What is included in the architectural complex of the Vorontsov Palace. Vorontsov Palace in Alupka - the luxurious creation of architecture of the XIX century, preserved to this day

Building type Church Architectural style classicism The author of the project Jacomo Kurangi Founder Paul I. First mention Building - years Date of abolition Status An object cultural heritage RF № 7810648002 condition It does not work Website Roman Catholic Church of John the Baptist on wikisklad To: Wikipedia: Link to Wikisklade directly in the article

Maltese Capella - Catholic Church of the Order of Maltese knights, built by Jacomo Kurengy at the end of the XVIII century. Capella is included in architectural complex Vorontsov Palace in St. Petersburg (attached to the main building of the Palace from the garden).


Vorontsov Palace The architect B. F. Rastrelli in -1757 for Chancellor Graph M. I. Vorontsova. The construction and finishing of the palace demanded such large investments that in 1763 the Count Vorontsov for debts was forced to give it to the Russian treasury. Until 1770, the building was empty, and later began to be used as a guest house. At various times, the Palace was held by Prince Heinrich Prussian, Prince Nassau-Siegen and Count I. A. Osterman. After an addende on the throne of Paul I and accepting the title of the tread, and then the Great Master of Maltese Order Vorontsov Palace was provided to the Maltese knights who were forced to seek refuge after capturing by Napoleon Bonaparte Malta Island in 1798.

Capella in the XX and XXI century

Architecture and decoration

The temple has a rectangle shape with a cylindrical arch. Two rows of artificial marble columns divide the inner space of Capella to three nefs. Over the side of the sobs, choirs are arranged. Wall planes are enriched with decorative arches, angel sculptures, maltese crosses and gypsum garlands. The church ceiling consists of semi-curvous boxes covered with painting, consisting of plant ornaments and sockets, and gypsum garlands.

The altar part is an apse with columns located close to the walls. In the center there is a marble altar, behind which there was a rejectory image of John the Baptist (Saint Patron of the Maltese Order) of the work of A. I. Chalmman, created by the artist in 1861. To the right of the altar under the Baldakhin stood a crimson velvet chair Grossmaster Order. On the left under the marble board with the inscription about the foundation and solemn consecration of the church - the bishop chair and several stools. Here, in front of the altar barrier, there were benches for the embassy with velvet pillows. In the middle of the hall there were 14 wooden benches with pillows, covered with red cloth.

The pressed image was located in the Maltese chapel until 1928, then he was transferred to the Museum of Religion and Atheism, and from there in 1932 he fell into the State Russian Museum. The canvas was kept in the Russian Museum Foundations without a subframe and frame wound on the drum, resulting in numerous damage. In February 2006, the leadership of the Russian Museum decided to transfer the princess image to the Maltese chapel for temporary storage. The restoration of the canvas was held in the workshops of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Forces and Communications Troops. In September 2007, the image was returned to his historical place.

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An excerpt characterizing Maltese chapel

- Everyone has their own secrets. We do not touch you with Berg, "Natasha said to grind.
"I think, do not touch," Belief said, "because in my actions never can be bad." But I will say Mama, how you come around with Boris.
"Natalia Ilyinishna cost me very well," said Boris. "I can't complain," he said.
- Leave, Boris, you are such a diplomat (the word diplomat was in a big way in children in the special meaning as they attached to this word); Even boring, "Natasha said offended, trembling voice. - What is she sticking to me? You will never understand this, "she said, turning to faith," because you never loved anyone; You have no heart, you're just Madame de Genlis [Madame Zhanlis] (this nickname, which was considered very offensive, was given to faith Nikolai), and your first pleasure is to make trouble to others. You're Kakenchay with Berg, how much do you want, "she said soon.
- Yes, I really do not come to the guests to run for a young man ...
"Well, I achieved my own," Nikolai intervened, "he said all the troubles, upset everyone. Come in the nursery.
All four, as a logged flock of birds, rose and went from the room.
"I spent trouble, and I anything," said Vera.
- Madame de Genlis! Madame de Genlis! - said laughing voices from behind the door.
Beautiful faith that produced at all such an annoying, unpleasant action, smiled and apparently not affected by what she was said, went to the mirror and reconciled the scarf and hairstyle. Looking at her beautiful face, she began to see, even colder and calmer.

