Waterfall Victoria. Radiant smoke of Africa

Victoria is located in South Africa on the Zambezi River. Its width is 1708 meters, and the height is 108 meters. This is 2 times higher than Niagara Falls. His rivals are only Angel da Iguazu from Y.America.
The fall in water occurs across the entire width of the river in the abyss formed in the plateau.

The width of this precipitate and is equal to 1708 meters. But its depth changes from 80 meters to 108 meters. On the crest of falling water are 2 large islands. They do not even float even with full river spills. This is the island of Boaruk and Livingston Island.

Waterfall Victoria in the rainy season.

Rain season on r. Zambezi begins in November and ends in April. The rest of the year is a dry season. Peak floods falls for April. At this time, the spray from the waterfall rises to a height of 400 meters and are visible by almost 50 km.

In the dry season of the island become numerous. And from September to January, it is generally visible dry bottom.

Opening a waterfall

Victoria's waterfall was opened by Europeans and the name received from the discoverer.
The first European, who saw this miracle of nature on Zambezi, was the Scottish researcher David Livingston in 1855, standing on the island, which is now called Livingston Island. Waterfall he called in honor of the British Queen - Victoria.

In the language of local tribes, the name of the waterfall sounds like Mosi-Oa-Tunia, which is translated as "rattle smoke." In 2013, UNESCO admitted both names official. Therefore, and "Waterfall Victoria", and "Radiant Smoke" - the correct names of the waterfall.

Bridge near the waterfall

Next to the waterfall built a bridge. It turns into the water at an angle of 45 degrees. Length of the bridge 250 meters. The bridge is located at an altitude of 125 meters above the river. The bridge can pass transport.


From the late 90s of the last century, 300 thousand tourists visit Victoria. And the increase in the number of wishes to see falling water on the zambezi continues.

Devil's pool

The most interesting place is the devil pool. It is located on Livingston Island. The flow of water in this place is on the same level from September to December. This allows desperate brand to swim next to the precipice.

Radiant smoke

Daud. My OA Tunya. The appearance of a giant waterfall. Poetic description. The memory of the great traveler.

Streams of waters drove it

Touching, breaking about stones,

And foam clubs rings take off,

And thin light steam seeks to swell

Hiding waterfall colonnades;

He brilliantly paint rainbow is similar

Half-day proud solar thiara,

And at night he is white as the Milky Way,

And small stars littered ..

Strive, waterfall, and sing for all

Coming generations of Africans.

B. U. Vilakazi

On November 17, 1855, the Great African River Zambezi quickly moved a light canoe, managed by two blacks. Third was European. His weathered tanned face was autumn friendly friendly smile, and the eye was directed downstream of the river, towards the motion of the boat. From the lips of the passenger, this and the case broke off the exclamations of genuine surprise and admiration. Sometimes he was impatiently raised, trying to see something in front.

Caution, Daud! So you can turn over! And if this happens, not to avoid troubles: my OA Tuny will absorb everyone. Yes Yes! She does not like to joke ... - respectfully referring to the Europeans, Senior said from blacks.

Do not worry, old man, do not worry, will not reach it. Everything will be OK. Bind to that island. From there, probably, everything will be clearly visible. Click, Togheng, click!

DANGER, DAUAD, very dangerous! Suddenly not weselves over the time that then? Wait for anything. - Restlessly grumbled the Negro, and in the meantime, he pressed on the paddle, smoking on his comrade to more precise the rules on the island.

The traveler did not hear his fears. All his attention was riveted to what was ahead. We take a look and we are down with him downstream of the river.

Wide majestic Zambezi quickly rolled its waters among the green high forest walls. A few hundred meters below its course broke into the flows of black basalt islands. And over the river and the islands highly into the sky, five huge pillars of smoke smoke arose here seemed like a gigantic jury. And the buzz stood so strong that he drown out the voices of people sitting in the canoe.

Safely overcoming a strong course, negros deftly fit the canoe to the island and pulled it on a rocky coast. Then all three went to the opposite edge of the island.

Daud, go after me. It's very dangerous here! Invalid step - and fly down, bones do not collect! So good; Look carefully under my feet, do not turn into, as if the old Negritzen spoke to the small diet.

And now, Daoud, let's get along. Yes, slowly, do not hurry. Only so lying, you can approach the cliff.

And all three slowly lie down to the edge of the cliff.

