments: the Bora-Bora aqua complex, the Sukko Valley park, the extreme attraction Zip Line.

“We are 100% loaded,” says the hotel owner. Edward Bedrosov... - But early booking now almost none. Although 7-8 years ago, when the economic situation was more stable, the numbers were sold already in January. And we have not raised prices for several years. "

“In my opinion, rest in Anapa is slightly cheaper than in other resorts of the region,” says the tourist. Elena Vdovichenko... "But there are few places where bank cards are accepted, so I advise you to take more cash with you."

At the end of July - in August, algae appear in the Anapa Sea. Their scientific name is "stray cladofora", and in common parlance - kamka. When the water temperature rises to 23 degrees (and last year it reached 27-28 degrees), dam begins to multiply rapidly - it grows up to 120 meters per day. These algae are filamentous, and it is almost impossible to get them out of the water. Local authorities are trying to solve the problem: they are negotiating the purchase of equipment for harvesting algae abroad. By the way, they are common on other beaches of the world, for example in Italy.

Accommodation (cost per day):

Bed (hostel)

from 500 rubles

1-room apartment

from 1.8 thousand rubles

Hotel room 3 *

from 4 thousand rubles

Hotel room 5 *, all inclusive

21.3 thousand rubles


100 g kebab

from 160 rubles.

100 ml dry red wine

from 150 rubles.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 350 rub.


is free

Deck chair + umbrella

from 100 rubles. in hour

Ticket to the water park

1200 rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Dolphinarium ticket

800 rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Gelendzhik: embankment, mountains, pines

This year Gelendzhik has updated its embankment (by the way, the longest in Europe - 12 km) - a new section has been built overlooking the sea. There are also bike paths and exercise equipment. Flowers are everywhere. In general, everything is as in the best resorts in the world.

“I love Gelendzhik for the mountains, sea and pines,” admits Anna Zubova from Khabarovsk. - This year I was pleasantly surprised that all the stalls have led to a single style. All are located on one side and do not spoil the view. " New entertainment appeared at the resort. This is a Roman park, where you can see performances from the life of the ancient Romans, and the largest fountain in the region. A large gastronomic festival will take place in mid-July: the most famous Russian chefs will compete in their art and hold master classes.

Accommodation (cost per day):

Bed (hostel)

from 500 rubles

1-room apartment

from 2 thousand rubles

Hotel room 3 *

from 4 thousand rubles

Hotel room 5 *, breakfast included

12.5 thousand rubles.


100 g kebab

from 150 rubles.

100 ml dry red wine

from 160 rubles.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 180 rubles.


is free

Deck chair + umbrella

RUB 150 in hour

Ticket to the water park

1400 rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Dolphinarium ticket

adult 900 rubles, children 600 rubles, children under 5 free

Dolmens, waterfalls, caves

What must be seen in Sochi and the surrounding area?

A. Staroverov, Murmansk

Among the most popular excursions in Sochi is, of course, a trip to the sites of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games and Krasnaya Polyana. But in the vicinity of the "summer" Russian capital there are many other completely unique sights.

So, in the Skypark you need to walk along one of the longest pedestrian bridges in the world. Its length is 439 m, height is 207 m. The bridge is held by 8 cables.

Do not forget to visit the Matsesta Valley - its healing hydrogen sulfide springs. In her hospital, everyone can visit a doctor and receive a referral for a course of baths.

Another point of attraction is the Eagle Rocks, where, having climbed to a height of 379 m, you will see the sculpture of Prometheus.

Agursky waterfalls are cascades of water falling into the Blue Lake, where you can swim. However, in the Sochi region, there are waterfalls on almost every river, and for tourists even created a route called "33 waterfalls". It is interesting to visit the Vorontsov Caves, which have 10 entrances, and the Volkonsky Dolmen - the only monolithic stone house in the world. He is at least 5 thousand years old! Scientists are still wondering who and why it was built. All in all, there are 200 dolmens in the Sochi area.

Man is an integral part of nature. She can be supportive, friendly to us. We drink water, breathe air, get warmth and food from the environment. This is the source of our life.

But our planet can not only give its wealth to people, but also bring destruction, misfortune and deprivation. Earthquakes, fires and floods, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions claim the lives of many people. Hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea can become a natural disaster. There is a lot of it in these waters.