A conversation continued in the living room.
- AH! Chere, - said the Countess, - and in my life Tout N "Est Pas Rose. Didn't I see that Du TRAIN, QUE Nous Allons, [not all roses. - With our lifestyle,] We will not for long! And All this club, and his kindness. In the village we live, do we rest? Theaters, hunting and God knows what. Yes, what about me! Well, how did you arrange it? I often wonder you, Annette, how it is You, in our years, download in the wagon of one, to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, to all the ministers, to all know, with everyone you can do, I am surprised! Well, how did it fit? So I do not know anything.
- Oh, my soul! - answered the princess Anna Mikhailovna. - God forbid you know how hard there is a widow without a subjection and with the son you love to adoration. We will learn everything, "she continued with some pride. - My process taught me. If I need to see any of these aces, I am writing a note: "Princesse Une Telle [Princess Such then] wants to see such that" and the food itself is at least two, at least three times, at least four, as long as I don't get What I need. I do not care what I would think about me.
- Well, how did you ask about Bornka? - asked the Countess. "After all, your already officer Guard, and Nichushka is a junker." No one to pat. Who did you ask?
- Prince Vasily. He was very nice. Now everything agreed, he reported to the sovereign, "said the princess Anna Mikhailovna with delight, completely forgetting all the humiliation through which she passed to achieve his goal.
- What did he come, Prince Vasily? - asked the Countess. - I did not see him from our theaters from Rumyantsev. And I think I forgot about me. Il Me Faisait La Cour, [He looked at me,] - I remembered the Countess with a smile.
"Everything is the same," Anna Mikhailovna answered, - kindly, scattered. Les Grandeurs Ne Lui ONT PAS TURIENE LA TETE DU TOOT. [High position did not show him the heads at all.] "I regret that I can do too little, a sweet princess," he says to me, "order." No, he is a nice man and native lovely. But you know, Nathalieie, my love for my son. I do not know what I would not do for his happiness. And my circumstances are before that bad, "Anna Mikhailovna continued with sadness and lowering his voice, - before the bad thing that I was now in the most terrible position. My unhappy process eats everything I have, and does not move. I do not have, you can imagine, a la lettre [literally] there is no money hryser, and I do not know what to unwind Boris. - She took out a handkerchief and cried. - I need five hundred rubles, and I have one twenty-stepweet paper. I am in this position ... One of my hope is now on Cyril Kirill Vladimirovich Zhuhova. If he does not want to support his godfather, because he baptized Borola, - and appoint him something for the content, then all my troubles will disappear: I have nothing to unwind him.
The countess was silent and silently wondered something.
- Often I think, maybe it's a sin, "the princess said," I often think: here is Cyril Vladimirovich's County, one lives one ... This is a huge state ... And why does it live? He is life in a burden, and Bore is just starting to live.
"He, right, will leave something to Boris," said Countess.
- God knows, Chere Amie! [Cute friend!] These rich and Venels are such egoists. But I still go to him now with Boris and tell me how it is. Let me think about me that they want, I, right, anyway, when the fate of the Son depends on this. - Princess rose. - Now two hours, and at four o'clock you dine. I'll have time to go.
And with the techniques of the St. Petersburg Business Baryn, who knows how to use the time, Anna Mikhailovna sent for his son and entered the front with him.
"Farewell, my soul," she said the Countess, who accompanied her to the door, "wish me success," she added a sopidot from his son.
"Are you to Count Cyril Vladimirovich, Ma Chere?" - said the count from the dining room, coming out also in the front. "If he is better, Call Pierre to me to dine." After all, he had a dancer with children. Call necessarily MA Chere. Well, let's see how this will differ in Taras. He says that Count Orlova has no such lunch, which we will have.

