The theory of the origin of man Ernest Muldashev. E.


the USSR → Russia

Scientific sphere: Place of work:

Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev (Bashka. Muldashev, Ernst Reefғәt Ul; Rod. January 1, D. Verkhne-Sermenevo, Beloretsky district, Bashkir ASSR) - Russian surgeon-ophthalmologist, surgeon of the highest category, organizer and head of the microsurgery center in Ufa. The general public is also known as the author of a number of books and newspaper publications on mystical topics written by him in connection with expeditions to Tibet and Egypt.


The inventor of the surgical biomaterial "Alloplant", with which it became possible (according to the statements of Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases that are considered "hopeless".

There is a case of curing considered an hopeless illness of the famous trainers of Teresa Durov, after which, according to the patient, it returned to it.

According to reports, the donor eye transplanted and returned the vision to the patient, but ophthalmologists denied the reality of the transplant transplant operation, due to the principal impossibility of restoring the visual nerve. Commenting on the situation Muldashev himself said that he made the cornea and retina.

Saying other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Now we enter the eye through the puncture of one and a half or two millimeters, we remove the lens, we put the new and restore vision. We can reconstruct the whole eye, we can transplant the cornea, to weld the penetrated retina, we can work in the rear segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we cannot restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question: - Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be treated by blindness, takes the eyes to transplant. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I would not be afraid to say hard: such treatment is a quantity. At the same time, Muldashev really knowing an ophthalmologist, Professor, engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point it was listed, he began to "shaman". We have long been discussing with him. After all, he did not show a patient with a remoteness of his professional. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Echarardt, Head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalm-Endocrinological Center, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists:

Question: - But about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev told legends. Is it true that he was the first time in the world for the first time in the world?

We have a good relationship with Ernst Rifgatovich. And I do not cease to surprise versatility, the originality of this person. He is fond of non-traditional medicine, walks on Himalayas, meets with Lamami. He has his own theory of the origin of a person from Tibet (our predecessors were three-headed lemurians and Atlants). He writes poems, books. Perhaps all this allows him at a high level to keep a certain direction in ophthalmology. It is the only one in the country engaged in using human tissue for restoration operations. But to regenerate the retina to anyone in the world did not succeed - the woman's transplanted eye does not see. On this occasion, the ophthalmic community was very indignant.

Nonacademic research


E. Muldashev and His like-minded experiments were conducted, where people were given photographs of those famous people cut into three parts - the lower (mouth), the middle (eyes), the top (forehead, hair). The recognition took place successfully only in the "eye part" of the face. Based on the results obtained, the assumption was put forward that the eye as a scanning beam reads twenty-two parameters. As a result, a computer program was created, with which it was possible to restore the appearance of a person in the eyes.

Scanning photos of the eyes of representatives of all races of the earthly ball, it was calculated, as maybe the average eye should look like; According to the suggestion, such an eye belongs to representatives of the Tibetan race. By the mathematical approximation, the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world were arranged - in the final result, four hypothetical ways of migration of mankind on the globe were obtained, the sources of which were led to Tibet areas.

Also using ophthalogeometry was a portrait of a creature to whom the eyes belong to the temples in Tibet.

Genofund of mankind

Genophobe of mankind according to Muldashev is a hypothetical formation, which is a combination of somthi caves, located mainly in the Himalayas area, in which people of previous civilizations are located in the "canned" state.

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the GenoFond is to revive humanity in the case of his death as a result of war, man-made catastrophe, a global cataclysm, etc.