If on the site of the man whom Tremeng constantly called Mooudom, was anyone else, it was not excluded that he would feel in horror or froze in death, seeing a terrible, sprinkled deep abyss, at the bottom of which boiling boiler was buried.

But the traveler, who has already fluttered in the mountains, forests and wilds of Africa for many years, used to all sorts of surprises. Dangers have repeatedly sleaking him on the way, and repeatedly he looked straight in his eyes.

Yes, Theleng, what I was told about my OA Tuni, surpassed all my expectations! What pristine beauty, I don't find words! - says the traveler.

Daoud sees how the streams separated by the islands on the edge of the rocky cliff, roll down and with a high height fall on the bottom of the precipice, where the chaos of boiling water, splashes and foam reigns. And the white cloud looms over the precipice, and the gigantic pillar is rising from it to a large height, not that smoke. Undoubtedly, this is one of the five poles that he saw before. The lower part of the post of the fear of the two arcs of the rainbow, so brightly bloomed, as if they are crazy out of brilliant multicolored silk fibers.

The fascinated traveler can not cut off the eye from the enchanting spectacle. He is so depressed and shocked that he really could not immediately find words to describe what he saw. This is evidenced by miser lines in his diary: "... We have opened a wonderful, extraordinary spectacle of a majestic waterfall. Trying to describe him with words - hopeless lesson. My OA Tunya is so unusual that should always seem miracle ... "

And only in England, in the next, 1856, still under the impression of what was seen, he described in more detail the waterfall in his book "Travel and Research of the Missionary in South Africa", published in many countries and glorified his name.

The reader is now already obviously recognized this person. Yes, it was the famous traveler David Livingston. In 1841, he arrived in Africa as a missionary to preach the Word of God and turn the Negro pagans in the "Truly Right" faith. However, carried away by travels in Africa, became a geographer-naturalist, and missionary affairs moved to the background.

Livingston was made in Africa many important geographical discoveries. He first of Europeans visited many parts of the continent, on unknown before the rivers, lakes, in unfamiliar areas. Once from the locals-blacks, he learned that a large river flows in the southern part of the mainland. "Since that time, the hope of opening a waterway to an absolutely no longer surveyed and the densely populated area was becoming increasingly more and more ..." he wrote.

Open an unknown to the big river so that, using it as a shipping path, bring European culture to dark African peoples, eliminate the shameful trafficking in persons, import goods, medicines, everything you needed, were the noble plans of Livingston.

A tireless researcher, a genuine friend of black people naively believed in all this. But how did he become mistaken! White invasion in Africa brought nations not culture and freedom, but enslavement, misfortune, death.

And Livingston with a huge energy, without sparing themselves, makes great travels to the depths of the African continent. Faithful companions in the infinite campaigns were blackheads.

In search of a "big river" Livingston walked from one river to another.

Negros satellites wondered. "What, do you have little water in this river?" - They asked the researcher. - We drink water and satisfied with it. Are you so greedy on the water? "

So, traveling in South Africa, Livingston and got on the Zambezi River - the largest water artery of this part of the African mainland.

Some Livingston biographers claim, and, obviously, not without reason that he was addicted to the rivers, but did not like the waterfalls; They often prevented him during travel around the rivers and were often an insurmountable obstacle that it was necessary to bypass.

Contemporary Majestic Waterfall, Livingston with bitterness thought that his dream would open a large shipping river, which could be used for communication with the internal areas of the country, was not fully implemented. The waterfall ruled it into parts. He calmed down somewhat, learning that over the rest of the climb free from large thresholds and waterfalls.

Grand Falls on Zambezi Livingston gave the name Victoria. He did it in honor of the reign at the time of the Queen of England. The local population does not recognize this and still calls the waterfall of my OA Tunya, which means "rattle smoke." The other name is less common - Chongeu - Rainbow. Arabs, obviously experiencing a mystical fear of an amazing natural phenomenon, a waterfall is known as the "End of Light".

And now about the waterfall itself. Actually, he, as well as Iguas, consists of many waterfalls, and five of them are the biggest and most important. Everyone has its name.

The one is closer to the southern shore, called the "Devil Waterfall", followed by "the main waterfall", next to him is "Raduzhny", and the most extreme - "East". They fall from the height of 90-120 meters in a deep and narrow crack in the earth's crust, which suddenly turns on the path of the River Zambezi.

Waterfalls are diverse: some fall in the form of a curtain, others, breaking over the protruding rocks, form a series of cascades and watercraft.