- Mon Cher Boris, [Dear Boris,] - said Princess Anna Mikhailovna, son, when the coach of the Rostova Countess, in which they sat, drove along the elusive straw street and drove to the wide courtyard of Cyril Kirill Vladimirovich Duffle. "Mon Cher Boris," said his mother, pulling her hand from under the old salop and timidly and affectionate movement laying her on his son's hand, "be affectionable, be careful." Count Kirill Vladimirovich is still your godfather, and your future fate depends on it. Remember it, Mon Cher, be mil, how can you be ...
- If I knew that something would come out of this, except humiliation ... - the son answered coldly. - But I promised you and do it for you.
Despite the fact that whose coach was standing at the entrance, the Swiss, looking for a mother with her son (who, without ordering reports, rightly entered the glass Songs between the two rows of statues in the niches), significantly watched on the old salop, asked who they It pleases, princed or graph, and, having learned that the graph, said that their shiny is not worse and their begging is not accepted.
"We can leave," said the Son in French.
- MON AMI! [My friend!] - said Mother to a pleading voice, again fading his son, as if this touch could calm down or excite him.
Boris fell silent and, without removing the sheel, looked at his mother.
- Blue, - Anna Mikhailovna said with a gentle voice, turning to the Swiss, - I know that Cyrill Cyril Vladimirovich is very sick ... I then arrived ... I am a relative ... I will not disturb, dove ... but I would just need to see Prince Vasily Sergeevich: After all, he stands here. Follows, please.
The Swiss sullenly jerked the sneaker up and turned away.
"Princess Drubetskaya for the prince of Vasily Sergeyevich," he shouted from the top and from under the protrusion of the staircase looking to the waiter in stockings, shoes and phrak.
The mother placed the folds of his painted silk dress, looked into a whole venetian mirror in the wall and cheerfully in his stopped shoes went up the carpet of the staircase.
- MON CHER, VOUE M "Avez Promis, [My friend, you promised me," She turned again to his son, touching his arms.
Son, lowering his eyes, calmly walked behind her.
They entered the hall, from which one door led in the chambers, allotted by Prince Vasill.
While the mother with his son, coming to the middle of the room, intended to ask the way at the old waiter who jumped at their entrance, one of the doors turned the bronze handle and Prince Vasily in a velvet fur coat, with one star, at home, came out, Watching a beautiful black-haired man. This man was the famous St. Petersburg Dr. Lorrain.

The address: Russia, Republic of Crimea, Alupka, sh. Palace, 18.
Date of construction: 1840
Architect: Furats PI
Coordinates: 57 ° 19 "07.5" N 43 ° 06 "40.4" E


Short story

The chic palace called Vorontsov in honor of Count Vorontsova M.S. is a unique structure that has become an embodiment of the era of romanticism. It is located on the Peninsula of the Crimea in the city of Alupka.

The beginning of his construction dates back to 1828, when the Governor General of the Vorontsov, responsible for the Novorossiysk Territory, chose the construction site of the future of the main building and drove the pegs on it. However, the palace appeared not quickly - on his construction took as many as 20 years.

Initially, the project of the future Vorontsov Palace was developed in the style of a strict classic, and the famous Italian architect named Francesco Bobo and his colleague from England Thomas Harrison worked on him.

1829 became the beginning of the embodiment of their joint project into life, and as all the preparatory work ended, the foundation was immediately laid and the first masonry was made. However, a unpleasant surprise was happening soon - the architect Harrison was died in the midst of the preparation of work drawings.

In order for the construction to go to your guy, Boffo needed a new partner. Eduard Blor became them - a young architect working on the romantic direction of English architecture.