  • In search of the city of the gods. Volume 1. Tragic Epistle of Ancients. 544 p. Circulation: 50000. ISBN 978-5-373-01414-4.
  • In search of the city of the gods. Volume 2. Golden Kharati plates
  • In search of the city of the gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala. 528 p.
  • Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02988-9.
  • Circulation: 100000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00025-3
  • In search of the city of the gods. Volume 4. Preface to the matrix of life on earth
  • In search of the city of the gods. Volume 5. Life Matrix on Earth
  • Tragic Epistle of Ancients
  • In the arms of Shambala
  • Golden Kharati plates. Volume 1. 320 p. Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02987-2.
  • Golden Kharati plates. Volume 2. 320 p. Circulation: 180000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00031-4
  • Who did we happen from? Part I Meeting with Master
  • Who did we happen from? Part II. What Tibetan Lama said
  • Who did we happen from? Part III The world is more complicated than we thought
  • Mysterious Aura of Russia. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-5-373-02148-7
  • Matrix of life on earth. 624 p. Circulation: 2500.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-02990-2.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-01397-0.

see also

  • Who did we happen from?
  • In search of the city of gods

, ufology, wave gene

Science Date of Birth Place of Birth

Verkhne-Sermenevo, Bashkir ASSR, RSFSR, USSR


USSR, Russia


Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev (Ernest Rifqat Ulı Muldaşev) (r. January 1, 1948 in the village of Verkhne-Sermenevo Beloretsky district of the Bashkir ASSR) - author of a number of scandalous books and newspaper publications for mystical topics, written by him in connection with expeditions on Tibet and Egypt, Russian surgeon-ophthalmologist , Surgeon of the highest category, organizer and head of the microsurgery of the eye in Ufa.

He studied at the Salavat School. 1972-1982 - Researcher, Head of the Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the Ufimsky Research Institute of Eye Diseases; 1982-1988 - Okulist Okulist of the Eye Department of the Hospital No. 10, MSH Olunpz; 1988-1990 - head. laboratory of grafts for Ophthalmosurgery MNTK "Eye microsurgery"; From 1990 - Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa). In 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of Russia.


The inventor of the surgical biomaterial "Alloplant", with which it became possible (according to the statements of Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases that are considered "hopeless". However, no official confirmations of this presented at the moment have not yet been.

There is a case of curing considered an hopeless illness of the famous trainers of Teresa Durov, after which, according to the patient, it returned to it.

Also became known on the global transplantation of the woman's eyes, after which she allegedly became to see them. However, ophthalmologists deny the reality of the eye transplant operation, due to the principal impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. However, Muldashev himself speaks of a transplant only in some parts of the eye and confirms the impossibility of transplanting the eyes entirely.

Saying other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Professor Hristo Tahchidi, General Director of MNTK "Microsurgery Eyes". Acad. S. N. Fedorova:

Now we enter the eye through the puncture of one and a half or two millimeters, we remove the lens, we put the new and restore vision. We can reconstruct the whole eye, we can transplant the cornea, to weld the penetrated retina, we can work in the rear segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we cannot restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question: - Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be treated by blindness, takes the eyes to transplant. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I would not be afraid to say hard: such treatment is a quantity. At the same time, Muldashev really knowing an ophthalmologist, Professor, engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point it was listed, he began to "shaman". We have long been discussing with him. After all, he did not show a patient with a remoteness of his professional. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Echarard, Head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalm-Endocrinological Center, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Ophthalmology Society

Question: - But about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev told legends. Is it true that he was the first time in the world for the first time in the world?

We have a good relationship with Ernst Rifgatovich. And I do not cease to surprise versatility, the originality of this person. He is fond of non-traditional medicine, walks on Himalayas, meets with Lamami. He has his own theory of the origin of a person from Tibet (our predecessors were trio-headed Atlants). He writes poems, books. Perhaps all this allows him at a high level to keep a certain direction in ophthalmology. It is the only one in the country engaged in using human tissue for restoration operations. But to regenerate the retina to anyone in the world did not succeed - the woman's transplanted eye does not see. On this occasion, the ophthalmic community was very indignant.

Nonacademic research


E. Muldashev and His like-minded experiments were conducted, where people were given photographs of those famous people cut into three parts - the lower (mouth), the middle (eyes), the top (forehead, hair). The recognition took place successfully only in the "eye part" of the face. Based on the results obtained, the assumption was put forward that the eye as a scanning beam reads twenty-two parameters. As a result, a computer program was created, with which it was possible to restore the appearance of a person in the eyes.