In the rainy season, early spring, waterfalls behave especially violently: at this time, a huge amount of flooded waters passes along the River Zambezia. From September to December, the innocent period lasts, the water in the river is significantly less, the waterfalls are calmer.

The exclusive spectacle is waterfalls in a quiet weatherless time. Huge masses of the smallest water dust, going to the clouds, high rise in the sky with five pillars. They are far from seeing 20-25 kilometers from here. And the roar of waters falling into the ruine, hearing a few kilometers.

From the clouds over the waterfalls on Earth, small rains. He irrigates the surroundings of the waterfall, so everything is covered with lush vegetation. The extensive array of the forest in the waterfall is called - "Rain Forest".

It is not surprising that the passengers passing by train or in the car on the bridge, arranged below the waterfalls through a narrow gorge, sometimes get good portions of rain on their heads. Get Such a peculiar greeting from waterfalls in summer is very nice, it's hot!

The air is so saturated with water dust, which rainbows are shone in clear days over the waterfall. They play even at night, with bright moonlight.

From a narrow zervsek, where the water is falling with zambezi, there is only one closer output, water rushes and rushed. Below they flow along the bottom of the deep and narrow zigzag canyon of the Batok, where the depth of the flow reaches 20-30 meters.

Beautiful, very beautiful Victoria Waterfall! Perhaps its best description belongs to Peru Hunter and Naturalist James Chepman - Contemporary David Livingston; Create an excerpt from it:

"We stood before the wonderful creation, which combined the amazing variety of such grand and beautiful phenomena, that they inspired horror at the same time, admiration and genuine joy ... Deep abyss threw up, in the sky, huge dense clouds of the smallest splashing and water dust, and the rays of the lowered sunshine They played two or three amazing rainbows, throwing their bright arcs first into the depths of the gorge, and then raising them higher and higher. Rainbow here are so living and bright, what you never see in the sky. The lower was so blinding that it was almost impossible to look at it. Lifting up, rainbow reached clouds over a waterfall. Contemplating the waterfalls, you see thousands of beautiful phenomena that are not amenable to the description ... Many steam jets, quickly rushing up, passing through wide live rainbones, so surprisingly like the flames that I even believed in it. The stream from the rocky crest rapidly fell into the depths of the abyss, reminding the gigantic folds of snow-haired drapery, and the water cosmas suddenly arose on the edge of the black cliffs glittered in the sun as diamond threads. The picture straightened to repeat again ... "

Not far from the waterfall is a monument to Livingston. His name is assigned to the city located nearby, where there is a museum. There are many exhibits related to the life of the Great Traveler.

To admire a wonderful waterfall, many tourists come here from different parts of the world.

They say on the island from which Livingston first watched the waterfall, the tree was still preserved, where he cut off his initials.

If, dear reader, and you will have to ever visit Victoria's waterfall, pay attention to the inscriptions, warning tourists not to go near the cliff, because the fall in the abyss threatens with an imminent death. Waterfalls can not be examined from one place, so you need to make a lot of one end to another. So, be careful, because it is quite unexpected to meet crocodiles. It is necessary to pay tribute to the delicacy of the latter - they prefer not to attack, but to crack the ravis. Their, like other animals, do not touch here, as the waterfalls area declared a reserve.

And in conclusion, we must say that the powerful force of one of the greatest waterfalls in the world is not used in any way. What to say, if you harbor such a giant and make it work, it would highlight the good half of the "black" continent.

But this is not enough dream. The colonizers of the centuries held African peoples in the dark and ignorance, predatoryly used the natural wealth of countries, and leaving the collapse and ruin.

Therefore, the conquest of my OA Tuny is a matter of the future.

