Where to ride the boobs in Krylatsky. Where to ride on the tubing! Yachroma sports and entertainment park

It becomes fashionable to ride the cooks in Moscow. Russian fun like not only for children, but also adults. A tubing hill in the parks of the capital is becoming more and more: the longest, "cosmic" and all-weather. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" advises to go to all the slides, telling where to ride on the cheesecakes and sleds in Moscow.

Space Start

Near the layout of the launch vehicle "East" at the VDNH, a whole complex of tubing "Rocket" appeared. It consists of two descents with a height of 20 and 12 meters and a length of the slopes of 180 and 120 meters. It was the first descent that Gorka won the title of the highest in Moscow. When you rise to the starting area of \u200b\u200b20 meters high, it opens a stunning panoramic view of the main Alley of VDNH and even visible a huge rink in the form of a "golden key". And then everything is easy and simple - got the cheese, sat down and flew. You can scream in full voice. Near the slides themselves, there are still more beautifully beautiful - 3.5-meter art objects of the planet of the Solar System, among which there is even a magical planet of the New Year. Also on the industry area installed glowing 6-meter athletes figures. Near the cashier, Fudcourt and the Christmas Fair works.

Where: VDNH, prospect of the world, 119. The nearest metro station "VDNH".

Opening hours: on weekdays from 11.00 to 23.00, on weekends and holidays from 10.00 to 23.00.

Cost: on weekdays adult ticket - 100 rubles, children - 50 rubles; On weekends adult ticket - 150 rubles, children's - 100 rubles. There is a tariff for five descents (at a discount): on weekdays for adults - 300 rubles, on weekends - 400 rubles; On weekdays for children - 200 rubles, on weekends - 300 rubles. At the same time, you do not need to pay for the rental of Tubing. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 50% discount for schoolchildren, students and retirees.

Important: toddlers up to 3 years will not be allowed on a slide, and children with growth to 110 cm will be empty only with their parents.

"All Very": in winter and summer

Ice hill from Sokolnikov did not disappear. She only changed the name. There was "The Gorka", and became "all-speed". And all because the slide has become all-weather, and will no longer dismantle at the summer season. I don't need snow at all - you can ride without it. In the warm season, the winter "Ice" will be replaced by summer. "All Very" is the longest hill for riding on Tubechs in Moscow. The slope length is 200 meters, height is more than 12 meters. And in the evening there is also a beautiful backlight.

Where: Located on the 3rd radiation section (to the left of the ice rink). The nearest metro station "Sokolniki".

When: Daily from 11.00 to 22.00.

Cost: 45-minute sessions from 11.00 to 18.00 - 300 rubles (on weekdays), 400 rubles (on weekends and holidays), from 18.00 to 22.00 - 400 rubles (on weekdays), 450 rubles (on weekends and holidays ). There are benefits for large families, students, pensioners, disabled people (specify on the Park.sokolniki.com website)

IMPORTANT: Entry for children up to 7 years is prohibited; Children from 7 to 12 years (inclusive) are allowed only accompanied by parents or legal representatives; It is forbidden to visit the object with children's wheelchairs, wheelchairs, large-sized objects and things; It is forbidden to use tubing that does not correspond to the established sample (without a plastic bottom and permissible size).

Near the Kremlin

Ride on the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution overlooking the Kremlin, gigantic queues are built - not only children, but also adults. And come from all cities of Russia. The most pleasant - the ice hill will be, like in past years, work for free. You do not need to pay for the rental of cheesecakes. But the number of skates increased from two to four to accept more than 150,000 visitors for the season. The height of the slide is almost 8 meters, and the length is 100 meters. The slide itself is also very beautiful - the side walls are decorated with a carvings dedicated to the main theme of the festival - theater. At the main facade, a copy of the clocks, which decorate the theater of the dolls of Sergei Exemployment.

Where: Revolution Square, between the Moscow Hotel and the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812. The nearest metro station "Theatrical or" Okhotny Ryad ".

When: daily

Cost: free.

IMPORTANT: It is forbidden to slip by a train in two or three people, head down; Before you go, it will be necessary to wait until the previous man will finish completely.

Tuba in Museon

You can ride along the Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean Shaft this year. Filted Muscovites, the tubing slide is open to adults and children. Here you can ride only with soft tubes that can be rented near the entry on the attraction.

Where: Museum, Crimean shaft, 2. Nearest metro station "Oktyabrskaya".