Stone Staircase with Whiteramor Sculptures Lviv

Why did Count Vorontsov chose him and decided to make changes to the project of the future palace in the Crimean Alupka? The fact is that in those years he was in England, and his local architecture and new fashion trends for the construction of buildings were impressed. Therefore, the Count revised the previously developed project and entrusted the new architect to adjust it so that the result of the work was a real castle, combining the rigor of the English architecture and the luxury inherent in the Indian palaces.

And since 1832, construction work on the construction of the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea is already under the updated project, but without distortion of previously traveled stages. The fulfillment of all works was entrusted to the best craftsmen - Kamenotesov, layouts, stone carvers and wood, artists, furniture makers and other workers, with all the responsibility of the orders trusted. As a result, the construction of the palace cost Vorontsov at 9 million rubles.

From left to right: front dining room, winter garden

Layout of the Vorontsov Palace

The entire palace complex, erected by order of Vorontsov, is represented by several solid corps designated as:

  • central;
  • table;
  • guest;
  • library;
  • economic.

The body designed to receive guests was subsequently called Shuvalovsky, since in his right part there was a room of the daughter Vorontsov, which became after the marriage of Countess Shuvalova.

North facade of the main building

Oddly enough, the construction of the palace began with the construction of a table corps, and for these works I left for 4 years (from 1830 to 1834). For the construction of the central corps, 6 years left - 1831 - 1837 years. From 1841 to 1842, work was carried out on the construction of a billiard room, complemented the building of the dining room. On the construction of a guest building, all towers, household buildings, outbreaks, and the design of the front courtyard also took a lot of time (these were 1838 - 1844). And finally, the library building was joined to the palace complex, built from 1842 to 1846.

The decoration of the central staircase was the sculpture of Lviv, the manufacture of which was entrusted to the Italian master Giovanni Bonnani. And the entire luxurious palace ensemble with a lion terrace was completed, that is, many figures of Lviv.

Right - Clock Tower

Features of the architecture of the Vorontsov Palace

Vorontsov Palace, who became in the middle XIX century The decoration of Alupka in the Crimea was a kind of innovation that violated some architectural and construction principles. The buildings of the Palace Ensembles in those days were taken to be located in a strict geometric group, but the architect Blorie retreated from this rule and all the facilities included in the Vorontsov Palace, distributed on the ground so that they stood in the direction from West to the East, as if in accordance With the movement of the mountains. Such an approach allowed all buildings to harmoniously fit into the local landscape - Vorontsovsky Palace Complex found its place in the Crimean expanses.

Moving from the housing to the body, you can visually track the stages of the development of the architecture of the Middle Ages, starting with its earliest forms and ending with the traditions of the XVI century.

Shuvalovsky corps

However, emphasis in the development of projects of all structures was still done in English style. What is so attractive Vorontsov castle in the Crimea? Its feature is appearance, resembling a castle-fortress from the ancients VIII - XI centuries. Finding into the courtyard of economic buildings, they involuntarily bump into the deaf walls and get into closed spaces, and when trying to get to the central body, it is surrounded by guard towers of a round form. Further, the overall impression of inaccessibility complement the narrow windows-braces and high walls of rough masonry. But unexpectedly appears an openwork suspension bridge made of cast iron, and makes a festive note in this harsh composition. And so, as the architecture of the next eras is eliminated from the architecture of the Western entrance.

Towers of western entrance

After moving around the openwork bridge and getting rid of the feeling of closetness, it is possible to be in the front courtyard, which overlooks the mountain of Ai-Petri. But this is not just a kind - this is a kind of picture, because the landscape is limited to the architectural frame, submitted by the clock tower, the East Flygel and the retaining wall with the fountain.

The architecture of the main building of the Vorontsov Palace in the Crimea is interesting. Its walls are nominated from the plane at different levels, as required by the English style of Tordor. The central portion is decorated with a parade entrance and is decorated with protrusions of erkers and side risals. The roofs of the towers are the bulbous dome. The northern facade of the building is decorated with narrow semi-colonels-polyhedra, whose crowns are Pinakli (decorative tops).


