Victor Konev Bermuda Triangle and other riddles in the seas and oceans. Bermuda Triangle, Secrets of Long Mysterification Charles Berlice

« UPGLUI MOMGLVNAFH KTULUKHU R'LEH VGAKH'NAGL FHTAGN, which means: "Here, in this house, in the city of R'leh, the dead ktulhu is sleeping in anticipation of his hour».

Howard Phillips Lovecraft « Call Khulhu»

The Bermuda Triangle is a real phenomenon of the 20th century, whose mystery is fighting scientists, as well as UFologists, psychics and representatives of a number of other dubious professions have been more than a dozen years. About the ominous place in the Atlantic Ocean, where ships and airplanes disappear, did not hear the person, all his life seized in the bunker. Sailors' stories, residents of nearby districts and some representatives of alternative science, richly seasoned fantasies, cause unhealthy chill on his back and forever beat the desire to travel in these places from anyone who has previously planned to rest somewhere nearby.

Versions with the cause of the transposition of transport in these waters a lot. Some believe that people and technique are kidnapped by aliens, especially since the version of their existence was significantly a heated. Others imply a conspiracy of the government, the pirates are dominated, the influence of ghosts and poltergeists, divine intervention and other speculation. Scientists are configured more skeptical, and offer versions of much more landed.

Bermuda Triangle is definitely an imaginary line that passes through Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, forming a triangle (some seriously suggest that the Bermuda triangle can be seen). The ocean in these places is incredibly revived, there is a mass of resorts and remarkable places that attract tourists. Even superstitious captains have to fasten their teeth through the Bermuda triangle (the triangle of the devil, as some religious people like him) to make a living. However, rumors about the paranormal features of this part of the Atlantic are greatly exaggerated - the vast majority of ships and aircraft overcome this site without any incidents. But there is always a chance to go out into the sea and do not return.

It is characteristic of a person to exaggerate everything. Both for mercenary purposes and from the lack of understanding the surrounding world. However, there is no smoke without fire. The mystery of the Bermuda triangle really exists, albeit not in those scales that are served in the literature and cinema.

What is a Bermuda triangle

Of the unofficial sources about the mysterious disappearances of ships in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle, it became known in 1840. According to rumors that have come down to this day, the French vessel "Rosali" nasau, who did not have any crew, did not come to the shores from Nassau, but the ship himself looked completely good. Sails on the vessel were raised and everything looked as if the ship's team simply disappeared into one moment. In the 20th century, skeptical people have denied this story, but the precipitate remained.
To the theme of the Bermuda triangle began to return in the middle of the last century. This was affected by a number of inexplicable events that occurred in these waters, as well as journalists who were called the sake of beautiful headlines and creativity, with an area of \u200b\u200babout 4 million square kilometers, a place where Atlantis disappeared.

Charles Berlitz was a big impact on the attention of the public to the phenomenon in Bermuda waters, who released a book with facts about the Bermuda triangle in 1974. In it, Berlice gathered well-known cases of mysterious disappearances of transport in the area, and also tried to analyze events and come to their reasons. The book became a bestseller not only among the American population, but in the whole world. From now on, the public, which has always been greedy to various kinds of hoarfrost, showed interest in the problem of the paranormal area in the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, the Bermuda triangle is not a triangle, as if it may sound. If you analyze all the disappearance of the transport in the area with the help of a card, and then connect the lines, then it will be rather a rhombus or something similar, so the area does not have strictly outlined boundaries. If there is something mystical in this place, then feel safe when the triangle is shifted.

Famous transpassment cases in Bermuda Triangle

If the problem of the Bermuda triangle is exaggerated, then not too much. In this area throughout the 20th century, mysterious events really occur, some of them even scientists are not able to explain so far. At the bottom of the ocean, there are many sunken ships in these places, even more vessels and aircraft never managed to detect. We tried to collect the most strange disappearance and crashing of transport in an ominous triangle of the devil.

The disappearance of "Evengers". Link 19.

Perhaps one of the most ambiguous and mystical events related to the Bermuda triangle occurred on December 5, 1945. He wrote about him in his book Berlitz. On this day, a link from the five torpedo-bombers "Evenger", which had to perform an ordinary training flight flew from the base of marine aviation in Fort Lauderdale. The weather was excellent: the calm, clear sky, excellent visibility. 14 of the experienced pilots (some of them flew 2500 hours) went on the standard route for the air base to lose the bombs on the conditional goal and return home. But they did not return.

At 14.10 local time, the Torpedonos residents left the base, after which the experts occurred only on the records in the radio communications magazines. One and a half hours after the start of the flight on the airbase, radio bears were departed, in which the squadron pilots were concerned about the fact that navigation instruments were denied, all compasses were faced, and the link was lost.

The leadership of Forta-Lauderdale was ordered to establish communication with the group 19, and after half an hour a life unit managed to contact the leading link, Captain Taylor. The commander confirmed that he has no navigation, and sushi does not see sushi. Several hours wandered in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda triangle, after which they ended with fuel, and they were forced to drive the surface of the ocean. After that, the whole connection with the crews disappeared.

The bosses of the airbase immediately sent to the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged leading of the link 19 at once two rescue hydrosapolt "Mariner", but in different routes. One of them, board number 49, after reporting that arriving in the area of \u200b\u200bthe disappearance of the missing torpedoes, suddenly disappeared from the radio. It was not possible to establish a connection with him.

At 21.20 local time, the captain of one of the oil tankers who were in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle sent a message about what he saw an explosion in the sky, which later left an oil stain on the water. Under the explosion site, the tanker crew did not find anything.

The headquarters of the airbase at this moment grabbed his head and gave the order to the second Marinera to fly to the coordinates of the oil spots, specified sailors from the tanker to try to find the wreckage of the rescue aircraft. When board №32 "Mariner" arrived at the place, then no wreckage, nor the most oil spot on the water could not be found. If something was there, it disappeared without a trace. Further search for the link 19 was also not successful, and the remaining "Marinera" had to return to the airbag. Until our days, none of the aircraft was found.

Such a mystic was no longer included in any framework, and the US authorities gave an order to carry out one of the largest search and rescue operations in history. 300 army aircraft raised into the air to freeze the terrain. 21 vessels with newest equipment for bearing came to the sea. Ground searches were conducted using volunteer units, which were to seek fragments of aircraft, which nailed to the shore. To no avail. People could not find anything that would indicate the fate of the 19th and rescue aircraft.

Loss of the Military Transport Airplane C-119 US Air Force

On June 6, 1965, a military transport aircraft of a long-range C-119 was disappeared in the Bahamas area from the Radar screens. He had to deliver four mechanics to Grand Türk, but did not get to the destination. The last radio communication from the C-119 on Earth received, when he was, about 180 kilometers from Grand Tuka, after which the connection was cut off.

In search of the missing aircraft, the entire local coast guard and military, who cleaned 77,000 square miles per day for five days, but did not achieve success. The plane disappeared without a trace.

This is one of the few cases of transportation of transport in the Bermuda triangle, which is associated with the abduction of aliens.

The disappearance of the "cyclope"

If the disappearance of aircraft in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda triangle can be associated with a banal crash, then the incomeless loss of huge ships is not so easy to explain.

In March 1918, the US Navy "Cyclops" went with the cargo of manganese ore from the port in Rio de Janeiro towards the North Atlantic States. On board this huge ship was 306 passengers, not counting the team. Throughout the sailing from the crew, no disturbing messages were received. The last time the ship was seen not far from the island of Barbados, where he made a small stop. After that, no one seen him.