Scanning photos of the eyes of representatives of all races of the earthly ball, it was calculated, as maybe the average eye should look like; According to the suggestion, such an eye belongs to representatives of the Tibetan race. By the mathematical approximation, the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world were arranged - in the final result, four hypothetical ways of migration of mankind on the globe were obtained, the sources of which were led to Tibet areas.

Also using ophthalogeometry was a portrait of a creature to whom the eyes belong to the temples in Tibet.

Genofund of mankind

Genophobe of mankind according to Muldashev is a hypothetical formation, which is a combination of somthi caves, located mainly in the Himalayas area, in which people of previous civilizations are located in the "canned" state.

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the GenoFond is to revive humanity in the case of his death as a result of war, man-made catastrophe, a global cataclysm, etc.

Aliens portals in Crete

According to Muldashev, the famous Cretan Labyrinth - in reality an alien "portal", which from time to time "opens", passing inside people.

The theory of the emergence of mankind on Muldashev E.R. Founded on the works of Blavat, Roerich and Indian mythology. This theory was finally formed by 2007. According to this theory, the origin of a person from the monkey is not recognized. According to this theory, man on Earth arose by sealing the Spirit. People of the first race were also angel like. They gradually compacted and achieved sufficient density in the third race (lemurians), even greater density in the fourth race (Atlanta) and the greatest density - in the fifth race (our civilization). All events in the universe and on Earth occur under the supervision of the highest mind (Most High). Many millions of years ago, an angel-like creatures that have reached the growth of 60 or more meters appeared on Earth. These angel-like people were still so loose, which could freely pass through the walls and other obstacles. Nature "(plants, animals) were also loose. Nevertheless, these people had a loose-free genetic apparatus, which gave the opportunity to reproduce himself like a binding and division. Angel-like people lived even more by the laws of the subtletable world and were directly related to those Light. They were still difficult to change and produce and produce in a significantly more dense physical world. Therefore, the improvement of the spirit, directly related to human activity, took place in a small extent. After an even greater sealing of the body of the ghost-like people, early lemurries appeared, which had an increase of about 20 meters and Former four-year and double. Two hands served in front of two eyes, seen in the physical world (light), and two hands from behind - the eye, saw in the small world. Early lemurries could no longer pass through the walls, but with the help of four hands could conduct active actions In the physical world. They could fully utilize the energy of the subtle world (influence on gravity, psycho Outputs on animals, etc.), but could have already been used to use enough and the energy of the physical world (muscle strength, fire, water, and so on.). The formation of the genetic apparatus, they have achieved perfection so much that they were divided into men and women, a child began. It seems that early lemuries lived during dinosaurs. The process of body seal continued, in connection with which the late Lemurians (Lemo Atlanta) became less than the growth (about 10 meters). The third rear eye went to the skull cavity, but continued to maintain his functions of the tuning organ for waves of the light. Two rear hands servicing the real third eye disappeared. Late Lemurians led half-water lifestyle, small gills helped breathe under water. They built huge cities, reached the highest level in the technique (aircraft, the development of space, etc.), created first-class science, cured their body internal energy. The duration of their lives reached 1000 2000 more years. The most developed from lemurries (which owned dematerialization and materialization, levitation and transfer phenomena in space) understood that God would not allow a long destructive effect of negative mental energy, which "erases the database" about life on Earth in the torsion fields of that light. They understood that the subtle and physical world came from a single start - the absolute that the thin world progressed before physical and therefore can have a big impact on the absolute, the result of which will be a change in the position of space objects (planets, asteroids, etc.) with a subsequent global catastrophe on Earth. Understanding the inevitability of the catastrophe, many of the Lemurians went to the caves, entered the state of the somatia and organized human genuophobe. The most developed from Lemurries using the dematerialization and materialization phenomenon, also left underground with their devices and mechanisms and organized Shambalu and Agarti, so that in conditions of underground life, to maintain and develop technologies of the Lemurian civilization and protect the human genuine. Space catastrophe did not slow down, as a result of which the civilization of the Lemurians on the surface of the earth was killed. Such was the price of changing the cult of knowledge to the cult of power; The highest mind could not allow the complete destruction of the "database" about life on Earth in the torsion fields of that light. And only the Shambhala and Agarh remained as a manifestation