Graceful pinakli and teeth, dome and flue pipes, decorated with imparting floral shapes, smooth the rudeness of the stone texture of the walls and their massive bag.

Considering the carved decorations from the stone, which is decorated by the Vorontsov Palace, it is worth noting their pronounced similarity with some elements of Western and Eastern architecture. Thus, the real connoisseurs of architecture immediately notice the Gothic smoke pipes and minarets of the mosque, and it is such a compatible incompatibility that makes the palace complex special. Especially acute this similarity is felt as it moves to the southern facade of the housing, called the main thing. In the rays of the Sun, its outlines seem unusual, bizarre.

From left to right: Parade dining room, winter garden, main case

But the main motive for the design of the palace is the arches of the most diverse form - they are also gentle, and calemen, and horseshoe, and fit. And you can see them everywhere, ranging from balconies balcony and ending with the decoration of the portal southern entrance to the Vorontsov Palace. Moreover, architectural ensembleErected by the order of the Governor's General has its own "highlight" - this is 6 identical lines in Arabic, indicating that the winner is only Allah. You can see the inscription in a niche decorated with a Tudor flower and an Indian lotus.

Description of the park surrounding the Vorontsov Palace

During the years of construction, the palace was conducted on the bookmark of the surrounding park. But if two dozen years left for the construction of the Vorontsov Palace, then work on the creation of the park does not cease to this day. In the area of \u200b\u200b40 hectares, a wide variety of plants, fresh from all over the world, are harmonious.

Shuvalovsky passage overlooking the openwork bridge

In general, the court park is divided into the upper and lower. The upper park is decorated with several glades - chestnut, contrasting, solar. And each of them is notable for its trees (Italian pine, East Platan, Tis Berry, Cedar Himalayan, Araucaria Chilean, or Monkey Wood, etc.). In addition, on the territory of the upper park there is a swan lake, on which these beautiful birds really live, top and mirror lake and a waterfall.

In the lower park, surrounded by the beautiful and rarest representatives of the flora stands a small tea house, which at one time enjoyed the Vorontsov family for holidays on the seafront. Then this place was often covered with salutes and fireworks.

Shuvalovsky passage overlooking the Western Gate

Being here, you can really feel the atmosphere of the holiday, because the architect has chosen a place for the construction of a house here. Surrounded by many unique plants, it creates sensations of stay in a fairy tale, since the entire territory of the lower park has an enchanting mood. And the lower part of the Vorontsov Park in the Crimea in the Italian style of the regular park is decorated.

Using a complex of the Vorontsov Palace in different years

Since 1990, the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka became a palace-park museum-reserve. Several interesting expositions are located in nine parade halls. Thanks to their content, everyone can familiarize themselves with the text of the county family living in the palace until the October Revolution, and the nature of the interiors of the palace.

Exit from the yard

But in 1990, the opening of the Vorontsov Palace as a museum was secondary - for the first time its building was used as a museum in 1921.

But with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941, valuable museum exhibits could not be saved, and the building itself was repeatedly subjected to the threat of destruction. However, thanks to the efforts of one of the employees of the Museum of Schekoldina S.G. The Vorontsov Palace Museum still survived. Of course, many artistic values \u200b\u200bwere lost during the war years, but after her ending, some paintings still managed to find and return to the museum.

Wonderful Maltese Chapel of the Vorontsov Palace. Closed for the second year for visits.