When: Daily from 10.00 to 22.00, except Monday (Technical Day)

Cost: on weekdays Big Tuba (for adults and children from 13 years old) - 150 rubles in 30 minutes, 200 rubles in 60 minutes. Little Tube (for children 3-13 years old) - 100 rubles in 30 minutes, 150 rubles in 60 minutes; On weekends and holidays, large Tubes (for adults and children from 13 years old) - 200 rubles in 30 minutes, 300 rubles in 60 minutes, a small Tube (for children 3-13 years old) - 150 rubles in 30 minutes, 250 rubles for 60 minutes. Entrance to a slide with your Tubes is 50 rubles in 30 minutes, 100 rubles in 60 minutes.

Where else (according to the Moscow Parkark):

Park Red Presnya, Skating - Free, Tuba Rental - 250 rubles per hour (will soon open);

Tagansky Park, Tuba Rental - 200 rubles per hour;

Manor Vorontsovo, Skating - free, Tuba rental - 200 rubles in 30 minutes;

Izmailovsky Park, skiing - free, there are no tubes;

Kuzminki Park, Catania + Tuba - 300 rubles in 30 minutes;

Babushkin Park, riding + Tuba - 200 rubles in 30 minutes;

Park Fili, Catania + Tuba - 200 rubles in 30 minutes, 300 rubles per hour;

North Tushino Park, riding + Tuba - 150 rubles per hour;

Park Voronsky, skiing + Tuba - 150 rubles per hour;

Park friendship, skiing + Tuba - 150 rubles per hour;

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mountain, from December 29 to January 8, within the framework of the Festival "Ice Moscow. In the family circle, 12 icy slides will work, where you can ride free.

By the way

Snowboard Park on Novy Arbat

For professionals, a wide four-meter slide with obstacles was established, as well as for beginners - a safe slide. Periodically, exciting open lessons and lectures will be held here, as well as amateur snowboarding competitions.

Each winter in Moscow appears ice and snow slides, where you can ride on sledding and tubing. 2019 did not exception from the rule, when every year there are only more places for riding on sledding and cheesecakes. Nevertheless, traditional skiing places remained the same.

Where to ride the tubling in Moscow

Ice and snow slides in Moscow can be divided into three types:

  • Gorki, where there are no restrictions and you can ride anything: on sledding, on ice or just on the legs or on the fifth point - all this is completely free.
  • Gorki where you can use only tubing. If the chest is your own and do not need a rental, which is located right there on the hill - skating becomes completely free.
  • Gorki, where there is no free skating in principle and, as a rule, the use of its inventory is not allowed.

On paid slides, payment is hourly or for each descent. Prices can not always please, but if the slide is equipped with a lift, skating becomes very comfortable.

The biggest hills for tubing in Moscow

Victory Park

  • How to get: walk from metro station Park Victory
  • Opening hours: weekdays 12:00 - 22:00, weekends 10:00 - 22:00
  • Riding for free, cost of rental 400-600 rubles. at one o'clock


  • How to get: 10 min. walk from the subway Sokolniki
  • Caliation cost from 300 - 400 rubles in 45 minutes.
  • Opening hours: from 11:00 to 21:45


  • How to get: 5-10 minutes walk from m. "Park of Culture" or "Oktyabrskaya"
  • Opening hours: from 11.00 to 20.00
  • you can come with your bubbles, it is cheaper
  • Cost: 50 - 300 rubles.


  • How to get there: from Tsaritsyno Metro Station or Orekhovo 10 min. on foot
  • With your tube on weekdays until 17:00 for free, rental 150 - 300 rubles per hour
  • Opening hours: on weekdays from 12:00 to 19:00, on weekends from 10:00 to 21:00, Monday is weekend

Tubing in the ski complexes of Moscow and the near Moscow region

On the tubes you can ride ski complexes. Minuses of complexes are not free and inability to use their inventory. Of the advantages, you will get a well-prepared large slide, lift, warm dressing room and a snack space.