of the Great Lemurian civilization and still continue to replenish the knowledge to the world. But long before the catastrophe in the Lemurian society began to be born by people of smaller growth and other appearance. The number of such people of small growth (only 3-5 meters) gradually increased. These were the first representatives of the next race on Earth - Atlanta. Part of them survived on the surface of the earth after the Lemurian catastrophe and remained in the form of a few tribes. The civilization of the Lemurians arose and developed many millions of years ago on the basis of knowledge of the universal information space. To there is a lemuri for its development used the knowledge of the world (the world of thin). Therefore, first of all, they mastered the energy of the subtle world. The civilization of Lemurians had the longest period of development without wars on Earth, therefore developed to the highest degree. Nevertheless, in the depths of this highest civilization, contradictions arose, which resulted in the war during which the energy of a subtle world was used. The greatest sin was performed - the divine knowledge of the world was not used in the name of creation, but in the name of destruction. Seeing the harbingers of a global catastrophe, the most spiritually advanced from the Lemurians went to the caves, entered into the deep state of the somatia and organized the Genophobe of Humanity. The best of these that owned the dematerialization and materialization phenomenon of the human body, organized underground technogenic civilization of Lemurians to maintain and develop technical achievements of Lemurian civilization, as well as to protect the created Genofund of humanity. Underground lemuries learned the phenomenon of self-renewal cells of the body, so they became almost immortal. Thus were created shambal and agarty. After the global catastrophe and death of Lemuria, Lemurians, Shambhala and Agarth influenced the development of the civilization of the Atlanta (the emergence of the "sons of the gods"). When the spiritual level of Atlanta has achieved a fairly high degree, and some of the Atlanta began to perform human genuine, Lemurians Shambhala and Agartee our opening ancient knowledge of Lemuria. On the basis of these knowledge, the civilization of the Atlanta began to quickly progress, but could not resist the temptation to resolve their contradictions by military path. Sin was once performed on the use of divine knowledge of the world in the name of evil, which led to the global catastrophe of the Atlantic civilization. Atlanta during the period of Lemurian civilization in everything relied on the knowledge and technology of the "Senior Brothers" - Lemurries, who were considered the sons of the gods. Atlantam was difficult to present an independent life. After the death of the Lemurian civilization, the Atlanta fell into the conditions of survival: the living conditions on Earth have not changed and there were no "older brothers" - Lemurians. From among those survivors after the Atlanta catastrophe, only a few were able to continue their life by going to the natural semi-divine image of existence. Atlants, like Lemurians, had a well-developed "third eye" and with the help of it were able to tune in to the waves of the universal information space and to receive lemuri knowledge from there. But the knowledge of the Lemurian civilization, "recorded" in the torsion fields of that world, was in no hurry to reveal to the Atlanta. Therefore, the semi-trigteen stage in the life of Atlantis lasted for a very long time. Gradually, the efforts of the prophets of Lemurians, in the civilization of Atlantov, the cult of power replaced the cult of knowledge, good and love enthusiasm. Progress has begun. Other types of physical energy were mastered, the city became better and more painted, the population of the Atlanta rose. But the energy of the subtle world was still not limited to the Atlanta. Shambala and Agarti, noting the progress of Atlantov, informed the Center for the Office of the Universal Information Space on the possibility of withdrawing the principle of "SOHM" to contribute to even greater progress by mastering the forces of the subtle world. The block from knowledge of the light was removed. For Atlanta, the Golden Age came. The great knowledge of Lemurian civilization has become available to them. The civilization of the Atlanta sharply went along the path of progress. Telepathy were mastered, psychovozode for gravity, the power of the mantras (spells) and other types of energy of the subtle world. Cities began to build, carrying gravity with a gaze, began to heal their body due to internal energy, the airplane was carried out due to the force of mantras. Huge cities were built, aerial vehicles were again built - Viman, wonderful plantations were formed under water, huge monuments (which reached our time) testified to the power of the civilization of the Atlanta. The world lived in red crimson tones. Anticipating the offensive of a global catastrophe, the most progressive of the Atlantov went to the caves and entered the state of somatasi, replenishing the genuine humanity. It seems that the entry into the somatis in the Atlantov was relatively massive, therefore, even now the main part of the gene pool of mankind is atlanta. The catastrophe broke out 850,000 years ago. The axis of the Earth has changed its position, the poles shifted, the World Flood began. But the civilization of the Atlanta died not immediately. Some of them (Yellow Atlants) on their aircraft (Vimana) managed to fly to