With Paul, the Palace was granted to the Maltese Order, after which the Russian emperor naturally became a great Master of Maltese Order. Maltese Chapel - Catholic Church of the Order of Maltese Knights, built on the orders of Emperor Paul I in 1800 by the architect of Giacomo Kurengy. Capella is part of the Vorontsov Palace. An extension from the eastern side of the building of the Palace of Catholic Capella for the Kapitula of the Maltese Order refers to 1798-1800.
He built a chapel worthy fellow and the invalid rival Francesco Rastrelli, one of the expressivers of new architectural ideas - Jacob Krenarengy.
The internal finish of Capella is a colonnade of the Corinthian order, the walls are lined with artificial marble.
The interior of Maltese Chapel was renovated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

Creating this small building next to the Rastrelyevsky Palace, the quarters slightly broke its usual classical rigor. He made an attempt to soften the facade line, introducing rounded profiles at the junction of a new building with an old building. Without a deliberate underscore, only these, it seemed insignificant, it was sought to link the artistic appearance of Capella with the architecture of the Rastrelian construction.
Until now, in the chapel, the interior decoration is well preserved - a colonnade of the Corinthian order, painting, stucco decoration of walls lined with artificial marble. Careful restoration of Capella was produced in 1927 by the architect N. P. Nikitin.

Hall of Maltese Chapels, as well as the church hall in the palace, have acquired a special value as the interiors of the quarters, for almost all of this palace complex on the garden subsequently underwent significant alterations or died in general.
In Kapella to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the Bulk Organ was restored. Unfortunately, there was no possibility to get to him - the key from the door in an organist, which was naturally absent, since Capella since 2012 no longer accepts people - that is, completely closed.

Communication with the Maltese Order St. Petersburg is obliged to Emperor Paul I, who in 1798 adopted the title of Master - the highest religious rank of this knightly union. Thanks to him, the Maltese cross appeared on the Russian coat of arms, among the state awards appeared the Order of St. John Jerusalem, and Malta Emperor planned to make the Russian provincial. But these plans were not destined to come true because of the tragic death of Paul I.

Meanwhile, completely connected to the Maltese Order was not broken: Alexander Suvorov, Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II, were held. The passion of warriors and monarchs by this religious flow was reflected in urban planning, and today in St. Petersburg you can find places related to Maltese symbolism.

The most bright of them, of course, remains the Maltese chapel, solemnly open on April 29, 1800. Spb.aif.ru tells about her and four other "Maltese" attractions of the Northern Capital.

Maltese Capella

Garden Street, 26

Maltese chapel was built on the project of architect Jacomo Kurengy and initially conceived Paul I as the Catholic Church of the Order of Maltese Knights. It is part of the Vorontsov Palace, in which the Suvorov School is placed today. The Palace, which Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli created in the XVIII century for Count Vorontsov, changed many owners, and as a result, Paul I, with the adoption of the title of the tread, and then the Grand Master of the Order, gave the Vorontsov Palace Maltese knights.

Maltese chapel in the drawing of Jacomo Kurengy. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

Continuing the ensemble created by the rasterley, the quarters built a chapel in the Spirit of Renaissance. The temple has a rectangle shape with a cylindrical arch. Two rows of artificial marble columns divide the inner space of Capella to three nefs. Behind the marble altar - a pricious image of the artist A.I. Challemman "John the Baptist" (Holy Prophet and Forerunner Jesus John the Baptist is a heavenly intercessor and the patron saint of the Maltese order). To the right of the altar under the Baldakhin stood the crimson velvet chair of the Gros Marester (Great Masters) Order.

Chapel was sanctified in June 1800, and a year later Paul I was killed in the engineering castle. His successor Alexander I refused the title of Grand Master Order, but retained the title of its tread. The Maltese cross was removed from the Russian state coat of arms. In 1803, Alexander I aroused the title title, and in 1817 it was highest that "the Order in Russian Empire no longer exists. "

For some time, Chapel acted as the usual Catholic Church. In the middle of the XIX century, it was attached to her, where the dust of the former guardian of the Duke Maximilian Leihtenberg was restored.

In 1928, the building of Maltese Chapel was passed under the club infantry school. Sklyansky, then Leningrad twice the Red Banner Military School. CM. Kirov, and since 1955 it belongs to Suvorov Military School. The interior of Maltese Chapel was renovated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

Mikhailovsky Castle

Garden Street, 2

Mikhailovsky Castle, or Engineering Castle - an example of extravagant preferences of Paul I. The Palace became the last house and the place of the death of the emperor, the dreams of the autocrat of the "knightly stronghold" were embodied.