Sport Complex "Lata Track"

  • Address: Moscow, Krylatskaya ul. d. 1.
  • How to get from m. Krylatskoye: sit in the last car from the center, go to the autumn boulevard. Behind the store "Seventh Continent" ul. Krylatsky hills, turn right and go to the "Olympic Bicycle Rod, Ski Complex" pointer, hereinafter referred to as "Lata Trak" signs.
  • Opening hours: on weekdays Tubing works from 16:00 to 23:00, on weekends and holidays from 9:00 to 23:00
  • Price on weekdays - 500 rubles. in an hour
  • Price at the weekend - 1000 rubles. in an hour
  • Site: spusk.ru/tubing

Extreme Park "Freestyle"

  • Address: Dzerzhinsky Moscow Region, ul. Ugrelshskaya d. 19, paired kilometers from Moscow Ring Road
  • How to get in public transport: from the metro station Lublin - Bus number 305 to the "Market" stop. From the station Lyubertsy - Buses number 21 and No. 20 to the "Market" stop. From the metro Kuzminki - buses number 347 and №595 before the "Market" stop, Railbet for №499 and bus No. 470 before the Mount Frestyle stop.
  • Opening hours: Monday from 16:00 to 22:00, Tuesday - Thursday from 12:00 to 22:00, Friday from 12:00 to 23:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 24:00, Sunday from 10:00 until 22:00
  • Price for the 1st hour of skiing (Tyuba rent + the use of the lift) - 500/800 rubles, for the 2nd hour of skiing (25% discount) - 350/600 rubles
  • Site: Park-Freestyle.ru.

Sport Complex Cant.

  • Address: Moscow, electrolyte passage, possession 7, corps 2
  • How to get: walk for 5 min. from st .metro Nagornaya
  • Opening hours: on weekdays - from 17:00 to 22:30 hours, on weekends and holidays - from 9:00 to 22:00 hours, Monday- days off
  • Cost: Catanium Hour - 450r., Payment is made at the Nagornaya School Cass.
  • Site: kant.ru/sport/sports-facilities/tubing/

Shukolovo - Leonid Tyharchev ski club

  • Address: Moscow Region, Dmitrovsky Rn, D. Shukolovo
  • Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: from 10:00 to 24:00, Friday: from 10:00 to 02:00, Saturday: from 09:00 to 02:00, Sunday: from 09:00 to 24:00
  • Tubing rental cost: 1 hour - 300 rubles., 2 hours - 500 rubles, each subsequent hour - 200 rubles. The cost of skating includes the use of the track and a special lift for tubing.
  • Site: shukolovo.ru.

Yachroma sports and entertainment park

  • Address: Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Yakhroma, from MKAD 46 kilometers in Dmitrovsky highway, turn to the village of Stepanovo
  • Opening hours: Monday-Wednesday 12: 00-22: 00, Thursday 10: 00-23: 00, Friday-Saturday 10: 00-24: 00, Sunday 10: 00-23: 00
  • Testament tariffs for 1 hour: weekdays - 500r., Weekends - 600r.
  • Site: yaxroma-park.ru/tyubing

Tubing Park Elagino

  • Address: Naro-Fominsky district, near D. Delagin (76 km of Kiev Highway).
  • How to get there: on Kiev highway, to D.Lagino
  • Opening hours: Mon: Technical Day, W. - Th.: 14:00 - 22:00, Fr.: 10:00 - 22:00, Sat: 10:00 - 00:00, Sun: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Phone: +7 968 \u200b\u200b644 06 89
  • Price: from 250 to 700 rubles
  • Site: elagino-park.ru.

Snow and ice slides according to administrative districts and areas of Moscow

Information of the open data portal of the Government of Moscow



  • ul. Youth, House 2, Building 1


  • alley of the Big Circle, House 7
  • Izmailovo passage, house 3, building 1
  • Izmailovsky Avenue, possession 54

kosino-Ukhtomsky district

  • Lukhmanovskaya st., House 27


  • ul. Laso, House 7, Building 2


  • ul. Preobrazhensky shaft, house 24, housing 3


  • ul. Sokolnical shaft, house 1, building 1


district Prospect Vernadsky

  • ul. Udaltsova, house 22


  • ul. Bogdanova, House 6, Corps 1

Zelenograd administrative district


  • greenograd city, building 1560


Khorosha district

  • ul. Kuusinena, house 15, housing 3


Babushkinsky district

  • Olonetsky passage, house 20

Losinoostrovsky district

  • Starting st., House 10
  • ul. Menzhinsky, house 6


  • Belozerskaya st., House 23


  • Uglichskaya st., Possession 13, Building 8


  • Altufyevskoe highway, house 8a (not working)


  • prospect of the world, house 186d



  • Penyaginskaya st., House 14

North Tushino

  • ul. Freedom, house 56 (not working)


Meshchansky district

  • Large Ekaterininskaya st., House 27


  • ul. Crimean shaft, house 10

Tagansky district

  • Taganskaya st., House 40-42 (not working)