the district of Himalayas, Tibet and the Gobi desert - the most sublime areas of the Earth, which were the North Pole to the World Flood. There, on the shores and islands of the inner sea, located on the site of the Gobi desert, they settled and lived a few more tens of thousands of years. But isolation, a small number, and most importantly - the absence of "sticks of corrosive" in the form of knowledge of the universal information space (the principle was introduced - "SOHM") led to the degradation of society, wild and death. The "scientific festival" habit did not allow the Atlantam to survive. Another part of the Atlanta (Black Atlanta) remained alive on the sublime sites of the African continent. But they are very quickly for the same reasons degraded, wild and died. According to one of the hypotheses, these black Atlants contributed to the formation of modern blacks. The third part of the Atlantov survived on the so-called Island of Plato, which was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean. This group of Atlantov turned out to be the most progressive, she could not lose their knowledge in conditions of impossibility in contact with the universal information space due to the blocking principle of "SOHM",: scientific research could organize scientific research, maintain technologies and force people to improve in spiritual terms without direct support of the world. Atlanta Plato Island was able to asserted in the new land conditions and live a long period from 850,000 to 11,000 years ago. During this time, the water that fills the land after the World Flood gradually retreated, new lands opened, on which the people of the new fifth race (people of our civilization) were detained. Given the double sin, the highest mind introduced for the fifth race (our civilization) ban on access to knowledge of the world. Lemurians Shambhala and Agarti, using the prophets leaving the gennophund of mankind, tried and try to direct the development of our civilization along the path of progress. But we, in contrast to the Atlanta, cannot independently go into the universal information space and use the knowledge of the world. We are entirely dependent on Shambhala and Agarti. How much they will give us ancient knowledge, so we will have. Our civilization is even more dependent on Shambhala and Agari than Atlanta. These new people seemed to the Atlanta small (only 2-3 meters by tall), aggressive and stupid. With some of these new people, the Atlanta Islands Platon fought, with some - were in contact and commodity. In particular, the close contacts of the Atlanta of Plato Island had with the ancient Egyptians, which they taught many of their technologies and, together with them, built Egyptian pyramids using psycho-energy impact on gravity to carry (stone blocks). The pyramids were built 75 80 thousand years ago. After the construction of the pyramids, many of the Atlantans, as well as some of the representatives of the Egyptians, went to underground dwellings under the pyramids, entered the state of deep somatia and replenished the Genofund of humanity. But 11,000 years ago, the astronomers of the Atlanta Island Plato predicted a quick drop on the land of comets of Typhon. The comet approached and fell in the Atlantic Ocean area. The last abode of Atlantov - Plato Island - died, plunging into the marine bunch. The civilization of the Atlanta completely ceased to exist. The Aryans appeared in the depths of the Atlantic civilization about 1 million years ago. In the Atlanta environment, people of smaller growth began to be born, without a meat, with a big nose and feet. They were more adapted to the terrestrial lifestyle, in connection with which even had some benefits of Atlanta. During the World Flood (850,000 years ago), most of the first Aryans, like the Atlanta, died. Only a small number of Atlantov and Aryans survived on the remaining areas of sushi. Heavy times came: houses, technologies, devices were lost. The Wedding began and a gradual transition to a primitive lifestyle. 18 013 years ago, a new prophet appeared in the Tibet and Himalaya region. Some of his name was Manu, others - Rama, Third - Bond Buddha. This prophet was a huge growth and unusual appearance. It seems to me that it is his eyes depicted on all Tibetan temples. But the Aryan civilization was waiting for a serious test - after hitting the comet of the Typhon in the Atlantic Ocean area (11,000 years ago), the land was shrouded, caused by the release of tremendous dust masses (magma, etc.) into the atmosphere. Some authors write that Darkness lasted about 1000,000 years old, others call a much smaller term. It is difficult for me to say what the living conditions on the planet after, the catastrophe, but it can be assumed that they were very severe. In the conditions of survival, the advantage had the Aryans, who ran out of Tibet, as more progressive and capable of building at home, to make them, sew clothes, keep livestock, to carry out agriculture. Many of the middle and wild tribes did not survive and thus cleared the land and humanity from the regressive fleet of wildness. But some semi-tribal tribes still survived and remained at this level. In this situation, Shambala and Agarchi did not remain indifferent. At the turn of 2000 years ago, a group of prophets appeared (Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Ozoaster and others), who began to instill elements of knowledge of the world to humanity. The success of these prophets was evident - religions were created: Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jewish and others.