The search for the missing "Cyclopa" was conducted for decades, but no wreckage, no ship's hull, or bodies of the dead passengers could not be found. The ship disappeared without a trace.

Mystery of the Ship "Rubikon"

One of the most mysterious events related to the mystery of the Bermuda triangle occurred on October 22, 1944. Then the US Navy found a Cuban cargo ship called "Rubikon", which independently drifted in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. When the military rose on board the vessel, it turned out that only a dog was from living beings. The team disappeared without a trace.

Rubikon was in excellent condition, did not have visible damage from the storm or something else, the team's personal belongings were in their places, everything looked like a carriage as if the crew was going to eat. In the ship's magazine there was a single entry made on September 26, when Rubicon went to the port of Havana. On board the ship was not a single rescue boat.

The main version of the Rubicon team is the usual storm, which made the crew eventually escape from the vessel, but the order that reigned on the deck and the cabins spoke that the storm could hardly be the cause of people's disappearance.

The disappearance of the passenger aircraft Douglas DC-3

Bermuda triangle continued to pick up his life. On December 28, 1948, the Douglas DC-3 passenger plane disappeared in this area, on board which there were 29 passengers and 3 team member.

At first, the flight from Puerto Rico in Miami was held in regular mode, the crew held a connection with the ground and nothing foreshadowed trouble. At 4/91 minutes later, the captain of the aircraft told the dispatchers, which is approximately 50 miles from Miami and will soon arrive at the destination, but for some reason this message did not receive this message, but it intercepted the dispatcher from New Orleans, which has forwarded to information To Miami Airport. After that, there was a lot of attempts to call members of the Douglas DC-3 crew, but they were unsuccessful. The connection disappeared as the plane.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe intended route of the aircraft, no wreckage or traces of the crash was found. Most inclined to the opinion that the disappearance of the aircraft is associated with UFOs.

The reasons for the disappearance of ships and aircraft in the Bermuda triangle

Both scientists and mystics, and conspirars put forward a lot of different reasons for the crash and disappearance of transport in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle. Among the dozens of insane theories, those that intersect with other speculation and facts characteristic of human culture are distinguished.

There are whole groups of people arguing that the responsibility for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda triangle lies on the inhabitants of the missing continent - Atlantis. Others believe that the activity of UFOs and aliens is increased in this area, which are exercised by life on our planet. Skeptics put forward their theories that look quite scientifically, against the background of words of lovers of conspiracy.

However, coast guard and insurance companies in one voice say that the Bermuda triangle is no different from other areas of the ocean, and the percentage of the disappearance of ships and aircraft in it is the same as in other corners of our planet.

Magnetic distortions and anomalies

Regular messages about the failure of navigation equipment in the Bermuda Triangle area suggest that in this area there may be a magnetic anomaly of incredible power. Some believe that this is due to the movement of tectonic plates, which causes the occurrence of electrical and magnetic fields, affecting both the instruments and a person. This theory has a lot of opponents both among scientists and doctors, despite the fact that it looks very scientific against the backdrop of fiction from other conspiraologists.

Waves killers

Another of the theories of the death of ships in the Bermuda triangle was the version of the killers arising in these places with enviable regularity.

The killer waves (wandering waves) arise spontaneously and are single in the waters of the ocean. Their height can reach 20-30 meters, and such a Mahina is a fatal danger for any modern vessel. Water pressure, which will wrap at high wave velocity to the ship, may not even withstand even the most durable ship covering, which makes the chances of survival almost zero.

Such waves may occur even in a complete calm and are not related to weather conditions. However, this theory does not explain the death of aircraft in the area.

Allocation of huge methane bubbles

There are versions of scientists that in the Bermuda Triangle area there is a possibility of forming giant methane bubbles from cracks at the bottom of the ocean.

Experimental studies have shown that a huge and solid gas bubble, like methane, when the vehicle appears under the ship, can create a condition when the vessel simply falls into the void under its bottom, after which the ocean water is instantly closed over his mast, not giving a single chance to ascent.

Such a theory could explain the dead teams on the vessels that managed to detect several times in these latitudes. Methane could easily poison people whose bodies there are no visible damage.

Australian scientists from the Institute of Monastery in Melbourne Joseph Monagan and David May. Based on these research work, the Australians came to the conclusion that the culprit of the brushes of airplanes and ships is Natural gas methane.

"Triangle" letters gases?

Scientists investigated some areas of the seabed in this region. As a result, they found that on the site of ancient faults in the places of ancient eruptions of volcanoes accumulated a large number of Methane hydrants. According to their theory, gas, freeing from natural cracks, turns into huge bubbles, which are then rising from the bottom of the ocean and become the culprits of the disaster, taking off on the surface of the water. The evidence of this is set out in research work published in the American magazine Physics.

To test your theory, scientists decided to begin to recreate the situation with the help of a computer. The model showed that any ship, being in the methane bubble, loses its buoyancy and therefore falls on the bottom of the ocean. Giant bubbles are able to even knock the plane in the sky, putting the engines or provoking an explosion.

In fact, in the so-called opening of Australians more self-asteris than something new. The fact is that the so-called "methane theory" has been for several decades, and the fact of the theoretical possibility of the death of ships as a result of gas emissions from the bottom of the sea was proved by the colleagues of the Australians.

It is also known that the circumstances of the disappearance of many vessels and ships around which the legend of the Bermuda triangle was created, do not fall under the "gas version".

Sea versions

For example, the famous disappearance of the five American torpedo-trapecass aircraft "Evenger" on December 5, 1945, which became canonical for Bermophilov, did not happen suddenly. Airplanes wandered over the ocean for several hours until the fuel was fully developed. So tighten the gas emissions to explain this incident.

Besides "Methodsional theory", as an explanation of the riddles of the Bermuda triangle, lead a version of "Killer waves"Wandering in the ocean single giant waves up to 30 meters high. At the kind of this phenomenon, it is really not clear, but it is known that such waves are not "registered" in the Bermud area, and may arise anywhere in the world ocean.

Another theory explaining the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle is infrase. Supporters of this version believe that under certain conditions in the sea, an infrasound may be generated, which has an impact on crew members, causing a panic, as a result of which they leave the vessel.

This explains the discovery in the ocean of completely good facilities, at which not a single crew member was found. However, as in the case of the "killer waves", the infrasound does not have the habit of forming exclusively in the Bermuda triangle.

Myth and its exposure

The story of a mystical geometric shape, limited by the Lines from Florida to the Bermuda Islands, further to Puerto Rico and Back to Florida through Bahamas, for the first time originated in 1950 due to Correspondent Associated Press by last name Jones. He called this section of the Ocean "Sea Devol", first gathered in a small brochure facts related to the disappearances and catastrophes of ships and ships.

In 1964, in one of the American journals dedicated to Spiritism, Vincent Gladdis Published the article "The Mortalone Bermuda Triangle", with which the start of the "triangle fever" was given.

But worldwide popularity Bermuda Triangle received in 1974 when Charles Berlitz Published the book "Bermuda Triangle", in which the descriptions of various mysterious disappearances were collected in the area. The book has become a bestseller, and the triangle has become a practically sacred place for lovers of mysticism.

However, in 1975 Researcher Lawrence David Koshe Released the book "Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality." In the past, the pilot of civil aviation, he thoroughly analyzed dozens of facts "mysterious disasters" in the Bermuda triangle. It turned out that most of them have a completely prosaic, not associated with mystic explanation. Part of the events and at all occurred outside the so-called "triangle", and a number of incidents are not at all documented in official sources.