Victoria Waterfall got its name in honor of the British Queen Victoria. In 1855, he opened his famous Scottish missionary and researcher David Livingston. On the local adverium, the waterfall is called "Mosi-OA-Tunya", which means "rattle smoke." So he was called the people of Makolololo tribe, who came to these places in the XIX century. Neither the Makololo tribe, nor Livingston was the discovers of these places - stone artifacts indicate that the first people appeared here more than 3 million years ago.
Livingston became the first European, who saw this waterfall on November 16, 1855. In his diary, he recorded: "At seats, such wonderful should have watched Angels in flight." The waterfall is surrounded by the largest water curtain in the world, the width, which is 1688 m, and the maximum depth is more than 100 m. The buzz of falling water and the splashes take off high in the sky talk about the proximity of the waterfall long before you see him. Water breaks off from a break into a narrow cleft, the width of which is at different times of the year from 60 to 120 m. Often, the waterfall looks in April and May, after which the water volume gradually decreases until December, when the rains fill the closer, the climb.
The magnificent tropical forest on the banks of the river is also included in the MOSI-OA-Tun National Park in Zambia and the Victoria and River Falls Park and the River in Zimbabwe. Together, these parks occupy an area of \u200b\u200b56 thousand hectares.
The territory of the parks also includes the length of the river with a length of 5 km below and 35 km above the waterfall.
In the surrounding river, the Tropical Forest is found a number of plants and endemics, first of all, fern, which is extremely rare can be found in other places Zambia and Zimbabwe. Covering the entire area adjacent to the waterfall cloud spray creates increased humidity, promoting vegetation. Among the trees occurring here, you can allocate tick, Fithelass (matte palm), golden fountain and ebony. Further from the river and waterfall begins a typical forest array of Calahari, covering most of the terrain. About 30 species of large mammals, including elephants, monkeys and baboons live here.
The river there are crocodiles and hypopotamos, and in coastal forests there are more than 400 species of birds, including a rare Torako Livingstone with a bright green breast, rhino-trumpeter and several types of nectants.
In the rainy season in coastal forests there are many colors, such as red lilies, wild yellow gladioluses, palm trees and a number of representatives of the local flora.

From the point of view of geology, Victoria Waterfall is a very young education. As scientists believe, about 1 million years ago, the River River River was held along the wide valley on the plateau to the middle threshold of Zambezi, where today is the mouth of the mattessi river. At this point, the fault of the earth's crust of the river falls from a height of 250 m along the vertical slope of the exposed breed. The rapid flow is blurring the edge of the waterfall, breaking the increasingly deep canal in the basalt plateau.
Basalt was formed by the lava lava, which was anxious before the appearance of the Zambezi River. The eruption of the volcano occurred here from 100 to 50 million years ago. Lava flows flowed along the cracks of the earth's crust, gradually cooling and frozen. Inside, basalt consists of soft rocks that are easily blurred with water.
By the middle of the Pleistocene period - 35,000 - 40,000 years ago, - erosion gradually formed the Batok gorge, overtaking it approximately 90 km from the current waterfall. Gradually, the falling water eroded the edge of the waterfall, and the valley began to turn to the north until it turned out to be almost at a right angle to the lines of the basement of basalt, going from the east to the west.
Over time, the water fade faults, turning them into stone walls. The river was squeezed inside narrow faults, the walls of which continued to collapse under water pressure. Since faults pass from east to west, the formation of a waterfall is possible only when.

For millennia, the water continued to wash the stone until a weak point was found, in which stone layers were collapsed under the waterproof, and a new spill was formed, which became the wall for falling down water.

Opening for Europeans Waterfall Victoria Scot was a missionary, most of his life spent on travels in Africa. Following the West Coast of Africa to the East, he reached the Zambezi River at Sesheki in 1851, but the waterfall saw only on November 16, 1855 and recorded in his diary: "... I saw three or five large pillars of water vapor rising in height on A hundred or more feet. " Livingston was so afraid to exaggerate the size of the waterfall, which seriously populated his true length and height.
Livingston again returned to Africa in 1865, hoping to detect the origins of the Nile, after which it disappeared. The newspaper "New York Herald" dug out on his search for a journalist and traveler Henry Stanley, who in 1871 managed to find the Scottish.
Soon after, Livingston again went to search for the origins of the Nile, although he was weakened by malaria. He died in the village of Chitambo, in modern Zambia in 1873, and without reaching his goal. His remains were transported to England and buried in Westminster Abbey in London.


1. Victoria-Falls Bridge was built in 1905. This 198 m bridge passes over the river near the waterfall, there are magnificent views from it. On the bridge there is a movement for trains, cars and pedestrians. The bridge connects Zambia and Zimbabwe.
2. The protrusion "blade of a knife" - from here the best view of the waterfall from Zambia. The path leads down along the bridge shrouded by splashes surrounded from all sides with water island.
3. The "Devil's Threshold", the most western point of the waterfall, where the erosion of stone is currently continuing. Nearby is a monument to Daving Livingston, the first European, who seen the waterfall.
4. Field Museum, built on the site of archaeological excavations. It is set here a part of the foundations found during excavations, including evidence that the first people appeared in these places about 3 million years ago.
5. The path along the Zambezi River passes through the rainforest, which makes it possible to observe wild animals: baboons, monkeys, crocodiles and elephants - as well as various types of birds and plants.
6. "Boiling boiler" - a point in which river water flows merge, starting their drop down, in the Batoka gorge.
7. River cruise provides a great opportunity to observe the life of wildlife and feel calm, reigning on the river over the waterfall.
8. Crossing "White Water" - this risky journey can only be made accompanied by an experienced guide that knows the river thresholds. Zambezi is among the ten largest weighted rivers in the world.