Photos from open sources

On the pages of our weekly, materials on the expeditions of Professor Ernst Muldashev on Himalayas, Tibet and Egypt were repeatedly published. Now the restless traveler goes back to the road, this time on the mysterious island of Easter. And according to the established good tradition, the readers "AIF" from a series of reporters will be learned first of the new studies and discoveries of scientists. And today about the goals and objectives of the expedition, he told Nikolayanogokov.

Dangerous sign "Six"

Ernst Rifgatovich! As far as I know, you have tripled this expedition three times. And this time you do not postpone it? What were the previous cancellations related?

There were two reasons. First, I shortly before departure to the expedition, I suddenly began to realize that from a scientific point of view, we still have to "trim." And on the "jerking" time left.

Secondly, I would like to note that the expedition to Easter Island will be quite dangerous. And it happened that this expedition across the account (three - on the Himalayas, one - on Tibet and one - in Egypt) was supposed to be the sixth. And, frankly, not really wanted to go to this complex expedition under the sign "Six".

And what dangerous can be on Easter Island? This is a small island in the Pacific Ocean, on which stone idols are. (website)

Photos from open sources

The fact is that the entire island of Easter, having dimensions a little more than 20 km in the diameter, permeated by a network of underground strokes of artificial origin, which form a labyrinth. According to existing legends, the underground labyrinth has several branches, each of which leads ... to the center of the Earth.

You are going to go through this labyrinth. For what purpose?

On the opposite of the Easter Island, the side of the globe is the sacred mountain Kailas, around which the legendary city of gods is located, consisting of numerous huge and very ancient pyramids. This city of the gods is described in detail and is shown in the last book - "In search of the city of Gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala. " In the same place, in the Tibetan city of the gods, we found the legendary door to Shambalu, leading legends, to a huge underground city - the capital of underground chambala.

City of the Gods

Photos from open sources

I can not eliminate the fact that on the opposite side of the globe, that is, in the area of \u200b\u200bEaster Island, there was also the city of the gods ... An even more ancient city of the gods, which now sank in the ocean. Yes, and underground city, logically, should be there. The entrance to it is located, possibly in the underground labyrinth of Easter Island.

When you say the "city of the gods", I want to ask the willy to ask: what is it?

This question is difficult to answer briefly. My next book will be devoted to this - "In search of the city of Gods. Matrix of life on earth. " The bottom line is that when we made the scheme of the city of the gods, it turned out that it is very similar to the spatial structure of DNA. The famous Russian molecular biologist Petr Petrovich Garyaev celebrated it.

Huge stone ... DNA?

Yes. We have the impression that the city of the gods is the place where God created a man on earth, creating primarily DNA.

And the theory of Darwin?

Now it is already funny.

You said that there are two cities of the gods ...

I think that the first city of the gods was the city of the gods in the area of \u200b\u200bEaster Island, and the second is a city in the area of \u200b\u200bKailas Mountain on Tibet. We will not be able to find the first city of gods - he sank in the sacrons of the Pacific Ocean ...

About the legendary stone of Chasantamani and other Tibet secrets read in the next room.

"Arguments and Facts"