Mikhailovsky Castle - Dream and Dried Pavlo I. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org / Aleks G

Palace, who Paul stubbornly called "Castle" (however, he even called the Winter Palace), in his own way architectural decision was unusual for St. Petersburg. It was erected in an emergency hurry on the project Vincenzo Brenna and completed by the time the emperor agreed to take the title of the Grand Master of the Order. It was planned that meetings and solemn ceremonies of Maltese cavaliers will be held here. Therefore, in the interiors, the image of the Maltese Cross is so often repeated.

A bronze coat of arms of the Russian Empire was installed on the central wall of the front staircase in the version approved during Pavel - with a cross. The coat of arms is the only Maltese relic in the castle, which has been preserved so far.

One of the controversial issues in the history of the castle remains his mysterious reddish color. There is a beautiful legend that the walls were painted in the color of the glove, which he dropped on the favorite Ball of the emperor Anna Gagarin. The second version states that brick-red is a traditional color for the Maltese order.

Today, the branch of the Russian Museum is located in the interiors of the engineering castle.

Savior Savior Cathedral in the Winter Palace

Palace embankment, 32

Savior Savior Cathedral (or big church Winter Palace) was laid in 1753 as the Orthodox Palace Temple. Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli performed it in Rococo style. For many years it was the house temple of the imperial family.

So looked the cathedral from the inside until 1917. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

In December 1799, three ancient relics of hospiters were delivered here: a particle of the Cross of the Lord of the Lord, the Fierermian icon of the Mother of God and the Dandy of St. John the Baptist, - Herbal I was presented in Gatchina in October. In memory of this event in 1800, the sacred synod set 12 (25) of October a holiday in honor of "transferring from Malta to the Gatchina part of the Tree of the life-giving Cross of the Lord, the Fierermian icon of the Mother of God and the gum of St. John the Baptist." Today, John the Baptist Dandery is kept in the monastery in the Montenegrin city of Cetini.

Since 1918, the Cathedral has been one of the halls of the Hermitage Museum used for exhibitions.

Forerunner church of St. John

Kamennaostrovsky Prospekt, 83

The church of the Nativity of John the Forerunner, or the John Church, was built in 1778 on the project of Yuri Felten with a disabled house of sailors of the Baltic Fleet. This pseudo-style building could be made to take for a Catholic church due to the architecture uncharacteristic for Orthodox churches: red brick walls with a pointed gauge gray dome. The gothic resembles the fitted born windows, a narrow visor over the entrance, wooden iconostasis.

For some time, the Maltese cemetery operated for some time. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org / ikit

In the time of Paul, the church was transferred to the Maltese Order, and with her staged a cemetery of Maltese cavaliers. The polls were closed after the accession of Alexander I on the imperial throne. In 1807, the remains of the cavaliers moved to the Smolensk cemetery. After the construction of the Kamennaostrovsk Palace, the church was transferred to him. Here the two of his children was baptized by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The church was closed on March 15, 1938, and various organizations were placed in its ruin interiors. She was returned to the parish in 1989, in November 1990 whales resumed in it. Today, the temple refers to the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, is part of the Petrogradsky Pienotic District.

Palace Kantemir

Millionnaya Street, 7

In St. Petersburg, an outstanding Italian diplomat Julius Litta, Maltese Cavalier and the youngest general in the history of Russia, lived on a millionth old street for more than 40 years. Such attention to Italian was explained by the desire of Catherine II to strengthen connections with the Maltese Order.

Litt appeared in St. Petersburg first as an experienced maritime officer, and then the Messenger of the Maltese Order at the Russian court. By the way, it was he who brought Leonardo da Vinci to Russia, which is banging today in the Hermitage under the conventional name "Madonna Litt".