Curious facts

■ Surrounded by the coastal rainforest Victoria waterfall on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe is considered one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. The Zambezi River, the width of which in this place reaches 2 km, collapses his waters with basalt cliffs, raising a water curtain into the air, which can be seen from a distance of more than 20 km.
■ Water River Zambezi ripped off the cliff, forming a spray cloud, which is visible for many kilometers. During the flood, every minute with a cliff breaks down about 500 million liters. water.
■ "Big Tree" The variety of Baobab - grows near the place where the plates of the waterfall broke their camp before crossing the river. According to Openers of scientists, the age of this tree exceeds 1500 years.

■ A huge amount of spray and water vapor, resulting in the fall of the river Zambezi from basalt cliffs, lead to the formation of small cumulative clouds. Over the waterfall from the river sometimes crocodiles, who wanted herself to the Sun in coastal Ile.
■ More than 400 species of birds live around the waterfall, including models that curb their amazing nests from blades or other vegetable material. The bridge across the Victoria Waterfall was built in 1905. He connected the copper and coal mines around Nvang and coal mines with a railway branch. With the advent of the railway, people began to settle where the city of Livingston later appeared.

The world famous Waterfall Victoria, which local residents call "Mosi-Oa-Tunya" ("Radiant Smoke") - one of the most picturesque and charming spectacles on the African continent!

The legendary landmark attracting tourists from all over the world. Here, the mighty river Zambezi falls down, forming a water curtain with a length of almost 2 kilometers. Such a spectacle meets tourists who come here in the spring when the river is filled as much as possible, so that every second 5 million liters of water fall down 100 meters and 30 km from the waterfall you can see the clouds of steam clouds rising above the water

Indeed, water splashes rising from the waterfall form a cloud, from afar similar to the smoke. Its named Waterfall is obliged to David Livingston, the discoverer and the first white person, who saw him in 1885 and decided to name in honor of the English Queen of Victoria. When the local natives spent it to the waterfall and showed 546 million liters of water, which every minute with a crash fell into a 100-meter chance, David Livingston was so shocked that he seen that he immediately dubbed his Queen's name

On the waterfall, the width of the River Zambezi reaches 1.6 km. Water with roar falls into the 106 meter opening on its way

In 1857, David Livingston wrote that in England, no one can even imagine the beauty of this spectacle: "No one can imagine the beauty of the spectacle in comparison with something seen in England. The Europeans's eyes never had seen this, but the spectacle was so beautiful admired, should be angels in their flight! "

Professor Livingston described the waterfall as the most beautiful spectacle that he saw in Africa: "Lifting with fear of cliff, I looked down into a huge crack, which stretched from the shore to the shore of Wide Zambezi, and saw a stream in thousands of yards width winding down on One hundred feet and then suddenly squeezed in the space of fifteen - twenty yards ... I witnessed the wonderful spectacle in Africa! "

The waterfall, according to some parameters, is the largest waterfall in the world, and is also one of the most unusual in shape (the waterfall is an extraordinary spectacle - a narrow abyss in which water drops), and having perhaps the most diverse and easily observed wildlife of any site of the waterfall

Although waterfall Victoria It is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, its greatest status is based on a width of 1708 and an altitude of 108 meters, forming the greatest leaf of incident water in the world. Numerous islands on the crest of the waterfall share the aquatic course of several sleeves. Dense fog produced by a waterfall and thunder roar can be perceived from a distance of about 40 km

Boiling boiler at the beginning of the arguing gorge of 80 km long, through which streams are rushed from the waterfall, crossed in 198 meters of length and 94 meters of height

At the upper point of 120-meter waterfall, Victoria in Zimbabwe has a natural mountain water, called the devilish pond, where water is relatively calm. From September to December, when the water level is low, the devilish pond turns into one of the most huge water bodies in which you can swim. The surrounding appearance, of course, will make you take a little

Or nerve))

Victoria's waterfall is often compared with the Argentine-Brazilian Waterfall Iguazu, because if not to take into account the intermittentness of the Water Wall of Iguazu - it would be the greatest waterfall in the world!