The remaining stories really remain mysterious, but their number is extremely small, and, most importantly, the same incidents happened in other points of the globe.

Twin in the Pacific Ocean

Of the most recent events of this kind, you can remember the disappearance of the An-2 aircraft in Sverdlovsk region, or missing on Far East The crew of the Amur coarse cargo. This incident occurs in the Bermuda Triangle area, there is no doubt, they would have replenished the myth carefully protected by enthusiasts.

The myth-making stubbornly ignore the fact that the Bermuda triangle is not at all closed for vessels and aircraft of the territory, and most of them run on this territory completely safely. Moreover, on the same Bermuda Islands, the time of centuries live people who do not seek to escape from the "damned place", but on the contrary, they are happy to earn money on mystical tourists.

The Bermuda Islands District really makes Keep Sailors Egor, but not by mystical considerations. The navigation here is influenced by powerful golfstream, complex relief, as well as confusing atmospheric circulation, leading to a rapid and sharp change in weather conditions.

This is directly related to the professionalism of pilots and the fifty, but no other forces.

By the way, thanks to lovers of the whole mysterious, the Bermuda triangle appeared "twin" - the triangle of the devil. It is located in Pacific Ocean Near the Japanese Island of Miyakdzima, and he is attributed to the same the same properties as his fellow in the Atlantic.

The whole difference is that the Bermuda triangle was where the best PR.

Sanitary workers are missing

Considering that the number of lovers of mysticism in society is large enough, a mysterious zone, where something disappears, you can create everywhere - you only need to actively connect media that will nullify passions. And soon, be sure everyone will talk about a paranormal triangle in Northern Butovo, in which wallets and mobile phones are mysteriously disappeared.

Or here you have another mysterious "triangle" in the Ministry of Defense of Russia, where inexplicably. The best mediums and psychics from the Investigative Committee are now fighting over the rapid of this secrecy.

In 1977, on the wave of interest in the theme of the Bermuda Triangle, the famous Soviet Bard Vladimir Vysotskyposted by the song "Letter to the editorial office of the TV show" Obvious and incredible "from the Katchaikovsky cottage." In the song Patients of a psychiatric hospital, inspired by the plot about the mysterious "triangle", began to solve his riddle. In the end, "Sanitars have suffered and recorded us."

The cheerful song of Vysotsky, in fact, would have to bring the line under conversations about the "mysticism of the Bermuda Triangle". But, as we see, did not fail. Apparently, all lovers of such sensations simply lack no crank cottages, nor Sanitars.

Charles Frambach Berlitz. (November 23, 1913 - 18 December 2003) American Linguist and Language Teacher, known for its language courses of training and his book on paranormal phenomena.

a life

Berlitz was a writer on paranormal phenomena. He wrote a number of books dedicated to Atlantis. In his book Mystery of Atlantis He argued, Atlantis was real, based on his interpretation of geophysics, mental research, classical literature, tribal knowledge and archeology. He also tried to tie the Bermuda triangle of Atlantis. He argued that the Atlantis was underwater in the Bermuda triangle area. He was also an ancient cosmonaut of a champion, who believed that aliens attended the land.

Berlitz spent 13 years in the actual service in the US Army, mainly in intelligence. In 1950, he married Valeria Seary, with whom he had two children, Daughter Lin, and Son, Mark. He died in 2003 at the age of 90 at the University Hospital in Tamarak, Florida.


Berlice's statements about Bermuda Triangle and Philadelphian experiment were sharp criticism from researchers and scientists for their inaccuracy. It is also criticized for ignoring possible natural explanations and promotion of pseudo-scientific ideas.

Larry Koshe accuse Berlitz in the evidence facility and inventing secrets that have no reason.


Anomalous phenomena

  • Mystery of Atlantis (1969)
  • Secrets of forgotten worlds (1972)

For 40 years already, the Bermuda Triangle Book has been fulfilled by the authorship of Charles Berlitsa. As it is clear from the name, the edition of the world has seen in 1974 dedicated to the Bermuda Anomaly, capturing part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is this product that brought the place of the wide fame of the mysterious zone, devouring any transport vessel passing in the area.

But despite the time being traveled, interest in the anomalies is not hurt, the researchers regularly and persistently try to spray a strong nuts of the anomaly.

The legendary "triangle of the devil" is another name of the mysterious anomaly, the peaks of the corners supports the Bermuda Islands, Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale.

According to the existing legend, the "fallen" anomaly under Bermuda has a satanic power, and arranged a dozen dozen catastrophes, destroying vehicles As air and sea.

And despite hundreds of expeditionary attempts to find at least anything from the dead ships or people, the researchers each time detectively went out of here with empty hands.

Charles Berlitz, revealing the public the secret of the "Bermuda Triangle" connected the catastrophe and the non-traced disappearance of marine and aircraft with alien beings.
Allegedly, they open here portals here in other dimensions, and shod and people kidnap. UFOs fly here, whose base is hidden under water in the center of the anomaly.

The book had a very tremendous success, and even gave rise to some hysteria around the Bermuda Anomaly, because among other things, a version with a pyramid from the epoch of the mythical Atlantis appeared.
In general, the proposals developing in those days of the "UFO hunt" of suggestions, as well as the history given in the book, fell very by the way, and wore a great success.

Bermuda triangle, prehistory.

According to the legend, which Bermuda covered literally over a dozen years, ships, people and aircraft crossing the territory of the mysterious triangle disappeared inside the abnormal zone.
There was no opportunity to find out who will be another victim of a terrible place. Starting, at first, the nameless place receives his own name - the "triangle of the devil".

Most likely, this name comes because of folk superstitions, allegedly one day in this place with maritime travelers flies the devil, who was so very painful with the waves, which lost travelers in the Puchin. Since then, in this place periodically - this is the cause of the catastrophe.

Perhaps, in this place of the Atlantic Ocean, the Devil really laid something terrible in ancient times, which was the cause of the tragedies taking place here. However, another version sounds with greater reliability, it relies on aliens who left the triangle in the center some extremely complex device associated with the transfer of matter to another place of the universe.

In another case, aliens use this place in quality. Of course, eyewitnesses of their appearance are captured, and their further fate is unknown. Another suspect in the catastrophes was a "mystical whirlwind", which sucks ships and aircraft on the seabed and ejects in another dimension.

The myth of the mysterious triangle first voiced in the publication "Associated Press" on September 16, 1950, when an American reporter E. Johns was written a small brochure about "mysterious disappearances" of aircraft and ships, between the coasts of Florida and the Bermuda.

It was the reporter first to use the name of the Bermuda triangle, but the glory to give an anomaly for some reason did not go to him, but a person who said this 14 years later.

Two years later, after the article and seven page brochures, George X. Publication appears. Sand, who told about a series of strange maritime incidents.
In his history, ships, both sea and air, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe aqueous triangle, formed by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico disappear without a trace without visible reasons, and do not have time to report on the radio.

I would like to note that the versions of the disappearances and the presence of an alien mind in this part of the ocean appeared several years before the book of Jessapa "Business for UFOs" ... or the books of Frank Edwards in a 55-volume "flying plates and secret conspiractions." As can be seen from the name, the authors did not even be adepts of the idea of \u200b\u200ban alien presence, but willingly supported the theory with people from the other planets fell in Bermuda.

Just after these events, Vincent H. Gladdis (a fan of spiritualism) and "gives" the name everywhere - "Bermuda Triangle", which immediately comes in society.