At the house where Litta lived, at the same time three addresses. Photo: COMMONS.WIKIMEDIA.ORG / HELVIN SPB

House for Marble Palace It has three addresses at once: Millionnaya Street No. 7, Marble Lane No. 1 and Palace Embankment No. 8. In 1715, in this area, by the will of the Moldavian aristocrat Dmitry Kantemir, Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli built a palace in the Baroque style. In 1743, the church of the Great Martyr Theodor Pratilate was arranged on the upper floor. Later, Count Alexey Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Count Vladimir Orlov, Graf Pavel Skavronsky lived here. The widow of the Skavron Catherine Vasilyevna married Litta, who settled with her in the palace. For them, Architect Luigi Ruska rebuilt one of the corps of the Palace in the style of classicism. After the death of Julia Litta, the mansion moved to the Ministry of Finance, and now it is occupied by the Maritime Register of the Russian Federation and the Institute of Culture.

Vorontsov Palace is one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg. There is a palace in the estate owned by Count Vorontsov Mikhail Illarionovich. Palace coup of 1741 (in which Vorontsov took the active participation) arranges to Empress Elizabeth on the Russian throne. Elizabeth Petrovna did not fail to thank Mikhail Illarionovich for merit, assigning him to the general title.

Design and construction of the palace was conducted by FB. Rastrelli - Russian architect, Italian by origin. The estate between the fountain and the garden street in the southwestern direction and occupies a significant territory. The facade of the palace is separated from the street by a fence, which is a sample of art casting. An extensive palace with the main corps and symmetric two-storey filties, rendered forward, spread over the fence. In the depths of the courtyard there is a three-storey main building, away from urban noise. To decorate the main facade of Rastrelli uses dual rushed columns over which the balcony is located. Arched windows on the first floor are framed by decorative platbands. The main hall is on the second floor.

The impression of the solemnity and pomp of the palace, inherent Barochko style, is created in the first moment, barely incoming in the estate. According to the testimony of contemporaries, the dazzling luxury was distinguished by the internal content of fifty major halls, located along the main facade. Unfortunately, the inner interior of the buildings was not preserved to the present day. The garden, which was located behind the main building, decorated numerous fountains, well-groomed alleys, swimming pools and other "whims". In the garden, Straighting to Fontanka, it was possible to observe fireworks, who certainly accompanied the festivities in Anichkovoy Garden.

In 1817, according to the project Karl Rossi, the garden was shortened. An open terrace located over a single-storey building opened beautiful view on the river. In the central part of the palace there was a large twisting room. In one of the halls there was a library M.I. Vorontsova, rightfully considered the best in St. Petersburg. The construction of the palace required not small investments. And holding regular balls and techniques led to the fact that the financial position of M.I. Vorontsov no longer allowed to spend money on its content.

In 1763, the palace was transferred to the treasury for debts. When the Board of Paul, the Palace was renamed the castle of Maltese knights and was transferred to the Maltese Order. This is due to the fact that the emperor Paul in 1798 is elected by the Master of Maltese Order, and his residence becomes the former Vorontsov Palace. Coat of arms of the Order - the White Maltese Cross - was installed above the gate. According to the project, D. Roserengy in 1798, the construction of the Catholic Chapel of the Order begins, in which the meetings of the Order of the Maltese knights took place. The Orthodox Church was built in the left wing.

Under Alexandra I, the estate with all its property goes to the order of the state and soon it contains a Prazzian corps. The Page Corps prepared guard officers, on the second floor there were cadet bedrooms.

The October Revolution led to the closure of the Puziest Corps. In the early 1920s, military educational institutions are located on the territory of the Vorontsov Palace. In 1928, part of the subjects was given to the museums of Leningrad. Since 1958, the building has been given to Suvorovsky School.

In 2003, in honor of the anniversary of St. Petersburg, the interior of the Maltese Chapel was restored. Today, there are excursions, the evening of organ music, the museum on the history of the Cadet is open.