It is hardly available for metaphors that have not yet been applied to this magnificent natural miracle of light; It is just hard to describe in words. The waterfall and its closest surroundings are so extensive that it is difficult to cover their true magnificence, and for this reason they may be best viewed from the air.

A few more photos victoria Waterfall bird's-eye

The world famous Waterfall Victoria, which local residents call "Mosi-OA-Tunya" ("Radiating Smoke") - one of the most picturesque and charming spectacles on the African continent.

Victoria Waterfall is a legendary landmark that attracts tourists from all over the world. Here, the mighty river Zambezi falls down, forming a water curtain with a length of almost 2 kilometers. Such a spectacle meets tourists who come here in the spring when the river is maximally filled with water, so that every second, 5 million liters of water fall down 100 meters and 30 km from the waterfall, you can see the clouds of steam clouds, rising above the water.

The waterfall is only the beginning of the picturesque segment of the river bed, for the splashes of a river spray with a roar immediately rushes in a close gorge, which loops with zigzags during almost 70 km. These intricate twists and dizzying turns are caused by cracks in the breed, expanded for the millennium of one of the power of water. River Zambezi wanders on a plateau formed from sandstone and basalt layers; In places of meeting two of these different breeds and cracks are formed.

Indeed, water splashes rising from the waterfall form a cloud, from afar similar to the smoke. Its named Waterfall is obliged to David Livingston, the discoverer and the first white person, who saw him in 1885 and decided to name in honor of the English Queen of Victoria. When the local natives spent it to the waterfall and showed 546 million liters of water, which every minute with a crash fell into a 100-meter abyss, David Livingston was so shocked that he saw himself immediately dubbed his Queen's name.

On the waterfall, the width of the River Zambezi reaches 1.6 km. Water with roar falls into the 106 meter opening on its way.

In 1857, David Livingston wrote that in England, no one can even imagine the beauty of this spectacle: "No one can imagine the beauty of the spectacle in comparison with something seen in England. The Europeans's eyes never had seen this, but the spectacle was so beautiful admired, should be angels in their flight! "

Professor Livingston described the waterfall as the most beautiful spectacle that he saw in Africa: "Lifting with fear of cliff, I looked down into a huge crack, which stretched from the shore to the shore of Wide Zambezi, and saw a stream in thousands of yards width winding down on One hundred feet and then suddenly squeezed in the space of fifteen - twenty yards ... I witnessed the wonderful spectacle in Africa! "

The waterfall is extremely wide, approximately 1800 meters wide, the height of the water drops varies from 80 meters at the right bank of the waterfall to 108 meters in the center. Victoria Waterfall is approximately two times higher than Niagara Falls and more than twice the wider of its main part ("horseshoes"). Falling water forms splashes and fog, which can rise to a height of 400 meters and above. The fog created by the waterfall is visible at a distance of 50 kilometers. During the rainy season, more than 500 million liters of water passes through the waterfall, due to the huge power of falling water splashes rise by hundreds of meters in the air. In 1958, during flooding in Zambezi, the record level of the runoff is marked - more than 770 million liters per minute.

Zimbabwe Waterfall Access Entrance to Victoria Falls Paid National Park (25 USD). Hotels are located in the town of Victoria Falls. Nearest to Waterfall - Victoria Falls Hotel 5 *, The Kingdom At Victoria Falls 4 * and Ilala Lodge 5 *. From the side of Zambia, everything is much more interesting. If you live in one of the hotels in Sun International (Zambezi Sun 3 * or The Royal Livingstone 5 *, then the entrance to the waterfall is free and unlimited directly from the territory of hotels. For those who live in other hotels and lodges, the entrance is paid - 30 USD. In addition, every time you have to go, as the rest of the hotels are located upstream Zambezi.

The waterfall, according to some parameters, is the largest waterfall in the world, and is also one of the most unusual in shape (the waterfall is an extraordinary spectacle - a narrow abyss in which water drops), and having perhaps the most diverse and easily observed wildlife of any site of the waterfall .

Although Victoria's waterfall is neither the highest nor wide waterfall in the world, its status is the greatest based on the width of 1708 and an altitude of 108 meters, forming the largest leaf of incident water in the world. Numerous islands on the crest of the waterfall share the aquatic course of several sleeves. A dense fog produced by a waterfall can be taken from a distance of approximately 40 km.

Several meters forward and you fall along with a waterfall down.