Vincent Gladdis wrote an article in the Argosy edition in February 1964, and later involved this name in the book "Invisible horizons", calling an anomaly as a "fatal Bermuda Triangle". Since then, it has been necessary to assume that this Gladdis gave the name now the world-famous myth of the Bermuda triangle.

Over the years, the myth is described and shown, television series and films are filmed on it. Bermuda triangle firmly enters our culture, and is always portrayed as a very real and mysterious place where people and vehicles disappear.

It's terribly, scares the legend, but: "Whether it is a ship, whether it is a plane, full of many travelers, be afraid to travel around this part of the ocean, the yellow fog deviates everything and everything, there is no salvation here." Scary? Then let me tell you that the terrible secret of the Bermuda triangle is not as terrible, as describes the myth, bloated over the years of incorrect facts and many stories before Pleiad.

If you look at the zone of the Bermuda Triangle and search the facts, then the terrible tragedy of Bermud is described by no hundreds of vessels missing here. And not even half, but just a dozen, and even then, if you "attract" all the crashes that occurred nearby.

By the way, look at the photograph above - here it is clear that anomalous zone Not "lies exactly at the equator" as it is often said to say, pointing to the mystical side of the phenomenon. The central figure, which represents the "Bermuda Triangle", is the flight of aircraft aircraft behind the room 19.

The missing link "Evengers", departure "number 19".

In all cases, the story began on December 5, 1945, when five single-engine torpedoes "Avenger" left Fort Lauderdale. In the book, Charles Berlitz states that "Evengers" managed 14 experienced pilots.
The commanders of the aircraft worked out the flight task of the training bombing, should have been in the framework of the navigation exercise to make two turns - mystically, it happens just above the peaks of the Bermuda triangle.

Next occurs something terrible, the connection periodic disappears, aircraft moving a couple of hours without changing the course nevertheless circling inside anomaly. Then the link is completely disappearing. Adds fierce in the situation of a rescue departure of a twin-engine flying boat Martin 162 (Martin Mariner), who goes to the revenue to colleagues - there was also no traces from him.

Berry's enemy performed Larry Kosha (Larry Kuush), pointing to the welfare of facts. Surprisingly, the edition of the "open secret of the Bermuda Triangle" is published in a 75th following the edition of Berlitz.

In the book, Koshe directly declares, there is no abnormalist in Bermud. Koshe did not denounce the fact without a traced missing circumstances of five torpedo bombers, as well as the disappeared hydrosapoly Mariner.

This is a valid fact that he got acquainted with the investigative reports, and declares it is an incredible case for all world aviation, but the cause of the catastrophe is a human factor, but not the cruel misinterplices, or Atlanta.

After reviewing the reports of the investigative group, Larry Koshe indicates that 14 people managed to the torpedoes, 13 of which began retrained for flights on this machine under the head of Lieutenant Charles Taylor. At the same time, the link commander was recently translated from Florida Kis, and did not fly earlier in the area.

It turns out that the team commander did not know the terrain, and other pilots and navigators arriving for internships were inexperienced. - Many say about this when they tell the Bermuda mythology of half a century ago. Although at least four navigators were experienced, what they assume the same reports of the military.

Meanwhile, the weather situation of the district is considered very complex - frequent tsunami, storm, and compass Shalit. There are no anomalies here, assure skeptics, there are many places on the ground, where you can not rely on the compass arrow, or you need to gain a big height.

In the case of American avengers (torpedo-bombers), they could not have chances to rise higher, since they were "pressed" the thunderstorm cloud. The pilots circled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lightning around the lightning eventually burned all the fuel, it remained landing for water, where the storm wave was raised.

However, the version of Larry Kusha also "seams", Lieutenant Taylor flew 2500 hours precisely on this type of aviation technology, which characterizes his experienced and skillful specialist of naval aviation. Mention, the transfer from another place is somewhat weak for arguments, since he came from the neighboring marine area.

Yes, and extending around the water leaves little chance to consider visual benchmarks for navigation, even if the flights occur in the usual place. The commanders of other machines are called interns with the stretch - the total fallout about 350 hours, Captain Powers and arrived at all from the main headquarters of the Morpekhi corps.

And you know, I, for example, would noted in this case one oddity, as if something sorry, knowing that he was waiting for this day, one of the Radruists shooters did not appear on the departure, and survived.
The further development of the events of that time is difficult to imagine reliably, because even on the official pages of the Navy and the Navy, there were contradictory data (now they are not at all).
Although in theory, such structures should own full information. But the approximate picture is drawn as follows:

That the link was lost in space and is experiencing a navigation problem learned at 15:50 - 16:00, when the senior instructor Lieutenant Robert Fox, intending to land in Fort Lauderdale, together with the ward heard a radio broadcast where someone without calling in the open requests Powers.
After minutes, the radio brings the voice "I don't know where we are. I think we got lost the last reversal. "

A little later, Lieutenant Fox will be able to talk with Charles Taylor, and find out about the breakdown of onboard compasses (TBM-3 was a fairly technological machine of that time, except for the compasses of the pilot and the navigator, there was still a gyrocompass and radio opaque).

Many ignore the fact that four more aircraft remained, on the instruments of which the link commander could set the location, and choose a course on the base.
Nevertheless, everything looks like the pilots and the navigations of the whole group remained without a means of navigation, or have undergone some kind of mystical influence.

Mystic Bermuda Triangle?

Now let's look at the tragedy of the Bermuda triangle a little differently, but we will not consider Taylor and Fox well-known negotiations here.
There is also nothing mystical in the death of a flying boat, its explosion was recorded and explained by technical reasons.
Although, of course, it is necessary to notice that the problem with the plane has not been reported from Mariner, only the words that they arrive in the area of \u200b\u200bthe last direction finding the missing link.

As the captain tested in those places of the Tanker "Gaines Mills", at the headquarters of coast guard, at 19:50 pm, an air explosion and a fiery column up to 35 meters high were recorded. According to Captain Sh. Stenli, in deep mixing the crew watched as in the air hanging a vertical post of fire, which lasted a good tenth of minutes.

True later, the captain told the picture of the event more convenient for understanding, allegedly saw the plane caught fire, fell into the water, exploded, the stains of the oil remained, the mass of debris .... The aircraft arrived in the search area did not find signs of the collapse of the hydrosapol.

The US military sent in search of the missing huge forces: 300 aircraft and 21 vessels, many volunteers and the National Guard were looking for the already 6 aircraft who had already disappeared.

In the literal sense, all the coast was literally, the water surface is carefully examined. You will not believe, but even the floats from the missing seaplane did not find out, nothing that could tell the cause of the tragedy that happened in these places.

On December 10, 1945, search engines turned, the crews of the missing aircraft declared missing. On April 3, 1946, the American Naval Department indicated the death of the departure "number 19" of Lieutenant Taylor, they say the commander of the link was confused, then strangled, confused ... Honestly, these are strange conclusions, suspect that the combat pilot was confused and spranched.

Mother and Aunt Taylor rejected such a statement of the military, forcing the naval fleet to revise the decision. Dissatisfied women hire a lawyer, and require more thorough proceedings and revising the case. Strange, but on November 19, the verdict was adjusted, and the tragedy acquires other conclusions about the reasons of what happened - "for unknown reasons."

Often, radioregores, who smalked from Taylor, mystifies, allegedly someone heard him through the interference, said: "Everything is wrong here ... It's strange ... The ocean does not look as much as it should" ... .... "We can't break out" ... "This feature is yellow fog" ... "I don't know, they look like ...".