  • Kuzminsky Park, House 1, Building 2


  • Pornaya st., House 13, Corpus 1


Obruchevsky district

  • Vorontsov Park, house 3


  • Bolotnikovskaya st., House 33, Corps 2 (not working)

North Butovo

  • ul. Znamensky Sadka, House 7, Corpus 1

Teply Stan

  • ul. Ostrovyanova, House 10, Building 3

South Butovo

  • ul. Admiral Lazareva, possession 17, Building 2


Biryulyo Western

  • Bulanikovskaya st., House 2a


  • avenue Andropova, House 58a

Nagatinsky Zaton

  • Kolomna Embankment, House 6, Corpus 1
  • andropova Avenue, House 39

Snowy and ice slides in Moscow parks on the map

How to choose a riding tube

The most significant characteristic of the tubing is its external diameter in the state when the cheese is already filled with air.

The dependence of the diameter of the cheesecake from the growth of the riding:

  • Growth of a child up to 110 cm - Tubing diameter 65 - 85 cm
  • Height up to 140 cm - Tubing diameter 90 - 95 cm
  • Tubing 100 - 110 cm
  • For people above 175 cm You can use tubing with a diameter of 120 - 125 cm

Of course, these recommendations are sufficiently conditional. If you are planning a riding together with a child, the tubing is better to choose a little more, a diameter of at least 120 cm. The main thing is to have the opportunity to comfortably hold on, not flying out of the cheese during riding. For this reason, it is not worth buying a very large tubing to a small child for a grow. People with overweight it is better to choose a cobweb of a larger diameter.

P.S. Prices and conditions for the provision of services for riding from the slides are indicated only for the guideline and may change. The list of places for riding from the mountains in Moscow and the near Moscow region on the cheesecakes and sledding is not complete.

Tubbing attractions are open in any weather, even when there is no snow, but for the entrance you need to pay and wait for the queue to the descent. On natural hills you can ride at least 24 hours a day and completely free: descended - I got up - I went down - I got up ... Luzhuhah! On sledes, snow scooter, chewing, ice and just on the fifth point, from morning to evening, at any time. True, no one will check the safety of the slope and will not provide infrastructure and comfort. Whatever you choose, the main thing is to spend fun and positively.

1. VDNH, Gorka "North"

Where is: VDNH, to the right of the central entrance, in the Northern Square.

How much is: 1 Adult Descent: 50 rubles on weekdays, 70 - on weekends. 5 descents: 200 r. On weekdays and 300 on weekends. Price for children: 40/50 rubles. - 1 descent, 150/200 - 5 descents.

Opening hours: from 11:00 to 23:00 on weekdays, from 10:00 to 23:00 on weekends and holidays.

At the same time, 5 people can slip (on 5 slopes), the length of the descent of 80 meters. The number of slopes helped solve the problem with queues that were last year, and increased the dynamics of riding. In the evening, the slide is highlighted with bright lights. Near a cafe and a medical center. Children with growth below 110 cm should ride accompanied by an adult. Children up to three years are not allowed on a slide.

2. "all-speed" in Sokolniki

Where is: Park "Sokolniki", 3rd radial request

How much is:running on a slide on sessions, 300 p on weekdays and 400 on weekends. Students and schoolchildren from Monday to Thursday are a preferential price - 200 p.

Working hours: from 11:00 to 22:00

The slide can function even in the summer. This contributes to a special plastic coating on which the cheesecakes slide. The length of the slope is 200 meters, height - 12. On the "all-shore" three slope. Ride strictly in turn, alone or in tandem. Periodically hold hillo-battles. Children under 7 years old entry to the hill is prohibited, from 7 to 12 years, access to the slide is only accompanied by parents.

3. Lata-Track in Krylatsky

Where is: ul. Krylatskaya, d. 1

How much is: 1 hour on weekdays - 500 p, on weekends - 1000 p, two hours: 800 and 1500, three hours: 1200 weekdays, 2000 weekends.

Working hours: On weekdays from 16:00 to 23:00, on weekends - from 9:00 to 23:00.

Paid tubing trail on a natural slope in Krylatsky. Suitable for those who have long dreamed of a ski slope, but never learned to stand on skis, nor on a snowboard. Or for those who arrived with snowboarders for the company, but does not know how to take themselves while they ride. The slope length is 200 meters. The automatic lift for the cheesecakes will deliver transport and seeds to the top.

4. Gorka in Kolomensky

Where is:park "Kolomenskoye", in the area of \u200b\u200bthe streets Lower and trading.