The proximity to the Black Sea can be a tragedy for many people. What are the options for the development of events, as well as how to avoid them, scientists are finding out. It is interesting to know about their opinion to every inhabitant of our country and the whole world.

What is hydrogen sulfide?

Without going into chemical formulas, one should consider what properties hydrogen sulfide has. It is a colorless gas that is stable and hydrogen-free. It breaks down only at temperatures above 500 ºС.

It is poisonous to all living organisms. Only a few types of bacteria survive in this environment. The gas is known for its peculiar smell of eggs, which are rotten. There is no flora or fauna in the water in which hydrogen sulfide is dissolved. The waters of the Black Sea contain huge amounts of it. The hydrogen sulfide zone is just impressively huge.

It was discovered back in 1890 by N.I. Andrusov. True, in those days it was not yet known exactly in what quantities it was contained in these waters. The researchers lowered metal objects to different depths. In hydrogen sulfide water, the indicators are covered with a black sulfide layer. Therefore, there is an assumption that this sea got its name precisely because of this feature of its waters.

Features of the Black Sea

Some people have a question: where does hydrogen sulfide come from in the Black Sea? But it should be noted that this is not an exclusive feature of the presented reservoir. Researchers find this gas in many seas and lakes around the world. It accumulates in natural layers due to the absence of oxygen at great depths.

Organic remains, sinking to the bottom, do not oxidize, but rot. This contributes to the formation of poisonous gas. In the Black Sea, it is dissolved in 90% of the water mass. Moreover, the bedding layer is uneven. Near the coast, it begins at a depth of 300 m, and in the center it occurs already at a level of 100 m. But in some areas of the Black Sea, the layer of clean water is even less.

There is another theory of the origin of hydrogen sulfide. Some scientists argue that it is formed due to the tectonic activity of volcanoes operating at the bottom. But there are still more adherents of the biological theory.

The movement of water masses

In the process of mixing, hydrogen sulfide is processed and changes its shape in the Black Sea. The reasons why it accumulates nevertheless lie in the different levels of salinity of the water. The layers are very poorly mixed, since the sea does not have sufficient communication with the ocean.

Only two narrow straits facilitate the water exchange process. The Bosphorus Strait connects the Black Sea with the Marmara Sea, and the Dardanelles Strait with the Mediterranean. The closedness of the reservoir leads to the fact that the Black Sea has a salinity of only 16-18 ppm. Oceanic masses are characterized by this indicator at the level of 34-38 ppm.

The Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara acts as a mediator between these two systems. Its salinity is 26 ppm. The water of the Marmara enters the Black Sea and sinks to the bottom (since it is heavier). The difference in temperature, density and salinity of the layers leads to the fact that they mix very slowly. Therefore, hydrogen sulfide accumulates in natural masses.

Ecological catastrophy

Hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea has become the subject of close attention of scientists for a number of reasons. The ecological situation here has significantly deteriorated in recent decades. Massive discharge of waste of various origins led to the death of many species of algae and plankton. They began to sink to the bottom faster. Also, scientists found that in 2003 a colony of red algae was completely destroyed. This representative of the flora produced about 2 million cubic meters. m of oxygen per year. This restrained the growth of hydrogen sulfide.

Nowadays, the main competitor of poisonous gas simply does not exist. Therefore, ecologists are worried about the current situation. So far, it does not threaten our safety, but over time, a gas bubble may emerge to the surface.

When hydrogen sulfide comes into contact with air, an explosion occurs. It destroys all living things in the radius of destruction. No ecosystem can withstand human activities. This brings a possible catastrophe closer.

Explosion at sea

There are sad incidents in history when the waters of the sea blazed with fire. The first recorded case occurred in 1927, 25 kilometers from Yalta. At this time, the city was destroyed by a powerful earthquake of eight points.

But it was also remembered by the affected residents for the terrible fire that engulfed the expanses of water. People then had no idea why the Black Sea was burning. Hydrogen sulfide, the explosion of which was caused by tectonic activity, came to the surface. But such cases may recur.

Hydrogen sulfide, coming out to the surface, comes into contact with air. This leads to an explosion. He can destroy entire cities.

The first factor of a possible explosion

An explosion that can take the lives of thousands, millions of people and all living organisms in the affected area can occur with a high degree of probability. And that's why. In the Black Sea, hydrogen sulfide is not processed, accumulating under an ever-decreasing column of clean water. Humanity is irresponsible to this problem. Instead of using poisonous gas processing technologies, we pour waste into the water. The decay process is aggravated.