In fact, the documentary confirmation of these words is not possible, it is not possible to find a person with a specific surname, who would say it originally.
It is likely that it comes from adherents of false sensations and unnecessary evidence, an attempt to explain everything with the help of aliens, well, at the same time "fasten" the space ships of aliens soaring the Bermuda triangle.

Meanwhile, the oddities in this catastrophe is enough. At 17:15, Taylor informs Port Everglades: "I hear you very badly. We follow the course of 270 degrees "... We will keep the course until you reach the shore, or getting into the water when the fuel burns (Taylor has the experience of two such landings).

Robert F. Fox, talking to Lieutenant Taylor comes to the conclusion that he is in the sky over Florida Keys (Florida Keys) because the question is where they, Taylor responds - over Keys (I am Sure I'm in the Keys).
Robert Fox, orient a colleague advises that by turning the planes to the left side to the Sun, and follow this course.

However, strangeness, Taylor hears, talks, and does not respond to words. Meanwhile, tie continues to deteriorate, at about 19 o'clock in the evening, the connection hanging on an honest word and stops at all, the group of Lieutenant Taylor clearly moved to a considerable distance.
At 19:05 pm, the latter that I heard the shore of Miami from the aircraft, this as one of the pilots called Taylor to communicate.

At 20 pm, the estimated time came out, the fuel at the aircraft of the departure "number 19" ended. And now look at a strange riddle: Lieutenant Taylor accused that he lost orientation, and led the group to the Atlantic Ocean.
For example, I was also amazed: the aircraft link withsting the selected course went to a considerable distance.

However, the bearing of their location pointed to the center of the Bermuda anomaly, respectively, based on this, and the search was conducted in a triangle.
How can this be that for mysticism, maybe this place does this place hides a certain mystery with usless to understand?

What happens in the Bermuda anomaly.

According to coast guard, the designated place is famous for frequent storms, and in heaven love to wear.
At the same time, researchers who do not believe in the devilish trips or games with parallel worlds could not find confirmation of those five hundred extinction of air and heavenly vessels, which allegedly disappeared into the Bermuda abnormalities.
Even a dozen of confirmed cases about the disappearance of ships here.

It turns out that most of the courts suffered a catastrophe and the proof of the anomaly occurred quite far from the "deadly triangle of the devil", the ships could not experience themselves.
Some authors of theories assure us, all vessels disappear in this place completely without a trace, nothing can be found!

But what can I find? Avengers are a heavy iron car that falling into the sea exploding / without exploding from the blow of the water inevitably go to the bottom.
Similarly, rescuers for a long time can not find traces of modern aircraft, disappearing over any part of the sea.
According to specialist reports, there is no reason to blame the Bermuda triangle in the fact that it requires more victims of the ships than any other plant of the planet.

If you look at an outlined triangle with a normal look, it becomes an obvious catastrophe in this place of the ocean take place no more than in the other place of the Atlantic.
The fact is that the disasters happen, this is due to one reason or another in an absolutely any place of the planet. Airplanes are broken, ships are drown, but we are not looking for in each case a "magic crystal" or a certain "transguana" is a high-tech device installed / lost by ancient aliens.

"In the West Atlantic, adjacent to the southeast coast of the United States, is a triangular area. It can be outline by the line coming from the Florida in the north of the Bermuda to the southern tip of Florida, from there to the east, bypassing the Bahamas and Puerto Rico, right up to the point, which is located about forty degrees of Western longitude, and then again to the Bermuda Islands. This area is exciting, almost incredible placeHonorary place in the list of unsolved secrets. It is usually called the Bermuda Triangle. Here more than a hundred ships and aircraft disappeared without a trace - mostly after 1945. Over the past 26 years, more than a thousand people lost in it, but in search of a single corpse or at least a fragment from the disappeared ships and aircraft failed. Such disappearances began to happen more often, although the airways and seasons became lively, the search is most carefully, and all the data is kept much better. "

So Charles Berlice started the book "Bermuda Triangle", which became one of the few bestsellers among books about anomalous. However, he was not a pioneer.

Birth of legend

The first tied together a few disasters from the coast of Florida Journalist E. Jones from the Associated Press Agency. His note read:

"Our world is small? No, it is still huge, like the world who knew the ancients, with the same foggy purification of lost souls.

We think that he is small because of the speed of the wheels, wings and voice of the radio, who has been coming out of emptiness. To drive a mile, you need a minute to fly it - a few seconds, but it is still mile.

Miles add up to a huge unknown, where quite recently flew or piled more than a hundred people and have rushed, as ships in the old days of navigation.

"Sandra" had a radio. It was a 350-foot cargo ship with 12 crew members. Coming out of Miami, in the savannah, the ship took on board 300 tons of insecticide and went to Puerto Cable, Venezuela. On the way he disappeared without a trace.

June 16, 1950, a year, when people considered the world a little, her searches were discontinued. The fate of the ship and dozen man on board became an officially recognized mystery.

Where are those happy men, women and two children, only 13 people who sat on the plane in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and fly 1000 miles to Miami? At 4.00 am on December 27, 1948, the radio was received that the aircraft is 50 miles south of the destination. They did not profit.

Rescuers searched 310,000 ocean miles and mainland, but the elusive purification, in which the plane flew, was not marked on any map.

On January 18, 1949, US Navy conducted large-scale maneuvers to the south of the Bermuda. On the same day, the British airliner "Ariel" disappeared in the clear air in which he flew. The aircraft with 20 people on board landed on the islands on the way from London to Chile.

Airplane "Ariel"

Navy interrupted maneuvers. The aircraft carriers, cruiser and destroyers of the waters, thousands of pairs of tear eyes looked overboard. They did not find a hint of the fate of the aircraft.

A year earlier, January 31, 1948, another British plane, "Star Tiger", approached Bermuda islands with 29 people on board. He passed several times about his location. Then there was silence, shrouded in secret. Until this day, no trace of this aircraft was found.

Old, but more puzzling mystery is the fate of the five torpedoes, which on December 5, 1945 flew from the Base of the Navy Fort Lauderdale for the training flight by navigation. Watches passed, darkness came. Concerned officers called them on the radio, but the answer was silence.

Avenger aircraft link

The time passed when the fuel at the aircraft should have ended. Other aircraft flew in search, including large, pbm bulky rescue hydroplate with 13 crew members.

None of the five torpedoes with 14 crew members did not find, despite the largest searches in the history of Florida. The rescue hydroplane has not returned.

Approximately 135 people arrogantly went to the world, which they considered small, and did not return - this is the list of victims of modern secrets. This is all the same big world as ancient knew him - the world, where people with their cars and ships can disappear without a trace. "

Jones did not try to draw the borders of the "triangle", did not claim that something abnormal lies in it. If you take the crash-mentioned by him separately, they all have received convincing explanations without attracting "unknown forces."

Explanations without mysticism

Ship "Sandra", contrary to the allegations of Jones, had a length of not 350 feet (106 m), and 185 feet (56 m). He came out of Savannah on April 5, and the search stopped not on June 16, as Jones writes, and on May 29.

In the magazine "Fate" for October 1952, the article of George Sanda was published, mentioning the death of the vessel. He possessed an extraordinary imagination and painted the rust stains that covered the board in the whole "350-foot length", as a ship serenely floated near Jacksonville and "Through the peaceful Tropical night, wrapped in the lowland of Florida, from the right side was to be viewed by the flashing light of the St. Augustine. The author told about how sailors, rejuvenated, walked along the deck and smoked, remembering the matters of last day.