Charm: With your cheese free, rental Tuba - 200 r. in 30 minutes.

The vast part of the park takes a fairly gentle descent to a Moscow river free from high trees. Here is a huge slide. On the fenced area, it is possible to descend only on the cheese (you want your own, and you want to be rented), and next to the "wild" slope - what you want: a snow scooter, iceman, sledding. The road leads to the hill, along which wooden huts with taverns, pancakes and other institutions of the Russian folk catering.

5. Gorka in the Neskuchny Garden

Where is: Justice garden, near the "tea house"

Cost: is free

There are practically no slopes free from the forest. Visitors found one suitable plot in a non-pie garden: near the embankment, in the tea house area, where in the summer the beach with sun loungers. There is a spontaneous tubing. At the same time, a person can descend 5-7, but to pull out Tuba can directly on the roadway of the embankment. Therefore, the foot of the roller, the servants of the park burned out from the road with a grid.

6. Gorka in the park Kuzminki

Where is: Park "Kuzminki", Shibayevsky pond

Cost: free with your chewor.

The famous folk sidelion of Schibaevsky pond began to resemble a Courchevel. The vertex of the slope decorates the restaurant with a round glazed pavilion in a constructivist style, overlooking the pond and not at all Kuzminny prices (the family will cost about 3000- 4000 rubles.). But on weekends there are no free places behind the tables, the waiters go crazy from the load and brazen.

They ride here both on tubes and sleds and skiing. The main thing is not to face. There are a lot of people, especially at the weekend. The slope is flat, but very long. So overclocking it turns out. On the opposite bank of the pond there is a slope of smaller and cafe is democratic.

7. Slope in Rostokin

Where is: the park "Aqueduch", entrance from Malachite street.

How much is: free with your chest.

Wide slide near the Rostockinsky aqueduct overlooking the VDNH and the Pavilion "Worker and the collective farmer". The slide itself is a good view from the avenue of the world. Therefore, many motorists, having seen in traffic jams on idyllic pokatushek patterns, come here on weekends, even from other areas of Moscow. Well, and local residents from all over the northeast, the capital comes a lot.

No infrastructure is provided here. It is possible to warm up only if the "coffee machine" arrives at the weekend. Nearby, on a malachite street, where Tubiga lovers are parked, there is a pyrographed pie. There is no toilet too. However, you can use "amenities" on the territory of the church. Or reach the rink of the park aqueduct. Nevertheless, the slide is very popular. Rabid can be found even in the night.

8. The slope in the forest park "Izmailovo"

Where is: Forest park "Izmailovo", deer pond

Cost:is free

Next to the main alley, in the deer ponds traditionally ride residents of the district and the experts of the cheesecakes from all over Moscow. Overclocking on the slope It turns out good: Vatrushka flies to the middle of the pond (by the way, the water is lowered in it, you should not be afraid of ice). For extremals there are slopes with tramplines (traumatologist services are not provided).

There are no cafes or restaurants near the slide. And the toilet, unfortunately, is also not. But it was near the slope that the official picnic points of the Izmailovsky Park are located. And in this chip of this place: while alone ride, others are frying the kebab and warmed with mulled wine. It turns out the perfect winter picnic.

Unfortunately, to park along the side of the main alley not so long ago banned. And to the nearest paid parking lot a few kilometers on foot. There is, however, the places where the cars can hide for fifteen: closely watch the local, they know.

This is one of the favorite winter activities among residents of the Moscow region. Unlike tough sled and thin ice, "cheesecakes" is a safer and comfortable tool. Riamo's correspondent found paid and free tubing routes in the Moscow region and found out where you can go down from the mountain with a breeze, read in the material Riamo.

Where to ride a husky in the suburbs \u003e\u003e

Frestyle Park in Dzerzhinsky

Where: Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky, ul. Ugrelshskaya, 19 in Freestyle Park is equipped with one of the longest tubing hills in the region, with a special lift. The height difference on the track is 35 meters, which allows you to develop high speed. Skating is allowed to children, for security reasons, adult support is recommended.

How much is: renting a cheesecake and lift on weekdays - 500 rubles per hour, on weekends - 800 rubles per hour.

Route in the park hotel "Tsargrad"

Where: Moscow region, Serpukhovsky district, der. Savior-Techilovo, d. 3 slide 220 meters long on the territory of the Tsargrad Spare-Techilovo Park Hotel takes visitors all winter. On the territory is equipped with a lift and rental of tubing.