Telephone, oil and gas pipelines run along the bottom of the Black Sea. They are damaged and fires occur. This could lead to an explosion. Therefore, human activity can be considered the first factor in a possible catastrophe.

The second reason for the explosion

Natural disasters can also provoke an explosion. Tectonic activity in this area is not uncommon. Hydrogen sulfide at the bottom of the Black Sea can be disturbed by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Scientists say that if the same disaster happened today as in September 1927, the explosion would be so strong that a huge number of people would die. Further, a huge amount of sulfur would get into the atmosphere. would do a lot of harm.

The thin layer of pure water is getting smaller. Hydrogen sulfide is especially close to the surface in the southeast of the Black Sea. When rocks in this area, a terrible disaster is possible. But today an explosion is possible in any area.

The third reason for the disaster

Thinning of a clean layer of seawater can lead to the spontaneous release of a bubble of poisonous gas from the bowels. There is no wonder why there is so much hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. The main factors for the deterioration of the ecological situation were discussed earlier.

Scientists say that if all the hydrogen sulfide at rest on the bottom rises to the surface, the explosion will be comparable to the impact of an asteroid half the size of the moon. It would forever change the face of our planet.

In some areas, it approaches the surface at a distance of 15 m. Scientists claim that at this level, hydrogen sulfide disappears by itself during autumn storms. But this trend is still alarming. Unfortunately, over time, the situation only gets worse. From time to time, a huge amount of dead fish, caught in a hydrogen sulfide cloud, nailed to the shores. Plankton and algae also die. This is a formidable warning to humanity about an impending catastrophe.

Similar disasters

Poisonous gas is found in many bodies of water in the world. This is by no means a unique phenomenon that characterizes the bottom of the Black Sea. Hydrogen sulfide has already shown its destructive power to people. History provides information on similar misfortunes.

For example, in Cameroon, in a village on the shores of Lake Nyos, the entire population died due to the rise of gas to the surface. The people who were caught in the disaster were found after a while by the guests of the village. This misfortune claimed the lives of 1,746 people in 1986.

Six years earlier these events in Peru, fishermen going to sea returned without a catch. Their ships were black due to the oxide film. People were starving as a large population of fish died.

In 1983, for unknown reasons, the waters of the Dead Sea darkened. It seemed to be turned over, and hydrogen sulfide from the bottom rose to the surface. If such a process took place on the Black Sea, all living things in the surrounding areas would die as a result of an explosion or poisoning with poisonous fumes.

The real situation today

In the Black Sea, hydrogen sulfide constantly makes itself felt. Upwellings (upward currents) lift gases to the surface. They are not uncommon in the Crimean, Caucasian regions. Near Odessa, there are frequent cases of mass death of fish that fell into a hydrogen sulfide cloud.

Very much when such emissions occur in a thunderstorm. Lightning caught in a large hearth provokes a fire. The smell of rotten eggs, which people feel, indicates an excess of the permissible concentration of a toxic substance in the air.

This can lead to poisoning and even death. Therefore, the deterioration of the ecological situation must be noticed by us. It is necessary to take measures to reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the waters of the Black Sea.

Ways to solve the problem

Experts are developing several methods to eliminate hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. A group of Kherson scientists suggests using gas as a fuel. To do this, a pipe is lowered to a depth and once water is raised to the surface. It will be like opening a bottle of champagne. Sea water, mixing with gas, will boil. Hydrogen sulfide will be extracted from this stream and used for economic purposes. When burned, gas gives off a large amount of heat.

Aeration is another idea. To do this, fresh water is pumped into deep pipes. It is less dense and will promote mixing of the sea layers. This method has been used successfully in aquariums. When using water from wells in private houses, it is sometimes necessary to purify it from hydrogen sulfide. In this case, aeration is also successfully applied.

Which way to choose is not so important anymore. The main thing is to work on solving the ecological problem. In the Black Sea, hydrogen sulfide can be used for the benefit of humanity. The problem that arises cannot be ignored. Complexity in its solution will be the most reasonable action. If the right steps are not taken now, a big disaster could happen over time. It is in our power to prevent it and protect ourselves and other living organisms from death.