Sea idyll spoiled Louuren's Bush. Having lifted the documents, he found out that during the disappearance of the vessel was storm. The newspaper "Miami Herald" dated April 8, 1950 reported:

"The storm, which broke out due to the passage of the low pressure band and accompanied by thunderproof rains and strong winds, was racing three days in Florida and almost reached the hurricane strength on Friday, having fallen into the area of \u200b\u200bmaritime shipping. Wind speed near Virginia-Capees reached 73 miles per hour, which is only two miles less than the speed of the hurricane. "

Here you have peaceful conversations with a tube in your teeth! Although Florida was not so pronounced, here, too, was the storm, which began on April 5 - that day, when "Sandra" came out in the sea. It seems that nothing mysterious in the death of the vessel was not.

Kosha found out that the DC-3 aircraft, which disappeared on June 16, 1948, flew out of San Juan with discharged batteries:


"Although the Ministry of Civil Aviation did not disclose the mystery of the disappearance of DC-3, its report contains very important information on this matter. The legend focuses on the fact that the disaster occurred almost instantly: a sudden loss of communication between the dispatching point and the aircraft. However ... since the batteries of the satishers, the radio transmitter, in fact, did not work both at the airfield in San Juan and at the beginning last flight. Obviously, malfunctions with the transmitter continued throughout the flight, since all attempts to establish with a radio communication with the aircraft turned out to be unsuccessful.

Many faults could arise in an airplane for those one and a half hours, which were held between the last link of the Linkvist (the pilot of the aircraft. - Aut.) And the fatal moment, when there was no fuel drop in the gas tanks. New power problems could arise, and if the plane flies at night without light, instruments and navigation equipment, it is doomed to death ...

In San Juan, weather forecasters told Linkvist that at the beginning of the flight the wind would be southwestern weak, and then he would change the direction and would blow from the North-West. Making the amendment to the wind, Linquist was to lead the plane a little left of the specified course. However, when they approached Miami, the wind again changed the direction and bang from the northeast. If the pilot did not know about it, then, although the wind was not strong, he could cause a deviation from the course left by 40-50 miles. Thus, DC-3 may have passed the south of the southern tip of Florida and was over the Mexican Bay. "

Flight 19. Flying Coffins

"Ariel" was the airline airline "British South American Airways" (BSAA) type "Tudor IV", converged bomber time of the Second World War. However, what was suitable in wartime was unacceptable in peacetime: the plane was so bad that all other companies refused it. Don Makintosh, a former BSAA pilot, believes that the heating cabin system, mounted under the floor, is to blame. The heater worked at the aircraft fuel, which was served dropwise into a hot tube, and was in a dangerous neighborhood with a vital control system - hydraulic traction.

Captain Peter Duffy, who flew in the airline BSAA, also found the proximity of the heater and the ridge ridge: "I believe that the vapor of the hydraulic fluid vapor occurred, which, hitting the hot heater, exploded." Under the cab, there was not even a fire alarm system, not to mention the system of automatic extinguishing of fire. The aircraft with the interrupted traction remains not so much time to have time to pass the SOS, or the radio also failed.

Rescuers were in the estimated place of falling after 12 hours. During this time, the fragments could sink or float very far.

The second aircraft, which mentioned Jones - "Star Tiger" - was the same type and belonged to BSAA. He disappeared 30 (and not 31) December, there were 31 people on board.

The official report on the disappearance read: "We will never know what actually happened in this case, and the fate of" Star Tiger "forever remains unsolved secret." But is it?

In 2009, the BBC journalists found out that Star Tiger was faced with problems even before he made an intermediate landing in the Azores. The heater failed, besides, refused one of the compasses. Most likely, in the plane to be warmer, the pilot decided to fly not on the usual height, but at the water itself. At a low height, if something happens to the aircraft, it falls into the water in a matter of seconds: the pilots do not have enough time to call for help.

Gordon Stor, a former BSAA pilot, in 2008, said that he never trusted the Tudor IV aircraft engines: "All systems were hopelessly confused, hydraulics, all equipment thoughtlessly squeezed under the floor, without any consideration." In the messenger of the wires, thrust and hoses, any problem could become fatal.

In just three years, BSAA has 11 serious incidents, five aircraft died, carrying out the lives of 73 passengers and 22 crew members. The death of "Star Tiger" became the last straw, forcing the aircraft with such a bad reputation.

There was no mystery and in the death of six aircraft - five torpedoes of the type "Avenger" and rescue hydroplane in December 1945. Torpedo pilots, except for the commander of the squadron of Lieutenant Taylor and one of the crew members, were inexperienced cadets and, having lost, dangled in the air over the ocean, until fuel ended. Lawrence Koshe came to the conclusion that Taylor, who had a compassion, played the role of Susanin, leading to the squadron further into the ocean. Many pilots understood that he was not there, but no one had broken military discipline to return to the air base.

Documentary video film about Bermuda Triangle (until Minute 17:56)

When it came to an emergency landing, the weather was not as good as during departure. Avenger aircraft are not intended for planting water, especially in bad weather. Most likely, pilots did not even have time to open cabins and disseminate the belts, leaving the water together with the torpedo.

With a rescue hydroplated, the case was even easier. The sailors of the ship "Gaines Mills" at 19.50 saw the plane "caught fire in the air, quickly fell into the water and exploded." Such hydroplanes nipped "flying tanks": they always had a lot of gasoline vapors. The secretly rounded cigarette or spark could cause fire and explosion into any moment.

How many incidents, so many reasons. As Louuren's Kush noted, "trying to find one common cause of all disappearances in the Bermuda triangle is no more logical than to look for one common cause of all car catastrophes in Arizona."

"Cyclops" is the largest victim of the Triangle. As it turned out later, a dangerously overloaded vessel was gone during a storm.

The name "Bermuda Triangle" appeared only in 1964, when the article of Vincent Gaddis appeared on the world. It was in it that the final outlines acquired the legend: the ships and aircraft disappear not just because everyone happens in the sea, and due to the fact that this area is "an abnormal zone", "hole in the sky." He added the UFO, magnetic anomalies and hints on the secret government projects.

Speak rescuers

During the year, in different parts of the world ocean, up to a tent of thousands (!) SOS signals are recorded. For the same time, about 300 vessels die, disappears without a trace of 6 and there are about two dozen "ghosts", abandoned by teams. All this happens not where it fell, but, as a rule, in those areas where the intensity of shipping is high, and the conditions for swimming are unfavorable. In this sense, the Bermuda Triangle is not too different from other areas of the World Ocean. The first place for crashing and disappearances of ships is occupied by the Asian seas.

As evidenced by the data of the seventh district of the coast guard of the United States, which is responsible for rescue work in the "Triangle" area, more than 150 thousand sea flights are performed here. If you compare the number of catastrophes in the area that occupies about a quarter of the US coast length, with all its length, then, as it is neither paradoxical, losses in the Bermuda triangle not only not higher than the average, but sometimes below (so, in 1975 Of the 21 maritime catastrophes, the "triangle" accounted for only 4, in 1976 of 28 - only 6). These data refer to ships whose tonnage exceeds 100 register tons. Airliners, becoming technically perfect and more powerful, ceased to "disappear". The private boats, yachts and aircraft are followed less intently, and they continue to die in troubled waters. Golf Stream per day can carry a wreckage of a crash at 100-200 miles, scarce traces of flewing tragedies.

Change the weather, the relief of the ocean bottom, including the melons and reefs, then deep-water depressions, frequent hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, even piracy - all these factors did the "triangle" so dangerous that the famous insurance monopoly "Lloyd" increases the amount of insurance of ships, passing through the "fatal place." The representative of "Lloyd" in 1975 said that "our information service did not find any data showing that there was more losses in the Bermuda Triangle than anywhere else.

The coast guard of the United States considers the "triangle" fiction:

"Most of the disappearances can be attributed to unique features. ambient district. First, the "Devil triangle" is one of two places on Earth, where the magnetic compass indicates a true (geographical) north. It usually indicates the magnetic north. The difference between two directions is known as magnetic declination. For around the world journey Its value can vary by as many as 20 degrees. If it is a magnetic decline, or an error, will not be taken into account, the navigator may be much hammered by the course and encounter great difficulties ...

Another factor of the external environment is a feature of the Gulf Stream. This is extremely fast, stormy and can quickly destroy any disaster traces. The unpredictable nature of the weather in the Caribbean-Atlantic region also plays a role. The pilots and sailors often threaten the catastrophe of tornadoes and sudden local thunderstorms. Finally, the topography of the bottom of the ocean varies from extensive chalks around the islands to sea depressions, which are among the deepest in the world. As a result of interaction with strong currents that wash numerous reefs, the bottom topography is in a state of constant movement and the formation of new navigation hazards occurs quickly.

Do not underestimate the factor of human errors. In the waters between the golden shore of Florida and Bahamas Floats a large number of pleasure boats. Too often, they are trying to cross this waters on the too small ships, not enough to represent the danger of the area, and not possessing good junction skills.

Coast Guard is not impressed by supernatural disaster explanations at sea. Every year its own experience convinces them that the combination of natural forces and unpredictability of people's behavior can many more sophisticated science fiction over the most sophisticated scientific fiction.

Journalist Peter Michelmore, on duty on the coast guard in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle, leads cases when people only miraculously entered the statistics of "non-traced disappearances":

"A man who came out the winner of the fight with death was given Smith, the captain of the three-volume schooner" Star of Piece ". His ship went on calm Sea. From Nassau in Miami, when Diesel unexpectedly exploded. Schooner began to dive quickly. The burned fragments wounded by fragments, still found the strength not only to lower the lifefone foster - on board, except for him and two sailors, there were five more passengers - but also to send a disaster signal and take a radiomaque. Imagine that he was confused. Then the "Star of Piece" would replenish the long list of riddles of the Bermuda Triangle: "Mysteriously disappeared into good weather," it would be written after the name of this ship.

However, the composure and resourcefulness in extreme situations are needed not only to the vessels, but also by pilots. Take, for example, the story of David Ecley. In a beautiful sunny day, he flew out of Palm Beach on Bahamas on a light two-door plane. In 40 miles from the coast, his right motor caught fire. Attempts to knock the flames turned out to be unsuccessful, the car almost ceased to obey the pilot, but he still did not give her to fall into a corkscrew, and last three points. Before the plane sank, Ecli managed to move to an inflatable fleet. It remained to solve another problem: how to report yourself. The fact is that while he laid steep drives, struggling with fire, the radio failed. "Fortunately, I was not a gas with myself, but a gasoline lighter, over the addict of which my friends often had fun," Ecli told later. - She served me a good service. Since the synthetic overalls are sewn from non-combustible fabric, I built a brazier from him, folded there a shirt and underwear, prepared a lighter and began to wait for a ship or a plane nearby. After all, in the center of controlling the flights in Miami, they should have noticed that I suddenly disappeared from the locator screen. " The calculation of the pilot was justified: really sent a helicopter to the wrapping, which saw his homemade torch.

Legend, doomed to life

Lawrence Kush checked the 50 most frequently mentioned cases of disappearance or death in the Bermuda Triangle and came to the conclusion that they can be divided into several categories. Among them there are fictions - someone comes up with a "mysterious catastrophe", and the other "duck" pick up without checking the source of the information. There are most serious mistakes - the name of the vessel does not coincide, the year, the place of disaster. In some cases, the ship or the plane did not disappear at all, continuing to swim or fly for a long year!

Most often, however, writing about the "Bermuda Triangle" mentions cases that have taken place, but information about them is seriously distorted - important details are missing, absolutely changing the situation (for example, that the lips of the vessel were found, raging the storm, etc.). As a result, soberly conducted analysis, they from "mysterious" are transferred to the category of ordinary, the paddle of mystery disappears.

Read about riddles and secrets is not so boring as scientific literature, so the books dedicated to the "triangle" will soon disappear from the counters. The "Bermuda Triangle" of Charles Berlitsa was not seven months old from the list of bestsellers and was sold out, according to the most modest counting, a circulation of 5 million copies (called and four times more). Instead of boring attempts to give natural explanations to catastrophes, Berlitz wrapped on readers intriguing guesses and assumptions:

Approximately so Berlitz and his followers imagine the disappearance of ships in the "triangle"

"If the aircraft, steamers and people are abducted from the Bermuda triangle or other parts of the world with the help of UFOs or other ways, the most important task of any investigation should be the search for a possible cause or reasons. A number of researchers adhere to opinions that reasonable creatures, In scientific relations, ahead of the relatively primitive peoples of the Earth ... For many centuries, they are engaged in observing our progress so that, if necessary, intervene, hindering us to destroy their planet. This, of course, implies an altruistic motivation in some creatures from a close or distant cosmos, is a trait that does not always prevail among researchers or discoverers.

On the other hand, in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle and in a number of other nodal points, electromagnetic gravitational currents, a door or a window can be assumed to another space or measurement, through which aliens quite advanced in the scientific plan can penetrate the land at wishes, but if with these windows There are people, they turn out to be an expensive one way. Return for them will be impossible or due to their level scientific developmentor because they will prevent extraterrestrial forces. Many disappearance, especially entire ship teams, indicate raids from space in order to replenish the zoos of the Universe, to acquire exhibits for exhibitions showing different era of the development of planetary civilizations, or for experiments. "

The proof provides stories like this:

"Several years ago, the passenger aircraft Airlines" Nashnl Erostez "with 127 passengers on board approached the landing strip of the airfield in Miami (Florida) from the northeast and was controlled by the ground radar. Suddenly the aircraft disappeared from the screen and appeared only ten minutes. Landing occurred without any excesses. The crew was surprised by the concern of the airfield service. When the pilots checked the time, it turned out that all watches on the plane lag behind for 10 minutes compared to airfield. And 20 minutes earlier, when recalculating hours on the plane and there were no discrepancies on the dispatch point. Senior dispatcher told Pilot: "My God, buddy, but you haven't existed simply for ten minutes!"

Neither Berlice himself nor other authors lead date, time and flight numbers. In the US Civil Aviation Documents, Miami Airport and the Airline of such an incident are not registered. The company's employees argued that "if the case really had a place, everyone would probably know about him." But not all in the books about the "triangle" is invented.

Methane Hell under the legs

"Boeing-707 pilots, flying from San Juan to New York on April 11, 1963, observed a raying videos, resembling a giant cauliflower," writes Berlitz. - He was clearly observed at 13.30 from a height of 9.5 km away - first by the second pilot, then the commander and borcemaker. Observation coordinates - 19 ° 54 'p. sh. and 66 ° 47 's. d., in the vicinity of the Puertoric gutter with a depth of 5.5 miles. They calculated that the rising water mass was 0.5-1 miles with a diameter and a height of more than 900 m. As the commander did not want to break the schedule, exposing the aircraft and passengers, he just looked at an unusual phenomenon and continued the flight. The second pilot, however, then turned to the coast guard, the center of the seismic service and, that is rather strange, in the FBI, but did not receive any confirmation from them, which something unusual happened in that place at the specified time.

This phenomenon of several weeks later observed Pilot Raymond Shattenkirk from Pan A Airlines:

"I was the second pilot of the aircraft flying on March 2, 1963 by Flight 211 from New York (departure at 14.34 in Greenwich) in San Juan, where we landed at 18.22. During the flight exactly at 17.45, when we were at a point with coordinates of 20 ° 45 's. sh. and 67 ° 15 's. D. At an altitude of 7.5 km, heading through azimuth 175 °, I saw on the surface of the ocean ahead at the rate of approximately 45 ° on the right side of the formation of a giant white bubble. The bubble had a shape and symmetry of the white part of cauliflower. Mentally comparing it with the size of terrestrial structures, as they are visible from a height of 6-9 km, I can say that Idlvid airport would be easily placed.

Crew - Commander John Knepepper, I, Ralph Stox and the sidebrener observed this frightening phenomenon at least three minutes until the bubble opens, turning into a huge circle of dark blue water without traces of smoke, steam or debris. It seemed that he appeared from nowhere and returned to nothing. "

Berlitz did not know that the raging "bubbles" would receive a natural explanation in 1984. Canadian Chemist Donald Davidson drew attention to the deposits of gas hydrates under the Bermuda Triangle. According to the form, they look like ordinary snow - whiten, quickly disintegrating crystals. These solid compounds of gases with water are very stable, as if cementing the bottom of the rigid "armor" with a thickness of up to 300 or more than meters.

Physical tests confirmed the correctness of the computer model. Ship shattered if he was between the middle of the bubble and his outer edge

Further two options are possible. First, under gas hydrate "armor", huge volumes of natural gases can accumulate - mainly methane and carbon dioxide. "Pricksyar" is cracking from time to time, and the gases are instantly broken out in the form of a giant "bubble". The vessel falling into the gas emission zone is doomed. Gas methane combustion, and if its concentration is large, it can ignore and turn into a giant torch (such torches, up to 500 meters high, observed in 1985-1987. L. P. Zoneshain from the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences in rich gaseous hydrates Okhotsk Sea).

Pilots of two aircraft who have seen "bubbles" came correctly: if they flew closer, they would have a "sucking" methane turbines with unpredictable consequences, up to the motor stop or explosion in the air.

Secondly, if some kind of process disrupts the equilibrium of the gas hydrate layer and its fragments will begin to pop up, the higher temperature of the surface layers will force them quickly. One volume of gas hydrates gives 100-160 volumes of gas, and by the time of gas output to the surface, the water will turn into a gas water mixture, which is not able to keep the vessel on itself. The ship falls under the water, risking never rise.

"I have come to meet with people," said Alar Geologist Alan Judd from Sunderland University - who fell into such disasters. They remained alive only because in their case the ejection of methane was not enough powerful for flooding, but the ship for a short time lost part of its buoyancy and dramatically immersed in water for 1-2 meters. "

Charles Berlice also met with people who fell into gas emissions, but chose to consider them something supernatural. His books mentioned a case with Joe Talilli, the captain of the fishing vessel "Wild Goose". In 1944, the vessel went on towing after another ship - "Caicos Trader". Talley slept in the cabin, how suddenly water burst into it. It automatically grabbed the life jacket and floated into the hatch. The ship at that moment was already at a depth of 15-25 meters, but Talliemen managed to rise to the air. "Caicos Trader" remained afloat. Sailors then said that his vessel literally failed under the water: I had to wrap the towing cable, fearing that they would also be taken to the abyss. The release was small, otherwise the bottom would go both vessels and the immersion depth was deadly.

"Triangle" - UFO base?

The team of American missile destroyer "Josephus Daniels" October 20, 1969 watched something strange. Raders Specialist Robert Raili, third-class foreman, told Berlitsa:

"We returned with the task in Guantanamo and sailed to the north of Cuba. Most sailors did not know about the location of the vessel, but I was engaged in navigation and knew that we were in a triangle. I do not remember the exact date, but I remember time - 23.45. I was inside - we had two handy, one by one side of the bridge, 9 meters from the information and combat center. Someone said that Watching on the right side saw something ...

It is difficult to describe. It looks like a moon, rising above the horizon, but a thousand times more - as the sunrise that does not shine. It was light that did not empty the light. It rose over the horizon about 11-15 miles on the right side and partly before us, continued to increase within 15 minutes. All this looked like a flash from a nuclear explosion, but increased, remained on the spot - be it a nuclear explosion, we would see it on a radar having a radius of action over 300 miles.

Notified Captain. A watched officer at the bridge ordered the deployment of the ship. Maybe he thought that this is a nuclear explosion, and the standard maneuver in this case is "turn around the feed to the outbreak." This seen a man 70-100 - most lay on beds. I would also sleep if I didn't duty ...

The next day we arrived in Norfolk. All just talked about it. Our captain collected the team and said not to spread about what he saw. "

You must have thought that sailors from the destroyer saw the yield of burning gas from the ocean purulence. And made a mistake. The expanding "ball" is an effect accompanying the launch of ballistic missiles from the sides of American submarines. If the captain knew about it, please silence was fully justified.

The same seen Tour Heyerdal during the swimming at RA-II in 1970:

"That night we happened to survive a strong fright. June 30 at 0.30 Norman raised me on the watch, I sat down in a sleeping bag and began to pull the socks, as it was raw and cold on the bridge. Suddenly, the voice of Norman was heard again, and now horror sounded in it:

- Come here, soon! Look!

I dived at the door, accompanied by Santiago's heels, scored on the bridge, and through the roof of the cabins we stared at the side where Norman showed.

Pure end of the world. Above the horizon from the left side, in the north-west, the pale disk, similar to the ghostly aluminum moon, was applied. Do not break off from the water, it slowly increased in size. Properly expanding semicircle resembled either very dense nebula, a brightest Milky Way, or a hat from the mushroom, which inevitably occurred on us, all wider exciting the sky. The moon shone in the opposite side, it was cloudless, the stars sparkled. At first I thought it was a light spot against the background of wet night air from a powerful spotlight beyond the horizon. Or maybe this is an atomic mushroom, the fruit of the monstrous population of people? Or northern Lights? In the end, I bowed to the fact that this is a glowing rain of cosmic bodies, invaded in the earth's atmosphere. Then the disk that has already occupied about thirty degrees of black sky, suddenly stopped growing, somehow imperceptibly melted and disappeared. So we did not understand what it was ... In the morning we learned from the Barbados Radio, that this is the same phenomenon, but in the northeast, we watched from many Islands of West Indies. "

On board "RA-II" there was a Soviet doctor - Yuri Senkevich, subsequently the leading program "Film Club" program. In 1997, he told that that night also saw the "expanding disk" above the ocean. According to the magazine "MARINE OBSERVER", this is a grand sight - the launch of the Poseidon rocket - watched with six ships in the Atlantic.

Of course, in the Bermuda Triangle, there are various anomalies and even UFOs, but the frequency of their appearance is no higher than in other areas of the Atlantic. All known cases do not give reason to believe that the "triangle" is the base of UFOs or their hunting grounds.

Mikhail Gershtein

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